
Kilosmorning everyone05:15
Jacques_StryMaaz: Kettle on05:38
MaazJacques_Stry: Sorry...05:38
Kiloshi Jacques_Stry  05:39
KilosMaaz  coffee on05:39
* Maaz flips the salt-timer05:39
Jacques_StryHi Kilos05:39
Kilosnow do coffee please05:39
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!05:43
Jacques_StryMaaz coffee on ?05:43
* Maaz starts grinding coffee05:43
Kiloswhen someone else has started with coffee on you do Maaz  coffee please and he adds you to the list05:44
Jacques_StryI C05:44
Kiloshe acn also call others when you make by typing maaz coffee for all05:45
KilosMaaz  coffee for all05:45
MaazCome on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already05:45
MaazCoffee's ready for Jacques_Stry!05:47
Jacques_StryMaaz: Thank You05:56
MaazJacques_Stry: No problem05:56
Kilosnuvolari_  ping05:57
Kilosinetpro  prepare to chair, nuvo snowed under but will let me know this avy if he can be available tonight06:24
ThatGraemeGuyits 2015 and I still have to muck around with xrandr scripts to get a dual-screen desktop working06:46
ThatGraemeGuybut I'm sure this is the year of Linux on the desktop06:46
Kiloslets hope06:47
Kiloshi Squirm  06:56
PadroniMorning all06:59
Kiloshi Padroni  06:59
Padronihoe gaan dit?07:01
Kilosgoed dankie en self?07:03
Kilosnet koud07:03
Padroni selfde hier07:09
Padroniwas gister by die Checkers Cheese & Wine festival in Stellenbosch07:10
Padronibaie lekker07:10
Padroninet baie mense07:10
Padronimaklik 10K mense daar gewees, en dit op dag 4 van die fees07:10
Kilosek is baie lief vir kaas maar dit is duur nou man07:10
Padronidaar was te veel om van alles te kon proe07:10
Kilosek hou tot van daai kaas wat baie se is vrot07:11
Kilosgorgonzola en so aan'07:11
Padroniek het ophou tel na 'n ruk07:12
Padronite veel07:12
Padronihet nie juis baie wyn geproe nie07:13
Padronimaar het wel 'n bottel Muskadel gekoop07:13
Padroniwat nice is07:13
Kilosek onthou min van wyn en drank maar old brown was vir my lekker07:13
Padronidit raak nou weer winter07:14
Kilosja ons was 10°c vanoggend07:15
SilverCodeanyone using Neotel and having issues with Google?07:28
KilosJacques_Stry  is each person going to install their own booktype on a server or are you guys going to use one server for it07:28
Kilosim just trying to follow the patroon07:29
Jacques_StryFrom what I understand one server for all except those with limited internet access07:36
=== MaNI2 is now known as MaNI
Kilosah ok ty for that07:38
barrydkMore almal07:43
Kiloshi barrydk  07:43
Kiloswaar is die mazal outjie07:43
barrydkHy sit hier en slaap07:45
Kilosklap hom07:47
Kilosdie wegbly storie is stout van hom07:48
Kiloshi psyatw  08:05
psyatwhi Kilos 08:06
mazalMorning everyone08:44
Kiloshi mazal  wb08:44
SquirmAnything interesting happening today?08:59
PadroniNew (old) Wordpress vulnerabilities discoverd.  People loosing their heads09:05
Padroniall over 09:05
Kilosmeeting tonight Squirm  09:06
Kilosthe pro will chair so we get to be naughty and give him a hard time09:08
Kilosmorning superfly  09:19
superflyhi Kilos09:19
superflyPadroni: WordPress vulnerabilities *yawn*09:20
Padronisorry, what now superfly?09:20
superflyPadroni: WordPress is one big fat vulnerability, so whether it's a new one or an old one, I'm never surprised09:21
Padroninot really09:22
Padroniit is actually possible to secure it09:22
Padronimore than Joomla in any case09:22
Padronibut people are too lazy to update 09:22
Padroniwhich is the real cause for so many WP issues09:22
KilosSymmetria  ping09:23
Kilosis this your mirror http://ke.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages09:23
KilosMaaz  is http://ke.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages down09:29
KilosMaaz  hi09:30
MaazSup Kilos09:30
Padronianyone know a reliable SSH command to remove bounced messages form a Exim mail queue?10:07
PadroniI know how to remove frozen mails 10:07
Padronibut not bounced10:07
PadroniOne at a time, folks...10:08
Padronihey J10:09
Padronihoe gaan dit10:09
Jacques_StryGoed en jy10:10
Padronibusy busy busy10:12
Kiloshi kulelu88  Trixar_za  CuttingEdge  10:40
Trixar_zaHey Kilos10:41
magespawngood day all11:12
* Jacques_Stry waves11:12
Kiloshi magespawn  11:12
KilosMaaz  announce meeting tonight right here at 203011:15
MaazHear ye, hear ye! meeting tonight right here at 203011:15
Kilosmagespawn  have you noticed the pros latest tactic?11:16
Kiloshe is sure to slip RTFS into every discussion11:16
Kilosoh and he fixed QA11:16
Kilosor anyway the way to install ibid on 14.04 and later11:18
Kiloshe is so clever my pro but so fulla11:21
magespawnah well, lets give him a bit of latitude shall we?11:22
Kiloshehe yeah11:23
Kiloshe is lod after all11:23
Kilosoh no he must finish his wiki page and apply for membership11:25
Kilosno rest for the wicked11:26
magespawnnext thing you know you will be getting on my case again11:26
Kiloshaha i know you have big plans that are using all your resources atm11:27
Kiloscheck the numbers11:28
Kilosmust be a midday record11:28
magespawnthat an i still have so much to learn11:29
Kilosyeah thats why i dont nag you11:29
magespaw1later all13:56
SquirmPeople just aren't chatting :P14:26
Kilosyeah and bad connections all over14:27
Kiloshi8 Guest49195  15:17
Guest49195Im Rusty15:18
Guest49195but been here a long time ago15:18
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za15:18
Kiloshi rusty15:18
Kilosi  cant remember you15:18
Guest49195the time for the meeting is 8-30?15:19
Kilosdo  you remember me?15:19
Kilosyes thats right, will you be here?15:19
Kilosok then maybe you were befor me15:19
Guest49195will try15:19
Kiloswe are here all day and most of the nights too15:20
Kilosyou can just hang here15:20
Guest49195Im just an ubuntu use for some 8 years15:20
Guest49195but know no programming15:20
Guest49195how do I change my name to Rusty?15:20
Kilosnor do i, but if you need help someone here will be able to help15:21
Guest49195from guest...15:21
Kilos type in /nick Rusty15:21
Guest49195didnt work yet15:22
Kilosstart with the /15:22
Guest49195will try again15:22
Kilosill do it15:23
Kilosah it says its unavailablr15:23
Kilosadd a bit15:23
Guest49195Ok - what now?15:24
Kiloslike rustyjoe or rusty 547 ot something15:24
Kiloslooks like someone has registered it before15:24
Guest49195It will be me15:25
Kilosdo you remember your password you used?15:25
Guest49195it was long ago, but I can try15:25
Guest49195but where will I use it?15:27
Guest49195sorry, Im bugging you, but Im a bit lost with irc15:27
Kilosthen you do /msg nickserv identify password i think15:27
Kilosnot a prob15:28
Kilosbut also if you havent used the nick for 4 months or so they let someone else claim it15:29
Guest49195naw, its  been years for me15:30
=== Kilos is now known as rusty2345
=== rusty2345 is now known as Kilos
Kilosadd some numbers15:30
Guest49195Ill try something15:30
Kilospietman is good too15:30
=== Guest49195 is now known as rusty10
rusty10ok 15:31
CuttingEdgefrom what i can tell, Rusty is registered to a user using an australian email address15:31
Kilosi dont know how to see what nicks are registered but inetpro  will know when he gets home15:31
CuttingEdge-NickServ- Registered : Dec 26 14:35:05 2005 (9y 17w 6d ago)15:32
Kilossee they gave it to someone else15:32
CuttingEdge-NickServ- Last seen  : Apr 28 13:02:57 2015 (2h 28m 0s ago)15:32
rusty10but this is Ok now15:32
Kilosty CuttingEdge  15:32
Kilosok now regster it15:32
KilosCuttingEdge  help him please15:33
CuttingEdgerusty10: /nickserv register password email15:33
rusty10OK - will do so now15:34
CuttingEdge(use a valid email address, as there may be some sort of secondary authentication linked to registration)15:34
Kilosoh my superfly  do you see chance to chair? nuvo and pro snowed under15:36
Kilospretty please15:36
superflyOhi CuttingEdge 15:36
CuttingEdgesuperfly: greetings :)15:37
superflyKilos: if my migraine goes away any time soon, I guess, but I'm on day 415:37
Kilosoh my fly15:37
Kilossleep till 202015:38
superflyKilos: you've clearly forgotten what it is like to have small kids. 15:39
rusty10OK - now im registered as rusty10 - thanx Kilos15:40
Kiloshappy you won rusty10  15:40
Kilosoh ya superfly  15:40
Kilosoh my15:40
Kilosall i know is atrt and end meeting15:41
CuttingEdgein other news, i've taken over maintaining the Neology Ubuntu 'archive' mirror15:41
Kilosyay CuttingEdge  i was looking for you15:41
CuttingEdgesetup a 'release' mirror too now .. pending review15:41
Kilosa few times we pointed peeps to neology15:41
CuttingEdgeKilos: if anyone has problems with it, let me know15:42
Kilosand i couldnt remember who worked there15:42
Kilosi dont know how to get you iff you offline15:42
CuttingEdgei've updated the launchpad owner details for the mirror .. my contact details are there too now15:44
CuttingEdgethe release mirror is here:15:44
rusty10Kilos, I see the list of names on a righthand column, but nothing to indicate who is up or not - but my previous guestname is in light grey15:44
Kilosdont you want to join ubuntu-za on launchpad too15:45
rusty10Is the darker names online?15:45
Kilosnope rusty10  15:46
Kilosmaybe for the meeting15:46
rusty10how do I know who is currently online?  Can I see it?15:46
Kiloswhat client are you using15:47
Kilosok what system first15:47
Kilosok then go to settings15:48
CuttingEdgeKilos: i've been part of the ubuntu-za group since 2013, apparently ;)15:48
CuttingEdge(according to launchpad)15:48
Kilosyay CuttingEdge  please will you add yourself at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members15:49
Kilosrusty let me start other pc so i can see xchat15:50
rusty10text box15:50
Kilossomewhere there must be nick list15:50
CuttingEdgerusty10: try: /names #ubuntu-za15:51
CuttingEdgesome clients might like: /who #ubuntu-za15:52
Kilosdo you see user list15:53
Kilosmaybe you need to drag drop from the right hand side to open the user list window15:53
rusty10O, there is a right hand column15:54
Kilosall the nicks are in there15:54
rusty10are all those on-line at the moment?15:55
Kilossome will look grayed out15:55
Kilosthaey are away15:55
Kilosbut all you see are connected15:55
Kilosat the bottom you should see 37 nicks15:56
rusty10I will come this evening, but I have recently move home and have a question15:56
Kilosthats good15:56
Kiloswhat is the question15:57
rusty10I now stay at Margate, and would like to know if there are other people using Linux or better still Ubuntu around here15:57
rusty10perhaps I should ask tonight.15:57
Kilosthere was a guy at port shepstone but i havent seen him for a while15:57
Kilosyou can go to our new website and join our mailing list15:58
rusty10I have to go now, but I will try to come tonight15:58
Kiloslots of the list guys dont use irc15:58
rusty10how do I log out?15:58
rusty10exept to close all15:58
Kilostop tick xchat and close15:59
CuttingEdgeKilos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members16:01
CuttingEdgeadded myself to the bottom of the list16:01
Kiloswonderful ty CuttingEdge  16:01
CuttingEdgementioned under the 'comments' section that i admin the neology mirror too - will make it easier to find/contact me should an issue arise16:03
superflyCuttingEdge: you know frostbite? 16:03
Kiloswonderful ty16:03
superflyFroztbyte or FroztyZA16:04
CuttingEdgesuperfly: he used to work here a while ago, before i started16:04
superflyAh. Yeah, I've largely lost contact with him.16:07
CuttingEdgei'm sure i can track him down if you want to make contact again16:08
superflynah, I have him on Facebook.16:11
Kilosaw superfly  i forgot about you16:12
Kilosand fb16:12
superflySo I see his movements occasionally. Just our areas of interest have largely diverved, I think :-)16:12
superflywoo! my G2 has been shipped. hoping to get it tomorrow or thursday16:12
* CuttingEdge ponders16:14
CuttingEdgenow that i've had a good look, i actually recognize some of the nicknames here16:14
CuttingEdgemostly #clug users ;)16:15
Kilosno lug channels are friendly lik #ubuntu-za16:15
KilosCuttingEdge  i read an article that says neology has gone ipv6 already16:24
CuttingEdgeyeah, most of our 'stuff' is IPv616:24
Kiloshow do i get my 8ta connection to make use of ipv616:25
CuttingEdgeat this stage, you'd probably have to tunnel it16:26
CuttingEdgenot sure if 8ta is IPv6 ready16:26
Kilosi will fone them a enguire16:27
Kilosmy telkom mobile connection shows 4g is possible so who knows what a fone call will find16:28
CuttingEdgethat reminds me .. ubuntu.mirror.neology.co.za is IPv6 ready too .. just noticed the AAAA record is incorrect16:29
* CuttingEdge goes to update16:29
Kilosi go eat16:29
georgelappieshi all16:36
georgelappiesKilos there be two of you16:36
grembleGood evening16:36
grembleGood evening georgelappies 16:36
Kiloshi georgelappies  im just eating16:37
Kiloswbb soon16:37
Kiloshi gremble  16:37
georgelappiesare you pulling a Gollum on us?16:37
grembleKilos was probably alive when Tolkien wrote his books :P16:38
Kilosher books16:38
grembleOh, You decided that he was a girl?16:38
MaNI2if thats a girl then I don't know :p16:39
Kilosshe was on some show one day16:39
grembleHe died in 197316:40
grembleI doubt that he was on shows16:40
Kilosits a her that wrote lord of the rings16:40
Kilosill ask my sis when i finish eating16:40
grembleMost certainly not :P16:40
grembleHe did have a daughter, but I am unsure of what she would be famous for16:41
grembleOther than being from his loins16:41
MaNI2he wrote the hobbit for her, thats probably her largest achievement :p16:42
grembleThat was an amazing book, so it is probably not a meager achievement16:42
MaNI2toob ad about the movies16:43
grembleI never watched the last movie16:43
MaNI2it can't be unseen unfortunately :(16:43
grembleThey weren't horrible. Book is much better though16:43
Kilosforgive me oh wise ones im thinking of jk rowlinns16:43
Kilos'rowlings or whatever16:43
MaNI2haha, harry potter16:43
grembleYes, JK Rowling is a girl16:43
grembleA very very rich one at that16:43
georgelappiesno, no, no. JRR Tolkien was born in the Freestate in SA, he most definitely is male and any of his works by far surpasses the drivel we have seen lately marketed under the premise of high fantasy16:45
georgelappiesme = Tolkien fan ;p16:45
gremblegeorgelappies has a slow internet connection :P16:45
georgelappieshow do you know that gremble? ;p16:46
grembleEducated guess 16:46
MaNI2also a huge fan16:46
georgelappiesanyhow, not talking so much about movies / tv series. Talking about books and the creation of the world the story is set in16:46
MaNI2of the books that is16:47
grembleDo you blow them cold?16:47
MaNI2the LOTR moviews were respectful at least16:47
MaNI2hobbit movies were an attrocity 16:47
grembleThey are 12 hours of walking and hobbits doing slightly homosexual things16:47
georgelappiesyeah, also enjoyed them. Hobbit was definitely atrocious MaNI2 16:48
georgelappiesgremble, you have a warped perception of reality :)16:50
grembleIt's a shame that you think there is an objective reality16:51
Padronihi all16:53
grembleHey Padroni 16:53
* Padroni broke his Win7 using Kali 16:53
Padronisadly Win7 wasn't the target16:53
gremblemake the switch to Kali then16:53
grembleHow'd you break it?16:53
Padroninot sure16:54
Padronibut everytime I use Kali, Win7 goes BSOD on boot16:54
grembleOh. Is it a laptop?16:54
grembleWindows has a nasty habit of not shutting down on laptops16:55
grembleIt suspends to RAM16:55
georgelappieslol, gremble that was a good come back16:55
grembleSo when you boot with Kali, you erase the previous state of windows16:55
grembleChrome just BSOD' my own machine16:55
PadroniI tend to disable the 'hibernate' function completely16:56
grembleAnyway, so as the state is erased, windows freaks out and BSOD's16:56
Padronibut yeah16:56
grembleIt is not hibernate16:56
grembleIt is shitty OEM shit16:56
PadroniI don't care enough about Win7 to get upset16:56
Padronii just reinstall16:56
grembleI don't think it is world breaking16:56
grembleIt should be able to recover?16:56
Padroniif you have ANY experience with Windows, you're use to that part anyway16:56
Padroninah, I am due to for a clean install16:57
Padronionly use windows because of games anyway16:57
Padroniso no harm16:57
gremblegeorgelappies: you didn't say anything that I would have to make a comeback to. Ad hominem attacks on my opinion mean nothing to me :P16:57
grembleAnd I was busy reading such an interesting article16:59
Kiloswe had 44 peeps here at lunchtime now down to 38 again17:02
grembleHmm, this was quite a crash. Even ripped out the activation malware17:02
Padronihi Kilos 17:02
Kilosyou guys chased all my peeps17:02
Kiloshi Padroni  17:02
PadroniI was here most of the day17:03
Padronibut so busy17:03
Padroniand now busy with 2nd shift17:03
Kilosnp being here is good17:03
Kilosmany lurkers are better than an empty channel17:03
Padronibut at least I say something stupid now and then17:04
Padronior pick fights with the bot17:04
grembleMaaz will always win17:04
Kiloswhats that mean17:05
* Padroni wonders if Maaz is 3 laws ready...17:05
grembleIt means he will beat it soon17:05
grembleHe only knows one17:05
Padroniwhat ^ said17:05
grembleDon't burn the beans17:05
Kilosnono he has been here for years, part of the furniture already17:05
Padroniis it weird that I find it exciting to install a fresh copy of ubuntu?17:06
* Padroni sighs17:06
Kilosits exilirating17:06
grembleSir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, ArchLinux?17:06
PadroniI am actually looking at going straight-up debian on my laptop17:06
Kilosdunno how to spell that17:06
Kiloswb highvoltage  17:06
PadroniI have, indeed17:06
Kiloseeek traitor17:07
Kilosmind you fly also does debian on one pc17:07
* highvoltage too17:07
Kilosbut i think its more work than ubuntu17:07
Kilosyou too?17:08
Kilosoh my17:08
grembleI once had ubuntu on my computer for an entire week17:08
highvoltageyep, since 2011 or so17:08
Kilosgremble  your prob is17:08
grembleI didn't even know that I had a problem17:09
Kilosubuntu is too mathematically advanced for you to work out the equation17:09
Kilosthat thing17:09
PadroniAll I know is17:09
PadroniI am in love with linux17:09
gremblelinux just wants to be your friend though17:10
Padroniand I refuse to upgrade any further than Win717:10
Kiloshighvoltage  fly at least uses ubuntu on his others17:10
grembleDon't make it weird17:10
Kiloskde style17:10
highvoltageKilos: I use Ubuntu too in many places17:10
Kilosyay thats good to know17:10
grembleI think my windows crack was thwarted17:10
* gremble sighs17:10
Kilosinetpro  ping17:11
grembleDon't pirate. its bad17:11
Kilosyou still at work17:11
Kiloshighvoltage  have you had a look at the latest za creation17:12
Kiloscourtesy of fly and friends17:12
Kiloshit reset a few times17:12
highvoltageyep, looked at it this morning17:13
Kiloswho told you17:13
grembleWhy don't you guys change the url in the topic?17:14
Kilosgremble  Padroni  highvoltage  is the founder of this channel17:14
Kilosto what17:14
highvoltageI think it was actually Vhata and/or linuxboy who found the channel. but that was before it even became active17:14
Kilosoh the skelms17:15
highvoltageKilos: I think it was on g+17:15
Kilosoh maybe pro posted it17:15
grembleWhy are they skelms?17:15
Kilosi thought they were watching us and not even coming to say hi17:16
Kilosi forgot pro sneaks things to G+17:16
Padronihi highvoltage 17:16
PadroniI need to write something for compunation again but don't get time17:17
PadroniHallo Hendrik17:21
highvoltagehi Padroni 17:21
Kiloshi Tonberry  17:21
Kiloshi MaNI2  you joining us tonight17:22
Kiloswb CuttingEdge  17:27
CuttingEdgeKilos: ta17:27
=== MaNI2 is now known as MaNI
* Padroni lurks17:46
Kiloslurk quietly so fly can rest17:47
Padronithe best thing about night shift17:52
Padroniis beer17:52
CuttingEdgethe guys at the office declared it beer-hour at 16:30 already ;)17:53
superflyMaaz: hi17:53
* Maaz waves to superfly17:53
CuttingEdgebeer-o-clock even17:53
* Padroni flashes his CV17:53
PadroniWHo do I give it to?17:53
* Padroni sees he will fit in17:53
superflyheh. the best is when your CEO starts sipping a glass of white wine in an 11am meeting :-D17:54
grembleI once wrote a test drunk.17:54
grembleDon't do it17:55
grembleits bad mmkay17:55
superflylet me see if I can quickly brush up my meeting skills 17:55
* Kilos hands fly a new brush17:55
superflyKilos: thanks, my hair looks GREAT now17:56
superflyI wonder if I have permission...17:57
superflyMaaz: start meeting about Kilos and his nonsense17:57
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles17:57
superflyMaaz: agreed Kilos is naughty17:57
MaazAgreed: Kilos is naughty17:57
superflyMaaz: agreed Kilos refuses to co-operate17:57
MaazAgreed: Kilos refuses to co-operate17:57
* Kilos lurks17:57
superflyMaaz: end meeting17:58
MaazMeeting Ended17:58
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-04-28-17-57-17.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-04-28-17-57-17.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-04-28-17-57-17.html17:58
superflywoo! great meeting everyone!17:58
Kiloshi Vince-0  wb18:00
inetprogood evening18:00
Maazinetpro: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell inetpro prepare to chair, nuvo snowed under but will let me know this avy if he can be available tonight" 10 hours, 7 minutes and 38 seconds ago18:00
Kiloshi inetpro  wb you too18:01
inetproproblems at the office fixed, next problem?18:01
Kilosyou home yet?18:01
superflyhi inetpro, Vince-018:01
Kilosgood man18:01
superflyKilos: where are the previous meeting minutes?18:02
inetpronice to see superfly has brushed up his meeting skills already18:02
Kiloswe  need  to train another chair but anyone but me18:02
CuttingEdgewas just reading through it myself18:02
inetprosuperfly: hmm... I didn't link back to them in the agenda?18:03
inetprosee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2015032418:03
superflythanks CuttingEdge, inetpro18:03
superflyinetpro: no, you didn't18:03
Kiloshi  magespawn  18:04
KilosCuttingEdge  you keeping notes18:04
superflyhey Maaz18:04
superflyhey magespawn18:04
* inetpro goes to make some real coffee before the meeting18:05
superflyOK, I've got a little bit of coding to do before the meeting, I'll be back in 20 minutes18:05
inetproand before reading the backlogs18:05
Padronihi magespawn 18:05
Kiloscool superfly  18:05
Padronihi inetpro superfly 18:06
Padroniyou go through the whole installation18:07
Padroniand it fails near the end18:07
magespawnhi Kilos superfly 18:08
magespawnHi Padroni 18:08
magespawnhah the meeting, my brain is still on Monday18:09
magespawnhi Squirm 18:09
Squirmmagespawn: lucky for you then, it's the end of Tuesday!18:09
Squirm2 more nights until a long weekend :D18:09
KilosCuttingEdge  how you announced to our list who you are?18:10
CuttingEdgeKilos: negative18:11
superflydoes he need to?18:11
Kilosthere is a link there by join us18:11
Kilosi think it might help if others know about neology superfly  18:11
inetproKilos: you talk too much18:12
Kilosoften there are mail about failure to get upgrades done18:12
Kilosoh again18:12
Vince-0Maaz, I'm Vincent Swart18:12
MaazVince-0: *blink*18:12
Vince-0Maaz, I am Vincent Swart18:12
MaazVince-0: Excuse me?18:12
Kilostoo early Vince-0  18:12
inetprohow do you expect me to catch up?18:12
Vince-0it's been a while18:12
superflyKilos: yes, true, but announce Neology, not himself18:13
Kiloswell both seeing as he is running it18:13
Kiloshe will get  the queries not neology18:13
Kilosbasically just join our lists and let them know what you do18:14
Kilossuperfly  right?18:14
CuttingEdgejoined the mailing list18:14
Kilosgood man18:15
inetprosjow Kilos, our next meeting only in 2030?18:15
Kilosu oh18:15
inetprooops... at 2030... surely you meant 20:3018:15
Kiloswhat did you break now18:15
superflyKilos: you're quite pushy, né?18:15
Kilosya that thing man18:16
Kilosthe pro gives me non stop grief18:16
KilosRTFS this and RTFS that18:16
superflyRTFM, Kilos. Read the Fine Manual. Although, Read the Fine Site works too, I guess18:17
inetproKilos: don't say 2030 and 2020, I get confused man :-)18:18
Kilosya but he knows i cant read18:18
Kilosok from now 8:30 pm18:18
superflyKilos: try not to confuse poor inetpro, he's getting old and he gets confused easily :-P18:19
Kiloshee hee hee18:19
inetproai!... and gremble still doing the windows thing?18:20
grembleYou mean the things that allow you to see through walls?18:21
Kilosyou guys must behave, the big sparks is here watching18:21
inetprotime to forget about BSOD and just move over to a proper OS18:21
Kilosinetpro  tell him18:21
grembleI would, but I need to use SAS for statistics18:21
grembleOtherwise I would've had Arch on my desktop a long time ago ;)18:22
* inetpro falls off his chair18:22
inetproeven highvoltage here this evening?18:22
Kilosyeah 18:22
Kiloshi clr_  18:23
inetprogreat... time to get into meeting mode18:24
Kiloslol you chased magespawn18:24
Kiloswb magespawn  18:24
inetprodid the quick speed reading through the backlogs18:25
Kilosquiet day inetpro  18:25
grembleI made the mistake of trying to install Racket on my windows machine. I don't know how some people use windows as a serious mission critical operating system18:27
Kilossuperfly  .18:29
Kiloshe fell asleep18:30
superflyKilos: it's 20:30 now18:30
Kilosand a bit18:30
Kilosinetpro  ^^18:30
superflyMaaz: start meeting about Ubuntu-ZA Monthly Meeting 28 April 201518:31
* Maaz gets out his memo-pad and cracks his knuckles18:31
Kiloswb rusty  18:31
superflyMaaz: I am Raoul Snyman18:31
Maazsuperfly: Alrighty18:31
=== rusty is now known as Guest98387
KilosMaaz  I am Miles Sharpe18:31
MaazKilos: Done18:31
Kiloshi magellanic  18:31
superflyWelcome everyone to our monthly meeting. Please register your attendance with Maaz, like so: Maaz: I am <Name>18:31
magellanicMaaz: I am hiren18:31
Maazmagellanic: Yessir18:31
Vince-0Maaz: I am Vincent Swart18:31
MaazVince-0: Done18:31
inetproMaaz: I am Gustav H Meyer18:32
Maazinetpro: Done18:32
CuttingEdgeMaaz: I am Wesley Channon18:32
MaazCuttingEdge: Sure18:32
PadroniMaaz: I am Padroni18:32
MaazPadroni: Done18:32
clr_Maaz: I am Charl le Roux18:32
Maazclr_: Alrighty18:32
grembleMaaz: I am Jaco Stroebel18:32
Maazgremble: Okay18:32
KilosGuest98387  /nick rusty1018:32
Kiloshi theblazehen  18:32
superflyMaaz: topic Welcome18:32
MaazCurrent Topic: Welcome18:32
blazehenjust wanted to let you all know that I didn't kill myself or die in any way, lol18:33
superflyWelcome again, everyone. For those who are new, meetings are held every 4th Tuesday of each month at 20:30 SAST (UTC+2) and are pretty informal. Anyone is free to join in and give comments and suggestions, its even encouraged.18:33
blazehenbad timing18:33
Kilosgood login now18:33
blazehenbusy :(18:33
superflywelcome to our monthly meeting blazehen, glad you're OK :-D18:33
blazehenalright :) ty superfly18:33
superflyThe minutes of the previous meeting are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2015032418:34
superflyIn formal meetings they like to accept the minutes of the previous meeting, but I don't see that as necessary here. Anyone have any comments on the previous meeting minutes?18:35
* inetpro likes the style of our new chair :-)18:36
superflyGreat. Moving on.18:36
superflyMaaz: topic: Plans for 201518:37
Maazsuperfly: Excuse me?18:37
magellanicsup Kilos sorry didn't see earlier18:37
* Kilos +118:37
superflyMaaz: topic Plans for 201518:37
MaazCurrent Topic: Plans for 201518:37
magespawnback again18:37
Kiloswb magespawn  login please18:37
magespawnMaaz, I am Greg Eames18:38
Maazmagespawn: Righto18:38
Guest98387hi everyone18:38
inetprosuperfly: do we keep this issue as a topic for the rest of the year?18:38
superflyinetpro: if we want to18:38
Kiloshi Guest98387  do /nick rusty1018:38
Kiloshi captine  18:38
captinehi all18:38
captinesorry i am late18:38
inetproKilos: how do you know it is rusty1018:39
Guest98387im still battling to get going, cannot get my nicj changed :-(18:39
* Kilos clever18:39
Guest98387but i am rusty1018:39
Guest98387nick 18:39
superflyinetpro, Kilos: Any feedback on the what we've been doing in terms of Ubuntu CoC, membership, etc?18:39
Kilosok Guest98387  well sort it after meet18:40
inetproGuest98387: start with: /nick NewNick18:40
superflyguys, lets keep the meeting rolling?18:40
Kilosno new members from us atm but one from the lubuntu boys for next thursday18:40
superflywe can sort out nicks afterward18:40
captineMaaz, i am Bradley Putzier18:41
Maazcaptine: Righto18:41
Kilossuperfly  you need to help nudge the pro18:41
superflyDoes everyone know about our Trello board?18:41
inetprosuperfly: I haven't spent time looking into the COC, sorry18:41
magellanicyes ;p18:41
Squirmmagespawn: I am Sinjin Swanepoel18:41
superflybrb - kiddy needs me18:42
SquirmMaaz: I am Sinjin Swanepoel18:42
MaazSquirm: Okay18:42
Kiloswhew we get a breather18:42
Kilosshout at him little blue eyes18:42
inetproTrello: https://trello.com/b/GKXXiBxU/ubuntu-south-africa-loco18:42
inetproanyone not on Trello, please join us there18:43
Vince-0wots a trello18:43
Jacques_StryMaaz: I am Jacques Strydom18:43
MaazJacques_Stry: Okay18:43
KilosVince-0  ^18:44
Kiloswhere we share work18:44
inetproVince-0: superfly introduced it to us in December, a very nice way to manage projects18:44
Vince-0ow ok18:44
Guest98387dont want to interrupt all the formal meeting discussions :-), but wanted to ask if anyone knows of Linux or Ubuntu users out around Margate.18:45
inetproour trello board is publicly accessible but if you want to take part you need to register and we add you as a member18:45
Guest98387I have use moved to Margate18:45
KilosGuest98387  go to https://ubuntu-za.org and where you see join us join our mailing list18:46
arnaudmezhi Kilos18:46
Kiloshi arnaudmez  18:46
arnaudmezhow are you today ?18:47
Kilosgood ty and you18:47
Kilosjoin our meeting18:47
inetproKilos: and tell them about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members18:47
superflyback - a little boy was having a nightmare :-(18:48
Kilostyp in maaz I am Name18:48
Kilosshame fly18:48
captinesuperfly, shame.  my guy seems to be getting those now.18:48
SquirmGuest98387: I don't think there's anyone down Margate way(My girlfriend lives in Port SHepstone, but I'm hardly ever out that way)18:48
SquirmDurban - Definitely. There is our group and the Durban LUG18:48
Kilosthere must be someone sheppy margate way18:49
SquirmI knew of one person down that way - Can't remember who though18:49
Kilosall those pcs dont run themselves down there18:49
superflyOK, are we all happy about events in 2015?18:49
inetproI know someone in Durban who tried Ubuntu but gave up when his Canon Printer didn't work with it... sad case18:50
Kilosnew record nicks18:50
clr_do we have any events in 2015 planned?18:50
clr_or are we happy with the topic being on the agenda for the rest of the year18:51
superflysorry clr_, my bad, I meant plans for 201518:51
inetprosuperfly: topic?18:51
Jacques_Stryinetpro: Luckily the canon stuff has been fixed by now18:51
KilosJacques_Stry  did you login with the bot?18:51
inetproJacques_Stry: clearly I need to speak to you18:52
clr_I am not aware of any events planned for 2015, have I missed something?18:52
Jacques_StryKilos: Did yes ty :)18:52
superflyclr_: on the agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2015042818:52
Kilosi cant keep up when you guys go so fast18:52
superflyright, moving on then.18:52
inetprosuperfly: I guess we still need to encourage people to apply for official membership18:52
superflyMaaz: agreed Carry on with Trello, membership and other things.18:53
Kilosinetpro  yourself included18:53
MaazAgreed: Carry on with Trello, membership and other things18:53
superflyMaaz: topic Events18:53
MaazCurrent Topic: Events18:53
captineinetpro, I will apply later this year.  not very active yet, but will try anyhow18:53
superflyAny events happening?18:53
superflyI thought I heard about a release party, any news on this?18:54
captinenone that i know of in jhb18:54
qwebirc78238I am Piet Beukes18:55
superflyhi Piet!18:55
arnaudmezKilos: tried ubuntu 15.04 on my testing laptop but found it generaly slow18:55
superflyI wonder if anyone is interested in starting up those Ubuntu hours again?18:56
CuttingEdgespeaking of releases .. i setup a 'release' mirror earlier today18:56
captinesuperfly, ubuntu hour?18:56
superflycaptine: meet at a coffee shop, preferably without a laptop, to introduce new folks to the ubuntu community18:57
Kilosty CuttingEdge  neology runs well18:57
superflyMaaz: idea Start up Ubuntu Hour again18:58
MaazIdea recorded: Start up Ubuntu Hour again18:58
captinesuperfly, ah.  sounds interesting.  geeks without laptops.. like we will then need to talk to people... wow.  hectic :)18:58
inetprosuperfly: eish! I forgot to add the latest release to the Agenda 18:58
superflyMaaz: accepted new release mirror at Neology: http://ubuntu.mirror.neology.co.za/ubuntu-release/18:59
MaazAccepted: new release mirror at Neology: http://ubuntu.mirror.neology.co.za/ubuntu-release/18:59
grembleThat sounds like a really good idea -> Ubuntu Hour18:59
superfly(need a "note" action)18:59
captinegremble, agree18:59
Kilossuperfly  query18:59
inetprosuperfly: can we please slip "Ubuntu 15.04" into the Agenda before Miscellaneous ?18:59
superflyinetpro: go ahead19:00
superflyyes Kilos?19:00
Kilosshouldnt it be with your laptop19:00
superflyKilos: we can chat further after the meeting19:00
Kilosno man19:00
Kilosfor the ubuntu hour19:00
superflyMaaz: agreed chat further about Ubuntu Hour after the meeting19:00
MaazAgreed: chat further about Ubuntu Hour after the meeting19:00
superflylet's keep the ball rolling19:01
inetproplease refresh  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2015042819:01
superflyThe other event that happened, more like news, I guess19:02
superflyis that Kilos is now a member of one of the Ubuntu councils...19:02
inetprowe still need people to organise release parties19:02
superflyKilos: the Ubuntu membershp council?19:02
Padroniwell done19:02
Kilosmembership board19:02
superflythat one19:02
captinenice.  what does that mean exactly?  19:03
inetprovery well done oom Kilos!19:03
Kilosi get to vote for new members19:03
Kilosty all19:03
inetprocaptine: he get's to interview people applying for official membership all around the world 19:04
superflyMaaz: agreed Congratulations Miles on your membership of the Ubuntu Membership Board19:04
MaazAgreed: Congratulations Miles on your membership of the Ubuntu Membership Board19:04
superfly(gotta minute it somehow)19:04
captineKilos, hope I can bank your vote when applying :-)19:05
stickyboyI'm good.19:05
inetproMaaz: Kilos++ [for membership of the Ubuntu Membership Board]19:06
superflyAnything else to add to events?19:06
Kilosits actually simple, do enough to get great testimonials19:06
superflyinetpro: should I add your idea for release parties?19:06
inetprosuperfly: sure19:06
superflyMaaz: idea Release Parties for 15.0419:07
MaazIdea recorded: Release Parties for 15.0419:07
stickyboyBut didn't they already release 15.04?19:07
superflyGreat. Moving on.19:07
superflyMaaz: topic Ubuntu 15.0419:07
MaazCurrent Topic: Ubuntu 15.0419:07
superflystickyboy: yes, a release party celebrates the release of a new version of Ubuntu19:07
stickyboysuperfly: Sure. I was just thinking it's a bit late. :P19:08
stickyboyBut I guess it was just a few days ago or so.19:08
inetprostickyboy: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3075/19:08
stickyboyCool, can someone make a cake for it?19:09
stickyboyLike the IE and Chrome teams send each other on release days. :P19:09
Kilosaw where is maia19:09
captinestickyboy, lol19:09
* inetpro running on Kubuntu 15.04 right now19:09
captineinetpro, nice. how is it treating you.  I am a little nervous to go to it with the system D changes etc19:10
stickyboysystemd is #winning to be honest.19:10
CuttingEdgeinetpro: you may have some catching up to do .. i've done 4 machines already ;)19:10
stickyboyToday I learned about systemd-nspawn...19:10
inetprocaptine: it's awesome, but at the same time not without some minor glitches19:10
stickyboysystemd-nspawn makes it super easy to use containers.19:11
stickyboyI haven't found a use for containers yet, but I will.19:11
arnaudmezcontainers ???19:12
arnaudmeztell me more about stickyboy19:12
superflyalright boys. let's keep to meeting during meeting time19:13
Jacques_StryOn my machines I have found that 15.04 takes quite a bit longer to boot up...19:13
stickyboyOoops, didn't realize it was a meeting.19:13
captineinetpro, I hear a lot of great things about Mate 15.04 (new ubuntu family member :).  Dude on Linux Unplugged podcast is one of the key developers/maintainers19:13
inetproI normally disable fancy desktop behaviours but haven't figured how to do it here, must say I'm surprised how smooth it's running 19:13
captinei need a good day to install it if I do. Using mac mini as my desktop and installing non-apple OS is a pain.19:14
superflyAny other comments on 15.04?19:15
superflyRight. Moving on.19:15
inetproKDE Connect is really awesome, allowing me to drive my desktop mouse with the Andoid device19:15
Padronidid you upgrade or clean install?19:15
arnaudmezsuperfly: found it a bit slower than Mint 17 but maybe I need to reinstall and see19:15
arnaudmezinetpro: will take a time and try 19:16
* superfly did an upgrade19:16
inetproPadroni: I did a clean install but copied my home folder across before first login19:17
* Padroni needs to back up his home folder19:17
superflyK, let's move on.19:17
inetproalways make a backup!!!19:17
arnaudmezinetpro: does it work without causing issues now ?19:17
SquirmI have my / mounted on a 20Gb partition and /home on the remainder of the drive. So my home folder follows me around :)19:17
superflyMaaz: topic Miscellaneous19:18
MaazCurrent Topic: Miscellaneous19:18
superflyanything else?19:18
inetproarnaudmez: let's talk more after the meeting19:18
arnaudmez'cause i remember years ago that copy-paste of home was problematic ... really19:18
Squirmarnaudmez: works for me19:18
arnaudmezsorry guys, what's the meeting topic19:18
SquirmNothing my side superfly19:18
inetproI didn't have problems with that at all19:18
arnaudmezi came late today19:18
captinesaw some mails on one of the mailing lists about some documentation project?  Anyone have any more info on that?  think it is general and not Ubuntu specific19:18
Kilosspeak to Jacques_Stry  captine  19:19
captinelooking up emails quick19:19
inetprooh, if anyone else knows more Ubuntu people in the rest of Africa please talk to Kilos, he's lining them up at #ubuntu-africa19:20
Kilossuperfly  19:21
Jacques_Strycaptine: Will fill you in on documentation later19:21
Kilosrewquest please19:21
Kilosrequets too19:21
captinethnx Jacques_Stry 19:21
Kiloscan someone who uses fb often advertise the africa site19:22
* Padroni will do19:22
captineso.,..  I unfortunately went back to Windows 8.1 at work after using Ubuntu for about a month as my main desktop.  Was fun, but changing roles means no longer in IT so need to conform19:22
grembleI can, but I don't have many friends :P19:22
gremblecaptine: You have my condolences19:22
Kilosmaybe from ubuntu-za in fb even19:22
captinethnx gremble... 19:22
* Padroni is a mocker of Windoze 8 users...19:23
captineor whatever19:23
captinePadroni, not a win expert19:23
captinethink it is 8.1... isnt it?19:23
Padroniboth are equally useless19:23
captineyip it is.  just checked :)19:23
Squirmcaptine: roles?19:24
inetproin the News: KDE Ships Plasma 5.3, New Feature Release https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.3.0.php19:24
captinemoved from IT into finance19:24
superflyMaaz: idea advertise ubuntu-afica on facebook19:24
MaazIdea recorded: advertise ubuntu-afica on facebook19:24
Kilosi would personally like to thank superfly  inetpro  and team for the great africa site19:24
=== MaNI2 is now known as MaNI
superflyMaaz: agreed find out more about the documentation effort19:25
MaazAgreed: find out more about the documentation effort19:25
grembleI would like to know more19:25
grembleabout the documentation effort. I would like to get involved19:25
Squirmcaptine: there was one... tails?19:25
Squirmcaptine: https://tails.boum.org/19:26
Squirmsuperfly: documentation in terms of...?19:26
Jacques_Strygremble: After meeting i'll give you a quick update19:27
superflySquirm, gremble: Speak to Jacques_Stry19:27
Kilosspeak to Jacques_Stry  19:27
SquirmWill do19:27
* Squirm looks pointedly at Jacques_Stry19:27
grembleSquirm: there was mention of it on the mailing lists. As I understand it, they want to document OS things for central and easy access19:27
* Jacques_Stry hides19:27
* Padroni just had to do a system restore on Win7. Which means it is now retarted for at least 5 reboot cycles19:27
Squirmgremble: cool19:27
superflyOK. can we move on to electing the next chairnick?19:28
PadroniJacques_Stry,  you need to do that tut on compunation?19:28
* Kilos votes superfly19:28
Jacques_StryPadroni: Good idea19:28
Kilosvery efficient chair19:28
inetprowb Langjan19:28
Kiloshi Langjan  19:28
Langjanhi guys, hows the meeting going?19:29
* Padroni points to his lazyboy : That there is the only chair i am comfortable with19:29
Kilosalmost done Langjan  19:29
SquirmLangjan: tell Maaz who you are19:29
grembleHey Langjan. Did you get your email sorted?19:29
superflyKilos: only efficient because I've got a bunch of sick children that all need my help now, and so I want this meeting done 30 minutes ago.19:30
* Kilos vote secong choice inetpro19:30
inetpro+1 for superfly19:30
Kilossorry for pulling you in  superfly  19:30
Padroni+1 superfly , inetpro 19:30
inetprobut we still need other volunteers as well19:30
superflyno, only as a last resort.19:31
LangjanGreat, just to let you guys know  installed import export tools, had to fiddle around a bit to get the right settings but worked like a dream, I couls select each folder that I wanted to import19:31
KilosCuttingEdge  ^19:31
captineinetpro, are there instructions on how to do the meetings (Maaz commands etc(19:31
inetprocaptine: I will help you19:31
captinei am just not sure I can guarantee being here for the next 2 months19:31
* inetpro changes his vote to +1 for captine19:31
captinelol.  mihgt not be here L)19:32
LangjanSorry Squirm I need to be guided as to how to do that (again)19:32
captineI can do it but will need you to step in if not here19:32
SquirmLangjan: type "Maaz: I am ..."19:32
inetprocaptine: ok, I'll be on standby19:32
Squirmwithout the ... and the ""19:32
LangjanMaaz: I am Langjan 19:32
MaazLangjan: Okay19:32
superflyMaaz: agreed Next chair to be decided via mailing list19:32
MaazAgreed: Next chair to be decided via mailing list19:32
superflysince no one can agree19:33
Vince-0please include the Maaz bot howto 19:33
SquirmMaaz: Help19:33
MaazSquirm: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.19:33
MaazAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.19:33
Kilossuperfly  ty for being an excellent backup chair19:33
SquirmVince-0: like so?19:33
CuttingEdgeKilos: i'm all for volunteering, but give me one or two meetings first, just to get into how things operate ;)19:33
LangjanHi gremble  did you get my drift about the mails? Thks for the help19:33
grembleYes Langjan :)19:34
grembleGlad you got it sorted19:34
superflyMaaz: agreed Next meeting 26 May 201519:34
MaazAgreed: Next meeting 26 May 201519:34
superflyMaaz: end meeting19:34
MaazMeeting Ended19:34
MaazMinutes available at json: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-04-28-18-31-09.json :: txt: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-04-28-18-31-09.txt :: html: http://maaz.mene.za.net/logs/meetings/freenode-%23ubuntu-za/2015-04-28-18-31-09.html19:34
melodiegood evening19:34
CuttingEdgesuperfly: nicely done19:34
captineevening melodie 19:34
inetprothanks superfly!19:34
captinethnx superfly 19:34
melodiehi captine 19:35
melodiehi Squirm 19:35
Kiloshi melodie  19:35
LangjanLekker slaap manne en maninne, that's you melodie 19:35
Kilossleep tight Langjan  19:35
LangjanThks Kilos 19:35
Kilosglad you got it all sorted19:35
LangjanMe too thks19:36
melodieI would like to know if some people are interested in doing their own custom version of Ubuntu?19:36
Kiloshope you wrote it down19:36
LangjanNo, it was too much trial and error19:36
melodieI have used Ubuntu Builder since 2012, it's a nice tool quite easy to use and Kamilion continues it somehow on his ppa19:36
captinemelodie, I thought about something like that for a business edition etc... but no time19:37
melodieit's a tool written in Gambas, with the look and feel of a gtk3 app19:37
melodiecaptine would you be interested if I say, in some time, I'd like to do that, and why not open a new project? 19:38
superflyminutes are up at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2015042819:38
melodieie : a list of packages would be needed, perhaps configuration files...19:38
superflyKilos: are you going to create the next meeting page?19:38
grembleGambas is such a weird language to want to code in :P19:38
Kilosthe pro does that superfly  19:38
inetpromelodie: I tried it in a VM here and it's surprisingly fast 19:38
inetprosuperfly: I'll handle it asap19:39
melodieinetpro Bento?19:39
inetpromelodie: yes19:39
qwebirc78238Kilos, help me again with the nick - /nick "my name" dont do it19:39
inetprojust had a few minor issues 19:39
melodieinetpro let me know if you find bugs, so that we squeeze them19:39
captinemelodie, sounds interesting.  what would we be wanting to do that cannot be done by contributing to current ubuntu?  That is always my question.  Think there is a lot on the business side, however I certainly don't have the skills... cannot even remember how to config things without google19:39
melodiecaptine this is beside the question, I'll explain why19:40
Kilosqwebirc78238  first try /nick anynick19:40
Kilosqwebirc78238  do /j ##kilos19:40
Kilosill help you there19:40
=== qwebirc78238 is now known as anynick
Kilosit worked19:41
melodieI am working on Bento Vivid now, because I want to see what comes next after Trusty and while doing so I meet with my own set of issues to deal with, and take advantage of it to do bug reports (as good as possible)19:41
melodiethat helps19:41
inetpromelodie: reporting bugs takes time and unfortunatey that is not a luxury that I have19:41
Kilosnow do /nick rusty1019:41
grembleJacques_Stry, Squirm shall we talk on #ubuntu-za-documentation about the documentation project? (or anyone else that wants to talk about it)19:41
Kilosanynick   now do /nick rusty1019:42
anynickit says it is already in use19:42
melodiecaptine then I was also reporting some details to a Debian developer this morning, about a package he takes care of, and also a few days ago, about an Openbox which is only for test purposes19:42
melodieinetpro you can list them here and tell me just like that19:42
Jacques_Strygremble: surely19:42
captinemelodie, you sound pretty technical... i may not be the resource you are looking for :)19:42
melodieinetpro ie: if it's about sound, not needed. the packages for the sound will come next19:42
Kilose 19:43
anynickso it does not allow me19:43
Jacques_StryDocumentation is a project started my William, shame he couldn't make it for the meeting19:43
melodiecaptine I don't need to be that technical while discussing, but while helping I do. but the devs have tought me and I am learning as I go anyway19:43
Kilosinetpro  please help anynick  19:43
Jacques_Stryaim of the project is to promote the use of open source software in schools19:43
Kiloshe registered rusty10 this avy19:44
melodiecaptine you can help with anything not so tech19:44
stickyboyKilos: He's gotta auth to it.19:44
melodiesuch as docs for the ones who have no knowledge, this is very appreciated generally19:44
melodieor else, whatever is in your scope19:44
Jacques_Strybut problem is that OSS is usually not well documented and lack the books necessary for them to be implemented in schools19:44
Kilosstickyboy  explain nicely to him please he is new19:45
melodieanynick what says? do you need help?19:45
Jacques_Strythat is where William started with his project19:45
stickyboyKilos: Actually he is apparently already logged in.19:45
stickyboyanynick: Do you have another IRC window open somewhere maybe? :D19:45
melodieanynick I am listening19:45
anynickyes on xchat19:46
captinemelodie, sounds interesting.  just need to align with the vision and purpose of a new distro and can then work on time available to contribute.19:46
stickyboyanynick: I mean, it seems like 'rusty10' is actually connected. And that's you somewhere. :P19:46
Kilosthats why close the site one and go to xchat19:46
captinenight all.. gotto run19:46
melodie<anynick> it says it is already in use  | what is?19:46
Jacques_Stryhe wanted to get a system where it will be easy for people / educators / contributers from all over to help in writing books to be used in schools19:46
melodiecaptine I would not submit anything else than Bento Openbox as a basis19:46
anynickI started on xchat and was sent here on the ubuntu side19:46
Jacques_Stryso we looked at a few systems and the one we are currently looking at is Booktype19:47
CuttingEdgeanynick: try: /nickserv ghost rusty10 password19:47
melodieanynick what would be "the ubuntu side" ?19:47
melodieCuttingEdge :D19:47
Padroninight all19:47
Padronisee you tomorrow19:47
Guest98387now on xchat19:47
CuttingEdgemelodie: greetings19:48
melodiecaptine because Bento is meant to be very fast and very easy all at same time, and very easy to build ont19:48
Kilosok now  /nick rusty1019:48
melodieCuttingEdge hi19:48
grembleJacques_Stry: Booktype looks like something used to author books. Why? Why not just have a web interface?19:48
Jacques_Stryi successfully installed a server for us to test on last night and you guys can check it out:
grembleSomething like an easily readable wiki where you can download the database to use it offline ( i remeber that was one of the usecases)19:48
Guest98387nope - /nick rusty10 but does not work19:48
grembleYes, I had a look at that now. It looks very neat19:48
CuttingEdgeGuest98387: thats because its currently in use19:49
melodiecaptine http://linuxvillage.org/en/19:49
CuttingEdgeGuest98387: try: /nickserv ghost rusty10 password19:49
melodieI'm hungry now19:49
melodieI'll bbl19:49
Jacques_Strygremble: Booktype isn't just about authoring but also about collaborative writing, it has proper version control so is perfect19:50
grembleSo does a wiki?19:50
Jacques_Stryand about offline use the finished books can be easily downloaded and re uploaded19:50
Guest98387it does not allow me to ghost19:50
melodieGuest61971 you may have to wait some time19:50
CuttingEdgemelodie: i tried sushi the other night .. i suppose its an acquired taste ;)19:50
melodieit happens19:50
Guest98387perhaps I just need to log off and start again19:51
melodieCuttingEdge acquired? what does acquired mean?19:51
melodieGuest61971 just be patient19:51
CuttingEdgemelodie: ie: not really my 'thing'19:51
Guest98387im really trying, believe me19:51
melodieno I don't :D19:51
melodiewhy should I? ;D19:52
Jacques_Strygremble: We are trying to keep it as simple to use as possible, wiki doesn't really fulfill that to me19:52
melodieCuttingEdge no problem19:52
melodieCuttingEdge which desktop do you like best? Openbox can take several of them on top because it is only a windows manager19:52
grembleJacques_Stry: Okay, I don't particularly care how you guys decide to present the content. What is your plans on contribution management and what can I do to help?19:53
CuttingEdgecan see i'm going to have to google bento .. haven't seen/played with it before19:53
melodieGuest61971 I am joking!19:53
melodieCuttingEdge why do you want to google? if you have a question please just ask19:53
CuttingEdgemelodie: ironically, i was a huge fan of the original gnome .. but over the years, i've become quite fond of the simplicity of unity19:54
Jacques_Strygremble: that is a very good question, we should be discussing this with William as this is his project - don't want to put words in his mouth19:54
melodieCuttingEdge I am not the Unity kind, but... I'll show you something I did with Bento last year or so19:54
CuttingEdgemelodie: cause i can't see screenshots over IRC ;)19:54
Jacques_Strygremble: Could I ask you to put that in a mail and send it to the mailing list19:54
Jacques_StryHe usually replies pretty quickly19:55
grembleOkay. 19:55
CuttingEdgemelodie: URL ?19:55
melodieCuttingEdge you tell me..19:56
Jacques_StryBut if you have any ideas please let us know gremble - the more hands the better19:56
melodieJacques_Stry one idea: how many people in #ubuntu-za and #ubuntu-africa like Lubuntu? 19:56
melodieI know Lubuntu wishes to open their team wider, so... 19:56
PadroniI use lubuntu on my eeebox pc's19:56
melodiePadroni did you try Vivid already?19:57
Jacques_StryUse it on my htpc's etc19:57
melodiePadroni right away! wait a sec19:57
PadroniI need something that will ubuntu, but on p2 / p3 specs19:57
Padronilike 1.4Ghz with 1GB RAM19:57
CuttingEdgemelodie: is there a APT repository or PPA for bento ?19:58
Padronibut mostly19:58
Padronii need to figure out how to install ubuntu on my iphone19:58
melodieCuttingEdge 3 repositories19:58
melodiefor the isos19:58
melodieCuttingEdge the repos are the ones from Ubuntu, plus a few ppa added with care19:58
melodieCuttingEdge http://linuxvillage.org/en/downloads/19:59
PadroniUbuntu on iPhone.  Anyone?19:59
Jacques_StryWould do it19:59
Jacques_StryWould use it*20:00
grembleI heard that you can do it by putting the iPhone in the microwave for 30 seconds20:00
grembleThis allows you to hijack the bootloader20:00
grembleand bypass the transmogrifier20:00
Padroniyou  must think I am a windows 8 user?20:00
* Padroni is offended...20:00
* gremble takes a sip of tea20:00
* Padroni pictures Kermit with a cup of tea and sniggers...20:02
grembleThat is funny, because I like kermit. I have a redeyed treefrog tattood on my arm20:02
SquirmGnight all20:04
PadroniI'm off too20:05
Padronilaters, folks20:05
Jacques_Stryhaha should probably be getting some sleep too - enjoy everyone, chat later20:05
inetproquietness, yay! :-)20:24
grembleIt got really busy here for a moment20:25
Kilosi cant even keep up20:25
* inetpro had to step out to regain his sanity20:25
smileMy inbox is overflowing20:25
inetproKilos: and poor Guest61971 will be wondering why people are trying to talk to him20:27
grembleYes. How could they20:27
smile100 emails and counting20:27
=== gremble is now known as Guest9000
Guest9000I am going to keep this one, I think20:28
inetprocan the real gremble please come back20:28
Guest9000Can the real slimshady please stand up, please stand up20:28
=== Guest9000 is now known as gremble
KilosGuest61971  shout if you need help quick before everyone falls asleep20:29
inetproKilos: that is the graeme dude man20:30
Kilostis is graham20:30
grembleDudeMan: The world's chillest superhero20:30
Kilossham epoor fly battling with the whole family sick20:31
grembleMy sister was at an All Girls event in bloemfontein20:31
grembleIt sounds like the entire town has gotten sick20:31
grembleSo many are sick that they are considering closing Afrikaans Meisies here in Pretoria for the week20:32
Kilosi used to like all girl events20:32
grembleHa. I made an IRC bot20:34
grembleIt has 0 functionality other than connecting to freenode :D20:34
Kiloscan it make coffee20:34
smileIrc coffee.20:34
grembleI't can't even disconnect20:34
Kilosuseless bot20:35
* smile makes coffee20:35
grembleMaaz coffee please20:35
Maazgremble: There isn't a pot on20:35
grembleMaaz Coffee on20:35
* Maaz flips the salt-timer20:35
grembleMaaz coffee for smile20:35
Maazgremble: Sorry...20:35
grembleI forgot your syntax20:35
KilosMaaz  coffee for all20:35
MaazCome on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already20:35
melodieMaaz help20:36
Maazmelodie: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.20:36
MaazAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.20:36
melodieMaaz help  south african stuff20:36
Maazmelodie: Excuse me?20:36
melodieMaaz help me with  south african stuff20:37
Maazmelodie: I use the following features for south african stuff: lotto20:37
MaazAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.20:37
grembleMaaz: Help me with system administration20:37
Maazgremble: I use the following features for system administration: apt-file, aptitude, dns, http, ipcalc, mac, man, nmap, ping, ports, tld and tracepath20:37
MaazAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.20:37
smileMaaz: man file20:38
Maazsmile: file — determine file type20:38
Maazsmile: file [-bchiklLNnprsvz0] [--apple] [--mime-encoding] [--mime-type] [-e testname] [-F separator] [-f namefile] [-m magicfiles] [-R maxrecursion] file ...20:38
MaazCoffee's ready for gremble!20:39
smileMaaz: square root of 420:40
Maazsmile: Excuse me?20:40
smileMaaz: 2+2=20:41
Maazsmile: Excuse me?20:41
grembleHe doesn't do math20:42
KilosMaaz  100/1020:42
MaazKilos: 10.020:42
grembleOh, only math for kilos it seems20:42
KilosMaaz  100*1020:42
MaazKilos: 100020:42
smileHe does20:42
smileMaaz what if 1=1?20:43
Maazsmile: Sorry...20:43
Kilosthere is some symbol for adding20:43
KilosMaaz  2=220:43
MaazKilos: Huh?20:43
KilosMaaz  2+220:43
MaazKilos: 420:43
smileMaaz wikipedia google20:44
Maazsmile: *blink*20:44
smileMaaz wikipedia20:44
Maazsmile: What?20:44
smileO no. He doesnt know wikipedia20:45
grembleMaaz: google wikipedia20:49
Maazgremble: "Wikipedia" https://www.wikipedia.org/ :: "Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" https://en.wikipedia.org/ :: "Wikipedia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia :: "Wikipedia:About - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:About :: "Wikipedia - Android Apps on Google Play"20:49
Maazhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.wikipedia&hl=en :: "Wikipedia | Facebook" https://www.faceb…20:49
grembleHe does though20:49
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:50
Kiloshi SirBoss  20:50
gremble!id Good Night Kilos20:50
SirBossGood Night Kilos20:50
williamkHi, anyone still on20:59
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org | pastebin: http://bin.snyman.info | picpaste: http://pasteboard.co | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Next Meeting: Tue, 26 May 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1EOpSGp
inetprowilliamk: hi20:59
melodiehi williamk 20:59
williamkDoes anyone want to know about The Documentation Project21:00
grembleHey williamk 21:01
grembleYa, I sent an email a bit ago to the mailing list21:01
grembleSec, Ill be right back with my questions though.21:01
grembleTea time21:01
williamkHi gremble, I assume you are Jaco21:02
inetprowilliamk: Jacques_Stry is the one who installed it on his server now21:03
grembleI am indeed 21:04
grembleContent is what I am interested in. Banalities like a contribution styleguide, content scope etcetera21:05
melodiewilliamk is it especially dedicated to za/africa? 21:06
melodiewilliamk just asking as right now Lubuntu is doing a documentation project, maybe could you join forces?21:06
williamkJacques_Stry has setup Booktype21:06
melodieat #lubuntu-devel if you are interested to check with them21:06
melodieand less formal, at #phillw21:06
williamkIt is not just a za/africa project21:07
grembleYes, I did go take a look at the server he set up. Looks nice21:07
melodiewilliamk gsilva has setup a bazaar on launchpad and is now doing a tutorial21:07
williamk2 things I would like to come out of this Documentation Project21:08
melodiewilliamk lately I noticed their team lack manpower for the doc so, perhaps would you want to talk with gsilva, rafaellaguna, wxl ... ?21:08
williamk1. Documentation for Schools, using the DBE curriculum21:09
williamk2. Certification, ECDL/ICDL LPI21:10
williamkmelodie, I am not an Lubuntu user, but the Project can be used for Lubuntu docs21:11
melodiewilliamk what about you get "Malinux" and see if you could reuse bits of the documentation which is integrated in it?21:11
melodiewilliamk or maybe they can put links to it in some parts, but I can't say, I'm not the one in charge there21:12
melodieabout Malinux, this is something else, I host it21:12
melodieIt's an Xubuntu 12.04 branded for the teachers of High School and University in Mali 21:12
melodienot my doing : a non for profit association where I went to help last year, produces it21:13
melodiewilliamk I will provide the link for anyone interested to see how it is and perhaps use it or use parts of it21:15
melodiehttp://phillw.net/isos/bento-ubuntu-remix/malinux-2.0.iso http://phillw.net/isos/bento-ubuntu-remix/malinux-2.0.iso.md5sum21:16
melodieI have installed it to a bunch of machines along with other people last year it's pretty and the doc is right on the desktop21:17
williamkJacques_Stry is going to create an install doc for Booktype, so anyone will be able to  setup their own project on their own server21:19
melodiewilliamk wait a sec please21:20
melodiewilliamk ok I have passed on the message21:24
melodielet's see what's next :D21:25
melodiewilliamk the documentation you are planning is to be on the ubuntu wiki, right?21:26
smileSlaapwel :)21:26
williamkmelodie - The docs will be created on the Booktype server, It is very easy to use, goto
williamkHere is the doc for Booktype 2.0 : http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/booktype-20-for-authors-and-publishers/what-is-booktype/21:30
melodiewilliamk where will it be published once written?21:30
melodiewilliamk this is interesting21:31
melodieand what about the LPI ? It needs an agreement to spread it21:31
melodieas far as I know21:32
williamkLPI, not the document to teach LPI, look here http://ict-innovation.fossfa.net/wiki/public-wiki/foss-certification-training-material/lpi-training-materials-and-practice-testing-engines21:36
williamkmelodie - " where will it be published once written?" we have not discussed/decided that, I would like something like Flossmanuals : http://en.flossmanuals.net/21:38
melodienot for the ubuntu wiki then?21:41
melodiejust wondering, williamk are you a teacher?21:41
williamkmelodie, like I said "we have not discussed/decided that", so I don't know21:41
williamkNo I am not a teacher, I am a Comp Tech for a University of Technology here in Durban, but am wanting to reduce the cost of books for schools/UOTs/Univs/etc21:43
melodiewilliamk oh good!21:43
grembleWell, I am keen to help. I am a copywriter/proofreader, so there is that that I can bring to the table21:46
williamkImagine, all ( or a few ) teachers for a school subject, getting together and creating a manual for that subject, for all teachers to use,21:47
williamkalso so that others in another country can base their content on our content21:47
grembleIsn't that what they are doing now with these new CC textbooks that the students get for Science and Math?21:48
grembleDept Education got a bunch of volunteers to write standard textbooks21:48
williamkgremble - yes, at Siyavula : http://www.siyavula.com/, we can create manuals that they have not21:49
williamkIf you know any teachers that are willing to create manuals, using FLOSS software, when this is ready, tell them about it21:50
grembleI lost control over my one urxvt terminal >.>21:51
williamkLet the teachers contact their fellow subject teachers, and see what they come up with21:52
williamkThe word should spread, and hopefully we will have lots of manuals21:52
williamkThe next step is to get the manuals ratified by the DBE, to be used at schools21:53
grembleOkay, so you want to make textbooks? Not comprehensive floss documentation?21:54
williamkAs I said above, 1. Documentation for Schools, using the DBE curriculum21:55
williamkand 2. Certification, ECDL/ICDL LPI21:56
williamkThose are my 2 interests, but that does not stop anyone else creating other floss documentation21:57
williamkIf you have a look on the Booktype site ( ), I have created a book "Ubuntu14.04 LTS Server Installation" guide21:59
grembleYes. I read that then as well. Right now what I understand: Documentation for schools and 2. etc. They are being done on BookType so far. Still no mention of what is being documented, except that it will be using the DBE curriculum and something-something floss21:59
magespawnwilliamk: is that address for the Booktype server a test or is it going to be permenant?22:00
williamkEach school subject has a curriculum and a manual/textbook, the curriculum is on the DBE site, we/teachers need to create the manual/textbook22:01
grembleNow I understand what is happening22:05
grembleTextbook writing22:05
williamkmagespawn : I am not the one setting up the server, it is on ec2 at the moment, and it looks like we might be able to get a server22:05
williamkgremble - Personally I don't know the difference between a textbook or a manual, to me it is the same, I am assuming Textbook for schools, and manuals for ICDL/ECDL, LPI, etc22:09
grembleManual is for reference whereas a textbook is for learning22:09
magespawnso these manuals/textbooks would then be free for all to use?22:09
grembleManuals are usually denser and lead by example, where as textbooks generally are easier access22:10
grembledon't lead by example*22:11
magespawnyou will have my support where i can give it, i am off to bed now, good night all22:14
williamk"be free for all to use?", yes, we still have to discuss this, possible : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/License22:15
williamkOk, good night all22:20
grembleCheers guys22:37
melodiegood night22:42
* inetpro just upgraded to KDE Plasma 5.322:59
inetproand immediately seems even faster than before 22:59

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