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lordievaderGood morning.07:48
lordievaderHey tijnix08:17
BluesKajHiyas all12:24
penguin42hey BK12:24
BluesKajhey penguin4212:44
BluesKajany word on the15.10 yet?12:46
* penguin42 wouldn't know where to check12:48
* penguin42 would ask in ... oh, we're here12:49
BluesKajyeah, i haven't seen a thing , not even the codename12:51
penguin42it looks like the next UDS is 5-7 May, so I guess stuff will happen then ?12:52
k1l_anyone knows when the snappy packages stuff will be activated in the desktop-next iso? i am curious to try that13:04
penguin42k1l_: Me to13:17
penguin42BluesKaj: The Developer Summit13:17
* penguin42 is hoping for Wiggly Worm, but I doubt it13:17
BluesKajwonky wombat13:21
BluesKajis snappy going to use the regular repos13:23
lordievaderBluesKaj: Snappy is a way of creating packages.13:34
BluesKajyes , I know that , was reading about it , but it's implementation is vague , as ususual, lordievader13:36
BluesKajerr usuual :)13:36
* BluesKaj finds his glasses13:36
k1l_it looks to me that they are not sure what snappy means in detail so far. i think we will be enlighted after UOS :)15:29
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