
holsteinwhy call for contributors, and then, when folks try and join the contributing teams, they dont get to join?00:50
holsteinthat was a mailing list wide call out.. and you are getting responses00:50
holsteinanyways, im sure you are communicating that to the persons trying to join.. what they need to do to prove them selves, and to whom, exactly, and why and by when00:52
holsteinzequence: ^00:54
zequenceholstein: Yes, I am communicating with each person04:57
zequenceSet is in the contributor team, and a couple of open ones. There's no need for him to be in the dev team04:58
zequenceNot yet anyway04:58
zequenceWe don't know if ever touched a debian package yet04:58
zequenceOvenWerks: I only stopped maintaining linux-lowlatency for precise. Since trusty, linux-lowlatency has been merged with -generic04:59
zequenceSo, canonical are maintaining it now04:59
zequenceWe have a small config diff in the main kernel source for creating our package04:59
zequenceAlso, our own debian folder - debian.lowlatency04:59
zequencewith our own control section, etc04:59
zequenceholstein: We have the contributor team for a reason - so that contributors can work on source without us having to worry about them messing up our main sources05:02
zequenceWe have enough trouble with out own mess ups05:03
zequenceSet seems like he could do well, so let's hope he continues to be interested05:05
zequenceThere's a lot to learn before doing any big work, as you know05:06
zequenceDidn't take him long to prepare a LP account and the keys, which is a good sign05:06
zequenceAh, no he's been member since 201105:07
zequenceWell, anyway05:07
zequenceOvenWerks: How about you apply to be Ubuntu member and work on getting upload rights too?08:27
zequenceThere are always people who can assist, but it's nicer being able to do the work yourself08:27
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zequenceholstein: You ever done any changes to a package or a source branch?18:29
zequenceI know you wanted to learn some stuff in the past.18:30
zequenceI guess you are pretty busy as is18:30
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:38
cubQuestion for you who know more about packages need and so on, Kdenlive has become an offical KDE application which they inform (among other things) mean: "Since we are now based on Qt5/KF5, you NEED KDE Frameworks 5 to run Kdenlive."18:58
cubHow will that affect Ubuntu Studio including Kdenlive? Will it pull in loads of KDE stuff, or "just the Framework? And what does that mean?18:59
holsteinzequence: nothing that worked out.. i was working with scott on a package ages ago19:00
holsteinthat will not be in the scope of my contributions19:00
holsteinnot likely anytime in the near future, at least19:00
zequencecub: Not exactly sure, but we are already shipping qt stuff for a lot of apps. Has been mostly qt4 for a while. Guess we'll be shipping both for a while now19:00
zequenceholstein: Ok. You are more than welcome to start doing it, whenever you want to.19:01
zequenceIt's easier when you have a clear job to do for a package of course19:01
zequenceOne thing I really like with this cheap atom laptop is the battery time. It's about 4h continuous use19:02
holsteini miss that with the chromebook.. it'll go for about 14 hours19:02
holsteinone of the c720's with touchscreen19:03
holstein*if* i keep the screen dim, etc.. it really adds up19:03
holsteini have literally took my charger out of the house twice for that machine in the 2 years or whatever ive had it19:03
zequenceI try to keep this screen dim, but it's harder during summer. I use dark theming a lot now, and that actually helps - as long as the text is bright enough19:04
holsteinthis laptop is lucky to get 6 hours19:05
holsteinwhich, is and was impressive.. before i had the chromebook going for a while19:05
zequence6h is a lot if you are using it continuosly19:06
zequenceI get about 4h, using virtual machines, and the usual stuff19:06
zequenceIt doesn't sleep during that time. Not for very long, anyway19:06
zequenceI'm used to 2h or less. But I haven't had a lot of laptops, and they are usually old when I get them19:07
cubI actually bought myself and iPad mini to replace laptop outside the house. Battery time is marvelous19:22
cubstill, it's iOS though 19:22
zequencecub: You are seriously disappointing me now :)19:22
cubI need Garageband on my bus travels19:23
cubno good replacement for Android there19:23
zequenceAndroid won't work with its stock kernel, no19:23
cubnot that I get to use it much anymore since my toddler learned how to use an ipad19:23
zequenceIt's fascinating to see how quickly they learn19:24
zequenceThey don't understand what they are doing, but it works, sort of19:24
cubI'll fiddle a bit later on with the latest version of Kdenlive and see how it works. They will do KDe release schedule though with new releases every 4 months19:24
zequenceI guess you have all heard about the recent changes in MS as far as open source and Linux support goes?19:25
cubyeah it's strange and fascinating. My daughter is 2,5 years old and when I was talking about buying new skis (skidor)19:25
zequenceI thought I recognized their latest work - MS Visual Code19:25
zequenceIt's based on Atom, which in turn is based on chromium19:26
cubshe said daddy come look, and then pointed at the Blocket app where she had found two pairs, one for me and one for her. I was stunend.19:26
cubI saw about Visual Studio, but are they releasing more?19:26
zequenceThey are open sourcing .net and I suppose .asp, and from what I gather they are working on supporting Linux with that19:28
zequenceSo, would make sense if there is more to come19:28
zequenceIt's not badly designed for a simple code editor, but again, based on atom - which I like19:29
zequenceSo weird19:31
zequenceWondering about the licensing actually19:32
zequenceI have to give this a try https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2015/04/msg00012.html19:36
OvenWerkscub: we were actually surprised at how little difference in ISO size kdenlive made.20:34
OvenWerkscub: The only thing I am not so sure is a good thing, is that after closing kdenlive, the KDE framework does not go away. It keeps running/using memory.20:35
cubOvenWerks, which kdenlive version did make it into 15.04?20:36
OvenWerksIt makes me wonder how manu other apps leave things alive in memory after use20:36
OvenWerkscub: I am not sure... I would have to reboot I think to find out.20:36
cubOvenWerks, that sounds bad. I need to compare memory usage with 0.9.10 and the 15.04.0120:37
cubno worries, I'll check it on my installation later on20:37
OvenWerkscub there is (of course) no visual indicator that the KDE frame work is running, it is just through using ps that I noticed it.20:40
cubmhm they assume you run KDE anyhow and will need it running20:41
cubLightworks have still not released the promised open source version, but if/when they do it will be an interesting application20:41
OvenWerksyes. I don't know if it would be easy to add a wrapper to shut it off after.20:42
cubbut wait, OvenWerks did you run Kdenlive in the US 15.04?20:42
OvenWerksI have not done that no.20:42
cubaha ok20:42
cubAnyhow, time for bed, g'nite all!20:44
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware

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