[12:01] Morning \o/ [18:11] Neo31, ! [18:11] Hey guys! [18:44] yo elacheche_anis :) [18:54] hi elacheche_anis [18:54] Hey guys: [18:57] elacheche_anis, kodi: http://i.imgur.com/NVmFJGH.png [19:02] Awesome Dro__ :) [19:02] Good job :) :D [19:03] ba3d ma cha3ri cheb hahahaha et pourtant ça marche pas à 100% mizel qq trucs à fixer [19:06] chkoun 3andou des msgs kif hekka fel /var/log/syslog ?? [19:06] May 2 20:04:58 ubuntu-l nullmailer[1432]: Starting delivery, 184 message(s) in queue. [19:06] May 2 20:04:58 ubuntu-l nullmailer[1432]: Sending failed: Could not exec program [19:06] May 2 20:04:58 ubuntu-l nullmailer[1432]: Delivery complete, 184 message(s) remain. [19:08] Dro__, do you have postfix installed? [19:08] elacheche_anis, normalement non! je l'ai pas installé [19:09] check :) [19:10] femmech [19:11] it's nullmaler who is trying to send emails.. never used it.. let's check the docs [19:12] Dro__, http://bit.ly/1GFDy1n [19:15] => http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=874360 [19:15] i have to delete all msgs [19:16] Next time try to read them :) so you know who's sending them using it [19:21] deja fait, voila l'un de ces msgs: [19:21] $ cat /var/spool/nullmailer/queue/1430201858.15259 [19:21] http://pastebin.com/wyumRfKG [19:21] mais j'ai rien compris [19:21] haha :P [19:31] Dro__, t'as installé wine? [19:38] Dro__: ls /etc/cron.daily/ [19:38] crontab -l [19:38] et sudo crontab -l [19:42] elacheche_anis, ey w na7itou [19:42] crack3r, $ ls /etc/cron.daily/ [19:42] 0anacron apport bsdmainutils dpkg logrotate mlocate popularity-contest update-notifier-common [19:42] apache2 apt cracklib-runtime google-chrome man-db passwd samba upstart [19:43] elacheche_anis, crontab -l ==> no crontab for user, et no crontab for root avec sudo [19:45] les cron.daily sont des cron systèmes.. tu touche pas :) [19:50] ok