
smoserharmw, where would you get a freebsd cloud image ?19:37
harmwI'd build one myself19:50
harmwthough they do offer vm images19:50
smoserlink ?19:50
smoserall i see is http://images.openstack.nctu.edu.tw/bsd-cloudinit/19:50
harmwthats some other project19:51
harmwbut those lack cloud, eg. no cloud-init19:51
smoserdo they boot ?19:51
harmwin a vm, yes19:51
smoserare they usable ?19:52
smosercan i ssh in ?19:52
harmwidk :)19:52
harmwi've only build my own, using oz19:52
harmwand installed ci later on19:52
smoserk. thanks.19:53
smoserharmw, your mission is to get cloud-init installed in one of those off the shelf images.19:55
smoserand submit to http://thornelabs.net/2014/06/01/where-to-find-openstack-cloud-images.html on how you did it :)19:55
smoserharmw, i was just trying to get a freebsd image.19:55
smoserto add to http://smoser.brickies.net/image-streams/19:55
smoserthat is 'streams' format of data. and you can then sync it into your openstack cloud using http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/simplestreams/example-sync/files19:56
harmwyea, been wanting to do get ci in an official image19:58
harmwand I'm watching the Hobbit, so quest seems more appropriate19:58
smoserthats the script that we have syncing smoser-images into our cloud.19:58
smoserharmw, well, for cloud-init 2, we're going to want c-i testing cluod-init trunk on freebsd.20:03
smoserso some automated mechanism for doing that wooill be needed.20:04
harmwah yes, you sent an e-mail regarding 2.020:04
harmwforgot all about that20:05
harmwbut yes, getting fbsd on par some more is on the short list20:06
harmw(but that list is already filled beyond everyting :P)20:06

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