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davidcalle | Good morning o/ | 07:03 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:06 |
markoo | Do you have someone who approves applications on Ubuntu Software Center? thx | 07:21 |
markoo | @davmor2 are you there? | 07:23 |
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trickvi_ | good morning | 08:24 |
dholbach | bzoltan, any word on the sdk tools discussion? | 08:34 |
dholbach | bzoltan, can we maybe group the topics into two session slots and take it from there, ie schedule more sessions if necessary? | 08:34 |
dholbach | I'd really like to announce the snappy related sessions today | 08:34 |
dholbach | and I know that the folks in Malta haven't been to accessible :-) | 08:35 |
dholbach | zbenjamin, ^ do you know? | 08:36 |
bzoltan | dholbach: not really :) they are pretty isolated :) | 08:36 |
dholbach | snappy development tools | 08:36 |
dholbach | so you need 4 sessions? | 08:37 |
bzoltan | dholbach: the SDK tools discussion will go around moving away from the distro releasing to the QtSDK modell. that is the main topic for this cycle. Also the snappy support comes to the picture | 08:37 |
dholbach | ok... sorry - I was mostly interested in the snappy tools discussion for now | 08:38 |
bzoltan | dholbach: 4? OMG ... no, maybe 2... max 2 | 08:38 |
dholbach | I'm happy to file blueprints if necessary | 08:38 |
bzoltan | dholbach: for the snappy tools we need asac/mvo/etc | 08:38 |
dholbach | ok | 08:38 |
rickspencer3 | bzoltan, I can run an emulator fine from QtCreator, but I can't figure out how to configure things so that I can run apps inside it | 08:38 |
dholbach | sorry, I had 4 subjects in mind, but it was 3 you mentioned: | 08:39 |
rickspencer3 | is there some documentation or anything to help me out? | 08:39 |
dholbach | "1) framework definition 2) framework packaging 3) schroot as single point of failure and alternatives" | 08:39 |
bzoltan | rickspencer3: the emulators are default good for app deployment | 08:39 |
dholbach | if you want, I just call it "Snappy development tools - next steps" or something? | 08:39 |
dholbach | ... and we just schedule another session if necessary? | 08:39 |
rickspencer3 | bzoltan, well mine did not come with a kit, and I get an error when I try to autocreate one | 08:40 |
bzoltan | rickspencer3: you need i386 Kit and that Kit need to be assigned to the project. That is all ittakes | 08:40 |
rickspencer3 | """The supported framework of the device is not known, please make sure to redetect the device features.""" | 08:40 |
bzoltan | rickspencer3: also, you need to make sure that the fw you use is supported by the device ... what channel you made the emulator? | 08:40 |
rickspencer3 | bzoltan, the emulator was just there after I upgrade, I think | 08:41 |
bzoltan | rickspencer3: I would go with 14.09-proposed and that needs 14.10 fw | 08:41 |
rickspencer3 | should I delete it and create a new one? | 08:41 |
bzoltan | rickspencer3: ohh... you might have some archeologic piece :) | 08:41 |
rickspencer3 | ok, I'll try to create a new one on 14.09 proposed | 08:42 |
bzoltan | rickspencer3: yes, I would create a new one ... either devel-proposed or 14.09-proposed. With devel-proposed you get the 15.04 goodies, but I have heard that latest emulator might act up | 08:42 |
dholbach | bzoltan, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1505-snapp-development-tools | 08:43 |
bzoltan | rickspencer3: so 14.09 is the safe choice .. only thing it misses is teh qmake support | 08:43 |
bzoltan | dholbach: thank you | 08:43 |
dholbach | bzoltan, ^ I'll just schedule this one and schedule a followup session if necessary | 08:43 |
dholbach | anytime | 08:43 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: you need to make sure the emulator was started at least once. | 08:43 |
markoo2 | Can you please someone grant my palikaciu for Ubuntu Software Center? Thx | 08:43 |
markoo2 | Can we ask someone to approve my application for Ubuntu Software Center. Thx | 08:44 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: you maybe remember that the autocreate sometimes created a wrong Kit for a device, e.g. 15.04 vs 14.10 | 08:44 |
* rickspencer3 shrugs | 08:44 | |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: that was because we did not detect the framework. With the release of the 15.04 fw we needed to make sure that does not happen. | 08:45 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: but framework detection is only possible when the device is on/ emulator is booted | 08:45 |
rickspencer3 | ok, after I create this emulator I will run it and set it to developer mode and then try to build the framework | 08:46 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: yes | 08:46 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: is it not set to developermode by default? | 08:46 |
rickspencer3 | I dunno | 08:46 |
rickspencer3 | I'll see after it is built and I run it | 08:46 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: ok, if you hit some problems let me know | 08:46 |
rickspencer3 | thanks zbenjamin | 08:47 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: np | 08:47 |
bzoltan | zbenjamin: rickspencer3: the emulators are development enabled by default | 08:47 |
zbenjamin | bzoltan: i wonder if we can improve that situation and figure out the framework when creating the emulator. But all we have at that point is the channel | 08:48 |
zbenjamin | bzoltan: atm the only way to do find out is loop mounting the image | 08:48 |
* zbenjamin hides | 08:48 | |
bzoltan | zbenjamin: we discussed that earlier ... we can guess and that can lead to problems. Before the device is up we can not say much about it | 08:49 |
bzoltan | zbenjamin: loop mounting? LOL | 08:49 |
zbenjamin | :D | 08:49 |
bzoltan | zbenjamin: what an ugly solution... but it could work. | 08:49 |
zbenjamin | bzoltan: that was a joke ! | 08:49 |
zbenjamin | bzoltan: you need sudo for that though | 08:49 |
bzoltan | zbenjamin: of course | 08:50 |
rickspencer3 | dang | 08:55 |
rickspencer3 | I sat through all that, and the emulator did not show up in the list :/ | 08:55 |
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rickspencer3 | zbenjamin, any idea what this means? | 09:03 |
rickspencer3 | click chroot: error: schroot not installed and configured; install click-dev and schroot | 09:03 |
rickspencer3 | the emulator seems to be there and is launching, thoguh | 09:04 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: did you press refresh? Weird that it did not show up | 09:08 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: apt-get install click-dev schroot | 09:09 |
rickspencer3 | zbenjamin, I ran it again and it was built quickly and showed in the list | 09:09 |
rickspencer3 | then when I ran it, ir started, but is blank | 09:09 |
rickspencer3 | then I ran it again, and it seems to be working | 09:09 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: and no errors while creating it? | 09:11 |
rickspencer3 | zbenjamin, it says that it created a kit when the emulator was created | 09:12 |
rickspencer3 | does that sound right? | 09:12 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: probably the Kit was already there | 09:12 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: as soon as you have a chroot on your system, QtC will create a Kit for that. | 09:13 |
zbenjamin | *click chroot | 09:14 |
rickspencer3 | apt-get install click-dev schroot | 09:14 |
rickspencer3 | ? | 09:14 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: click chroot: error: schroot not installed and configured; install click-dev and schroot <<< to solve that | 09:15 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: seems there is a missing dependency for click-dev | 09:16 |
rickspencer3 | zbenjamin, ok, done, now what? | 09:16 |
rickspencer3 | how do I make QtCreator use the emulator to run the apps? | 09:16 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: after that command please restart QtC, then go to the devices page. Do you see the emulator there and does it have a kit or does it show the autocreate button? | 09:17 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: if you see the autocreate button press it, you should get a build chroot created | 09:18 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: now it depends if the project you are going to use is a new or a already configured one | 09:18 |
rickspencer3 | zbenjamin, it's already configured | 09:19 |
rickspencer3 | zbenjamin, ok, I need to create a kit first, it looks like | 09:19 |
rickspencer3 | guess I need to run the emulator first | 09:20 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: ok then you need to press the Project button on the left, then click "Add Kit" and select the Kit you want to add to your project | 09:20 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: if it never ran before yes | 09:20 |
rickspencer3 | I got an error trying to autocreate | 09:20 |
rickspencer3 | so, I am running it | 09:20 |
rickspencer3 | zbenjamin, so I clicked autocreate, and the kit instantly appeared | 09:23 |
rickspencer3 | I assume it was left on disk from before I updated to 15.04 | 09:23 |
rickspencer3 | ? | 09:23 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: yes most likely | 09:23 |
rickspencer3 | is it ok, or do I need to delete it and recreate it or something? | 09:23 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: you only need to have one chroot for a fw/arch combination | 09:24 |
rickspencer3 | ok, trying to run it in the emulator | 09:24 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: normally not, QtC should notify you when there are updates for the chroot though | 09:24 |
rickspencer3 | zbenjamin, ok, I got it working again | 09:26 |
rickspencer3 | \o/ | 09:26 |
zbenjamin | rickspencer3: \o/ awesome | 09:27 |
im_ | hi | 11:11 |
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athairus | I got a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 and I want to get core dumps to be generated whenever a program SIGSEGVs | 19:37 |
athairus | I followed the wiki and commented out a line in /etc/apport/crashdb.conf | 19:38 |
athairus | but there's nothing being put in /var/crash like the wiki claims | 19:38 |
athairus | am I missing anything? This is a terminal app | 19:38 |
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trickvi_ | is it possible to call UserMetrics somehow from an html5 app to update the welcome screen with some stats? | 21:49 |
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