
wxlelfy: kind of ot but do you have a link to the qa contest you did for stickers?00:55
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elopioveebers: so, I don't fully understand. But to fall on the safe side, I can just make branches for those project to make everybody use the base from the toolkit.04:10
veeberselopio: I'm just trying something now which should hopefully clarify it for myself then I'll be able to explain it better04:16
elopioveebers: ok, so tomorrow I'll prepare the extra branches.04:52
elopiogood thing we made this card.04:52
elfywxl: http://xubuntu.org/news/help-the-community-with-testing-and-win-xubuntu-stickers/05:43
wxlelfy: thx05:48
wxlyay just booted my raspberry 2 with snappy05:48
elfywxl: welcome06:30
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pittivila: so adt-run -d --- ssh -d works for me with an LXC target, so this looks phone specific10:44
pittivila: -U should never be used on a phone in general, but I suppose you are doing this on purpose? did you set the phone to r/w before?10:45
pittiah, apparently you do as apt-get update worked10:45
pittivila: ok, I give up on bug 1449446 for now, I need more information11:06
ubot5bug 1449446 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "adt-virt-ssh -d breaks satisfying adt-satdep.deb dependencies" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144944611:06
vilapitti: yup, writable to test silos with citrain device-upgrade11:51
vilapitti: I haven't dig deeply to understand why I need -U though11:51
vilapitti: the log file is fine but lp fails to display it, I just downloaded it to check. Apart from a couple of ^M ... which may enough to trick lp ?11:56
vilapitti: and thanks for the shell advices ! I'll probably need more for some time ;)12:06
pittivila: no, it's like 2 out of 3 messages are missing in the log, I'm not sure what happened there12:42
vilapitti: doh12:51
vilapitti: weirdly enough, I'm currently seeing an 'echo "Reboot #$X"' disappearing when X > 3 but still presents in the log !12:51
vilapitti: with qemu in that case12:53
vilapitti: ha ha ! Comparing my buffer with the log, I got:12:54
vilashell: tee: standard output: Resource temporarily unavailable12:55
vilalog: Reboot #312:55
vilayeah, that indeed, exactly ;)12:55
vilapitti: but anyway, when you say 2 out of 3, it is some big chunks (start/end) are missing or little chunks all over the place ?12:57
pittivila: the latter; I really have no idea what happened there :/12:57
vilapitti: ok, I'll retry with a phone later and see, any hint on what should be there and isn't ?12:58
pittivila: for example, "adt-run: DBG: testbed init" or "adt-run: DBG: $ vserver: adt-virt-ssh  ..."12:58
pittivila: oh wait! this log doesn't actually contain the debugging for adt-run12:59
pittivila: so maybe it's just because the branch uses Depends: @, and that's somehow not satisfiable after the apt-get upgrade, or something strange like that13:00
vilapitti: err, as in I forgot adt-run -d or it's not supposed to end up htere ?13:00
pittivila: it is supposed to end up there (I ran it here, and it's all in the log13:01
vilapitti: nope, it doesn't happen with the same command but without -d for adt-virt-ssh13:01
vilahmm, unless something weird happened at X: adt-run --- adt-virt-ssh (no -d) X; adt-run --- ssh -d ; adt-run --- ssh13:02
vilapitti: well, according to my own report, I didn't use adt-run -d /me blushes13:03
vilaonly adt-virt-ssh -d, will redo13:04
boikovanguard: hi guys, I need some help with writing an emulator to interact with on-screen notifications in ubuntu touch13:45
boikoelopio: is vanguard working? or should I use ubuntu-qa?14:12
elopioboiko: ubuntu-qa please.14:12
boikoubuntu-qa: hi guys, I need some help with writing an emulator to interact with on-screen notifications in ubuntu touch14:12
Saviqboiko, fwiw, this should get you on the right path14:14
elopiofgimenez: ^14:20
fgimenezSaviq, thx, elopio does http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-sanity-tests/trunk/view/head:/ubuntu_sanity_tests/helpers/unity8/settings_wizard.py contain also a good example?14:22
elopiofgimenez: of the helpers style, yes. But boiko needs to restart unity with testability if his tests are running on touch.14:22
fgimenezelopio, ok clear now :)14:23
elopiothen wait for the notification to appear, and then swipe it away. This part is easy. I think it would be mostly to help him getting a nice base test class for unity integration.14:23
boikoelopio: so, some of the notifications are dialogs with multiple actions (snap decisions?), s not sure just swiping them away would work14:43
elopioboiko: I see. But the principle is the same, if the user in your tests needs to dismiss the notification, write a dismiss method with all the steps necessary.14:46
boikoelopio: yep, well, actually right now the dismissing of the notification is not part of the test, it is just to prevent the notification from getting in the way of the subsequent tests14:47
elopioboiko: fgimenez: it's worth analyzing that if the test is not testing the notifications, maybe we can stop the notification service or something like that.14:47
elopiobut we'll need other tests that check the interaction with the notifications.14:48
boikoelopio: yep, FYI: the test I am working on is to check that dialer-app is doing the right thing on a valid USSD session, the dialog appearing is just a side effect14:49
elopioright, I guess that if there's no risk of the USSD session breaking the notifications, then you can split that test. Maybe even test the notification integration with lower level API tests.14:52
boikoelopio: still I need the dialog dismissed somehow at the end of the test :)14:54
boikoelopio: I was talking to tiagosh and he gave me the idea of killing the telephony-service-indicator process at the end of the test14:56
boikoelopio: that might be the easiest fix for now14:56
elopioboiko: I let you to discuss about it with fgimenez. Whatever solution you two come out with will be good for me.14:57
boikoelopio: thanks14:57
fgimenezboiko, i guess the notification doesn't have any control to interact with, right?15:00
boikofgimenez: it has two buttons, "Ok" and "Cancel" but they both just dismiss the notification itself15:01
boikofgimenez: in this particular case it is useless, but we have also tests for incoming calls that show the dialog to accept/reject the call15:02
boikofgimenez: in that case it would be nice to be able to actually click the notification. Right now what we do is to trigger a dbus call to telephony-service-approver accepting/declining the call15:03
fgimenezboiko, you can create classes that expose methods for interacting with each kind of notification, for instance http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-sanity-tests/trunk/view/head:/ubuntu_sanity_tests/helpers/unity8/settings_wizard.py#L41915:05
boikofgimenez: the problem is: the notifications themselves are in unity (which is not running in testability mode by default) and dialer-app is in a different process15:05
brendand_boiko, you have to restart it in testability mode first15:06
brendand_boiko, then do your test15:07
boikobrendand_: ok15:08
boikofgimenez: brendand_: thanks for the help, I will try to cook something in the next few days, let's see how it goes15:09
fgimenezboiko, you can ping the vanguard for review15:15
boikofgimenez: nice! thanks15:15
brendand_ubuntu-qa - anyone can confirm this sanity suite regression? unity8.shell.emulators.UnityEmulatorException: No scope found with id clickscope15:23
rhuddiebrendand_, I've seen that one before15:23
alesagecking ping hey that rhymes :)15:25
alesagecking I'm wanting to persuade you to present some of you coverity findings during a UOS session next week, any interest?15:25
brendand_rhuddie, intermittently?15:25
brendand_rhuddie, it seems to be plaguing the whole suite now15:26
brendand_rhuddie, unless i did something wrong maybe15:26
rhuddiebrendand_, when I saw it, it was intermittent and very hard to reproduce.15:26
rhuddiebrendand_, so that sounds different15:27
ckingalesage, don't you mean cppcheck findings?15:27
alesagecking exactly :)15:27
alesagecking, I'd like to do a "static analysis" topic15:27
ckingalesage, actually, I was aiming to just use these findings to try and get leverage and a coverty scan license15:28
alesagecking, no better forum to publicize this work :)15:28
alesagecking, but you have worked with the coverity scanner, yes?  or am I misremembering15:29
ckingalesage, coverity scan is free and superior to cppcheck anyday, but it has big limitations to the number of times one can use it per week on large projects15:30
alesagecking, I'm very curious about the "onboarding" process for the free service15:30
alesagecking, I see15:30
ckingalesage, it is limited, one has to either own the project or be a significant author to sign a project up to it15:31
alesagecking do you get access to their web console, etc.?15:31
ckingalesage, yep, I get access to the webby front-end goodness15:31
alesagecking, anyway the session could literally be me asking you these questions :) and maybe us presenting a few interesting defects15:31
ckingi use it for all projects I package into debian15:32
alesagecking, doesn't have to be longer than 15 min15:32
alesagecking, balloons and I trying to sort some QA-relevant sessions15:32
elopioprojects-team: I'm breaking the rule of 2 because these cards are boooring.15:33
ckingalesage, i'm more convinced we'll get better coverage if I blog about it, I get tens of K hits on my blog15:33
elopioI'm done, but waiting for three jenkins runs.15:33
ckingalesage, and I'm bogged down with some critical work that needs attendind to at the mo15:33
alesagecking, whell that's fair, can't stand in the way of your work15:34
alesagecking, thanks for considering15:34
alesagecking I'll have more questions at some point, ok?15:34
ckingalesage, ask anytime, I'm very happy to discuss it15:35
ckinghowever, I really think the perfect solution is to get a coverity scan licence for devs and the QA process15:35
balloonscking, alesage thanks for considering15:36
alesagecking, we'll have to discuss that further--would you be willing to give me a tour of the free process at some point?15:36
ckingalesage, sure, I can do that, it's very simple, here's a starter: https://scan.coverity.com/faq15:38
ckingalesage, sign yourself up, and I'll add you to a project so you can see what it looks like15:39
alesagecking, thanks15:39
elopiovila: are you ok with this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/qakit/flake8-fixes/+merge/25667415:44
vilaelopio: I approved it long ago didn't I ?15:44
vilaelopio: fixing the key exposure will require changing it anyway15:45
elopioI can't top-approve it :/15:46
elopioalesage: can you?15:46
alesageelopio, let me check15:46
vilaelopio: hmm, I can't either, NeedsFixing ;-)15:47
alesageelopio I can't either :/15:52
pittivila: oh, you figure the phone ran out of space and thus it couldn't create /tmp/ssh_askpass.XX any more?15:53
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alesageelopio, vila, seeing the problem one sec16:01
elopiooSoMoN_: alex-abreu: returning to the issue killing the web container, is there something else you need from us?16:05
oSoMoN_elopio, not at this point, alex-abreu is debugging the issue16:05
elopiocool. The bug fix in autopilot is easy, but the release is painful so it will take some time.16:06
elopiothanks alesage. I suppose we don't have autolanding, right?16:24
alesageelopio, not sure if thomi set it up, assume no16:25
alesageelopio will look into16:25
elfywxl:  now I am awake enough to think about that - what you asked wasn;t at all offtopic for this channel :)16:30
wxlelfy: well, tangenital :)17:12
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tewardballoons: ping if you're still around, and don't mind a PM18:50
balloonsteward, pong19:07
tewardballoons: mind a PM?19:07
balloonsgo for it19:07

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