
elkyapt always manages to confuse me whereas apt-get doesn't00:42
* elky shrugs00:42
Unit193Try 'apt search firefox' vs 'apt-cache search firefox' big difference and not for the better.  Also, apt isn't well documented.  How does one use apt list?  Read the source.  I do use full-upgrade, sure. :D00:45
elkyat least one of those things is fixable00:49
Unit193Yep, I figure it's still early, so docs will come.  And, apt tells you its interface isn't finished yet, so that may change.  I'm simply speaking right now.00:50
ubottudaftykins called the ops in #ubuntu (packetedprophet)01:50
elkytoday in daftykins doesn't realise how hostile he is02:14
phunyguyyeah then he plays the volunteer card03:28
phunyguywhen you say something baout it.03:28
bazhang<smallfoot-> Ubuntu is not user friendly if I have to remember commands like that11:32
bazhangwhy has he used for 7 or more years then11:32
c0mradeI think I am banned from #ubuntu, can you guys get me back there please?16:30
=== c0mrade_ is now known as c0mrade
c0mradeI was banned from #ubuntu can someone get me back there please?17:50
c0mradeAny help?18:24
=== c0mrade_ is now known as c0mrade
ikoniac0mrade: hello19:00
c0mradeikonia: Hi, how are you doing?19:01
ikoniafine thanks19:01
ikoniaso what's up ?19:01
ikoniayou've been banned in #ubuntu ?19:01
c0mradeI wish to join #ubuntu again but I am banned from a long time ago from there.19:01
ikoniais that righht ?19:01
ikoniawhy where you banned ?19:01
c0mradeI got involved in Ubuntu related stuff lately and I might need some support from the community/IRC channel.19:02
c0mradeI believe it was a long time ago maybe like more than a year ago, but I think I got banned for saying offtopic stuff.19:02
ikoniaone moment please19:02
c0mradeLike talking about the time travel machines, black market organ trading, cryoginecs and life expanding, quantum physics etc...19:03
ikoniait looks like you've got quite a history19:03
ikoniaand you've been a problem since 2010 - through to 201419:04
c0mradeI think it was more than a year.19:04
c0mradeBut I am not sure.19:04
ikoniano, it was Oct2014 your last visit19:04
c0mradeBut anyway I've been using IRC since 1996 but knew bout freenode like in 2008.19:04
ikoniaserious question, what's going on ? you've been a problem in the ubuntu channels since 201019:05
ikoniawhy have you been a problem for 4 years ?19:05
c0mradeI used to join and say offtopic stuff and then part the channel.19:05
c0mradeNothing much.19:05
c0mradeI used to tease the channel operators.19:05
ikoniawhat's stopped you just using the channel in acceptable ways ?19:05
ikoniawhy ?19:05
ikoniathen  why hae you been a problem for so long19:05
c0mradeI didn't go every single day there.19:06
c0mradeAnd do that for four years straight.19:06
c0mradeI am not sick in the brains... LOL.19:06
c0mradeI mean I used to get maybe one a week sometimes once a month and sometimes four days straight.19:06
ikoniayes, but why ?19:07
ikoniayou knew it was wwrong, you knew it distruted the channel and wasted peoples time, yet you kept doing it19:07
ikoniawhy ?19:07
ikoniaactually it doesn't matter19:08
ikoniaI'm not comfortable letting you back in the channel, you show yourself to be aware of causing a problem on purpose,19:08
ikoniaso I don't see a reason to give you yet "another" chance19:08
c0mradeNo I am just confessing and telling you the truth.19:09
ikoniayes,, I know19:09
c0mradeLately I got involved in projects that need extensive Ubuntu knowledge and now I feel that I need to get to the channel....19:10
ikoniaI don't feel you do19:10
c0mradeYou don't feel I do what?19:10
ikoniaand I feel you should have thought about that before wasting peoples time for 4 years19:10
ikoniaso I think we should cut it there,19:10
c0mradeYou think it's for 4 years straight?19:11
ikoniagood luck with your projects, I hope it helps you find a new way to contribute to the IRC communities with a bit less trouble19:11
ikoniaplease /part the channel,19:11
c0mradeSo no chance right?19:12
ikoniaI don't see why19:12
c0mradeI am sorry for what I did and it won't happen again.19:13
c0mradeI appologize.19:13
ikoniaappreciate that, thank you19:14
c0mradeCan I access #ubuntu again please?19:15
chuMay I just pipe in and recommend you join #ubuntu-offtopic for a while, *if* you are seen as a contributing member (and honour your promise) maybe some action will be taken in regards to #ubuntu19:16
c0mradeWhy are you guys making it hard for me....19:16
ikoniayou made it hard for yourself19:16
c0mradeI am so lazy to use a proxy and change my nickname.19:16
chuIt may be the only way to verify that you actually intend on holding strong to your promise (I'm sure you can understand how often we are told)19:16
ikoniac0mrade: nice suggestion to ban evadae19:16
ikoniashows you can really respect the rules19:17
ikoniaI think we are done19:17
chuOuch, well that's the one way to guarantee you're not coming back19:17

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