
mhall119Hello team, I sent an email to the ML but it's held in moderation, is anyone here a moderator for that list?16:37
Unit193mhall119: cyberanger and likely wrst.19:31
wrsthey mhall119, pretty sure cyberanger is who you want to see19:31
Unit193wrst: He is, listed at the bottom of https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-tn19:32
mhall119I've subscribed to the ML and re-sent, so it should go through now19:32
wrstmhall119: got it!19:33
Unit193Yep, it did.  You sure you can handle the traffic though? ;)19:33
mhall119I'll do my best :)19:33
wrstha ha19:34

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