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kevindeHow do you guys update your server kernel without rebooting?07:23
kevindeOr is that not possible07:23
geniiThere is ksplice but not widely used07:23
genii!info ksplice07:23
ubottuksplice (source: ksplice): Patching live kernel without having to reboot. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-5 (utopic), package size 527 kB, installed size 3525 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; arm; armel; armhf)07:24
kevindeDo you have any idea if there's any side effects doing this compared to a full reboot,07:24
kevindeWill take a look at ksplice07:24
OpenTokixpmatulis: Research about what?08:09
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Slingin 4.0 ye :)09:51
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lordievaderGood afternoon10:29
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halvorsHi! I'm trying to lease a prefix from my service provider using "dibbler-client". When i start it i just get a segfault.11:17
halvorsI know there is a newer release of it where this bug seems to be fixed. But when are the ubuntu maintainers going to update the package from the currently very unstable 1.0.0RC release? This launchpad.net bug report have been inactive for a year...11:19
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YamakasYhi guys11:58
YamakasYwhat is this happening on Ubuntu 14.04 every time ?  percona-xtradb-cluster-server-5.6 : Depends: percona-xtrabackup (>= 2.2.5) but 2.1.8-1 is to be installed11:58
tewardYamakasY: do you have any PPAs enabled?12:06
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YamakasYteward: nope, but should I ?12:32
YamakasYI have the percona repos12:32
YamakasYlordievader: ^^12:32
* YamakasY was doing some dishes :D12:32
lordievaderteward: What is the output of 'apt-cache policy percona-xtradb-cluster-server-5.6 percona-xtrabackup'?12:33
YamakasYlordievader: that would be me ;)12:34
lordievaderErr, yes.12:35
YamakasYlordievader: hehe12:35
tewardlordievader: failping :p12:35
YamakasYmy internal repo is higher, so the ubuntu mirror12:35
YamakasYlordievader: needs some coffee :D12:35
lordievaderYamakasY: May I see the output?12:35
YamakasYlordievader: what do you pay for it ? :P12:37
lordievaderI don't, you do ;)12:38
lordievaderBut to answer your question, different sources.12:38
lordievaderIt tries the pull package A from repo.percona and package B from mirror.domain.12:39
YamakasYyap as local is higer12:39
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YamakasYmerci lordievader and teward13:05
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tewardis there a way to wipe out mysql server and redo it from scratch on a given system (my laptop)?13:44
tewardis it just a purge of the mysql-server packages and a reinstall?13:44
jpdsteward: Yep.13:46
YamakasYteward: I would remove /etc/mysql and /var/lib/mysql also13:49
tewardYamakasY: shouldn't an apt-get purge do that?13:49
YamakasYteward: not for /etc/mysql13:52
tewardok thanks13:54
tewardwell apparently it's not working right... it can't start after installing now13:56
tewardYamakasY: apparently removing /etc/mysql will break everything, such that you have to remove all mysql components with purge then reinstall.  Then you have to beat the configuration for server until it works.  Might just nuke /var/lib/mysql next time.14:24
OpenTokixteward: What are you trying to accomplish by abuseing your server?14:25
OpenTokixteward: read backlog14:25
OpenTokixteward: yes it is, purge will do that14:26
tewardOpenTokix: it's not abuse - it's in a VM :P14:27
tewardtrying to reset the mysql database to factory settings :P14:27
YamakasYteward: no, purge and than remove :)14:27
tewardwhich i did, still exploded14:27
YamakasYOpenTokix: no purge will leave /etc/mysql14:28
YamakasYcan't I do this on daily base and doing now atm also14:28
tewardmeh fixed now14:28
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delinquentmeso /mnt is chownd to a group ... a user in that group however .. cant make a directory in /mnt/ without sudo15:45
jrwrenbecause the directory does not have group write privileges15:47
arcskyQuestions guys, i have done apt-get remove syslog-ng. after i did updatedb and locate syslog-ng and files are left. how can i clean them?15:58
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patdk-wkapt-get purge15:58
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arcskypatdk-wk: its still there16:05
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harushimofor the server side, is there a specific partitioning scheme I should use compared to the desktop?17:32
sarnoldit's common to have different filesystems for / /boot /home /var /tmp on servers, to make it more difficult for users to fill important filesystems or make cross-filesystem hardlinks, etc.17:35
sarnoldbut feel free to partition however you wish, if you dn't want to deal with /boot filling up before the autoprune feature removes older kernels, I'd understand )17:36
jrwrenand if you don't have multiple users you likely don't care about them filling a filesystem, so maybe not a need for separate /home17:37
harushimosarnold: that is the answering I'm looking for17:37
jrwrenits really up to you.17:37
harushimoI'm typically follow / /boot /home swap17:38
harushimothat is how I set it up on the desktop version17:38
vonsyd0wwhat is the purpose of the server? That'll help you decide how you may want to partition it up?17:38
harushimoI want to install openstack because I want to be able to run cloud foundry17:39
harushimoin order to run it, you need to setup qemu, open stack and then install cloud foundry17:39
harushimothat is why I'm using ubuntu server17:39
harushimoplus, understand the server side too17:39
vonsyd0wfor example mysql dbs are stored in /var/lib/mysql. you may want to make that partition larger than others17:39
vonsyd0wI'm not too familiar with openstack, but kvm stores images in /var/lib/images i think, so that could be a partition. Thats how I'd think of it17:40
Bluekingnet drops out every day at very same time, 19.49  and has been so for 7 days...  verified that it occurs on wan side of router (pc with ubuntu server 14.04  and shorewall)  any idea how to debug this.. can't see anything in logs18:07
devster31cron job?18:11
sarnoldautomatic sprinkler system soaking your internet connection?18:12
Bluekingdevster31 how would cron job cause it ?18:23
devster31I don't know, I don't know what cron jobs you have, I suggested it simply because you said exactly at 19:49 every day for 7 days, seems pretty specific and consistent with a cron job18:24
Bluekingdevster31  can't see anything suspicious in /var/log/ files18:28
devster31then I have no ida18:28
gewti upgrade to 14.04.2 or whatever with the do-release upgrade18:45
gewtnow my bridge comes up but no packets flow18:45
gewtpossible causes?18:45
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gewtoh, no network interfaces work period!18:49
Slingyou first need to feed us details before we do tricks18:50
gewtoh good. looks like a virtio-net bug18:51
gewtsorry - Monday here. ;)18:57
j^2Hi! i’m trying to get https://code.launchpad.net/~d-jj/ironic/ironic-conductor/+merge/257565 merged due to a regression we found. cc zul, jamespage or coreyb any advice?18:59
Slinghm in bash reverse-search mode, how do you 'reset' ?19:15
PiciSling: delete?19:16
Slingand ofc im on a macbook :p19:17
Slingdamn you apple19:17
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devster31is anyone using gosu as a standard sudo replacement?19:39
davegarathHi all. I've configured my ubuntu for routing /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward = 1; masquerading in post routing -o eth0.. I'm tunneled into it and I've configured my route to use this gw. but it not works :/ what I'm wrong ?19:51
davegarathI'm an idiot! for testing purpose I've configured filter FORWARD policy to DROP20:00
davegarathSome day ago20:01
sarnoldwoo :) I'm glad you found it, the pastebin looked alright..20:01
jamespagej^2, is there a bug report for that?20:18
* jamespage looks20:18
j^2jamespage: honestly dunno, it was brought up via the openstack-chef project20:18
jamespagej^2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ironic/+bug/142996220:18
j^2that’s it20:19
j^2looks like it’s linked too jamespage20:19
arcskyGood evening, can't you guys please help me. I have no logging to my messeags/syslog file. I have rsyslog running.20:20
jamespagej^2, ok - taking a look now20:21
j^2jamespage: thanks!20:21
jamespagej^2, as vivid has now released, will probably deliver list alongside the stable update to kilo release later this week20:21
j^2jamespage: no worries, i just want to make sure it’s in the pipeline and i haddent missed anything20:22
jamespagej^2, I think that changelog was a bit inaccurate :-(20:22
j^2which one?20:22
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jamespagej^2: I don't think the update to the init.in was ever actually made - reapplying now20:44
j^2jamespage: heh, lovely. Thanks for looking into this :)20:44
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jamespagej^2, no problem20:50
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j^2jamespage: nice thanks!20:54
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