
joshuanhello everyone, I need help with figuring out why hyperlinks inside my synaptic package manager will not open my browser..00:34
holsteinjoshuan: i would just copy paste those.. it really shouldnt come up that often that you need to do that00:35
holsteinopen links in a web browser from a package manager..00:35
holsteinwhat is it? a link for a screenshot?00:35
joshuanits to a website00:36
holsteinsure, what for? a screenshot?00:36
holsteinon the website? is it a link to screenshots? documentation?00:36
joshuanexample: you search for alienarena and there is a link to there web page00:37
holsteinright.. i always just copy and paste, or search in the web browser00:37
holsteinyou can look for a bug about it, im sure someone has noticed.. it'll be something you can use #ubuntu for as well, since its not directly related to lubuntu or lxde00:37
holsteini dont remember them being clickable links.. anyways, im on 15.04, are you? i'll fire it up and test..00:38
joshuanI'm on 14.1000:39
holsteinplus, synaptic is running as root.. you dont want root opening web pages00:40
holsteinlubuntu *is* ubuntu00:40
joshuanoh I see because it being root00:42
holsteinjoshuan: i am unable to click on the "visit homepage" buttons00:46
holsteini can right click, and "copy url" without issue00:47
holsteinjoshuan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/116891500:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1168915 in synaptic (Ubuntu) "Visit Homepage link is non-functional" [Low,Confirmed]00:47
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joshuanthanks holstein, i will take a look00:51
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #lubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!01:01
Jake1time zone issue. i set the right time zone but the time its not the rihgt one01:02
Jake1any idea ?01:02
Jake1lunbuntu 15.0401:02
holsteinJake1: i say, its actualy not set to the "right" one, then.. share how you set it, please, and where you set it.. and what setting you have, and what you want.. thanks01:03
Jake1i m french, sorry for my english01:04
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:04
=== len is now known as Guest4143
Jake1America/Guadeloupe. not the good time01:34
Jake1i set it to another island near, still the same01:34
holsteinJake1: how did you set what exactly? and where?01:34
Jake1time zone : america/guadeloupe01:36
Jake1setting: sync to serv01:36
holsteinJake1: please open a terminal, and use the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" and follow the prompts01:36
Jake1Current default time zone: 'America/Guadeloupe'01:38
Jake1Local time is now:      Thu Apr 30 17:39:20 AST 2015.01:38
Jake1Universal Time is now:  Thu Apr 30 21:39:20 UTC 2015.01:38
Jake1universal time  its the good one01:38
holsteinJake1: use the settings in the terminal to set it as you please01:38
Jake1why local and universal its not the same ???01:39
holsteinJake1: if you want them the same, set them the same01:40
Jake1how ? i m living in guadeloupe. should i set another country to get the good time ?01:41
holsteinJake1: just set it to what you want..01:41
Jake1fixed ! thanks you alot holstein01:44
holsteinsure.. and to be clear, this wasnt breakage that needed fixing.. but, im glad you have your system configured as you need it to be01:45
Jake1on the previous version i never had to take care about that. now i ll have to everytime i install :/01:49
=== len is now known as Guest90567
Jake1how can i froce mplayer to play video streaming in 1080p ?02:33
Jake1somtin like -y1920 -x1080 ?02:33
holsteinis the source 1080p? if not, i dont think you'll get the result you are wanting..02:34
Jake1yes the source its 180p but everytime it play in 720p02:35
Jake1i don t want to use mpv02:35
holsteinnot sure. but, you can alwasy ask volunteers in #ubuntu since its not related to lubuntu or lxce02:35
Jake1smplayer -x1920 -y1080 http://videolink.com something like dat02:36
holsteinJake1: yes, i understand.. do you understand that i refer you to #ubuntu ?02:36
Jake1yes, i already asking on #ubuntu02:36
=== len is now known as Guest33332
Jake1is there any way else to get skype audio working whitout installing pulseaudio ?04:11
holsteinJake1: i have used it in the past without pulse, but, its not an ubuntu package, so, you just do whatever is needed to make the 3rd party package work.. since, they dont really support linux well04:12
holsteinthey, being microsoft, in this case04:12
holsteinalso, you can ask in #ubuntu for that too, since, more folks will be using skype there04:13
Jake1you r the boss holstein. thanks again04:13
=== len is now known as Guest73946
positionanyone can create drivers from xp to run in lubuntu?12:42
positionIf we have the proprietary driver of a device in win xp can we convert it tou run in lubuntu?12:44
positionto run in lubuntu?12:44
holsteinposition: ideally, the creator of the hardware would, as they did for windows xp, create a driver for linux/ubuntu.. all of linux and ubuntu are open and freely available for that company to do so.. or release information that would make that possible13:58
holsteinif its an older device, then, there may be little/no interest from a community to try and reverse engineer, or make a driver that may or may not work well13:59
holsteinbasically, there is nothing in linux or lubuntu/ubuntu that is preventing that device from working, or from haveing a driver created for it to work by the creators of the hardware... but, typically, these days, *if* things can work, they just work14:00
holsteinposition: what device are you dealing with? and have you tried it with linux? its usually rather simple to load a live iso for lubuntu and just test the device, first-hand, under linux14:01
positionwell I have an old crypto camera14:01
positionI must try it in linux14:01
positionI dont have drivers14:02
holsteinsure.. try loading a live iso, and see how it works14:02
holsteinthe linux kernel is modular.. and contains drivers for most hardware14:02
holsteinif it doesnt "just work" out of the box, then, it can be either simply a matter of installing the driver the manufacturer provides, or it may just not work14:02
Jake1lubuntu really need to fix that time zone issue14:13
Jake1now i get the wrong date14:13
holsteinJake1: im getting the date just fine here, friend14:15
holsteinJake1: where are you getting the incorrect date?14:16
Jake1the date14:17
Jake1sys tray14:17
holsteinJake1: sure, friend.. the date is fine here.. how are you syncing the date? and to what? how did you set it and when?14:19
Jake1sync to serv14:19
Jake1should not be any error14:19
Jake1i havec to set it manually and then chosse back sync to serv14:20
fwioqwhen would lubuntu get the functionality to configure the default soundcard a bit more userfriendly?14:42
fwioqwriting manually asoundrc is defenetly not userfiendly14:43
fwioqkubuntu and so on can configure the default soundcard in the sound settings14:43
fwioqi had again the situation where someone tell me that he installed 15.04 and had no sound. the default soundcard was his hdmi soundcard. not the normal build in realtek soundcard14:44
holsteinJake1: seems like you are having an issue that could be related to your network connectivity at the time the machine is trying to sync its time settings15:39
holsteinJake1: there should be a battery on the machine that keeps its time settings, but, i have had machines where that battery was removed, or dead, and i have experienced what you have stated.. where, at boot, the time is "off" til it syncs15:40
holsteinthats just one scenario/possiblity.. you'll just have to postulate, and test.. and see if you can track the issue down15:41
holsteinfwioq: you can try using pulseaudio.. pavucontrol15:41
holsteinfwioq: those labels can change, in alsa, and make the default jump or change.. AFAIK, pulseaudio tries to address that15:41
Jake1holstein, good idea ! i ll look after that15:42
fwioqholstein: i have edit the alsa default configuration file. Would this problem be fixed in 15.10 thanks to lxqt?15:48
holsteinfwioq: well, its not actually a problem, AFAIK..15:50
holsteinthere are ways to nail that down, i suppose, but, im not sure that this is breakage.. the HDMI, for example, is a viable default15:50
holsteinif a user wants, they can use pulseaudio, and pavucontrol.. that can help faciliate a lot of the functionality that you mention, though, at a cost15:51
fwioqholstein: a normal user have totaly no idea what to do when the sound is not working in lubuntu. he did not know anything about pulseaudion and pavucontrol. thats the usability problem i talk about.15:57
holsteinfwioq: i dont think the goal of lubuntu is necessarily what you are discussing.. though, i completely understand what you are saying15:57
holsteinif you feel you have a bug, or want to file a wishlist bug, feel free.. otherwise, i personally  find the lightness of lubuntu a refreshing compromise.. where, maybe not all things are catering for out of the box perfection, but, lightness15:58
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KeyanHi, I have a question about lxde. How can i  reset all lxde settings in my home folder and recreate theme in default?18:44
Mr_Cometno idea. never had to do that. O_o18:45
wxltheoretically all the settings should be in .config18:46
wxlthey should be recreated if the folder is not there18:46
wxlbut .config is a place to put a lot of settings, not just lxde, so be careful with that18:46
wxlalternately you can find the default configs outside the home folder18:47
wxle.g. there's a bunch in /etc/xdg18:47
wxltl;dr there's no global reset button Keyan :)18:47
KeyanThank you.18:48
KeyanCan't reconfigure lxde to create new files in my home folder?18:49
wxlKeyan: if the files aren't there, they will be copied from default18:49
KeyanYes, I copied default folders from /usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels to ~/home/keyan/.config/lxpanel/Lubuntu/panels but not work. Icons disapear from desktop. and commands like this not work: XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/Desktop"18:52
KeyanThis problem occure when i change defaul desktop folder in Desktop Preferences, Now, when i want change to default, lxde crash18:54
Keyan@wxl, Any idea?18:55
Keyan@Mr_Comet, Thank you, sorry for late!18:56
Mr_Cometnp :D18:57
Mr_Cometsorry im not expert in linux :(18:57
KeyanMe too18:57
Mr_Cometi just use the os. not tweak it :D18:57
Mr_Cometex windows user. that should explain :D18:57
KeyanI dont want tweak it, only checked simple item!!18:58
Keyanand i cant uncheck it :D18:59
Mr_Cometlol ok :)19:01
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