
thafreakhey, does anyone know when OLF 2015 is? Like the dates?20:27
Unit193thafreak: Might be 11/13?20:28
Unit193Ah ,see you've asked.20:29
thafreakoctober 11-13 you think?20:31
=== canthus14 is now known as canthus13
Unit193yano: Check scrollback there.23:17
dzhoI've got at least a week of scrollback there and I don't see it23:42
Unit193They didn't finalize it.23:43
dzhoyeah, I'm not seeing any discussion at all.  is this the oftc #ohiolinux or have they moved to a different channel?23:46
Unit193That's the one.23:46
Unit193dzho: https://paste.unit193.net/?4fdcb476be89f4d0#2VIsTKwegL8Kf3D1mPPamark6hYHPl/ijWl8vWOnTqE= really sloppy grep.23:51
jenni[ ZeroBin ] - https://j.mp/1J1WxpE23:51
dzhoah, thanks.23:51
dzhoUnit193: my backscroll only goes back to 4/1423:52
dzhoso, that explains it23:52
Unit193Some of that was backscroll, some log.23:52
dzhoyeah, I might have it in a log, now I know where to look.23:53
Unit193Meeting tonight should be too.23:53
dzhoit's just funny for there to be so much conversation in such a short period of time and then ... nothing.23:53
Unit193Haha, yeah.23:54
dzho--- Log closed Mon Mar 03 18:51:56 201423:56
dzho--- Log opened Mon Apr 13 11:18:42 201523:56
dzhowelp, nevermind23:57
Unit193You need help? :P23:57
Unit193Though, don't think they'd like meeting logs passed on.23:57
dzhono, it's fine.23:58
Unit193I didn't bother looking too closely though.23:59

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