
gsilvabtw, wxl, my membership meeting will be on the 7th. Do you think you can attend to that one?00:00
wxlyep i will be there gsilva00:00
gsilvaOkay, thank you :)00:00
gsilvaI'll also ask belkinsa in one of these upcoming days00:00
wxlonly thing that would keep me from it is if work pulled me away for some reason00:00
wxlin which case, i'd email in a +1 (that counts)00:01
gsilvaI see. No worries, if you can, great, if you can't, I'll survive :P00:01
ianorlinwxl I want to save that to a subpage under my user page on the wiki for future reference01:45
wxlianorlin: which'n?15:09
fwioqwould 15.10 get finaly lxqt?15:34
fwioqFor the moment we are still working on our plans to implement LXQt in either 15.04 or 15.10.”15:35
fwioqit does not get into 15.04 so it would get for shure into 15.10 ?15:35
wxlanyone have time to confirm the fix in bug 130079816:58
ubot93bug 1300798 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "LXDE shutdown menu needs to check CanSuspend/CanHibernate" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130079816:58
ianorlinwxl when you were explaining the workflow to get changes in launchpad and github17:35
wxlianorlin: we should make a "launchpad for github users" page :)17:42
pedanticweirdo49hello ladies and gents - just to let you know that the link to the ubuntu release notes on the lubuntu home page is wrong18:14
pedanticweirdo49running jQuery("#Ubuntu_Release_notes+ul a").attr("href")18:15
pedanticweirdo49in developer console18:15
pedanticweirdo49result is "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervert/ReleaseNotes"18:16
pedanticweirdo49but result should be "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseNotes"18:16
ianorlinI don't have access to edit that but thanks18:20
pedanticweirdo49while I'm here, do you know if I will be able to install on a 64 bit system with 32 bit uefi (and no legacy boot) without having to recompile grub?18:21
ianorlinpedanticweirdo49: I am not sure about that as I don't have any of those systems18:26
wxlpedanticweirdo49: nice nick. that's on lubuntu.net18:27
wxlhm i might not be seeing the same thing you are. 1s18:28
wxli see it thanks18:29
wxlthat might be on the wiki page too18:30
wxlnope it's not18:30
wxlhahahah it's like someone re-typed all the notes XD18:30
krytarikwxl:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu?action=diff&rev2=11&rev1=1018:32
pedanticweirdo49looks like my work here is done18:32
pedanticweirdo49thanks for all your hard work chaps18:32
wxli see18:33
wxlif only we had access to lubuntu.net >:(18:33
wxlwell, i've hit it: nth-level geek status. running in emacs in a terminal with evil for vi keybindings.21:02
ianorlinI don't think running emacs on a rotary phone would be possible21:08
wxlianorlin: oh, did i mention i'm running my whole computer off of a treadmill?21:33
* wxl kids :)21:34
Unit193wxl: You killed him.21:41
gsilvaianorlin, is gilir usually around on irc?23:02
gsilvaor his nickname is another one?23:02
wxlgsilva: rarely ever23:02
gsilvaHum, okay. Was expecting more answers from the community to join the session of Lubuntu next Thursday23:03
gsilvaAt the UOS, the one we were organizing?23:03
gsilvaI was expecting more answers on the mailing list of people warning us if they are interested to attend or not23:04
wxloh yeah i wouldn't expect that23:04
wxlin fact i wouldn't expect nothing23:04
wxlbut people WILL join :)23:04
wxlmight want to encourGe them to register23:05
gsilvaHope so :)23:05
gsilvawxl, do you know any remote work website?23:21
wxlgsilva: you mean like businesses that support remote work?23:21
gsilvaI only know weworkremotely but that one is focused on programming and design offers23:21
wxlyeah don't know, sorry23:21
gsilvaNo, a job market focused on remote work23:21
gsilvaThe offers in my country are a complete joke. What the hell is going on, jesus christ...23:22

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