
zequenceTime to delete my Precise testing machines11:58
zequenceDebian uses a CD size i386/amd64 hybrid as their installer15:05
zequenceWould be easier for some people to have that15:06
holsteini like those15:12
holsteinour iso is already so large, it likely doenst matter.. but folks complain about the disk size15:12
holsteinthere are folks in bandwidth restricted scenarios..15:12
zequenceI started work on CD size. It wouldn't ship any of the workflows, but those would be available to install over the internet15:16
zequencecjwatson was helping me, but didn't want to bother him too much as he was having some trouble15:16
zequenceI'm aiming at having that ready for the next LTS15:17
zequenceThis weekend I'm taking some time to set up some servers at my home for stuff like owncloud15:18
zequenceHoping to sync my Ubuntu phone with that. Still watiting for the phone though15:18
zequenceNo idea what happened to it, and BQ has only created a ticket so far15:18
zequenceWell, I'll be syncing all my devices with it15:19
zequenceDon't know how reliable spanish mail is. I know Italian mail is not to be trusted15:20
holsteini suppose, where you are not interested in discussing removing things, im not really keen on adding things15:24
holsteini would say, if a user were here, and actively asking for that, and willing to "go to the mat" for it, and be the major contributor to it, sure.. but otherwise, i dont know that we need another iso15:25
zequenceholstein: As you yourself said, folks complain about bandwidth15:34
zequenceThe CD size has a clear purpose15:34
zequenceEven for people who have good bandwidth, but do not want to install the whole thing15:34
zequenceWe need to redo the plugin for meta selection though.15:35
holsteinsure.. so who is saying they will take care of it?15:37
holsteini dont think its constructive to add another iso to our setup that the xubuntu team has to test15:37
zequenceholstein: If you take a look at the sources, you will find that I already am15:37
zequenceI'm the only one testing ISOs in this team currently, and if someone on the Xubuntu team chooses to help, that is up to them15:38
zequenceholstein: Really? You who do absolutely nothing are telling me what I should do or not do15:38
zequenceIt's not up to you15:38
zequenceI don't mind you having opinions. And I will always answer them15:39
holsteini didt say it is, or should be up to me15:40
zequenceFor the past two years I've been updating linux-lowlatency every three weeks, sometimes for three different releases15:40
holsteinif you want to take it on, take it on, and you dont need my permission15:40
zequenceI've also tested every single ISO15:40
holsteinif you want to shape a team, you can ask the team15:40
holsteinand im answering, thinking about resources.. and thats all15:41
zequenceWho else knows better of the resources than me?15:41
holsteinif you want to test another iso, thats great.. and i appreciate your work, as do lothers15:41
holsteinif you want this to be all your show, thats fine.. but, it will likely lead to burn out15:41
holsteinand, im still not at the point in my life where i can constructively do more than i do, which is really only support15:42
zequenceAnd that's perfectly fine15:42
holsteinso, im not offering to take on any responsiblity or work.. im only discussing the use of resources15:42
zequenceAnd it's also fine to come and go, as many will do.15:43
holsteinwhich, as far as specific code contribution, is just you and len15:43
zequenceA new ISO is not that big of a deal to maintain. It's just one more file, and a couple more lines in the seeds15:44
zequence..as long as the packages in the seeds are ok15:44
holsteinsure.. enjoy!15:44
holsteinbut, its not a team decision, if, you just say "well, here a new thing that we have, that im going to maintain"..15:44
zequenceFirst you need a team15:45
zequenceOne that actually knows what is going on15:45
zequenceBut, perhaps we will have that now again15:45
zequenceAnd, I'm much better equipped to do my part as well, so I'm actually looking forward to the next year15:46
zequenceUs being less active the past cycle was only a good thing I think15:48
zequenceWe should have more fresh energy for the next two cycles, and for the next LTS15:48
zequenceThe next version of Debian (9) should see a change in how realtime admnistration is handled15:50
zequenceI will make sure that it will be really simple to have any Ubuntu flavor get a good working system for audio production, one way or the other15:50
zequenceAnd, Ubuntu Studio will be a bonus15:51
zequenceIt is a good distro to have. It has everything in place already. And, that is something you can't get easily on other distros15:51
zequenceBut, the main goal is to make things work on anything Debian based (preferably) - at least that is my goal15:51
zequenceThe work I do for Ubuntu Studio is for making new users have as easy a time getting to know Linux + Multimedia production as possible15:52
zequenceThat in my view is the job that Ubuntu Studio should be doing15:52
holsteinand, we have quite a negative image15:53
zequenceWell, people choose to do what they do. Some people could actually help us, and Debian as a whole, if they wanted to. Instead they maintain PPAs15:54
zequenceOr, their own custom Debian based distros15:54
holsteinwell, i think the question is, can they?15:55
holsteinand if not, why? and if they just think not, why not?15:55
zequenceBut they don't want to15:55
holsteini know, falk cant upload what he does either place, AFAIK15:55
holsteini think upstream to debian would be ideal..15:55
zequencefalktx could easily start maintaining Debian sources15:55
holsteini think its harder to do so, than just maintain ones own sources15:56
zequenceYou know how easy it was for me to become Debian Multimedia members?15:56
holsteinand why? and where can  we step in and address that? 15:56
zequenceI've talked to falktx about it. But, he's not interested15:56
holsteinis it financial? the connonical funds are never going to make it to us, and thats fine.. but what about debian?15:56
holsteinthings that go upstream would trickle in.. if debian "just worked" out of the box, the way we needed, then, it would just work here15:57
zequenceThat's what I'm working on15:57
holsteinbut, then, you get to why we have a negative image in ardour15:57
zequenceThough, it's not easy as far as realtime adminstration goes15:57
holsteinwe cant address that, unless we address rolling it, like firefox15:57
holsteinbut, then, what would get rolled, and why? and what would that break.. etc15:57
zequenceArdour people are talking about stuff that happened a millenia ago15:57
zequenceIMO las and many others have no clue of why they are against buntu15:58
holsteinwell, if i dl fully supported ubuntu studio 14.04, the ardour version is not supported anywhere15:58
zequenceThey don't have any first hand experience themselves15:58
holsteinwe cant, and dont have the man power to support that older version without the help of las, and they dont support the older versions15:58
zequenceFor some reason they like Debian better, but all our packages are from Debian15:58
holsteinso, is it constructive to *not* included it?15:58
holsteinto link to where to buy the binary? i think thats  extreme15:58
zequenceCould be for Ardour the best choice will be something like snappy15:59
holsteinbut, i would like to openly and constructively talk about these options, and realistic outcomes of such decisions..15:59
holsteinunless, they, (ardour) dont use snappy, and something happens that gets blamed on that version16:00
holsteinthen, it would be the "snappy is crappy" story.. and its another -16:00
holsteinbut, i think that would constructively address keeping the versioning up to date16:00
zequenceIf you ask me, most of that is just a lod BS16:01
holsteinnot that i personally actually want/need a newer version, but, i think folks are used to that.. "you need the latest version for support".. thats pretty common16:01
holsteinzequence: oh, i agree. but, i get it16:01
holstein"its not the current veresion".. its easier than supporting the issue16:01
zequencesnappy would enable ardour to release the latest version16:01
zequenceTrouble is, las prefers fedora, or something like that16:02
holsteinwhich leads me to the larger issue of support in general16:02
holsteinif a new ubuntustudio user running ardour has an issue, and goes to #ubuntustudio , which irc is already a niche, and the channel is dead/slow, then they go to #ardour, where, there decision to run ubuntustudio is immediately questions..16:03
zequenceIf you want to talk constructive, it would be more constructive for ardour people to stop trashing distros that they don't use, to stop using hearsay as a library of facts, and just focus on what they do well - namely coding ardour16:03
holsteini *did* get loud in #ardour, and i feel like the discussion is better.. way better16:03
holsteinall it took was asking for facts, and stating that things had been addressed, and please stop the fud..16:03
zequenceSo much fud going on there16:03
holsteinnot a big deal.. but, it takes constant attention.. i feel someone would need to do the same in the forums etc where fud *is* still going on16:04
holsteinand, there is still some fud in #ardour.. just not as bad..16:04
zequenceI've been in there too sometimes, trying to steer things up, but it's tough16:04
zequencein #ardour that is16:04
zequenceIt was almost getting ridiculous at times16:04
holsteinit takes a lot of time, for sure16:05
holsteinits like baby sitting..16:05
zequenceThe best thing we can do is make sure our distro is the best there is. No one can say otherwise.16:05
holsteinbut, i would also like to look at the legitimate issues16:05
zequenceFor that to happen, we need to put some time into it. And he more who work, the better16:05
holsteinwhy do folks like kxstudio or avlinux better? what are they able to do that we are not? what  would it take for falk to package for US, or debian?16:06
zequenceagain, falktx could easily package for Debian, but he doesn't16:06
holsteinhe was trying.. and it didnt pan out16:06
zequenceAlso, he could do SRUs for Ubuntu. He doesn't need to be a member of either UBuntu of Ubuntu Studio16:06
zequenceBut, he doesn't want to16:06
zequenceI don't believe it16:07
holsteini dont know the details, but, i havent kept up, since i was discussing with him being a MOTU way back16:07
holsteini think its more work than he has time for, to actually do it properly16:07
holsteinand thats understandable..16:07
holsteinfrom both perspectives16:07
zequenceIf he wanted to customize Debian packages to some form that he himself personally liked best, then I'm sure there would be some problems16:07
zequenceThe work we do is not for ourselves, but for the community16:07
holsteinbut, if its a matter of getting 2 or 4 grand together to pay falk for a minute.. we could, as a community, have that discussion16:08
zequencefalktx has had his anti-PA periods, for instance16:08
holsteinwell, many folks *still* have that16:08
holsteinand i usually settle the argument by simply asking "when is the last time you used pulse?"16:08
holsteinthe user usually says "well, i dont.. its a pos".. and thats that.. they actually dont look at the options16:09
zequenceIf someone is not being very objective, their work might not be suitable for the larger masses16:09
holsteinwhich is fine, but, that opinion can be disregared, at least, at that point.. since, the person has  not collected all the data16:09
holsteinyup.. but, i think falk is *not* being objective.. but, that might be what the audio specific team would need16:09
holsteinsomeone who is looking out for that work flow.. i dont know.. 16:10
zequenceHe has to compromize16:10
holsteinsure.. but, now, he doenst16:10
holsteinhe can compromise the other way.. for the audio user16:10
zequenceIt's not his stule16:10
holsteinand thats handy.. but, i dont think its the only way16:10
holsteinseems like there is something more down the middle.. or, with the tools that you are len discuss.. the settings that can tweak what is needed..16:11
zequence-controls can help16:11
zequenceI've actually come a far way with it16:11
zequenceIt's too bad it's taking such a long time16:11
holsteinseems like, it really could be a place where settings can address what is needed to fix things..16:11
zequencefalktx would be better at coding it, but I think we are better at figuring out the layout16:12
holsteinsure.. i want him putting code in as far upstream as possible, personally16:12
zequenceNot one of his packages are in Debian yet16:12
zequenceI mean, applications16:12
zequenceThere is one attempt at packaging his suite, but don't know how far that has come16:13
zequenceHe won't do it himself anyway16:13
holsteinwell, i think it may be constructive to try and have that talk.. and see what that takes16:13
holsteinthere is an ubuntu debian liason..16:14
holsteini forget who that is.. but, its an ubuntu team member i just heard in an interview16:14
zequenceuniverse is mostly Debian. It's what we stand on16:14
holsteinand, i cant imagine that changing, correct? what do you think16:14
holsteini dont think snappy will change that..16:14
holstein*if* snappy even comes to the desktop space where we are..16:14
zequenceSnappy is just another tool. As long as Ubuntu remains open, what was will still be16:15
zequenceBut, if Ubuntu does start to change, it will be very easy to jump ships for all the flavors16:15
zequenceDebian is another world as far as the community goes though16:15
zequenceI feel the Ubuntu community is in many ways a lot more constructive16:16
zequenceI'm sure it depends largely on who you are and what you do16:16
holsteinwell, debian would still be there, but, the ubuntustuduio flavor, if main ubuntu would move away, would be quite changed16:16
zequenceWe could do the same thing, but in Debian16:16
zequenceThough, it wouldn't be the same of course16:16
holsteinbut, i really dont think thats in the pipeline16:17
holsteinwell, it would be *much* different, though16:17
holsteinnot having a scheduled release to push16:17
zequenceWe are still we. If we continue to work on the same project, much will remain the same16:17
holsteinnot having iso hosting.. etc16:17
zequenceDebian does 2 years LTS releases. They are calling them LTS now16:17
holsteini mean, sure. we are still us, but, with a lot of bandwidth and a brand name..16:18
zequenceevery 2 years16:18
zequenceThen there's the rolling release16:18
zequenceNot much of a difference16:18
zequenceThe infrastucture would need to be set up16:18
zequenceThat's a bit of work16:18
zequenceBut, it's far from doable16:18
zequenceDebian Multimedia is a much different beast from how we do things16:21
zequenceThey do mostly packagin. Not so much work on the big picture, so to speak16:21
zequenceI think that's a result of decentralization. Has it's + and -16:22
holsteinim just saying, it would change things.. since, we would have to self host iso's, etc..16:26
zequenceEither that, or we find a way to be an official Debian variant16:27
zequence..though it's good to think about options, that's of course not something we need to worry about for the next year or so16:32
holsteinmaybe not at all16:33
cubjust read through the irc log, so Ardour people don't like Ubunbu Studio? How come? Why would they care since you can run Ardour in any linux distro?19:24
holsteincub: factually, its hard for them to support19:25
holsteinthey dont support the version, other than the one they support.. so, if the typical user has an issue with ardour, they are running the repo version, which is repackaged ,and out of date19:25
cubaha ok19:25
cubBut wouldn't that be the same for every distro which is not rolling release?19:26
cubyou still have the option to install the latest version yourself19:26
cubAnd that would kind of be Ubuntu's fault, not US per se19:27
cubsince we only include what's in the repos19:27
holsteincub: yup.. it is the same19:28
holsteinbut, i think ubuntustuduio is just the more popular one that folks go to #ardour about19:28
cubsure, since if you want to do audio it's one of the easy choices19:30
cubwhich version did make it into US 15.04?19:32
holstein!info ardour19:33
ubottuardour (source: ardour): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.8.16+git20131003-4 (vivid), package size 3541 kB, installed size 13667 kB19:33
holsteinlooks relatively new..19:33
holsteinbut, its not the one they support19:33
cub!info kdenlive19:34
ubottukdenlive (source: kdenlive): non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.10-2ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 1462 kB, installed size 5602 kB19:34
cubit would be nice to do some work with the community, but not sure how much time I will have available.19:37
DalekSechttp://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-multimedia-maintainers/2015-April/043650.html bit of a thread on it.19:45

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