
Kiloshi philipballew  all boot by you?05:59
philipballewKilos, yeah. All seems good. just up late working on homework for college.06:00
philipballewKilos, how abut yourself?06:00
Kilosim fine too ty.06:01
Kiloshi qwebirc201307:39
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-africa07:39
Kiloselacheche_anis  good morning07:40
elachechemornign Kilos08:16
elachechespotty_, help08:17
spotty_elacheche: I can help you with: administrative functions, bot accounts and permissions, debugging me, looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.08:17
spotty_Ask me "help me with ..." for more details.08:17
elachechespotty_, help me with delivering messages08:17
spotty_elacheche: I use the following features for delivering messages: memo, remind and summon08:17
spotty_Ask me "how do I use ..." for more details.08:17
elachechehow do I read a message -_-08:17
Kilosspotty_  how do i use delivering messages08:18
spotty_Kilos: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features.08:18
Kilosspotty_  what can i do with delivering messages08:18
spotty_Kilos: Not a clue, sorry08:18
Kiloselacheche  what do you want to do08:18
Kilosspotty_  what can you do woth delivering messages08:19
spotty_Kilos: I'm afraid I have no idea08:19
Kiloselacheche  use tell nick message08:19
elachecheactually someone used that command to send me a message x) I need to read it x)08:20
Kilosthen it should ping you and give the message08:20
Kiloscheck if if didnt open a pm08:20
Kilosjust say yes08:20
elachechehe's trolling me x)08:21
Kiloswho is trolling you?08:22
elachechespotty_, x)08:22
spotty_elacheche: Excuse me?08:22
Kilosno man08:22
Kiloswhen you log in you should get the message that someone left you a message do you want to read it08:23
Kilosjust say yes08:23
Kilosspotty_  tell neo31 Its about time you showed you face here again sir08:26
spotty_Kilos: Sure, I'll tell Neo31 on freenode08:26
elachecheutn is in the list now → https://aful.org/gul/liste#afrique08:57
Kilosin all those lugs must be many ubuntu users that can join us09:00
Kilossomeone came here from the sites irc engine09:00
Kiloswhen i greeted in english he left09:00
Kilosanyone that joins with a qwebirc nick is using the sites embedded irc tool09:02
Kiloshi pipedream15:32
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-africa15:32
Kilospipedream  hi15:33
pipedreamKilos: hi15:34
KilosQA  hi17:08
Kiloselacheche  QA is here, she will log our meetings and make you coffee17:20
elachecheQA make me coffee :D17:20
QAelacheche: What?17:20
elachecheQA, help17:21
QAelacheche: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.17:21
QAAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.17:21
KilosQA  coffee on17:21
* QA flips the salt-timer17:21
Kiloselacheche  you type in QA coffee please17:21
elachecheQA, coffee please17:22
QAelacheche: Okay17:22
KilosQA  start meeting17:23
QAKilos: Just do it yourself17:23
Kilosinetpro  will need to chair17:24
QACoffee's ready for Kilos and elacheche!17:25
KilosQA  thanks17:25
QAKilos: my pleasure17:25
inetproKilos: not so quick man17:35
Kilosstill a while before first meeting17:35
* inetpro still needs to do some work in order to make it do proper logging etal17:35
Kilosyou have time17:35
inetprothank you kindly17:35
Kilosmy pleasure17:36
Kilosi think neo still has 2 weeks on his project17:36
* QA itching to make coffee17:52
KilosQA  coffee on17:53
* QA flips the salt-timer17:53
QACoffee's ready for Kilos!17:57
KilosQA  ty17:57
QAOnly a pleasure Kilos17:57
elacheche_anisYou're here?20:21
lunapersahi elacheche_anis20:22
elacheche_anisKilos, please welcome lunapersa.. My beloved fiancee and the 1st Tunisian Girl as an Ubuntu Member :)20:22
Kiloslunapersa  welcome to ubuntu-africa20:23
elacheche_anislunapersa, say hi to Kilos #ubuntu-za member, ubuntu member and the initiator of #ubuntu-africa20:23
lunapersaHi Kilos20:23
Kilosvery nice to have a lady join us20:24
elacheche_anisKilos, you should tell melodie about this special event x) she was looking for ladies too x)20:24
Kilosyes i will. i dont know why she is so late tonight20:25
Kilosi will go look for her20:25
Kilosshe seems offline all over atm. but make this your favourite channel lunapersa  and you will meet her20:26
Kilosshe speaks french too20:26
Kiloswell done elacheche_anis20:28
Kilosmelodie  wb and speak to lunapersa20:30
lunapersahi melodie20:30
Kilosshe can speak french too i think20:30
lunapersaJe parle aussi  le français20:31
Kilosshe is most likely saying hi all over20:31
elacheche_anisHello melodie :)  please welcome lunapersa.. My beloved fiancee and the 1st Tunisian Girl as an Ubuntu Member :)20:32
lunapersaelacheche_anis,  :p20:32
Kilosbe patient, she will arrive20:33
melodiesalut lunapersa elacheche hello here Kilos20:33
lunapersaSalut melodie  :)20:34
melodieKilos this is for your Bento: http://pastebin.fr/3941320:35
Kilosty melodie20:35
melodieand I have had a post from my older tester on this style of Openbox remix, he says it works a treat!20:36
melodieI show you:20:36
Kilosi will install them tomorrow20:36
Kilosyou arrive at bed time20:37
Kilosnaughty girl20:37
melodieKilos copy the list20:37
melodieit'll be gone tomorrow20:37
Kilosmelodie  what will be gone tomorrow. the pastebin link only hey20:40
melodiethe content too20:41
melodiejust copy the content to your favorite text editor20:41
Kilosthe content of the pastebin or the other link too20:42

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