[00:06] hello friends :) [00:26] And non-friends? [00:37] not too many of those, I'd hope [05:35] bluesabre: Hi [05:35] OvenWerks: Been a while since I was working on that, so I don't actually remember much [05:35] I'm thinking we should try creating a simple meta that installs another DE, and our settings on top of it [05:36] Add it to a PPA [06:05] Hey all. So what plans for the next cycle? :) [06:40] zequence: Wouldn't you rather have whatever flavor figure out the DE defaults, and you just layer Studio stuff atop of that? [08:52] DalekSec: Yep. That has been the plan for a while, but we've not been very active with it. [08:53] astraljava: I'll start working on that this weekend [08:55] We have stuff from before that is still in the works [08:55] Better start with that, and see which way to go from there [09:01] zequence: True. What are your thoughts on the LTS status? [09:13] astraljava: How do you mean? [09:13] * zequence is travelling and will loose connectivity now and again [09:14] We already decided a while back not to put too much effort on promoting the non-LTS releases [09:14] One might as well think of us only developing LTS releases [09:16] All though each release needs to be functional of course [09:21] zequence: I mean that how much new development are you willing to push in contrast to maintaining a stable upcoming LTS release. [09:29] astraljava: We do what we have time for. One thing at the time :) [09:37] Hehe, well that much is true. And has always been with Studio especially. :D [09:37] Not exactly devs in abundance. :p [09:40] Last cycle was propbably the least active ever. [09:42] Right, but still you managed. That's quite impressive! [09:44] I didn't have to do much. I keep updating linux-lowlatency every three weeks, which I will be quitting now [09:45] The most work I did was probably at the end, when I realized our meta and seed setup was broken [09:45] Come to think of that, I still have one last linux-lowlatency update which I have neglected :P [09:45] So how exactly is the kernel situation going to be handled in the future? [09:46] linux-lowlatency no longer has a patch, so there was no problem merging the source with -generic [09:46] There's just a config diff. We maintain that, but we don't need to do any building or testing of the lowlatency kernel, other than what we do for our own sake [09:47] i.e., making sure it's doing what it is supposed to now and again [09:47] I've kept maintaining the precise kernel, which still has a patch [09:47] The patch allows the use of rtirq [09:47] Nowadays, this can be done using a config [10:03] Ok great! Thanks for the clarification. [19:19] zequence, I saw about making videos. It would be about time. :D I'll start installing and setting up my workstation soon enough [19:20] does anyone know if I can upgrade xfce to 4.12 if I install the lts 14.0.4 [19:47] millerthegorilla, http://www.webupd8.org/2015/03/install-xfce-412-in-xubuntu-1404-or.html [19:47] should be the same procedure in Ubuntu Studio [19:49] exit [19:50] oops wrong window. :D