
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
rogpeppe1uiteam: trying hard to work out how to configure my irc client again... :)07:03
mhiltonrogpeppe1, well you've got somewhere :) what do you want to know07:04
mhiltonrogpeppe1, please bear in mind I don't seem to be connecting to canonical either.07:05
rogpeppe1mhilton: it's just working out where the right pop up box is buried. think i may be getting somewhere now.07:09
rogpeppe1mhilton: i *thought* it was just a matter of working out where the right pop up box is buried...07:10
huwshimimhilton: I had to try to connect a couple of times before it worked.07:10
rogpeppe1mhilton: but it appears that i can't connect even when i put in the right password07:10
rogpeppe1mhilton: i've tried it with and without the text preceding the colon07:12
mhiltonrogpeppe1, mine isn't even getting that far now. I think I've been banned for dossing the server in some way. I'm going to try again later.07:13
rogpeppe1mhilton: looks like i've finally got in07:13
rogpeppe1mhilton: i got lots of connection failures and finally it worked07:14
rogpeppe1mhilton: is frankban out today as well?07:42
mhiltonrogpeppe1, there's nothing on the calendar about it07:42
rogpeppe1mhilton: guess i'm not gonna get that PR landed then...07:42
rogpeppe1mhilton: still can't get it?08:05
mhiltonrogpeppe1, I thought I'd let it cool down a bit, but I've just tried and not just yet. I'll leave it going for a bit and hopw08:06
mhiltonrogpeppe1, I upgraded my machine over the weekend, most things were happy, but my juju local environement is not in a good state08:09
rogpeppe1mhilton: you left it going?08:10
rogpeppe1mhilton: what did you upgrade to?08:10
mhiltonrogpeppe1, I didn't leave it going deliberately, I more forgot it was going. I've upgraded to 15.04 vitriolic velocoraptor (or whatever it is)08:11
rogpeppe1mhilton: ah, i think that uses systemd08:12
rogpeppe1mhilton: so i'm not surprised08:12
* rogpeppe1 likes vitriolic velociraptor08:12
rogpeppe1as a name...08:12
mhiltonrogpeppe1, as a pet it wouldn't be so good.08:33
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rogpeppemhilton: do you fancy chatting through some of the cyclic dependency issues?11:02
mhiltonrogpeppe: yeah why not, gogogo?11:03
rogpeppemhilton: gogogoing11:03
rick_h_morning folks11:22
rick_h_rogpeppe: mhilton any luck with irc?11:22
rogpepperick_h_: it worked for me (eventually)11:22
rick_h_rogpeppe: cool good to hear11:23
rick_h_rogpeppe: mhilton are you all in the other channel?11:24
rick_h_it feels quite alone in there unless I typo'd something11:24
mhiltonrick_h_: I just keep getting kicked off before it even tries to log in11:25
rick_h_mhilton: what irc client?11:26
mhiltonrick_h_, gnome xchat2 I think11:26
rick_h_mhilton: and the video isn't helping? /me didn't look at it but kept seeing it as the way to go11:27
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mhiltonrick_h_: I followed the video, (although I think I have a different version) It has a good soundtrack. I think the server just decided I was DOSing it and has banned me.11:43
rick_h_mhilton: how rude of it11:47
rick_h_morning bac 12:31
rick_h_rogpeppe: if you get a sec can you share my way the JEM api/etc doc please?12:33
* mhilton lunches12:34
rogpepperick_h_: this is as far as it got (still very much WIP) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EKn65kW08ZyH4kOqvhI9A190tlBSSM7KOvmBMoqcPzg/edit12:35
* rogpeppe lunches too12:35
rick_h_rogpeppe: rgr ty much12:36
rick_h_bac: are you able to join the other channel?12:37
bacrick_h_: yes, just got in12:38
rick_h_ok, I must be in the wrong room then. 12:38
rick_h_empty for me atm12:39
bacyep, there are about a dozen in our channel12:39
rick_h_yea, I was off in no where land evidently12:39
jrwrenyou found the hidden level12:44
rick_h_uiteam I'm out to the airport, hopefully back by standup but don't wait up for me12:58
bacjcsackett: ping12:59
jcsackettbac: pong.13:00
bacjcsackett: are you coming to the call?13:00
jcsackettbac: i need the link.13:00
bacjcsackett: on your calendar13:00
jcsackettmhilton: hi. i understand you upgraded to vivid. are you doing your development work directly on your computer, or do you isolate it in vm/lxc/etc?14:12
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mhiltondirectly currently, when that doesn't work I tend to use Vagrant, why are there known issues?14:13
mhiltonjcsackett, ^14:13
rogpeppe1this is potentially interesting for stress-testing our APIs: https://github.com/dvyukov/go-fuzz14:15
jcsackettmhilton: some the ppas etc for storefront don't work on vivid. i'm figuring out how much that blocks us.14:15
mhiltonjcsackett: If you want me to test anything for you just ask.14:17
jrwrenoh right, no nodejs for vivid in the ppa we use :(14:19
mhiltonuiteam: I'm finishing for the day, have a good evening17:14
rick_h_mhilton: night17:14
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=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54

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