
wxlstupid question of the week: how does one use a bluetooth for input on snappy for things (pi2 fwiw)06:24
dholbachgood morning06:48
dholbachcan somebody take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/1447733?06:52
dholbachis snappy-ubuntu the project to be used?06:52
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dholbachsergiusens, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy-ubuntu/+bug/1447733 - is this a known bug?08:11
dpmhi lool, and here's one for you - it seems the package name of one of the Rpi2 bits needs renaming? https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+bug/144941708:15
dholbachlool, I just fixed the developer site part of it08:34
looldholbach, dpm: indeed; recent change to udf; there's another one we need to update for: command requires one more argument (15.04 or rolling)08:42
dpmlool, I think I added that to the bug description. Could you confirm that is the case to make sure we're not missing anything else?08:43
lool(the first error I'm getting is: "the required argument `Release` was not provided")08:43
looldpm: yeah; I'd like to check the prefix thing with beuno here08:43
dpmlool, but with dholbach's fixes to https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/#snappy-raspi2 you shouldn't get the  "the required argument `Release` was not provided" error anymore, should you?08:44
looldpm: oh I got the previous version of the page just minutes ago08:45
loolI guess caching and all08:45
loolyeah new version looks good08:45
dpmyeah, the page has now ' udf core 15.04 ...'08:45
dholbachhey slangasek, your name is on the list for uos track lead - but there's a question mark behind your name... do you have more information?09:04
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Cubicle Day! :-D09:10
loolppisati: heya09:21
ppisatilool: yo09:21
loolppisati: I've used https://launchpad.net/~p-pisati/+archive/ubuntu/embedded/+files/linux-image-3.19.1-7-generic-bcm2709_3.19.1-7.7_armhf.deb to build my rpi2 device tarball; it seems your device tarball works better (shows more memory)09:22
loolppisati: would you know what might explain this?09:22
* lool checks if PPA has newer version09:22
ppisatilool: yep,. i pushed a new one09:22
ppisatilool: uhmm... the only thing that come to my mind are the arguments passed on the cmdline (or embedded during kernel compilation)09:23
ppisatilool: you mean, you see more memory09:23
ppisatilool: moving from 3.18 to 3.19?09:23
loolppisati: hmm some user reported on the mailing-list seeing 128M, but now seeing 1G with your kernel (the thread you replied to)09:23
ppisatilool: yep, what was previous? 3.18? 3.19.X?09:24
loolppisati: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/snappy-devel/2015-April/000548.html09:24
ppisatilool: did he use uboot or direct booting?09:24
ppisatilool: he didn't give that ifno09:24
loolhe said he used udf09:24
ppisatilool: ok, so my kernel gives him more memory, but what was the previous one?09:25
loolppisati: one of mine, but I dont think which exact version09:25
loolbut the initial message is recent: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/snappy-devel/2015-April/000501.html09:26
lool5 days ago, I was already on your 3.19 kernels09:26
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loolppisati: actually I can reproduce here09:28
lool3.19.1-4-generic-bcm2709 is the uname09:28
loolLinux localhost.localdomain 3.19.1-4-generic-bcm2709 #4-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar 27 19:49:10 UTC 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux09:28
loolthat's old (march 27)09:28
loolconsole=tty0 console=ttyAMA0 root=/dev/disk/by-label/system-a init=/lib/systemd/systemd ro panic=-1 fixrtc rootfstype=ext4 init=/lib/systemd/systemd ro09:28
loolppisati: I'll just pull your latest kernel now, but I'd be interested in what might have changed between this march 27th 3.19 and the latest that would explain the memory difference09:29
looldpm, dholbach: Ok, got to the bottom of the OEM namespacing changes from last week09:42
loolthe bottom line is: it's a bug, this could work, but we changed this while implementing "snappy switch" just before release, and now it's set in stone in the 15.04 release09:42
loolso I'll reupload a pi2-unofficial or something like that09:43
dholbachok cool09:46
dholbachlool, in a mail from Thursday somebody said about the raspi2 image "> Raspberry Pi - dang, that image is mostly 3.9Gb of uncompressed 0’s"09:47
dholbachI'm not sure what to reply09:47
looldholbach: that's true; it's because I lazily rsync it over09:47
loolbut I think I could gzip --rsyncable it09:47
dholbachcan we do something about http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10923388/?09:49
looldholbach: no idea09:52
dholbachsergiusens, ^ do you maybe know?09:53
looldholbach: image gziped BTW10:43
dholbachlool, do we need to update the docs?10:59
looldholbach: I'm updating my README but I have to retest all the bits; it will take a while (also interrupted by various things  :-)11:35
dholbachlool, cool, let me know11:59
beunojdstrand, store has t44712:20
beunor447 even12:20
loolppisati: Linux localhost.localdomain 3.19.1-8-generic-bcm2709 #8-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr 13 19:16:38 UTC 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux12:37
loolppisati: still 128M though12:37
loolsame cmdline12:38
loolppisati: am I supposed to include some gpu mem cmdline option?12:38
jdstrandbeuno: nice, thanks!13:04
lool[    2.623474] Kernel panic - not syncing: Could not decompress initial ramdisk image.13:14
ppisatilool: nope, the embedded PPA is the correct one14:55
ppisatilool: my board is disconnected now, didn't you say that you had all the memory?14:56
loolppisati: I think it's one of the other boot files that you kept and I didn't15:13
loolfixup.dat or another one15:14
loolI'm still researching15:14
loolI've excluded vmlinuz and cmdline15:14
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wxlanyone here using snappy on a pi2?17:32
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jdstrandtyhicks: hey, how familiar are you with "send_destination" in dbus bus policy (ie, /etc/dbus-1/system.d/*.conf19:36
tyhicksjdstrand: I'm not familiar with it off the top of my head19:38
jdstrandok, thanks19:38
tyhicksjdstrand: I'll bet it is the equivalent to peer=(name=foo) in an AppArmor D-Bus rule19:39
jdstrandtyhicks: that is what I was trying to figure out19:40
jdstrandI think that is correct19:40
jdstrandbasically, it's the bus name19:40
jdstrand(in dbus parlance)19:40
jdstrandso, not the interface name or the object path19:41
jdstrandok, I just filed a bug against snappy, but I think it is invalid19:43
* jdstrand is checking19:43
jdstrandtyhicks: fyi, that is exactly the case19:54
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