[01:23] Will I be able to upgrade directly from 14.04.2 LTS to 15.04 (i.e skipping 14.10)? [01:25] nandalpn, no [04:00] anyone home? [04:01] always :) [04:01] !ask [04:01] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [04:05] got fresh install updated xubuntu 15.04 and after right clicking to "arrange desktop icons" i got this http://mastertux.imgur.com/all/ http://imgur.com/IDTEyJe [04:05] i think this one http://imgur.com/YHVkVtl [04:06] sorry for the first link [04:13] i think i need to speak to xfce also [04:15] hello [04:15] ok [04:15] yes [04:16] quick Q [04:16] trying to create in a mac a USB ubuntu image for a winfos machine [04:16] windows [04:17] can't find a straight answer how [04:17] anybody? [04:18] 10 [04:18] 9 [04:18] 8 [04:18] 7 [04:18] 6 [04:18] xubuntu22w: Stop that. [04:18] ha!:) [04:18] thank you [04:18] all ears [04:18] you got his attention now xubuntu22w :) [04:19] the Q is [04:19] to create a windows bus image in a mac [04:19] in a usb [04:19] got windows 8.1...bricked my laptop [04:19] so I am going xubuntu [04:19] returned windows 8.1 to the store [04:20] I took the ubuntu tour and it is the way to go [04:20] I have no windows machine available but a mac [04:21] borrowed one to get my lp back [04:21] i have the usb stick into the Mac now [04:21] scriptwarlock: I'd look https://bugzilla.xfce.org/buglist.cgi?component=General&product=Xfdesktop&query_format=advanced&resolution=---&order=bug_id%20DESC&query_based_on= for your bug though. [04:21] I cool let me see [04:23] OK thank you for your time [04:23] but it will take too long [04:23] I already spent enough time on this today and the ubuntu website was cumbersome [04:23] for something so simple [04:23] i am surprise the answer is hidden so deeply [04:23] I am out [04:24] but [04:24] THANK OU FOR OUR TIME! [04:24] Unit193, checking the link thanks [04:24] Y [04:24] it is simple [04:24] it took me 10 minutes to realize [04:24] lp 1434959, scriptwarlock. [04:24] the start up creator is nowhere to be found [04:24] Launchpad bug 1434959 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "XFCE desktop - system icons themselves arrange off the screen" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434959 [04:25] un;less supposedly you install ubuntu first [04:25] there should be a page describing MAC to Windos and vice versa regarding the USB install [04:26] Unit193, what does lp means ? sorry got confused [04:26] and the start up creator should be independent of the OS [04:26] in any case thank you again [04:26] scriptwarlock: It's a bug, then ubottu linked you to it with the description and status. [04:26] I will look into it some other time..... [04:27] hopefully I don't have to go back to the store and buy a 128 Solid State and buy back the windows 8.1 [04:27] I would have rather give the money to ubuntu [04:27] Likely use dd from inside Mac OS, but I don't know as I don't use Mac OS, xubuntu22w. [04:27] but too much work [04:27] Unit193, oh well nothing there to see [04:27] it is ok [04:27] tomorrow when I am at work ...windows [04:28] will look for a different start up disk creator and get ubuntu that way [04:28] once I get it going...i will donate to ubuntu.....i like what i see [04:28] thank you again! [04:28] maybe once I do that I can add to the forums [04:36] scriptwarlock: It's fixed, so there is that. [04:36] Unit193, i'm about to file can i have the link? [04:37] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434959 looks like yours. [04:37] Launchpad bug 1434959 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "XFCE desktop - system icons themselves arrange off the screen" [High,Confirmed] [04:39] Unit193, hah got it ok i think i need to wait for the fix [04:46] Unit193, thanks [04:46] Sure, happy to help. [04:47] Unit193, the bug affects my arch setup as well [06:06] hello, I just got a notification that 15.04 stable is now available (I'm on 14.10) along with an upgrade button. Should I do this, or do version upgrades pose a risk of breaking things? [06:09] my wifi sees every network except the ones I already know [06:09] Sure there's some risk, but Utopic/14.10 is supported for 9 months after release. [06:09] it's the opposite of fun [06:11] can't connect to wifi at home or at the pub. this is new as of today and I didn't change anything. leads? (please) [06:12] i did install libusb, eas trying to get a controller working [06:12] why would this break wifi tho [06:13] wifi works but my preferred networks aren't in the list FML [06:14] I'll just go ahead and upgrade. If something breaks, I think I can live with it :D [06:14] bye! [06:14] wpa_supplicant was just upgraded, in vivid. [06:14] futurestack: The connections are in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ [06:16] I did not upgrade, what should I do to restore functionality? [06:17] remove everything in that dir? [06:19] nm-applet now shows nothing, no networks [06:20] enable wifi os now grayed out. great [06:21] *is [06:22] sudo service network-manager restart [06:23] to gain whatever sympathy vote I can, I have done nothing for the last six months; stuff just stopped working today and I have no idea why [06:24] I'd be checking logs. [06:26] which logs? dmesg gives me brsmc errors which leads to two forum posts that have different hardware [06:26] all of my setup worked fine until abt 2h ago and I literally changed nothing so am very confused [06:27] I can't even conmect to my home wifi now [06:29] oh wait, it's worse, networking is entirely disabled, great, nvmm [06:29] Is network-manager properly running? Kernel updates? Driver/firmware updates? broadcom cards tend to be "fun" [06:31] I restarted, networking claims to work, one sex [06:31] sec [06:33] omfg it worked for a second [06:33] and now back to defunct. what the hell happened [06:34] dmesg reporta a bunch of erors tht I googled earlier that were useless [06:34] Now, dmesg and if on vivid sudo systemctl status network-manager.service [06:34] I'm on utopic [06:34] I think [06:35] systemctl does not exist [06:36] hello. I want to remaster the xubuntu-live-cd and I have a beginners question (about "skel"). can someone help? [06:36] oh man I love this stuff [06:37] wherr do I sign up to fucking kill myself when my wifi stops working for no fucking reason [06:38] is it over here? cool thanks xD [06:38] No cussing please. You can try to see if #ubuntu is any more help. [06:38] oh sorry [06:38] Sure, I get it's frustrating. [06:38] pragomer: What question? [06:38] habits [06:39] futurestack: Randomly stopping implies something changed like an upgrade, driver is more common and generally easier. [06:39] thanks unit193. Here's my remastering-script: [06:39] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10876629/ [06:40] I copy some folders/files to /etc/skel [06:40] right. I did change one thing in the system today/ [06:40] lines 92 ff [06:40] but these are ignored [06:41] Oh gosh, no. [06:41] it had to do with a ps3 controller [06:41] you mean me, unit? [06:41] libusb-dev and one third party thing [06:42] if that beoke my wifi well,..., well [06:42] pragomer: That's not how you do that, look more at the files in /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/xfce4/ until you find the panel settings. [06:42] *beroke [06:42] futurestack: Well, libusb-dev wouldn't for sure. [06:42] butmy wifi is totally broken for no reason, and I guess I [06:43] was hoping for an answer here [06:43] I though copying the settings from /home/xubuntu/.config would be enough.. mm.. okay... [06:43] So you mean I take the files from running xubuntu-live-cd from /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/xfce4/ or from source-iso ? [06:43] futurestack: I'd try #ubuntu, I can't think of anything. [06:43] ok, thanks [06:44] Sorry. [06:44] nbd :( [06:44] who needs wifi anyways [06:45] I'm upstairs right now, I dooo. [06:45] 0/win 3 [06:45] shiit [06:45] Alt+3 ? [06:46] I'm typing on my phone because my WIfi is fucking broken yo [06:46] bbl [11:40] Hello! After upgrading to 15.04 it seems i cant connect on home wifi(open).The available networks are there but the connection always gets timed out according to dmesg.Guidance would be really appreciated! [12:04] Xubuntu the better choice? 64bit or 32bit? Computer 2007 E6750 4GB of RAM. Thank you for your opinions. [12:07] if you processor is 64-bit, no reason not to use the 64-bit version [12:09] And is there in that very difference? Because Windows does not see 4GB Ramos and here and how everything he sees. Are all programs, program center 64bit? Because I could not find 64bit skype. [12:10] you can run skype on 64-bit [12:16] Where do I find the checksum for the 15.04 ISO? [12:18] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/15.04/release/ [12:30] is there a script or something to cleanup old password from gnome keyring [12:30] it's eating all my memory :P [12:35] diegows: install seahorse to manage your passwords [12:36] yes, I'm testing it but I have thousands of passwords in hte keyring :) [12:36] I was looking at the python module to write something to purge unused passwords [12:38] diegows: I suggest that you connect to irc.gnome.org and join #keyring [12:38] good :) [12:38] thanks [12:39] good luck :) [12:40] Do you also some ppa repository does not work? Somehow a lot of currently dormant storage. Never lost to the face. List: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/deluge-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/vivid/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found [12:40] W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kilian/f.lux/ubuntu/dists/utopic/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found [12:40] W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/me-davidsansome/clementine/ubuntu/dists/utopic/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found [12:40] E: Some index files failed to download. They have been IGNORED, or old ones used Instead. [12:40] audreeliss, generally, ask the PPA maintainer about PPA problems [12:42] Thank you. I'll try :) [12:57] Hi I'm looking to upgrade my xubuntu from 14.04 to 15.04 in temrianl, how do i do thi [12:57] *this [12:57] xubuntu69o, you will have to upgrade via 14.10, there is no way to hop over that [12:59] okay, cool, If i'm remembering right theres a terminal command to get to 14.10, what's that again? [13:00] xubuntu69o, "sudo do-release-upgrade", considering you have updates for normal releases enabled (and not LTS only) [13:00] Great thanks! [13:26] morning (here) xubuntu [13:27] hello. [13:27] I updated to 15.04 this morning via `sudo do-release-upgrade` [13:27] and I seem to have gotten a development release. [13:27] nope. [13:28] Is this expected. [13:28] ? [13:28] it is not the development version, it's the final release [13:28] it has kernel 3.18.x and says development channel in the /etc/lsb-release [13:29] do you have pinned package? [13:29] DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu Vivid Vervet (development branch)" [13:29] are you sure the upgrade was done correctly? [13:29] 3.18.0-12-generic [13:30] knome I did it the same way I do it on ubuntu and it seemed to do the same thing, but came up with a different release [13:30] what do you mean pinned package? [13:30] have you taken the last updates? [13:30] "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" ? [13:30] knome: yes [13:31] and there is no errors when you do that? [13:31] correct [13:32] sudo do-release-upgrade also says I am up to date [13:32] have you ran sudo apt-get update? [13:32] knome: yes [13:35] redir, run "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit" and paste the url here [13:35] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10878636/ [13:36] right, your repository is probably just lagging [13:37] you can change your repository to the main server if you want, or simpy wait for some time [13:37] meaning it will catch up in the next 24-48? [13:37] that's likely, it all depends on the repository server [13:37] OK. I'll give it a couple days. [13:37] "Last update succeeded on fruitfly.it.anl.gov at: Mon Feb 2 03:11:28 CST 2015" [13:38] february! [13:38] apparently it's not a very recent mirror [13:44] switched mirrors and getting updates. Fingers crossed -- thanks knome. [13:44] np, enjoy [14:21] I'm back:) [14:22] Got the updates and seems to have the correct versions [14:22] am on 15.04 proper now. [14:23] but.... lightdm-gtk-greeter hangs with a grey screen and spinning a core at 100% [14:23] Hey folks, I'm using (X)ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS and seemingly since the last kernel update (3.13.0-49-generic) my cursor no longer changes from a standard pointer. [14:25] if anyone hace any ideas on the lightdm-gtk-greeter they would be apprectaited [14:25] The application being used makes no difference, be it chrome firefox or xchat. [14:27] systemctl restart lightdm.service returns Error: No space lef ton device. [14:27] That seems suspicious as htere is plenty of space on the device:/ [14:27] redir: seperate /boot? [14:28] 89M in /boot [14:28] elfy: ^ [14:28] mmm [14:28] Possibly /var where it wants to write the log is full [14:29] * redir looks [14:29] and looks up how to see the partition schema [14:31] did your last upgrade work properly? if /boot doesn't have room and you tried to install a new kernel [14:31] redir: ^^ [14:33] elfy: it boots. Just the login screen hangs. [14:34] well - there is a space issue somewhere :) [14:34] look where genii pointed [14:34] right:) [14:34] lookinf [14:34] Any partitions from result of: df -h look like they are getting full? [14:34] one big partition mounted at / and a boot efi partition [14:35] genii: no 69% on / and 1% on /boot/efi [14:36] * redir looks at logs [14:44] redir: Find anything enlightening/odd in the logs yet? [14:44] genii: not really [14:45] the lightdm logs have warnings about not finding wallpaper [14:45] but no errors [14:47] X seems to be up and running [14:47] only the login screen hangs [14:48] or is just grey and 100% CPU on one core [14:48] I see some upstart errors when I stop lightdm [14:49] aha lightdm-gtk-greeter:5856): Gdk-WARNING **: lightdm-gtk-greeter: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0. [14:50] right [14:51] so a proper upgrade should have brought in systemd and you should be booting with that [14:51] might be some oddities going on there [14:51] elfy: I htink it is [14:51] what happens with an apt-get dist-upgrade ? [14:52] clean [14:52] k [14:52] Calculating upgrade... Done 0 0 0 [14:53] try booting with upstart then :) advanced menu in grub - option should be there [14:53] sudo restart [14:54] hehe [14:55] AFAICT everything is up and running but the greeter [14:55] Is it possible to compile usually without any plug-ins installed xfce xfce from the site? [14:56] redir: and restarting lightdm when running upstart? [14:56] first I have to get to grub:/ [14:56] redir: press and hold tab [14:57] or shift ... [15:00] ahh [15:00] I think I need a non ergo keyboard [15:01] redir: assuming you can log in to a terminal you can show grub by editing a file [15:01] I don't want to do too much, never had that issue personally and I've been running dev versions for about 3 years [15:02] OK neither tab nor shift get's me there. [15:02] yeah my first problem I couldn't solve in a couple minutes [15:02] one should for sure [15:02] in several yeara [15:03] anyway - edit /etc/default/grub and comment GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 [15:03] then update-grub [15:03] obviously with root rights [15:04] then you should see the grub menu [15:06] booting w/ upstart [15:06] same issue [15:06] lightdm-gtk-greeter spins [15:08] redir: mmm - not sure, if no-one else pipes up in here maybe try #ubuntu, should be a fairly generic issue [15:08] k [15:08] thanks elfy [15:09] I'm suspecting there's some race condition on the cpu [15:15] OK [15:15] adding "active-monitor=0" to the greeter config fixed it [15:16] I think [15:16] yup logged in now [15:16] so I found a bug [15:17] is there an Xubuntu place to report it? or is it general ubuntu? [15:22] redir: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm-gtk-greeter right-hand side under Get Involved is "Report a bug" ... need to login with either Launchpad ID or Ubuntu One [15:23] genii: might be better to ubuntu-bug it from a terminal [15:24] elfy: Without a -dbg package for it, info there probably not much use [15:24] mmk [15:25] redir: The alternate way as elfy describes is: ubuntu-bug lightdm-gtk-greeter on commandline [15:26] The information it gathers for debugging purposes will be incomplete, however [15:30] redir, i might be affected by the same bug, please report it and i'll see if i can confirm it [15:31] redir: That package doesn't have a -dbg package that goes with it. If you want to create a more useful report perhaps see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Non-built-in_debug_symbol_packages_.28.2A-dbgsym.29 [15:32] as long as the bug is filed... :) [16:02] I enabled debugging in the config and have the log I can post witht he report. [16:02] looks like it is switching monitor ports endlessly [16:07] so prolly only affects multi monitor setups [16:33] Hi all. minidlna package was missing in ubuntu-14.04, but this was fixed (according to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/minidlna/+bug/1309651) [16:33] Launchpad bug 1309651 in minidlna (Ubuntu) "MiniDLNA missing from Ubuntu 14.10" [Undecided,Fix released] [16:34] but is does not exists in xubuntu [16:59] !info minidlna utopic [16:59] minidlna (source: minidlna): lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server targeted at embedded systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2+dfsg-1.1build1 (utopic), package size 135 kB, installed size 505 kB [16:59] redixin: Make sure you have the universe repository enabled [17:00] bug posted. thanks to elfy genii and knome for the assists this morning. [17:00] welcome [17:00] * redir hands out beers [17:01] genii, grep universe /etc/apt/sources.list http://dpaste.com/1JAQWDF [17:03] redir, what's the bug number? [17:06] Info minidlna trusty-backports [17:06] !Info minidlna trusty-backports [17:07] !info minidlna trusty-backports [17:07] minidlna (source: minidlna): lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server targeted at embedded systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2+dfsg-1~ubuntu14.04.1 (trusty-backports), package size 125 kB, installed size 468 kB [17:07] There we go. Need more coffee :) [17:07] redixin: So looks like for 14.04 it's in backports, in 14.10 it's in universe [17:11] genii, oh, thanks a lot [17:12] redixin: You're welcome :) [17:12] knome: 1448214 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/1448214 [17:12] Launchpad bug 1448214 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "lightdm-gtk-greeter uses 100% CPU and shows gray screen " [Undecided,New] [17:13] redir, mmh, right, this is likely not my bug, my screen isn't grey :/ [17:15] knome: could have een white... looked grey to me and there was a cursor visible. But that is it. [17:15] redir, bug 1410406 ? [17:15] bug 1410406 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "black screen after booting, 100% cpu usage" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1410406 [17:15] knome: enabling debug in greeeter was very helpful [17:15] redir, no i mean i don't have any "blank" screen, but i definitely see something that could be switching monitors back and forth [17:16] redir, apart from the color, isn't it the same bug that what i pasted? [17:16] looks like it [17:16] * redir goes to link the second to the first [17:17] thanks :) [17:17] I couldn't click to log in though. [17:17] i'll link it then [17:18] but whatevs it is very much the same cause [17:18] marked as duplicate [17:18] thanks for the attention and care :) [17:19] indeed - thanks redir :) [17:23] np [17:45] heya [17:45] does light locker implement freedesktop standard to screensavers? [17:55] sergio-br2: you mean this https://github.com/the-cavalry/light-locker/commit/dfcfc9834241225c4bd9fccc9a77714a183b805c ? [17:56] yeah, https://github.com/mupen64plus/mupen64plus-ui-python/issues/44#issuecomment-95852106 [17:56] is it already in trusty? [17:57] no [17:58] hum, so what I need to do? ppa backport? [17:59] or compile from source [17:59] https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xubuntu-staging [18:08] fear of brake my system here [18:09] understandable [18:09] Does someone tested it in trusty? [18:10] sergio-br2, it sounds you'd better just stick with what you have, or upgrade to a newer version which has the new feature you want. [18:11] yeha [18:32] Did anybody succeed in installing the VirtualBox Guest Additions with 15.04? [18:32] haven't tried yet [18:32] pjotter, did you try yourself? [18:32] I'm trying... but so far it doesn't seem to work [18:32] but good question [18:33] yeah thats what i was afraid of [18:33] pjotter, have you tried with the newest version from the virtualbox site? [18:33] It does seem to install... but the screen does not automatically resize as it should in VirtualBox after Guest Additions. [18:34] knome I'm just using the one from software center at the moment [18:34] VB version 4.3.10 [18:34] pjotter, you could try the guest additions from the virtualbox site, that has worked before in similar situations [18:35] I'll try that [18:37] pjotter: 4.3.10 ? I have a different version in 15.04 here from the repo [18:38] and it resizes [18:38] I'm running it in Xubuntu 14.04. It has 4.3.10 [18:38] why did you say 15.04 then? [18:38] ? [18:38] [19:32] Did anybody succeed in installing the VirtualBox Guest Additions with 15.04? [18:39] Ok. I am running 14.04 and wanted to try out 15.04. So I'm doing that by running 15.04 in VirtualBox. So VirtualBox running on 14.04 with15.04 [18:39] :) I'd not have said anything about it then [18:39] The VirtualBox of my 14.04 is version 4.3.10 [18:39] * genii makes more coffee [18:40] It wouldn't make much sense if I wanted to try out 15.04 from an installed 15.04 version [18:41] pjotter, the guest additions are in a way more related to the host OS than the guest OS [18:41] I know. Do you know where I can get the latest Guest Additions. I'm looking at the VB site but can't seemt o find it [18:42] pjotter: you might be better off - removing the repo version and installing the oracle one [18:43] I'll just try that [18:43] The new VB Guest additions come with the install, right? [18:44] yea - install from running guest [18:49] Ok, so far so good. I got VB version 4.3.26 installed now. Now let's see what happens when I start 15.04 :S [18:52] Ok, new Guest Addtions installed... rebooting... [18:52] Hurray! :D [18:53] Ok, so... appearently the 15.04 Version needs the latest VB and guest additions to run properly. [18:53] Now let's see what's new in 15.04! Thanks people! [18:56] Too bad.. the panel-trash-icon bug is still present... [20:40] hey all, ive just installed xubuntu 15.04 and installed some kde apps, first they look good with gtk theme but for some reason they look like windows 95 no theme at all... and ive done nothing... [20:40] any one knows how to fix this? [20:41] install and run qt4-qconfig and select "system" as the style [20:41] though that should work automatically.. [20:41] ok let me see [20:41] is it possible to happen if i update some packages? [20:42] if you installed 15.04 from a release ISO, then it should be correct already [20:42] (eg. not a beta1 ISO) [20:43] ive installed from official iso [20:43] there was default selected in qt4 config [20:43] it was sorry [20:44] that doesnt seem to be the problem [20:45] am i missing some packages? [20:46] lucas-arg, sorry, "GTK+" should be selected [20:47] let me see [20:47] gooooddd!! [20:47] that did the trick [20:47] love so much this OS [20:47] that's good to hear [21:10] does any one know where i can find help in rkwatd? [21:12] what is rkwatd [21:14] a statistic program [21:14] lucas-arg, ask the developers [21:14] from the repos? [21:14] yes [21:14] using R [21:14] !info rkwatd [21:14] Package rkwatd does not exist in utopic [21:15] rkward [21:15] !info rkward [21:15] rkward (source: rkward): KDE frontend to the R statistics language. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-1 (utopic), package size 1516 kB, installed size 4371 kB [21:15] the kde frontend [21:16] for xubuntu? [21:17] essentially you want help with R, is that not correct [21:17] yeah [21:18] /j #r hm release upgrade seems to have screwed up my mountpoints....im on xubuntu 15.04 now, seems it says "read only file system" mount: http://pastebin.com/LDSYJgwq [21:25] anyone has an idea? [21:27] where does it say that? [21:27] instantly when i connect via ssh [21:28] when i look at the screen it does not boot right... i only get a tty session [21:28] do you have free space on the HDD? [21:29] ./dev/sda2 52G 11G 38G 23% / [21:31] full df -h http://paste.ubuntu.com/10881470/ [21:34] hm kay [21:34] a simple mount -o rw,remount /dev/sda2 helped [21:35] X is showing my login screen now... [21:35] nice and shiny... but it donest accept my password [21:35] doesn't [21:36] it looks like it just restart X when I hit enter [21:37] I think all the "after reboot" stuff did not run yet [21:37] so my installation is screwed i guess [21:41] really quiet channel here btw ;) [21:49] people rarely have problems with xubuntu :3 [21:49] maybe it means not a lot of people need support; furthermore, we have #xubuntu-offtopic for general chatter [21:50] well I never had a proble with release upgrade before either ;) [21:50] +m [21:50] fuck me I can't even sftp to it :X.... what the... [21:51] fatexs, please watch your language as this is a family-friendly channel [21:51] k [21:52] Does anyone know what types of files and programs get saved when you upgrade xubuntu? [21:52] Get carried over [21:52] MrPneguin, all of your personal files in /home are kept intact as well as the configuration you have done [21:52] MrPneguin, that doesn't mean it isn't a good idea to take backups... [21:53] Is there a chance files might not save properly? [21:53] there's always a possibility that something goes wrong, which is why you always should take backups [21:53] i would say there is a cahnce it will not boot prooerly... [21:55] If it doesn't boot properly what steps do you take? [21:55] Besides beckupsa [21:55] backups [21:56] MrPneguin, depends what the cause for it is [21:56] Does it also save third party programs? [21:57] everything you have installed from the repositories is kept installed - if you have PPA's, those are temporarily disabled so you'll need to re-enable them and make sure you update your applications after the upgrade; if you have installed something that isn't managed by the package management, that is kept as is, but it's also possible that it might not work with the upgraded system [21:57] quick question: how can I enable root accces via acp? :> [21:58] scp* [21:58] fatexs, you shouldn't. [21:58] well I need to get my stuff before I do a clean install... [21:59] because with my skillz I can't fix it apperantly [22:00] I am going to get a high powered pc soon. Does it run fine on high powered machines? Any limitations? [22:02] knome, how do you suggest I get my data back then? [22:05] There have been rare cases where problemes were caused beacuse of the pc being too fast. But in general it should run fine, even on high powered pc's. [22:05] MrPneguin, no limitations really. [22:07] I really dont know if xubuntu is the best for a 1500 dollar build high performing pc though. [22:07] For instance: I had to write a script once that waited for network connection to be established before continuing because my pc booted too fast. But I believe that problem got solved in the newer versions now. [22:07] MrPneguin, it'll leave more of your resources to use for the tasks you want to do, instead of the system requiring more resources [22:08] I haven't had any problems with that recently. [22:08] knome, how do you suggest I get my data back then? [22:08] if ssh/scp root is not possible? [22:08] fatexs, sorry, i have no strong suggestions. [22:08] i didn't say it isn't possible... i said you shouldn't [22:09] well I don't know any other way of getting data of that thing... [22:10] i don't understand why you need root access though [22:10] I can't read /etc/ on my usual account [22:10] yeah, I love the look of it but I dont really know if it's using the pc's full potential. Compared to Ubuntu, what do you think? pros and cons. I really appreciate your input :) [22:10] and if I want to set up everything up nicely etc would really help... [22:11] MrPneguin, you are asking on the xubuntu channel; people here are going to tell you they prefer xubuntu - what else do you expect? [22:11] lol, yeah [22:11] fatexs, if you can mount /etc somehow, you can copy it somehow [22:11] well it is mounted... [22:11] fatexs, regular users can read /etc [22:12] Is there any disadvantages running it on a high performance pc though? [22:12] MrPneguin, as i said, no [22:12] knome, I get a lot of errors tho... maybe from deeper file inside etc... [22:13] fatexs, you won't likely need everything from /etc when you do a clean install [22:13] wtf [22:13] please. [22:13] habbit sorry [22:14] but but but I need my samba conf my fstab for my raid 5 and some more stuff I forget... [22:15] fatexs, if you copy /etc, you'll be able to cherry-pick those [22:15] Im sorry that Im stupid but it took my hours to get it working [22:15] if single files give you errors, determine if they are something you need [22:15] it sounds weird that your system is in that state; maybe something you did got you in this situation to begin with [22:16] well my system was perfercly fine until ./do releasy upgrade [22:16] I guess that counts as " I did something" ;) [22:17] but it works 6 times ( the last 3 years)... I really thing the update is not working right with some installations [22:17] appreciate your help tho knome [22:18] with not working I mean 14.10->15.04 [22:18] the rest was obviously working ;) [22:18] everything is possible [22:19] welcome to help us with upgrade testing with the next development cycle [22:19] I think next time I will stick with a backup first tho :D [22:20] I would love to contribute but with my linux skills I don't think this will help much [22:20] I got etc copied now... [22:20] you've done an upgrade before? you have all the skills required. [22:21] fatexs, http://xubuntu.org/contribute/qa/#testing if you got interested [22:21] I will think about it when I get my pc back in order ;) [22:21] fatexs, and fwiw, you should never enable the root account on ubuntu [22:21] don't tell anybody but Im using my old win7 laptop currently [22:21] * knome tells fatexs's mum [22:22] knome, well I know that... but it doesnt really matter it the installion is going to be redone anyway right? [22:22] in this case, not likely, but for the future. [22:23] well I worked 3 years without root... [22:23] It's not like that is the first think I do is enable root again... [22:25] where is that transmission config file? is it also under etc? [22:26] likely in your /home [22:26] ah [22:34] mdadm --assemble md1 does nothing .... I will cry if my nice raid5 is broken :( [22:35] another question: can i display all installed packages? minus the default ones? [22:37] fatexs, http://askubuntu.com/questions/2389/generating-list-of-manually-installed-packages-and-querying-individual-packages [22:38] perfect! thanks! [22:39] is /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf everything there is to a raid 5 or do I need somethign else? [22:40] I'm just a bit worried I can't assemble my raid again after reinstall... [22:51] okay [22:51] my raid is apperantly fine [22:52] seems i broke df and it doesn't show my /opt/ mounts [22:52] :) [23:14] im off then ... thanks again knome!