
darkxstmgedmin, try boot passing systemd.log_level=debug as a kernel param, that should make logind provide more info on what is going on with your suspend issues08:06
* mgedmin will keep it in mind08:07
mgedmin(I now need to find a way to reproduce the issue, since a reboot fixes it)08:07
mgedmincan logind's debug level be changed at runtime?08:07
darkxstnot that I'm aware of08:08
darkxstbut maybe you can edit unit and restart the service?08:09
darkxstno idea if that works still though08:11
darkxstmgedmin, anyway probably fine to reassign to systemd08:16
darkxstmgedmin, obviously logind switch from being a wrapper to the real thing, with systemd init changes08:20
=== _Dumle29 is now known as Dumle29
SnoopExcited Gnome USer here17:12
SnoopWhats new in the Vivid Vervet Gnome Version?17:13
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
hubxhi there, upgraded to 15.04 and gnome 3.16 (gnome3-staging ppa) today. had to manually install gir1.2-gweather-3.0, gnome-shell complained about Gjs-WARNING **: JS ERROR: Error: Requiring GWeather, version none: Typelib file for namespace 'GWeather' (any version) not found20:19
hubxbut so far gnome 3.16 works like a charm. thanks!20:19
amariIs this ppa official for gnome 3.16 in vivid? https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/ubuntu/gnome3-staging21:07
dxerfanyone around?21:47
dxerfsilly question but is it possible to get the screensaver back in gnome-shell?  It just goes to a blank screen but I'd like to have xscreensaver run21:47
darkxstdxerf, no, gnome-shell uses its own screensaver (it shouldnt be black though)22:01
darkxstare you using gdm?22:02
dxerfdarkxst:  I am22:13
dxerfit looks like it goes to just a lock screen and then goes blank22:13
darkxstah yes, that is right, you can probably disable the blanking22:14
dxerfah ok22:14
dxerfwhy doesn't gnome have other screensavers available?22:14
darkxstyou can't change/use a traditional screensaver though22:14
darkxstdon't know22:15
dxerfit's a silly/simple question...i figure screensaver isn't on the highest priority list...just curious why the community decided to not use xscreensaver22:16
darkxstdxerf, the lock screen is internal to gnome-shell, to get a consistent UI etc22:18
darkxstI think Ubuntu do something similar these days, except their lock screen is drawn by lightdm22:22

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