=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
diplo | Morning all | 07:06 |
Knightwise | morning everyone | 07:09 |
MooDoo | morning all | 07:11 |
Knightwise | doin an upgrade to 15.04 on the Surface pro | 07:15 |
Knightwise | have been having some terrible wifi performance lately :( | 07:15 |
Knightwise | been trying everything , but by the looks of it this is becoming my last option | 07:16 |
foobarry | wow facebook suddenly decided to email me twice today about some random persons birthday | 08:37 |
foobarry | i have other emails turned off | 08:37 |
foobarry | and log into to fb most days. i don't think the email is necessary! | 08:37 |
zmoylan-pi | it's a social experiment to see at what point people snap... | 08:43 |
foobarry | liekwise for amazon | 08:48 |
foobarry | trying to dial down the amount of notifications i receive, especially useless ones | 08:48 |
foobarry | anyone aware of a twitter aggregator code i can use to retweet unique tweets ? some accoutns i follow have lots of dupes and i want to see only unique tweets | 08:57 |
diplo | Do dead projects not get removed from the repos? | 08:58 |
diplo | Turpial hasn't had a update since 2011 yet is installable on 14.04 | 08:58 |
diplo | Bugs haven't been answered etc | 08:58 |
diplo | !info turpial | 08:59 |
lubotu3 | turpial (source: turpial): Light, fast, and fully functional Twitter client written in Python. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0+dfsg-1 (vivid), package size 340 kB, installed size 1200 kB | 08:59 |
diplo | Is that a command :D I don't know them :) | 08:59 |
diplo | yay | 08:59 |
foobarry | looks like teython might do it, not sure about unique | 08:59 |
foobarry | twython* | 08:59 |
popey | diplo: yes, if someone files a bug to have it removed | 09:00 |
diplo | I'll work that out, do I do it just against the package ? | 09:01 |
diplo | Github repo also not been updated in 4 years, so not just launchpad | 09:02 |
foobarry | maybe it's stable :P | 09:02 |
foobarry | but probably dead | 09:02 |
diplo | I'd go with the latter | 09:02 |
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 09:02 |
zmoylan-pi | i think i had that installed at one point but it stopped working when twitter started restricting number of tokens to client apps | 09:02 |
foobarry | remember gwibber? lol | 09:03 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Poem in Your Pocket Day! :-D | 09:05 |
nigelb | JamesTait: I'm disappointed to wear a shirt with no pockets today. | 09:06 |
zmoylan-pi | apart from a few limericks/haikus i have never enjoyed poetry | 09:06 |
JamesTait | nigelb, zmoylan-pi: maybe Honesty Day is more to your taste? | 09:06 |
* zmoylan-pi looks shifty when nodding agreement... | 09:07 | |
JamesTait | Or International Jazz Day? Or Oatmeal Cookie Day? | 09:07 |
nigelb | The Thursday Before Long Weekend Day. | 09:09 |
popey | diplo: yeah, file a bug against it, I have done this for a few apps. let me find one so you know who to ping | 09:10 |
awilkins | Anyone know anything about getting thunderbolt ports to work as a display on Ubuntu? | 09:10 |
zmoylan-pi | extra long in dublin as it looks like a bus strike on friday which will make it impossible for some to get to work | 09:10 |
diplo | thanks popey :) | 09:11 |
awilkins | Ok, looks like it's not going to work, it's just stack dumping in the kernel logs | 09:12 |
popey | diplo: you know this will only remove it from 15.10 onwards, we generally don't remove packages retrospectively | 09:13 |
popey | (we have once or twice though) | 09:13 |
popey | like owncloud | 09:13 |
diplo | Well I guess it's worth it though | 09:15 |
diplo | As it has already been packed for vivid | 09:15 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10950679/ | 09:27 |
JamesTait | Very good, davmor2! | 09:28 |
davmor2 | JamesTait: My mom read me that when I was young cause I loved trains, I still love trains and I always remember that peom :D | 09:29 |
MooDoo | hody davmor2 | 10:04 |
davmor2 | MooDoo: nice write up on hosting your own site | 10:05 |
MooDoo | davmor2: ta, wasn't really for the tech, but just a generalisation, works for me :D | 10:07 |
MooDoo | glusterfs is ace does exactly what i wanted. | 10:07 |
popey | so which distro are you on this week? :) | 10:09 |
MooDoo | ubuntu | 10:09 |
MooDoo | sticking with LTS releases though on the servers, it'll do. | 10:11 |
popey | found out my desktop hasn't been backed up for 2 months :S | 10:12 |
popey | so now it's doing a very chunky backup | 10:12 |
diddledan | chunky! :-p | 10:12 |
foobarry | last backed oup on world backup day? | 10:13 |
popey | 26 feb as far as I can see from the rsnapshot log | 10:13 |
zmoylan-pi | ouch | 10:13 |
foobarry | :-| | 10:13 |
popey | not a massive problem as I rarely use the desktop | 10:13 |
foobarry | world backup day = 31/03 | 10:13 |
popey | so probably only thing it will backup is updated steam games :) | 10:13 |
foobarry | yeah, i threw my desktop away/loft | 10:14 |
popey | oh, and my photos | 10:14 |
popey | mine's been booted to windows mostly recently for GTA5 | 10:15 |
popey | and a bit of game dev | 10:15 |
zmoylan-pi | so world system crash day is 30-03? | 10:16 |
foobarry | by definition yes | 10:21 |
MooDoo | :) | 10:21 |
bigcalm | Good morning peeps :) | 10:31 |
bigcalm | Has anybody tried out MS's Visual Studio Code on Linux yet? | 10:41 |
bigcalm | (in here) | 10:41 |
bashrc_ | no. And I don't intend to | 10:41 |
zmoylan-pi | ditto | 10:41 |
bashrc_ | what license is it under? | 10:42 |
diddledan | bigcalm: it only came out last night. yeesh :-p | 10:42 |
bigcalm | Was a simple enough question :) | 10:43 |
ali1234 | i heard it's just http://atom.io with some plugins | 10:43 |
ali1234 | i heard this on reddit so it might be false, i dunno | 10:43 |
Myrtti | hubby did | 10:50 |
Myrtti | apparently the font was too small -___- ^___^ | 10:51 |
Myrtti | that's what you get from buying a 4k laptop | 10:52 |
zmoylan-pi | wasn't there a complaint when last version came out that all menus were in uppercase so it was like it was shouting at you? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17413001/disable-all-caps-menu-items-in-visual-studio-2013 | 10:53 |
diddledan | it uses microsoft's monaco editor which is also embedded in the azure control panel | 10:53 |
diddledan | so I'm not sure it quite qualifies as "just atom.io with plugins" | 10:54 |
diddledan | I think that's akin to saying microsoft.com is just google chrome with html | 10:55 |
diddledan | (because I'm viewing it in chrome) | 10:55 |
zmoylan-pi | nah, microsoft.com is ie4 with notepad :-) | 10:55 |
zmoylan-pi | i shouldn't have said that this close to lunch, should i? sorry :-) | 10:56 |
popey | bigcalm: yeah, i tried it, in terms of downloaded, ran it, closed it :) | 11:05 |
popey | Myrtti: CTRL+ expands the font size | 11:07 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
Myrtti | popey: I think he's having a problem with everything being too small, still | 11:19 |
popey | yeah, it's not good on those laptops | 11:20 |
popey | still not sure what I'm going to upgrade to when this x220 dies | 11:20 |
popey | tempted to just keep it and run it into the ground | 11:20 |
popey | just progressively put larger SSDs in it as needed | 11:20 |
popey | /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root 205G 159G 35G 83% / | 11:21 |
popey | /dev/mapper/data_crypt 235G 189G 34G 85% /home | 11:21 |
popey | seem to be doing okay for the moment | 11:21 |
directhex | don't get a macbook pro | 11:24 |
zmoylan-pi | get a computer on a stick when the processor ram is too slow and remote desktop from the x220 into it :-) | 11:24 |
directhex | they're pretty poopy for linux | 11:24 |
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=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
popey | i had a macbook pro before this x220, the mbp is now wifeys facebook machine | 11:27 |
bashrc_ | are thinkpads no longer made? | 11:28 |
popey | they are | 11:28 |
popey | I guess I'd need a whole new dock | 11:28 |
popey | only real "upgrade" I can do to this x220 is a bigger / faster SSD | 11:29 |
popey | this one does 5GB/s - dunno if it will go faster | 11:29 |
bigcalm | popey: I can't extract the downloaded zip. Failing at the 2nd hurdle | 11:31 |
popey | wat | 11:31 |
popey | 50d4547e3617ace370f040edace6d7cd VSCode-linux-x64.zip | 11:32 |
popey | dunno if they updated it since yesterday | 11:32 |
bigcalm | Archive manager reports: An error occurred while extracting files. | 11:32 |
popey | i think I just did "unzip foo.zip" | 11:32 |
bigcalm | 50d4547e3617ace370f040edace6d7cd VSCode-linux-x64.zip | 11:32 |
popey | try unzip | 11:32 |
bigcalm | Yeah, that worked | 11:33 |
popey | yeah, file roller fails here too | 11:33 |
popey | wonder why | 11:33 |
bigcalm | Yep, it worked. Back to life now | 11:48 |
bigcalm | Ooo, 1st night this week that I'm not doing any thing | 11:48 |
bigcalm | Any Hayley is out at work until 10.30pm | 11:48 |
bigcalm | GTA V with the soundbar :D | 11:49 |
bigcalm | s/Any/And | 11:49 |
bigcalm | s/any thing/anything | 11:49 |
ali1234 | you could say... you are not doing... alot of any thing | 11:52 |
bigcalm | I'll possibly be doing a lot of swearing at the computer | 11:52 |
bigcalm | Oh, I do that in my day job already | 11:52 |
foobarry | google news: Interested in Sheldon Cooper? Yes/no | 11:58 |
foobarry | wut | 11:58 |
foobarry | odd. afaik sheldon is not a real person or a news item | 11:59 |
foobarry | hmm i think it is harvesting my searches for these suggestions. i once googled tina turner to find out if she is still alive, and she is in my suggested news items | 12:00 |
popey | bigcalm: I had a stress relieving evening last night shooting a lot of people in GTA5 | 12:03 |
bigcalm | :D | 12:03 |
zmoylan-pi | for that i shoot people during ad&d games with nerf... | 12:04 |
Laney | tip: save the assassination missions for the endgame | 12:04 |
bigcalm | It's nice that if you fail missions too many times you are offered the chance to skip it (not that I have). What's amusing is that the mouse cursor then changes to a hand giving the middle finger on that screen | 12:05 |
bigcalm | It took me a while to complete the Rampage mission with Trevor | 12:05 |
bigcalm | and the rednecks | 12:05 |
popey | the rednecks wasn't too bad, took me 3 goes, found a place to back away and have them mostly in my eyeline | 12:06 |
popey | bigcalm: http://i.imgur.com/2tUzvNR.jpg | 12:08 |
bigcalm | Nice! | 12:08 |
popey | i like getting diverted from one mission to others as they come up. | 12:08 |
diplo | I think I'm going to have to play it again now | 13:13 |
diplo | :/ | 13:13 |
directhex | i haven't really played much GTA5 | 13:18 |
directhex | just enough to take a couple of screenshots on new PC | 13:18 |
popey | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2uZBEi471o | 13:18 |
popey | fun | 13:18 |
popey | guy changed his name to Michael Green and is standing against Grant Shapps | 13:18 |
directhex | http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/31866079871703277/7069B8C4DE0E9CDD2FEF362E72868FF48BE56442/2048x1152.resizedimage | 13:18 |
ali1234 | what causes zombie processes that don't die even when reparented to init? | 13:59 |
penguin42 | ali1234: that depends | 14:02 |
penguin42 | ali1234: how do they appear in ps ? | 14:02 |
ali1234 | [Defunct] | 14:02 |
intrbiz | do you know what forked them? | 14:02 |
ali1234 | have to wait until it happens again to give you any more details | 14:02 |
ali1234 | what forked them? bash | 14:03 |
penguin42 | I think 'defunct' is normally where the parent process didn't wait() for them? | 14:03 |
ali1234 | going to try to attach a debugger | 14:03 |
penguin42 | if they are marked defunct I'd bet you can't | 14:04 |
ali1234 | first of all, i wrote the program and it should never terminate | 14:04 |
penguin42 | your complaining that a program that shouldn't terminate hasn't terminated? | 14:04 |
ali1234 | no, i'm complaining that it stops working for no reason and then can't be killed | 14:04 |
penguin42 | ah | 14:04 |
intrbiz | a zombie is already dead however, so it can't be killed, surely | 14:05 |
foobarry | or undead | 14:05 |
ali1234 | it uses the raspberry pi camera so for all i know it is a bug in the firmware | 14:05 |
ali1234 | it also uses a lot of glib timers and could be deadlocking somewhere in that | 14:07 |
ali1234 | but i don't know if that would cause a zombie | 14:07 |
ali1234 | what it can't do is exit the glib mainloop | 14:07 |
ali1234 | oh it also uses i2c-dev | 14:09 |
penguin42 | ali1234: if you can't attach gdb, the other thing you can do is look at /proc/pidnumber/stack that is a kernel backtrace | 14:09 |
ali1234 | i removed all the timeouts and i2c code and with just the camera stuff it doesn't seem to crash or whatever it is doing | 14:10 |
ali1234 | okay i'll check that, thanks | 14:10 |
foobarry | i have a scatter plot in gnuplot, anyone know how i can add a line of y=x to the same chart? | 14:22 |
bashrc_ | I think it can be done by adding another line to the plotfile | 14:24 |
dutchie | "plot x" works just on its own | 14:25 |
foobarry | doesn't get added to chart though | 14:25 |
dutchie | so something like "plot x, datafile" | 14:25 |
dutchie | however you call it, i forget the details | 14:25 |
bashrc_ | where datafile could just contain a couple of points | 14:25 |
bashrc_ | plotted with a line style | 14:25 |
foobarry | AAH | 14:25 |
foobarry | thanks, need to be on the same line | 14:25 |
dutchie | np | 14:26 |
foobarry | seems to kill imgur :P | 14:27 |
foobarry | perhaps because its not a cat | 14:29 |
foobarry | the gnuplot manual is horrific | 14:36 |
bashrc_ | I have used gnuplot quite a lot on various projects | 14:40 |
foobarry | they tell you about linetypes and point types but don't tell you what the different types are | 14:43 |
diddledan | daftykins: if you're around in 30 minutes, another "keynote" is happening at MS Build | 15:02 |
foobarry | where does the phrase keynote come from? | 15:06 |
diddledan | no idea | 15:07 |
ali1234 | possibly from "keystone"? | 15:07 |
foobarry | the note or tone on which a key or system of tones is founded; the tonic. | 15:10 |
shauno | The term key note comes from the practice of a cappella, often barbershop singers, playing a note before singing. The note played determines the key in which the song will be performed.[citation needed] | 15:10 |
foobarry | the main idea or central principle of a speech, program, thought, action, etc. | 15:10 |
foobarry | google confirms it | 15:10 |
foobarry | set the tone for the conference | 15:10 |
directhex | i have a conf call, i'll miss the keynote | 15:12 |
diddledan | aww :-( | 15:14 |
diddledan | they'll record it tho | 15:14 |
diddledan | if you're lucky you can jump onto the livestream and scroll it back to the time of the keynote | 15:14 |
penguin42 | directhex: You mean you can only do one conf call at once? | 15:15 |
directhex | yes! | 15:15 |
penguin42 | directhex: Week! | 15:15 |
penguin42 | a | 15:15 |
diddledan | I can't multitask either - I'm good at context-switching however | 15:16 |
foobarry | you can't eat and watch tv? | 15:18 |
davmor2 | diddledan: no you're not | 15:18 |
diddledan | I'm not? | 15:18 |
diddledan | why not?! | 15:18 |
davmor2 | diddledan: cause I said so :D | 15:19 |
diddledan | well that's just sucky for me | 15:19 |
davmor2 | foobarry: I go one further I breath, eat and watch tv, get me and multitasking skills :D | 15:20 |
davmor2 | we don't need to multitask anyway we have computers for that :D | 15:20 |
foobarry | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29177801/is-it-possible-to-create-an-xy-aka-scatter-plot-using-kibana-4 | 15:36 |
foobarry | found someone else who has my problem | 15:36 |
foobarry | no answer :( | 15:36 |
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet | ||
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2 | ||
daftykins | diddledan: did anything fun happen? | 18:36 |
diddledan | minecraft has a new mod-creation addon for visual studio | 18:37 |
diddledan | that's about it | 18:37 |
daftykins | haha | 18:37 |
daftykins | i downloaded the 950MB MP4 of the windows 10 news one, they made it like they were going to answer some questions then added nothing | 18:37 |
diddledan | android apps and ios apps can be recompiled for windows with few if any changes | 18:37 |
daftykins | "yeah lots of people wanna know what 'free upgrade' means... so if you sign up you'll get the answer in the coming months!" | 18:37 |
DJones | daftykins: Along with a spam email every other day | 18:45 |
daftykins | :) | 18:46 |
ali1234 | diddledan: a proper mod api? | 18:47 |
ali1234 | does it still use the bizarre "decompiler and spreadsheet of obfuscated method names -> human readable ones" system? | 18:47 |
diddledan | ali1234: they didn't say so, more that they're taking the already used api and providing type hinting and intellisense in visual studio | 18:47 |
shauno | isn't "already used api" an overactive imagination? | 18:52 |
ali1234 | no, there are a couple of API systems already | 18:52 |
ali1234 | but they are third-party and have to figure out the decompiled, obfuscated code themselves | 18:52 |
ali1234 | despite one of them maybe technically being owned by mojang now | 18:53 |
shauno | I never figured out if mojang actually own bukkit, or just acqui-hired the contents | 18:54 |
shauno | I mean, I thought they actually bought them, but it's been a few years, and they've never actually acted like it | 18:54 |
DJones | ali1234: owned by mojang, would that suggest owned by Microsoft as well | 18:54 |
DJones | Maybe not directly, but "controlled" | 18:55 |
ali1234 | right | 18:55 |
ali1234 | shauno: they seem to think they own it. the GPL might say otherwise, but the whole project was never really GPL compliant in the first place. the whole thing is a giant mess and nobody really knows what is going on | 18:56 |
ali1234 | and it's not like they weren't warned about it either | 18:56 |
diddledan_ | I wonder if they'll ask my question at MS Build (channel9.msdn.com) | 20:40 |
diddledan_ | I requested they ask about display output on the pi | 20:40 |
daftykins | diddledan: in what way? | 20:48 |
diddledan_ | whether win10 IoT can drive it | 20:49 |
diddledan_ | the kinda answered it via someone else's question tho explaining the the ui is whatever your app displays | 20:49 |
shauno | aww, lucid is dead :( | 20:52 |
diddledan_ | shauno: good riddance :-p | 20:53 |
shauno | meanie | 20:53 |
diddledan_ | bit fat meanie! | 20:53 |
shauno | I wasn't going to make it that personal :p | 20:54 |
diddledan_ | lol | 20:54 |
penguin42 | sniff, Lucid was good to us | 20:54 |
diddledan_ | it's crazy that it;s 5 already | 20:54 |
shauno | it also means a few months of having to point people to old-releases to dig their way out | 20:55 |
shauno | (and no, not complaining, just commenting. I don't mind it being dead - the predictable release cycle has been their strongest point for me for a long time) | 20:56 |
daftykins | i find it weird i just got a new kernel on lucid just now | 20:57 |
diddledan_ | lol | 20:57 |
diddledan_ | someone forgot to tell the security guys? | 20:58 |
daftykins | seems like it | 20:58 |
daftykins | since new year when people come in with lucid problems i tell 'em, well - you can fix it and have 3 or 4 more months - or you can just put the effort into a reinstall | 20:58 |
daftykins | i've already rejigged my web server VM, so it's just this little on that runs irssi left now | 20:59 |
daftykins | hardly mission critical :D | 20:59 |
diddledan_ | well done :-) | 20:59 |
daftykins | *one | 21:01 |
ali1234 | diddledan it can certainly drive the display | 21:01 |
shauno | I keep getting an odd itch to redo my mailserver in docker, for no good reason other than curiousity | 21:01 |
ali1234 | diddledan you get this when you boot it http://ms-iot.github.io/content/images/DefaultAppRpi2.png | 21:01 |
ali1234 | "DefaultApp" | 21:01 |
ali1234 | so presumably you can replace it | 21:02 |
ali1234 | what it doesn't have is anything resembling a desktop | 21:02 |
shauno | odds that someone will create one? lol | 21:02 |
diddledan_ | they're onto talking about .net on mac and linux | 21:03 |
shauno | I might actually wet myself laughing if someone ports Calmira | 21:03 |
diddledan_ | I don;t know tht one | 21:04 |
ali1234 | progman.exe replacement? | 21:04 |
shauno | it was a replacement shell for windows, win95-style on win16 | 21:04 |
diddledan_ | aah | 21:04 |
ali1234 | sorry, PROGMAN.EXE | 21:05 |
diddledan_ | what about litestep? | 21:05 |
shauno | and it took a loooong time to die. last I looked they were trying to make win3.1 look like vista | 21:05 |
daftykins | lulstep | 21:05 |
shauno | calmira is basically evidence that germans do have a sense of humour | 21:06 |
daftykins | hmm my brother just said he turned on an older Dell LCD and it went pop! with added burn smell | 21:10 |
daftykins | wonder if that can be remedied | 21:10 |
zmoylan-pi | only with a skip if the magic smoke was released | 21:11 |
daftykins | =] | 21:11 |
ali1234 | sounds like a dead capacitor | 21:11 |
daftykins | power supply portion though perhaps | 21:11 |
ali1234 | easy enough to replace, but you don't know why it died | 21:11 |
zmoylan-pi | home soldering and fixing of monitors might qualify you for darwin award | 21:11 |
ali1234 | only CRTs | 21:11 |
ali1234 | LCDs are nowhere near as dangerous | 21:12 |
shauno | yeah, LCDs aren't scary. HT voltages are specific to tubes | 21:12 |
ali1234 | they might still have some HV for the backlight but nothing like a CRT | 21:12 |
zmoylan-pi | less dangerous yes but i'm more worried about home repairs starting a fire than electrocuting the repairer | 21:12 |
shauno | no more so than anything else you point a soldering iron at, really | 21:12 |
ali1234 | worst that will happen is you replace the dead capacitor and the new one pops within a few days | 21:13 |
shauno | (or possibly even less so, given the number of chinese wallwarts I've exploded) | 21:13 |
daftykins | i took apart an acer LCD once that had a really odd quirk, after a while of being on the image would bounce up and down as if it were a window blind someone was repeatedly raising and lowering | 21:15 |
diddledan | vga sync | 21:15 |
diddledan | it lost the lock to the syncpulse | 21:15 |
ali1234 | wouldn't that just roll? | 21:15 |
daftykins | it was VGA only and i couldn't find a cheap replacement for the board so i gave up | 21:16 |
ali1234 | i was reading about HDMI the other day... it's literally just digital VGA | 21:16 |
ali1234 | has sync packets and everything | 21:16 |
daftykins | D: | 21:16 |
ali1234 | nothing is buffered | 21:17 |
diddledan | hence why you can get analogue vga from the same circuitry I guess | 21:17 |
diddledan | just need a D2A | 21:17 |
ali1234 | not quite, but it does mean the converters are easy to make | 21:17 |
ali1234 | it's not a raw bitstream... it is packetized into lines, horizontal sync packets, and vertical sync packets | 21:18 |
diddledan | DVI and DisplayPort/Thunderbolt display lines are just HDMI in a different plug AFAICT | 21:18 |
ali1234 | and audio packets, which are sent in the blanking interval | 21:18 |
ali1234 | displayport is similar but not compatible | 21:18 |
daftykins | TMDS signalling for the most part yeah, different voltage in DP though i think | 21:19 |
diddledan_ | signalling protocols are weird | 21:20 |
diddledan_ | QAM ftw? | 21:21 |
ali1234 | PCIe is not a million miles away either | 21:21 |
diddledan_ | seems everyone and his dog wants QAM | 21:21 |
ali1234 | QAM is simple | 21:21 |
daftykins | it's out of phaaaaaase, maaaaan! | 21:21 |
diddledan_ | better invert the phase | 21:22 |
diddledan_ | or modulate the phase | 21:22 |
daftykins | reverse the polarity, Marty! | 21:22 |
* diddledan_ tries to remember a quote from StarTrek that involves phase | 21:23 | |
diddledan_ | reverse the polarity of the phase inverter? | 21:23 |
ali1234 | phasers on stun? | 21:23 |
daftykins | imagine for a moment, if you will... Carlton Banks from Fresh Prince as Geordi La Forge | 21:23 |
diddledan_ | oh god | 21:23 |
diddledan_ | including the dancing? | 21:24 |
daftykins | :D | 21:24 |
shauno | WHY | 21:24 |
ali1234 | i can't see a problem with this | 21:24 |
shauno | speaking of WHY, I appear to be watching Thunderbirds. a new version. | 21:29 |
* zmoylan-pi watches st:voyager | 21:30 | |
daftykins | shauno: live action or the CG thing? | 21:30 |
ali1234 | watch thunderbirds 20x6 | 21:30 |
daftykins | i watched all of the original not long ago, this might entertain | 21:30 |
ali1234 | *2086 | 21:30 |
shauno | daftykins: CG, 'thunderbirds are go', looks like it was recorded off itv | 21:31 |
daftykins | don't tell me you obtained this through unscrupulous means, shauno !? | 21:31 |
shauno | oh no no no | 21:31 |
shauno | it just shows up on my xbmc box | 21:31 |
daftykins | o0 | 21:31 |
shauno | I fear there may be some script somewhere acting nefariously though | 21:32 |
daftykins | ;[ | 21:32 |
daftykins | * ;] | 21:32 |
shauno | anyway, it's not completely terrible, but it's .. close. and a little to ADD for my taste | 21:32 |
daftykins | flitting from one thing to another repeatedly is it? | 21:34 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
shauno | it may have just been the first episode trying a bit too hard to show us all the toys | 21:35 |
daftykins | ah yes | 21:36 |
shauno | it takes some real effort to require all 5 in one episode, and they managed to do so without making that effort | 21:36 |
daftykins | i hope it has the mandatory repeating scenes of the thunderbird launching each episode | 21:36 |
shauno | lol, yes, 2, over and over | 21:37 |
shauno | I have a feeling the countdown is ripped from the original too | 21:37 |
zmoylan-pi | i always felt tb1 was... irrelevent | 21:38 |
shauno | (but sticking with the ADD theme, they seem to have cut the gaps between the counts out, if that makes sense. he doesn't sound sped up, but it's not a 5-second count, and it's missing the DUUUN camera angles between each count) | 21:38 |
shauno | 1's just fast. his job is to get there first so he can make a failed effort & add suspense before 2 shows up and fixes it | 21:39 |
ali1234 | does anyone else remember this show? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5nlh_CUWYM | 21:48 |
shauno | not me | 21:49 |
ali1234 | the english dub had the same theme music | 21:49 |
ali1234 | it's basically thunderbirds rescuing dinosaurs | 21:50 |
shauno | because that makes perfect sense :) | 21:50 |
ali1234 | it was pretty awesome | 21:50 |
ali1234 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaepFVfxOcU | 21:52 |
shauno | oh hah, they've kept some of the whackier design trends from thunderbirds. like having the flight deck on jumbos hanging off the back like a cargoship | 21:54 |
shauno | (apparently being able to see the runway is wildly overrated) | 21:55 |
diddledan | I'm confused, is it puppets and models or cartoon? | 22:30 |
diddledan | (dinosaur patroll, I mean) | 22:30 |
shauno | yes? | 22:30 |
ali1234 | yes! | 22:30 |
diddledan | their naming is pretty .. uninventive | 22:33 |
diddledan | "carry donkey" | 22:33 |
diddledan | and "born free" | 22:33 |
diddledan | really? | 22:33 |
ali1234 | it gets better/worse | 22:34 |
diddledan | "pilot, land over there" | 22:34 |
diddledan | no pointing or anything | 22:34 |
ali1234 | i don't think anyone involved in the translation of this spoke japanese | 22:39 |
diddledan | and had a terrible idea of dialogue | 22:40 |
diddledan | "look, a cliff!" | 22:40 |
shauno | I think mot things like this only survive with rose-tinted glasses. if you go back to anything 80s-90s without the nostalgia, it's just .. | 22:42 |
diddledan | I think they've recorded several soundbites and just mixed them together to form the actual dialogue | 22:48 |
diddledan | it's either that or their voice actors can't act (even as just a voice) | 22:49 |
ali1234 | brilliant... a random thunderbirds style close-up of a wrist watch on a real human arm | 22:50 |
ali1234 | as if the mix of cartoon and models wasn't weird enough | 22:50 |
mappps | 5 months till my next trip | 23:13 |
mappps | sheesh | 23:13 |
mappps | going to uk and spain in between but they dont count:) | 23:13 |
mappps | 7/09 -15/09 going to Ukraine | 23:13 |
* penguin42 hands mapps a flak jacket, helmet and emergency supply of vodka for bargaining | 23:15 | |
mappps | :D | 23:15 |
shauno | I actually thought about trying kiev this summer | 23:38 |
daftykins | mmm chicken kiev | 23:38 |
shauno | turns out I completely underestimated 'close'. the train to the slovak border is 14 hours | 23:40 |
shauno | (but only 15euro lol) | 23:40 |
daftykins | O_O | 23:40 |
mappps | should do | 23:45 |
mappps | ya | 23:45 |
mappps | you can get a train from Latvia to Moscova | 23:45 |
mappps | cheap | 23:45 |
mappps | but its like 22hrs | 23:45 |
mappps | you in slovakia shauno? | 23:45 |
mappps | i was just in czech republic | 23:45 |
shauno | not now, but I'm over there often enough | 23:45 |
shauno | probably june now, may's kinda spoken for before it even started | 23:46 |
mappps | been to vz then i take it? | 23:46 |
shauno | vz? | 23:46 |
mappps | cz i mean | 23:48 |
shauno | ah, yeah, but not so much | 23:48 |
mappps | ah | 23:49 |
mappps | been to prague i take it? | 23:49 |
mappps | the view from the astronomical; clock is COOL | 23:49 |
shauno | been trying to make more trips into the country instead of just bratislava, but they don't make it easy | 23:54 |
shauno | english disappears really quickly outside the city, and I'm hopeless at languages. I'm getting better at reading it, but spoken, I couldn't even tell you what language it is half the time | 23:55 |
daftykins | same :D | 23:55 |
daftykins | noises i cannot comprehend! | 23:56 |
shauno | they have noises I can't even discern when they're trying to make it easy | 23:56 |
shauno | they have sounds that simply don't exist in english. the same way germans have trouble with 'th' because it's not a sound native to german | 23:56 |
daftykins | must be that whole thing of how you can't hear new phonemes (sp) after a young age | 23:57 |
shauno | pretty much. so I'm not just stupid, and I'm old and stupid :( | 23:57 |
daftykins | d'aww | 23:58 |
penguin42 | yeh, I'm hopeless at languages | 23:58 |
penguin42 | when I was last in Germany I was trying to fall asleep watching a German TV program teaching English | 23:58 |
daftykins | i remember a mate trying to learn some phrases from a chap in Thailand, the Thai guys just laughed their asses off at him when he tried saying something, it sounded exactly like what they said, but clearly it was something we could no longer hear | 23:58 |
daftykins | Ich liebe Deutsch. Ich hatte for funf jahr lang Deutsch in die Schule gelernt. | 23:59 |
daftykins | s/for/fur/ | 23:59 |
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