OvenWerks | zequence: is there a correct way to copy our seeds from ubuntustudio.vivid to ubuntustudio.wily? | 14:57 |
DalekSec | OvenWerks: It'll be done for you. | 15:11 |
OvenWerks | DalekSec: Thankyou, sounds great. That is why I have never been involved before. | 15:12 |
zequence | OvenWerks: Yeah, we don't mess with the seed branch other than edit it | 15:40 |
zequence | I think cjwatson used to go through all the metas and update them to point to the new seed as well | 15:40 |
zequence | He's been doing other things for a while | 15:40 |
zequence | I'm putting together some sort of list we should go through for each release | 15:41 |
zequence | Making sure the config for the meta is correct is on it already | 15:41 |
zequence | I don't think W is open for business yet though. Haven't seen any annoncements | 15:43 |
OvenWerks | has a name though... | 15:44 |
zequence | http://ubuntuonair.com/ | 15:44 |
zequence | They usually announce it. They need to set up the build tools first, etc | 15:45 |
OvenWerks | So when ISOs start rolling everything is set, got it. | 15:48 |
zequence | They might have some problems with compilers, other things. Don't think they've had a lot of time since release to work on it. | 15:49 |
zequence | There's probably no archive to upload to yet either | 15:49 |
zequence | We can of course work on our branches in the mean time | 15:50 |
DalekSec | Yeah, nothing to upload to yet. I'm inpatient. | 15:50 |
DalekSec | -release topic will say, right now it only says Archive: Go For Beer | 15:51 |
DalekSec | Toolchain, then rest will follow | 15:51 |
zequence | Wonder how big the audience is for the keynote | 15:53 |
zequence | I'm in the IRC channel, and it's pretty empty | 15:53 |
DalekSec | Was busy. | 15:54 |
zequence | Ah, it's not live | 15:56 |
zequence | I'm kind of slow sometimes | 15:57 |
zequence | I'm soon off to pick up my ubuntu phone | 16:01 |
zequence | I've taken a quick look at the phone | 19:32 |
zequence | The system looks very much the same under neath | 19:32 |
zequence | The repos are all derived, and smaller. Filtered. | 19:32 |
zequence | You can find jackd, but no regular window applications from what I can see | 19:33 |
zequence | The version is not a regular Ubuntu release either | 19:34 |
zequence | I guess I need to find out a bit more about how this all works. What will happen when you add repos, or install GTK or QT apps | 19:35 |
OvenWerks | zequence: one has to remember the smaller memory footprint too. Both for RAM and non-volitile storage. | 22:15 |
* OvenWerks feels funny about call a chunk of memory a "disk" or "hard drive". | 22:15 | |
DalekSec | OvenWerks: You will have to update all the -artwork and -settings bzr branches though. | 22:17 |
OvenWerks | DalekSec: I don't think we call them by a version outside of changelog. | 22:18 |
OvenWerks | maybe I am missing something... | 22:19 |
DalekSec | Ah. | 22:19 |
* OvenWerks doesn't do the uploads | 22:19 |
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