
* wxl waves00:17
ianorlinhi wxl00:19
wxlianorlin: here's a quick and easy task: triage this bug 854261. looks like we even got a fix00:20
ubot93bug 854261 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "Delayed Autologin broken by User List in Greeter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85426100:20
wxl'm still on the bus home so not up to confirming and such XD00:20
Unit193wxl: You know about OFTC/#debian-lxqt and #lxde I'd presume/hope?00:23
wxlUnit193: nawt #debian-lxqt but thx00:23
wxlhey Unit193 do you know some rule somewhere that a major feature can't go into an LTS unless it's survived a cycle? i'm thinknig about whether or not it's concievable to get into 16.04 if we msis 15.10 with lxqt01:04
Unit193You can, if it's a good idea is another question.01:04
wxltrue true01:05
Unit193First release with LXQt, needing to be supported for 3 years.  Yep, sounds like fun.01:06
wxlthanks for being ye olde voice of reason Unit19301:06
Unit193Heh, sure.01:07
Unit193...Though normally I'm the insane one.01:07
Unit193Ask bluesabre.01:08
wxlbluesabre: so i hear you're Unit193's psychiatrist?01:08
bluesabreI don't charge him because I feel sorry for him01:08
rafaellagunata dah!20:54
wxlgood boy rafaellaguna :)20:55
wxlalso rafaellaguna we talk about lubuntu admin kind of stuff here, too. so it's not just about development of code, but the general direction for the team as a whole20:55
wxlthat's why e.g. ianorlin is here20:55
rafaellagunaoh hello ianorlin!20:56
rafaellagunawho is bluesabre?20:56
wxlrafaellaguna: bluesabre is apparently the guy providing psychiatric help to Unit193's tormented soul20:56
wxlsee all the conversation's you've missed? :)20:57
rafaellagunaand what about MY needs? assign me one. now.20:57
* wxl hands rafaellaguna a cookie20:57
rafaellagunano, I have no bounce for the past. this is "my first time" (omg, I said it)20:57
rafaellagunaand who is ochosi?20:59
ochosiehm, me?20:59
ochosino need to shout20:59
wxlochosi: rafaellaguna was merely inquiring as to who the strange face was21:00
ochosiright, i wasn't aware that my face was strange21:00
rafaellagunanot strictly his face, wxl. his hair is my concern21:00
wxlshhh, rafaellaguna, your orientation is starting to show :)21:01
ochosieither way, i'm xubuntu's project and artwork lead21:01
rafaellagunawhat orientation?21:01
wxloh cool! you just hanging out here for fun, ochosi ?21:01
ochosiyeah, mostly21:01
wxlrafaellaguna: the less straight one :)21:01
rafaellagunaoh that. yeah.21:01
ochosiused to hang out in #lubuntu, but then Unit193 told me about this channel21:01
Unit193ochosi: I've seen it.  Yep.21:01
wxlah cool so Unit193's been inviting all his friends then21:02
rafaellagunaan artwork colleague? nice!21:02
gsilvarafaellaguna, were you able to publish stuff using bzr?21:30
wxlgsilva: i think it makes sense to keep admin-level discussion here. offtopic really should be for OFFTOPIC matters :)21:31
gsilvaAlright then. I'll use this one then21:31
gsilvaBeforehand: Did you have time to read the email I sent this morning?21:31
gsilvaWell, morning in my timezone :P21:31
wxlyes but i haven't managed a reply yet21:31
wxland it likely will not come until way later21:31
gsilvaOkay, do you have time to discuss the thread here? It seems you were the only one interested so let's try to plan something together21:32
gsilvaI fear doing something terribly stupid that can hurt me in the future. Apologies for nagging you constantly, but you're the only one that likes my ideas :D21:32
wxlyeah i'd be happy to discuss21:33
wxland no worries21:33
wxland also i'm not the only one that likes your ideas :)21:33
gsilvaWell, no one else replied to the email, so I'm assuming most of the guys called me a jerk, like "Who the hell is this guy?"21:33
gsilvaAnyway, let's move on the topic then:21:33
gsilvaThere's a huge problem in the background that is related with how people perceive the open source world. In my perspective, only Canonical can change that but I am not seeing anything I can do to start something from there.21:34
gsilvaAdjusting what we do, maybe will get more people interested - the objective, mission and goal thing I mentioned in the email.21:34
gsilvaThe UOS may be a good opportunity to openly talk about this, but I am not sure if I'm the right guy to do it since I am very critical about Canonical and the Community itself. Also, I'm not sure if we do organize (or try to) a dedicated thread or start from one of them21:35
wxlyes open source is a problem21:36
wxlit's hard to get people to volunteer, even for an animal shelter (to reference your example)21:36
wxlbut the community needs nurturing21:36
wxland recognition is very important21:36
gsilvaI know, but the people that do it, they feel motivated to do it. And when they achieve something, they sleep better. Unfortunately, the open source world seems a copy monkey of what others do and that is so worng, specially when there's a lot more that we can do/achieve21:36
wxlthis is why i tend do to try call out major accomplishments and attribute them to the people doing them21:36
gsilvaI believe in that21:36
gsilvaYes, incentives also play a very important role here, indeed21:37
wxlpeople in open source do what they do because they love it21:37
wxland they realize that they can actually participate where in the rest of the software industry, it's a walled palace21:37
gsilvaI like the Open Source world because it is where I found most of the exciting people and talented ones too. Also, there's people that dedicates their free-time to animal shelters, feeding homeless people and such. We dedicate our spare time to improve our world21:38
gsilvaisn't that it, in the end? Rather we are copying others or building new technologies, that's what we do!21:38
gsilvaFor instance: Scientific Workplace, the most common LaTeX interpreter in the academic community, costs $200 to a student. With two softwares, they can EASILY replace SWP - Lyx and Maxima21:39
gsilvaand there's a huge load of information out there!21:39
wxli guess i'm confused about where you're frustrated exactly. i know some things are lost in translation and that may be it21:39
gsilvaI'm not frustrated :D21:39
wxloh ok21:39
gsilvaYou're talking about incentives and I'm talking about how having a purpose helps people feeling performed in the end21:40
wxlso here's what i've learned in management:21:40
wxlno one has the same motivator21:40
gsilvaAnd I know we are not all equal, but that satisfies me when I accomplish something, regardless of the people's reactions21:40
wxlfor some people, it's money or some sort of tangible compensation21:40
gsilvayes, that's true21:40
wxlfor other people, it is accomplishing a purpose, making a difference in the world21:40
wxlfor other people, it's an acknowledgement of ttheir efforts21:41
wxlso i'm not talking about incentives in a vacuum, but saying that's one of a bunch of things we should do21:41
gsilvaYes, agree. Then we should NOT focus on the first group of people, right?21:41
gsilvaThere are good, non-materialistic folks out there.21:41
wxlwell, the shirts may be of value to them21:41
gsilvawell, in the case of a design, I think that is sweet to do. Like, design our logo and we'll offer the winner a t-shirt with the brand-new logo21:42
gsilvathat's cute, IMO21:42
gsilvathat's one example: I confess I don't remember much about your plans21:42
wxlit's ok21:42
wxli haven't been too specific21:42
wxlbut my idea was essentially gamification21:42
wxllike a game21:43
wxlthere's rules to the game21:43
gsilvawinner has a prize, is that what you mean with gamification21:43
wxland there is an advantage for new players21:43
wxlyep and it's point based21:43
wxland for peopel that do more difficult moves21:44
gsilvaI'm asking because there's the theory of games, so I thought you were referring to that21:44
wxlmost points wins :)21:44
wxlyeah not that :)21:44
gsilvaYeah, I see. Well, I find it interesting indeed, but very difficult to achieve21:44
wxli think i can do it21:44
wxlbut that's only one of things we want to do21:44
wxli think we should do a sort of marketing piece on the amazing things that people do with lubuntu21:45
gsilvaWhat about this: What if we organize regular online summits where we organize interesting online conferences, TLs can communicate and show what they do and such?21:45
wxllike marc tremblay and his school system21:45
gsilvaPeople may feel motivated to participate if they realize they can appear and have a digital record that they were there21:45
wxlwell the online summits are regular, but if you mean we have regular meetings more often, yes!21:45
gsilvayes, I meant more often :)21:45
wxlphillw seemed like he was the primary person behind that and they haven't been done since21:45
wxlyeah we should do that again21:45
wxlgsilva: you want to take on the task of organizing them?21:46
wxlit's pretty easy really21:46
gsilvaOkay, that's doable. But that's useful for further steps. We first need to find users. I'm guessing that phillw eventually got tired of trying to organize them and people didn't present contents to show21:46
wxlno, i think he got pissed at how the council treated him21:46
gsilvaOH!, you mean the UOS sprints? No, I meant dedicated sessions to our community - unless other communities want to participate, of course!21:47
gsilvaThose kind, yes, but online21:48
wxlonline means not irc?21:48
gsilvaInterviewing TLs and do questions, interact with the community21:48
gsilvaSorry. Video stuff21:48
wxlone sec21:48
gsilvaRecord hangouts (or whatever) and post online. Take notes of the meeting and post them on pastebin or ubuntupad or something like that so that people can read21:49
gsilvaMagazines like "OMGUbuntu" can pick specific parts and do another news from us. Raise our awareness, basically21:49
gsilvaDo conferences like: How can Open Source change your country/life, specific tecnologies being developed under the hood21:50
gsilvaAre you following the idea? I'm not sure if this was the kind of conferences you guys organized before21:50
wxlgsilva: sorry work meeting :(22:16
gsilvano problem. If this time is not suitable to you we can postpone this discussion22:17
wxlgsilva: no it's fine22:17
wxlgsilva: so my only concern about hangouts/skype/any other solution i've found is two fold:22:17
gsilvabeing -5 or -4 is complicated. It's like 11:20 pm xD22:17
wxl1. there's a limit to how many people can join in and still have the audio/video function well22:18
gsilvaI mention those two but I know there are some more suitable apps22:18
wxl2. hangouts is not free and that will irk some people (though that's never bothered ubuntu and several other free software things i know of)22:18
gsilvaHangouts is not free? What? :o22:18
wxlgsilva: hey do you know where to download the code?22:19
gsilvaI don't want to use Hangouts anyone since there a lot of people here that are really against Google22:19
gsilvaYou mean they are closed source then22:19
wxlin our world, when we say free we mean free as in freedom, not beer :)22:19
gsilvaah, okay22:19
wxlif you have another solution, i'd be into checking it out22:19
gsilvaEither way, I don't want to use Hangouts because there are a lot of people against hangouts22:19
wxlyeah well i don't know another solution22:20
wxli do know that our old irc meetings were just on irc22:20
wxlbut very transparent and community folks would join22:20
gsilvahold on. Melodie once showed me a Hangout/Skype alternative because it is open source22:20
gsilvathere y'a go: http://www.linphone.org/22:21
gsilvaThe goodness about Hangouts is that it has integration with YouTube, so one could immediately upload it to the web22:21
wxland for the general community asking them to install software they don't have might not be ideal22:22
gsilvaI don't know any other alternative, but we can arrange that if people are interested22:22
wxlgsilva: well let's not get hung up on the details. we can work on that later22:23
gsilvaThroughout my life I learned I shouldn't applicate to stuff if people don't want it. Maybe it's my managerial insticts... I want to know if people are interested in this idea, wxl. And this idea is general all other communities - in fact, some might want to get involved too, right?22:23
wxlgsilva: i think for right now we need at least two things:22:23
gsilvaSo, do you think this is worthy to mention at UOS?22:23
wxl1. get the team leaders together in one place to talk22:23
wxl2. invite the community to join in22:24
wxladditionally we need to act in such a way that doesn't just maintain things or accomplish things, but grows thing22:24
wxland for that, we need a clearly defined purpose and goal22:24
wxlthis is something we could talk about at UOS22:24
wxlsince i was hoping we'd have a general check in/planning session22:24
gsilvaI really want to change people's mindset about Open Source and I think this is a start22:25
gsilvaIndeed, agree22:25
wxlgsilva: part of the problem is not everyone's like me and you. they don't necessarily see that they should or even could contribute22:25
wxli mean if someone gets really excited about windows, it's not like they're going to volunteer to help :)22:25
gsilvaLet's change that. Let's motivate people and eventually Canonical will realize they need this as well22:26
gsilvaTwo completely different things, wxl. Windows is not open source and does not appreciate your contribution either.22:26
gsilvaLinux/Open Source world is completely the opposite.22:26
wxlright but most of the open source world waits for contributors to happen22:26
wxlyyou're probably not around when i help people in #lubuntu but i almost always encourange them to contribute22:27
gsilvaRight, what we are trying to do here is to get contributors and keep them motivated to contribute regularly, isn't it?22:28
wxlit's the advocacy that needs to happen22:28
wxlbut to be proactive about it22:28
wxlhelp guide them22:28
wxland nurture them22:28
gsilvaPeople may not be like me or you, but we want to inspire them to be22:28
wxlwe need a "community manager" really22:29
gsilvaSpeaking of which, do we have a communication TL?22:29
wxlbut i think there's too few of us to support a single person filling that role22:29
wxlnot as far as i know :O22:29
wxlhere's some videoconferencing solutions for us to check out:22:29
gsilvaDon't be afraid, wxl. That's the reason why I want to bring this idea to a lot of people simultaneously, either by emailing them or prepare a session at UOS, if it gets approved22:31
wxlno fear here :)22:31
wxli will support the UOS session22:31
gsilvaHow to prepare all this for a UOS session?22:31
gsilvaWhat to mention, what not to mention, what to propose, who to bring on board?22:32
wxlwell i think we should have it under the guide of a lubuntu planning session22:32
wxli think if we can develop it in our own system, we can then present it to other teams22:32
wxland then if they can adopt it, perhaps we could all work together to share users22:32
gsilvaWhat do mean?22:32
gsilvaDidn't follow you there22:33
wxlsorry not guide, guise22:33
gsilvaYou mean bringing this up to brainstorm and prepare something out there?22:34
wxlgsilva: yes. we have several things that we, as admins, need to work on, this included22:34
gsilvaOkay. When are those meetings held? How to apply/Propose new stuff then?22:35
gsilvaWe don't have much time...22:35
wxlgsilva: ummmmm hold on22:35
wxlgsilva: https://uds.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/propose-a-session/22:37
gsilvaWait, we're talking about different things22:39
gsilvaI misunderstood you before. You're meaning we should take this topic to a Lubuntu Planning Session (if they have one), right22:39
wxlkind of yes22:40
wxlthey won't have one22:40
wxluless we propose one22:40
wxlso we should :)22:40
gsilvaPropose a Lubuntu Planning Session22:40
gsilvayea, I figured22:40
gsilvaWho should create the session?22:40
gsilvaAnd who should we invite?22:42
wxlthe team leaders should be there no matter what22:43
wxlbut we should definitely encourage the community to get involved22:43
gsilvaI don't know her/his names22:43
wxlwe don't do a direct invite22:43
gsilvaI have to look for that22:43
wxllet me take care of that part :)22:43
gsilvaI'd appreciate that22:44
gsilvaAlthough since I never did it but another time will come22:44
wxlno rush, gsilva22:45
wxlthere won't be much to prepare22:45
wxlit will be more of a roundtable than a presentation22:45
gsilvathat's the point :)22:45
wxlgsilva: here's where we can start the web conferencing solution: (ignore the proprietary ones) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_conferencing_software22:46
gsilvaI think they require an Hangout session22:46
wxlyes but this is more about discussing how to implement the REAL thing22:47
wxlmake sure to drum up a blueprint that includes that link so we can work towards it22:47
gsilvaBut most of these are software-based22:47
wxlspecifically says it's a good alternative to hangouts: https://code.google.com/p/telepresence/22:47
wxlnot actually. it's "web conferencing"22:47
gsilvatelepresence works :)22:48
gsilvaWho should create the blueprint on launchpad to get it written in the UOS session request?22:49
wxlany one of us can, so if you feel like it, that would be awesome22:49
gsilvaI can take care of that, yes, although I'm unsecure on the type of content I should write over there22:49
wxljust a general idea22:49
wxlsome bullet points22:50
wxljust say it's a roundtable22:50
gsilvaOkay, I will take care of that soon and will send you the link22:50
gsilvabefore sending it to UOS 1505 sprint, I'll ask your opinion22:50
gsilvawxl, would this suffice? http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1505/meeting/22407/community-roundtable/22:53
wxlgsilva: no, that serves a slightly differentg purpose, but that would be a good place to bring up the idea to the larger community22:54
gsilvawxl, who should I put as responsible to conduct the meeting, if we get an approval?23:00
wxlgsilva: um, you? :)23:01
* Kamilion reads up23:02
Kamilionoh, video conferencing? Tox is a winner there. https://tox.im/23:02
gsilvawxl, final feedback: The purpose of this meeting is to discuss different plans and ideas to bring new contributors to the many different teams, since all distributions lack of regular contributors. How to motivate them and how to keep them motivated is the key of the discussion, in this round-table session.23:03
gsilvaThe Lubuntu admin team has also came up with some suggestions that would benefit all distributions, although we definitely appreciate everyone's contribution. This is an attempt to gather resources and knowledge to empower the Open Source world.23:03
wxlgsilva: well, i'd like it to be a general lubuntu planning meeting but that would be one of the points of discussion, or that could be a point of discussion within the community roundtable23:04
Kamiliontox also has a nice <-> IRC bridge23:04
wxloooh that's nice23:04
wxleasy to record sessions Kamilion ?23:04
wxlwithin tox or what?23:04
wxl!info tox23:04
ubot93Package tox does not exist in vivid23:04
Kamilionyeah, both the video and the text.23:05
wxloh WOW23:05
KamilionI don't think it's packaged yet in debian or ubuntu though23:05
wxlKamilion: want to package it? XD23:05
gsilvaAdded Draft two: The purpose of this meeting is to discuss different plans and ideas to bring new contributors to the many different teams, since Lubuntu lacks of regular contributors. How to motivate them and how to keep them motivated is the key of the discussion, in this round-table session.  We then invite all team-leaders to join us and help us perfect this plan.23:05
gsilvaThe Admin team has also came up with some suggestions that would benefit all distributions, although we need to first, perfect our plan before introducing it to other people outside Lubuntu.23:05
gsilvaThis is an attempt to gather resources and knowledge to empower the Open Source world.23:05
Kamilionthe tox guys are right here on freenode.23:05
wxlKamilion: so go bug them ;)23:05
Kamilionwell, depends what you want23:05
Kamilionthere's the toxic ncurses client23:06
Kamilionwhich has no video23:06
wxlgsilva: so it should include things like planning for lxqt, what other developments we want to do in 15.10, getting a communications leader, etc23:06
wxlomg this thing is my freaking wet dream23:06
Kamilionqtox in qt on linux, freebsd and osx23:06
wxlwe should have it allllllllll in the repos23:06
wxlthen i could probably convince us to use that instead of google hangouts23:06
Kamilionhttps://wiki.tox.im/UTox  utox, the micro C client23:07
Kamilionthe one I use23:07
Kamilionbunches of others too.23:07
gsilvaOKay, added: We also want to use this session to plan LxQt, what we want to bring to Lubuntu 15.10, to discuss the need to find a communications manager, as well as a community manager and some other important topics that may arise.23:07
wxlgsilva: perfect :)23:07
Kamilionqtox would be a good addition to lxqt23:07
gsilvaAlright, sent, wxl. I think they have to accept it now first23:08
wxlthx gsilva23:08
gsilvano problem :)23:08
Kamiliongsilva: one of the issues I have is a lack of a portal to discover more information on how to be an effective helper with lubuntu.23:10
wxlKamilion: bring that to the uos session we're planning23:11
gsilvafrom here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu you can go to here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu#Contribute_to_Lubuntu23:11
Kamilionand in some cases, nobody but 1-2 people knows how a system works (EG, the ISO building system)23:11
gsilvaAs you know, most of each team planning goes on IRC and should be posted on Launchpad as well, unless the team leader isn't doing the coordinating part of the job23:12
gsilvaOR the team is short and most of the stuff happens on IRC23:12
gsilvaEven though I am alone on my team, I tend to post everything in LP, my blog and eventually on mailing lists, just to make sure everyone knows where to look for stuff to do if they want to23:12
gsilvaBut, my blog has 0 regular readers, so that's a start :D23:12
gsilvaHaha, it's part of the passion, I guess23:13
Kamilionhttp://blog.sllabs.com/ hasn't seen updates in a long time because nobody reads it and all I got was spam comments from bots.23:13
gsilvaWell, wordpress.com is good with that since it eliminates spam bots23:14
gsilvabut I have 1-2 readers when I publish an article23:14
gsilvaI believe that my english level doesn't help either. I don't write (nor speak) perfect english, so the attractiveness of the thing may not be desirable23:14
Kamilionwow, some real classics... http://blog.sllabs.com/2008/05/booting-heron-from-u3.html23:15
Kamilion"here's how to stick ubuntu 8.04 onto a tweaked sandisk U3 stick"23:16
wxlKamilion: tox is software based, not web based, right? like you need a client23:17
Kamilioncorrect. Required due to the heavy crypto going on.23:17
Kamilionnot something you'd wanna do in javascript23:17
wxldo you know of a web based client that's maybe half as good?23:17
KamilionThere are no web clients at all.23:17
Kamilionit's a peer to peer network.23:18
Kamilionlike skype used to be.23:18
wxlerm i mean a web based web conferencing client, not a softwa re based video conferencing client23:18
Kamilionhowever; as I said, there's an IRC gateway23:18
wxli'm looking for a true alternative to hangouts23:18
Kamilionso if that exists, someone could easily write a similar tool to broadcast the webconference.23:18
Kamilionand you could, for example, stream to youtube or twitch.tv directly.23:19
KamilionI'm sure you could probably spin up a tornado server to handle unencrypted video as well23:20
Kamilionlemme go ask notsecure23:20
Kamilionwxl: what is required of a web client?23:22
Kamilionjust joining the video chat?23:22
wxlyeah so here's what uds uses hangouts for:23:22
Kamilion(as a viewer or as a speaking participant)23:22
wxl1. having maybe 10 max peopel in the chat23:22
KamilionI've used hangouts for cards against humanity23:22
wxl2. recording23:22
Kamilionthere's 15 max in hangouts, last I checked23:22
wxl3. ability to watch anyone else23:23
wxlFOR anyone else23:23
wxl4. recording and uploading to youtube23:23
Kamilionso you need up to 10 meeting participants, unlimited guests (initial capacity ~25), outgoing stream support for recording/youtube, and dump to disk support.23:27
wxldump to disk not necessary if it goes to yt23:27
wxlor wherever23:28
Kamilionstream/dump is gonna be pretty close23:33
Kamilionif there's one, there's the other.23:34
wxlKamilion: i now know who to direct that to. if we could whip up a prototype or demo, we can probably get it in the next ubuntu online summit which would make a lot of people happy23:41
Kamilion[16:44:03] <+Sqt> It'll be easier to have one party use twitch or youtube to stream the chat :)23:48
wxlKamilion: how would that work exactly?23:48
Kamilionat this moment, I'm not exactly sure; I would suspect the same way one would videocast from a linux box generally, using obs https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio23:50
wxlokie dokie23:50
Kamilionthat would be the easiest prototype23:50
wxlso what we really need is a way to interact with it all on the web23:50
wxlso there eoulw have to be a client/server23:50
wxlthe yt wouldn't be that huge23:50
wxlit cna be dealt with23:50
Kamiliontox is nice because it's two systems; toxcore and the application around it23:50
Kamilionit's not hard to wrap something around toxcore; and I believe it has python bindings already23:51
Kamilionso in theory, it would be possible to build a browser-centric client23:51
Kamilionbut the easier setup would be setting up a single node as the 'streaming server' with obs, and toxcore dumping it's output into OBS directly. when you wish to begin to stream, you ^invite the client running on the streaming server to join a multiuser conference.23:52
Kamilionthat would require the meeting participants to have the client23:53
Kamilionbut nobody else would need it23:53
wxlyah that might be reasonable23:53
Kamilionit was mentioned the IRC gateway might need some love23:53
Kamilionbasically you can consider it like skype layered on top of IRC23:54
Kamilionit has a very IRC like multiuser chat room, a bot that can join it and bridge it to IRC directly23:55
Kamilionand voice and video over the shared core protocol23:55
Kamilionvaguely similar to google's JINGLE protocol used for hangouts+gtalk23:55
Kamilionbut not based on XMPP23:55
Kamilionas XML is now considered "that thing with the angle brackets and the pain"23:55
Kamilionthe draw, however, is the pervasive crypto built into the core.23:57
Kamilionwhat we would be doing is adding an trusted crypto-to-cleartext peer that bridges the video out elsewhere.23:58
Kamilionthe developers see no issue23:58
Kamilionand seem to be happy to accept contributions upstream23:58

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