
wxlnhaines: would you mind a quick pm?00:08
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=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
nhaineswxl: when online, I am always availble for PM.  Permission need never be asked.03:22
Kiloshi nhaines  wxl  and others03:23
Kilospleas apologise to the council for me, for emails about our za monthly meeting. i switched from evolution and am still getting used to thunderbird03:26
nhainesKilos: thanks for the consideration.  We appreciate it.  :)03:38
Kilossorry for not mentioning is labeled early warning03:53
dholbachgood morning06:48
Kilosmorning dholbach  06:49
dholbachhi Kilos06:49
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=== Kilos is now known as rusty2345
=== rusty2345 is now known as Kilos
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
wxldoes anyone know who's "in charge" of organizing uds? or where i could file bugs on it?23:11
mhall119wxl: the community team organizes it23:14
mhall119wxl: is the bug against the website, or the event itself?23:15
wxlmhall119: that's not quite os much that i meant. i think i found a decent alternative to google hangouts that doesn't limit functionality.23:15
mhall119wxl: what?23:16
wxlmhall119: tox. it's client based rather than web based so people would need software, but it does have an irc gateway and i'm sure a little code could get it broadcasting to youtube or twitch23:19
mhall119wxl: how about recording?23:38
wxlmhall119: yep, does it23:38
mhall119wxl: can you whip up a prototype or demo? It might be something we can use next time23:38
wxlmhall119: will do. should i send to you, the community list, or what?23:39
mhall119wxl: ubuntu-community-team please23:39
wxlmhall119: will do thanks :)23:40

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