
bluesabreknome: got an email request for a wallpaper-sized monkey artwork from http://xubuntu.org/news/15-04-release/01:14
OvenWerksUnit193: I am very happy with Xubuntu-core. I am thinking Studio could very easily be based on it directly. The default theme and look/feel just work. Our menu stub just works too. I should probably take a look at the xubuntu release as well and see if we would need to take anything out at all. That may work even better.02:16
Unit193OvenWerks: Great!  Glad to hear it.  64bit should be fine too now.02:17
OvenWerksYes 64bit is what I am playing with in fact.02:18
Unit193Great!  Glad it's confirmed, and thanks a bunch for pointing it out.02:23
OvenWerksNo problem.02:23
holsteinhudsonkem: maybe you are looking for the support channel?03:04
holsteinhudsonkem: cool.. thats #xubuntu for xubuntu.. and #ubuntu as well, for general ubuntu support03:04
hudsonkemok thx, so 03:05
hudsonkemI have a cursor inssue, invisible cursor sometimes  after reboot, im right to type here?03:06
holsteinhudsonkem: well, as i said, the support channel is #xubuntu03:06
hudsonkemgot it sorry. thx for all bye03:07
holsteinhudsonkem: you can still right click and get a menu? its literally invisible?03:07
hudsonkemwork but I can't see. and I must try 3 times reboot to this work03:08
holsteini suppose, i would look into my gpu driver, after simply updating the machine.. then, i would look at my user.. it would be helpful to note if the cursor is "invisible" at the login screen, or no..03:08
hudsonkemyes reboot with invisible cursor03:09
holsteinhudsonkem: please apply all updates03:10
holstein"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"03:10
holsteinreboot, and *note* if the cursor is there at the login screen, and as other users03:10
holsteinsee if the issue is isolated to just the one user account03:11
hudsonkemI found other user with this inssue, so not alone me, 03:11
holsteinhudsonkem: users on *your* machine, friend03:12
holstein*not* just randomly someone else.. please try the guest user, and/or another user *account*03:12
hudsonkemwell, other users around the world, in ubuntu report03:14
hudsonkemthem said about org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xcursor03:14
holsteinhudsonkem: sure, im not denying other users, as in, people, have that issue03:14
holsteinhudsonkem: what im asking you to do has *nothing* to do with other people. im talking about user accounts on your machine03:14
holsteinnot other users, as in, people03:14
holsteinplease try as another user. the *guest* user.. login to your machine in the guest account, and test that the cursor works03:15
hudsonkembut, the trouble begin after lightdm start, when display GUI cursor is invisible03:15
holsteinhudsonkem: so, as i ask, do you have a cursor in the guest account? yes or no?03:16
holsteinhudsonkem: ok.. are you up to date with upgrades, and rebooted into the most current kernel? yes? no?03:16
holsteinhudsonkem: what GPU driver are you using? with what GPU hardware?03:17
hudsonkemjust onboard or generic card drive03:18
holsteinhudsonkem: sure.. i'll wait as you see what GPU you have, and driver, and report to me for further voluntaryy support, in the #xubuntu support channel.. thanks03:19
hudsonkemcan you tell me commads to see that because I aways forgot that.03:20
hudsonkemthx, so it took a long text, may I put in text file and upload it?03:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:25
holsteinhudsonkem: also, please use #xubuntu for support.. thanks03:25
holsteinhudsonkem: ok.. now, please, again, use the #xubuntu channel03:30
holsteinhudsonkem: go there *now*, ok? do you understand? yes? no?03:30
hudsonkemyes, I am just here because You are asking me so I have to answer 03:31
hudsonkemthank you bye03:31
holsteinhudsonkem: just /join #xubuntu03:32
OvenWerksholstein: check if he used the start disk maker in the system menu and is running live. The problem went away when I used dd to put the image on the USB drive. It was only a problem when running live.04:31
* OvenWerks guess he is a bit late...04:32
elfyUnit193: boot with image, wait for it to autologin - fruitlessly, it wanted username/password06:11
elfycould be dodgy download06:13
elfyand apparently so, works in vbox - still  issues in kvm 06:27
elfyand we has 3 winners :)07:53
elfynew person showed up during final testing - p-brada - they win that07:54
elfyfor the whole cycle - removing those previous recipients - dkessel :)07:54
elfyand for the whole cycle - in team - jjfrv8 reported 138 for us - thanks jjfrv8 :)07:55
elfyknome: when you have 5 minutes - a bit of help with LP bug search-fu ... 08:14
dkesselyay, thank you guys :)08:45
elfythank you ;)08:45
elfynot sure if you saw this or the mail first, but you have one of those too :D08:46
dkesselsaw the mail first :) tbh i wouldn't have thought i would get stickers, as i have only had time to help in the beginning of the cycle. but i it still was enough number-wise :)08:47
elfywell - in this situation, it is numbers that count :)08:56
brainwashbluesabre: can we close bug 1441460 ? the actual problem can be resolved by changing one light-locker option10:57
ubottubug 1441460 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "[xubuntu] Failing to sleep after inactivity - power manager error?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144146010:57
brainwashI don't think that “When the screensaver is deactivated” should be the default, or should it?10:57
bluesabrebrainwash: It sounds like a race condition11:01
bluesabreThe new default we have is that light-locker doesn't autolock by default11:02
bluesabreunless suspending11:02
brainwashthe problem is that locking the screen makes the user session inactive and xfpm is not able to auto suspend the system then11:02
brainwashit's the vt switching drawback11:03
bluesabreright, but sometimes the suspend signal gets through before the vt switch actually occurs, and thats (I think) the race condition11:03
brainwashyou mean lock on suspend11:06
brainwashthe report is about auto suspending while the lock screen is active11:06
bluesabreoh, that one11:07
brainwashso, lock screen after 10min.. suspend system after 15min11:07
bluesabreI misunderstood the report11:07
bluesabrethen yeah, you're right11:07
brainwashthis use case is problematic, so what can be done other then telling the user to change the light-locker option?11:08
brainwashwhich does not solve the problem completely11:09
brainwashonce you switch to the lock screen, then xfpm has not power anymore :)11:09
bluesabrenothing, we do not currently have a solution for that scenario11:09
bluesabreunless the answer is, use a different lock screen to satisfy your needs11:10
brainwashwe can only hope that light-locker without the vt switch will be ready for 16.0411:10
brainwashbluesabre: did you read bug 1446247 ?11:45
ubottubug 1446247 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu 15.04 - No power indicator in applet indicator" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144624711:45
brainwashUnit193 has not commented yet (ninja subscribed him)11:46
brainwashI don't know what the status or process is on this issue11:46
Unit193I commented outside of the bug.12:52
brainwashwhat is the status?12:54
brainwashis someone taking care of this bug?12:54
elfya rather blunt 12.04 is EOL announcement is drafted13:50
elfypleia2: thinking about people like the mexican news report we have on x.org - do we know if there's much of an appetite out there for OEM installs? 14:35
elfynow that Vivid is old hat - I'm looking to Wibbly now ;)14:36
pleia2elfy: I've heard nothing wrt OEM installs, and they take a massive amount of work (automated testing, etc)14:36
elfyyea 14:36
elfybut we 'could' do optional OEM tests - if it even works 14:37
elfyMate manage14:37
elfyjust thinking of things here is all 14:38
pleia2I honestly don't know much about it, have just heard some of the rumblings from canonical about all the work put in to work with manufacturers14:42
drcpleia2: Rumblings or grumblings?14:43
elfypleia2: yea I have seen the same type of thing, mostly davmor2 14:43
elfyjust wondering if there is a 'market' for it generally14:44
elfyI'd rather mix it up in 15.10 and need to mail list more frequently this cycle, try and get more of a constant flow14:45
elfyanyway - as I said - just thinking :)14:45
elfyyou go back to looking forward to Sunday :D14:45
pleia2drc: yes ;)14:48
pleia2elfy: short of an OEM approaching us (they haven't), I'm inclined to say it's not a good investment of our time14:48
pleia2but yay for ideas14:49
elfybut the guy installing in a bunch of places in Mexico might have like to know it was possible 14:50
elfythat was the germ of the idea :14:50
elfyblaming you :D14:50
drcalways blame the mouthpiece :)14:53
elfydrc: of course - I thought you were older than me and would know :D14:53
drcOK, so where's the 15.10-omega iso?14:57
elfycurrently it is still called 15.04-arch.iso :)14:58
elfynot even named yet - so that's a bit of an issue for the wibbly images :p14:58
drcIsn't kinda late to be choosing a name?  I thought they usually announced that a release ahead of schedule?14:59
elfymmm 15:00
drcMaybe the rumor about negotiating for Wascally Wabit is trye....15:00
elfywell I don't know, and I've not heard anything 15:01
elfyand if I was getting anywhere close to divulging things I shouldn't - pleia2 would !ops me :D15:01
drcJust "rumblings" on a couple of lists/channels15:01
elfyyea for sure 15:01
elfyI'm not loud enough with the Wibbly Whinocewos 15:02
elfyapart from here http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=42715:02
Guest96557hi, im sorry to interrupt the quietness here, im wondering why im not able to upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 through update-manager -d since i thought a "devel" update is always possible15:34
holsteinOvenWerks: thats a good poing15:51
elfywasn't sure if it was a pong or a point for a moment then :D15:51
OvenWerksperhaps wrong channel?  :)16:00
holsteinfor me? that was an out dated response..16:04
holstein00:31 < OvenWerks> holstein: check if he used the start disk maker in the system menu and is running live. The problem went away when I used dd 16:04
holsteinbiggest issue there was language barrier..16:05
OvenWerksholstein: Ahh. It is just that I had the same problem a few days ago.16:05
* dkessel happily edits the wibbly QA pad16:09
Unit193elfy: FWIW, encryption in Xubuntu vivid worked except when trying to unlock with plymouth-theme-xubuntu-logo.16:45
knomeelfy, hullo16:49
dkesseluh-oh: Work with the tracker developers to get out more meaningful data: TODO17:07
* dkessel hides :)17:07
knomedkessel, yes, i'm looking at you17:22
knomedinner soon17:23
dkesselknome: heh - yeah, let's see what can be done about the tracker needs the other day17:23
dkesselwoooo ping notifications are working again for quassel in xubuntu 15.04 =D18:49
Unit193dkessel: Oh no, now you'll know when we're talking to you.18:50
dkessel...if i am on the laptop, and not on the phone, where the quassel connection is really unstable ;)18:55
dkesselUnit193: yes, be careful when mentioning my name now :)18:56
knomedkessel dkessel dkessel dkessel 20:01
Unit193Wait, why are we pinging dkessel?20:01
elfyyay pinging dkessel works now I see20:01
elfyUnit193: it's sunday in dkessel world - reason enough 20:02

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