
Bob-i downloaded  lubuntu v15.04 , burned it to a dvd, and tried to boot up off the just burned cd, when i try, it either does not boot up off the cd/freezes during CD boot, or when it does boot, it gives the following error code: booting kernal failed: invalid argument. does anyone know about this issue?05:09
=== Bob- is now known as stormey
gasshoRunning 14.04.2 LXLE, IRC works, HTTP doesn't.05:57
gasshoSynaptic doesn't have much success either for me at this moment.05:58
Unit193gassho: For LXLE support please use their support medium, http://www.lxle.net/forums/ or https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/lxle-general06:00
gasshoOh I thought that LXLE was based on Lubuntu...06:01
Unit193Last I knew it was.06:01
wxlsomeone needs to tell him that since LXDE is based on Lubuntu and Lubuntu is based on Ubuntu which is based on Debian, he06:04
wxls' clearly in the wrong channel06:04
=== Tomas_ is now known as Guest23511
=== Guest23511 is now known as SuspiciousWombat

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