
=== gerald is now known as Guest32502
=== gerald is now known as Guest32107
taihsianghenrix, I saw proposed kernels of the cycle (10-Apr through 02-May) were released like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/144903404:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1449034 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "linux: 3.2.0-82.119 -proposed tracker" [Medium,Fix released]04:40
taihsianghenrix, and new cycle kicks off https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/145000304:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1450003 in Kernel SRU Workflow verification-testing "linux: 3.2.0-83.120 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]04:40
taihsianghenrix, and I noted one description of the bug report of the new cycle: kernel-stable-Certification-testing-start04:41
taihsianghenrix, my questions are:04:42
taihsianghenrix, 1. do we change any part of SRU policy/flow now? or it is just that the kernels are prepared well earlier this time and promoted to proposed pocket earlier?04:45
taihsianghenrix, 2. do the description like " kernel-stable-Certification-testing-start" will be applied automatically right after the kernels are ready to test? (compared to the flow before: the description was applied when I change the status from "confirm" to "in progress")04:49
=== ara is now known as Guest6469
henrixtaihsiang: there's no change in the SRU workflow; however, we're doing a quick respin of all the kernels in between the 2 SRU cycles to fix a security bug (it's only one commit)08:13
henrixtaihsiang: so, the next SRU cycle hasn't actually started yet08:13
henrixtaihsiang: all these new kernels you're seeing contain a single commit08:14
taihsianghenrix, it sounds like the new proposed kernels I saw are still of the original cycle (10-Apr through 02-May), am I right?08:32
taihsianghenrix, and they are going to release to update- before 02 May?08:33
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bdmurrayIs there some kernel versions to releases cheat sheet somewhere?18:21
infinitybdmurray: There's one in my head.18:24
bdmurraythat seems hard to access18:25
infinitybdmurray: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Kernel.2BAC8-Support.Ubuntu_Kernel_Release_Schedule18:25
infinitybdmurray: Seems to be lacking vivid/lts-vivid, but otherwise accurate.18:26
sconklin@infinity any idea when Trusty -proposed will hit -updates?18:49
infinitysconklin: Soon.18:50
infinitysconklin: It's a question better aimed at bjf, though.  I'l just going to release it when his fancy tracking bugs tell me he's ready.18:51
TalothAny dev willing to give a bug report of mine a quick glance, see if it's something useful? (bug 1450584) It's a bug that's been the bane of my existence for the last month.18:58
ubot5bug 1450584 in linux (Ubuntu) "mono occassionally crashes since kernel 3.13.0-46 on multi-cpu vm" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145058418:58
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=== swordsmanz is now known as hugbot
=== hugbot is now known as swordsmanz

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