
petrvsrex_: maybe caps was on?00:08
petrvsor is now00:08
rex_god curse me00:08
rex_haha i remember00:08
rex_i hate memory00:08
rex_once i forget i cant remind00:08
petrvsthat is the trick with forgetting, isn't it00:09
rex_need to setup ssh server00:09
rex_but i cant get root00:10
k2gremlincould anyone help me with IP tables. I am trying to get a port open on my server. Testing from ping.eu and its still closed. Port is 37777 and I am trying to allow it to connect to Here is my current IP tables. http://pastebin.com/B3qbeFtb00:11
rex_but i cant get root :(00:12
rex_it took awhile to install server00:12
petrvsk2gremlin: #netfilter00:12
petrvsrex_: if you have an ordinary live OS you can boot and not run an installer from, you can fix root from it00:13
k2gremlinpetrvs, thanks00:13
Bashing-om!root | rex_00:13
ubotturex_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:13
rex_ i hate ubuntu server its stupid menu00:13
rex_i just wanted intel synatx in gdb ;(00:14
rex_no sudoers file. This incident will be reported00:14
rebshey how can i enable autologin in 14.04. i dont see any toggle switches in user account settings00:14
rex_so much bots lmao00:16
bleepetrvs: any ideas?00:16
bleepetrvs: to make it simple, lets just say 2 interfaces, "br1" and "bond0", how do i make resolvconf use one over the other?00:17
petrvsblee: oh sorry I'm not sure, might ask #linux00:20
rex_please help00:21
anton02when are you guys gonna get a bigger beard? http://i.4cdn.org/g/1429706823914.jpg00:23
petrvsanton02: ha00:24
petrvsanton02: what's that from?00:24
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Bashing-omrex_: What command are you trying to execute, and what is your end goal ?00:24
anton02petrvs, not sure00:24
rex_setup openssh, I need root00:24
hybridpolloblee:  look at  resolvconf man page on section: interface ordering00:24
cxdvtysome help me00:25
Jordan_U!ot | anton02 petrvs00:25
ubottuanton02 petrvs: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:25
cxdvtyHow can I install ubuntu 15.04 to a drive partition that currently has a different os on it00:25
bleehybridpollo: i read it, and configured everything in network/interfaces file using dns-nameserver, but resolvconf -u doesnt update00:25
pavlosblee, per resolvconf page, the -a <interface> flag uses that interface00:25
faultyjohndo you want to overwrite it or partition?00:26
bleepavlos: it just freezes if i do resolvconf -a lo00:26
petrvstoo bad00:26
cxdvtyI want to completely replace the os on that partition with ubuntu 15.0400:26
=== rex_x is now known as rex___
=== rex___ is now known as rex____
cxdvtyim dualbooted with ubuntu 14.10 and kubuntu 15.04 right now00:26
faultyjohnchoose install ubuntu00:26
cxdvtyubuntu 14.120 wont boot so I want to replace it00:27
faultyjohnthen choose erase entire disk and install ubuntu00:27
cxdvtyI still want to be dualbooted00:27
cxdvtyUnless there is no other way00:27
faultyjohnshrink the partition00:28
faultyjohnwith gparted00:29
cxdvtyOr can I just repartition the drive to only have kubuntu on it?00:29
cxdvtyfaultyjohn... How do I do that00:29
faultyjohnstop cinfusing me00:29
cxdvtyDo you know how to do that00:29
faultyjohnhow is the drive currently partioned?00:29
cxdvtyThat's my final decision00:29
cxdvtyIts split equally between ubuntu and kubuntu00:29
bleei used the resolvconf --wipe-runtime-directories and now its gone00:30
bleeresolv.conf is gone00:30
faultyjohnhow do you want it partitioned?00:30
deadmundfaultyjohn: cxdvty You said originally you want to completely replace the existing os and install only ubuntu 15.04 (that is possible and probably the easiest)00:32
cxdvtyfaultyjohn: I want everything erased and I want kubuntu to have the drive to itself00:32
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cxdvtydeadmund: I just realized I lost my usb lol00:33
faultyjohndo you have gparted?00:33
cxdvtyYes I have Gparted00:33
cxdvtyIm on kubuntu right now00:33
cxdvtyI want to keep only kubuntu and erase everythin else I want one single partition with kubuntu on it00:33
faultyjohncan you delete ubuntu from gparted?00:33
cxdvtyI don't know00:34
cxdvtyObrienDave are you here00:34
cxdvtydeadmund: do you know what I am talking about?00:34
deadmundcxdvty: faultyjohn You can't edit partitions that are mounted and you cannot unmount the / (root) partition.  So you'll need to use some USB with some OS (perferbly linux) to repartition the drive.  Then you'll need to update grub.  Also, you need to be careful not to delete your personal data (like documents music, etc)00:34
deadmundcxdvty: I think I know what you're talking about.  But I'm not 100% sure.00:35
faultyjohndo you have a live cd/usb cxdvty?00:35
rex____guys watch out00:36
* deadmund ducks00:36
rex____I didn't create normal user what does it mean? will be a sudo permanent?00:36
cxdvty_deadmund: I disconnected. But what do I do?00:36
faultyjohndo you have a live cd/usb00:37
deadmundcxdvty: You "disconnected" ??00:37
deadmundcxdvty: I don't know what that means.00:37
deadmundcxdvty: as faultyjohn asks: do you have a live cd/usb you can boot?00:37
cxdvty_deadmund I'm searching for a usb but no i dont have one made for ubuntu yet00:38
deadmundcxdvty: You will need some live cd / usb running some os (preferbly linux) to repartition your drive.00:38
cxdvty_Why preferbly linux?00:39
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc
faultyjohnthe live version of ubuntu comes with gparted built in00:39
cxdvty_Is anyone running ubuntu 15.0400:39
faultyjohnwindows doesn't mak live boots00:39
cxdvty_Is it worth using anyways00:39
faultyjohnwhat is00:40
deadmundcxdvty_: It's easier for us to isntruct you with linux and I know it will work.00:40
cxdvty_Linux always messed up on me and froze all of the time00:40
deadmundcxdvty_: It's probably not much different unless you're running KDE or a cloud sever with virtual machines00:40
cxdvty_I develop android roms00:41
cxdvty_Whats best for me00:41
Goose_How easy is it to switch to kubuntu? Can I just switch from the normal ubuntu distro to kubuntu without re-installing everything?00:41
tsukasa_is there something screwy going on with the apt mirrors right now?00:41
tsukasa_i'm getting a hash mismatch on a mirror00:41
faultyjohnwhat is the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu00:42
cxdvty_faultyjohn: kubuntu plasma 5 is steezy looking and has cool animations and what not00:42
deadmundGoose_: yes, just install this: kubuntu-desktop00:43
deadmundcxdvty_: "steezy" is good in your opinion?  or bad?00:43
cxdvty_good :)00:43
deadmundfaultyjohn: The difference is just what packages are installed by default.00:43
deadmundfaultyjohn: kubuntu has kde installed, ubuntu has unity installed by default.00:43
Goose_deadmund, can I just switch back with no issue?00:43
deadmundGoose_: You can install both desktop environments (DE's) unity and KDE and then choose which to use when you log in.  By installing kubuntu-desktop you are setting this up.00:44
faultyjohnand whats the difference between kde and unity00:44
cxdvty_There are also lots of other ones (lubuntu,xubuntu, etc...)00:44
faultyjohnI sound like an idiot00:44
deadmundGoose_: If you want to remove it (KDE) it's very easy: sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop.00:44
cxdvty_Just the look and feel basically00:44
cxdvty_faultyjohn ^^00:44
faultyjohnoh ok00:44
cxdvty_How is ubuntu 15.04?00:45
deadmundfaultyjohn: They're two different "desktop environments" search on youtube for kde4 or kde5 (the new version in ubuntu 15.04) and search for unity and you will see the difference instantly.  It's basically the interface of the OS itself.00:45
Goose_Cool. I know there are many versions but I just saw how great kubuntu looks now and wanted to finally try another one00:45
Goose_THanks so much!00:45
deadmundcxdvty_: I don't know how 15.04 is yet, I haven't used it :(00:45
faultyjohnlike gnome for debian?00:45
deadmundGoose_: Yeah, kubuntu is rocking the all new plasma 5 which is awesome00:46
Goose_I've downloaded 4 versions and not even touched it00:46
=== Wug is now known as The
Goose_Sweet! Can't wait to try00:46
deadmundfaultyjohn: gnome is another DE, (for debian is irrelavent any distro can run any DE)00:46
cxdvty_deadmund: definately check out kubuntu 15.04 if you can!'00:46
deadmundcxdvty_: That's for the recommendation :P00:46
faultyjohnI looked at screenshots00:46
faultyjohnit all makes sense now00:47
cxdvty_faultyjohn: deadmund: Are you guys familiar with kitkat and lollipop on android?00:47
deadmundcxdvty_: yes, very.  Why?00:47
deadmundfaultyjohn: yeah :_00:47
faultyjohnsorry iDevice user00:47
faultyjohnnot by choice00:47
cxdvty_deadmund: switching from ubuntu to kubuntu 15.04 is like going to lollipop from kitkat00:50
netametaHow can i make a certain script execute and bind it to launch button ?00:50
thiebaude15.10 is looking good for me painless upgrade from 14.1000:51
cxdvty_deadmund: What distro is better for android developers but still fast and neat looking00:52
deadmundcxdvty_: I think ubuntu in general is probably the best distro becuase Google mentions it many times in their Android documentation (like setting up the environment).  I don't think there is any difference  though for android dev between kbuntu, ubuntu, xubuntu, etc00:53
deadmundnetameta: do you know how to create a script?00:53
deadmundnetameta: What DE are you using?00:53
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netametaHow can i make a certain script execute and bind it to launch button ?00:56
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Goose_So when I install kubuntu, can I switch between KDE and Unity?00:58
rex____How can I install network interface or network00:58
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kostkonGoose_, to get unity install ubuntu-desktop00:59
rex____im in terminal00:59
Goose_So what happens to the existing desktop when I install a new one?01:00
kostkonGoose_, not really sure what login manager you'll need after that though or what will happen to your login manager01:00
Goose_What does kubuntu use?01:00
kostkonGoose_, you should be able to select the DE of your choice from your login manager01:00
kostkonGoose_, good question, I don't know01:00
Goose_I just wanna see how kubuntu feels compared ot unity01:00
Goose_looks awesome01:01
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist`
Fr3d3r1chow do i do to force gmail to accept a mail from roundcube01:04
Douglasanybody  here01:05
Fr3d3r1cyes me :D01:06
Douglasonly testing01:06
rex____please help01:09
rex____i cant mount the cd...01:09
rex____http://askubuntu.com/questions/386265/media-change-please-insert-the-disc-labeled-when-trying-to-install-ruby-on-ra i did that01:09
maku_Did anyone else lose sound in headphone jack of their laptop after upgrading to 15.04?01:11
rex____yes :(01:12
rex____This is so sad when I get ignored01:12
penos14.04 LTS has no scummvm01:13
penoshi windows01:13
windowsim doing the upgrade01:14
windowshi pen01:14
windowsis 15.04 lts?01:15
rex____Please help01:15
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popeywindows: no01:17
windowsok thx01:17
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang01:18
rodney77hello, I corrupted an sd card after not unmounting cleanly. I reformatted the card. I can write to it using mkdir in cli, but I can't make a folder in nautilius01:18
rodney77nautilus claims the system is read-only01:18
rodney77even though I can mkdir as my normal user (not root). any ideas?01:18
elkyrex____: what's the emergency?01:20
rex____i cant install ethtool01:20
rodney77ok I just realized I can write to it using gksudo nautilus01:20
windowsi had that once then remounted the card and could write to it01:20
elkyrex____: that's not a channel emergency.01:20
rex____elky: who are you01:21
rex____elsky: can you help?01:21
elkyrex____: one of the twenty+ people you just pinged. no, i'm eating dinner01:21
elkyi got up because i thought there was a flooding incident01:21
rex____elky: ya idc01:22
rex____lmao you01:22
elkyyou seem to have forgotten to read the guidelines for using this channel01:22
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:22
rex____Yeah might did a little mistake. I need help01:23
windowsrex did you install in synaptic?01:23
rodney77hey guys, maybe help me instead because i'm following the rules and not being ridiculous01:23
rex____rodney77: go cops01:24
elkyrodney77: sorry, no ideas01:24
rex____im in terminal01:24
Goose_So I guess I'm doing something wrong01:24
phunyguyor we can settle down as we are all volunteers.01:24
rex____elky: multiple users is not allowed.01:24
Goose_What do I have do to actually switch between kubuntu and ubuntu. How can I change which one loads01:25
rex____Im at serer not graphical user interface01:25
windowsgoose with grub01:25
wafflejockrodney77, yeah not sure can try reformatting with gparted01:25
cfhowlettGoose_, at login, click the selection gear and select your session01:25
wafflejockGoose_, you can install multiple desktop environments and pick during at the logout/login screen01:25
rodney77thanks wafflejock, I will try but when I tried it before, it wouldn't even let me. even gparted thought the filesystem was read-only01:25
phunyguywindows: that is incorrect.  Please be helpful.01:26
wafflejockGoose_, should just be the unity-desktop package I'm pretty sure01:26
phunyguyYou don't change which desktop environment loads with grub.01:26
windowsi was guessing01:26
cfhowlettwindows.  don't.  if you don't know, don't give advice.01:26
phunyguyIf you installed both as separate OSes, then Ubuntu is smart enough to create the entries for you.01:27
CraigwellI want to clone my laptop's 80gb HD with 14.04 and Win7 partition, along with a common FAT32 partition, onto a larger hard drive. I have a USB enclosure for the new drive I can use, before I swap it into the system. Anyone have suggestions on what the best method is?01:27
rodney77yeah, gparted can't even make my parition01:27
CraigwellI've been reading about clonezilla, but it's talking about partitioning a thumbdrive for use with it, etc and I'm thinking that's making it more complicated than it needs to be?01:29
wafflejockCraigwell, clonezilla is nice but would need a "third drive" something to clone the image to then from the image to another disk I'm pretty sure... may be able to go direct disk to disk but typically I've used it for backup purposes or cloning over multiple machines01:29
rodney77nm, my partition table itself was corrupted01:30
rodney77i rebuilt this and so far, so good01:31
wafflejockrodney77, ah good to know01:31
Goose_So how exactly do I get into grub at loadup?01:31
Craigwell<wafflejock> Thank you.. It may be unavoidable, not sure. I guess I can understand why, if an image needs to be made first.01:31
Goose_I just get the Ubuntu screen and load in normally01:31
deadmundGoose_: I helped you earlier.  What are you trying to do?01:31
Goose_DO I need to remove ubuntu-desktop then install kubuntu?01:31
Goose_Just load kubuntu01:31
cfhowlettGoose_, grub will NOT switch sessions as you requested.01:31
Goose_Then what do I have to do?01:31
Goose_remove ubuntu, install kubuntu, reboot? or what?01:32
deadmundGoose_: turn on ubuntu as normal, log out, click the gear icon, change it to "KDE" "plasma" or whatever, log back in.01:32
cfhowlettGoose_, on the login screen there is a round gear.  click.  it will drop down you session choices01:32
deadmundGoose_: Did you already install the package: "kubuntu-desktop"  ?01:32
Goose_Be right back haha01:32
wafflejockCraigwell, yeah just don't recall ever doing it direct disk to disk though I'm pretty sure it does do the partition resizing for you just did some googling looks like there's some other methods but have to manually resize the partitions afterwards http://askubuntu.com/questions/151127/how-do-i-move-copy-my-entire-ubuntu-system-to-a-different-hard-disk01:32
Craigwellwafflejock: I'll dig a little deeper. I was expecting to resize partitions on the new drive when done.01:34
wafflejockCraigwell, yeah from a little more searching looks like maybe Clonezilla will do the direct disk to disk too01:34
wafflejockCraigwell, http://askubuntu.com/questions/106527/how-to-move-ubuntu-installation-from-one-hdd-to-another01:34
tim_im trying to connect my ubuntu server vm to my debian host through ssh01:36
tim_not sure what i should be doing for network interfaces01:36
Craigwellwafflejock: Ok, Thank you. I'll read further. SInce I don't do this type of thing often, I figured I'd check here about preferred methods. Worst case scenario, I can start from scratch - but would rather not. Seems like it might be a wash, taking the time to get all the steps right - especially grub / uuid vs. fresh installs lol . Thanks again01:36
talsamonthe fucking systemd is stole my swap with his dozens of tmpfs without tell a word, now i can reinstall, thats bullshit !!01:37
cfhowletttalsamon, profanity won't help and it's prohibited in this channel.  stop.01:37
* eggbeater no longer has virgin eyes01:38
talsamoncfhowlett, the systemd could not overwrite my swap, without say any warning, what should that be, torture the users01:38
talsamonis it possible to disable systemd01:39
kostkontalsamon, no i'm afraid01:39
talsamonI have no swap anymore, and a dozen of zram warnings what should I do01:40
eggbeaterReally, recovering what you can and reinstalling is the fastest thing.01:40
talsamonreinstalling fuck off01:42
talsamonthat's a good idea, I never would found this01:42
eggbeaterno profanity, please. There are minors here.01:43
jason__I'm getting g++ is not found, but if I do apt-get install g++ it says it's already installed. Anyone have any idea what might be causing this?01:43
kostkonjason__, try sudo apt-get install build-essential01:44
jason__installed as well01:44
=== len is now known as Guest90905
KM0201you dont need to repartition the drive if you're installing over an old install01:49
KM0201just choose manual install, and point it at the old install's / drive, done01:49
Goose_Hey guys I got KDE running!01:53
Goose_But it doesn't appear to be running plasma 501:53
Goose_Well, at least it didn't look that video that's going around01:53
eggbeaterGoose_: Sweet on ya, mate!01:54
Goose_How do I get it running plasma 5 though?01:54
Goose_Well actually can I run plasma 5 on 14.0401:54
nogoodnamesleftI've not yet noticed a difference between 14.10 and 15.04. Just as a user. All the changes seem technical/hidden to the end user.01:56
nogoodnamesleftIcons are slightly different I guess.01:56
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=== andrex|off is now known as andrex
wafflejocknogoodnamesleft, looked at the upgrade page looked like mostly performance tuning and added some options for configuring the menus and a few other small UI things, says they are basically still working through the Unity 8 convergence stuff for making the phone interface work, heard some interesting things about that but think it's for another room02:00
ubunohow can i show you a screen shot , so you can help me !!02:02
cfhowlettubuno, imgur.com02:02
penos14.04 LTS has no scummvm02:04
ubunoMy ubuntu alarm clock doesn't work , it doesn't make noise when i click in play I get this message http://i.imgur.com/Q11M4uE.png?1?7596 , please help !!!02:06
ubunoD I need to install some plugin ??02:07
[n0mad]ubuno: can you play any mp3?02:08
[n0mad]outside of that app?02:08
ubunoYES I CAN02:08
ubunoAny  HELP ??02:12
[n0mad]ubuno: what if you select a different mp3 from the app?02:13
[n0mad]same error?02:14
kroq-gar781ubuno, also, does the program require using an mp3? If not, try using an audio file of a different format and see if the error still appears.02:14
penos14.04 LTS has no scummvm02:15
cfhowlettI would be surprised if an ubuntu app REQUIRED .mp302:15
[n0mad]also, did you get that alarms from the market? i just downloaded it from there and it looks different.02:15
TripWireHi...does anyone have knowledge of using PulseAudio in Ubuntu 14.04?02:16
kostkon[n0mad], there are many alarm apps in the software centre02:16
[n0mad]if i type in alarms i see 5, not too many02:16
kroq-gar781penos, are you sure it doesn't? apt://scummvm02:17
[n0mad]and i picked the one that looked closest in the screenshot02:17
[n0mad]but i can't even resize the window02:17
kostkon[n0mad], ok, let's say i meant more than 102:17
penoskroq-gar781, i have to add the source?02:17
kroq-gar781penos, are you using a live image? If so, then yes, you need to enable the Universe component.02:17
[n0mad]but what it seems like to me is the alarms app being used doesn't know what your default player is02:17
[n0mad]as it's not actually playing the mp302:18
ptol34Can you run plasma 5 on 14.04?02:18
[n0mad]and relies on your player to02:18
penoskroq-gar781, i have installed on machine and universe is enabled02:18
[n0mad]that's what this one did, uses my rhythmbox to actually play02:18
cellisare you still having problems with pulse?02:19
=== Consuela is now known as derp
Stanley00A little late, but I still want to say this. Congarulation you all with new Ubuntu release! :302:25
romulobrhi, I installed ubuntu gnome 14.10 on my macbookpro, wi-fi didn't work after wake from sleep, I tried to fix it and now the computer never wakes up from sleep. Does anybody have a sugestion on how to fix that?02:25
romulobrdo you think upgrading to 15.04 might solve it?02:25
=== derp is now known as Consuela
cfhowlettromulobr, possibly but ask the !mac resources02:26
romulobrsorry, i don't know what !mac resources means02:27
romulobrcfhowlett: ^02:27
cfhowlett!mac | romulobr see all the options here02:27
ubotturomulobr see all the options here: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages02:27
TripWirecellis, I want the sound to automatically transfer to my HDMI device when I plug it into my laptop02:29
coolstar-pcis there a channel where I can get some help with grub?02:34
coolstar-pcneed to load a custom DSDT because my motherboard is buggy and seems to hate any OS I throw at it with the stock DSDT02:35
ItsMeLennyi'm on ubuntu 14.10 and i have this problem where if i boot my desktop, then boot my laptop after that acts as a shared network over ethernet, then the lan on my desktop wont turn on02:38
ItsMeLennyi have to boot my laptop first, whos lan will turn on fine if it wasnt connected to something, (laptop is not ubuntu), but my desktop needs to havethe lan connected and the opposite end switched on to be able to even work02:39
ItsMeLennyi cant turn my computer on then plug in an ethernet, what would be causing this problem02:39
canonicaldroidSpotify wont open on ubuntu 15.0402:40
ItsMeLennywhen my computer boots i do see in the bootup printout that it gets an error if there is no lan connected02:40
OerHekscoolstar-pc, is this page any help? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/HardwareEnableWithDSDT02:42
ItsMeLennyit also takes a little longer to boot when there is no ethernet connected, because of that error02:42
netametaAnyone has a clue why screenshots that being taken by odesk are all black ?02:45
netametaNo content at all02:45
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OerHeksnetameta, where do you find odesk ? it is not in the repos02:49
neargularshi guys im trying to get wireless working for my thinkpad using the intel 7260 chipset. I've found walk throughs on the internet for installing "iwlwifi" pkgs but I encountered errors along the way...02:49
wafflejocknetameta_, dunno about odesk but can get shutter, sudo apt-get install shutter, it's a nice screen capture app02:51
netameta_well its just a app that time logs02:52
somsipnetameta_: it's a proprietary app provided by the third party and not supported here. Have you asked odesk support about it?02:54
netameta_somsip, Thanks for the help, i managed to fix it...02:54
deadmundneargulars: You still there??02:55
neargularshello deadmund02:57
* Quantos is away: Veni, Vidi, Vici02:58
Boxedin123Hey, anyone here?02:59
Boxedin123I don't need support with anything I'm just wondering how something works02:59
kristhia1how do i enable html5 in ubuntu?02:59
kristhia1or is it in the browser?02:59
Boxedin123I read how to build sfml in Linux...and it only takes 3 commands in the directory...I haven't tried it and is it THAT easy?????? I'm coming from windows and you had to use cmake and all that.03:00
kostkonkristhia1, browser. Why?03:00
Boxedin123And if so how does that work technically? Under the hood what is it doing what is it using???03:01
kristhia1im sorry i am currently using the default browser03:02
kristhia1how do i enable html5?03:02
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kostkonkristhia1, do you mean on youtube for example?03:03
kristhia1kostkon: i need it to view videos in some sites.03:03
kristhia1and in youjizz too. :D03:03
nonubyhtml5 video is already enabled, you can opt in explicitly to youube experiment at https://www.youtube.com/html503:04
kristhia1actually i am watching something in youjizz and it says the video requires html503:05
kristhia1not in youtube :(03:05
kristhia1im sorry03:05
Boxedin123Anyone have any insight on my question?03:05
kostkonkristhia1, they are not 100% supported yet, some codecs are missing in firefox, we are waiting for mozilla to officially activate the media extensions in linux, but you can try this http://www.ghacks.net/2014/05/10/enable-media-source-extensions-firefox/03:05
kristhia1can i try other browser instead?03:06
kostkonkristhia1, it's already there but not activated, afaik03:06
kostkonkristhia1, yes, Chrome.03:07
kristhia1will chromium do the trick?03:07
kostkonkristhia1, no03:07
kristhia1i dont know how to install chrome in ubuntu03:07
kostkonkristhia1, you need chrome. You can get it from here http://www.google.com/chrome/   download the version for ubuntu and then double click on the .deb file to install it. It's that easy03:07
TripWire Hi...does anyone have knowledge of using PulseAudio in Ubuntu 14.04?  I want it to automatically switch my audio over to my HDMI device when I plug it into my laptop and vice versa.03:09
kristhia1downloading now03:09
TripWireRight now, I have to select the option to do so03:09
kristhia1thanks for the help kostkon03:09
kostkonkristhia1, np03:09
captainfantasticdoes anyone find those lines in sidebar of nautilus ugly03:11
Boxedin123I read how to build sfml in Linux...and it only takes 3 commands in the directory...I haven't tried it and is it THAT easy?????? I'm coming from windows and you had to use cmake and all that and if so what's it doing under the hood etc? How is it doing it? Thanksalso please let me know if you can see my message.03:14
=== mkv is now known as m4v
SchrodingersScatBoxedin123: idk, what are the commands?  and message received.  Most are easy, so wouldn't surprise me if it's something like ./configure && make && make install03:19
RobinHood2015I just installed Ubuntu 15.04 and I can't connect to a WiFi network. It gets stuck on that animated "WiFi connecting" icon forever. What's wrong here?03:20
Boxedin123Can anyone even seeee my messages?03:23
cribbageSTARSHIPi can03:23
Boxedin123Hey! Do you know anything about how Linux works?03:23
Boxedin123I just want to understand what something is doing03:23
SchrodingersScat!man | Boxedin12303:24
ubottuBoxedin123: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/03:24
cribbageSTARSHIPBoxedin123: what are you looking for exactly. what do you want to do03:27
Nexuusanybody enjoying the 15.04 goodness yet?03:27
cribbageSTARSHIPNexuus: not yet. Im trying to fix my samba server03:30
cribbageSTARSHIPsubin: hey!03:30
subinits heared that ubuntu uses more system resourses..?03:31
somsipsubin: than what>03:31
cribbageSTARSHIPsubin: i would think unity uses more03:31
subinok... now i uses mint.. it freezes when i copy large files from my pc to mobile03:32
cribbageSTARSHIPsomsip: i think subin is referring to the weight of DEs03:32
somsipsubin: mint is not supported here03:32
cribbageSTARSHIPsubin: how are you sending the files03:32
snadgeis there a less purple vivid desktop background? :p03:32
subindata cable03:32
snadgenow that its released.. someone will surely come to the rescue03:32
cribbageSTARSHIPsubin: are you using android? use airdroid03:32
subinyes android...03:33
somsip!ot | cribbageSTARSHIP (particularly important the day after a new release)03:33
ubottucribbageSTARSHIP (particularly important the day after a new release): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:33
kostkonsnadge, of course, check the alternative version http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/03/ubuntu-15-04-default-wallpaper-and-it-may-surprise-you03:35
achomguys, how do i get xterm to align itself?03:35
achomlike i want the first instance which i top to start from top left covering about 1/4th of screen03:35
somsipachom: are you using unity?03:35
achom2nd instance top right, third bottom left...03:35
Boxedin123So guys...why does Ubuntu come with a GCC compiler ...because people asked for it?? Also how is it possible for Linux to build library's without something like cmake??03:36
somsipBoxedin123: you keep asking very generally (and mostly non-ubuntu) questions. Do you have a direct support issue?03:37
=== dan_ is now known as Guest71670
achomsomsip: pantheon03:37
somsipachom: what version of ubuntu are you using?03:38
achomsomsip: im actually using elementar03:38
somsipachom: thought it might be. Not supported here03:38
somsip!elementary | achom03:38
ubottuachom: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.03:38
achomsomsip: oh i thought since it was built on ubuntu03:39
achomso it might be supported03:39
somsipachom: not the case.03:39
achomsomsip: btw, can i know what do i call the feature i want03:39
somsipachom: tiling03:39
achomsomsip: thank you for your help03:39
somsipachom: np03:40
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc
achomsomsip: mind if i PM you?03:42
somsipachom: please don't. too busy and I only help in channel when i can03:42
achomalright np03:42
=== gerald is now known as Guest40487
nogoodnameslefterr, hi. Have we lost the i2c kernel modules in vivid / 3.19? i2c_i801 and i2c_dev are no longer showing for me and my laptop needs them04:03
nogoodnamesleftI am loading them in /etc/modules but lsmod is not showing them.04:07
=== richard is now known as Guest74085
bigGpickHey guys.04:15
bigGpickI'm looking for driver for a NX7300LE-TD256EH that is compatible with Linux.04:17
Ben64bigGpick: you mean a nvidia 730004:18
=== Guest74085 is now known as Ricardo2015
bigGpickyes... let me check04:19
ubottuRicardo2015: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».04:20
Ben64bigGpick: well they're already in ubuntu, you just need to install them. you need version 30404:20
Ben64Ricardo2015: ask a question, give as much detail as possible04:21
nogoodnamesleftVivid here. I've got i2c_i801 in /etc/modules so it should be loading up however lsmod isn't showing it. My laptop needs it for trackpad.04:22
bigGpickVersion 304?04:24
bigGpickBen64: Where is that found?  Package manager?04:24
Ricardo2015Anybody can configure Ricoh Aficio 2027 (network printer) in Linux? I'm a beginner, sorry...:(04:24
Ben64bigGpick: ubuntu software center -> edit -> software sources -> additional drivers04:25
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nogoodnamesleftok: sudo modprobe i2c_i801 hangs the machine... should I bug report this?04:26
bdog7is it out?04:29
somsip!outyet | bdog704:29
ubottubdog7: YES! ITS OUT: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2015-April/000195.html04:29
bdog7put it away then :P04:30
HerroWorldscan someone please point me to a guide to add a configuration file for a dante SOCKS server to the default PAM setup on a ubuntu server?04:30
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist`
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xininglii am new here04:39
xininglican anyone see me?04:39
gingermousexiningli: I can04:39
somsipxiningli: you are here. Stop with the test messages please04:40
xiningliwe have so many people here04:41
somsipxiningli: this is a support channel. Do you have a support question?04:42
Kage`Ok, can someone give me a good direction on disk encryption with Ubuntu, please?  Every article (FullDiskEncryption, EncryptedFilesystems, etc.) are contradictory and pointing in circles of each other, claiming each other are bad ideas.  So.. what is the recommended standard?  luks, cryptsetup, +dm_crypt, ..?  Because they all say, "Yes."04:43
xininglii dont know if we can send pictures to each other04:50
xininglivia irc04:50
xininglii use irrs04:50
somsipxiningli: that is not somethign supported here. Type '/join #freenode' for advice about IRC04:51
Zerkalerkaanyone got experience with nvidia 840m and ubuntu?  I get the black screen after login when installing the proprietary driver04:52
Zerkalerkaalways have to purge it and reboot04:52
Zerkalerkaspecifically after I always install the nvidia drivers on next boot a new ACPI error always pops up, disappears when uninstalled though.04:58
bigGpickuh-oh.  I'm gettinga  "gnu grub" screen....04:59
bigGpickversion 1.98-1ubuntu13.  First option is Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-73-generic04:59
bigGpicksecond option is the same (recovery mode)04:59
bigGpickno idea why i'm seeing this or what i'm supposed to do05:00
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sillysquirtok guys, how do I do mobile broadband USB tethering with my cell phone?05:16
sillysquirtwhere it shows the signal strength and drives the modem inside the cell phone05:17
rba1988Hi guys. Just read that ubuntu will eventually move to snappy. What are the implications of this? Does this mean I can't do some easy apt-get install commands once this happens?05:19
somsiprba1988: where did you read that?05:19
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rba1988somsip softpedia also has an article on it05:21
rba1988sorry is this the channel to discuss it? Or should I join another #ubuntu channel?05:21
somsiprba1988: i think the webpage you supplied has plenty of information linked from it that might answer your question. And #ubuntu-offtopic is probably better but possibly quiet at this time05:22
rba1988somsip: ok thanks05:22
ZerkalerkaOk, when I have my external monitor plugged in via HDMI and try to log in, I get a black screen.  If it is unplugged I can boot up fine, when I switch back to intel mode vs nvidia I can then log in using my external monitor.  Anyone know or can point me in the right direction to fix this?05:43
FolattHello there, I have a question, I recently switched SSD and installed Ubuntu on it, but something went wrong.05:48
FolattMy SSD drive cannot start unless I have my old SSD connected.05:48
FolattFor some reason when I try to boot my old SSD, it boots the new one.05:49
JoshH99Hey there, just ran the upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04, and sshd won't restart now. I have web KVM access to the system, but nothing else. Any advice?05:49
FolattDoes the sshd give any errors when you try to boot it?05:50
FolattWhat do you see when you try to restart it?05:50
FolattDid the upgrade finish?05:50
JoshH99I'll test that again. I just tried after the upgrade's reboot and then attempted to restart the service a few different times05:51
JoshH99Will test05:51
FolattOkay, I have a similar problem right now, but at least half understand what happened.05:51
FolattHello UncleJoe05:52
Deep6guys is there a way to get more information on packages that AREN'T installed on the system...i.e the equivalent of dpkg-query -s?05:52
somsipDeep6: yes, use dpkg-query -s05:53
somsipDeep6: sorry - just re-read and understood what you meant05:53
JoshH99@Follatt: http://cl.ly/1k0s0L2e0h1205:54
UncleJoeI have two 14.04 installs, and I want to create a link on the one (//Server/F) to the other (BIGPIG/5TB) so that I can eventually add the //SERVER/F to the //BIGPIG after I've moved all the files.  I have a sorter cleaning up files from SERVER/E to SERVER/F/*dir periodically.05:54
UncleJoeToo convoluted?05:54
UncleJoe*physically move the 3TB F: to the other machine after I've copied the files and made a link05:55
somsipDeep6: apt-cache show {package} may be what you want05:55
JoshH99@Folatt - Sorry - mistyped your username in my above reply05:55
FolattDoesn't matter, I looked. It's not the problem I have. I know that much now.05:56
FlannelDeep6: depending on what info you're looking for, it's either apt-cache show [package] or apt-cache showpkg [package]05:56
JoshH99@Folatt - Luckily, I only did this on a system that I can live without SSH for a while on, since it's just an ownCloud server I have set up.05:57
FolattYour ownCloud server uses Ubuntu?05:58
JoshH99@Folatt - Yep. On Vultr's 2GB VPS.05:59
JoshH99@Folatt - Interestingly, when I try to `service ssh restart`, I'm asked to decrypt the SSL keys I use for apache06:00
UncleJoeI'll try rewriting my question06:01
Folattjoshh99, That's all a little bit beyond me. I have a owncloud server too using a very simple user-friendly OS build for it, so I have no idea what a VPS is.06:02
Deep6Flannel: doh! of course.... I'ved used apt-cache search a ton... doh!06:03
FolattVPS stand for Virtual Private Server?06:03
JoshH99@Folatt - Yep!06:03
JoshH99@Folatt - For you or anyone else who might try to help, this is what happens when I run `service ssh status`: http://puu.sh/hoSZq/2e7c847104.png06:04
Deep6 /nicklist06:04
UncleJoe2 Ubuntu installs 14.04- (1) HDD that I want to physically remove.  (2) has a 5tb.  I want to move the content of (1) to (2), set up a (sym?)link so that any new content shows as going to (1)/Folder, but it is actually going to (2)/Folder.06:05
UncleJoeAlso allowing me to physically remove the (1) whenever I'm done moving content.06:06
UncleJoeHopefully this makes more sense now, anyone?06:06
Ben64UncleJoe: no06:07
somsip!info clonezilla | UncleJoe06:07
ubottuUncleJoe: clonezilla (source: clonezilla): bare metal backup and recovery of disk drives. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.10.11-1 (utopic), package size 678 kB, installed size 2624 kB06:07
somsipUncleJoe: so clone [1] to [2], remove [1] and boot to [2].06:08
UncleJoesomsip: Would this allow me to have a symlink after?  I ask because I have a downloader/sorter which doesn't cooperate with // paths06:08
Symmetriammmmm rocketraid controller driver doesnt compile under the new kernel in ubuntu 15.04, just had to switch back to older kernel06:08
Ben64UncleJoe: i don06:09
Ben64't see where symlinks are necessary06:09
somsipUncleJoe: what would a symlink accomplish given you're removing 1? What have // paths got to do with anything?06:09
=== jacky is now known as Guest90109
FolattJoshH99, When your video stops, does it freeze there? I mean, the last log entry is saying that 's running some module.06:10
UncleJoesomsip: The software on (1) downloads content to a different drive, verifies it and then moves the sorted content to the drive in question.  It is a PITA to reinstall and from what I understand, it won't allow typing a "//$folder"06:10
dtscodehey guys... im on ubuntu 14.04 and installed typescript via $ sudo npm install -g typescript, but when i type tsc test.ts, i get "/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory". how can i fix this?06:11
dtscodei recognize that this might not be the best place to ask, but if anyone happens to know, im all ears06:11
JoshH99@Folatt - Nope. Just when CloudApp stopped recording06:11
somsipUncleJoe: so it's two servers and not just two drives? And the software on server 1 needs to copy to a mounted drive on 2?06:12
Folattjoshh99, I think the last log entry is important, because that's usually where see the error.06:13
FolattBecause that's usually where the error is.06:13
JoshH99@Folatt - Fixed it after digging through the syslog file. Privilege separation directory /var/run/sshd was missing. Created it with 0755, and it worked.06:13
UncleJoesomsip: Two servers, correct.  I would like it to copy to the other, but I would like to have no path changes if possible- so a link that says the drive is still attached, but it's actually on a different comp.06:14
FolattJoshH99, You fixed it? :)06:14
JoshH99@Folatt - Yep! After digging through a long log file on a tiny virtual console window lol06:14
=== len is now known as Guest18179
faustdtscode: did you installed nodejs? If so try this: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/local/bin/node06:15
dtscodefaust, i did. and yeah i just found that solution. thanks though :D06:15
somsipUncleJoe: so server 1 downloads to /media. And you want saves to /media to end up on sever 2. So you mount a drive from server 2 onto the mountpoint 'server 1 /media'. What are currntly using to access server 2? Samba?06:15
UncleJoesomsip: samba/cifs06:16
faustdtscode: you may also want to open a bug about this06:16
fausttoo late06:16
FolattJoshH99, that's great. I should have known you could just check the syslog, since you said you have access to it.06:16
JoshH99@Folatt - Yeah. oh well. Hey - at least you gave me the morale boost to dig into the log. I probably would have just called it a night otherwise :).06:17
somsipUncleJoe: IIRC Samba is slow, and my network saves are abysmally slow to a NTFS Samba mount. Maybe a different network mount filesystme would be better for you? Like NFS or SSHFS06:17
FolattJoshH99, no problem and good night!06:17
fil10hello everyone, i have some question about lubuntu. can i ask here,guys?06:18
UncleJoesomsip: Yeah- I think it is NTFS on (1) and (2) has EXT406:18
UncleJoe(2) is using cifs though06:19
somsipUncleJoe: IME writes to NTFS over Samba are very slow. Dunno about reads. Still, Samba might not be your only (or your best) solution. Like I said06:19
UncleJoeTime for some researching... THANK YOU somsip. Appreciate the time.06:21
somsipUncleJoe: np06:21
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Nexuusjust upgraded...Vivid seems quite a bit more responsive than 14.10.06:24
pragomerhello. is there a special channel where I could ask a question about remastering ubuntu?06:27
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somsip!remaster | pragomer06:28
ubottupragomer: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/06:28
pragomerJust got a specific basic problem / question. Items I copy to "skel" are ignored.. doing the remaster "manually".06:28
pragomerSuch as /home/skel/.config/xfce4/panel/06:29
alex53454322i have added an "ufw deny from ip.add.ress", but my apache server is still getting smashed by it. any ideas?06:36
alex53454322does the ufw order matter?06:37
penoshello my friends06:39
hululuHi all! I just have installed Ubuntu 15.04, I really like it, but I found a bug. On the first boot my computer connect to the WiFi network, however there is no internet connection. I need to re-connect manually every first boot. Is sombeody experience this problem too?06:40
euxnekshowdy, ubuntu won’t show me a login screen after updating to 15.0406:43
euxneksAll I see is a purple screen with “Ubuntu” in the middle and 5 orange dots below it06:44
euxnekswhat logs can I look at to figure out what went wrong?06:44
faust!ask | pragomer06:44
ubottupragomer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:44
pragomerThanks and sorry ubottu06:45
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:45
ExxodusHey, so I need some serious technical help. >.>06:49
somsip!details | Exxodus06:49
ubottuExxodus: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)06:49
ExxodusI seem to have lost Nautilus on my main log-in and cannot seem to repair it through apt-get06:50
ExxodusI'm actually using a friend's PC so that I can troubleshoot in real-time.06:51
ExxodusBasically, my apt-get keeps giving me a 404, Ubuntu keeps experiencing an internal error, and I cannot, for the life of me, get ubuntu to update.06:51
ExxodusOh, and my desktop doesn't load either.06:51
somsipExxodus: a 404? Have you tried using different sources?06:52
ExxodusI can do that?06:52
somsipExxodus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine06:52
ExxodusAlright, I'll try that.06:53
somsip!pm | Exxodus (and what version of ubuntu are you running?)06:54
ubottuExxodus (and what version of ubuntu are you running?): Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.06:54
ExxodusI'm presently using Ubuntu 12.10 on a HP computer with a Grub 2.0 dualboot.06:55
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/quantal06:55
somsipExxodus: so, that's not supported anymore. You need to update06:55
stevefresh install of 15.04, first reboot, ctrl-alt-t doesn't work06:55
steveit's set to open a terminal06:55
steveanybody seen this?06:55
Exxodussomsip: Right, but I cannot seem to get a reboot to prompt?  Am I able to update from Terminal?06:56
rahul_can we use lxd container hypervisor to manage docker containers?06:56
somsip!eol | Exxodus (I think the link is on here)06:58
ubottuExxodus (I think the link is on here): End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:58
faustrahul_: I think that latest versions of docker are not based on lxc anymore, if you want to use lxc you better not use docker06:58
faustprobably you better not use docker anyway06:58
Exxodusubottu: I don't have a preference.  I'd just like for my OS to work.06:59
ubottuExxodus: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:59
somsipExxodus: have a read through the last link  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:00
Exxodussomsip: reading over  Thank you.07:00
kamil7hi guys, where will be possibility to install 3.19 on trusty through LTS Enablement stack?07:00
somsipkamil7: details may be on here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack07:01
kamil7somsip: thanks07:03
hd1hmm... it would seem that ssh on trusty is messed up07:03
Ben64hd1: it isn't07:04
hd1Ben64: http://pastebin.com/iYKbaEYB07:07
somsiphd1: are you running OSX?07:07
euxneksso, I can ssh into my machine but I cannot log in because there is no graphical login screen (just a purple screen with Ubuntu and 5 orange dots) and I cannot switch to any TTY. I have just recently upgraded to 15.0407:07
euxneksI mean, I can log in with ssh07:07
hd1somsip: irrelevant, i get the same from freebsd and netbsd and openbsd07:10
faustIs "http://packages.ubuntu.com/" search in package contents broken?07:10
hd1but, yes, that pastebin is from my laptop running os07:11
somsiphd1: so you are saying this is down to sshd daemon on ubuntu?07:11
hd1somsip: that's the only thing i can think of, unless it's an ec2 problem07:11
somsiphd1: and when did you last successfuly connect to that server via SSH?07:12
hd1which is unlikely because the server i'm chatting from is also on ec207:12
hd1somsip: 4-5 hours ago?07:12
hd1i can still access the webpage07:12
somsiphd1: so you are saying it's must be something that has broken on Ubuntu SSHD in the last 4-5 hours?07:13
hd1somsip: no, like I said, it may be something to do with the zone or the server or ubuntu's sshd, i'm just trying to narrow things down07:14
murchai blocked an ip from accessing my webserver using ufw/ubuntu 14.04, but i saw that the ip accesses my server from log file07:14
somsiphd1: given the version of sshd that server is running, it has probably not been updated for some time. Current is >1.0 IIRC. I suggest you contact the service provider before claiming that it's an OS problem per se07:15
Exxodussomsip: Could you provide that EOLU link again?07:15
somsipExxodus:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:16
ExxodusSo, here's an issue: I have no windows, no way to resize things and no desktop.07:17
hd1somsip: 6.2p2 is what the server is running, idiot07:17
ExxodusI can still run progras, but I am not able to resize windows either.07:17
somsipExxodus: sounds like it's really messed up. Is anything stopping you from reinstalling a current version?07:17
hd1which you would know, if you'd LOOKED at the pastebin I provided, instead of being a knowitall git07:17
ExxodusNothing that I'm aware of... short of my repositories not being up to date.  Would that EOL thing work?07:18
blzHello, how do I export a variable such that it is available from `sh` ?07:18
jango42video card maybe Exxodus incompatible07:18
hd1if you're going to be the latter, just say so, because being idiotic about things is a waste of both of our times07:18
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hd1got it, punk?07:18
Ben64hd1: that attitude will get you exactly nowhere. if you look at the paste again, "OSSLShim 0.9.8r 8 Dec 2011"07:18
somsipExxodus: if it's very broken now, an upgrade might not mend it. It might, but maybe a clean start would be better07:18
ExxodusWell, how could I clean start?07:18
ExxodusGRUB won't let me boot anything from start-up07:19
ExxodusAnd it doesn't seem broken.  I created another account and it works fine.07:19
somsipExxodus: download an ISO for a supported version, install it while reformatting everything. Perhaps save any data off first07:19
ExxodusFull desktop and everything.07:19
ExxodusYeah, I have an ISO.07:19
blzI ask because adding `export MYVAR=/path/to/whatever` in .bashrc only works for bash (unsurprisingly...)07:19
somsipExxodus: your call, your system, you know what you can see and what you can't. Either EOLU or reinstall from scratch07:19
ExxodusRight, but is it possible to reinstall from terminal?07:20
somsipExxodus: no harm in trying EOLU and it it fails, reinstall from an ISO07:20
hd1Ben664: that's an up-to-date trusty, I don't care to compile things from scratch unless I have to07:20
hd1again, as of the last time I got into the box07:20
Ben64hd1: it isn't up to date, which is why somsip said it wasn't. but instead you decided to start getting all snarky07:21
somsipBen64: I just picked the right time to /ignore I think...07:21
fidel_hi - i do run 14.04 with 2 NVIDIA cards. First card has 2 displays attached - which do display "X screen 0". to the second NV-card i attached 1 display which runs "X screen 1". This works so far. My current problem with this setup is: the display/Xscreen1 is just black - giving a simple mouse-cursor and i cant do anything on it.07:21
hd1Ben64: no, somsips said that openssh wasn't up-to-date07:21
jango42any problems with 15.04?07:21
hd1which is ipso facto incorrect07:22
Ben64hd1: have fun with that07:22
fidel_i do run gnome if thats important in that context. How to make X screen 1 display the same gnome session aswell?07:22
euxnekshow do I enable switching to TTYs in ubuntu 15.04?07:22
hd1euxneks: remote or local?07:23
somsip!text | euxneks (is this what you want?)07:23
ubottueuxneks (is this what you want?): To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode07:23
euxneksLocal machine, I wish to be able to ctrl+alt+f2 to get a TTY07:23
jango42euxneks try f1 through to f6 from memory07:25
euxneksjango42: what does “from memory” mean? I have already tried ctrl+alt+f1 through to f6, but I don’t get a TTY07:25
euxneksI assume this is something disabled in ubuntu :\07:26
hd1euxneks: pastebin /etc/ttys07:26
jango42Euxneks : ok what run level are you after ?07:26
ExxodusOkay.  everytime I try to install something, I get 'failed to fetch'07:27
ExxodusThat seems like a big deal. >.>07:28
euxnekshd1: there is no file nor directory names ttys or something like that07:28
euxneksjango42: user level07:28
euxneksjango42: I’m not sure what runlevel that is :\07:28
somsipExxodus: are you still trying to do something with 12.10 repos? Stop, stop. They're already dead.07:28
ExxodusWell, I'm trying to upgrade. >.>07:28
somsipExxodus: following the EOLU guide?07:28
hd1euxneks: /etc/getty?07:29
somsipExxodus: and what CODENAME did you replace in your sources.list ?07:29
ExxodusBut it tells me aptitude is not found.07:29
somsipThat's 12.10. That's dead. Try using a supported version07:30
hd1Ben64: what you and your idiot friend were whinging about earlier is the LOCAL version of openssl/openssh, not the remote version07:30
euxnekshd1: I have a “britty”07:30
rockcocois there any app can edit PPT?07:30
somsip!libreoffice | rockcoco07:30
ubotturockcoco: LibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.07:30
Exxodussomsip: I'm aware that it is dead.  I'm trying to upgrade to something -not- dead.07:31
hd1and like I said, it is irrelevant, as I have the same problem with an up-to-date ssh version as well07:31
ExxodusBut it also doesn't recognize deb as a command.07:31
somsipExxodus: then use CODENAME of a current supported version, not a dead one. Trusty is 14.04 and it's LTS.07:31
euxnekshd1: I have a number of tty#.conf files in /etc/init/07:31
somsipExxodus: you should be editing that file, not running the commands in terminal07:31
ExxodusHow would I access that?  Hrm.07:32
euxneksagain I am running Ubuntu 15.04, recent upgrade, cannot login with graphical login screen, I can ssh into the machine, the screen I have is a purple screen with ubuntu logo07:32
somsipExxodus: "that file" being accessed with "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"07:33
rockcocowhy i can't connect to the sever07:33
somsip!details | rockcoco07:33
KindOneSo, updated my ubuntu vps, any ideas as to why I'm stuck in 'read-only' mode, /var/log/dmesg http://sprunge.us/CUjI ; /var/log/boot.log http://sprunge.us/OiZN07:33
ubotturockcoco: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)07:33
rockcocoi can't download it07:33
skapismon ubuntu server 14.04.02, is there any way to verify that cron is running the /etc/cron.d/php5 job?07:33
somsiprockcoco: "server"...."it".... these are not helpful. Explain more and you may get help07:34
somsipskapism: have a look at /var/log/syslog07:34
skapismsomsip: I have, I see only 3 lines, reporting INFO, STARTUP, and another INFO (running @reboot jobs)07:35
skapismpgrep cron gives me a pid, so it's running07:35
somsipskapism: so you have no syslog entry that contains php5 at all? For current syslog or last syslog.1?07:36
skapismsomsip: nope. I have waited over 30 minutes, so the script (it's the default one from the package) should have run at least once07:37
somsipskapism: depends - there is one old script that was nasty and caused me problems. what version of ubuntu?07:37
skapism14.04.2 lts, ubuntu server07:38
somsipskapism: have a read and check yours. Maybe run it manually and watch for issues in top while doing so https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/135611307:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1356113 in php5 (Ubuntu) "PHP5 session clean cron job causes OOM" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:39
skapismsomsip: thing is, I've run the script manually as root, it returns quickly, does its job, no problems07:40
skapismsomsip: nevermind, it appears the cronjob is running. I have appended >> /var/log/phpcleanup.log to the cron line, and now that file is showing up07:42
somsipskapism: k07:42
skapismsomsip: I just wonder why cron doesn't log the job itself07:42
skapismsomsip: maybe it's by design in this case?07:42
somsipskapism: nah - shows up in my deskstop syslog and the first server I checked too. No idea why it isn't in yours. Is syslog current? Does it have the right permissions? Has logrotate dont something nasty to it? Moot questions maybe...07:43
skapismsomsip: all packages are up to date, I'm not sure about logrotate though07:45
somsipskapism: it shouldn't do something like that. but no real ideas and clutching at possibles07:45
skapismsomsip: well, logrotate wasn't installed. I just installed it07:46
somsipskapism: well, good luck. have to afk now07:47
skapismsomsip: thank you for your help07:47
euxnekshas anyone upgraded to 15.04 yet?07:47
FolattHello there08:12
beluga_I installed open-vm-tools on Ubuntu 15.04, but how can I run it? This doesn't say https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Tools08:14
FolattWhy do you need VMWare?08:18
beluga_Folatt: I'm running Ubuntu in VMWare08:21
betti just upgraded my os from 12.04lts to 14.04, am realising this on has a single workspace unlike the former with four, how do i increase the number of workspaces?08:21
FolattAhhh... and your main OS is?08:22
trijntjebett: settinngs -> appearance08:22
beluga_I installed 14.10 last year in VMWare, because I thought that was the only way to run a 64-bit version, but now I noticed Virtualbox does support 64-bit guests..08:22
beluga_Windows 7 is the host08:22
geirhaodd, it overwrote your configuration from 12.04?08:22
beluga_ah I just solved it!08:23
beluga_sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools-desktop08:23
beluga_^that fixed it.. now copy-paste works between guest & host!08:23
betttrijntje: let me check it out08:24
Folattbeluga_, I don't understand what you're doing. It sound like you run Ubuntu in VMWare and are installing VMWare in Ubuntu. Are you going to run VMWare in VMWare?08:24
beluga_Folatt: don't worry, it works now .. ([11:22] <beluga_> Windows 7 is the host)08:25
FolattOkay, good luck!08:25
beluga_Folatt: I'm doing bug testing for LibreOffice :) look who is the top1 closer https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html08:26
Folattbeluga_, good job!08:27
Folatt<- is nowhere near that skill level. Came here for my own set of problems.08:27
beluga_Folatt: well I'm not particularly skilled, more of a generalist.. most bugs are very straightforward to test.. we simply confirm that some glitch happens!08:28
gioansi am a new ubuntu, and my ubuntu version is 15.0408:29
gioansi need everybody help me08:30
Folattgioans, okay, what seems to be the problem gioans?08:30
gioansi install mycrosoft fonts (*.ttf), after that, i ơpen internet browser, is error fonts,08:31
FolattWhich internet browser?08:31
gioansfirefox and operamini08:32
gioansfirefox and opera08:32
betti just upgraded my os from 12.04lts to 14.04, am realising this on has a single workspace unlike the former with four, how do i increase the number of workspaces?08:32
Folattgioans, can you give the exact name of the package you installed?08:32
Stanley00gioans: please take a screenshot and paste it to imgur.com08:33
Folattbett, did you find the setting?08:33
trijntjebett: system settings -> appearance -> behaviour, check 'workspace switcher'08:34
bett@Follat year i have checked on appearance settings but am not seeing the option to increase the number of workspaces08:35
Folattbett, trijntje just told you, do you need me to send you a screenshot?08:35
=== daniel is now known as Guest7336
Folattgioans, what do you mean by error fonts, can you send a screenshot?08:36
gioanswhere ?08:37
Stanley00gioans: imgur.com08:37
SaintMoriartycan anyone help I am trying to install django and its failing http://pastebin.ca/298007408:38
bett@follat, trijintje, yea please do that, in my appearance settings am only seeing the option for changing wallpaper,resizing of icons and changing of theme08:38
Folattbett, that's the first tab, there's one besides Look, called Behaviour.08:39
bett#Follat thanks i have seen it, aloha man..08:40
bett#trijintje thanks man,08:41
FolattI think trijntje is a woman.08:42
Folatt<- is Dutch too08:42
gioansScreenshot from 2015-04-24 15:42:46.png08:47
gioansit is the name immage i upload ti imgur.com08:47
Luyingioans: that's not a screenshot08:47
ubuntu770if i install dual boot, ubuntu and win 7. in the setup of ubuntu i have to resize the partitions. what is the ubuntu partition and what win 7, left or right ?08:47
k1lgioans: we need the url08:48
murchawhy ufw is not blocking ips in ubuntu 14?08:49
k1lmurcha: why should it? can you explain more?08:49
hackalHello, please where can I check under which user is my apache2 webserver running?08:50
fausthackal: ps08:51
=== svetlana2 is now known as svetlana
murchak1l: I used sudo ufw insert 1 deny out to IP and sudo ufw insert 1 deny IP to block some ips from accessing my webserver. I disabled and enabled the ufw. But when i look at log file, the ips are accessing my webserver.08:52
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc
k1lmurcha: "sudo ufw deny from <ip_address> to any  "08:56
k1lsudo ufw status #to test if its enabled at all08:57
murchak1l: thanks i am issuing you suggestion08:58
hackalfaust: thank you08:59
phpcoderhello everybody09:00
phpcoderi just donwload java jdk e jre09:01
phpcoderi put it in my home dir09:01
phpcodernow i think i should add global path09:01
phpcoderhow can i do that?09:01
svetlanawhy not install it from the repos09:01
murchak1l: I did the way you explained, but still i see the ip accessing my webserver09:01
kevinwincotthas anyone had problems with unity lenses in ubunut 15.0409:02
phpcodersvetlana, are you talking to me?09:02
kevinwincotti dont seem to get the option to add them when i visit the web pages, eg launchpad, twitter, bbc news09:02
phpcodersvetlana, openjdk ?09:03
k1lphpcoder: java is in the officila repos. install that09:04
phpcoderk1l, how can i check what java version ?09:04
k1l"apt search java" phpcoder09:05
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist`
faustwell oracle's java is not in the repos09:05
k1lphpcoder: openjdk-8-jdk for example09:05
phpcoderthere are big differences ?09:06
phpcoderoracle <-> openjdk09:06
k1lmurcha: what gives you "sudo ufw status verbose" please out that into a pastebin09:07
murchak1l: something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/10877219/09:08
k1lmurcha: i am not sure the "in" should be printed there09:11
k1lmurcha: what command did you use exactly to block
murchak1l: something like this sudo ufw insert 1 deny from to any09:12
k1lmurcha: with "something like" we cant find the error. please the exact line09:12
murchak1l: sudo ufw insert 1 deny from to any09:13
phpcoderk1l, i am installing jre and jdk09:13
k1lmurcha: why the "insert 1"?09:13
phpcoderi hope there are not too many different with the official oracle09:13
murchak1l: because it should be the first row09:13
phpcoderguys pardon for the stupid question, but how can i check if there are drivers or other packages that i can install to best fix my hardware components?09:14
k1lphpcoder: see at "system settings" then "software and updates" then the last tab09:15
phpcoderfor example i have AMD A10-5800K APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics × 409:15
k1lmurcha: dont know.09:18
=== timchen1` is now known as timchen119
_xerhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/PartitioningBasics this not give me enough information about guided - use entire disk or set up lvm09:21
Ben64_xer: what is your question09:22
k1lhonestly: for beginners i dont suggest lvm.09:23
_xerubuntu server- I'm instaling it. I don't know what is recommended. Guided/manual/with lvm.09:23
_xerThanks i will go for guided entire disk09:23
_xeri select detect network hardware and configure the network.. Will I able to use the network?09:24
_xerInstalled the system - exciting..09:24
rydzykjeHey guys, I have a problem with java from RPM on Ubuntu. I've converted RPM to DEB by Alien and installed by DPKG -i $file.deb. After installation/reboot when I write: java -version im receving error "Error occurred during initialization of VM java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object" any ideas?09:28
k1lrydzykje: why did you start with a .rpm at all?09:29
Seveasrydzykje: yeah, that's messed up. Delete that package and install java the normal way.09:30
rydzykjeMy goal is to have few possibilites to install java - tar, apt, deb, yum, rpm09:30
rydzykjeCan I find somewhere java oracle deb package?09:31
Seveasrydzykje: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre09:31
rydzykjeSeveas: not openJDK but Oracle Java :)09:32
k1lrydzykje: that is just making it more difficult than it should be09:32
k1lrydzykje: oracle provides .deb., ubuntu uses .deb. so use .deb09:32
escargotdu25hi kll and petrvs09:32
_xerI press 'esc' and then go to 'finish installtion' again and it said to format. What does it mean, affect on my files?09:33
k1lescargotdu25: you can use the "tab" key to autocomplete the nicks. like writing "k1" and then press tab09:34
escargotdu25i went to ubuntu-fr channel09:34
escargotdu25k1l, ok09:35
k1lescargotdu25: and that works on the terminal for commands and paths too :)09:35
chotaz`w15.04 broke my mysql packages, they are reporting as 'half-installed' and outing errors whenever I try to upgrade them. How can I go about fixing this?09:36
escargotdu25k1l, ok thanks i have a question that i did not have response on ubuntu-fr channel09:36
k1l!paste | chotaz`w put the whole errors there09:37
ubottuchotaz`w put the whole errors there: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:37
_xerI don't understand. If I click esc when I was in ubuntu-server install do I need to repeat all I did?09:38
chotaz`w_xer, why would u randomly push a button, that's the real question :P09:39
escargotdu25k1l, my question is i cannot use the instant messenger hello (firefox) i do see myself on the cam but cannot contact any person or see any person talking09:40
k1lescargotdu25: i am not familiar with the messenger from firefox09:40
_xerchotaz'w: It's not that. It say now(im in terminal) please insert the disc labeled. Before it told me to make sure you eject the disc :/09:40
escargotdu25k1l, ok no problem is skype fonctionning with ubuntu ?09:41
_xerBut I have connection09:41
k1lescargotdu25: yes. install it from the partner repo09:41
k1l!skype | escargotdu2509:41
ubottuescargotdu25: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga09:41
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga09:41
_xerwhy when im in regular user i can't install openssh but when i go to root I need to enter the disc labeled.09:42
k1l_xer: what are you doing there at all?09:42
k1l_xer: run the installer to the end. reboot afterwards. done09:43
_xerSetup ubuntu-server for ssh then I can have linux with my OS and reading the book doing practical :D09:43
chotaz`wyou don't need the whole server if you're only looking for ssh capabiliteis09:44
k1lchotaz`w: sudo apt-get install -f #try that09:44
k1l_xer: did you install ubuntu server or not?09:44
_xerchotaz'w: I couldn't use my raspberry pi for my needs. I have no doubt ubuntu server will help.09:44
_xerk1l: I installed ubuntu server. (completed). Problem with setup ssh.09:44
k1l_xer: i dont understand what you are doing there and what the ubuntu issue is right now09:45
chotaz`wk1l, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10877378/09:45
k1l_xer: you need "sudo apt-get install packagename" to install packages. the user has no permissions to install packages without sudo09:45
_xerI enter that: $ sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client . And it told me about media change: please insert the disc labeled.09:46
chotaz`wk1l, running force install retrieved exactly the same problem, an I just nuke mysql-* packaged with purge and re-install?09:47
k1l_xer: please show a "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" in a pastebin09:47
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com09:47
k1l_xer: on the server install ssh should be installed as default anyway09:47
k1lchotaz`w: there seems to have been an issue before while removing it, and now it complains because it wants to remove stuff that got removed already09:48
_xerk1l: http://pastebin.com/SnADUTPd09:49
k1l_xer: seems like you did make mistakes while installing. it only got the cdrom as repo enabled. and not the repo servers09:50
_xerI guess reinstall lmao.. I did 4 reinstall already09:50
k1lchotaz`w: "sudo dpkg --purge --force-all  mysql-server-5.6"09:51
_xerIt's like one mistake will ruin all09:51
Ben64_xer: what are you using to install, what are you installing on, its a pretty straightforward install, what are you doing to mess it up?09:51
chotaz`w_xer, how come you keep baffling up the install?09:51
chotaz`wrun the media, say yes to the installer and just let it run through?09:52
_xerI'm installing ubuntu 64-bit server using VMware Player.09:52
chotaz`wVirtualBox is a friend :)09:52
_xerNo!! I have like choose language/keyboard/detect and mount cd-rom options/ execute a shell/ load installer comonents from cd09:52
_xerIt's not ubuntu desktop. It's a server09:53
chotaz`w_xer, http://www.osboxes.org/ubuntu/ grabv a vm from here, will be easier :)09:53
chotaz`wk1l, same ol'same :(09:54
_xerthanks but i want to have experience doing it09:54
chotaz`wi really have no ideia how the upgrade messed this up, might be because I had to to manually add some repos for the python connectors?09:54
k1lchotaz`w: ok, lets try a trick09:55
chotaz`weaither way the upgrade disables third party repos before anything else, so I don't see how that could've been the problem.09:55
k1lchotaz`w: "touch ~/trick.sh"  then "sudo ln -fs  ~/trick.sh /usr/share/mysql-common/configure-symlinks"  then "sudo apt-get autoremove"09:56
phpmiddlemanhow can I recursively use asciidoc on folder to generate .html files from all .asciidoc files?09:56
k1l_xer: a server install is pretty easy. just go for the installer, make sure the vm-guest got network connection.09:57
chotaz`wno mysql-common there, only mysql , -apt-config and -workbench09:57
k1lchotaz`w: it tries to remove that one and cant find it. so we need to fake it09:58
chotaz`wah, my bad x)09:58
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k1lchotaz`w: its like it got removed in the first uninstall attempt that was blocked. and now wants to remove stuff that already was removed and is complaining09:58
_xerk1;It's easy for you to say that09:58
chotaz`w_xer, when you get it right, you'll see how easy it is for yourself09:59
k1l_xer: it sounds to me that you are making it more difficult than it should be. if you have specific questions we can try to work that out10:00
_xerk1l: what is the different version ubuntu 14.04 and 15.04 which should I go for?10:01
k1lfor server definetly 14.04 since its lts10:01
k1l!lts | _xer10:02
ubottu_xer: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)10:02
chotaz`wk1l, done! created the folder -> touched the file -> chmod 777 -> apt-get autoremove10:02
chotaz`wthe symlink by itself did not work10:02
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_xerstill not work.. :/10:08
escargotdu25k1l,  i downloaded but can"t install it10:08
k1lwhat does not work?10:08
k1lescargotdu25: you dont need to download.10:08
k1lescargotdu25: you need to enable the partner repo and just install it from software center then.10:08
_xerIt gives me media message same before...10:08
_xerSomething about repo :/10:09
k1lescargotdu25: go to "systemsettings" then to "software and updates", then 2nd tab "other software" and check the both lines which say "canonical partner"10:09
k1l_xer: details matter10:09
k1l_xer: are you sure you got vmware setup the right way? is network given to the ubuntu?10:10
_xerk1l: It's read from the disc. Not like it using ubuntu repo..10:10
_xerk1l: there is a network.10:10
k1l_xer: yes, so it doesnt get network?10:10
k1l_xer: i dont know what you do there all the time. i can only guess from what you tell me. i did install a lot of server images and the installer does work. so please make sure your vmware guest got internet connection.10:11
_xer_I have network.10:11
_xer_I need to do this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/529/how-to-set-up-an-apt-repository10:12
k1l_xer_: no10:13
k1lthe installer does all the work if you give him internet access10:13
_xer_I did.10:13
_xer_I can ping but it's read from the disc :/ .. You don't understand me or you don't know. One from both.10:14
k1l_xer_: again: you are making a lot of issues yourself: see this pictured howto: http://askubuntu.com/questions/340965/how-do-i-install-ubuntu-server-step-by-step10:15
k1lit is very very very very easy. you dont need to make apt repos or install ssh on your own. just follow the installer as shown in the pictures10:15
escargotdu25k1l, i just did it and it does not work10:16
_xer_damn I didn't find it/ Thanks10:16
k1lescargotdu25: what does not work?10:16
_xer_Better to send now than before10:16
_xer_k1l: This is very very old ubuntu installer.10:19
_xer_Im in stage load installer comonents from cd10:19
k1l_xer_: what ubuntu are you installing there?10:20
_xer_64 bit server 1410:20
escargotdu25k1l, it is said  an error occured10:20
k1lor are you talking about the cli installer at all?10:20
=== strictlyb is now known as sb
k1lescargotdu25: please copy the error message and put it on paste.ubuntu.com and show the link in here10:21
dzanhi, howcome when I installed something using pip (python) I can't execute it?10:22
escargotdu25k1l,  it says in french : Erreur lors de l'analyse du CD10:22
escargotdu25Impossible de trouver un CD adéquat10:22
oddeyedIs there a guide anywhere to recovering from Deja Dup when my machine has failed?10:22
=== erwin_ is now known as PHPLearner
k1lescargotdu25: on the system settings for updates. make sure the "CD" lines are unchecked on the 2nd tab10:23
escargotdu25k1l, in english it means error when analysing the cd and impossible to find an adequat cd10:24
_xer_i didnt receive choose repo.. k1l: Do you even know how to install ubuntu server?10:26
k1l_xer_: what are you talking about?10:26
_xer_k1l: I don't think you have experience in ubuntu server10:26
k1l_xer_: m(10:27
=== _xer_ is now known as _xer
_xerwhat is m(10:27
escargotdu25k1l, in updates only trusty-proposed is unchecked and there is no question of cds10:28
k1lescargotdu25: 2nd tab10:28
escargotdu25k1l, 2nd tab is called other softwares and all options are checked10:30
k1lescargotdu25: yes. that is the problem10:30
k1luncheck the the line with "CD"10:31
rydzykjeguys where can I find java direcotry installed by apt-get install?10:32
escargotdu25k1l, there is no line with cd, only canonical partners, idem with code source, independant, and idem with code source10:33
k1lescargotdu25: is this a live cd system?10:33
escargotdu25k1l,  what do you mean ?10:33
k1lescargotdu25: is this a ubuntu install? or is this a live system running form usb or cd?10:34
BluesKajHiyas all10:34
_war10ck_BluesKaj: Hello to you too10:34
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_xeriits so easy to download the vmware ready but the installer is harder10:35
_xerthis is so stupid it's not server!!10:35
_xerk1l: omg10:35
escargotdu25k1l, in fact i downloaded the ubuntu from the website and burned a dvd with the .iso file and then re-runned my pc on the dvd10:35
_xerthis is ubuntu desktop10:35
BluesKajHi _war10ck_10:35
k1lescargotdu25: did you install ubuntu onto the disk in the pc or is it just running from the dvd?10:36
escargotdu25k1l, i installed it on the hard disk10:36
k1lescargotdu25: ok. this is to complicated. lets open up a terminal with "ctrl+alt+t"10:38
k1lescargotdu25: after that please do a "sudo apt-get install pastebinit"10:38
_xerWhat is: choose-mirror / download-installer/ openssh-client-udeb ..10:39
_xerWhat do I choose?10:39
k1l_xer: dont blame ubuntu, dont blame me. i just installed a 14.04.2 ubuntu server to prove you wrong. you are doing the mess.10:39
_xerk1l: answer ...10:39
k1l_xer: wher is that at all? why dont you just click "install ubuntu-server" and follow the installer. it is like installing windows xp. just go forward.10:39
k1l_xer: what iso is that? what distro is that? that is surely not ubuntu10:40
escargotdu25k1l,  i did what to said to me and let my pc running i have to go to lunch now see you soon10:43
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest74844
chotaz`wk1l, package problems aside, my mysql is completly broke, aparrently the socket isn't configured or misbehaving, smth like that10:47
chotaz`wand I can't type today, that should explain some mysterious problems x)10:48
JNixx_ls -l10:48
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yossarianukchotaz`w: are you storing your mysql data or logs in a non standard place ?10:53
yossarianukif so potentially check apparmor rules10:53
chotaz`wyossarianuk, sorry, but I'm completly lost with what you just suggested, never had to do much fiddling with MySQL, the upgrade somehow broke and now I'm having a socket connection problem. I've checked /var/run/ and theres  no mysqld folder10:54
scott_need help getting message saying error:attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0' entering rescue mode grub rescue on my Intel Desktop Board D865GLC but not on my hp nc6220 or my ECS GeForce6100PM-M2 and it a usb i want to boot that i made using multisystem10:54
yossarianukchotaz`w: 1 I assume you have rebooted after ? I think the pid will now be in /run/ ?10:55
yossarianukto check its not apparmor related try10:55
yossarianukservice apparmor stop10:56
yossarianukservice apparmor teardown10:56
yossarianukservice mysql restart10:56
chotaz`wyossarianuk, Failed to restart mysql.service: Unit mysql.service is masked.10:57
yossarianukchotaz`w: ok restart apparmor then10:58
yossarianukcheck the following logs (assuming they exist in 15.04)10:58
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yossarianuk - /var/log/syslog - /var/log/mysql/error.log - dmesg10:59
chotaz`wyossarianuk, dmesg | grep "mysql" -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10877708/11:00
yossarianuksorry not 100% sure then - try reinstalling themysql server packages - i.e apt-get --reinstall install my....11:01
=== Adad is now known as Tsterxer
TsterxerIm in ubuntu 64 bit server menu. What to choose: choose-mirror, download-installer?11:04
chotaz`wyossarianuk, tried that, still "unit is masked" error. here's my syslog |grep "mysql" : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10877713/11:04
chotaz`wIma do some googlign in the meanwhile, thanks for the time and input :)11:05
leandro_GOOOD MORNING11:05
Tsterxermorning ^11:06
bjahow do I find out the device name of my current controlling terminal for usage with pgrep -t ?11:07
BluesKajhmm, vivid security main repo is erroring as a hash sum mismatch11:09
orakarWould anyone mind mentioning me in a message so I can test my new client? Thanks!11:10
Nooby_OneLooking for someone with some help on the HPLIP program... installed it, but am not able to connect my printer through it11:13
BluesKajNooby_One, does the print manager list your HP printer model ?11:16
Tsterxerplease help11:16
Tsterxerdownload-installer or chose-mirror?11:17
TsterxerWhat do I write in domain name?11:19
tijnixTsterxer: what medium did you start the installer from?11:19
Tsterxertijnix: what do you mean?11:19
Nooby_One@blueskaj... when i go to device manager and try to setup a device, it does not show any printer11:19
tijnixTsterxer: From where do you start the installer?11:19
Tsterxertijnix: I put ubuntu sever iso in vmware player.. And click on each line..11:20
tijnixTsterxer: the full or the netinstall iso?11:20
Tsterxerfull i think11:20
nogoodnamesleftHow would you use the LVM installer and leave some of the disk unpartitioned? It does not seem configurable. It's a major hassle to resize later if you enable filesystem encryption.11:21
tijnixI dont think the full should ask for a mirror or download installer11:21
Tsterxeri did mirror11:21
chotaz`wk1l, still around?11:23
Tsterxerthis is so annoying!!!11:23
Tsterxerall i try is ubuntu server11:23
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chotaz`wyossarianuk, apparently my mysqld service is masked, I have no clue what that means or how to go around it, what's really puzzling me is not knowing how I got to this situation.11:24
chotaz`wall I did was upgrade overnight and when I got back to work, mysql was broke as hell11:24
TsterxerOnly experienced people.11:25
chotaz`wTsterxer, are you _xer? What's wrong right now.11:25
Tsterxerchotaz'w: please are you experienced? I did someone what he told and it's like 20nth reinstall... I struggle install ubuntu server. The mirror install didn't pop up11:26
TsterxerI'm _xer11:26
k1lTsterxer: please make a screenshot and show exactly where you are and what you try to do.11:27
chotaz`wOk first things first, are you willing to start again? If so, tell em where you are trying to install the server and how are you trying to do so. I'm no ubuntu guru, but I've had my share of installations.11:27
k1lTsterxer: are you sure you got the standard server iso? and not a pxe boot or netinstall?11:27
Tsterxerk1l: I did all you said before and you didn't make it better. I think you message me when someone does.11:28
tijnixust what i asked :)11:28
TsterxerNo offense though11:28
tijnixDid tons of server installs and never had the questions you had, only on a netinst11:28
chotaz`wTsterxer, I'm not familiar with VMWare, if you're willing to try VirtualBox, I might be able to help.11:28
Tsterxerit told me if you installed from netinst CD and choose not to use a mirror you will end up with base system. Use network mirror?11:29
k1lTsterxer: sorry. you cant even verify what iso you are on. i provided a pictured howto for you that is easy to follow. i even tried tha 14.04.2 install in  virtualbox just to make sure there are no bugs. so its all on you not able to follow a easy installer11:29
tijnixStart fresh with a not-netinst?11:29
Tsterxerchotaz'w: That's not the software that's the installer. If you said it it's mean you don't have that experienced.11:29
TsterxerBut I want to install it11:29
chotaz`wk1l, what can you tell me about "service masking"? Apparently that's what preventing my mysqld from starting, after some short reading, stumbling upon the works systemd and such made me fear that my system might be more broken than just the mysql service, which aparrently is "masked".11:30
k1lTsterxer: stop blaming other in here11:30
chotaz`wTsterxer, you ahve to be willing to read and understand, what I said is that I'm not experienced with the visualization software you are using.11:30
k1lTsterxer: its all your fault. experienced people try to help you. they do a lot of effort. but you are just messing around. so please get the facts straight and verify the questions asked and not just tell people they dont know anything11:30
tijnixSome help might be found here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot11:31
k1lTsterxer: if you cant describe what you do then provide screenshots11:32
thmsLOL @ Ubuntu 1511:32
Mionvmware should not be used for legal reasons11:32
TsterxerI doubt you did it k1l: because the screenshots are outdated( there is more options in 14.04) . I prefer not to talk with you because you like to argue.11:32
bazhangMion, thats not something for this channel11:32
thmsNew kernel won't make my UX303LA boot, not able to do go terminal ctrl alt f7 just this pink screen and my caps lock key blinking.11:32
k1lTsterxer: i just verified the howto myself11:32
Mionthms: boot to single user mode and read the xorg log11:33
k1lTsterxer: verify what iso you are actually using.11:33
bazhangTsterxer, they are all volunteers here11:33
thmsMion: I'll do that later.11:33
Tsterxerk1l: I pasted it, please .11:33
Tsterxerk1l: ubuntu-14.04.2-server-amd64.iso11:33
tijnixWhat size is the iso?11:33
bazhangTsterxer, if you are unwilling to answer basic questions, no help will be forthcoming11:33
Tsterxerook at previous chat.11:33
k1lTsterxer: what md5sum?11:33
k1lTsterxer: is it the full install or the netinstall? is it the pxe install? .....11:34
Tsterxerbazhang: you came now, I answered these questions.11:34
Nooby_One @BluesKaj... still there? ... when i go to device manager and try to setup a device, it does not show any printer11:34
Tsterxerk1l: I don't know about it.11:34
k1lTsterxer: still a lot of open questions. but you keep telling people they cant help you11:34
k1lTsterxer: so do a md5sum of the iso and look that up11:34
chotaz`wTsterxer, Here's the thing. All the prople trying to help you here, using the same software and the same image would only need to pres next next next on the installation, which, by default is supposed to be pretty standard.11:34
Tsterxerk1l: please stop try "help", I don't wanna argue with you.11:34
* tijnix mumbles something about honey and vinigar11:35
* chotaz`w is shocked.11:35
chotaz`wI've never seen someone get muted here :x11:35
chotaz`wwhat can you guys tell me about "service masking"? Apparently that's what preventing my mysqld from starting, after some short reading, stumbling upon the works systemd and such made me fear that my system might be more broken than just the mysql service, which aparrently is "masked".11:36
Nooby_Oneanyone with help on HPLIP?11:36
chotaz`w'sudo service mysql restart' outs "(...) unit mysql-service is masked" this started happening after having to force purge my mysql package that got broken(half-install) from upgrading11:37
brainwashchotaz`w: unmask the service then11:37
chotaz`wbrainwash, I just felt uncomfortable with fiddling with systemd, which I know nothing about.11:38
chotaz`wI'll make some reading11:38
chotaz`wbrainwash, how can I check if other services are masked?11:39
EriC^chotaz`w, type ls -l /etc/systemd/system/*mysql*11:39
chotaz`wEriC^, there's mysql.service in there11:40
EriC^ok, is it a symlink to /dev/null ?11:40
HoloIRCUser2Hello. I've tried to upgrade to 15.04 and now I'm in emergency mode and can't boot to the desktop.11:40
EriC^emergency mode?11:41
escargotdu25k1l, hi i'm here again11:41
escargotdu25what should i do now ?11:41
chotaz`wEriC^, apparently yes. What could have caused this?11:41
EriC^chotaz`w, that's what masking a service means11:41
HoloIRCUser2EriC : that's what the console gave me. 'welcome to Emergency mode'.11:42
EriC^chotaz`w, type sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/mysql.service11:42
EriC^HoloIRCUser2, hmm did it say why?11:43
BluesKajNooby_One, did you install the hplip with the package manager ?11:43
Nooby_OneI don't recall11:43
chotaz`wEriC^, I've done multiple reboots and apparently the service is started "masked", does that mean that something else is wrong or removing the symlink will fix it?11:44
BluesKajopen the package manager/software center and search for hplip, Nooby_One11:44
HoloIRCUser2EriC: no. Only have me commands to try to boot to default mode, but that doesn't work.11:45
alxkHello!After upgrading to 15.04 it seems i cant connect on home wifi(open).The available networks are there but the connection always gets  timed out according to dmesg.Guidance would be really appreciated!Thanks in advance11:45
EriC^chotaz`w, masking causes a service to not be started when the pc boots, and won't allow you to start it manually either11:45
EriC^i've no idea why it was masked, maybe someone will know hold on11:46
thmsHow do you Flush DNS cache ?11:46
Nooby_Onesoftware center: typed HP and shwed HPLIP toolbox (checked) and "reactivate HP laserjet 1018/1020 after reloading paper" (also checked)11:47
thmsinit.d/dns-clean ?11:47
chotaz`wEriC^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10878030/ apparently the service is being instantly masked11:48
escargotdu25k1l,  are you still connected ?11:48
EriC^chotaz`w, was the symlink recreated?11:49
chotaz`wEriC^, instantly it seems11:49
HoloIRCUser2Eric^: it also says 'error getting authority : error initialising authority :could not connect : no such file or directory g-io-error-quark, 111:50
chotaz`wEriC^, my bad!!! there is not symlink at all but I still get the output that the service is masked when I try to manually restart it. I'm ddoing a quick reboot and see if it helps, can't loose much more time with this as I've already spent my morning around it11:50
EriC^chotaz`w, try sudo systemctl start mysql.service11:51
=== Tin_man_driving is now known as Tin_man
chotaz`wEriC^, still masked11:51
EriC^nevermind yeah11:51
chotaz`wand theres not symlink >:(11:51
MrokiiHello. I need help. I tried to upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 and now Ubuntu  doesn't start correctly anymore. I'm being put into a console with a message, welcoming me to ""emergency mode" :-(12:04
EriC^^there's a bug in the ubuntu installer, it didn't install grub to the ext hdd i specified, it installed to the main hdd12:05
aladiahiam upgrading from Lubuntu 14.10 to 15, during upgrading it ask me if i want to keep or replace the personalized file config /etc/mime.types   whats is this ? i should rpelace ? what i will lose ?12:06
mlon1Do my bash scripts have to have all of the methods defined at the top?12:07
EriC^^mlon1: no, you can do a trick on bash12:07
mlon1It's kindof ugly when I have many methods to be used in a script -- can't see the actual "script" fr days12:07
EriC^^main() { func1 func2 } func1() {whatever} func2() {whatever} main "$@"12:07
EriC^^mlon1: ^12:08
mlon1EriC^^: ah, I like that12:08
EriC^^no proble12:08
aladiahEric^^ personalized file config /etc/mime.types   whats is this ? i should replace it during upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 ?~12:10
EriC^^aladiah: i think that specifies what files open with which programs12:10
aladiahhoo, its only this ?12:11
aladiahEric^^ so its better replace it doesnit ?12:11
EriC^^ah nevermind, it's not, that's something global12:11
aladiahEric^^ global ?12:11
aladiahEric^^ I will lose somthing important ?12:12
EriC^^aladiah: it specifies the extension of the file types12:12
SchrodingersScatnot sure if it's recommended, but normally if I haven't personally edited the file, I overwrite it.12:13
aladiahSchrodingersScat the details it give me is this http://paste.ubuntu.com/10878176/12:13
EriC^^yeah, i'd do as SchrodingersScat is saying12:13
EriC^^back it up maybe if you aren't sure if you've modified it or not12:13
aladiahEriC^^  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10878176/   it ask me to keep or replace ? I should replace for now after backup thats it ?12:14
EriC^^aladiah: yeah type sudo cp /etc/mime.types /etc/mime.types.backup12:15
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k1lescargotdu25: re12:15
aladiahEriC^^  ok12:16
k1lescargotdu25: "pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list" then please show the link here12:16
aladiahEriC^^  the command dont work it says12:18
tijnixsudo apt-get install pastebinit12:19
aladiahEriC^ it says cp: operating destiny  file missing after /etc/mime.types /etc/mime.types.backup     try cp--help12:20
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aladiahEriC^^ it says cp: operating destiny  file missing after /etc/mime.types /etc/mime.types.backup     try cp--help12:21
MrokiiNobody in here who can help me with the Emergency-mode problem after upgrading to 15.04?12:21
Serg_49_rusвсем доброго времени суток12:27
BluesKaj!ru | Serg_49_rus12:28
ubottuSerg_49_rus: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:28
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Raydiationhi, currently on archlinux, need some travis ci help :)   where does ubuntu keep the php.ini file when running hp12:32
Raydiationphp -f file.php12:32
Guest56473Hello, I use sicstus prolog with rlwrap on Ubuntu 14.04 and have to type "rlwrap sicstus .." every time. Is there a way that I can link this command to "sicstus"?12:34
ioriaRaydiation, i got the cli version... is in /etc/php5/cli12:35
Raydiationioria: /etc/php5/cli/php.ini?12:35
ioriaRaydiation, yes12:36
ioriaRaydiation, np12:36
EriC^^is it just me or is there something wrong with the indicators in 15.04? like if you press on the networkmanager indicator, you have to press almost in the dead center again to close it?12:37
ioriaEric^^ for me is ok, but now i'm with Lubuntu12:38
EriC^^ioria: ok, unity here12:38
Guest56473does anyone know how I can link a command to another one with its arguments? Like "sicstus -l test.pl" to "rlwrap sicstus -l test.pl"12:41
ioriaEric^^  try nm-applet in Terminal12:41
EriC^^ioria: it's the same for all the icons12:41
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gigiubumatela cosa peggiore di ubu mate e' il menu del grub : scandaloso12:43
EriC^^i'll try rebooting12:44
zotherstupidguywhat's the diff bet xserver-xorg and xorg?12:44
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EriC^^nope, still same, you can open it from anywhere on the icon, it just won't close unless you click in the middle12:47
StephenSI have a small issue with my ubuntu, while I mount my samsung galaxy s4 via usb, I get constant mount/unmount errors12:48
StephenSoccasionally it works, but after 5 mins and then it work for about 2 min in a row without unmount, whats going on?12:48
k1lStephenS: cable is broken?12:49
StephenSno its not, its brand new and works fine on windows 812:49
StephenSalso phone is brand new as well12:49
k1llook into dmesg what is going on there12:50
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EriC^^StephenS: what's 2+3*1+(1*2)*0 ? :P (it's eeee)12:50
StephenSk1l can I put paste dmesg on pastebin?12:51
k1l!paste | StephenS12:52
ubottuStephenS: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:52
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Guest56473Hello, how can I create my own command in the terminal like "sicstus -l test.pl" should call "rlwrap sicstus -l test.pl" ??13:00
ioriaStephenS, are you sure about the cable ?13:00
StephenSbut just now it worked fine13:00
Guest56473screen unlocked?13:00
StephenSnext time I get those weird errors Ill come in here13:00
julianofischerSomeone could reset my password, please?13:01
k1lglad we could help :)13:01
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142513:01
k1ljulianofischer: here on freenode? then ask in #freendode13:02
k1l* #freenode13:02
jeanjackhi there13:02
jeanjackI'm making a script which manipulate some $HOME folders, and I need network connexion13:03
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StephenSjeanjack ##bash13:04
jeanjackStephenS: I must initialize network connexion in my script ?13:05
jeanjacknowhere in ubuntu startup I can put an autostart-script and get network up ?13:05
hateballjeanjack: you can put things in /etc/rc.local if you need it at boot13:06
jeanjack/etc/rc.local is executed before network connexion, isn't it ?13:08
StephenSjeanjack what you want is for ##bash13:09
StephenSyou can check network connection with ping in bash13:09
StephenSbut there is no way you can tell when will something start on ubuntu, that depends on your hardware etc etc13:09
scrionAnyone here able to assist getting Ubuntu 14.04 hooked into AD using winbind and the idmap_ad backend?13:09
StephenSyou can do it with symlink > rc.d/ or just put it in cron13:10
jeanjackmy script is in /etc/init.d/rc.local, so I will add wpa_supplicant and dhclient line13:11
jeanjackthanks anyway StephenS & hateball13:11
nogoodnamesleftIs there an equivalent to zerofree for ext4? Or do I just cat some repeating stream to a file until the disk fills?13:12
rydzykjeHey guys, could you help me please. I would like to read 1st line from file which is JAVA_HOME="1.8.0_45" and use just "1.8.0._45" as my variable later how can i do that?13:15
nogoodnamesleftrydzykje, Err are you in the correct channel? :)13:19
=== digitsm is now known as hatam
trijntjerydzykje: head file -n 1 | cut -d '=' -f 213:20
tijnixrydzykje: put the file through head -1 | awk -F "=" '{print $2}'13:20
tijnixi think awk also works with a NR==1 but to lazy to look it up :)13:21
rydzykjetrijntje: thanks!13:21
rydzykjetijnix: thanks! works <313:22
geirhaawk -F= '{print $2;exit}'13:25
LatchAnyone have any clue why Ubuntu keeps shipping with an ancient Squid3 package???13:25
geirhahow ancient is ancient?13:25
Latch3.3.8 is acouple of years old.  3.5 has been stable for awhile.  Not only that, but the update to Squidguard 1.5-4 breaks compatibility with Squid 3.3.813:26
LatchI had 14.10 set up with Squid 3.3.8 and squidGuard 1.5-2 and it workedlike a charm.  Create the same config on 15.04, copy over the .conf files and I get an error that basically says squidGuard is trying to use a method not supported by the Squid version.  Pffft!13:28
OerHekssquid3 cane in the debian repos on 2014-08-3113:29
LatchOnly diff is squidGGUard 1.5-4, and changelog says they added stuff to support newer Squid versions and the base is Squid 3.4.  Too bad they only package Squid
cryptzHey guys i have a question. I just installed 15.04 on a dell r720 server. I cannot get the system to boot after install unless i choose the recover boot option (it boots ok at that point). If i boot normally the system hangs at: begin: running /scripts/init-premount ... done (most of the time) other times it hangs at begin: running /scripts/local-top ... done. no error is ever given.13:32
OerHeksLatch, maybe worth a bugreport13:32
cryptzany idea how i can provide somone with more concrete info from the recovery mode?13:32
loacryptz, maybe you can up network there13:33
loaor use flash drive13:33
nogoodnamesleftBTW anyone running Ubuntu on jailbroken their chromebooks: i2c_i801 kernel module is blacklisted in Vivid. Unblacklisting it hangs the system. So no trackpads.13:33
nogoodnameslefti've had to rollback to 14.04 LTS13:34
cryptzi cannot do anythign at this point, but if i restart the server and choose recovery boot, and then immediately choose continue normal boot everything is fine13:34
cryptzjust wondering what i could do to gather more info to submit a bug report etc13:34
rydzykjetijnix: another question, how can I create dir (mkdir) based on result from "head /tmp/release -n 1 | cut -c 15-22" ?13:35
rydzykjei resolved prob :)13:37
robin_Hey, do you know when the vivid-kernel will be backported to the lts-repos?13:42
k1l_robin_: for the .3 pointrelease13:44
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack13:44
colbyfanyone know how to add bleach bit to the right click menu to delete file/folder13:44
robin_okay, then i have to wait. thank you13:45
k1l_colbyf: no need for bleachbit. just press shift and make full deletion13:46
colbyfk1l_:will that scrub the file?13:47
colbyfcome from windows background so head thinks like microsft still :)13:48
k1l_it will not put it into the trash but make a full delete13:48
colbyfah ok, got ya13:49
nogoodnamesleftThat won't zero fill the file, if that's what you're asking.13:50
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TeckniXhello - I’m currently running ubuntu 14.09 and can’t seem to stop/restart services. I’m unfamiliar with the runsv / sv setup . Is there a cheat-sheet somehwere?13:50
Vyom|NixSup people... so I recovered all my data of 1 TB recently due to a bug in 14.04.1 which wiped my HDD. Feels great to recover tho. Now I am on 14.04.2 and really want to get a feature to work. So far in vain. Can anyone tell how can I make GTalk and FB integration with Empathy to work? They don't seem to connect.13:51
kostkonTeckniX, you mean 14.1013:51
kostkon!upstart | TeckniX13:51
ubottuTeckniX: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:51
TeckniXthanks ubottu13:51
TeckniXI’ll check out the docs13:52
nogoodnamesleftVyom|Nix, Interesting bug - which one is it? (Just in case I end up in such a situation)13:52
BluesKajcolbyf,   I was a windows guy for yrs on the job , but after i got a home pc it only took me a yr to find out about linux, but I had to wait a couple more yrs to setup a total linux pc for my own use, and KDE was very familiar to me as a desktop so i stuck with it ever since13:52
Vyom|Nixnogoodnamesleft: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1265192 It's resolved in 14.04.2 tho. It wasn't really a bug, but it made me wipe my HDD (formatting the Windows partition too).13:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1265192 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "Install/reinstall wipes out all/other partitions" [Critical,Fix released]13:53
nogoodnamesleftVyom|Nix, Thanks for info.13:54
jayjoif I run a shell script that launches a python script, will the script not continue along until that code has completed executing ?13:56
Vyom|NixSo, anyone able to use FB and GTalk on Empathy on 14.04 or any other version for that matter?13:56
colbyfBluesKaj:I using Ubuntu and getting on ok, but its a whole new fun learning experience. learning loads :)13:56
BluesKajcolbyf, well that's good to hear, welcome to the linux experience :)13:57
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_war10ck_I need help with installing libgtk2.0-dev in Ubuntu 12.0413:59
_war10ck_On trying to install, this error pops : libcairo2-dev : Depends: libfontconfig1-dev (>= 2.2.95) but it is not going to be installed13:59
_war10ck_Sorry, that was for libcairo, but similar for libgtk2.0-dev too14:00
_war10ck_Can someone please help me14:00
yellabs-r2hello all14:01
jayjo_war10ck_: jsut install what it asks for then14:01
yellabs-r2i am seeking enlightment , can you help ?14:01
LatchSquid3 bug report submitted.  Now we play the waiting game...14:01
gioansi use ubuntu 15.04, some time my ubuntu crashes, if i changes wifi14:02
_war10ck_jayjo: I have tried it, but it just keeps giving more and more dependencies - which is, in a nut shell huge.14:02
yellabs-r2when trying to ge the new 15.04 , i see the 14.04.2 as the download of choice , did something go wrong with the LTS version ?14:02
EriC^^yellabs-r2: sudo apt-get install e1714:02
colbyfi think if you search for it in launch pad it shows the main package14:03
colbyfwhen searching for things before this is how I done it or github14:03
_war10ck_jayjo: This is what I am getting when I am trying install a few packages : http://paste.debian.net/168654/14:03
colbyfis usually says file ..... is part of .... package14:03
yellabs-r2is 15.04 stable ? in LTS release cycle terms ..14:04
alnenklWhat's the typical pattern for editing a JSON file in a bash script? Everything seems so kludgey.. (eg sed, awk)14:04
colbyfits not stable its beta, and I am using it14:04
yellabs-r2i see, when is the stable release due ?14:04
colbyflet me check it could be today lol14:05
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Vyom|NixIf anyone send me any message in previous 10 min, plese quote it again. Thanks.14:05
colbyfha it was officially released yesterday14:05
yellabs-r2thats odd , dont you think, the website recommends 14.0414:06
yellabs-r2when going to http://www.ubuntu.com/ , then follow the download link..14:06
OerHeksyellabs-r2, get a torrent from http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ , i am seeding a lot https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6885560/ratio2015.png14:07
yellabs-r2OerHeks, thanks, its not that i cant get it, its that the website say's a different story14:07
OerHeksi understand there is a lot of work to be done, just got the delayed Firefox 37.0.214:08
colbyf_warl0ck_: try this >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/58202/how-to-automatically-fetch-missing-dependencies-when-installing-software-from-d14:08
_war10ck_colbyf: Let's see, I am trying -f install with apt-get - once that is done, I will see14:11
gioansi use ubuntu 15.04, some time my ubuntu crashes, if i changes wifi14:12
yellabs-r2ah, software, its alway's in beta ( versions )14:12
colbyfgioans: my advice would be to get the name of the wifi card you use and search for the installation, I have to do that with my wifi its on my next to do list14:13
colbyfgioans: sometimes it gives you the id of your card in BIOS14:14
colbyfbtw if anyone wants a file/directory shred added to there right click menu run this >> sudo apt-get install nautilus-wipe14:15
ubonesomeone stalk me in 5 seconds14:16
petrvscolbyf: why're you shredding?14:16
colbyfI like to shred everything and not normal delete, earlier today was working with pgp keys so wanted to be able to securely delete them14:17
colbyfplus I am paranoid and follow https://prism-break.org/en/   its how I ended up using Linux14:18
EriC^^!securedelete | colbyf14:18
yellabs-r2ubone , i just did the last 5 minutes , did you not notice ?14:18
EriC^^!secure-delete | colbyf14:18
petrvscolbyf: hope you're at least using -n 114:18
petrvsmore than that is a waste of time14:18
EriC^^ubottu is broke14:18
uboneseems to be broken, my notify14:18
petrvsubone: notify?14:19
EriC^^!secure-delete trusty | colbyf14:19
EriC^^!secure-delete | colbyf14:19
colbyfwell I am new so still learning, lol the wiper I am using suggests two wipes for modern hard drives14:19
EriC^^!secure-delete | trusty14:19
yellabs-r2colbyf , use etherape ( as root ) and you will be suprised as how many connection your computer makes on the net14:20
colbyfEric^^: Gonna check that out now thanks14:20
EriC^^!secure-delete trusty14:20
EriC^^colbyf: ok14:20
yellabs-r2unplug is the safest way LOL14:20
ubonepetrvs: notify-send14:20
colbyfahhh running away from PC in panic lol14:20
=== Danny__ is now known as DannyF
jeanjackfinally i use lightdm login script =)14:21
cassio3can I monitor the temp of my cpu, even other sensors, from an ubuntu livecd?14:22
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.14:22
colbyfEriC^^: it says secure-felete already installed, I wonder if natutilus wipe use it14:22
yellabs-r2colbyf, dont worry to much ..14:22
ubonecassio3: install gkrellm14:22
colbyfyellabs-r2: on VPN lol, with my tin foil hat14:23
EriC^^colbyf: it has a bunch of tools, like srm14:23
cassio3guess I would have to boot off of a usb...14:23
yellabs-r2have a nice day you all14:25
colbyfdon't 4get ur tin foil hat14:25
chotaz`wk1l_, EriC^^ thanks a lot for your input earlier, I've finally managed to fix my mysql server :))14:26
petrvscolbyf: there's basically 0 evidence anything more than a single overwrite is anything but an enormous waste of time14:26
colbyfpetrvs: ok, thats good to know lol used to run gutman i think that was 35 lol at least now I am down to 2 wipes :)14:28
petrvscolbyf: yeah... that's just a great way to spend our tax dollars they figured out, afaict14:29
nogoodnamesleftcolbyf, Are you using disk encryption? The issue with secure erase of -files- is that .. well inodes and SSDs and stuff.14:29
petrvswell if you use encryption, you don't have to erase14:29
chotaz`wwhat is the most secure way I can use to remotely connect to my home server? SSH?14:30
colbyfno I aint using disk encryption14:31
colbyfwas reading ssds re write to a space that isnt used as much are something like that anyways14:31
EriC^^chotaz`w: great :)14:32
colbyfI sometimes use disk encryption to format a hard drive thou, its way faster than other methods I think14:32
petrvschotaz`w: yes, ssh14:33
petrvscolbyf: but disk encryption doesn't format14:34
=== Mirodroid is now known as Mir
colbyfmmm doh lol14:36
marcanuyHi, after upgrading to 15.04 I can't connect to my wireless network, this is what syslog says: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10878997/   any idea?14:36
orohi all, is there a way where I can extract wpa_supplicant conf values for a NetworkManager connection? I have a problem where setting up wpa2/leap with NM does not connect but with a 4linelong wpa_supplicant.conf it does. I wanna find out what's the difference between the two configurations14:37
nogoodnamesleftmarcanuy, Not entirely sure, but what happens if you turn off the one of IP4 or IP6 that you aren't using?14:38
ioriamarcanuy, wifi it's not working or you can't connect to your lan ?14:40
marcanuyioria, I am currently connected to the router with a wired connection, wifi stopped working after upgrade14:40
marcanuynogoodnamesleft, how can I do that?14:41
marcanuysorry I didn't understand what you mean14:41
nogoodnamesleftmarcanuy, settings, network connections, iP4/IP6 tabs14:42
chotaz`wpetrvs, so the bigger the rsa i setup for my keys, the slower the connection will be, right?14:42
=== Thelks is now known as zz_Thelks
ioriamarcanuy, iwconfig ?14:43
petrvschotaz`w: some encryption is more intense and less performant than others14:43
chotaz`wpetrvs, I wanna prioritize security here, but I don't want to compromise speed, is that possible?14:44
petrvschotaz`w: if the default way latest stable openssh encrypted things was _remotely_ known to be vulnerable, though, not only would we all know about it, it wouldn't be the default14:44
petrvsthe whole point of openssh is to be secure already14:44
petrvsby default14:44
petrvsproactive security is the openbsd motto, practically: http://www.openbsd.org/14:44
jnp'sup guys14:44
petrvsand if it wasn't their's, it'd still be an "unofficial" Unix thing14:44
marcanuyioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10879067/14:45
petrvsjnp: suppah14:45
xxnoobsxxanyone having heat issues with ubuntu on a laptop? under windows 7 it doesnt run as hot as under ubuntu. anyone know how to fix?14:45
jnpI don't know14:45
jnpHaven't had those issues14:45
chotaz`wpetrvs, thanks for the insight, I've never used BSD before14:45
LogicalDashHey I'm shopping for my next computer and I have the option to make it an x86 tablet with a slot for a SIM card. If I get one of those (Getac T800) and install Ubuntu on it, will I then be able to make phone calls from the device? Or is it just mobile data?14:45
LogicalDashOr, uh, just a dumb card reader I guess?14:46
ioriamarcanuy, you should't use a passphrase in clear, in any case14:46
ioriamarcanuy, sorry, other matter ... :-)14:46
LogicalDashThis probably isn't a good channel for this question sorry14:47
rydzykjehello guys, i've added some env variables to /etc/profile and i would like to have them avilable without system restart. How can I restart shell?14:48
ioriamarcanuy, well, we have to test it ... change the ip of wlan0 ... different from eth0 and try to connect  in case use sudo ifup wlan014:48
petrvschotaz`w: openssh is maintained by the openbsd boys, is why I mention it14:48
petrvsprimarily, obviously it has many contributors14:48
chotaz`wpetrvs, I'm guessing the ssh implementation in ubuntu by default is openssh?14:49
petrvschotaz`w: yup14:50
chotaz`wpetrvs, a lil chat and i already feel safer, ahaha14:50
petrvsthere are some other ssh implementations, and afaik they all have great track records, too14:50
jodyhey guys14:51
petrvsbut they're more for special use cases, like minimal storage and strange environments14:51
petrvsjody: heyo14:51
jodygood evening14:51
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=== IAMVIRGIN_ is now known as newfag
eluxhello.. im trying to figure out if 15.04 is worth it.. ? i dont care for LXD14:53
eluxfeels like an act to try to capture mind-share during this containerization movement.. maybe im not seeing it, but its strange to see this14:53
petrvs'lo null14:54
petrvselux: LXD?14:54
nogoodnamesleftelux, As a user I have noticed some new icons, and that's about it. I had to rollback to 14.04 though on one machine due to a required kernel module being blacklisted.14:54
marcanuyIt disconnected my wired connection :(14:54
eluxi use it mainly on the server14:54
petrvsnogoodnamesleft: couldn't you unblacklist it?14:54
marcanuyioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10879067/14:54
marcanuynogoodnamesleft, ok I disabled ipv6 without luck so far14:55
petrvselux: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legion_of_Extraordinary_Dancers ?14:55
eluxpetrvs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseNotes14:55
rydzykjeany ideas why my terminal is closing after some commands?14:55
petrvsrydzykje: any particular commands?14:55
nogoodnamesleftpetrvs, When loaded, it hangs the machine (it's i2c_801) so I guess there was a reason for it14:55
rydzykjepetrvs: no matter14:55
petrvsif you say so14:55
nullcod3guys, does someone know how  i can add resolutions? im stucked on 1024x768 and it's max reso14:55
petrvsnogoodnamesleft: you can use most any kernel with most any userland14:56
rydzykjepetrvs: scp, chmod etc.14:56
petrvsincluding ancient ones14:56
ioriamarcanuy, ok, try to upgede... sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:56
petrvsand cutting-edge-r ones14:56
marcanuyioria, yes I have already did that14:56
nogoodnamesleftpetrvs, Yes, this machine used to have 14.10 but was using the 3.13 kernel from 14.04 instead of the 3.16 from 14.04. In the end it's too much effort just to get different launcher icons :-)14:57
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nogoodnamesleft3.16 from 14.1014:57
marcanuyrunning it again, just in case14:57
ioriamarcanuy, are you using Broadcom lspci -v | grep Network -A 514:57
rust__hard drive unable to mount.showing a process is in pending!! any idea ?14:58
marcanuyioria, Network controller: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe14:58
halfburnttoastHey, is anyone else getting an issue with 15.04 where it constantly is asking for the password to cryptswap? I installed it with the encryption and lvm and, every time I try to restart a service, it asks for the cryptswap password again14:58
halfburnttoastI've tried this on Ubuntu and Xubuntu 15.04 and it's happening in both14:59
rust__hard drive unable to mount.showing a process is in pending!! any idea ?14:59
ubottuGuest86592: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:59
petrvsrust__: says what?14:59
halfburnttoasthere it is in action: http://i.imgur.com/VzuDkV7.png15:00
ioriamarcanuy, lspci -v .... search for Network and the string : kernel driver in use:15:00
rust__petrvs: http://pastebin.com/iAaWGiss15:01
galigansomeone with experience with multimonitor with retina (high dpi) displays?15:01
rust__petrvs: I have an external toshiba hard drive. Its not mounting properly. afraid to lost data!!15:01
marcanuyioria, Kernel driver in use: rt2800pci15:02
Bluekinglogrotate and defining maxsize on file size on log files  doesn't seem to work properly ?15:02
petrvsrust__: unplug it and try a different usb port15:02
nogoodnamesleftgaligan, What's the issue?15:03
petrvsrust__: if that doesn't work, connect it to a Windows install and fsck it15:03
rust__petrvs: I tried !!15:03
adotare questions allowed now?15:03
petrvsrust__: tried what?15:03
petrvsadot: ?15:03
rust__petrvs: no!! let me try15:03
galigan@nogodnanesleft... not works well for me..15:03
ioriamarcanuy, sudo modprobe -r rt2800pci    and    sudo modprobe rt2800pci nohwcrypt=115:03
nogoodnamesleftgaligan, I have a massive problem with multi-monitor, but hidpi does work15:04
galiganIf I have two monitors, one withut retina.. It's not working..15:04
SchrodingersScat!ask | adot15:04
ubottuadot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:04
nogoodnamesleftgaligan, I don't know, mine are the same size.15:04
petrvsrust__: and if none of that works, try ntfsresize -fi /dev/foo#15:04
adotThe install routine for ubuntu does not see my windows recovery partition (D) only C...will I lose it?15:05
petrvsadot: you can always do manual partitioning15:05
petrvsadot: and then feel more assured it won't delete things you haven't told it to delete15:05
galiganI ended up, staying away from my 4k ( resolution) and working at 1920...15:06
petrvsadot: also, you could backup your recovery partition, which is a good idea anyways15:06
marcanuyioria, done it15:06
marcanuyioria, iwconfig does not shows the wlan015:06
rust__petrvs: error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs for /dev/sdc115:07
nogoodnamesleftgaligan, They make retina in 4k? what size is it?15:07
galiganno no15:07
petrvsrust__: what's that from, ntfsresize?15:07
BornToFlyBertHello everybody!15:08
marcanuyioria, NetworkManager[13584]: <warn> Couldn't disconnect supplicant interface: This interface is not connected.15:08
adotthank you15:08
rust__petrvs: ntfsresize -fi /dev/sdc1 ??15:08
galigannogoodnamesleft: its not retina ( i don't know) but it supports, 3840x216015:08
rust__petrvs: is it right  ?15:08
BornToFlyBertIs there anybody, who is familar with Ubuntu Server 14.04 concerning startup troubles, if I may ask?15:09
ioriamarcanuy, sudo modprobe -r rt2800pci nohwcrypt=1 and sudo modprobe  rt2800pci15:09
rust__petrvs: http://pastebin.com/2GnLbWJH15:10
rust__petrvs: http://pastebin.com/2GnLbWJH15:12
petrvsrust__: did you try from Windows already?15:12
rust__petrvs: yeah!! only showing format option!!15:13
petrvsrust__: no...15:13
petrvsrust__: you need to fsck it from Windows15:14
petrvsand please stop with the !'s...15:14
rust__petrvs: ok!! let me do15:14
tesmoJust came in for one thing.15:15
petrvstesmo: take your time15:15
tesmo!suggest 15.10 Wobbly Whale15:15
ubottutesmo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:15
deadmundKali_Yuga: hello15:17
harminurielhello, who has some experience with Orca and Mbrola voices? I'm not able to set mbrola voices to use with Orca screen reader15:18
petrvscan't encourage you enough to use a text browser and text2speech engine instead of trying to convert images into text15:19
colbyfhi, any idea which program I should use to view all process using the internet and how much they are using15:20
petrvscolbyf: nettop, maybe15:20
ngochaiHi guys, why my root is mount as /dev/root? http://pastebin.com/NfTjHEBJ15:23
colbyfyour suggestion put me onto NetHogs :)15:23
jarnos_Is there any reason why user would want to have both -generic and -lowlatency kernel on same installation?15:24
jarnos_What about -goldfish kernel?15:25
deadmundjarnos_: I see no reason not to have the option to choose both.  Please be aware low-latency has a very specific meaning / purpose.15:25
mistralolso ubuntu 15.04 server crashes about 5-10 minutes after boot15:25
mistralolanyone any suggestions?15:25
deadmundjarnos_: -goldfish is for the Android emulator?15:25
Kali_Yugairssi -n Kali_Yuga15:26
daftykinsjarnos_: you can only be booted into one at once...15:26
deadmundmistralol: Look at the logs such as dmesg after rebooting.  Do you get any errors on the screen?15:26
jarnos_deadmund, I guess so, so it can co-exist with -generic and -lowlatency kernel?15:26
mistraloldeadmund i know enough that the dmesg logs are cleared and the kernel logs from the syslog dont have anything relevent15:27
deadmundjarnos_: They can all be installed and given as options when you boot.15:27
mistraloljust wondering if anyone else has seen this yet?15:27
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jarnos_daftykins, so it is possible and not dangerous to install e.g. -generic kernel in Ubuntu Studio and boot such a kernel?15:28
deadmundmistralol: You can look at the logs from the previous boot in /var/log/<ITEM>/ITEM.1.log15:28
mistraloldeadmund yes i know. But they don't contain a kernel opps or anything like that15:28
deadmundmistralol: Ok, then I don't know :(15:29
mistralolit just hangs. So logs won't be written anyway. It seems to fall over any time I put any load on the machine15:29
jarnos_deadmund, I am working on a script that aims to remove some older kernels, but I am confused about what types of kernels I should take into account.15:29
mistraloldeadmund also it does it in a virtual machine as well15:29
mistraloldeadmund but int he virtual machine case VirtualBox just kills its self15:30
daftykinsjarnos_: what exactly do you hope to achieve by playing with kernels?15:30
deadmundjarnos_: Remove all the kernels except the one you're using?15:32
jarnos_daftykins, free space on /boot and /, keep only reasonable amount of older kernels and related packages.15:32
deadmundjarnos_: Maybe leave the "single-user" one just in case?15:32
daftykinsjarnos_: show a pastebin of "ls -al /boot"15:32
jarnos_deadmund, "single-user"?15:33
deadmundjarnos_: Isn't there some "recovery" kernel or something?15:35
rydzykjehey guys, I made a huge mistake with permissions. I can't run a lot of apps so I gave to all directories permisions CHMOD 1777 /* , I would like to go back to DEFAULT Permissions. Is it possible?15:36
daftykinsthat was a very, very bad move15:36
jarnos_deadmund, I don't think so, it is just same kernel booted with different parameters. Of course, if you leave more than one kernel, they can work as recovery kernel, if the newest one fails to boot for some reason.15:36
daftykinsrydzykje: no you cannot, not without painstakingly matching another install for comparison15:36
rydzykjedaftykins: i know... i run one stupid script...15:36
daftykinsrydzykje: what path did you set?15:36
daftykinsa script? wat15:37
rydzykjedaftykins: i was playing with 0755 permissions... and I put by mistake *15:37
zotherstupidguyis ubuntu server the best minimal ubuntu installation ever?15:37
deadmunddaftykins: I think he just means "the command"15:37
rydzykjedaftykins: later i couldnt run any application15:37
deadmundscript = a single command15:37
rydzykjedeadmund: so i started to give all chmod 177715:37
daftykinsrydzykje: yes but what path were you in at the time? type "history" to see what you ran15:38
angrywombati'm running 13.04 server (i know it's out of support as of January) - i'm having an issue where the machine can't figure out any DNS, but i can ping public IPs.. anyone have any thoughts? tried to install nscd so i could restart it and flush DNS but that won't work because no DNS will resolve, including ubuntu15:38
deadmundzotherstupidguy: I don't understand the question?15:38
jarnos_daftykins, deadmund, I have already published such a script, but I am developing it further: http://askubuntu.com/a/571360/2100515:38
daftykinsangrywombat: sorry, we can't in good conscience support an EOL release - upgrade to a supported release then we can talk.15:38
angrywombatdaftykins: i can't because of software dependencies15:38
rydzykjedaftykins: http://pastebin.com/S8F6hUhC15:38
angrywombatyou can't even point me in the right direction with this?15:39
daftykinsangrywombat: nope15:39
zotherstupidguydeadmund i want the least bloated ubuntu installation ever... which iso i should use?15:39
rydzykjedaftykins: but later I've changed chmod 1777 for tmp,opt,var,bin,etc...15:39
daftykinsrydzykje: reinstall time15:39
EnemteeHow do gtk-apps look in Kubuntu 15.04? OK or bad?15:39
rydzykjecmon rly?15:39
daftykinsyes really.15:40
daftykinsyou goofed BIG TIME15:40
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:40
rydzykjedaftykins: so last question, this command:  find /opt/jdk1* -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \; will give 0755 only to /opt/jdk* directory yes?15:41
ngochaiHi guys, why my root is mounted in /dev/root instead of /dev/mmcblk0p2? http://pastebin.com/NfTjHEBJ15:41
agrippazi wonder if someone cal help me install AESCrypt? I am following the directions in the documentation, which indicates that once i decompress the tgz file I downloaded from them, I will get a directory, but I do not get a directory, I get a file made of data and I don't know what to do with it. Help?15:41
daftykinsrydzykje: whatever you're doing there isn't right to do ever15:41
agrippazall this is command-line by the way15:41
rydzykjedaftykins: what's the right command to give 0755 permisions for the folder?15:42
daftykinsnot much point until you reinstall though eh?15:42
agrippaz"To install the command-line version, you will need the GNU C compiler and the “make” utility." -- does Ubuntu have these?15:42
daftykinsyou probably won't even be able to run most commands anymore.15:42
pbxagrippaz, yes15:42
rydzykjedaftykins: it's a point cause I running this command normaly on my VM not on local... on local I made a mistake15:42
agrippazpbx, i had to install "make" via apt-get... you sure?15:43
rydzykjedaftykins: so just tell me what's the correct command to give 0755 for the directory?15:43
nogoodnamesleftagrippaz, what exactly did you install? ubuntu should have make and gcc as standard15:43
daftykinsrydzykje: i'm saying that you shouldn't need to do that.15:43
daftykinswhatever you're up to, you're going about it wrong imo15:44
rydzykjedaftykins: but after "copy" directory has't correct permissions.15:44
agrippaznogoodnamesleft, AESCrypt 3.1015:44
daftykinsrydzykje: why are you copying it and not installing it properly?15:44
nogoodnamesleftagrippaz, What did you type to install "make" via apt-get?15:44
agrippaznogoodnamesleft, i am trying to install it but the directions don't make sense (https://www.aescrypt.com/documentation/AES%20Crypt%20User%20Guide.pdf)15:44
rydzykjedaftykins: java <3 by apt is installed in /usr/lib/jvm/java.... but I want it in /opt15:45
agrippaznogoodnamesleft, i get "you already have newest version" because i ran apt-get install make earlier when there was no make15:45
daftykinswhy does the path matter?15:45
daftykinsyou can't just fight package placements XD15:45
frecelI have accidentally installed two versions of the same package15:45
rydzykjedaftykins: I can :) im just asking you what's the proper command to set 0755 permissions for the directory, Im not asking for your opinion about that.15:46
Ben64rydzykje: you seem to not understand that you broke your system15:46
Teduardois there a way to query the possible modprobe options for a specific driver, for example i40e?15:46
rydzykjeBen64: i know i broke my ssystem15:46
agrippaznogoodnamesleft, pbx: when I run "tar -xzf aescrypt-x.y.z.tgz" i do not get a directory like the documentation says, I get a file and I don't know what to do with it15:47
Ben64rydzykje: so it doesn't matter how to set anything to 75515:47
rydzykjeBen64: but for me it's not important now, I know what kind of mistake I made15:47
daftykinsrydzykje: sorry, your lack of understanding of the topic is what is causing these issues.15:47
rydzykjeBen64: but I want to set it on my future VM.15:47
frecelso I'm wondering if there is a way to remove one version of the package and not the other15:47
daftykinsi know you just want a mythical command that'll solve all your problems, but what you're trying to do is wrong to begin with15:47
Ben64rydzykje: you don't though. you should never have to modify system permissions like that15:47
rydzykjeBen64: just for one directory under /opt. is it so hard to understand?15:47
rydzykjeBen64: so im asking how should i, what's the proper command?15:48
Ben64rydzykje: there is no proper command, because you're doing something that is not proper15:48
nogoodnamesleftagrippaz, the 3.6 section seems OK. What isn't working?15:48
rydzykjeBen64: why chaning permissions is not proper?15:48
Ben64because you'll break things15:48
agrippaznogoodnamesleft, when I run tar -xzf aescrypt-x.y.z.tgz, I get a file, not a directory15:49
nogoodnamesleftrydzykje, What they mean is "tell them exactly what you want to do, and they'll tell you a better way of doing it"15:49
agrippaznogoodnamesleft, the documentation states, "This should create a directory15:49
agrippazwith the same name, but without .tgz."15:49
agrippazhowever I can't cd to the new file, because it is not a directory15:49
agrippazit shows up in green on my CLI15:49
ai6pgrydzykje: I belive it's sudo chmod -R /target_directory - it's dangerous though15:50
rydzykjeok guys sooo :)15:50
pbxagrippaz, are you absolutely sure you typed the command exactly as shown? it will create a directory from the tgx15:50
pbx(tgz rather)15:51
agrippazpbx, i tried thrice, but i will try once more now15:51
rydzykjeBen64: I'm a noob user of Linux Ubuntu and noob user of Ansible. I have to prepare kind of installer of some 3rd part soft e.g JAVA. I want to install Java in /opt/jdk$VERSION but Java installed by APT is installed in /usr/lib/jvm/java.... That's why im moving JAVA folder to /opt and I want to give him this 0755 permissions. Is it clear right now?15:51
agrippazpbx, yes, i did it correctly. it decompresses the file but what it decompresses is another file, not a directory15:52
agrippaznogoodnamesleft, ^15:52
daftykinsrydzykje: still wrong, sorry.15:52
rydzykjedaftykins: what's wrong? lol. I explained all the stuff I want to do. Reason why is: becuase it's requirement cming from top.15:53
pbxagrippaz, share a shell session like this. http://dpaste.com/0VX1VXC15:53
agrippazpbx, sure just a sec15:54
mistralolrydzykje read the man pages for chmod, chown, find, xargs15:54
agrippazpbx, http://dpaste.com/3YWEPJH15:56
pbxagrippaz, ah, you're using the wrong file.15:56
rydzykjetime to start the weekend, enjoy your weekend guys. morning monday = reinstall ubnt. thanks and bye bye :)15:56
agrippazpbx, aaaahhh! it's the GUI version, isn't it?15:56
pbxagrippaz, right. and you're following the "Installing on Linux (non-GUI)" instructions15:57
pbx!root | agrippaz15:58
ubottuagrippaz: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:58
pbxoh never mind that, sorry agrippaz. was just wanting to give you the standard advice that working as root isn't generally a good idea15:59
agrippazpbx, thanks very much, i'll try to proceed from here. i know root is bad, this is a VM i spun up just to try this package15:59
agrippazpbx, stupid mistake on my part. how many times did I type "GUI" without thinking about it :(15:59
agrippazhave to install gcc now :(16:02
agrippazmaybe my stripped-down 15.05 includes like nothing16:02
mistralolagrippaz does it run for longer than 10 minutes for you?16:02
OerHeksagrippaz, wrong approach, instal build-essentials, the metapackage for gcc and tools16:02
OerHeks!info build-essentials16:02
ubottuPackage build-essentials does not exist in utopic16:03
mistralolyes it does16:03
OerHeks!info build-essential16:03
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.6ubuntu6 (utopic), package size 4 kB, installed size 37 kB16:03
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:03
agrippazmistralol, ahh, installing build-essential now16:03
agrippazit seems that i've "make"d it but can't run it16:07
trismagrippaz: you need to add ./ to the front, the current directory is not in PATH16:08
agrippaztrism, ahh. that has always confused me in linux16:09
* agrippaz goes to read up on PATH16:09
chandru_inHow do I customize the encryption configuration during installation from desktop CD? It works if I choose the defaults, but installer crashes if I try to customize it.16:11
marcanuyMy irc log is full and I've lost the last message the user "ioria" sent to me in this channel, can someone resend it?16:17
agrippazto avoid using root, i added a user using adduser, then I logged in, but stuff is all messed up, if I backspace, I get weird characters. why?16:18
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OerHeks!logs | marcanuy16:19
ubottumarcanuy: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.16:19
Guest47539how can I make a new login password if I forgot my old one? Is it possible?16:19
marcanuythanks OerHeks16:19
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords16:20
OerHeksGuest47539, easy job16:20
OerHeks*unless you have something encrypted ..16:21
denixxHi! I have a problem using kubuntu 15.04: When I do "ssh -l user -p 44 -L 8090:localhost:8090 -L 1234:localhost:5900 -R 5700:localhost:5900 my.hostname.org -N" - it opens connection, but when I try to use 5700 at remote computer, it says in local console "WARNING: Server requests forwarding for unknown listen_port 5700". I'll appreciate any help. It looks like some bug.16:23
denixxI have a brief look at sources of openssh-client, there is channels.c, method "channel_connect_by_listen_address(const char *listen_host, u_short listen_port, char *ctype, char *rname)" tries to do "if (open_listen_match_tcpip(&permitted_opens[i], listen_host, listen_port, 1)) {" and if nothing suits - do this error. I am trying to understand is it a bug somewhere in openssh-client, but do not understand C-things, I am a Java program16:23
rahulprodevHello, everyone, Is it ok to install 64bit ubuntu in 2gb ram laptop?16:26
daftykinsit is but it could be a bit wasteful, run 32-bit if you're not planning on upgrading16:26
rahulprodevdaftykins, ok, I think i will upgrade it... 2 days back one port of ram get damaged :(16:28
daftykinsthe socket or the module?16:28
daftykinshow'd that happen 0o16:28
rahulprodevdon't know I just opened my laptop for cleaning :P16:29
rahulprodevmay be that time... somehow it get damaged.16:29
rahulprodevafter sometime... it start behaving odd... I mean sometimes it works ok, some times laptop get stuck... and when I start fan runs fast and nothing comes...16:30
daftykinsperhaps you damaged it with some static electricity discharge on your person16:31
rahulprodevhm, atleast other parts are safe :) now working on 2gb ram :(16:32
daftykinsmemtest might have something to say about that ;)16:32
rahulprodevubuntu takes around 500 mb in normal use...16:34
Cihat_hello, I have a problem with 15.04 that at every boot fsck checking filesystems. I tried tune2fs to set 20 mount but no change.16:34
daftykinsyeah it tests your RAM16:34
daftykinshmm very patient there, Cihat_16:34
rahulprodevgot it!16:34
rahulprodevdaftykins thanks16:34
rahulprodevdeftykins, in 2gb - 64bit ubuntu is memory get wasted?16:35
OerHeksrahulprodev, 2 gb is fine, 1 gb will take more resources16:38
OerHeks*than 32 bit16:38
daftykins64-bit programs will be bigger in size and consume more RAM i'd expect, so it'd be wasteful yeah16:39
daftykinshence me saying it the first time (:16:39
rebornWhat do you have a RAM?16:41
rahulprodevhm OerHeks , daftykins Thanks...16:41
petrvsno memory is wasted in GNU/Linux16:41
petrvswhat'd be a waste is using 32-bit software with a 64-bit processor16:42
daftykinsi disagree with that comment16:42
rahulprodevreborn, I have 4 gb 2 days back but now my one port is damaged so only one port is working and its 2gb16:42
rebornhow about order 2 gb? it cost cheap.16:43
daftykinsthe socket is damaged, we're told16:43
petrvsdaftykins: whooptie16:43
daftykinsyou could have all the RAM in the world.16:43
nogoodnamesleftbuy larger module, but check the laptop can handle it. they are weird and proprietary.16:43
rahulprodevreborn socket damaged16:43
rebornthat's problem.16:43
nogoodnamesleft2 gig is enough anyway16:44
nogoodnamesleftif you're just using the laptop for facebook and the odd bit of letter writing16:44
rahulprodevIs here anyone want to replace 4 gb with 2 rams of 2 gb :P :P16:44
petrvs2 is in fact enough for most anything16:45
petrvswe have very little things we didn't have in the days when 2GB was the consumers' upper limit16:45
rebornwhich is the desktop environment you will have it?16:45
ioriarahulprodev, use pen drive as external ram chaning the priority ? just a thought16:45
rahulprodevreborn ubuntu 15.04 just installed16:46
zykotick9ioria: that's funny...16:46
rahulprodevioria, pen drive as a ram never tried...16:46
rebornhave a consider about mate?16:46
rebornubuntu mate16:47
iorianeither do i.. i think it's just a swap, not use16:47
rahulprodevnot yet I will check it16:47
ioriarahulprodev, the problem is changing the priority... i don't know how it affects the ram16:47
rahulprodevif ubuntu not going me give big issue with 2gb - 64bit then 2 gb is enough for me.16:48
petrvsit won't16:48
rahulprodevaha! then it's fine16:48
vitimitirahulprodev, I'm using it in a 1.5GB laptop and it goes nicely16:48
rahulprodevvitimiti, 64bit?16:48
vitimitirahulprodev, yes, and UEFI16:49
rahulprodevvitimiti, hm then I don't need to worry about it.16:49
rahulprodevI just don't want to lose my another socket. :D :D16:49
ioria /proc/sys/vm/swappiness16:49
rahulprodevI checked16:50
rahulprodevgiving me number: 6016:50
rahulprodevioria, what it means?16:50
ioriayou can increase or decrease the use of swap16:51
rebornlaptop or desktop?16:51
petrvsrahulprodev: that's default, IIRC16:51
ioriaSetting this parameter to a low value will reduce swapping from RAM, and is known to improve responsiveness on many systems.16:51
joshh20Is Ubuntu 15.04 a stable release or still beta?16:51
ioria0-100 valu16:52
petrvsthe way Linux does swappiness by default is arguably a bit silly16:52
petrvsthough for most people it will never be an issue16:52
rahulprodevreborn laptop16:54
rebornoh, that's suck.16:54
rahulprodevwhat do you think, what right value I can set of swap so it improve my system?16:55
petrvsrahulprodev: it'll probably be fine with the default16:56
ai6pgUbuntu 14.10 is available.16:56
pantatoi like watching things upgrade16:56
rahulprodevpetrvs, ok, I was reading the wiki link you given... it tells about 0, 1, 10, 60 and 10016:57
ioriano clue16:57
rahulprodevdefault will be fine :)16:57
petrvsit will be fine16:58
petrvsmost people use the default, most people don't even know what swappiness is16:58
petrvsyou don't need to fine tune everything on your first day16:58
petrvsor perhaps ever16:58
ioriarahulprodev, you really damaged your ram socket ?16:58
rahulprodevaha, and I don't want to damage my any other part of laptop... lol.16:59
rahulprodevioria yup :) i opened my laptop for cleaning, then i close, and after that it was working fine...16:59
rahulprodevbut in between it get stuck at somepoint and when ever i restart16:59
rahulprodevonly fan starts very fast and no bios comes in no boot.17:00
rahulprodevhaha my laptop just overcome from trauma. :P17:00
rahulprodevfirst I thought graphic card damaged.17:00
=== steffen is now known as Guest54815
rahulprodevbut after messing with ram I just realized17:01
rahulprodevmy ram socket story :P :P :P17:01
ioriaweel, at the end it's just a socket ... a good technician could change it17:02
Munchiei have a problem. i am hopeing you can help me.17:02
rahulprodevioria, I think vaio socket is difficult to find.17:02
aphidafter an update to 15.04 it boots to black screen text login.. if I do that it lists a few errors that all end in: Read-only file system17:02
rahulprodevmaybe if i find.. then I'll be happy.17:03
Munchieyes i am a technician.17:03
Guest54815Hi, wonderful people ! I'm having trouble getting my wifi on an older (2009) macbook air working. Anybody got some knowledge to share ? :)17:03
rahulprodevthanks, ioria, petrvs and others for help :)17:03
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages17:03
Munchiei have a users macbook pro. they lost there entire mac os due to ubuntu desktop error.17:03
Munchiewhen you turn there mac  on there is only a folder with a ? on it nothing else.17:04
Munchiei have tryed to find booting methods  to reinstall but nothing.17:04
aphidlooks like this http://askubuntu.com/questions/613334/ubuntu-15-04-problem-booting-with-systemd17:04
ioriaMunchie, around here should be a mac magician.... i don't remember who, sorry17:05
Munchiecould you find someone please  i have been at this for ohurs.17:06
Munchiehonestly i hate to tell the customer i can't fix it.17:06
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Guest54815Ok, so Ubuntu does actually suggest a broadcom driver in "addtional drivers", however the wifi does not start working after enabling and rebooting. Any suggestions ? or is there a more appropriate place for me to ask this ?17:06
ioriabloody broadcom17:07
Guest54815Yep !17:07
rking@Guest54815, Have you actually made sure the driver activated.17:07
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:07
Munchieioria if i show you a picture of my problem would that help?17:07
raphussometimes you have to select and click apply multiple times until it works17:07
raphusi had to repeat that 3 times for my macbook air17:08
daftykinsMunchie: so to be sure, you're wanting to fix the OS X install?17:08
Guest54815@rking not any further than the "additional drivers" application tells me that I'm using the driver.17:08
ioriahe 's coming ,,,,, :)17:08
Munchiedafty. the mac only shows a folder with a question mark on it and nothing else17:09
daftykinsMunchie: that is not what i asked17:09
wub_wubAnyone got any idea what could be wrong here: http://i.imgur.com/lIHz9ns.jpg During startup after upgrading to 15.04 xubuntu it just freezes on that point and stays like that17:09
Munchieyes i want to fix or recover the os x install.17:09
rking@Guest54815, Do you see the dot next to the additional driver you need. Many times ( on 14.04 ) using any proprietary or additional drivers takes several times for it to actually read it then download and install.17:10
daftykinsMunchie: alright, so have you used the recovery boot keypress after the chime sound?17:10
ioriaGuest54815, have you tried sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source and then again Add Dri ?17:10
raphus@rking +1 as i said i needed to repeat that step 3 times17:10
raphusat MBA 6,217:10
rking@Guest54815, Or you can change from "Main" server to "United States" server and alot of times that fixed it not downloading.17:10
Guest54815@rking Yes the dot is definitely there.17:10
Munchiewich is  option and c right. yes.17:10
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:11
rking@raphus, I know, but there's other ways to fix it and that doesn't always work.17:11
daftykinsMunchie: no it's command+option+R17:11
Munchieok i will try it.17:11
Guest54815@ioria Well, unfortunately I dont have any USB converter thingy to access ethernet. So.. I'm completely offline.17:11
raphusI read that there is one specific broadcom card which is impossible to get to work with ubuntu 14.0417:12
petrvsraphus: good story17:12
Munchienope still the same thing the folder with question mark.17:12
daftykinsMunchie: so what happened with Ubuntu to allegedly cause this?17:13
Guest54815@raphus That would be unlucky.. Got the model no of that one ? I believe mine is BCM432117:13
ioriaGuest54815, it's difficult, then17:13
_war10ck_Is gcc-5 out for Ubuntu 12.04.5?17:13
Munchiethere was a error wile it was installing.17:14
rkingI've never seen ANY bcm43 that wouldn't work with Ubuntu after some nudging.17:14
rkingand that's with 900+ desktops17:14
daftykinsMunchie: alright boot the ubuntu live session again17:14
Guest54815@raphus Yes. Maybe I should try 14.04 - have only tried 15.04.17:14
Munchiethen the mac showed up with a folder and question mark.17:14
daniel3_Is there a new method now to allow X11 to "anyone".  When trying to do dpkg-reconfigure x11-common I get a problem with "x11-common.service is masked."17:14
Munchienothing is booting. the only thing bootig is the folder with a question mark.17:14
rking@guest54815, I would really stick with the LTS releases unless you have the knowledge to fix stuff like that on your own. But I don't know your tech level so ;)17:14
daftykinsMunchie: you have to hold left alt whilst a flash drive or DVD is plugged in, after the chime - to boot another device.17:15
ioriaGuest54815, you don't have ethernet ?17:15
rahulprodevHey, anyone please check, I'm getting this error, [3179.708100] usb 1-1.2: device not accepting address 82 error -7117:15
ioriachange the port17:15
Munchiei did.17:15
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daftykinsMunchie: then try again please.17:16
Munchiedo you want me to redownload the installer make flashdrive bootable then try again?17:16
Guest54815@rking Well I'm a developer and have been running Ubuntu for the past 5 years. So I feel comftable enough around the free world. I just happen to need a cheap laptop, and a refurbished Macbook air seemed like a good investment at the time...17:16
daftykinsMunchie: why doesn't the flash drive still exist from earlier?17:17
Guest54815@ioria Unfortunately not, no..17:17
OerHeks_war10ck_, no, http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/gcc , but there is a ppa, use at your own risc ( build 1 hr ago ) https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test17:17
daftykinsMunchie: also consider zapping the PRAM to help this situation, the key combo is on the Apple website.17:17
Munchiebecause it was the customer that was installing it not me.17:17
rking@guest54815, Yeah, I know what you mean. Have you tried the recommendations in that help doc !broadcam17:17
ioriaGuest54815, i see, then get a usb eth17:17
Munchiesend link to the keys combo please and thank you.17:18
raphus@Guest54815 Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 ( is just fine... thats what my system report/wifi sais17:18
daftykinsMunchie: no.17:18
Guest54815@rking I think I have, but I'll have another look !17:18
Munchiei will try the installation myself. right now.17:19
raphus@Guest54815 did you install ubuntu with network access?17:19
rking@Guest54815, If not, pm me a little bit later. I have a lot of experience with those issues.17:19
Guest54815@raphus Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 ( - appearently not close enough.. ¨17:19
nogoodnamesleftGuest54815, did you try to usb tether it to your phone, then -fully- update it? That fixed 2015 macbook air wifi for me17:20
Guest54815@rking Awesome, thanks !17:20
Guest54815@nogoodnamesleft I did not even think of that ! I'll try that!.17:21
raphus@nogoodnamesleft @Guest54815 i forgot to mention thats what i did too... apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source17:22
Guest54815Great - Will reboot now, and try it out !17:23
raphusgood luck :)17:23
Munchieking. he mac won't even bring up booting methods. its in limbo with the folder question mark17:24
daftykinsMunchie: i think you should focus on getting this persons data back from their OS X install first.17:26
Munchiei have there data. all i need to do is find a installer for the mac.17:27
Munchiei dont have anything other than a dmg yosemite installer,17:27
daftykinsMunchie: they install their OSs over the internet these days, but only when the recovery partition can be booted. so you might be out of luck17:27
Munchiei am trying to find a way to boot the file to install the os.17:27
daftykinstaking it to an Apple store might be the easiest if you're near one17:28
daftykinsotherwise you have to convert the dmg to an ISO / img and put that on a flash drive17:28
Abhishekubuntu 14.04 not showing up wifi signals ! how to solve this ?17:28
raphusyeah it helped me too... it was free (back in the snow leopard days)17:28
Munchieso your saying that there is no way of fixing this?17:28
brainwashis this the Apple support channel?17:29
daftykinsbrainwash: no i'm just feeling charitable today since allegedly Ubuntu hosted an entire Mac :D17:29
raphus@brainwash no its the general ubuntu channel17:29
Munchieafter all what ever the error was it was ubuntus installation.17:29
Abhisheki think wifi drivers are missing or something. how to solve this Dell inspiron 3521 ?17:29
daftykinsMunchie: well zap the PRAM like i said, then boot a live session and we can see what's left of the disk... but i think it's game over, yes17:29
daftykinsAbhishek: check 'additional drivers' for any offers of wifi drivers17:30
Munchiethe disk is empty.17:30
=== BOHverkill is now known as BOHverkill___
daftykinsMunchie: i'd like to see evidence of that first hand. if you're going by the image, that's wrong17:31
Munchieif we can find away to get past the question mark folder everything would be so much easyer.17:31
raphus@all should we launch a channel for ubuntuOnMac support?17:32
daftykinsMunchie: that's the Mac's EFI saying what's on the disk isn't bootable. you don't just *get past it* without following what i've already said :)17:32
OerHeksfrom apple https://support.apple.com/kb/DL1433?locale=en_US  recovery disc assistant dmg17:33
Abhishekdaftykins: no wifi drivers are showing up17:33
daftykinsMunchie: so i'm guessing at this point that you tried to let Ubuntu's installer resize the OS X partition?17:33
daftykinsOerHeks: sadly not much help without a working mac to use to put it on a flash drive :)17:33
ioriaAbhishek, try sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source     reboot and check again17:34
Munchieno. because i still can't boot from the flashdrive because the combo keys arn't working.17:34
daftykinsMunchie: right but you said you had to redownload Ubuntu before?17:35
OerHeksMunchie, tried to reset the macbook pro ?17:35
Munchieis there  specific  buntu iso/ dmg i need to install with mac?17:35
raphusthe regular one works just fine17:35
raphus64bit of course17:35
thmsBuying a macbook to install ubuntu17:36
daftykinsi have suggested this OerHeks but Munchie didn't seem to want to look it up, i mentioned PRAM reset17:36
thmsSell it, buy a dell XPS17:36
OcniosHello, I have a windows machine I do my day to day work on - I have ubuntu 14 installed on a server, is there a program i can install / use on windows to 'RDP' into Ubuntu?17:36
daftykinswe don't know that that's the story here, but yes it does sound quite futile - thms. less judging might be helpful here however17:37
thmsEven better, go in some street without camera, then simulate someone stealing it, sell it, buy 2 '15 XPS17:37
Munchielol thats because i tryed that method already.17:37
petrvsOcnios: tigervnc's vncviewer17:37
raphus@Ocinos use vnc17:37
Munchiei have been at this for ohurs.17:37
Ocnioswould tightvnc work?17:37
petrvsOcnios: yes17:37
Ocniosaesome, thanks17:37
daftykinsMunchie: well come back once you've booted ubuntu again anyway :)17:37
daftykinsMunchie: otherwise, an apple store is your best bet17:37
raphus@Ocinos yes, but for that to work you first have to install a desktop-environment of you choice17:37
raphusi would suggest a lightweight like KDE or XFCE17:38
OerHeksor the ##apple guys on #freenode ?17:38
Munchiesend me link to download the right ubunto iso for mac.17:38
Ocniosraphus I'm confused... I have Ubuntu 14 w/ GUI17:38
daftykinsMunchie: ubuntu.com .17:38
Munchieand i will contact the customer.17:38
huggois this the help channel?17:38
daftykinshuggo: yes17:38
raphus@Ocinos which GUI is on the server17:38
huggoi got this: 1394 guid are invalid in both cmos and flash17:39
huggowhen i boot up the pc17:39
OcniosIt's a dell server blade running vsphere so Ubuntu is a VMachine17:39
petrvsOcnios: needs more v's17:39
OerHekshuggo seems like you try to boot from 1394 firewire17:40
raphus@Ocinos afaik ubuntu-server comes with no gui17:40
huggoOerHeks :) how?17:40
huggooh wait17:40
Ocniosraphus it's not ubuntu-server17:40
huggoi wrote on a website that i should use DOS envioment17:40
OcniosIt's Ubuntu 14 'desktop'17:40
huggoOerHeks ^17:40
raphus@Ocinos alright then just install tightvnc. If the tech specs are above 2gb ram and Dual-Core (set for the VM) unity should work just fine over tightvnc17:41
huggo but then i thought again, maybe i could use a bash envioment OerHeks17:41
Munchiedafty what is the recomended usb making method for mac i usally use  yummy but idk if that will work for mac.17:41
raphus@Ocinos just try apt-get install tightvnc-server if its not performant enough you can still install XFCE or KDE17:41
isaquealves_ /msg Nickserv identify 1623451617:42
daftykinsMunchie: what OS are you making it from? Windows? i assume you meant YUMI17:42
petrvsshould be fine, although you might have to disable accelerated window effects17:42
petrvsisaquealves_: bummer man17:42
OerHeksisaquealves_, time to change password17:42
Munchiei have yosemite but its in dmg.17:42
petrvsisaquealves_: you can set that in xchat's config, so you don't have to do it manually17:42
daftykinsOerHeks: that's not a login but a verification17:42
OerHeksdaftykins, oh, you are right, got triggered by Nickserv17:43
Munchiebut if i am going to install ubuntu on this mac what do you recomend to use for usb booting?17:43
petrvsare there really special steps for macs?17:44
raphusthere are several ways... i use refind how about you guys?17:44
OerHeksi thought that installing on a mac was pretty simple , see the mactel pages..17:44
daftykinsMunchie: UUI or YUMI are fine17:45
Munchieok. makeing it now17:45
raphusi thought so too... cuz nearly all googler use macbooks and their goobuntu...17:45
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delinquentmewhat are documented / known bugs awaiting fixes referred to as?17:46
raphusi wonder how they survive without the pci-iSight... their meetings are mainly in hangouts i heard17:46
Savemechguys i got kernel panic, if i do installation on btrfs at 15.04, i think this is not ok17:46
OerHeksdelinquentme, CVE ? http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/cve/pkg/ALL-linux.html17:47
OerHeksSavemech, there are known issues with btrfs https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/144525217:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1445252 in linux (Ubuntu Vivid) "[vivid] btrfs deadlock at mount/boot" [High,Triaged]17:49
petrvsisthisreallife: 'fraid it is17:49
petrvsxubuntu_: #ubuntu-zh, IIRC17:49
petrvsxubuntu_: make that #ubuntu-cn17:49
isthisreallifewhy i get the software on this computer is up to date when i run sudo update-manager -d17:49
isthisreallifei have 14.0417:50
isthisreallifeand would like to upgrade to 15.0417:50
daftykinsisthisreallife: because you should never run that. you have to update to 14.10 first :)17:50
EriC^^sudo do-release-upgrade17:50
raphusor just clean-install... its the best choice in any case17:50
isthisreallifeEriC^^ i did run this command17:50
isthisreallifeand i still have 14.0417:51
OerHeksisthisreallife, the -d(evelopment) option should lead you to 15.10 , only when you have 15.0417:51
wub_wubHey guys, could someone point me in the right direction on how to solve this: http://i.imgur.com/lIHz9ns.jpg  I can't start my xubuntu install after "upgrading" to 15.0417:51
EriC^^isthisreallife: type grep Prompt /etc/something/something17:51
EriC^^isthisreallife: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades17:51
OerHekswub_wub, hold shift@boot to boot in recovery?17:52
isthisreallifegrep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades17:52
EriC^^yeah change lts to normal17:52
isthisreallifewhat do i need to type?17:52
wub_wubOerHeks, that works, but I'm not able to find out how to fix the issue and boot into normal environment17:52
EriC^^sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades17:53
wub_wubI think it has something to do with systemd and networking, but I'm not 100% sure17:53
wub_wubIn hindsight I probably shouldn't have upgraded...17:53
isthisreallifechanged to normal17:53
isthisreallifenow what17:53
EriC^^sudo do-release-upgrade17:53
EriC^^you mean in nano? ctrl+o saves ctrl+x to exit17:54
davegarathHi all, I've a problem with audio. with alsamixer I found channel speaker to 0 I have to make louder this channel to hear something. but after reboot speaker is back 0. I run sudo alsactl store but it seams not work17:55
davegarathI use ubuntu 14.0417:55
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isthisreallifehttp://pastie.org/10112063    EriC^^17:56
isthisreallifei guess something went wrong17:56
ioriaisthisreallife, ppa maybe... do you have them       ?17:57
EriC^^isthisreallife: comment out the ppa's in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/17:57
Ocnioswhat does 'nano' do/mean? ex: nano ~/.vnc/xstartup17:58
EriC^^isthisreallife: sudo sed -i 's/^/#/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*17:59
daftykinsit's a text editor17:59
daftykinsOcnios: ^17:59
xanguathe best would be to complety remove the PPA and packages17:59
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html17:59
EriC^^isthisreallife: ^ xangua 's comment17:59
Munchiei see what is going on my customer didnt have proper internet and the iso for ubuntu didnt finish. so i am  going to re download this iso and try to see if everything gets fixed then. i will let you know when this is done dafty then you can walk me threw the boot/ install process. =)18:00
EriC^^maybe save whatever you need, and try reinstalling after the update isthisreallife18:00
isthisreallifeso id lost any data?18:00
ioriaisthisreallife, in any case,   grep Broken /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log  says something ?18:00
warusДайте на Русский канал18:00
daftykinsMunchie: no thanks!18:01
ioriayes what  ?18:01
UbuntuInstallerI managed to create an Ubuntu USB stick but when I boot into it it just behaves like an installer rather than an installed operating system.18:01
EriC^^isthisreallife: it would remove all the config's of the package i guess18:01
daftykinsMunchie: you can't just go ahead and install, a Mac won't boot with only Ubuntu on the disk. It needs at least one OS X volume afaiui18:01
UbuntuInstallerI managed to create an Ubuntu USB stick but when I boot into it it just behaves like an installer rather than an installed operating system.18:01
EriC^^UbuntuInstaller: that's what it does18:01
isthisreallifeioria ^18:01
EriC^^UbuntuInstaller: how did you create the ubuntu usb?18:02
Munchiethen how do i get this?18:02
UbuntuInstallerEriC^^, I created it from the Ubuntu DVD I think18:02
UbuntuInstallerIt was a while ago18:02
warusдайте на русский канал18:02
EriC^^UbuntuInstaller: what do you mean?18:02
OerHeksinstaller/live mode: you have to select keyboard language etc. first, that is normal.18:02
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UbuntuInstallerEriC^^, You boot into the live cd and then there is an option to create a usb18:03
UbuntuInstallerI think I used startup disc creator, maybe that was wrong18:03
EriC^^UbuntuInstaller: that just creates a startup usb that installs ubuntu18:03
UbuntuInstallerEriC^^, OK so I need Ubuntu Ubuntu!18:03
EriC^^UbuntuInstaller: you have to click on install ubuntu, and select the usb in the manual partitioning18:04
EriC^^also select where you want the bootloader to be installed18:04
EriC^^so you don't overwrite the one on your hdd18:04
UbuntuInstallerEriC^^, I looked into that but then I thought I'm trying to install it to SDA6 (usb) but I'm booted into SDA6 - "right now", won't this cause a problem?18:05
EriC^^sda6 is not the usb.. i dont think so18:05
ioriaisthisreallife, well, purge ppa and you should sudo apt-get remove those  packages18:05
EriC^^UbuntuInstaller: are you booted in the live usb right now?18:05
deviosweird question for you all: i want to download the package lists from a number of cydia repositories (jailbroken iphone apps) on my ubuntu system - any suggestions for how to accomplish this?18:05
UbuntuInstallerEriC^^, Other PC18:05
UbuntuInstallerBut yes18:05
EriC^^UbuntuInstaller: ?18:06
UbuntuInstallerUSB is on laptop but booted up now yes18:06
EriC^^ok, you can't install to the usb while it's booted18:06
EriC^^you have to either boot the .iso from grub, or make another live usb/cd18:06
UbuntuInstallerEriC^^, Yeah I think I just need to move it to the ubuntu on PC and do it there.18:07
isthisreallifeioria what commands do i need to run?   sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:whatever/ppa18:07
UbuntuInstallerEriC^^, Thanks18:07
EriC^^UbuntuInstaller: no problem18:07
SCHAAP137greetings, homies18:07
wub_wubokay, one last shot before I give up - does anyone have any idea on how to fix this issue http://i.imgur.com/lIHz9ns.jpg so that it'll continue with booting and not freeze on that point18:07
SCHAAP137anyone else running MATE in 15.04, and noticing that the notification tray icons don't align/center automatically?18:08
UbuntuInstallerEverything I do these days is a reality inside a reality inside a reality.18:08
EriC^^isthisreallife: ppa-purge <package>18:08
SCHAAP137need to change the panel size to force them into aligning properly18:08
SCHAAP137each time18:08
EriC^^isthisreallife: it'll remove the ppa and it's configs i think and try to install whatever is in the repos18:08
UbuntuInstallerCheers seeya18:09
ioriaisthisreallife  sudo apt-get purge package_name18:09
xanguarepository/name actually18:09
ioriaisthisreallife, a sec,,, please418:10
ioriaisthisreallife, sudo ppa-purge ppa:repository-name/subdirectory     but i think you need to install  ppa-purge18:11
isthisreallifeso how do i know what packages to uninstall?18:14
isthisreallifeall of them?18:14
finetundrahas anyone gotten any ubuntu flavor to work on an IBM eServer xSeries 225 type 8647?18:14
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daftykinsisthisreallife: what's this, you have PPAs enabled?18:16
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:16
ubhhi all! I need help with 15.04 server for connect to my wifi via cliluw .18:20
ubhhi all! I need help with 15.04 server for connect to my wifi via CLI.18:20
ubhfollowed "3.2" section here---> http://bernaerts.dyndns.org/linux/74-ubuntu/230-ubuntu-setup-wifi-commandline18:21
MonkeyDustubh  wifi with a server is not wise... and it's better to stick with LTS for servers18:21
ubhbut not success18:21
ubhhi MonkeyDust: my laptop has eth broken, so only wlan0 is working an the server is a hobby-home project ;)18:21
King_DuckZhello, I'm trying to watch a bluray using vlc, I followed this http://askubuntu.com/questions/140080/playing-blu-ray-using-vlc but I get an error like "bluray error no valid key found in the aacs configuration file"18:22
raphushav you installed ubuntu-hidden-features?18:24
daftykinsKing_DuckZ: not so sure about VLC usage, but certainly makemkv will help what you're trying to do.18:24
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King_DuckZdaftykins: isn't it to rip movies?18:26
daftykinsKing_DuckZ: not anymore18:26
daftykinsthat's all i can say ;)18:26
King_DuckZdaftykins: it's not in the repository, is it?18:29
daftykinsKing_DuckZ: no18:30
King_DuckZah nvm I just found this http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Multimedia/Video/MakeMKV18:31
King_DuckZlooks promising18:31
ubhNo one?18:32
raphus@ubh did you try this?: http://askubuntu.com/questions/294257/connect-to-wifi-network-through-ubuntu-terminal18:33
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SineDeviancehi. i tried to install ubuntu 15.04 and my house burned down. i tried removing it from the hospital bed in the burn ward, but it seems you can't uninstall evil. is there a priest available?18:42
creinkeSo, I upgraded two machines to Vivid yesterday -- today I find them both complaining "No space left on device".  Both of them have a huge file at "/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_vivid-security_main_source_Sources.bz2" -- apparently as large as the filesystem has space for.18:43
MonkeyDustSineDeviance  find more jokes in #ubuntu-offtopic18:43
SchrodingersScat!ot | SineDeviance18:43
ubottuSineDeviance: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:43
ioriaSineDeviance, what's up ?18:43
EriC^^SineDeviance: well, :D18:44
SineDevianceif no priest is available, i18:44
SineDeviancei'll* gladly accept a techromancer18:44
SineDeviancesorry guys, had to18:44
SineDeviancecarry on!18:44
eggbeaterMonkeyDust: is that even a channel?18:45
SchrodingersScateggbeater: quite18:45
ioriaSineDeviance, 15.04 it's not properly a lts ... 16 will be i heard18:46
EriC^^SineDeviance: what exactly blew up?18:46
* creinke assumes he can delete this file.18:48
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Nooby_Onelooking for some help with HPLIP in ubuntu 14: my printer does not show18:52
MonkeyDusteggbeater  is what a channel?18:53
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ioriaNooby_One, try sudo service cups restart18:54
Nooby_One@ioria... i just type in terminal what you typed there? just copy/paste?18:55
ioriaNooby_One, yes18:55
stacks88Running ubuntu server 14.04.2, so i ran apt-get update;apt-get upgrade and a few of the packages it wants me to update are: mysql-client-5.5 mysql-client-core-5.5 mysql-common mysql-server mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server-core-5.5 and so the problem right now is my guy is running some mysql tasks that are putting the mysql processes to work, using up cpu etc. I don't want to interrupt or have18:55
stacks88mysql be restarted, screwing up any potential progress or stuff hes doing. So ive been holding back on upgrading those packages. my question is: How can i find some sort of release log, change log, or somewhere to find out the importance of these packages? like what if the reason why ubuntu wants to upgrade these packages are due to some security update? How would i even know? It just says The18:55
stacks88following packages will be upgraded:, so i thought maybe there is a URL or site or place i can go to , to read about what is different in these new mysql packages or upgrades, or to determine if i can hold off a bit longer or not. any ideas?18:55
ioriaNooby_One, check if hp shows,18:56
Nooby_Onenope, still no devices found18:57
OerHeksNooby_One, what hp printer exactly?18:57
Nooby_Onehp deskjet 552518:57
Nooby_Onehowever, the problem might actually be with the printer as supposed to ubuntu18:57
ioriaNooby_One, is it up ?18:58
Nooby_One@oerheks... just a personal question... seen you around here a few times... just by the name... Nederlander of Belg? ;)18:58
Nooby_One@ioria... yes, printer is turned on18:59
Nooby_Onewifi light is lit as well18:59
ioriaNooby_One, sudo hp-setup19:00
ioriaNooby_One, wifi not usb ?19:00
Nooby_One@oerheks... the problem with your link is the first line: connect usb cable, mine came without :s19:00
Nooby_One@ioria... same thing, no devices found19:01
OerHeksNooby_One, oh, you need one to setup, AFAIK19:01
ioriaNooby_One, wifi is working ?19:01
Nooby_Onei'm on wifi on the laptop, and the printer wifi light is lit up as well19:01
Nooby_One@oerheks, there was no cable with purchase, it was a wifi setup19:02
ioriaNooby_One, that thing should have the wifi configuration on it19:02
ioriaNooby_One, SetoUp button19:03
Nooby_One@ioria, do you mean the settings on the printer?19:03
ioriaNooby_One, yep, if it's wifi19:03
xanguayou first need to connect the printer to your wifi19:03
Nooby_One@ioria... looking for it19:04
Nooby_One@ioria, what do you need?19:04
Nooby_Onei have printed an info sheet19:05
ioriaNooby_One, well, if it's wifi, it's like a pc... should visualize a Network...  an A.P., a router19:06
Nooby_One@ioria... there are many numbers, names, etc... can you be more specific in what you need to know? ip? DSN? ...?19:07
ioriaNooby_One, press SetUp and move keys looking  for wifi Network...    it's the first installation ?19:08
Nooby_Oneno, it used to work (but not within HPLIP, but stand alone in ubuntu) however, for some reason it stopped working on my dualboot laptop both in win and ubuntu, even after a factory reset19:09
Nooby_Oneaccording to the touchscreen wireless and wireless are on19:10
ioriaNooby_One, if you have the Manual scroll to wireless network19:10
Nooby_Onehowever, the IP page of the printer says that i am connected to a network, but not to the internet... :s19:11
ioriaNooby_One, you have entered the passphrase ?19:11
Nooby_Oneyou mean password? yes19:12
ioriaNooby_One, and in Ubuntu, from printers - Add you can find anything ?19:14
trippelI just installed a copy of Ubuntu Mate 15.04 and found eth0 not being specified in /etc/network/interfaces Is that correct that way?19:15
Nooby_Oneyes, from printers it is on the list and testpage is printing19:15
Nooby_Onei think the problem is the printer itself19:15
Nooby_Oneis it normal to have as DSN?19:16
ioriaNooby_hp-makeuri IP-ADDRESS19:16
thmsIs auth_basic a custom module ?19:17
Nooby_Onesorry, ioria, don't know what you mean now19:17
thmsnginx: [emerg] unknown directive "auth_basic_user" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:4119:17
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Nooby_Onejust for your info... if i suddenly don't answer is because i fell out of energy... there's quite a storm going on here, and it is custom to fall without energy19:19
Nooby_One@ioria... what do you mean with "hp-makeuri IP-ADDRESS"?19:19
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MadWasphi guys, i'm having quite some problems with my graphics card. i just recently installed ubuntu and the driver from their website does not work. it's ati radeon hd4850 x219:20
brunch875Looks like hard drive failed :( computer boots to grub rescue. Just in time to install the new 15.04! Problem is liveUSB kernel panics when trying to mount root fs.19:20
brunch875Does anyone know how I can delete all partitions?19:20
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Guest45254when xubuntu will release xfce 4.12 for xubuntu 14.04 lts19:21
Nooby_Onewelcome back ioria... what did you mean by "hp-makeuri IP-ADDRESS" ?19:21
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ioriaNooby_One, it's the uri of the printer19:22
gr4hi guys19:22
Nooby_Onei'm sorry, i don't get it? do you want me to give it to you, or do you want me to do something with it? i guess you're talking about the IP?19:23
ioriaNooby_One, yes, but try first sudo hp-check -r19:24
MadWaspcan somebody help me with my graphics driver?19:26
daftykinsnot until you give details :)19:26
Nooby_One@ioria... is this the pastebin? http://pastebin.com/ftNwYkJG19:26
MadWaspit's a hd radeon 4850x219:26
MadWaspand i'm running 14.0419:26
MadWaspi alrdy tried the drivers from the amd page19:27
MadWaspbut that only crashed my xserver19:27
daftykinsyour card has moved to legacy status because it's too old and AMD dropped support, there is no choice beyond the open source driver 'radeon'19:27
MadWaspwhere do i get that one?19:27
daftykinsyou can't use it with any supported ubuntu versions19:28
ioriaNooby_One, you have reintall cups, i think19:28
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daftykinsMadWasp: basically your choice is to either run the default driver, upgrade, or run another OS19:28
MadWaspupgrade my card?19:28
MadWaspwhat if i choose an old version of their driver?19:28
MadWaspthe card is still pretty good19:28
ioriaNooby_One, yes, it's the main  printing system on linux19:28
daftykinsMadWasp: like i just said twice, you can't use any driver with currently supported Ubuntu versions :)19:29
daftykins12.04.1 was the last version the legacy driver worked with19:29
MadWaspthat sucks19:29
daftykinsyep you have AMD to thank there19:29
MadWaspwhat about this 2d driver from the appstore?19:30
daftykinsno idea what you're referring to there19:30
ioriaNooby_One, sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install cups19:30
Nooby_Onebut i can print from ubuntu...  it is just that it does not show up in HPLIP, and on the webpage using my printer's IP there's a problem with the DSN19:30
MadWaspdaftykins: "binary ati-x.org driver"19:30
Nooby_Onedoing the update as we speak19:31
ioriaNooby_One, "warning: ubuntu-14.04 version is not supported. Using ubuntu-13.10 versions dependencies to verify and install..."19:33
ioriaNooby_One, i don't believe it19:33
Nooby_One@ioria... what are you referring to? cups or HPLIP?19:33
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ioriaNooby_One, the output of  hp-check -r19:34
testrioHi guys how can i change my kernel ?19:34
testriothe easy way to do that ?19:34
daftykinstestrio: shouldn't need to.19:35
eggbeatertestrio: Update it. Or pick an older one from the GRUB list19:35
daftykinsMadWasp: you can try but i'm pretty sure bad things will happen19:35
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testrioi have 3.19 i want 3.1819:35
ioriaNooby_One, "warning: HPLIP-Installation: Auto installation is not supported for ubuntu distro  14.04 version "19:35
eggbeatertestrio: Try picking it from Grub's boot list when you start up.19:36
ioriaNooby_One, i don't believe it  again19:36
ioriaNooby_One, installed cups ?19:37
MadWaspdaftykins: so, 300€ to use ubuntu? :D19:37
Nooby_Onehttp://localhost:631/admin ioria... do you know this page? HP is directing me to it19:37
ioriaNooby_One, add Printers  is very promising ...19:38
daftykinsMadWasp: pretty sure you can already use it with the open source 'radeon' driver, or you could just avoid unity (the ubuntu desktop environment) and try something else like ubuntu MATE / xubuntu19:39
Nooby_Onewhen clicking add printer it asks for a username19:39
MadWaspdaftykins: it does work, firefox is pretty laggy and doesn't play videos19:40
ioriaNooby_One, should be 'admin' 'admin' ...   but it's your router :-)19:40
MadWaspdaftykinds: so if those problems start 30 minutes after installing, i'm guessing there will be more coming19:40
daftykinsMadWasp: what kind of videos?19:40
Nooby_Oneso, the password and name of my homenetwork?19:40
MadWaspdaftykins: just regular youtube19:40
daftykinsMadWasp: does the HTML5 player work at all? or is this after putting the ancient flash v11 on?19:41
ioriaNooby_One, yep19:41
MadWaspdaftykins: uses flash19:42
bassoFlosh is tha best19:42
bassoAdobo flosh playah19:42
Nooby_Oneno, it is not the name of my network and it's password19:42
daftykinsMadWasp: try without so it uses the HTML5 player, but i think you won't find much success. if you were planning on gaming that card is a game over19:43
ioriaNooby_One, if you type the ip of your router in browser you should have the same window19:43
OerHeksname would b ssid /19:44
ioriaNooby_One, those are the username and passwd19:44
MadWaspdaftykins: works on windows, the only games i planned would be like a bit of LoL or starcraft II, but i could switch to windows for that. i'm mainly using it for programming and daily business19:44
Nooby_Oneso, how to find what i need?19:44
daftykinsMadWasp: ah not such a bad situation after all then. try chrome also to see if resolves your issues19:44
SchrodingersScatMadWasp: I try to use youtube-dl and mpv to avoid actually loading a youtube page, idk if that helps19:45
MadWaspwould you recommend nvidia for long term use?19:45
MadWaspi don't wanna run into this situation again19:45
ioriaNooby_One, try first admin admin ... if not working you set up different credentials19:45
ioriaNooby_One, or look OerHeks above19:46
MadWaspdaftykins: i just bought an ssd to run ubuntu on it, might as well buy a card then. nvidia or amd?19:46
daftykinsnvidia i would say19:46
daftykinswell we can't predict who is going to chop off older cards, they all do it really19:47
MadWaspdaftykins: k, at least it got my other hardware :D19:48
ruthSomething happened and we get an extra tab everytime we get on firefox. This is the tab, and we cannot figure out how to get it off. chrome://spdlmovies-a/content/newtab/newtab.html19:48
daftykinsruth: check your extensions for anything you don't recognise, ctrl+shift+A19:48
Nooby_Onethe SSID from my printer? that says HP-Print-B5-Deskjet 5520 series, it also shows up in my network list, however, i do not have a password for it19:49
harminurielHello, can someone help me? I'm going mad, is it possible to use mbrola voices with the Orca screen reader?19:49
ioriaNooby_One, SSID it's the name of your Lan19:50
Nooby_Oneso, the name of my homenetwork then? that i tried alreade, it did not work19:50
Ocniosdoes Ubuntu 14 Unity (desktop not server) accept SSH incomming by default?19:50
k1l_Ocnios: no19:51
ioriaNooby_One, the password (passphrase) you should know it19:51
k1l_Ocnios: on desktop the ssh server is not standard19:51
Nooby_Oneyes, i did it alreay, the site did not accept it19:51
MadWaspdaftykins: since i have a lot of harddrives, i chose to manually make my partitions, i don't think i'm using lvm, can i still switch to it?19:51
Nooby_Onethe name of my network + it's password, and it did not work19:51
ruthThank you! We figured it out!19:51
daftykinsMadWasp: "sudo parted -l" will show whether there's any LVM going on. if you installed with it you'd have to reinstall.19:52
Ocniosk1l_ thanks. I was trying to follow this guide and I'm stuck on the last step, probably because desktop doesn't accept SSH https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-14-0419:52
MadWaspdaftykins: there wasn't even an option in the manual mode :(19:52
daftykinsMadWasp: for what?19:53
daftykinsoh to use it, *shrug*19:53
marbangensis it normal to just see some weird green stripes when booting? Or is it a known plymouth problem?19:53
MadWaspand it says my partition table is gpt now19:53
daftykinsi don't understand it so i never use it.19:53
ioriaNooby_One, sudo usermod -aG lpadmin <username>19:54
Caleb--ever since i updated to 15.04, movie thumbnails started appearing with film strips19:54
k1l_Ocnios: install openssh-server19:55
Ocniosk1l_ any suggestions an an apt-get to... thanks!19:55
Nooby_Oneit did nothing?19:55
ioriaNooby_One, and restart cups and use your system username and passwd19:55
Caleb--i noticed that totem.thumbnailer was rewritten, so i copied ffmpegthumbnailer.thumbnailer over it, removed ~/.cache/thumbnails and restart nautilus. but i still get the same problem :S19:55
raphus@Ocinos after installation switch the default port to any other number than 2219:56
ioriaNooby_One, restart cups sudo service cups restart go to http://localhost:631/ in browser19:56
Nooby_Onenow i choose what? the network printer (which is mine) or the HPLIP option19:56
Nooby_Onenow i choose what? the network printer (which is mine) or the HPLIP option19:56
boubacarpenterbonjour, je suis nouvel utilisateur de ubuntu studio je voulais savoir s'il y avait qq un ici qui serai me parler un peu de ce systeme19:56
ioriaNooby_One, your printer i yhink19:57
OerHeks!fr | boubacarpenter19:57
ubottuboubacarpenter: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:57
vltCaleb--: What problem?19:57
raphus@boubacarpenter try /join #ubuntu-fr19:58
Ocniosk1l_ YAY!!!!19:58
boubacarpenterthank's raphus19:58
Nooby_Oneok, i printed a testpage using cups19:59
ioriaNooby_One, no, try to print a file you edited19:59
Nooby_Onebut it still does not show up in HPLIP20:00
Nooby_Oneprinted a file, ok20:00
ioriaNooby_One, open gedit  or what you have write some and print it20:01
Ocniosk1l_ ugh -- no connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it (msg from TightVNC) but I can now SSH into it...20:01
Nooby_Onei did it already, and it printed ok20:02
Nooby_Onebut still no show in HPLIP20:02
ioriaNooby_One, it  is working or not ?20:02
raphusOcnios you have to 'service ssh start'20:02
Nooby_Onethe printer is working ok, but still not showing in HPLIP20:02
ioriaNooby_One, who cares :-P20:03
Ocniosraphus Job is already running: ssh20:03
raphus@Ocnios and you still cant connect?20:03
raphus@Ocnios wait were you the one running ubuntu-desktop on a VM on a server?20:04
OcniosI can use putty on WIN to SSH in, but tightvnc fails20:04
huggoanyone who can tell me the way to linuxmint-help channel20:05
raphus@Ocnios did you run /etc/init.d/vncserver start20:05
Nooby_One@ioria... i do... because i still have the same problem with the printer20:05
Ocniosyes and i just did -kill :1 and it killed it then i restarted it and still can't connect20:05
ioriaNooby_One, what problem ?20:06
Nooby_Onethe status says that my printer is not connected to the internet20:06
treelol_2huggo: /connect irc.spotchat.org20:06
raphuswhich system do you use to establish the connection?20:06
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:06
ioriaNooby_One, http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html20:06
Nooby_Oneand i think that's why i can not connect to HPLIP20:06
Ocniosraphus Windows Server 2012 R2 (LAN)20:06
Rave1huggo   it is on the spotchat server20:06
Nooby_Onehttp://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Printer-Networking-and-Wireless/Photosmart-5520-No-internet-connection-post-update-download/td-p/2686239 look at this link20:06
ioriaNooby_One, it's another story20:06
ioriaNooby_One, http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html20:07
raphus@Ocnios i meant the system you try to connect from20:07
harminurielHello, can someone help me? I'm going mad, is it possible to use mbrola voices with the Orca screen reader?20:07
Ocniosraphus I am connecting from Win 2012 R2 to Ubuntu 14 desktop using TightVNC (with an open active SSH putty session from Win 2012 R2 to Ubuntu 14)20:08
Nooby_Oneit says to go to the IP page of my printer, and chance the IP manually, however, it also asks to change the DSN.... and there's the problem, for some reason, i am unable to acces and modify my DSN20:08
raphus@Ocnios okay .. which tool do you use? realvnc?20:08
daftykinsNooby_One: *DNS* you mean?20:09
raphus@Ocnios did you activate NAT?20:09
ioriaNooby_One, for hplip you can find it in Package Manager ...  for DNS you can  use Net Man20:09
raphus@Ocnios on the VM20:09
Nooby_Oneoops... yes... using various languages at the same time :s20:10
ioriaNooby_One, if you set them in your router and you can't acces it you have to reset your router20:10
Nooby_Onedo you have by accident an HP printer?20:10
ioriaNooby_One,  one , but not wireless20:10
Ocniosraphus yes. oddly, i can connect using the LAN IP and TightVNC20:11
Ocniosvs localhost:590120:11
catsnot sure how that happened20:11
catsI was switching tabs too fast20:11
Nooby_Oneok, so anyway, that's the real problem i think, i can not install it correctly into my network, and i already tried a factory reset on the printer20:11
raphus@Ocnios okay than im out of knowledge. Cant help you from distance. whats with kil ...20:12
ioriaNooby_One,  one , no, on the router20:12
Ocniosraphus thanks, as long as I can get this far i should be able to muddle through. was just trying to find a way to access it without using vsphere20:12
ioriaNooby_One,  can you access your router ?20:12
Ocniosthough now i need to remove xfce and replace with unity20:13
ioriaNooby_One,  it's the  gateway usually20:13
Nooby_Onesorry for asking, being a noob and such... you mean the IP from my modem? like the same thing that i did for the printer, but now for the modem?20:13
raphus@Ocnios i think you are 90% done... i wouldn't use unity if you connect via vnc20:13
ioriaNooby_One, in the browser    bar type your gateway aip20:14
Ocniosraphus what GUI would you reccomend?20:14
Nooby_Oneok, i'm in ;)20:14
raphus@Ocnios something lightweight... KDE XFCE20:15
raphus@Ocnios everything but unity or gnome20:15
ioriaNooby_One, without username and passwd ?20:15
Nooby_Oneis that correct???!!!! the time it says 1970, jan, 3???!!! ... no, i needed password and username20:15
Ocniosraphus thanks, next step is to try and get http://www.fogproject.org/ going20:15
Nooby_Onei'm in the router/gateway.... and the time indicates 1970????!!!!20:16
helohmm... /me wonders why his mouse and all video has started skipping every second or so consistently20:16
ioriaNooby_One, no, maybe we are a bit further20:16
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ioriaNooby_One, sorry for asking.... if your printer is working, what are you looking for ?20:17
petrvsNooby_One: 1970 is when Unix time started20:17
raphus@Ocnios didn't work with that yet. Whats the problem there?20:17
Ocniosraphus nothing yet, haven't started. it's all new to me. Any way you kow of (like Unity remote) to remote to a unity desktop through a win os20:18
petrvsOcnios: vnc20:18
Nooby_Onei am looking to connect my printer into HPLIP and to connect my printer to the internet to use all services, as it did when i first installed it, and now does not work anymore even after factory reset20:19
raphus@Ocnios i tried rdesktop but i think thats only to connect linux to windows through rdp not sure20:19
Ocniospetrvs VNC+Unity is not reccomended by anyone i've spoken to20:19
petrvsOcnios: just change the wm and it'll be fine20:19
petrvswindow manager20:20
ioriaNooby_One, have you HPLIP installed ?20:20
compdocI only wish Unity worked with vncserver20:20
compdocthen I wouldnt have to install Mate20:20
Ocniospetrvs in TightVNC? How would I change the WM?20:20
ioriaNooby_One, reinstall them20:20
kravanyone know if there's any kludge to get around https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nss-pam-ldapd/+bug/102965620:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1029656 in nss-pam-ldapd (Ubuntu) "nslcd does not start on boot everytime" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:20
kravit's driving me nuts. ldap needs to actually work.20:21
petrvsOcnios: no on the Ubuntu side20:21
daftykinsNooby_One: i think this is a better task for HP Support.20:21
petrvsor you can tell Ubuntu's VNC to start a whole new session with any wm20:21
Ocnioscompdoc what's MATE/20:21
Nooby_Onei did not find an HP channel, and also, the problem arises using their steps, and can not find any other help20:21
compdoca 2D desktop, that supports the same programs that install on Unity (gnome)20:21
Nooby_Oneall the links say to change the DNS, however, that's the problem, on the IP page of my printer i, for some reason, can NOT modify my DNS :s20:22
Nooby_One@ioria... can you tell me in terminal how to uninstall and reinstall please?20:23
pavlosOcnios, MATE is a desktop environment, http://mate-desktop.org/20:23
daftykinsNooby_One: no you don't find them on IRC - you *phone* them via standard support avenues20:23
mac33hi to everyone20:23
Ocniosi'll try mate instead of xfce420:23
ioriaNooby_One   if you open Package manager and type HPLIP you can remove, purge and update20:23
daftykinsNooby_One: because this is a printer query, not an Ubuntu issue i'm afraid.20:23
ioriaNooby_One   sorry, have to go wish you solve it20:24
raphus@Ocnios why do you want a desktop environment at all?20:24
kravok. anyone know a way to start a service not using rc.local or init.d when you start the computer?20:25
Nooby_Oneno need to apologize.... thank you very much for the patience!20:25
Ocniosraphus because i'm a n00b loser who sucks at life and bin/bash20:25
raphus@Ocnios xD dont be so hard on yourself20:25
kravOcnios: takes time to stop being a n00b loser. we've all been there.20:25
kravgive it 2 years and you'll be giving out the advice.20:25
pavloskrav, you could add your app to the startup applications, 14.0420:26
Nooby_One@daftykins... i understand it is a printerquery, i was just trying my luck for some help, there's no live support channel in the country where i am now20:26
OcniosEasier to call myself a n00b than have others throw the label on me, but yes, the fact I was able to 90+% follow that VNC on ubuntu guide with no help shows how far i've come. I know wayyyy more than I did a few years back and at least now ubuntu works defacto with my wireless cards20:27
Ocniosit's the one thing that kept me from using it as OS.main all these years20:27
eggbeaterOcnios: yo, I think I'm even more of a n00b than you. You're not alone :D20:27
daftykinsNooby_One: i see, well sadly that doesn't make it one for here.20:27
kravpavlos: that's what i'm doing already :P that's init.d20:27
petrvsOcnios: again, the only thing that should matter to unity+vnc is the window manager, compiz20:27
petrvstry with any other window manager20:27
raphus@Ocnios afaik this channel is mostly troll-free :)20:28
kravpavlos: it's also unfortunately a headless server, no gui20:28
kravOcnios: you're doing fine :)20:28
Ocniosraphus good to know20:28
Nooby_One@daftykins... i am sorry... did i offend you? i was just asking for help, and someone was so nice to help me with it... even if it in the end turned out to be not an entirely ubuntu problem20:29
kravNooby_One: what are you trying to do?20:29
Ocniosis there a terminal cmd to change resolution for unity desktop? i have a vsphere window open but it's at 800x600 and i can't see enough of the screen to use the display tool to resize20:29
kravOcnios: you might be able to use randr to change the display size.20:30
kravI'm not really familiar with unity20:30
pavloskrav, if I understand, server is non-gui, you could add the service into one of the rc.d/ levels right?20:30
Nooby_One@krav... it seems i have a network problem with my HP printer20:30
kravpavlos: have done that.20:30
daftykinsNooby_One: no, it's just not the channel rules :>20:30
kravpavlos: this is why it's frustraiting. :)20:30
kravpavlos: it's got a bug.20:30
Nooby_Onemy ubuntu is connected with it, but it seems my printer is not connected to the internet, and i think that's the cause that it is not connecting to HPLIP20:30
kravbut the bug doesn't have a fix, it's been open to 2 years.20:30
kravNooby_One: :(20:30
kravno fun20:31
kravNooby_One: does your pirinter need to be internet capable?20:31
Nooby_Onesending scans to my email, printing from my cellphone, etc and also, i think, either because of faulty HPLIP or the faulty network, i can not scan into ubuntu20:32
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Nooby_One@krav... if you have a suggestion... shoot ;) .... i'll be back in 520:33
fernando_Olá, alguém brasil?20:34
pavlos!br| fernando_20:35
ubottufernando_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.20:35
pavlosfernando_, you'rewelcome20:35
MadWaspwhat is wrong with the captcha at ubuntu one, that is hilariously hard20:35
SidoniunsFernando, e ai? Sou do brasil20:36
MadWaspcan anybody help me with the captcha at ubuntu one? i just can't read it... and i'm human btw20:39
MadWaspit is hilariously hard20:39
OcniosJust kidding, but it would change for anyone who see's it, and yes it is.20:39
MadWasphow to solve it then?20:40
eggbeatertry reloading the code20:40
raphus@MadWasp if you give me your e-mail-adress and your password i can register you xD20:40
MadWaspi have been reloading it for around 150 times now20:40
eggbeaterMadWasp: Heck, try the audio Captcha20:41
MadWaspthere is no such thing20:42
pavlosMadWasp, can you zoom your desktop?20:42
fernando28ubuntu mate 14.04 to ubuntu mate 15.014 upgrade how to ??????????20:42
MadWasplol, no captcha needed on their website20:43
loaare not ubuntu one dead?20:43
pavlosubuntu one stopped july 201420:43
loaor file storage called other way?20:43
loatime machine here.20:43
TJ-MadWasp: What URL are you seeing this CAPTCHA on? I don't see one for the login or create acount options at one.ubuntu.com20:44
MadWaspthe software center asked me to login to ubuntu one20:44
raphusubuntu one is not the same as the ubuntu account. the file storage is dead but the account is needed in order to buy software20:44
MadWaspTJ- i did it now, i registered on their website, i tried registering in the app20:44
MadWaspi need that captcha code :D20:45
MadWaspjust to troll people20:45
kostkonraphus, ubuntu one is the ubuntu sso now20:45
MadWaspis that captcha code open source somewhere?20:45
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Guest57115i can not run startx  and when i run sudo  this error happen : unable to open /var/lib/sudo/mohammad/tty1 : no such file or directory20:55
k1l_Guest57115: dont use startx. start the lightdm that will start the xserver for you20:55
k1l_Guest57115: and obviously dont run everything with sudo/root, like irc, too20:56
Guest57115<k1l_> but it is mint linux and i don know chanell of mint linux please tell me what is the name of chanell and server of mintlinux20:58
k1l_!mint | Guest5711520:58
ubottuGuest57115: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:58
k1l_its even on another irc network20:58
FishsceneGreetings. I'm trying to figure out why Ubuntu Server keeps throwing an error saying port 5222 is already in use. But I can't seem to find What is listening on that port. The *only* command that returns a possible result is: "grep -w 5222 /etc/services". Which yields xmpp-client and jabber-client. Attempting to remove either of these throws "unable to locate xmpp-client/server"21:00
FishsceneAny ideas on what might be using port 5222 or how to remove those services?21:00
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OerHeksWell, Jabber a popular instant message protocol is based on XMPP, so stop the Jabber service ?21:01
OerHeksthen remove21:01
Guest57115my properties system are : cpu : Intel pentium (R) Dual and RAM : 1.5 G   is good ubuntu 15.04 for it ?21:01
lilisHeya guys, I dd-ed Ubuntu 15.04 image and tried to boot it on my desktop but it always fails to boot. Anybody has the same issue?21:02
raphus@Guest57115 should work with that21:02
lilisDifferent error came out after I re-dd it too21:02
stacks88Fishscene try fuser -v 5222/tcp21:02
stacks88or lsof -ni|grep 5222 or netstat -tunap|grep 522221:03
PiciFishscene: What process is actually using that? sudo netstat -tanp | grep 5222 (or sudo ss -np | grep 5222)21:03
FishsceneI can't see the process with "sudo netstat -tanp | grep 5222", but it shows something is listening on the port21:03
stacks88try fuser and lsof21:04
Fishscenefuser -v 5222/tcp returned nothing at all.21:05
Fishscenelsof -ni } grep 5222 yielded nothing21:05
Fishsceneerr… } = |21:06
PiciFishscene: What is throwing the error that says that 5222 is in use?21:06
k1l_lilis: did you check the md5sum? what error is it?21:07
FishscenePici: Regenerating error… just  a minute..21:07
PiciFishscene: actually, I'm stepping away from the keyboard, someone else might be able to assist, but that info should be helpful21:08
Ocnioswhat's the apt-get for MATE21:08
FishsceneError log: http://pastebin.com/3rVmLmqX21:11
tonytwhile installing wine through ubuntu software center, ubuntu software center window dims after installing wine about 70%. now that its dimmed it just sits there and does nothing. anyone have any ideads?21:14
raphusis it grey?21:14
tonytit got darker21:15
raphusthats like in windows when a window is just white21:15
raphusit means its stuck21:15
raphusjust quit it and try again21:15
eggbeatertonyt: try getting wine through apt-get21:15
tonytk eggbeater21:15
lilis_k1l_: I checked the md5sum and it's alright21:15
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lilis_But now that I think about it, I am using 2G usb drive21:15
k1l_lilis_: what is the error then?21:15
lilis_It came out different everytime I flash it, sometimes a kernel panic, sometimes boot: out of memory, and one other error21:16
lilis_I pressed enter several times before it got to "boot: out of memory" though21:17
lilis_Otherwise, it was just stuck at some weird assembly-debugger-like UI21:18
k1l_is the ram ok?21:18
lilis_I haven't tested the RAM intensively but it should be fine21:19
lilis_I can boot Arch and Fedora21:19
lilis_But perhaps 2G is not enough? Could that be a reason?21:19
lilis_Maybe it's corrupted?21:20
k1l_no. 2gb is enough. dd copies bit for bit so its exact the size of the .iso21:20
k1l_thats what i meant with check the md5sum21:20
k1l_and make sure to dd to ssdb and not sdb1 or such21:20
Ocniosk1l_ what would the last line be for #!/bin/bash xrdb $HOME/.Xresources startxfce4 & ||||| for MATE ubuntu-mate-desktop21:20
k1l_when sdb is your usb drive21:20
Ocniosstartubuntumatedesktop & ?21:21
kravNooby_One: it seems really unlikely that most of that would require your computer.21:21
k1l_Ocnios: you dont do any of that. just choose mate at the login screen21:21
lilis_I tried to use Startup Disk Creator as well and it complained about not enough free space even though it says it has 1.9G of free spad21:21
Ocniosk1l_ for VNC i thought i had to do this before i connect....21:21
k1l_Ocnios: hmm, i am not familiar with vnc and such21:22
Ocniosk1l_ when i connect via VNC there is no option to pick mate, it just loads the desktop21:22
Ocniosor GUI rather21:22
raphusu can if you typ 'nano /etc/init.d/vncserver21:22
raphusyou have to google the command for mate but it must be possible21:23
Ocniosraphus i'd rather preset it if possible21:23
Ocniosok thanks21:23
raphusthat is presetting...21:23
Ocnioswell this is nano ~/.vnc/xstartup21:23
raphusif you modify that file it will be permanent21:23
Ocniosi just dont know if it's startmate / startubuntumatedesktop / startubuntu-mate-desktop21:24
mw44118hi -- anybody in here can help me set up a static IP address on one interface, and a dhcp on another?21:24
Ocniosin ubuntu? or two phys interfaces21:24
mw44118Ocnios: in ubuntu -- i have eth0 and wlan021:25
raphus"$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &21:25
raphusmate-session &21:25
raphustry that21:25
mw44118wlan0 is a dhclient.  i want eth0 to have a static IP21:25
Ocniosso click connections at the top bar > edit connections > click the interface > click edit21:25
Ocniosraphus thanks21:25
mw44118Ocnios: sorry, this is server; need to use CLI21:26
mw44118Ocnios: thanks21:27
rkingAnyone else here used IBM Notes on Ubuntu. I am noticing compiz seems to cause notes to freeze for a little bit ( mouse locked out from interacting with the program ) never had an issue before.21:29
petrvswhat's an ibm notes?21:29
lilisk1l_: I tried different usb drive and now it works :/21:29
petrvslilis: laptop?21:30
lilisMaybe that usb is faulty or something21:31
petrvsfront usb ports tend to be not as great, too21:31
petrvsas they're usually little mini daughter boards or the like21:31
k1l_well, usb pen drives die. they are just very cheap chips.21:32
kubuntois here a way to undo mv src ~/*?21:32
petrvskubunto: 'mv src ~/*' ?21:32
lilisThanks guys21:32
kubuntopetrvs: a command in that format just fucked over a lot of my data21:32
petrvskubunto: in what way?21:33
kubuntoremoved all files in my home directory not within a hidden dir21:33
gryzorkubunto: no undo21:33
gryzortime to restore backup21:33
petrvskubunto: and what was src?21:34
Ocniosraphus no that's not the right cli entry :(21:34
raphus@Ocnios hmm fuck that worked for Mint Rebecca (17.1) thats basically Ubuntu 14.0421:36
OcniosI'm going to try again i hate sessionS not session21:36
Ocniosnope, VNC is all garbled and shit21:38
Ocniosstuff (sorry)21:38
lilis_Yay logged in from my new Ubuntu!21:38
petrvslilis_: gj21:38
Ocnioslilis_ congrats!!21:39
=== Ocnios is now known as YeahToast
lilis_Haha thanks again guys21:39
hoangfirst time on IRC, don't know how to use this app21:43
raphusits pretty simple21:43
raphustype /help for commands21:43
raphustype /list for a list of channels21:43
petrvsthough on this network, /msg alis list *term* is more useful than /list21:44
petrvsTiK: pimpin' hoes, earnin' that cash21:44
SchrodingersScat!alis | raphus, there's also the handy alis bot21:44
ubotturaphus, there's also the handy alis bot: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*21:44
* petrvs sighs21:45
BlackDalekIs there any way to stop the top panel from displaying on an external display?21:45
JimboSliceWhat is the process plymouth-upstart-bridge doing?, what is its purpose21:45
raphusyou can choose it at the display-app21:45
BlackDalekI want to have the top panel (indicators, clock, battery, volume etc.) to ONLY show on the main display. How do I get it off the secondary display?21:46
lilisPlymouth is the boot screen I think, and upstart is the process that starts it?21:46
raphus@BlackDalek use the Display-App :P or unity-tweak-tool21:47
YeahToastraphus odd21:48
YeahToastraphus I got it working, you were right it's mate-session21:48
YeahToasti had to reboot for it to take hold for some reason21:48
YeahToastthank you, perfect way to end my work day today, later!21:48
raphus@YeahToast nice contraz :)21:48
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canonicaldroidDoes anyone else have problems with spotify on ubuntu 15.0421:49
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JimboSlice@lilis okay thanks, that make sense, I configured a bash script to run from booth via /etc/rc.local.. and then this plymouth thin turned up in my processes21:50
xanguahttp://www.webupd8.org/2015/04/fix-missing-libgcrypt11-causing-spotify.html canonicaldroid21:51
=== joao is now known as Mete-
raphusbye bye everyone :) i had a pretty hard week21:53
JimboSliceI want to have a bash script to run at certain intervalls. is cron job be a good way to implement this? or is it a bad idea?21:53
SchrodingersScatJimboSlice: afaik cron can do that21:55
circ-user-GRgvOhi all, quick question. Can someone point me to page download an iso of ubuntu version that used linux kernel 3.4.48?21:56
JimboSliceyes, from what I understand, that would be a good way to do it.21:57
JimboSlice@SchrodingersScat thanks21:57
tltcirc-user-GRgvO, that must be an old one. 12.04 uses 3.13 afaik21:57
tltso maybe ubuntu 11 or 1021:57
circ-user-GRgvOok thanks21:57
=== slowz_ is now known as slowz
k1l_circ-user-GRgvO: 12.04 uses 3.221:57
k1l_circ-user-GRgvO: what is the reason for that?21:58
tltnah 12.04 seems to have used that kernel you're looking for at an early stage, circ-user-GRgvO21:58
BlackDalekCan't find anything called display-app in the repository... and unity-tweak-tool does not appear to have any option for removing indicator panel from external screen. Does this mean there is no possible way to remover the panel from top of secondary displays?21:58
circ-user-GRgvOi need to compile some source code to run on another host processor that is running android with a linux kernel 3.4.4821:58
ledilhello, I need some help with iptables, ive got a server and behind the server is a ftp server .. passive ftp is working, but on active ftp the "ls hangs", any idea ?21:59
k1l_circ-user-GRgvO: you dont need a kernel 3.4 running for that21:59
circ-user-GRgvOfrom my limited knowledge, I though i needed to compile source against the same kernel I will be using the module on21:59
circ-user-GRgvOid be compiling a kernel module22:00
lilisYou can try getting the Linux 3.4.48 version from kernel.org and compile your module with it22:02
circ-user-GRgvO@lilis do I need my OS to be running that kernel?22:03
k1l_what about getting the kernel headers from that other system and compile it with that?22:03
lilisYou don't need to22:03
Bashing-omcirc-user-GRgvO: Not at all sure will help, but if ya want to see all the mainline kernels from the start of ubuntu : http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ .22:03
Pinkamena_DI have been trying to install a specific version of R but i can not seem to. I specify a version with apt-get install r-base-core=3.1.2-1trusty0 but upon starting R I still see R 3.2.022:03
circ-user-GRgvOthanks, I was just looking at that link22:03
lilisIf you can't find it there, I guess you'll have to look at github.com/torvalds/linux and download the v3.4.48 tag release22:04
lilisErr never mind, the Github version doesn't have until v3.422:05
circ-user-GRgvOand then when I compile my source I can point the compiler to those kernel headers?22:05
k3asd`hi there,  I was installing the ati proprietary driver and right now the DE doesn't start22:05
k3asd`I'm using lubuntu 14.04 x6422:05
k3asd`I want to come back. how can I do?22:05
BlackDalekis there any way to remove the top panel (indicators, clock etc.) from a secondary display or is it a permanent immovable feature of unity?22:06
lilisIt should automatically point to the kernel headers of the downloaded kernel22:06
lilisIf you use their Makefile system22:06
k3asd`cd /etc/X1122:06
k1l_BlackDalek: i am not aware of beeing able to remove it22:06
Bashing-omk3asd`: What card ? ' lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 ' to show the graphics chip set(s) .22:07
gr33n7007h /j ##alfa22:08
Kage`Ok, can someone give me a good direction on disk encryption with Ubuntu, please?  Every article (FullDiskEncryption, EncryptedFilesystems, etc.) are contradictory and pointing in circles of each other, claiming each other are bad ideas.  So.. what is the recommended standard?  luks, cryptsetup, +dm_crypt, ..?  Because they all say, "Yes."22:08
k3asd`Bashing-om: thanks. the video card is AMD/ATI REdwood HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 5000 Series]22:09
k3asd`Bashing-om: I also see: VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Madison [Mobility Radeon HD 5650/5750 / 6530/6550M]22:10
k3asd`Bashing-om: Subsytem: Sony Corporation Mobility Radeon HD 565022:11
k3asd`Bashing-om: kernel driver in use: radeon22:12
Bashing-omk3asd`: Well, that card should be supported. How did you try and install a proprietary driver ? OEM or "additioanl Drivers " ? How it is removed depends .22:12
Mete-newbie question, I did a dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ~/packages to check the packages I have installed on this computer, is 3473 too much?22:13
Mete-this computer is getting slow...22:13
k3asd`Bashing-om: I was following this link: help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD22:13
EriC^^Mete-: use this comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u)22:14
k3asd`Bashing-om: point 2 - Installation via the Ubuntu repositories22:14
k3asd`Bashing-om: I installed via apt-get fglrx22:14
k1l_Mete-: there is no "too much packages" if you still have free space :)22:14
netametaanyone know why would virtualbox give me this error: vBoxCLient: the virtualBox Kernel serive is not running exiting22:15
Mete-Yeah, the problem is probably some services22:15
Mete-thanks EriC^^ !22:15
k3asd`Bashing-om: I've done via command line22:15
k1l_Mete-: installed packages dont slow your system down, as long as they are not services that are running. check it with top/htop what systemload you got and what is using the ressources22:16
netametaanyone know why would virtualbox give me this error: "vBoxCLient: the virtualBox Kernel serive is not running exiting"22:16
Mete-yeah, mysql, chromium, etc... just the normal22:17
k1l_netameta: how did you install virtualbox? was there an error?22:17
reisionetameta: lsmod | grep -i vboxdrv22:18
k1l_make sure the kernel headers are installed22:18
Bashing-omk3asd`: OK, WQe can revert that FGLRX install .. however, have you ever attempted an install of the driver from the AMD web site ?22:20
k3asd`Bashing-om: the manual installation? not yet? if you want, I can do it22:21
Bashing-omk3asd`: No, I like your idea to revert back to open source .. and then see what you want to do .22:22
k3asd`Bashing-om: How can I revert back to open source?22:22
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canonicaldroidxangua: you here?22:24
netameta<k1l_> netameta: how did you install virtualbox? was there an error?22:25
netameta<reisio> netameta: lsmod | grep -i vboxdrv22:25
k3asd`Bashing-om: I've done: apt-get remove --purge fglrx* && apt-get autoremove22:25
netameta_k1l_, no there wasnt22:26
k3asd`Bashing-om: I rebooted the laptop but I did not solve22:26
netameta_reisio, not show what to do with this command22:26
netameta_as it does nothing it seems22:26
k1l_netameta_: so the vbox module is missing. what gives you "uname -a"?22:27
netameta_Linux netameta-VirtualBox 3.16.0-34-generic #47~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 10 17:49:16 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:27
ste____hi there. I need to run the command start_unicode on each bootup, where is the best place to put this? I would prefer to configure it once - i.e for any user and any users I add in the future22:28
netameta_k1l_, is what i get from that command22:28
k1l_netameta_: is this a ubuntu inside a vbox?22:28
Bashing-omk3asd`: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; sudo apt-get purge fglrx fglrx-amdcccle fglrx-updates fglrx-amdcccle-updates ; sudo apt-get install dkms ; sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon ; sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core ; sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ; sudo update-initramfs -u .... Covers all the bases, when you reboot will now be up on the open source drive "radeon" .22:28
netameta_k1l_, that is correct22:28
petrvsste____: what's it do?22:28
ste____if run in a terminal it turns unicode mode on which allows the characters to display properly in the terminal, otherwise I get loads of gibberish even though the locales are already set up properly with UTF8 etcetc22:29
petrvsste____: what's it run?22:29
netameta_k1l_, it looks like some thing works fine but many others are simply screwed up22:30
netameta_like scrolling is not functional22:30
reisionetameta: lsmod | grep -i vboxdrv && echo "it's some other problem" || echo "you must run 'modprobe vboxdrv'"22:30
ste____I .. don't know? It appears to be a built in command that most linux distros run on bootup, but for some reason the ubuntu based build on my raspberry pi doesn't do it22:30
k1l_netameta_: what host OS is that? what version of virtualbox is it?22:31
ste____So I just need a place to put it so that I don't have to type it every time22:31
EriC^^ste____: do you have to run it every time you launch a terminal?22:31
EriC^^or just once22:31
ste____I'm not sure, sorry22:32
EriC^^ste____: if you run it, and then open another terminal, do you have to type it again there?22:32
netameta_Host os, windows 8.1, latest virtualbox so :22:32
k1l_netameta_: and please show a "dpkg -l | grep linux-header" in a pastebin please22:32
netameta_k1l_, 4.3.2622:32
ste____When the gui has launched it's not a problem. It's only when directly plugged into the pi and booting to a command line that the problem occurs. putty etc. is fine22:33
k3asd`Bashing-om: I'm rebootin, I hope everything works fine. see you soon :) for the moment, thanks a lot22:34
=== leonardo is now known as gfodranoel
netameta_k1l_, http://pastebin.com/DWnvDZEB22:34
EriC^^ste____: i guess you could add it to /etc/profile22:35
lilisPerhaps you can put the script in .bashrc?22:35
Bashing-omk3asd`: :) . no luck wished .. hard work gives better dividends .. see ya soonest .22:35
EriC^^ste____: that would be global for all users, and run once you login22:35
sugoiryuste____, have you tried to put the command in /etc/rc.local to have it run on boot?22:35
k1l_netameta_: hmm, kernel headers are installed22:35
EriC^^*once when you login22:35
ste____I will try both, thanks. I just needed to know where it went22:36
netameta_k1l_, so this warrning is wrong ?22:36
EriC^^ste____: use profile, .bashrc will run every time you call bash22:36
EriC^^and don't use rc.local, it will be run by root and it's quite unnecessary22:37
ste____ok thanks eric22:37
k1l_netameta_: can you pastebin the whole error you got?22:39
netameta_Its a red notification the pops on the left of the screen when i restart22:40
k1l_dpkg -l | grep dkms22:40
k1l_sudo apt-get install dkms22:41
canonicaldroidk1l_: I cant get spotify to work on 15.0422:41
canonicaldroidk1l_: I have tried everything22:42
k1l_if there is no dkms you wont get automated modules22:42
k1l_netameta_: did it produce the modules now?22:42
k3asd`Bashing-om: I did not solve :|22:42
netameta_how do i check that ?22:42
k3asd`Bashing-om: the monitor remains black22:43
k1l_lsmod | grep -i vboxdrv22:43
netameta_k1l_, i mean, i've installed the package you wrote22:43
netameta_k1l_, nothing22:43
k1l_ sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup22:44
Bashing-omk3asd`: There must be other problems .. Let's see what is graphics wise : ' sudo lshw -C display | pastebinit ' .22:44
netameta_k1l_, sudo: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: command not found22:44
k1l_netameta_: what ubuntu version did you install there?22:45
k1l_and what install version?22:45
netameta_what do you mean ?22:45
k1l_regular desktop install? or server install? or netinstall?22:46
k3asd`Bashing-om: the command doesn't work22:46
netameta_Ah not sure, i went http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop, picked 64 and downloaded22:46
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k1l_ah ok, so full desktop22:46
k3asd`Bashing-om: look there: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10881956/22:47
netameta_k1l_, why is that bad ?22:48
Bashing-omk3asd`: look at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/10881956/ .22:48
k1l_netameta_: no, that is not bad.22:48
kostkoncanonicaldroid, we know. there's a fix, hopefully temporary22:48
k1l_netameta_: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-dkms22:49
kostkoncanonicaldroid, http://www.webupd8.org/2015/04/fix-missing-libgcrypt11-causing-spotify.html22:49
k3asd`Bashing-om: ok, no problem. thank you22:49
k1l_netameta_: did you install the "guest additions" already?22:50
netameta_finished the above22:50
netameta_i think so22:50
netameta_the ones that make the screen sctrech22:50
k1l_thinking? or knowing?22:50
netameta_is it the one that makes the screen strech ?22:51
netameta_Ah yes22:51
netameta_i install it22:51
netameta_injected it though devices22:51
Bashing-omk3asd`: That output looks good .. A quick check .. have you tried to boot with the "nomodeset" boot option ? Then we go looking into the logs for clues as to what is not happening .22:51
k1l_sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-x1122:51
k1l_that one should pull everything you need for the guest os22:51
netameta_The following packages have unmet dependencies:22:52
netameta_ virtualbox-guest-x11 : Depends: xorg-video-abi-1522:52
netameta_                        Depends: xserver-xorg-core (>= 2:
netameta_E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.22:52
netameta_sorry for the 3 lines22:52
k1l_sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-utils22:52
k3asd`Bashing-om: I've not tried to boot with the "nomodeset" option22:53
k3asd`Bashing-om: maybe, is it better verify the logs?22:53
netameta_k1l_,after utilities i should do the above again ?22:53
k1l_try a reboot22:54
Bashing-omk3asd`: Quicker for isolation to try "nomodeset" and see what results.22:54
netameta_before running virtualbox-guest-x11 ?22:54
=== stuff1 is now known as bruxC
Bashing-om!nomodeset | k3asd`22:54
ubottuk3asd`: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:54
canonicaldroidkoston: I've done that. didnt work22:55
canonicaldroidkoston: when I open spotify i get "Unable to initialize the storage of temporary files"22:55
netametak1l_, some graphic capabilites error now22:55
k3asd`Bashing-om: I'm trying22:56
k3asd`ubottu: thanks22:56
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:56
netameta_was a bit too fast to catch22:56
Bashing-omk3asd`: K .22:56
outlaw-666hey everyone22:57
netameta_<k1l_>, i can try rebooting again to get the error22:57
outlaw-666im trying to play TeamFortress2 on Ubuntu22:57
outlaw-666i get the OpenGl driver error22:57
outlaw-666i have this :22:57
gh0striderhey guys i am about to install ubuntu linux and i am trying to install it along two different os's windows 7 and another linux22:57
outlaw-666glxinfo|grep "OpenGL version"22:57
gh0strideri want ubuntu to overwrite the current linux i have22:57
outlaw-666OpenGL version string: 1.4 Mesa 10.1.322:58
gh0striderso when i get to the installation and it says "install ubuntu along side these operating systems"22:58
gh0strideri choose other22:58
gh0striderand i select the partition that has the linux os that i want to overwrite with ubuntu right?22:58
gh0striderwill that work?22:59
k1l_netameta: does it work?22:59
netameta_k1l_, well there was this warning23:00
outlaw-666is there a way to update OPENGL drivers ??23:00
k1l_netameta_: warnings are sometimes only warnings. does it work?23:00
netameta_k1l_, I dont know what to check to be sure it works23:01
netametak1l_, the scrolling issue is gone its seems23:01
outlaw-666darksoulpt, tuga ?23:02
netameta_k1l_, window resizing issue is gone23:02
Ryu`no broth noooo23:02
kostkoncanonicaldroid, https://community.spotify.com/t5/Help-Desktop-Linux-Mac-and/spotify-unable-to-initialize-the-storage-of-temporary-files/m-p/524312#M5927723:03
netameta_k1l_, i think it works fine now23:03
outlaw-666darksoulpt, sent you PM23:03
darksoulptoutlaw-666, I'm newbie too and please don't open a private chat window without asking, thx23:04
outlaw-666ok, sorry23:04
Ryu`no broth noooo23:04
darksoulptif I could help I would23:04
outlaw-666Can anyone here help me please ?23:05
Ryu`noo brot nooo23:05
netameta_k1l_, Yaps seems to work better no error when resizing, scrolling is not problematic. Thanks very very much for help23:07
k3asd`Bashing-om: none with the nomodeset option23:07
k3asd`Bashing-om: I installed vesa driver and now the DE system works23:08
k3asd`Bashing-om: I think that before I'd another video driver because the resolution is busted now23:08
Bashing-omk3asd`: That vesa driver is there by default as the fall back driver . That is the driver that the "nomodeset" option would use. So not too sure at all what is going on.23:10
k3asd`Bashing-om: me too23:10
k3asd`Bashing-om: if you want I can make you see the Xorg.0.log file23:11
Bashing-omk3asd`: Yeah, we can look at that log file for sure . compare your 'lsmod | grep radeon' to mine : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10882076/ .23:13
k3asd`Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10882082/23:14
Bashing-omk3asd`: Look'n at your http://paste.ubuntu.com/10882082/ .23:15
k3asd`Bashing-om: lsmod | grep radeon returns nothing23:15
warusдайте на  русский канал ссылку23:19
daftykinswarus: no thanks23:19
Bashing-omk3asd`: This too from the log file " [    14.603] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module ati " // is this on a fresh reboot attempting to boot with the open source driver? or is "vesa" forced ?23:20
k3asd`Bashing-om: yes23:20
Bashing-omk3asd`: Yes ?? which is the situation ?23:21
k3asd`Bashing-om: sorry, it's vesa forced23:21
k3asd`Bashing-om: without vesa the DE doesn't charge correctly23:22
=== stuart is now known as stuartuk
desibostonIs there a way to sync box.net to linux folder..ned it badly23:25
stuartukhey guys, i was wondering if its possible still to get the old system tray back up on 15.04? I need it back for programs like hexchat. thanks23:26
stuartukany help would be appreciated23:27
Bashing-omk3asd`: Yeah, with the vesa driver .. will not have good resolution .. we need to get yopu up on the "radeon" - open source - driver . So, boot up as normal and post back the URL for the new Xorg.0.log file . See if we can see why the GUI is having problems.23:28
k3asd`Bashing-om: I need to remove vesa driver?23:28
elementaryis elementary any good?23:29
elementaryit looks clean23:29
elementarybut does it run clean?23:30
elementaryThere are a lot of persons23:31
Bashing-omk3asd`: You advised that you installed it .. I have no idea of how and what you did .. but we do need to attempt to boot in a normal mode to get a clean file .23:31
daftykinselementary: Elementary OS is not on topic here.23:31
k3asd`Bashing-om: ok23:31
a7i3nInstalled ubuntu 15.04 all went well but the keybindings in i3-wm for sound no longer work... any idea?23:32
k3asd`Bashing-om: in Italy is a bit late. Tomorrow I will continue to investigate23:32
k3asd`Bashing-om: I find you?23:32
stuartukHey, sorry to sound like a broken record. Has anybody figured out how to re-enable the old system tray for apps like hexchat etc? Running ubuntu 15.04.23:32
Bashing-omk3asd`: OK, we do this at your convenience . To this time I still look at this as a driver issue.23:33
k3asd`Bashing-om: I think so23:33
k3asd`Bashing-om: thanks again, see you tomorrow23:33
=== len is now known as Guest84613
a7i3nbindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec /usr/bin/pactl set-sink-volume 0 -- '-5%' no longer works for example...23:34
whallzhey, question, i use the tilda dropdown terminal, i have it set to have a transparent background, but the thing is it being transparent overlaying a black background, not the actual window or desktop that's behind it23:38
whallzany advice?23:38
wafflejockwhallz, guake?23:41
wafflejockwhallz, is that what you're using or same concept? I use guake for a drop down terminal that hides at the top of the screen and has a transparent background and shows the windows behind it23:42
MikeRLI've noticed a bug in 15.04 that was present in 14.10. I haven't reported in a while, but I have a launchpad account. Any suggestions to refresh my mind? I'll Google as well.23:43
daftykinssuggestions as to what?23:43
MikeRLSaid bug is in system-config-printer. It freezes when I tell it under settings to preserve job history and allow reprinting.23:44
MikeRLI changed the value in dconf via the GUI and it stuck, though.23:44
MikeRLIn human language, that's Printers > Server > Settings > Advanced Server Settings > Preserve Job Files and press OK.23:46
MikeRLThen, it freezes up.23:46
whallzwafflejock: it's called tilda, it's similar to guake23:46
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.23:46
MikeRLCrap. Says it's not installed. I'll research some more.23:48
MikeRLBut I can run system-config-printer, and it pops up.23:49
=== gh0strider is now known as Guest58410
snow_usahello all23:51
MikeRLIt prints out no corresponding package for both system-config-printer and system-config-printer.py23:51
MikeRLI tried xprop WM_CLASS on the window.23:51
snow_usaif [ ! "${BASH_XTRACEFD:-}" ]; then23:51
snow_usa    XTRACE=${XTRACE:-/dev/null};   exec {BASH_XTRACEFD}>"$XTRACE"23:51
snow_usacould anyone explain me this shell script?23:52
snow_usaafter executing this shell script, echo $BASH_XTRACEFD => 1023:52
snow_usai do not know where it is assigned ?23:52
MikeRLsnow_usa, I don't know myself, but hold a bit. People idle a bit on IRC.23:55
daftykinssnow_usa: perhaps going and asking in #bash would make more sense23:57
daftykinssince that's not strictly ubuntu support.23:57
Captonjamasoni need some help23:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:58
Captonjamasonand i just told quality about this also23:58
daftykinsyou what?23:58
Captonjamasoni went into the #ubuntu-quality chat and told them about my problem23:59
Captonjamasonwhen i loaded up vivid on my laptop it doesnt look like it installed grub23:59
EriC^^did you have 2 hdd's?23:59

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