
* zmoylan-pi tests if it was the iron enriched corn by preparing the giant acme magnet...00:09
* daftykins slides along the ground toward zmoylan-pi 00:09
zmoylan-pithank goodness for free shipping :-P00:09
* zmoylan-pi reverses the polarity at the thought of daftykins approaching...00:10
* zmoylan-pi puts out free bagels to console daftykins 00:11
daftykinsand treats for my cat? she was in my arms at the time00:13
zmoylan-pishe's a cat, she'll want some of whatever you're eating right up to the point of eating it.00:14
penguin42perhaps she'll eat the holes00:16
zmoylan-piof course some cats love cheese00:18
daftykinsshe decorated the floor around me whilst i was poised on the tip of my sofa playing a game online with friends, Friday night00:19
daftykinsi could only reach to push her off the rug at least :P00:19
zmoylan-piand one of our cats adored porridge00:19
zmoylan-piwarm milky porridge00:19
zmoylan-piperfect brekkie before a long morning snooze00:25
penguin42which lasts until lunch00:28
zmoylan-pithen a light lunch preceding the afternoon snooze00:34
penguin42which lasts until dinner00:40
zmoylan-pior tea time depending on wether you're working class/middle class00:41
zmoylan-pithen if it's winter camping out to sleep as close to fireplace as is possible00:42
penguin42yep, my type of life00:43
zmoylan-pii swear if the fireplace we had didn't have a glass door on the front she'd have climbed in sometimes00:44
zmoylan-pishe sat so close that her nose had a tiny scar from touching the glass when she started to doze off00:45
daftykins:D d'aww00:46
zmoylan-pithen after her fur got too hot to touch she'd fall asleep under sofa till she cooled down00:46
zmoylan-pishe was basically a huge heat sink in the house... :-)00:46
daftykinsgah just missed a photo op of my cat using the TV remotes as a pillow00:47
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
Knightwisemorning everyone06:37
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
TheProphet[S]Good morning all08:36
TheProphet[S]Anyone can help me understand why I have to boot in recovery mode and then resume normal boot to be able to start X in Ubuntu 15.04? If I start without the recovery step the screen remains blank08:37
TheProphet[S]Can anyone* and please*08:38
TheProphet[S]I guess it's a bit early on a Sunday to start asking that sort of question08:43
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:22
=== shauno__ is now known as shauno
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
TheProphet[S]Testing Bioshock infinite on 15.04 after update, if I manage to start the system11:31
TheProphet[S]It worked at first, although I'm not sure how it managed to send the output onto the hdmi even though analogue was selected11:32
TheProphet[S]I then quit the game and fiddled with the sound settings, restarted the game and Pc froze11:32
TheProphet[S]After a hard reboot video output is not visible, I can reboot by going to a tty, I don't see anything though, I just remember the sequence11:34
TheProphet[S]Then I boot into recovery mode, select resume normal boot and video starts like nothing ever happened. Is there a logical explanation to this?11:37
TheProphet[S]If I select normal boot procedure from Grub I just get a black screen11:37
TheProphet[S]Perhaps logic died with Leonard Nimoy11:39
TheProphet[S]Anyways someone yesterday asked if Bioshock infinite worked after 15.04 update, the answer is yes11:40
TheProphet[S]Although it freezes it seems11:41
brobostigonST4 5* 13:1511:42
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
TheProphet[S]After a few seconds of game play,11:46
TheProphet[S]It froze and I had to reboot11:47
penguin42Jessie seems to work12:23
ali1234in general or for bioshock infinite?12:27
ali1234i just saw someone say that NFS mounts don't work properly12:30
penguin42perfectly normal behaviour for NFS12:30
ali1234but that was on raspberry pi so who knows what hacked up version they are using12:31
ali1234well DBTS says it is supposed to be fixed12:31
ali1234or are you just making a joke about NFS being rubbish?12:31
penguin42well, it's not rubbish, but it does seem to need some TLC to keep it happy12:31
ali1234this appears to specifically be the issue where systemd can't mount remote filesystems from fstab12:32
penguin42ah, using systemd automount or explicit mounts?12:33
ali1234having NFS mounts in /etc/fstab which work fine, until you upgrade to jessie, and then they don't12:33
ali1234but as i said, raspi, so it's probably hacked up12:34
shaunoI haven't touched jessie yet.  I'm a little paranoid about migrating non-systemd boxes to systemd when I can't physically reach them to mop up12:34
ali1234i can't decide whether to go 15.04 or jessie12:34
ali1234i'm on 14.04 at the moment12:34
penguin42ali1234: I'm not sure what the debian story is for Pi, it might be supported?12:34
ali1234if i go 15.04 i'm stuck on the upgrade train until the next LTS12:35
shaunoI suspect my task for the next few days is going to be duping them into VMs so I can play in a sandpit12:35
ali1234penguin42: the debian story is "use raspbian" - which is basically a full rebuild of everything with a different arch12:36
ali1234you can use debian armel i think, if you don't care it's not optimized12:37
penguin42ali1234: nod, I suspect the Pi2 is less hastle because it's a newer CPU, but I've not followed the Pi much12:37
ali1234right, the pi2 can run armhf so debian or ubuntu properly optimized12:37
ali1234the pi1 is stuck with debian's lowest common denominator and cannot run ubuntu at all. hence raspbian12:38
ali1234however they all have the same crazy bootloader stuff which requires non-trivial modification to the OS12:39
penguin42yeh but that stuff is fairly isolated; most of the userland packages after bootsetup should be OK12:41
shaunoI think that meshes with what I tend to see - people boot raspbian, and then add jessie sources12:42
penguin42generally on ARM stuff, once you get a fairly modern kernel running you can just slap your favorite userspace in; debootstrap being the easiest thing to do12:44
ali1234but generally on ARM stuff you are tied to an ancient BSP which makes that impossible12:45
penguin42yeh, it depends how new your userspace wants; pre systemd you could get away with a fairly old kernel12:47
bashrcali1234: whether you go to jessie or 15.04 depends on whether you need recent package versions and don't mind upgrading every 6 months. I use Debian on the server and have been on Jessie for quite a while13:40
ali1234i don't want to upgrade every six months13:41
ali1234i want nvidia binary driver to work easily and be able to play games on steam13:41
bashrcthen I'd stick with debian or ubuntu LTS13:41
ali1234yes, which?13:41
bashrcdepends which you prefer. Is this for desktop or server?13:42
bashrcwith desktop I'd go for ubuntu LTS13:42
ali1234i prefer ubuntu but i need newer packages than 14.04 has13:42
bashrcthen you have the stability of an LTS, put also with the option to use PPAs13:42
ali1234i don't care about stability13:43
ali1234i just don't want to upgrade all the time13:43
ali1234by upgrade i mean distro upgrade13:43
bashrcif you really don't care about stability then a rolling release like Arch might be the thing. I don't have any experience on that though13:44
ali1234is there a rolling release distro that doesn't break every day worse than debian unstable?13:45
ali1234arch is not it13:45
ali1234rolling release appears to be an excuse not to ever test releases13:45
bashrcfrom my limited experience of rolling releases I think breakages are common. So going with an ubuntu LTS would seem to fit the requirements13:46
bashrcthen if you need very recent packages you can probably just use a PPA13:46
ali1234yes, except there won't be another one of those for 12 months13:46
ali1234the newer packages i need include systemd13:46
bashrcah, currently I don't think the ubuntu LTS uses systemd, although it might be possible to install it13:47
ali1234it doesn't and it isn't13:47
ali1234let me boil it right down to basics13:47
ali1234i want systemd, nvidia driver, steam, recent xorg, xfce 4.12 all working out of the box, and two years support13:48
ali1234also the moon on a stick13:48
* DJones joking point ali1234 to ##windows :)13:48
DJonesHow does steamos deal with that13:49
bashrcI don't know what xfce version jessie uses, but that requirements list sounds in jessie territory13:49
ali1234well it doesn't have xfce 4.12 that's for sure13:49
ali1234jessie has xfce 4.10 still, but that i can deal with13:50
ali1234bigger issue is does nvidia driver work properly yet with a decently new version?13:50
penguin42ali1234: Hmm, the current LTS should get the new kernel/X in 6 months if they follow the previous pattern of hardware support13:50
ali1234last time i tried debian it was a year behind and you had to install it manually13:50
ali1234penguin42: but not systemd13:50
ali1234i don't care about kernel at all ...13:51
ali1234X is meh... as long as it has present13:51
penguin42ali1234: Well, fedora 22 gives you latest kernel, systemd, and X - but not the 2 year support13:51
ali1234also RPM is horrible13:52
penguin42yeh, I want to see what snappy is like13:52
ali1234last time i tried an rpm distro it was impossible to build any of the packages from source without exactly duplicating the build server13:53
penguin42that's actually not that hard, I've got the hang of rpmbuild13:53
bashrcI wrote a packaging system called packagemonkey which does rpm13:54
ali1234oh sure, rpmbuild. should have worked, it just didn't13:55
ali1234does it still try to build everything in hardcoded paths under your home directory that you have to rm -rf between every package to stop them conflicting?13:56
bashrcprobably, but my packaging system handles all that drudge work13:56
ali1234rpm already has a tool that does that - it makes a chroot, installs all dependencies in it, then builds the package with rpmbuild13:57
penguin42ali1234: almost, it's not quite hard coded but you can change it in a dot file; on one machine I have the %_topdir changed to build it elsewhere13:57
ali1234and it didn't work properly either13:57
ali1234well i think it goes without saying that rpm is off the table13:58
ali1234the question is do i stay on 14.04, install 15.04, or jessie?13:58
bashrcif you need systemd then it's either 15.04 or jessie13:59
bashrc15.04 might give you a newer xfce13:59
penguin42ali1234: jessie isn't going to get you latest13:59
ali1234 don't need latest, just newer than 14.0413:59
penguin42ali1234: Have you tried installing 14.04.2 - it will give you a different kernel/X than a 14.04 install unless you change the hardware support packages14:00
ali1234i don't want a newer kernel14:00
penguin42so what is it you want that's newer?14:01
penguin42then you need 15.0414:01
ali1234or jessie, as we have established :)14:01
ali1234i think it has to be 15.04 really14:03
ali1234i bet debian doesn't have all the ubuntu gnome patches that make gnome software not suck on all other desktops14:03
penguin42although debian's gnome isn't that new, so maybe it's less of a problem?14:03
ali1234it's been a problem since at least 3.1214:04
penguin42ah ok14:04
bashrcI think jessie uses gnome 3.1414:05
ali1234it does14:05
penguin42ali1234: which desktop do you use and which gnome apps do you use with it?14:10
ali1234xfce and the pdf viewer14:10
penguin42ali1234: Yeh I've switched to xfce,  but I tend to use KDE's pdf viewer, okular14:11
ali1234i've got a question14:12
ali1234why is it when you see screenshots of KDE software, they never ever use oxygen, and always use that theme that looks like gtk?14:12
penguin42because oxygen is really really screwed up ?14:13
ali1234right. so why was it the default for so long?14:13
penguin42well it's quite nice look, but the oxygen-gtk renderer just causes so many random bugs14:14
ali1234oxygen looks awful14:14
penguin42ok ok, it's a theme14:14
ali1234it makes everything look slapped together14:14
ali1234it looks awful for entirely objective reasons14:15
* penguin42 is still looking for a compact gtk theme to use in xfce14:15
ali1234which can't be fixed due to the way Qt works14:15
ali1234what do you mean by "compact"?14:15
penguin42ali1234: I find the 'tabs' and buttons tend to use a lot of vertical space14:16
penguin42ali1234: It annoys me most on terminals, where the tab switching at the bottom takes a couple of rows space up14:16
ali1234then don't use tabs? use separate windows?14:17
* penguin42 likes tabs14:18
ali1234there's this thing called a taskbar where every window is a tab14:18
ali1234and you can put it anywhere on the screen that you want. imagine that!14:18
* penguin42 scatters terminals everywhere each with a few tabs in14:18
* penguin42 would just like his tabs to be a little less podgie14:18
ali1234what terminal?14:18
penguin42ali1234: I think it's the same on both terminator and xfce-terminal14:19
ali1234yeah it is14:19
ali1234oh, have you set "force dpi" to 96 dpi?14:19
ali1234that is essential14:20
penguin42yeh I'm pretty sure I've got that14:20
ali1234and set font size to 11 pt?14:20
penguin42see   http://imagebin.ca/v/1zfYH9sBBh5a14:23
ali1234what have you done...14:23
ali1234the tabs are the only thing in that picture that is the correct size14:23
penguin42it's microcurve title bar theme, so that's nice and small, I've got a nice small font in the terminal - and these *HUGE* tabs14:24
ali1234just set the system font to like 7 pt14:25
penguin42but there seems to be so much padding around the text14:25
ali1234yes, because without that it looks awful14:25
penguin42(Default font is Sans 9)14:25
ali1234without that padding it will look like KDE14:25
ali1234where everything is squashed together and unreadable14:26
penguin42well, I would like it a bit more squashed, like the title14:26
penguin42it's readable but with no extra space14:26
ali1234window borders are just bitmaps in xfwm14:26
ali1234you will have to hack the gtk theme to get less padding on elements14:27
ali1234it is written in css for gtk3 and something else for gtk214:27
penguin42yeh, as I say, (15:15:18) ***penguin42 is still looking for a compact gtk theme to use in xfce14:27
ali1234and the css version breaks with every gtk release and someone has to spend several hours fixing it14:27
ali1234gtk themes pretty much don't exist any more because of this14:28
penguin42a sad state of affairs14:28
ali1234xfce has dropped all themes except for greybird and numix14:28
ali1234i would switch to KDE if they made a decent theme14:31
ali1234the new thing unfortunately does not seem to have fixed any of the alignment issues14:31
ali1234they did at least get rid of the gradients and boxes everywhere though, so that's something14:32
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
ali1234maybe i should make a kde theme14:33
penguin42ali1234: I've just switched to xfce from KDE, I can't stand KDE514:35
ali1234why? it's just the same thing with a much better theme14:36
ali1234i would probably have to nuke the plasma trash though, and just run xfce panel or something14:37
penguin42KDE without plasma? Sounds an odd thing to do14:38
diddledankde3 was where it was at14:39
diddledanI liked kde314:39
ali1234i think the pdf viewer might be the only app i use which is part of a "desktop environment"14:39
penguin42diddledan: Yeh14:39
diddledanthe switch between kde3 and 4 was jarring14:40
penguin42diddledan: I went KDE3->Gnome (2?)->KDE4 (after about 4 years with Gnome2)14:40
diddledanlike "wtf did you do?!"14:40
penguin42diddledan: Yeh, KDE5 is like that now14:40
diddledanit was because of kde4 that I went ubuntu14:40
ali1234this is hilarious14:40
ali1234arn't mock ups supposed to look *good*?14:41
ali1234at least they fixed the clock14:41
diddledanthe colours in that are evil14:41
diddledangreen "spotify" followedby "now playing" in white?!14:42
ali1234now this, this looks good: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CBOhh_ywz1c/VH2TB-RMgKI/AAAAAAAAJyg/ZwiOjKgD-uo/s1600/Manjaro%2B0.8.11.jpg14:42
diddledannot just green but luminous green14:42
ali1234i'm not even sure if that is KDE14:42
diddledanit really annoys me that anything running on kde MUST have a badly placed K in the name14:43
ali1234i don't mind that14:44
diddledanand that example with "piKture"14:44
diddledanand "Kontrol Panel" <-- why can't they call that "K Control Panel"?14:45
ali1234oh wow that manjaro screenshot is xfce14:46
ali1234i knew it was too good to be true14:46
daftykinsjust been to that castle mountain bikin' event16:55
shaunoyou appear to have borrowed our weather17:13
shauno(no rush returning it btw, I'm getting kinda used to this bright light)17:14
daftykinsshauno: :D17:17
daftykinsfoggy this morn, windy and 10 deg C this afty17:17
shaunowe've had pretty much continuous sun.  a bit grayer today, but still totally passable.17:21
shaunowent up to dublin yesterday, got soaked to the skin, and promptly left again17:21
diddledanshauno: you're lying17:23
diddledanshauno: ireland doesn't have sun!17:23
penguin42shauno: the sun seems to be over here today17:24
shaunohttp://i.imgur.com/APkPbeF.jpg  (just to add further shock, I've even been outside)17:27
diddledanI call shenanigans - that's america17:29
diddledannowai is ireland that pretty!17:29
diddledanso my masculinity extensions are installed into my NAS17:31
diddledanI now have 7TEEBEEs to play with17:31
shaunoproofs it's not america - they wouldn't consider that a road, let alone a 2-lane road - http://i.imgur.com/ahvy6TB.jpg17:32
diddledanno wonder the post office doesn't believe you exist17:33
daftykinscrikey that's a main road :P17:34
daftykinscan get two horse and carts going opposite ways down that easy ;)17:34
diddledanclickity clack over the bridge. and out pops the troll and tries to eat it.17:35
shaunowe actually have carts here :/  well, they call them 'traps'17:37
shaunohad a friend over from slovakia for the week .. she was quite surprised to see them around and about town17:38
shaunoalso surprised to see people park their houses on random bits of commanage17:39
shaunogot me thinking, it kinda says something when a slovakian thinks your city is "cute but kinda backwards"17:39
daftykinsbig alarm bells start sounding, then you know you have to hit the pub yep17:39
daftykinsbut these city folk know not what they see ;)17:40
shaunolol .. well this is ireland's 3rd biggest city :)17:40
diddledanI like that they actually admit that they're "traps"17:40
shauno(or 4th .. galway and limerick seem to have some kind of dispute over that)17:40
daftykinsfine Irish fellow there17:41
diddledanhe may have been in the sunbed a bit too long - he looks like a lobster now17:45
shaunowell, this will be fun.  I have to knock up a new front panel for something, but the only ruler I can find is old & snapped.  so I have about 7cm to work with17:45
diddledan3inches ought to be enough for anyone17:45
diddledanor is that 640KB?17:46
daftykinsi do loathe those ancient and out of context quotes17:46
daftykinssounds a bit too much like newbies going "hur hur, things change as time passes"17:46
daftykinsgot linked to this earlier 0o17:46
daftykins4GHz at last17:47
diddledanI thought intel believed that 4GHz was a myth17:47
shaunopicked this up - http://www.ebay.ie/itm/141361319227  there seems to be 1001 people selling it, and no-one giving a proper set of dimensions :(17:48
penguin42sigh - I want more cores, give me 8 core, 3.5GHz and I'll be happy17:48
daftykinsisn't that what Haswell-E is, penguin42 ? logical cores anyway17:48
diddledanshauno: doesn't this count: External dimension:  width=220mm   Height=52mm   depth = 226mm?17:49
shaunoit's not really enough .. I need to know what screws go in the front, and how far from the corners they are17:49
penguin42daftykins: Haswell-E is I think 6 core, so getting there - but still - come on!17:49
penguin42daftykins: I think they're upto 15 core in Xeon17:49
diddledanpenguin42: you want 8 full cores or 4 with hypernuts?17:50
penguin42diddledan: I want my full 8 full cores, none of this hypernuts17:50
diddledanso you want 16 hyperspaces?17:50
penguin42diddledan: I've got a 5 year old 4 core 2.8GHz i7 here - why bother upgrading? Sure it'll be a bit faster clock/clock - but not vastly17:51
diddledanI've got an AMD 8core17:51
penguin42diddledan: Meh, 16 hypernuts would be nice, but it's the cores I really want17:51
penguin42diddledan: No, you've got an AMD 4 core with their equivalent of HT17:51
daftykinsi don't think i'd buy AMD.17:51
diddledanpenguin42: it's not the same as FTL17:51
penguin42diddledan: They share chunks between their cores, they're not really 8 independent cores17:51
diddledanpenguin42: it's only the Integer unit that's shared17:52
penguin42diddledan: Other way, I think it's only the fp unit that's shared17:52
diddledanthe actual guts is all independant17:52
penguin42still, I want 8 real independent cores17:52
diddledanit can drive non arithmetic stuff at 8 independance17:52
penguin42true, I'd rather have 16 cores that are independent, but I'll settle with 817:53
penguin42maybe I'd even have a broken 16 core with say 13 cores17:53
penguin42yeh, give me 13 cores, I'll be happy17:54
* penguin42 uses a machine with 2x6 cores as one of his dev boxes at work; very nice17:54
penguin42but I'm just bored with Intel not pulling their fingers out for years17:55
shaunodid those omgcores arm boxes ever happen?17:55
penguin42shauno: They apparently exist but I can't find any to buy - the Cavium ThunderX17:55
diddledanshauno: the orangebox?17:55
daftykinswhy should intel work when AMD suck so hard :(17:55
shaunonah, I think the orangebox was a bunch of mini intels shoved in one chassis17:55
diddledanshauno: I think canonical moved away from arm for those replacing them with intels17:56
penguin42daftykins: Yeh exactly17:56
penguin42daftykins: The problem is Intel just have a very very sharp pin on their chip making equipment, and until AMDs fabs catch up they don't stand much of a chance17:56
daftykinswell that and they don't have fabs :>17:56
daftykinstheir designs haven't done too well for a while now too17:57
daftykinsi'd love them to come back (AMD) it'd be great to have true competition again17:57
directhex_AMD no longer have any dazzle17:57
daftykinsok i've gotta head out, ttfn \o17:57
directhex_when was the last time they competed?17:57
daftykinsprobably Athlon64 time17:57
directhex_athlon fx!17:57
penguin42daftykins: oh yeh, they sold them off to Global foundaries I think?17:57
diddledandirecthex_: back in the 90s they were topdog with the k6-217:57
directhex_i had a duron once17:58
directhex_and athlon6417:58
daftykinsAthlon XP mobile was where it was at ;)17:58
shaunomy amd 486 was smoking.  120MHz 486.17:58
* penguin42 had a dual Athlon at one point17:58
penguin42Athlon MP17:58
directhex_i7 is fine for me17:58
diddledanI think they stopped being truly competitive when they no-longer used an "intel equivalence value" in their marketing17:58
directhex_i think it was the APU days17:59
directhex_i lost track totally of their sockets, they had like 3 different sockets on the go at once, mostly differentiated by whether the onboard gfx was dire or merely bad18:00
directhex_i still don't understand amd sockets18:00
diddledanthe AM sockets seem to be backward compatible?18:01
diddledane.g. I believe AM3+ can run a processor designed for AM3 or AM218:01
directhex_socket am1, fm2, fm2+, and am3+, for desktops18:01
diddledan(the + is important for omgcores apparently?)18:01
directhex_all the motherboards are from 2011 too18:01
diddledanyeah they haven't released a new chipset in forever18:02
directhex_and their top-end cpu will burn a hole through your floor. 220W!18:02
diddledanall the recent mobos have been rehashes of existing ones with an efi instead of bios18:02
diddledanbashrc: you enjoying the yoyo experience?18:17
daftykinsmust be the BT effect :D20:01
penguin42diddledan: They need EFI/GPT partitions to do big disks20:04
daftykinsAMD chipsets went pretty bad for a while20:10
shaunoI gave up on amd when Apple declared Intel the one true saviour (for now)20:14
shaunowhich would be funnier if it wasn't true.20:14
ali1234i was looking at CPUs the other day and it looks like the most expensive AMD CPU is the same price as the cheapest Intel CPU20:16
ali1234at around £25020:16
penguin42they have to to get the performance close20:16
daftykinssurely that's not a cheapest20:16
penguin42no, you can get Intel for about £4020:17
directhex_you can get a socket-1150 intel for £33.70 delivered20:18
directhex_dual core 2.4ghz20:18
ali1234celeron, yes20:18
ali1234i only looked at quad core cpus20:18
daftykinsi don't buy anything below an i3 :>20:19
penguin42ali1234: Actually, you're not trying on the AMDs - http://www.scan.co.uk/products/amd-3rd-gen-opteron-6380-cpu-abu-dhabi-16-core-s-g34-%28lga-1944%29-25ghz-8mb-x-2-l3-cache-115w-without-20:19
ali1234and it was around £15020:19
ali1234yeah i didn't look at opteron/xeon either20:19
* penguin42 bets that's 2 chips in one package20:19
daftykinssave on the heating next winter!20:20
directhex_115W is low for AMD20:20
directhex_they have 220W chips20:20
ali1234the cheapest haswell i5 is about the same price as the most expensive amd fx20:21
daftykinsan FX line is still going? crikey20:21
ali1234well, what is AMDs CPU for the high end consumer these days?20:22
daftykinsi don't have a clue of their lineup at all since i don't tend to consider them even worthy of checking20:22
ali1234AMD A?20:22
directhex_they don't have one20:23
directhex_they literally don't make high end consumer chips. the highest end they ever made is still the fx 9590, which is old20:23
directhex_but you need to add the cost of a liquid cooling system to the amd20:24
directhex_whereas the i5 haswell comes with a functional cooler20:26
directhex_since it's 84W vs 220W20:26
directhex_and you *officially* can't run the 9590 off air, according to amd (results may vary in real life)20:26
directhex_they sell a rebranded asetek AIO water cooler w/ 120mm radiator, the "amd fx-series liquid cooling system"20:27
ali1234how much is it?20:27
directhex_struggling to find it in the UK. equivalents are about 40-45 quid20:27
ali1234the chip is £170 less than the intel chip in your comparison20:28
directhex_Intel Core i5 4440 Processor Haswell is £144, AMD FX 9590 Processor - 8 Core is £18120:29
directhex_that's top of the range amd vs cheapest quadcore intel, as requested20:29
directhex_so add a £40 cooler to that and it's £220 vs £14420:29
directhex_we could compare a £144 amd? or a £220 intel? what would you prefer?20:30
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ali1234how about FX 8370E (95W - £142) vs the £144 haswell?20:31
directhex_http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core-i5-4440-vs-AMD-FX-8370E says ~identical in the aggregate. intel better at single core, amd better at threaded (4 core vs 8 core)20:32
directhex_this is sorta AMD's problem. i had £300 to spend on a processor. amd don't make a processor to appeal to me. the intel i bought wipes the floor with the best amd on the market, in every measure except maybe "value for money"20:35
ali1234yeah, i agree, that's kinda my point20:35
ali1234AMD FX run from £60 - £180, intel i5 to i7 runs from £140 to £90020:36
directhex_only 900?20:37
ali1234839 seems to be the most expensive before you get to xeons20:37
directhex_bargain! should have got one of those20:38
directhex_witcher 2 seems okay on ultra graphics settings on linux. that's good.20:38
daftykinsdid you solve your 15.04 Bioshock issues?20:42
directhex_not yet20:42
ali1234who else other than asus makes motherboards with all 4-pin fan connectors?20:51
ali1234seems like everyone else just has it for the CPU fan and all the others scream20:52
directhex_hm. not something i've actively paid attention to20:57
directhex_according to my motherboard manual, it's got 5 4-pin fan headers20:57
directhex_and no 3-pin20:57
ali1234directhex_: and what make is it?21:07
ali1234i see. i was actually looking at them... my GPU is MSI and it's very quiet21:07
directhex_i wanted out-of-the-box linux support.21:08
ali1234motherboard is ASUS and the CPU bracket lug snapped off, causing the heatsink to fall off while in operation :(21:08
directhex_not many motherboards advertise that21:08
penguin42ali1234: Ouch21:09
ali1234out of the box linux support is also good of course... my brother got a new ASUS mobo recently and virtually nothing on it works in linux, not even the ethernet and sata works properly21:09
directhex_ali1234: my cooler's bolted to a metal backplate, thankfully :x21:09
ali1234although to be fair it was a year ago21:10
directhex_ali1234: that's what i wanted to avoid21:10
directhex_ali1234: killernic. supported out of the box on ubuntu, but not windows 10 :D21:10
ali1234silly name though. is it actually good?21:10
directhex_it's just a nic, tbh. these days, anyway21:11
directhex_back in the day, the killernic was a $300 (!) network card, for teh gamerz21:11
directhex_it sold itself as having tcp/ip offloading, for improved game performance. you could also run apps on its embedded cpu, e.g. torrent client running on the nic21:12
directhex_nowadays it's just a fancy windows driver on top of a conventional firmwareless atheros gigabit chip21:12
ali1234ah okay21:12
ali1234i think i prefer it to be the latter, to be honest21:12
directhex_well, it is. the 163mb gui crap doesn't run on windows 10, so even on windows i'm using the basic ethernet driver for it21:13
directhex_description:    Qualcomm Atheros(R) AR816x/AR817x PCI-E Ethernet Network Driver21:13
daftykinshad someone just yesterday with some kind of alienware laptop, atheros killer NIC was fine but the killer wireless isn't supported by Linux yet21:14
directhex_08:00.0 Ethernet controller: Qualcomm Atheros Killer E220x Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 13)21:15
directhex_ooh, some unknown pci ids. /me submits21:15
daftykinskiller wireless was meant to be waiting on the conversion of firmware from Windows drivers for ath10k21:18
directhex_submitted 2 new usb controllers to lspci21:25
directhex_erk forghot to unplug car21:26
daftykinsheh, had to double take that sentence21:29
directhex_there we go21:30
ali1234one of my neighbours has a car charger thing on the front of his house now21:31
ali1234i did wonder how secure that was21:31
directhex_yeah, i'm waiting on the installer to get one fitted21:31
ali1234can anyone just steal electricity from them?21:31
directhex_ali1234: depends on which of the 3 vendors made it21:31
ali1234based on google images it looks like a ford focus one21:32
directhex_that's dumb, those aren't subsidized21:32
directhex_podpoint, rolec and chargemaster are the 3 main vendors21:32
directhex_the govt pays 70% of the costs of getting an ev charger fitted, to a £900 limit21:33
directhex_so you pay £200 or less21:33
directhex_the points alone are about £450 without fitting21:33
ali1234well, i haven't seen it up close, and they all look fairly similar21:33
directhex_at any rate, rolec have a really cheapy little lock. chargemaster have an isolator switch activated via a key. i honestly don't know for podpoint21:35
directhex_so you could steal electricity relatively easily... if you have something with a type 2 mennekes socket on it21:36
directhex_or type 1 j177221:36
ali1234like .. an electric car21:36
shaunoI think we make some car chargers too, oddly enough.21:36
directhex_pod point has... a padlock hole on the plug21:37
directhex_you can padlock it to its stand21:37
shaunoseems like something of an afterthought21:38
ali1234i would just have an on/off switch inside the building, is that a typical thing that you get when it is installed?21:38
directhex_ali1234: well, as the home owner, you get control over the circuit breaker21:40
directhex_so you could just flip its circuit in your box21:40
ali1234that's not exactly convenient though. i was thinking more like the oven on/off switch that you have to have, by law...21:41
directhex_no, that's not a "thing"21:41
daftykinsi'm sure an electrician could come up with an idea21:43
directhex_daftykins: it's a threading issue!22:26
directhex_forced single-processor execution & bioshock runs22:26
daftykinsthat's funky 0o22:27
ballHmm... I should probably have said "no" when Ubuntu asked me whether to upgrade.22:28
daftykinsball: :D22:29
directhex_daftykins: i guess it's not "broken on 15.04", it's "broken on 6-core hyperthreaded processors"22:31
daftykinshmm i wonder, would disabling HT change much?22:32
daftykinsi'm sure i read something about some modern games hating it at times22:32
ali1234or just set the core affinity?22:33
ali1234oh you already did that. carry on22:33
directhex_12 threads of obscene power, only execute on one!22:36
directhex_getting that fixed would be nice22:37
daftykinsonly if you're a fan of that game ;)22:37
* daftykins wasn't22:37
penguin42directhex_: I think processors with non-power of 2 cores freaked out simple algorithms22:37
directhex_penguin42: well, it could be that, i have NPOT cores!22:38
penguin42directhex_: Can you show me your /proc/cpuinfo ?22:44
penguin42directhex_: OK, so 0..5 are one set of threads, 6..11 are the other set22:46
penguin42pretty much like my 4 core is 0..3,4..722:47
directhex_seems that way22:47
daftykinskeep seeing this penguin1263 and thinking "that's not our penguin!"23:23
penguin42where is that penguin?23:31

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