
=== erkules_ is now known as erkules
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy Ferret Day! 😃09:05
tbris there a repository with the yaml files that I can look at? specifically the OEM files? I'd like to try and modify the x86_64 and the BBB files.12:16
ogra_tbr, sergiusens would know, but i think he is off this week12:17
tbrthanks anyway12:19
ogra_probably the description in the sotre gives a hint12:19
mrjazzcatI have a BBB with an old Angstrom still on the mmc and a lenghty uboot env.  I suspect that is messing with the stock BBB Ubuntu image, as I can't get that to boot.  Has anyone else ever seen that issue?  Does clearing the uboot environment fix it?  That's my next experiment.12:19
tbrI find snappy extremely interesting, but at the same time if you want to go beyond the most basic things you immediately run in the concrete wall of undocumented everything12:20
ogra_yeah, we need to work on that ...12:20
tbrI explicitly don't blame, but I can download tarballs of "random binaries" where I have no idea about provenance, licensing, compliance, anything.12:21
tbrI know the u-boot/kernel sources must be _somewhere_, but where and how the tarball came to be is again "magic"12:22
tbrI offered to help make the BBB image flashable, but fail at step zero and by FSM I'm not a person to give up easily if there is lack of documentation.12:23
ogra_i think snappy should grow some meta field for that ... like apt has with the Vcs-Bzr or Git tags12:23
tbror some manifest or metadata output12:23
tbrsomething where one can follow the breadcrumbs12:24
tbrthe fact that it's the third week in a row, where mostly everyone is not available doesn't help either.12:25
ogra_yeah, they were all at a sprint12:26
ogra_and this week is UOS...12:26
ogra_next week we'll all be back to normal operations12:27
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
tbrI think I had less problems to dive into MeeGo, set up my own OBS, rebuild the distro and have MIC spit out an image...12:29
tbrand by FSM that was a major pain in the back12:30
tbrogra_: actually I have to correct myself. I find it upsetting that https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/porting/ just points to a bag of binaries, with no checksum and no indication of GPL compliance.12:37
ogra_yeah, thats definitely an issue12:38
sergiusensogra_: no, not off this week12:38
ogra_i thought you were12:38
ogra_sergiusens, well, can you help tbr ?12:38
ogra_to find the right sources for OEM snaps12:38
sergiusenstbr: did you get the link? https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-systems if not12:38
dholbachif there are issues with the docs, can you please file a bug at https://launchpad.net/developer-ubuntu-com/+filebug please?12:38
ogra_sergiusens, and i think he has a valid point with the GPL compliance ...12:39
sergiusenstbr: u-boot sources -> lool12:39
ogra_we need to find a solution for that12:39
tbrsergiusens: come again? what about u-boot source?12:39
sergiusenstbr: the kernel comes from the debs12:40
sergiusenstbr: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/trunk/view/head:/live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/500-move-kernel-to-device-tar.binary12:40
sergiusenstbr: heh, lool is an irc nick :)12:41
sergiusenstbr: http://people.canonical.com/~lool/snappy-bbb/build12:41
sergiusenslool: how about we package u-boot for bbb and stick it in our ppa and I can create script that just grabs all the pieces?12:42
sergiusensand assembles the oem package12:42
loolsergiusens: perhaps we can just apply that to the u-boot package itself12:42
loolit's just a config addition IIRC12:42
tbrlool: umm, so does that archive the git sources or at least logs the git hash somewhere?12:43
sergiusenslool: the patch? are we using the same git branch?12:43
tbrlool: or do I need to try and build from upstream until I get a matching binary?12:43
looltbr: it's 2014.10 + the patch12:46
loolsergiusens: let's just put that patch there?12:46
loolit's a one line config change12:46
looltbr: yeah, you can try building every single revision with different compilers12:47
ogra_lool, well, it would still be nice to be able to get a summary of used source trees via a snappy command ... at least for the binaries that want to define them12:47
loologra_: like you can do on Android12:47
ogra_can you ?12:47
ogra_well, we're better than that :)12:48
loola lot of things would be nice  :-)12:48
loolthe development experience is still TBD12:48
loolwe should offer a space for metadata like this at that point12:48
loolthere's a source meta already12:48
ogra_snappy sources rpi2-oem12:48
sergiusenslool: ogra_ that's what the sources of sourcery is for12:48
ogra_and that would give you a list for source locations ...12:48
ogra_or some such12:48
sergiusenslool: ogra_  and readme.md is free for all text12:49
loolor make get-sources12:49
loolsergiusens: yup12:49
loolfor now: it's free-form, document things the way you want12:49
tbrsomething that puts you easily into something that /could/ be considered compliance by non anal people would be immensely appreciated. I'm not an GPL nazi and don't insist on GPLv2 compliance being only possible by mailing me a CD/DVD...12:50
ogra_we only mail packets of punchcards anyway ;)12:51
ogra_that more environment friendly than plastic disks12:51
tbrthat I'd like to see, but won't pay the postage for. ;->12:51
tbralso things are a bit more clear now 'UBOOT_BRANCH="v2014.10"' is a misnomer, as it's a tag not a branch12:52
tbrthat at least should narrow it down to /one/ state of the source tree, not an arbitrary point of a branch12:53
tbrone more question, where do I find the oem yaml files? is there a repository?13:02
ogra_tbr, i thought the first branch sergiusens pointed to had them13:04
tbrogra_: yeah, missed that I had it open already13:11
tbrhmm, that doesn't seem to indicate any specific kernel13:14
* tbr digs further down the rabbit hole13:14
ogra_tbr, it uses the kernel from the archive13:22
ogra_no magic involved here13:23
ogra_during build it does "apt-get install linux" ...13:23
=== elopio_ is now known as elopio
ogra_and that script above copies the binary bits around then13:23
tbrogra_: can I telll from the image or some _publicly_ available log which package was used?13:25
tbrbtw: where do I file a bug against releases.ubuntu.com? some of the images are not signed13:26
mwenninglool, ping13:27
tbrI mean if there is a bug in the kernel I'd like to know if I'm filing a bug against linux-image-foo-arch-bar version 42.23.5-1 or 42.23.5-66613:28
ogra_uname -a13:29
tbr.oO(pleas don't tell me to string the vmlinu* file)13:29
ogra_anything wrong with that ?13:31
tbrI mean I know that I can use uname on a _running_ system or string it, but did snappy really abolish all metadata?13:31
ogra_you'd file it against the linux product in LP and give the info of system-image-cli ... that would be the other option ...13:32
ogra_the person triaging can from that deduct which kernel was used ...13:32
tbrdenying me the possibility to try and easily figure it out myself. I mean it's great if canonical wants to sell consulting hours because nobody can figure it out, but on the other hand it might also have a bit of an impact on general adoption13:33
ogra_nobody denies you13:34
tbrlet me rephrase that: making debugging things a ginormous pain in the back because I have to ask about everything and hope that somebody maybe answers my plea for help. to word this a bit inflamatory.13:35
ogra_you can go to system-image.u.c weed through the index files, find the right rootfs stamp for your rootfs, then weed through the lifevs build logs, find the matching LP build ID for your rootfs build, go to the LP build job and read the log to find the kernel version that was used in that particular build13:35
tbrso there are logs?13:36
mrjazzcatmwenning:  Hey Mark.  I have a BBB with an older uboot environment.  That env is clearly f--king up my Snappy boot.  Did you have any trouble getting your stable Snappy image to boot?13:36
ogra_if you feel comfortable with that, you can indeed do it ... you asked how to file a bug though ... for that i'd just add uname -a or system-image-cli -i13:36
tbryeah, I tend to provide patches with my bugs...13:37
mrjazzcatmwenning:  If I just knew what variables were required, I'd fix it.  I deleted all of them, but that failed too.  Clearly there are dependencies.13:37
mrjazzcatmwenning:  Could boot to uboot and do a "printenv" for me?  That might solve it13:37
ogra_well, i would take the shortcut and use uname -a ... there should be matching tags on teh git tree at kernel.ubuntu.com13:37
tbris that documented somewhere? maybe it's a "no need to document things  for snappy as it's documented elsewhere" thing?13:39
loolmwenning: pong13:39
ogra_tbr, what, ubuntu kernel development ?13:40
ogra_not sure the tags and versioning are ... ask in #ubuntu-kernel i guess13:40
tbrogra_: I mean something more like "how do I piece things together and how do I reproduce an image, find build logs, etc"13:43
ogra_not yet, no ... and reproducing will be really hard, our image build infra is ratther complex13:43
ogra_i once wrote a tool for doing phone builds ... that could probably be re-vived for snappy13:44
tbrI'll try to summarize my points about lack of metadata and logs and such13:44
tbrand traceability of sources13:45
tbrI hope filing against "snappy-ubuntu" is the right thing? there are so many places...13:45
ogra_yeah, thats the generic landing place for snappy bugs13:46
ogra_http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ogra/project-rootstock-ng/trunk/view/head:/rootstock-touch would give you a rootfs tarball (if it would be modified for snappy) ... but thats only half the bits ...13:46
ogra_the creation of the system-image out of that lives in the system-image server ... you would have to assemble that part yourself ...13:47
ogra_and indeed it wouldnt be upgradeable since it wont be properly signed13:48
tbrso basically platform development is impossible unless you are privy to run your own builds on that aystem-image machine or just resort to screwing around with the files manually13:52
ogra_well, you patch deb packages for platform development .... thats what it boils down to13:52
ogra_since snappy is assembled from debs in the archive13:54
ogra_(except for u-boot in the BBB case)13:54
tbryeah, but you said I can't build my own image13:54
ogra_right, for testing you would make it temporary writable, make sure your patch works, send a debdiff or bzr merge proposal (or a git one now that LP can do git) ... and get it in one of  the next image builds13:55
skayogra_: we have a tool for building phone images too13:58
ogra_/join #ubuntu-uos-plenary14:04
loolAnyone seen such:17:30
lool2015/05/05 17:29:25 WARNING: [sc-filtergen --include-policy-dir=/var/lib/snappy/seccomp --policy-vendor=ubuntu-core --policy-version=15.04 --template=default --policy-groups=networking] failed17:30
loolnymi-forgerock_1.0.1_all.snap failed to install: exec: "sc-filtergen": executable file not found in $PATH17:30
loolsergiusens: ^ does that sound familiar?17:30
looljdstrand: ^ perhaps?17:31
loolthis is with:17:32
loolubuntu-core 2015-04-20 8       ubuntu17:32
loolbeagleblack 2015-04-21 1.7     canonical17:32
sergiusenslool: that's strange, it should be on the image17:34
Chipacalool: hmm17:35
Chipacalool: could you check whether you have sc-filtergen?17:35
Chipacai'm assuming no, but another option is that your path got buggered :)17:36
* Chipaca peers at nothal 17:38
nothalChipaca: pong17:38
Chipacanothal: some of your plugins don't expect you to be called something else17:38
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/webdm/vendor-and-description/+merge/258281 | No reviews (less than a day old)17:39
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stephen-stewart/webdm/install-progress-ui/+merge/258267 | No reviews (less than a day old)17:39
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stephen-stewart/webdm/success-and-failure-messaging-view/+merge/258266 | No reviews (less than a day old)17:39
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stephen-stewart/webdm/bem-html-css-for-great-justice/+merge/258265 | No reviews (less than a day old)17:39
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/webdm/sizeSupport/+merge/258144 | Approve: 1 (1 day old)17:39
Chipacaverterok: ça marche17:39
Chipacaverterok: except maybe it's missing the lp:snappy mps?17:39
loolChipaca: I didn't find it17:39
loolChipaca: where should it be?17:39
Chipacalool: /usr/bin/17:39
loolChipaca: nope17:41
lool(BeagleBoneBlack)ubuntu@localhost:~$ ls /usr/bin/sc*17:41
lool/usr/bin/scmp_sys_resolver  /usr/bin/script17:41
lool/usr/bin/scp                /usr/bin/scriptreplay17:41
mbroadsthi, is there a workflow for creating raw (like dd) images of snappy+snaps, for automating the build of a reproducible "releasable image" for a product?17:42
mbroadstlike ubuntu-core plus 2 or 3 snaps, all bundled together (without having to log in an load the snaps etc)17:43
ogra_mbroadst, there is ... using ubuntu-device-flash ... it has an --install option that allows you to install snaps from the store at build time17:43
sergiusenslool: your core image is boken if not there17:44
sergiusensnothal: are you operational?17:45
verterokChipaca: added snappy as a branch instead of project, maybe the multiple series confuses the bot17:45
verteroksergiusens: it should17:45
loolsergiusens: ok; thanks17:45
loolwill reflash17:45
* Chipaca -> dinner making and such17:57
sergiusenslool: what was your oem snap name for rpi2?18:23
sergiusensmvo: hey!18:24
mvohey sergiusens18:24
sergiusensmvo: rested a bit?18:24
mvosergiusens: yes, thanks! you too?18:24
sergiusensmvo: just a bit, I only arrived yeserday at 1AM, but took Monday off so feeling good and arrived to a bigger team today as well which felt good18:25
mvosergiusens: heh, true that18:28
sergiusensmvo: btw, to think about https://walledcity.com/supermighty/building-go-projects-with-gb18:31
beowulfsergiusens: want to enable bugs in webdm lp?18:35
sergiusensbeowulf: no, why would I want bugs?18:35
* sergiusens enables bug reporting18:35
sergiusensbeowulf: done18:36
beowulfsergiusens: ta18:49
loolasac: I'll be a few minutes late18:57
Chipacamvo: what was the hangout url? (you reached me on my phone the first time)19:00
loolasac: ok am on19:03
loolmvo: Poke on URL too19:03
mvosend it to you (both)19:08
Chipacaooh, look: code i hope to never need: https://github.com/dutchcoders/xmlgen20:26
beowulfChipaca: speaking of which, i need some reviews :)20:36
Chipacawha tac oincidence!20:36
Chipacabeowulf: explain to me why i need to review a 6k-line diff :)20:37
ChipacaELI5, even20:37
Chipacabeowulf: what does .destroy({stuff: blah}) do?20:38
Chipacabeowulf: only destroy things that match?20:38
beowulfChipaca: stuff: blah?20:39
Chipacabeowulf: dataType: 'html'20:39
beowulfChipaca: dataType: html ==> https://bugs.launchpad.net/webdm/+bug/145201120:40
Chipacabeowulf: and if we fix that, this code will need to change?20:40
beowulfChipaca: explain to me why it's 6k if 4k was removed and ~600 added :)20:40
beowulfChipaca: yes20:40
Chipacabeowulf: no (easy) way around that?20:40
beowulfChipaca: around which?20:41
Chipacabeowulf: having to change it20:41
beowulfChipaca: dataType: html20:41
Chipacabeowulf: do you have an example of a query that returns an empty response?20:41
Chipacabeowulf: am i spamming you with too many questions?20:41
beowulfChipaca: PUTs used to, they don't anymore20:41
beowulfChipaca: you're well within thresholds atm20:41
beowulfChipaca: i added the {} empty note just in case, as it catches people out20:42
Chipacaahh, gotcha20:42
Chipacai could fix this20:43
Chipacaanyway, approving the branch20:43
beowulfChipaca: i await your bikeshedding the 10 line diff in the next mp ;)20:43
* Chipaca was trying to learn! bikeshedding is more fun tho20:43
Chipacabeowulf: how would i go around running the js tests?20:45
beowulfChipaca: assuming you have cd www/ && npm install, karma start20:47
beowulfChipaca: i think i should put the test running into build.sh too20:47
Chipacabeowulf: i can do that in a bit if you want20:48
beowulfChipaca: feel free https://bugs.launchpad.net/webdm/+bug/145202720:48
Chipacai didn't know this BEM thing20:49
beowulfChipaca: i also plan to move all the gulp, npm stuff into the project root https://bugs.launchpad.net/webdm/+bug/145202820:49
beowulfChipaca: BEM is kinda hard, but really helps keep CSS maintainable, among other things20:51
Chipacai have some hope of understanding the css :)20:51
Chipacabeowulf: should all error responses also be json?20:54
beowulfChipaca: everything20:55
beowulfChipaca: orthe client needs to know, otherwise it'll throw an error trying to parse text as json20:56
* Chipaca looks at code that does fmt.Fprint(w, fmt.Sprintf(...)) and wonders if sergiusens knows about fmt.Fprintf21:01
sergiusensChipaca: MP that please!21:02
Chipacasergiusens: no21:02
Chipacasergiusens: am killing it in a different way :)21:02
Chipacasergiusens: making all errors be json21:03
sergiusensChipaca: yes, I have that in scope, and would welcome21:04
Chipacasergiusens: does your vi convert tabs to spaces?21:24
sergiusensChipaca: no, my goimports runner21:24
Chipacasergiusens: so if i change tabs to spaces in webdm's README.md, all is good?21:25
sergiusensChipaca: save hook, pre buf write or however you want to call it21:25
sergiusensChipaca: oh, yeah go for it21:25
Chipacanot in all of it21:25
Chipacajust in the bits that will make the here document work21:25
sergiusensChipaca: you can feel good now that I'm finally able to look at those MPs ;-)21:29
sergiusensChipaca: for error response btw, if you are going to do that, not sure if it's best to expand the response struct or jst use that as it is21:29
Chipacasergiusens: was tempted to put it in structs, but then thought it better to just send strings21:31
Chipacasergiusens: huzzah for reviews, btw21:33
Chipacasergiusens: build.sh fails complaining about www/public not existing; do i need to mkdir that?21:35
sergiusensChipaca: hmmm, never saw that, did you do the npm install dance?21:36
Chipacasergiusens: yep21:36
Chipacasergiusens: got a few warnings, that i ignored21:36
Chipacapm WARN engine imagemin@3.1.0: wanted: {"node":">=0.10.0","npm":">=2.1.5"} (current: {"node":"0.10.25","npm":"1.4.21"})21:36
Chipacaand two about fsevents21:37
Chipacathree actually21:37
ChipacaBuilding web assets with gulp...21:38
Chipaca--gulpfile www/gulpfile.js21:38
Chipacacp: cannot stat ‘www/public’: No such file or directory21:38
Chipacasergiusens: ^ that's the full output of build.sh21:38
sergiusensChipaca: npm install as the ready me says; I guess we can automate that in build.sh21:39
sergiusensChipaca: but npm feels rather fragile from my little xp with it21:39
Chipacasergiusens: i did the two npm installs21:39
Chipacaas per the readme21:39
sergiusensChipaca: heh, then beowulf to the rescue21:39
Chipacaalso had to mkdir ~/node, which i added to the readme21:39
sergiusenshe always complains about go being broken; now we get to nag him :-)21:40
Chipacasergiusens: could you show me what an "npm install" run looks like for you?21:41
sergiusensChipaca: sure21:42
sergiusensChipaca: btw, if you build snappy, copy it to a kvm and replace /usr/bin/snappy, does everything still work for you?21:42
sergiusensChipaca: I get this weird thing operation not supported21:42
sergiusenshello-world failed to install: unpack /tmp/hello-world788964914 to /apps/hello-world.canonical/1.0.14 failed with exit status 121:42
Chipacasergiusens: as much as i tried, yes21:43
sergiusensduring unpack21:43
Chipacasergiusens: hm! anything in dmesg?21:43
Chipacasergiusens: is that with trunk?21:43
Chipacasergiusens: or with copyfile?21:43
sergiusensChipaca: it's with the arch one (which includes copyfile), but I suspect I'll see the same with trunk21:44
sergiusensChipaca: yeah, even trunk fails for me21:47
Chipacasergiusens: works here on amd6421:47
sergiusensChipaca: so it works except for unpack here21:48
Chipacasergiusens: df ?21:49
sergiusensChipaca: did you follow the npm instructions even if it didn't make sense? and are you running npm from the npm dir or the system wide one?21:49
sergiusensChipaca: the problem is, if I revert to the original snappy binary everything is dandy21:49
sergiusensChipaca: I wonder if it's trusty related since unpack does some syscalls21:50
sergiusensChipaca: darn, forgot to set the buffer for the terminal, npm install overflowed21:50
Chipacasergiusens: i'll start over with them npm malarkey21:50
sergiusensChipaca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10992420/ that's the end of it from a clean branch run from within ./www21:51
Chipacathat's fairly similar, alhtough i didn't have the "npm http" lines (maybe you've got debug on or sth)21:52
sergiusensChipaca: I am running the latest npm bootstrapped from the system's npm21:54
sergiusensChipaca: oh, maybe not21:54
sergiusenswhich npm21:54
sergiusensChipaca: I do have /home/sergiusens/node/bin in my path (which only contains gulp)21:55
Chipacayep, ditto21:55
Chipacaand npm --version is 1.4.21 here21:55
Chipacathat's apparently fairly old though21:55
sergiusensChipaca: I have 1.3.1021:55
Chipacasergiusens: and what do you have in www/public ?21:55
sergiusensChipaca: however this worked fine when I was on vivid too21:56
Chipacasergiusens: what do you have in www/public ?21:58
sergiusensChipaca: s public only gets populated with gulp I believe since an npm install did nothing with public21:59
sergiusensChipaca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10992476/21:59
Chipacagulp thinks it's echo22:04
Chipacasomething is rather wrong22:04
sergiusensChipaca: huh?22:11
Chipacasergiusens: gulp thinks it's echo22:11
Chipacanot sure how that's happening22:11
Chipacatrying to debug :)22:11
sergiusensChipaca: maybe some function you have somewhere22:12
Chipacanot that22:12
Chipacatried strace22:12
sergiusensChipaca: does the npm dir precede the system ones?22:12
Chipaca'which gulp' points to the right place22:12
Chipacadon't have a gulp alias nor function22:12
Chipacastrace shows that the right thing is exec'ed22:13
Chipacathrew it all away and started over22:13
sergiusensChipaca: how about running it with the absolute path?22:13
sergiusensChipaca: just proves npm is rather flaky :-P22:13
Chipacadammit, same thing22:14
sergiusensChipaca: added one comment to https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/copyfile/+merge/25807822:15
sergiusensat the very end22:15
Chipacayou are correct :)22:16
* Chipaca fixes22:16
Chipacasergiusens: fixed & pushed22:17
Chipacawrt gulp, i'm an idiot; i didn't realize and it *wasn't* picking up the right gulp. sorry for the timewaste.22:22
sergiusensChipaca: what was it picking up?22:24
Chipacasergiusens: ~/bin/gulp22:26
Chipacawhich was a symlink to /bin/echo22:26
sergiusensChipaca: one comment for https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/deprecated-architectures/+merge/25811222:27
sergiusensChipaca: and I'll let you set the commit message22:27
Chipacasergiusens: you mean why not invert the if/else?22:28
sergiusensChipaca: yes, the == nil is empty22:30
sergiusensChipaca: one comment here too https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/description/+merge/25827622:30
Chipacasergiusens: no, the == nil is not empty22:30
sergiusensChipaca: hmm, it looked empty here :-P let me refresh just in case22:30
Chipacano need to refresh; you've just missed it22:31
Chipacait's a white line in a sea of red and green22:31
sergiusensChipaca: ah22:31
=== benoitc_ is now known as benoitc
sergiusensChipaca: the all case!22:31
sergiusensChipaca: how does not hal tell me what's next in queue22:32
Chipacasergiusens: @activereviews ?22:32
nothalChipaca: No existe esa orden!22:33
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/webdm/vendor-and-description/+merge/258281 | No reviews (less than a day old)22:33
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/description/+merge/258276 | Needs Information: 1 (less than a day old)22:33
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/vendor/+merge/258272 | No reviews (less than a day old)22:33
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~jamesodhunt/snappy/install.yaml/+merge/256925 | Needs Information: 1, Needs Fixing: 1 (13 days old)22:33
Chipaca@thank you22:33
nothalChipaca: No existe esa orden!22:33
nothalChipaca: No existe esa orden!22:33
* Chipaca hugs nothal 22:34
* nothal hugs Chipaca 22:34
Chipacasergiusens: about "# blah", i don't think we're doing that22:36
Chipacasergiusens: i mean, if in the readme.md you put “# yadda” as the first line, that goes in verbatim22:36
sergiusensChipaca: that's bad /me things22:37
Chipacathe whole "make a half-arsed parser of the readme.md and use that to populate things that should be in the package.yaml anyway" is an excellent idea, we should do more of it22:38
* Chipaca is being mean22:38
* Chipaca stops22:38
sergiusensChipaca: please no22:38
sergiusensChipaca: I wish I was part of the team before this idea flourished :-)22:38
Chipacasergiusens: we should make the readme be html, and parse it with regexps22:39
sergiusensChipaca: that's what I was forced to do with cdimage fwiw, system-image was a welcomed addition in that respect ;-)22:41
Chipacasee? told you it was a good idea22:41
* Chipaca runs22:41
sergiusensChipaca: good thing that we can get rid of readme.md and I would make it top level as that's what github renders by default anyways22:42
sergiusensChipaca: we just need to proposed it22:42
Chipacasergiusens: we should. and add any and all fields to the package.yaml, i think22:42
sergiusensChipaca: +1 on that22:43
Chipacai *imagine* the reason for not having everything in there is to allow people to change the metadata without reuploading22:43
sergiusensChipaca: then the readme.md in itself is useless22:43
Chipacaoh, the readme.md thing is wrong from any angle you look at it22:44
sergiusensharr harr22:44
Chipacadrat, being mean again. i said i'd stop22:44
Chipacai blame you :)22:44
sergiusensChipaca: trolling is contaigeous22:45
sergiusensChipaca: can you merge trunk for https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/webdm/vendor-and-description/+merge/258281 ?22:45
Chipaca... maybe22:45
Chipacasergiusens: merged and pushed22:49
Chipacasergiusens: do you still need information on https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/description/+merge/258276 ?22:56
sergiusensChipaca: no, you answered my question22:58
sergiusensChipaca: maybe a TODO to get rid of it would be good though :-)22:59
sergiusensChipaca: meh, maybe just a trello23:01
sergiusensChipaca: oh, description is in the landing pipe, do you mind updating dependencies.tsv in https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/webdm/vendor-and-description/+merge/258281 ?23:04
sergiusensonce the merge completes23:04
sergiusensbeowulf: I'm liking that new progress bar :-)23:05
Chipacasergiusens: sure23:19
Chipacasergiusens: you around still?23:32
sergiusensChipaca: yeah, just went for abit23:33
sergiusensbut also leaving soonish, movie night tonight :-)23:33
Chipacasergiusens: could you try this in your setup (in webdm) plz?23:33
sergiusensChipaca: try what?23:33
Chipacasergiusens: (cd wwww && xvfb-run ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start --single-run)23:33
sergiusensChipaca: xvfb-run?23:34
Chipacasergiusens: maybe one w less in the cd23:34
sergiusensChipaca: ok, I'll try with 3 w's and I'll apt install xvfb before that23:34
Chipacait's getting late here23:34
sergiusensyeah :-P23:34
sergiusensI'm trolling though :-)23:35
Chipacai'd call that bantering, not trolling23:35
sergiusensChipaca: so what does that do? ah, the tests, right?23:35
sergiusensChipaca: roll that in!23:36
sergiusensChipaca: so what is your opinion on icons?23:36
Chipacasergiusens: i had a friend who collected them23:36
sergiusensChipaca: nice23:36
Chipacasergiusens: especially the ones from the orthodox russian branch23:36
sergiusensChipaca: what about broken ones? do you know of an svg linter we could use?23:37
* Chipaca stops talking about gilded pictures of dead people23:37
Chipacasergiusens: how are they broken?23:37
sergiusensChipaca: they don't render in browsers23:37
sergiusensChipaca: error on line 500 at column 62: Namespace prefix xlink for href on image is not defined23:38
Chipacasergiusens: not for things that aren't even valid xml, no23:42
sergiusensChipaca: webdm is supposedly sending the right content-type http://paste.ubuntu.com/10993117/23:44
sergiusensChipaca: and I did find some proper svgs that do work last time I looked and I bet this is the reason the store converts svgs to pngs store side23:45
sergiusensI could always just download them as before, but I want a better solution23:45
Chipacasergiusens: where would this cleaner run?23:46
Chipacasergiusens: because inkscape is fairly good at that, running headless, but not something i'd want us to ship in core ;)23:47
Chipacainkscape python-xkcd-webserver/meta/xkcd.svg --export-plain-svg /tmp/xkcd.svg23:48
Chipacasergiusens: ^ fixes it23:48
sergiusensChipaca: no, but maybe snappy build can do that23:49
sergiusensChipaca: maybe let's do this for now on the packages themselves23:49
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/webdm/json-responses/+merge/258324 | No reviews (less than a day old)23:50
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/webdm/vendor-and-description/+merge/258281 | No reviews (less than a day old)23:50
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~jamesodhunt/snappy/install.yaml/+merge/256925 | Needs Information: 1, Needs Fixing: 1 (13 days old)23:50
Chipacasergiusens: deps updated23:56
sergiusensChipaca: ok, seems we are good for now23:57
sergiusensChipaca: tomorrow I can tentatively update webdm in the store :-)23:58

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