
=== CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK
phunyguy@comment 67423 This guy is bad news, and already has a ban in place.  No need to remove any time soon.17:54
ubottuComment added.17:54
DJonesDoes ubottu need updating to show 15.04 results instead of 14.10 for !info prompts18:14
PiciDJones: yes.18:15
PiciI've reached out to tsimpson and jussi about it, but haven't heard anything back.18:15
DJonesI have no idea how to do that, just noticed a utopic result in #u that made me wonder18:15
DJonesalanbell may know how to change that18:15
PiciIt can only be done by people with Owner access on ubottu, of which those two are the only ones with sufficient access.18:16
Picialan and I both have admin, which isn't enigh.18:16
bazhangwas it debain that gave dist-upgrade the version change idea20:45
bazhangsooo many people get confused about that20:45
PiciOnly when combined with changing the sources.list file.20:45
k1l"back then" that was the way to upgrade to a new release20:48
k1lwith the new apt, they named it sudo apt update&&sudo apt full-upgrade. which is still confusing with update and upgrade, but the missing "dist" is better imho20:49
Unit193A release or two ago, ubuntu-release-upgrader was a bit hit and miss with even finding them, so the old Debian Way™ had to be used by a few.20:51
bazhangI shiver to think when thenwas in 'back then'20:51
bazhangI cannot wait for snappy and dmg20:51
ikoniaubuntu-release-upgrader ??20:52
ikoniais that replacing update manager offering new releases ?20:52
k1li am curious what problems come with snappy. but i like to adress the issues with PPAs.20:52
bazhangsnappy, and add everything with all the libs independent20:53
Unit193ikonia: ubuntu-release-upgrader-core is what provides do-release-upgrade, the commandline version.20:53
bazhangmuch like dmg20:53
bazhang@random upgradeception snappy20:54
PiciI have no idea whats going on with this snappy stuff.  I think I'll stay in the dark for the time being.21:05
Unit193I went "Phone stuff, can ignore."21:05
bazhangogra gave a great rundown in -release-party21:05
bazhangubuntu as arch with rollback/restore21:06
k1li see it as a chance to get rid of "i have 23343535 PPAs installed and now my apt-get is not working anymore21:06
bazhangall factoids can be replaced with !restore21:06
SeveasGetting this in PM from someone active in #ubuntu23:16
Seveas01:16 <   mutherbag> | cocoony wants to finger your ass23:16
Seveasmight be trouble looming23:16
cocoonyhello...the user : mutherbag   ....makes stress ..i am newbie in linux and after i ask a question he writes pm to me and other users and writes rassism words23:31
ubottuThanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently23:34
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()23:34
Seveastrouble it is indeed23:34
cocoonynow the user writes lies in mainroom23:35
cocoonyhe lies23:35
ubottumutherbag called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:37
cocoony!ops : motherbag writes hate in pm to me and now he writes in mainm23:37
ubottucocoony: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:37
cocoonythe user mutherbag writes rassism words to me and now he writes in mainroom that i write this !!!!!! what a lier23:38
geniicocoony: You do not need to write the content of offensive PMs into the maion channel either. This is also not acceptable23:42
ubottudarthanubis called the ops in #ubuntu (hellsangels)23:46

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