[05:04] hi barrydk and everyone else [05:15] More Kilos and everyone [06:23] morning all [06:23] hi pieter2627 [06:24] Symmetria whats breaking there? [06:28] kilos ubuntu 15.04 broke my raid controller :p had to go back to an old kenrel version [06:28] oh my [06:36] moo [06:36] hi ThatGraemeGuy [06:39] good mornings [06:39] morning inetpro [07:10] oh my [07:11] he needs an extra pc [07:48] Monring all [07:49] hi Padroni [07:49] hows things [07:49] Anyone switch to 15.04 yet? [07:49] Worth it? [07:49] I am good [07:49] pieter2627 just did [07:49] might have loadshedding in 10 min [07:49] not sure yet [07:49] and ThatGraemeGuy the other day already [07:50] i can never find my area so dont know when we get shed [07:50] hi drazoro [07:50] hello Kilos [07:50] I use debian [07:51] well debian 8 will be here soon :P [07:51] hi ThatGraemeGuy [07:51] did you start making beer yet? [07:52] I'm not going to, was just curious [07:52] don't drink nearly enough beer to make it worth my while [07:52] I might make a batch again the weekend [07:52] maybe i can look into making my own brandy :-) [07:52] it's time [07:52] wouldn't that be cool? [07:52] or whisky [07:53] Kilos, did you try the media24 gridwatch thing? it seems to cover most areas quite well [07:53] I can imagine one's friend circle expanding rapidly the moment word gets out that you make brandy... [07:55] whew no MaNI [07:55] what does it do? [07:55] http://loadshedding.news24.com/ [07:55] i battle to keep up as it is so more rtfs can drive me mal [07:56] oh ya [07:56] you gave me that the other day and it doesnt see my area [07:56] do you know pretoria [07:57] im 6 ks west from the last robot inj van der hoff road [07:57] yeah, I worked there for a few miserable years, and fiance is from centurion [07:57] but I can't remember street names anymore :p [07:58] van der hoff goes to brits and hartebeestpoort dam [07:59] it runs parrallel with church street [08:00] that grid thing sees none of these local areas [08:01] strange [08:01] maybe they only like capetown [08:01] lol [08:02] it even has rooihuiskraal though [08:02] so I don't know whats special about your area :p [08:04] not special enough [08:05] this whole area this side of ptown are old farms that were divided and sol to make plots [08:05] sold [08:07] but theyve even named areas like suburbs many years ago so i dont know [08:07] would be nice if loadshedding used google maps so you can tick your area [08:13] yeah thats what would happen in a competent country [08:13] :p [08:13] http://www.ewn.co.za/assets/loadshedding/capetown.html has loadshedding areas on a google map :P [08:13] oh no wait they just wouldn't shed at all then [08:13] or at least a google-maps like map [08:15] wb pieter2627 [08:18] hi Kilos, 6km W about in Magaliesmoot? [08:20] exactly in magaliesmoot [08:21] wow, i'm just on the opposite of the mountain and a bit east [08:21] church street side? [08:21] to far, just east of the R80 [08:22] which mountain [08:22] magalies [08:24] so you on same side as the acacia hospital [08:24] pro also [08:24] yes 3km from it [08:24] ya now i have the area [08:24] i go by memories [08:25] some bad [08:25] ya well that is the easiest way to remember some times [08:25] lol [08:26] isnt that area covered by wifi [08:27] wug? [08:27] i seem to remember looking for the pro [08:27] nono telkom wifi [08:27] there were a few hotspots there [08:28] i have the luck to be close to the middle of a two block radius that seems to have nothing - not even 3g [08:28] eish [08:32] not even telkom mobile [08:33] bet you a voda sucker [08:33] have not tested [08:34] the pro is out on the plots north east of you [08:34] there is a shopping centre there something park [08:34] they have a telkom shop there [08:35] wonderpark [08:35] yaya [08:35] thats where i had to go to get my telkom modem [08:35] but you have adsl so thats good [08:37] they stole the lines one too many and telkom said that they won't fix, have to switch to their wimax. but had no coverage so moved - think they fixed it later [08:37] * in the end [08:38] ai! you in the same boat as us then [08:38] the pro gets a fast telkom connection with an external antenna [08:38] 22mb/s [08:39] yeah we know too much to know when things are broken or not optimal :p [08:39] wow [08:40] what modem are you using [08:41] not sure, they say it's a wimax variant [08:41] oh my [08:41] seems like wugs use the same [08:42] if you have no adsl and no 3g then you must be wireless [08:42] or how does that thing work [08:42] yes, like wimax [08:42] free? [08:43] paid R570 uncapped [08:44] it looks like this without the box  [08:44] /xAAaAQEBAAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBgcE/8QAKxEBAAECAwcFAAIDAAAAAAAAAAECAxFSsQQSEzNRcZEUITE0cjJBIiPw/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDPL03jmm519CJh1KUuqCUhRAArqERXyqnPvL3pmFvj4QmfPL64ho+PZ9ntTaomaI+I/qOjfdu179X+U/M/2mflVOfeXvTMHyqnPvL3pmIaCN3p7OSPEMOLczT5TPyqnfvL3pmF+VU595e9MxDUgh6ezkjxBxbmafKZ+VM595e9MwfKmc+8vemYhoWHp7OSPEHFuZp8pf5VTn3l70zB8qZz7y96ZiIgh6azkjxBxbmafKY+VM595e9MwfKmc+8vemYhoWHprOSPEHFuZp8pj5Uzn3l70zCC9U595e9MxEQQ9PZyR4g4tzNPlMfKmc+8vemYtG57 [08:44] bUw/NFLrzi0hFaKUSK4hGfxc9y0fO1+QPeEWNns4/wAI8Qk3rmH8p8tYtolDCinIhJzGR1RhgvTOfeXvTMbpeEfN1AfZPVGLWXcafmKYJZxI+06NEOXf0JHJWMqtntY/wjxDGm9XmnyafKmc+8vemYcKvjN0ol5wZZkrK1HpyHMItMtuV6IJVPTjLKVKoEpNSo/ZCl4Ri5AYnZSxbKk3ZlpLKpiYlJdb6w9VQIbSlRSKjBXfJ1J2xj6a1kjxDLj15p8qBZVoWpNqwy7ky4a0JSThB/ErUnnMXiybp2hh0k7PrYQkVUlK8agONZ3qc+DFHu0r8O9hyEyylDDTsytt9AAVhS24miUmgABQFVoAeCG02ha5+25VZUvSSy3WwolVNHhfbSmuoDGKQ9NZyR4hONczT5WyUnpaXelZcKW6ZsYkuOOKXVNFUIrwl [08:44] OoADPmimWteCYesyacSvRuys6hKtGnR0aKS3o9ZqMZrUnZDAzR7DsWZr9BMLZWeIOpKB6CVdMSL7IRM27LigqyZlIpXvFafFQ1z346BF4FrJHiDi15p8pZqcWu12kBa9BOyIU2ATgS4to0UnYFVQTzx33OZ9UxJ0mF1c0zjBWSFHEpGNFFDaAT6NIrTE7h7QzA2Ypc8WjcDYrzOK9sdbOdMr22QAfmk6zMJA14UzWFf/l9ZhwLWSPEE3bmafL29OP41JDjlQSCkLOsZa+IxX7QmZ5BqJxYHG7iI5k1PsiWvil1m03QhtS2XcDySkGiQ4mqiVagMQVrMNm3EqzBpn3wzoRkdW2MfT2ckeIXjXM0+UUzac4QCJqaXXxbbhHpLwiOhtuZQc33B52aQP0I33thtbVmqd32JRPApRIPTFb0CsWHCcXABU+zXD0 [08:44] 1nJHiF41zNPlYX7xzGZ7OXXYlvSqHJiXTpzhn8qpz7y96Zhl2tcHfgNj+ooI9hzPMI5zEqUioOIbVJSvCDwVUBWHp7OSPEHGuZp8txuXMKdkGFuKK1KSSVKNSd8rWYWOVwfBsv5B99UEcDtXtfriM06uosz/rp7RoyK+PhCZ88vriGiZvj4QmfPL64ho77Z+TR2jRy93mVd5EEEAjc1vULSH137N7KmmGK4dM6hGL7IUoAnmFY1689g2JYwZTMSkw+XUqKVB1RrgIBxDGgA74ahFwTFidISkbXeSYsSz25ZwWZpEzTAeQrETRJpvVBS++FRHi9ttWbZrzKBZUs4h5hp8OFKBRDhOoFCqkU4YYGLF6x6bbKjRIJPECeqN1te9LUjarckiRl0tLWwA6lKEnC9hGMJCKChJ27I6Sd93xbps9bbKWdItCVJSo [08:44] spam [08:44] L+jK2yTipnkNQ1wwTGWLMWBNOd5LTCvJZcV1JiUl9z60ljKUcHlFDfvqEaHdi+k7NTM7KurQHG5eZ0KkoAwvNKwpyNajMnPgiGsq9U5N2PaBU+5pmFMOJcSQ2oNqVRaQUAUFEqguMouW3JbQX3wZb8t0H3AqJKX3ISFJQ/PMIcVqQlJWpW2iQspJyB2RHXgnXJmwZN1TrilNTL7DhK1Eqx1WnHnnQJAFYd3nnCm0bKndWlYk1qP4krwuV5iIJ7pCUuJZKdNjnHXlSyFOPJbKU4UoyVUBBJocqAxOXYYs5DAmLPlysqdLJLrjiSClIXvsWKgoQck7Yr1mSiUXinpY6ppubb5n0B6nXHTcgexSky0dbT7LvppLZ92LCT8NHM+lpxClqKUuobCGktKVgWTQqU4hJoKkCqqAUiovWzMuWvPyKnSEdiu6AJASU [08:44] LLTa0KSoDFioo51ievGsplcQ1pDnSDiT1xWbeWGrzSLw719pA5caXGqHmKISkKdNTCpi77biiVLlZ9QxEkqwut461OfflPRFtStJvE0r6loSKSeAhxkj26IRW7NlMMhbUqP5DiFpHmnlJV+lAh85NYVWBMj7KWFH8LbqWyK8i1RGaGaZKrAmW1d9KT6FU4AtOiI5MRMWxp8G3pF36s9Ioxn7WJlaf7ERFplcLlvyx2pW+kcTTqnUnoUmORmzobBmPsOLZUeANvoSB6JUYCNbYJsGabV30pPoVyYk6Ij0iYtiVJct1o5YbQs0A8BDjJT1NRGOygDl4JfhSX0jzbpeB/UIGJoJcsCY4U9jk+Q4G/ZpT7YCHbfpYTKyDilLRKRspibLmfFiFItE+nFalqMhIAmLOU4k51UdAhQJqftYtXBEFMtUkraYA+gnE [08:44] 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EN2RpbuL/AKFoJUPJcaCetUFT9szQbvFITA1TKJNw8jySyT0R33OWtHadps7AXBTjbfVh9lYgb1TGGXsWY2pYCa/8u6j4xcrEawXingNSwg8ukaxdZhCT8LDehPzRziqeYtkdaYoV75neWFNH7DeI8bZYUetXtjQ7zJ+ZzHmgegkH2KjLbxq0l2rPWdaH1t8g7sB7EJiylKWTLfxm2Jcfz5N8jy1IbcSf1mK7Mv1sCTcGuWn3EchUkvU9gi3qWPlOyrZNSia/mYUP/TEVCRZrd+dbOtidaXyFQSzXriMltUyDeOZRsnJFQHHjYRX2tkxTlulV3mlJ76WtAgHgxtlYPSRFqQ//ABqx3vHSLNeVTbqSP1CK8yyBZFqMD+ROMqA4Ku6Ee6YC0BsfKGaBGJM1Z5OE6lBTDYIPKUKirIe/g9nObZe0Fp5MR0tP [08:44] oh my [08:44] 0xb5CReXatmTIac0Rs9tLy8JwpJQ6nCs7DUoyhlJbnU0uy1Sq8DKxOiZSVKxANhktnvK77VlDAcLQbAnLeb+3K6blolLtelXtjnZj9HbAd/A63XzasP9xizzN1y5PTMwFjDNSJl1DD3qlsoQF1rmBgzGUMWZyXs+WkEMYZkLfXLtvmlEY3El5SSBnUkAAZb3WaZ3BMUW7dpyWsm0kuYRpF6dtINSENvJoo8qR/3qGTxqks+tyat5C1FRDEyE1NaIbWvAkcAAIyjK4iw9sulBqKV4wFdFRrjo/NuO0C3FEZd8pRSObZzCOEERU+zPtstgaZbquBKCEDkWspV7IkGJ5DtCDU5ZnMpA4uiKhHRh9SDVJp/3tgN2ugkCSaoSRRWZFCd+rZUwR4uOvFZ7B1VSdWrv1QR53tn2Ln6q1dZY5VPaNGP3x8ITPnl9c [08:44] Q0TN8fCEz55fXENHfbPyaO0aOXu8yrvIhRCQojc1r9uJt1tUH7LDp6cKf7okLor0y7cbGZdYmFjjKVuU9qxHLcKb+fvL+xLK/U438Ib7j69JPzAP82UmAedaDFYy87nysdm2u2dXYyXAPICyT7BHm7HdLBtNsa21y7o9MV9iDCblG/VPtbHLOf9mFP95g3OzWQtdPDJhXoYz+8FJKDSXaeB/kz6FDiC0JT1qMLbgx3dkFay3Mvt8gUVqp0JEc7trxWDaiPsLk3PSdAPsTHsb+7J/pWj7zX++AN0BVZSyHhr7CCK8bJTT2mNEZtwF15C2lpcSTULphKXcWBwK2pUmpHPwUjOL1b+w7KXtSZpvoX/ALYf32tB1E7ZzzKyhTtnymYNMWJSgUq4RmNcWmcEmMYaQzd0qBcaw4i2tvffWacw1axbAaVHByGKdb [08:44] whats happening [08:44] N3Eyll2ihquBQlH0JVmU0dAWK7cotEje1lIVpXko0ZKVoUcDqCMlJUDQBWytc9kU68N+kTXZTTaKtPMFlJqQUrGYXQjvagDZtO2kWcGNOKv26nFYFnq8W/NN+mor/aNCs01tdLo/myck5y4kqT+0Z9NJPydQFDNFqKTzKlyr94vl3092kl/wDCpDpSp0fCMYZT8LXeJNZaYH/hXvYAf2jKUjSXUP8ASmxzVV/9ka7ardUuJ+0w+npQYyCxM7rzv4ZpojnVLfExZSEqt3+K2G94yTl089Fp/vEOLoXe7IbtdlZIacmy2MJAUFMPFZpUEbUe2IyeUdJd5Y+yyn0XmwfYTGjXLlCyZwqSpJXaU2tJKSMTaigpUmutORz1ZGJCzPsdy91JZAYJQVrk2whhalKxICcwSBRJPGRErLSDTSiW20IKyVLKEpSVKJq [08:44] Lol [08:45] VKIG+NSTU8Jj2XTnQVrt17KGtNUIWlGmI5bP/AMpGbDELdAChrNf3rrjkStwkJGE0pnVKTnnvqZ04uSOxlxhVUYsNaFQFRkDXIUrHc9+nyT+0BGrlBgCjWuaaAkJzCgThrt460jNrxWeES0kW0gJatJCiBQABxSamnlU6Y1J36P8AOetUUG3R8yb/AOdl/wDrNRJIlX7OT/FbbGzsea9pHxjKBGry6qT1vrH1ZeYHOaj9oyiMWwQQQRFEEEEBulwfBsv5B99UEFwfBsv5B99UEed7X9i5+p1dXY5VPaNGRXx8ITPnl9cQ0TN8fCEz55fXENHfbPyaO0aOYu8yrvIhRCQojc1tU3CmCpc6RQHQtpBOoFRWc/RiY3OtzubkJzTOllaCy4irS1LNVUpkUjLKK9uZJKLLtZ0a9BhHKlp4/wBwhnuK5Wplsl3f [08:45] 7YrGVj3OriT0jNOqmGQlC5V1oKC0KBUpSKCgNRWh1jZDa4tz52Wan0vS6k6aScbbGJBxLINEjCo55xHbj1pPKnXQp10gSjyqKcUQCFIoaE689cdtzK3ZlaZ8rmH16ORcWjG6teBYBopOImhge71dS6821ZtqNOS7qVutMBtJTmtSFrJCQNZFRHiSu/NJu/MtKlnw6ZxtaW9GvGpOFAKkpAqRkcxwR3uTeiccs603FzDq1sstKaUpWIoUouAlNeQdEdLLvdOmwpqYMwsvNzLSEOEJKkpVo6gZcZge5la9hTKrBkmxLPlxEw+VNhpwrSlSlkFSaVAPCY63xu9NOosstS7yi1JMIcAQqqFIIJSv7JHAYcWjfCdTYcq+JhYecmXUKcoiqkJC6DvabBHO+97p1mXs5TcwtCnpRLjhThGNZpvjlA90tO3amF3m7 [08:45] IMupUvpG1FwpBRQSyUk566LHBrERVmbnkwt6fU9LkYm3lSqsaBV7SYm9SsgRrxZUiTtG3pkXnRLh9wM6RgaIKIRRUulSgUjXUkmIawrYmFzVrhT7yg3Jz5QC6shBSuiSgE70jZTVA90XbV1Z2VYpMtqS0ogktrxoCxUJK8OSTmaE5Z0rnSL7cp1p9MvheQHGZZuXLa96tSmytWJA+sKK2ZikUBl9S7vPlalKPbBoVUSo/RA6zE3I3cVopJyUUUPOSzbhBURicKl75Kid4aJGWrkiwT8NdmJapJJ2KFOVJH7xnu5PYVbPmGJtnereSotr+sAlBFQD9pA6If2FfE1UxPEtuAYdJhAodVVBO3aFDI8USsparMswEaRaxQDSKoBVQw70nOlcxr1xlhiwxwP7Ra7HbZEulpsJcQihbxBLWeJCAFDCTQZ5gcBhE [08:45] zbiXJgVqEhxSCR3tAMKKaiMidVc9ccH3QZZnCCBpgMzi2k1qOWB2unmPMr6TSIHNnTy1aHEfpFOhWQFQBlkNVIdzVstNrLZUMbbReWnVhQMqqOoV/aIyyRlL+W+f0xTXT88tkjWJdaf0pT+0Z26d6cJSr2hfLHvG1MtIV3iphLym0E1qGaIXQ016jTgrwRNfXT5J/aMwuzZrjgspSQcLLc264qhoA5vUivCoqpTgCuCNOUoBYJIAwnXzfCLXTET7f97hu/9CT+JR94xTJ6WLkm0ACfnjSjTgbcQonoBizTc8nRlGo4VrP2sASalKNZ19NIh5VK1CVU33JCngHEKCVLUkk4RiCiEDeEmla1AqKGutYVG17PTKS1svlwLcmFb5I/lB586NCvxYV1I5OU48Yv85M0sF5w1JnrRKuOiarr0p9sUAxi2QSCCCI [08:45] ohIWCA3S4Pg2X8g++qCFuD4Nl/IPvqhI872v7Fz9Tq6uxyqe0aMhvl4QmfPL64h4mL4+EJnzy+uIeO+2fk0do0cxd5lXeRCiEhRG5rafdHud2rQcOWNakjnS2ge1ZiP3GjSdfXsRJPKPpIiSSNHdI/wBV/ppMD/4/ZEZucdzk7Ve1FEnoweN3HT2pEVCbkm8dnXdjdnPk9KT/AGmE3Nt7KWqvgkFJ9IL+ELcAaOzbWdOrsZLQPG5jBHtEF0e5WJarv29AyOdVD/1IDxc86OxbXXsUmVbHKXFA++I9SBw3amPxz7YHMhs/tBZe8u3OE/zZxlA48GjX+xgnhgu1Ljxs+4vlCErT1gQHm3FUu9Z4+1MTKvRUsfvC39FU2S3/AMPljTy1f6R5vsMFlWS3/RfcP51JIPtMSF92K2vZ7P2GZBqn+Zq9sBITacV8 [08:45] A binary string of a image. How big is this file ? [08:45] BxOt/plE/CIe66quW0vZ2HOfrcNIl7LXpL2uL2NOPk8jcupvrpFduY5hs61nDr7HZRXjedUmA5NKpd1f4rUSOiWxRo9hoqzJIzqbPYIpmd8Hzl0Rnc8nBd6XHjJ95z0GiiNRu41hmZdva1IyiD+Vlw5+lCEl4tGwErYSC28VJTm5hUpeLhRlWnFnt5YdXesVSWwktqQlO+C1lO+IVWoCVEjOpzoInpxASy9p17wpWSa4cKMOYqdX+scLuzLL0qNDm2CpAIUFVzqo4k5aydUZ7zDAtrZholWIrfBKgAASSBlSGivpJlX4VJr+akPpqXqphKcIShRIClUJpSgSMyo5GOdnyqX0rKHQ4lxSs0d7VCyFAKrQkEUJ4og4Wfl2MPPnpBpDt6xJcOuuJBSuYQEvFBrWmdcJBAUakE0z5c4eN2clKQct5vRXPWaGh [08:45] pieter2627 ping [08:45] 2Q7RLpCqUqCKkHMa8stWyAjZBkMspZZSUtgAJPfUTXKp1a+PmjsJMrJ0hzABqk54c97UjLmApsO2HY7wfiX/u/aB0/SHgFOlI/cxUR1rAIljQAFScztJolAqduRpES+6GpYrP8AJbLh4sLT6/hEteIdypwJST+ZXxSIgbSZLzb7A/maJnmUUMufoLp5oiwyy/o7HkbMlNRTLqfcT+J9QIJ6F9MUYxaN0u0xMWm+UneNqDKOAJaGA04sQUeeKtGDaIIIIAggggN1uD4Nl/IPvqhILg+DZfyD76oI872v7Fz9Tq6uxyqe0aMivj4QmfPL64homL4+EJnzy+uIeO+2fk0do0cxd5lXeRHqPMLG5rbQ9abNn2BIB6VRNJcodGtWEAr0juPvTnnwbY6S9t2eixVvrkC0zMvhpTDbv0pRmFYqJoBhVllqiD3Wu5 [08:45] stop [08:45] he pasted a chunk of text and his client is limiting how quickly its sending and we don't have a bot that can detect this nonsense [08:45] SNlsbEskn8jTSR7yoYX++bWZZkpqOiVMODaFOZivOpzoiscFnbnbKasVbnY0y3LTMwGy0leJxa2xiCgpS8kjAduzVCKXZKLGGU41KzUwTTeKeLjeVdZGDufHFXv383suy5XUdEqZcG0FzNNfSWOaOe6D3CSsyV1FEsX1p/E+Qc+OoX0wMFqtCWslFkSzS35tEu88480cCS8tSKoXjARTCMQplwQXjkbKRIyLD01MNtBtx5gpbxKWl44itzeGmZNMhrMVfdNbKO18mkVLEm2CB4x05jlqkdMd90GXD1sS0mnMNNykrQasyCacyx0QMFmvXY1mLfk5V+ZmEraYYZaQhFQpKjRBWcBopWVdWzIQ8mJOzn7eSS++ZtDiaNBHcQpluoGLBqATXvtcVmYpOXsA1pbmEjiAlWwSPTQYaXKnAu1J+d1paZnZgHjUS [08:45] EjoUackBZ7ursvsmem2XZpa0tTDj5UlGAJcVVZa3oJNck1MMpCYshuyphxDM2Zdx9plxC1JDji0DSIoUrySK11xVLsgtWNaburSdjS6edeJweiYLXUGrBkkbX5qYf5mu4g+0QMFwtm1bPYlLPbEgXUPBbjDTjpGj0ixUqO+xFRPHqi2WfaSV2m+0hhhOhwNrdoS6saIKCa0FEjVTPVGeW5JlVr2XKDPQMyLahwUVpHD6PVFk3PZjTWhaTpNQZhyh4sZQn9NIuKTHssl4ZlxuWmCrOiGwkFoJSStdFalKxJoNuqK9MgixWU6dcupxTi8TIUlSgFKASNHSgopJ4DQV11ie3RXyiTeINCEKI/I2T1rEVyfbbCrIknCoK0CVAjaoaOqFjgVgUK7DThipg7FbJvFqcLspKVxEpwJSGa6qVKu68I1xM7k01/CpZ [08:45] SzmS7r2kzDmXRSKWJsGbt6ZB+jYcYSeBS+4inO0Im7l2oiVk7OllhZXNJdW3QAgVcxJxHWBRWviMRZ+GkjvB+JQ+P7R7Uqiln7Kf2rs5YiZW18aiAkYW1hKd8BiJVTWchkCYbqtFZdSmtEqTjcAAzGeXogauGMmKbSn6NPKeinxjg84MCjlUqNM/s1WPYBFeKnltDEV4ivOpIwpSnVxAlQ6Is6ZVPck0GaVFR4vq14qAxCEMSFJwqOalJrQgjCFJqa8qT7YhZq0exWJiZXQaJKnRXa6sKQ0nnU4Y9Lm28biUrK1soQ2pCEFSkl6gGW01cUabKcUU/dQvKyhlUkk6RxVVukEYW15BCFEHMpTiJA1KIhMkR7smWok1OZOZJzJO0kx5gMEYNoggggCCCEgN1uD4Nl/IPvqgguD4Nl/IPvqgjzva/sXP1Orq7 [08:45] HKp7RoyG+PhCZ88vriHiYvj4QmfPL64h477Z+TR2jRzF3mVd5EdGWitQSNaiEjlJoOuPAiXulL6SflUa6zDNeQLBPsBjc1tK3TpDsu1pCTGooGIcCCvfn0Gz0RW74K7Z29oUZoDrcsmmxDZo4eQHSGNKvLK9hzExariknRSmiYRnXSKUaFWW1SgBTYoxm+5inRKm7SdzEqyspJ+s+7qoTt1j84iyxgt8v4lb4YRmhLjUsmmxDZ7qeYlw80e7eAtO8YaTQth9DIGzRsfSj9LkctzQ6NybtJ3fdisrUCfrPvVCc+E74fnEG5wssJnbSXmZdhQQT9Z980GfDs/PBTpH8SvPXMoTM14sEqn2Alv9UJdGYE5eB2bUattGYmSf6bYKW+iqOiGdwz2LJWhPnvktCWZPC6+RiI4xvDyEx5u6OxbFnpg5KmVIk2q7U [08:45] 987Thqkn0YDpcKaVpLRtBVMTUs8oeemFHB7Qoc8cLu/N7En3q5vuMyiObujg50K9kenB2Ld8A0xz80VZ5HQy4/94B/NCXrSWLMs2UT37iVTa0gZlT5ozlw4Soc0B4tI6CwZVGeKamnpgjhSyNEOatDEjeiRxzll2fSujYlkLHAt5QU7X8tDHu8dn6e1pGzk75Ms3LsLGwmgdePOnXyR2seeTMW9OTxzblUTDwIzBSyjQtdIoRyQHWz51Lt4p2aPeSjcy7zS7egH+kOtx+UWuTmVBxTanZhCA4kIKwUJDi6YwU51SMxtirWE6WrItCYUd/MuNSqSdZKiXXulJ9kaRudS+gkZVH1ltrmFDh0yzo/0pAiwlXwfXvs1x9pLSXSQQW1laUqLgeWE1JTTCQlIoRlnmDEJMd2vKXKdys+XGLVSuhUsDpcV6MXjQY [08:46] Guess that will stop now :) [08:46] shame he couldnt stop it [08:46] Welcome back pieter2627 [08:46] whay happened [08:47] has it stopped? [08:47] ya [08:47] Was about to ask [08:47] closed irc client [08:47] we noticed [08:47] so sorry guys [08:47] np accidents happen [08:48] did you see it all too pieter2627 [08:48] lol [08:49] yea, but instantly - didn't realise it was slow on other ends [08:49] your client slows it down else the server would just boot you [08:49] we got pages full [08:49] lol [08:50] we need a bot in here that can detect that and kick [08:50] I bet it would still be running if pieter2627 did not close the client. [08:50] yeah [08:50] That is a good idea ThatGraemeGuy [08:50] what does all that mean anyway [08:50] I see on other channels they have that. [08:50] as part of Maaz's rewrite? [08:51] meh i dunno ask the people who run the channel [08:51] i think that rewrite has frightened simon away [08:51] writing a bot in 2015 is silly there are a million options to choose from [08:51] the weed said its a major job [08:52] we like ibid [08:52] very efficient bot for our uses [08:53] which is all good and well if someone bothers to maintain it properly [08:53] but useless otherwise :) [08:55] He simply hit "copy image", and thought it'd be a link. Some clients have /server purge btw, irssi does. [08:56] we are trying ThatGraemeGuy if simon gets the rewrite done im sure hell maintain it too and the weed said he will be here for help [08:57] right :) [09:00] also doing such a large rewrite from python 2 to python 3 will shows ones python skills i think [09:00] then we will know who to shout for when needing python help [09:01] poor fly is swamped [09:01] Python 2 and 3 aren't that different. [09:01] This will be interesting project, [09:01] There's a utility that automates a lot of the rewrites. [09:01] hi confluency [09:02] I see I missed some binary screaming. :) [09:02] lol [09:02] Yeah tools like 2to3 [09:02] so now there's no good bot because you are waiting on someone to write it, whereas there are perfectly good bots with easy plugin capabilities that could be up and running in an hour [09:02] I wouldn't port from 2 to 3 without a good reason. 2 is going to be around for a while. [09:02] yup, makes sense to me :) [09:02] Maaz works fine man [09:02] Kilos: Huh? [09:02] Also I wouldn't write an IRC bot full stop. :P [09:03] Gotta go; back later. [09:03] yes, like Maaz just helped that massive wall of text [09:03] oh, wait....... [09:03] confluency ibid doent work on 14.04 and up [09:04] the weed said its something to do with new ubuntus needing python 3 [09:20] Hi Kilos, howzit? [09:20] hi Langjan good ty and you? [09:20] En pieter2627 [09:20] also well thks [09:21] all systems up and running but with a tail [09:21] is the lappy doing what it should [09:21] what tail [09:21] Yes, but! [09:21] hmm... [09:21] that word but! can rock the boat [09:22] good ty Langjan [09:22] Booting stopped again, I could only get it to boot via advanced options, so I wiped it and did a fresh install. Iets running much better than ever before. [09:23] ok [09:24] so where does the but come in? [09:24] what isnt working [09:25] I tried the repartition thing, no change, redid boot repair, still no change. Eventually I tried some radical things in boot repair which rendered it us, fortunately I was prepared, did a backup just before, no damage done. [09:25] whew\ [09:26] No, everything is working fine, as I said its running better than ever, used to look sticky like when switching desktops, now its as quick as can be. [09:27] great news [09:27] So ek gaan julle nie vandag pla nie behalwe om dankie te se [09:27] ai! my oompie jy weet jy is enige tyd welkom [09:28] Ja baie dankie. Dan verlang ek nie meer so baie na Windows nie. [09:28] lol [09:28] just remember only use boot repair if you cant boot at all [09:29] oh wait before you go [09:29] OK ek het ander werk, julle moet die dag geniet. [09:29] Yes [09:29] here is a link to helpful info too [09:29] thks [09:29] http://compunation.co.za/ [09:30] What did you think of the book part I sent you? [09:30] Will have a look see thks [09:30] what book part [09:30] Theophostic prayer ministry [09:30] oh my what have i forgotten [09:30] oh ya [09:31] was good just some things i see differently [09:31] Thaks, looks like a handy site [09:32] ya we have 2 guys working on that [09:32] Tell me about it some time, what you see differently [09:32] Are you involved with the site admin? [09:32] i will need to read again so mind fresh please send again [09:32] which site [09:33] compunation [09:33] nono [09:33] both guys arent here now [09:33] you say "we have 2 guys working on that [09:33] you mustnt only come here when you break something man [09:34] guys pop in and out [09:34] Hey I have things to do, sorry! [09:34] Lol [09:34] padroni and jacques\ [09:34] thats their baby [09:34] have a good day Langjan [09:35] soet wees toppie [09:35] Thks Kilos, you also. Gedra jou, al is dit swak. [09:35] lol altyd man [09:35] Mooi loop [09:36] ek stuur daai boek weer, dis diep maar belangrike goeters [09:41] * drazoro Will be back [09:42] ok [10:43] http://www.engineeringnews.co.za/article/eskom-to-hold-maintenance-festival-this-weekend-2015-04-22 [10:43] weekend [10:43] will [10:43] be [10:43] epcic [10:43] epic [10:45] hmm... [11:20] Kilos: you can still use python2 on Ubuntu. I don't know why it wouldn't work. [11:21] Greetings guys [11:21] Hows everyone doing? [11:21] Any PHP Devs in here? [11:21] Maybe there's some kind of library incompatibility, but it's not because of python2/3. [11:21] It should also be possible to run it out of a virtualenv with older custom versions of libraries if necessary. [11:22] matbe tumbleweed can just tells us why ibid needs to go to python 3 confluency [11:23] but he is still at about 3 am there in silicon valley [11:23] hi Xethron, yes there are [11:23] oh yes the pro has it running on vm [11:24] Heya Kilos, how are you? [11:24] hi Xethron im tired ty and you [11:25] hehe [11:25] haha, same here yeah [13:06] https://www.google.com/maps/place/33%C2%B030'52.5%22N+73%C2%B003'33.2%22E/@33.5138456,73.0588008,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en [13:18] lol [13:26] Ubuntu 15.04 also welcomes Ubuntu MATE to the party as an official community flavour. [13:38] * drazoro loves Mate [13:39] lol [13:41] inetpro die weer kom van die weste [13:42] en die suide [13:44] I actually downloaded elementary, want to try that out. The desktop looks very sleek [13:45] it is nice [13:45] bit different but nice [13:45] Yeah [13:45] Have you used it? [13:45] yes but i prefer kubuntu [13:45] I still love i3wm work fine as well. I know is a tiling manager. [13:46] But sometimes I use fluxbox [13:53] I think I'm going to try mint for a bit [13:53] i downloaded it quickly [13:54] 1.4GB in 5 mins [13:54] woop woop :-D [13:54] sjoe [13:57] did somebody get fibre? [14:00] no, somebody is still at work [14:00] i have 1 kids i can't afford fibre :-) [14:00] um [14:00] 2 kids [15:12] haha thunderbird sees facebook emails as junk [15:16] hmm... [15:16] oh you back ThatGraemeGuy [15:17] oh no [15:17] inetpro het jy nat gekry [15:34] hi kulelu88 [15:34] o/ [17:25] gremble wb [17:25] ohi superfly [17:26] everyone else here in lurk mode [17:31] hmm... looks like a dont talk to kilos conspiracy [17:32] i go watch agents of shield [17:44] Good evening everyone [17:44] Even you Kilos [17:44] :P [17:44] lol [17:50] hi Kilos [17:50] hi georgelappies [18:10] good evening [18:10] Kilos: no, I'm dry [18:10] yay inetpro we had 8mm [18:25] this weather se moer [19:15] hmm... [19:32] superfly: Kubuntu 15.04 looks awesome! [19:32] uh [19:34] wat uh jy oom Kilos? [19:35] inetpro did you look at pietrejie bzr link [19:35] no [19:35] ek uh want nou moet ek daai ander ding kry eers [19:36] is jou eie skuld oom Kilos [19:36] i think pieter has sorted everything [19:36] nee man dit versterk die africa projek [19:36] i should never have stared that [19:36] as jy so se [19:37] wat nou [19:37] you okes encouraged me to do it and now i have no time anymore [19:37] missed 2 meetings already [19:37] haha, watse meetigs het oom gemis? [19:38] board [19:40] i miss just #ubuntu-za and pidgin then i had nap time during the day [19:41] im a bad board member [19:43] and i have to explain why i greet peeps [19:43] get asked am i the happy greeter [19:44] then i have to explain what being a community is [19:44] haha [19:44] Kilos: don't lie, you're enjoying it [19:45] ya but i get more tired now [19:45] cant stay up to get an iso [19:45] need to experiment with at and wget [19:45] and murphy lives here [19:46] sigh [19:48] but one advantage is , not rtfs all the time [19:48] * inetpro busy installing kubuntu while chatting on IRC [19:49] slim ne [19:50] wow [19:50] you normally wait till all the bugs are sorted [19:50] boo [19:50] there is still over 1000 [19:51] hi ThatGraemeGuy [19:51] :P [19:51] oh maybe kde fixed what they need [19:51] I'm all minty [19:51] haha [19:52] Kilos: https://plus.google.com/+GustavHMeyer/posts/UJMbGMoVns2 [19:52] sjoe [19:52] dont do that man [19:53] i done have data for 2 isos [19:53] what? [19:53] tempt me like you normally do [19:53] ai! [19:53] jy is skelm [19:54] you and fly carried on about i dont have that prob i used kde [19:54] till i eventually got it [19:55] Kilos: it's the fly's fault [19:55] now i dont like anything else anymore [19:55] I mean the fact that I'm now upgrading to 15.04 [19:55] now i gotta test bento [19:56] oh [19:56] ya you two make a good team [19:56] both skelm [19:56] * inetpro decided to use KDE before Canonical even released Kubuntu [19:57] yaya but you werent happy with me on gnome [19:58] was very happy when sabdfl announced the Ubuntu OS but but got even more excited when they decided to launch the KDE version as well [19:58] ha he just sends me url? [19:58] not even a hello [19:58] sy beurt is sy beurt [20:02] * inetpro still very happy to stick with Kubuntu [20:03] i love it [20:03] shuld perhaps try Mint one day but no real reason to do it [20:03] should* [20:03] spoilt my whole investigative adventure [20:03] * inetpro almost ready to reboot [20:03] xfce till the end [20:03] trying one little experiment [20:04] installation is done... now copying /mnt/precise/home/me/ /mnt/vivid/home/ [20:05] lol [20:05] do you use cp not rsync [20:05] cp -pr [20:06] but should perhaps have used tar [20:07] just 3.8GB [20:07] lol no archives [20:13] who uses python here? [20:14] I dont have snake pets :) [20:16] yay! [20:16] I found a lib for writing Python software for nokia phones [20:17] rebooted and all looking brand new but files and settings have been preserved beautifully [20:17] well done [20:17] nokia symbian phones? nokia windows phones? nokia android phones? [20:17] ThatGraemeGuy: nokia symbian s60 [20:18] did you also find a time machine? :-p [20:18] 2010 ;) [20:18] I felt nostalgic for 2010 world cup [20:18] because you're gonna need it to find someone who that'll be useful for [20:18] ThatGraemeGuy: me [20:19] and about 25,000,000 other people who still use nokia symbian s60 [20:19] lol [20:20] uh... 25 million? [20:20] serious!? [20:20] that's my low-bar estimate [20:21] wow [20:21] outrageous [20:21] but ... not everyone has gone android yet [20:21] I know I wont [20:21] cause... [20:21] fvck Google :) [20:21] ai! [20:21] if this was #ubuntu they'd hellban me [20:22] Kilos: you should become Ops for this channel [20:22] why [20:22] what did i miss [20:22] every channel has them [20:23] so do we [20:23] only we give peeps enough rope to totally hang themselves then ban then forever [20:24] how much rope have I used? [20:24] only 1/4 of what you are allowed [20:25] I found you a gf, I swore google and ... only 2 things [20:25] make it 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaSWaeacpbU trance ftw! [20:25] i dont look at tube stuff [20:25] that 1 is for smile [20:36] :-O for me? [20:39] lol [20:40] is 15.04 funny [20:41] Kilos: no man, smile is funny [20:41] :-D [20:41] lol [20:41] and kulelu88 [20:42] kids will be kids [20:50] * inetpro falls off his chair [20:50] ai! [20:51] whatsapp web even works on Firefox now [20:51] no need to install chrome even [20:53] you see this oom. he says dont call him oom but he calls everyone kids [20:53] tsk tsk [20:53] ew, my puppet recipe is no good on mint :-/ [20:55] well kulelu88 my son is 40 this year [20:58] night all [20:58] night ThatGraemeGuy [21:06] good night ThatGraemeGuy [21:09] you got grankids Kilos ? [21:10] nope [21:12] not yet? [21:12] nope son too full of nonsense to find a wife [21:13] ehh I thought you said he was married [21:13] no\ [21:13] too busy with work [21:57] night all. sleep tight. im going to start an iso wget and then crash