
cfuackersHow come it never inserts the password during new install set up.03:54
cfuackersNow ubuntu 15.04 uses systemd. It does not fully install for systemd.03:55
cfuackersNow ubuntu 15.04 uses systemd. It does not fully install for systemd.04:07
cfuackersHow come it never inserts the password during new install set up.04:07
=== StrvnMrvn is now known as Strvn|Away
mutherbagInstall script doesn't set up for systemd now standard on ubuntu 15.04. Also it never sets the password in the setup.22:46
dmfreytgm4883, when you got a sec...updated both my boxes today and lirc is running on both, but doesn't seem to be accepting any input23:18
tgm4883dmfrey: 0.28?23:18
tgm4883We're you discussing that on the mailing list or was it someone else?23:19
dmfreyno, wasn't me23:19
dmfreyi am checking fe logs now23:20
tgm4883I'm in my phone right now23:20
tgm4883But I think someone else was experiencing something similar23:20
dmfreyi will check the mailing list, were there any changes to that lately?23:22
dmfreylog indicates it loaded ~/.mythtv/lircrc successfully23:22
mutherbagtgm4883: why do the bug reports say mythtv has fixed the systemd install. But it's not23:22
dmfreylooking at /dev/ there is an lirc0, crw-------, only accessible to root and lircd, which is synlinked to /run/lirc/lircd23:24
mutherbagCan I install .028 over .02723:25
mutherbagdmfrey: might be the problem I am having. Ubuntu switched from upstart to systemd.23:30
dmfreyin lts?23:31
dmfreyi thought that was for 15.0423:31
dmfreyirw is recognizing the input in the remote23:32
dmfreyi am completely removing lirc and then going to put that all back through control center23:50
tgm4883mutherbag: because I thought I fixed it23:50
mutherbagtgm4883: a hill billy like me fixed it by https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Systemd_mythbackend_Configuration23:52
dmfreynope, didn't fix it23:52
tgm4883mutherbag: that does me zero good23:52
mutherbagI know. But I allowed me to get it running at boot.23:53
tgm4883dmfrey: you just did a mythtv upgrade, not an os upgrade?23:54
tgm4883dmfrey: is is possibly this https://code.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/1243523:54
dmfreyjust apt-get dist-upgrade23:55
tgm4883dmfrey: it's possible that bug then23:57
dmfreynow that you mention it, i did see something about that earlier on the mailing list23:58
dmfreyis it possible to use the --disable-qtdbus flag with the repo version of the frontend?23:58
mutherbagdmfrey: maybe a lirc ppa23:58

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