[00:00] shaggycat: dtigue: thx, I will check them [00:00] mojtaba, we have nagios setup to send out email alerts and/or text alerts to certain individuals depending on what goes wrong, sometimes we have it send the alerts to both email and text to EVERYONE at the company [00:00] zabbix monstr, but with more features. Good solution for simple networks [00:01] monit very light solution, [00:01] I've not tried monit yet, but I've heard that it is really good too [00:01] and nagios may be goold middle [00:02] zabbix is considerably better than nagios [00:02] if for no reasons other than not being a 1970s architecture with nothing but config files, having templates and proper inheritance and an actual functional webGUI. [00:02] zabbix for big companyes need powerfull cluster. Nagios on one server can monitoring hundreds hosts. Becouse it, I think, Zabbix is better solution for simple networks. For three host it can run on light VPS [00:03] i've got a two VM setup monitoring a little over 2200 hosts right now [00:03] 12GB ram for percona DB, 4GB for app server. [00:03] and it can monitoring more and more on this 3 hosts [00:03] partitioning, no housekeeping, runs like a raped ape [00:03] Parabola, sweet, I'll have to check out zabbix [00:03] :) [00:03] the zabbix channel is very helpful too [00:04] ok so i have a question! windows and linux cannot decide on which monitor is primary / 1. [00:04] so in windows the left is primary, in linux its the right. so all my steam games start on the wrong (right) screen, how can i change this without unplugging the damn things [00:09] Dnuke not what it use to be? Now you have to pay for full version? Anyone know the best way to complete delete a HDD before you put Linux on it and donate it? [00:09] http://www.dban.org/download [00:09] dban. [00:09] oh [00:09] wtf [00:09] avoid cursing please === tedward is now known as tedward_ [00:11] If I have a bash script that needs to use a script in a relative directory, how do I account for the directory the user is running from? [00:12] eg if I have bin/foo.sh, and that calls ../utils/bar.sh, how do I make this work without requiring the usr to call bin/foo.sh from a specific directory? === AMERICAN_PSYCHO is now known as AMERICA__ [00:13] alno this is not exactly an Ubuntu question, but more of a bash question you might have better luck in another room [00:14] if bar.sh does not move, you can call it using the full address [00:14] Parabola, a little different than you remember?! === chudgins is now known as weblover [00:15] How can I get virsh to tell me where configuration files for the VM's are stored [00:19] Hello [00:19] hey [00:20] Why do not you sleep? [00:21] why i should do that? [00:23] Sorry,I forgot about our time zones,I'm from Russia,we 3am)) [00:26] designbybeck: yeah, there should be a free version that wipes just the same [00:26] I'm trying to boot off it now Parabola but I think this donated system has other issues at the moment [00:26] ha [00:28] Parabola, this is a old Dell XPS 2GB RAM Intel Core Duo [00:28] I'm trying 12.04 right now [00:29] why go that old? :) [00:30] oh that sucks, if i make the resolutions of my two displays different, the 144hz refresh display becomes choppy as hell [00:30] designbybeck: re: the earlier, use 'dd' to zero fill mechanical hard disks. [00:30] so one cant be in native resolution, great. [00:30] reason 4,382 why linux sucks on desktops [00:31] so, guys, i got openjdk7 from software and then tried to download Minecraft. I couldn't find openjdk7 to open it with. How do i do that? [00:31] hmm daftykins but I have to boot into some Linux Distro first right? ... can't seem to get off the Ubuntu ..... screen [00:31] Tried ElemnteryOS as well and it hung there also [00:31] karen_: there are roughly 1 million guides online with how to run minecraft, typically you download a .jar for it and run that with java [00:31] karen_: google, your classpath isnt set properly, or you didnt install what you actually need, theres a million howtos for minecraft [00:31] best not to speak of elementary in here :) we do not support it [00:32] Parabola: i'm not entirely following you there, re: screen issues [00:32] Well currently it is Ubuntu 12.04.05 32bit [00:32] ok [00:33] daftykins: i have a 144hz monitor, it works great (at the proper refresh) when both screens are set to 1920x1080.. but my secondary display native is 1900x1200 [00:34] oh right, over what interface cable types? [00:34] daftykins: if i set it to the native, the primary (144hz) is laggy as hell, and tears, and feels like 10hz [00:34] daftykins: the dual dvi for the 144hz, regular dvi for the secondary [00:34] i do kind chuckle at people buying those things these days [00:34] its not a cable issue, windows has no issues with it [00:34] that's not what i was suggesting [00:34] daftykins: if you arent trash at FPS's you notice a huge improvement with it [00:34] so chuckle away. [00:35] again you misunderstand and take it seemingly a bit personally 0o [00:35] you made a snide comment about it being silly to buy a 144hz monitor [00:35] it's just interesting as you get older and see what becomes the norm [00:35] how was i supposed to take it :) [00:35] no i did not [00:36] my apologies, its how i interpreted it [00:36] well not assuming the worst tends to be wise [00:36] who said humans are wise [00:36] aaaaaanyway, i've often been asked to look at issues with those such displays and most of the time they didn't even seem to be running at their top-end refresh from Linux desktops [00:37] yep, guy who recommended the particular one i purchased hadn't been [00:37] it wasnt until i mentioned needing the dual link and he goes "dual what?" [00:37] he had used his previous cables and not changed a thing, had the display like 8 months hehe [00:37] mmm single link being limited to 160MHz TMDS and all [00:38] hes a programmer, cant blame him [00:38] they do tend to be amusingly bad at hardware [00:38] alright, so i'm going to chalk this issue up to AMD drivers [00:38] maybe a restart of X, is there a sane way to like, init 3 then 5 in ubuntu [00:38] oh AMD :( [00:38] what with all this upstart malarky [00:38] no there are no runlevels in ubuntu [00:38] daftykins: crossfire at that! [00:38] 2x 270x cards [00:39] ugh [00:39] haha, again with them both at 1900x1080 its fine, x-fire, 144hz, all works great [00:39] i don't know how 15.04 changes things assuming it's that, but before 'sudo service lightdm restart' did it [00:39] minus my secondary panel looking "weird" [00:39] might just be easier to reboot [00:39] i think i'll have a reboot, be right back! [00:39] no fun there [00:39] ha [00:40] i cannot change TTY, i just get blank displays [00:40] so uh, reboot might be what i have to do === nathanleclaire_ is now known as nathanleclaire [00:40] doing lightdm restart, just for you [00:41] hot damn! it actually worked [00:42] xfire appears to still be enabled, on the proper display, the primary display has been changed, the secondary panel is at native resolution, and the primary has no tearing [00:42] daftykins: this install of mine, dual boot on fakeraid, x-fire, AMD drivers :) [00:42] its a house of cards, next to an oscillating fan [00:42] !ot [00:42] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [00:43] :-\ its not like anyone else was talking, sorry. === DarkDevil is now known as darkdevil [00:55] I was wondering if anyone has gotten Rift to work lately? I am having issues getting into the game. [00:56] never heard of it [00:58] I haven't tried for a while [00:59] It was working fine last week now I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 and I cant get it to work at all. It installs but doesnt run after install. [01:00] !find rift [01:00] Found: python-thrift, drift, driftnet, golang-thrift-dev, libthrift-java [01:01] Rift is a MMO game made by Trion Worlds for windows only. [01:02] 什么情况。 [01:02] cestes9_, check the appdb, then /join #winehq [01:02] I have tried to install it with crossover, playonlinux, and wine. I get the same thing. It starts with nothing but a black screen and after two seconds it errors out but I get no debug information. [01:02] !appdb [01:02] The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [01:03] cestes9_, ^ [01:03] okay thanx. This is my first time in the IRC channels. [01:03] !cn | JingPing [01:03] JingPing: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw [01:10] Hi guys, I have an issue with shell script. It runs as expected when run standalone, but only a part runs via crontab. help? [01:10] rajee, what is your shell script? [01:11] best to put it into a pastebin and post it somewhere [01:15] est31: http://pastebin.com/WG1n5RR3 [01:16] rajee, you can't run dialog as a cronjob directly [01:17] this is because it cron doesn't provide an actual terminal [01:17] only stdout [01:18] est31, does it mean that dialog needs a terminal to open? [01:19] yes rajee [01:20] rajee, man gnome-terminal [01:21] est31: thanks, but is there a way to open a dialog box on system reboot [01:22] I guess so, what do you want to achieve? [01:22] at which reboot stage? [01:22] at every boot, or only reboot? [01:22] before a user logs in, or after? === norm is now known as Guest65170 [01:23] est31: Just want a dialog box with a welcome message, or run random quotes from a list every time I turn on my mac [01:23] kostkon: Hi, I'm using mac OS [01:23] hey guys, i am having a problem with libre office. Anytime i go to open a document with libre office writer it will crash my screen momentarily, flash a screen like im rebooting and giving me system checks then a few seconds later im at a login screen for my user. [01:24] rajee, this is the ubuntu channel, not a channel for mac OS [01:24] I tried uninstalling and reinstalling from the software center but no success. === MatthewsFace is now known as MatthewsFace[SEA [01:24] on 14.04 i didnt havent a problem but 15.04 i do. [01:25] est31: hmm, based on linux. I could try this on my ubuntu too. [01:27] RepThis1, try deleting the libreoffice config folder in ~/.config [01:29] kostkon: just the libreoffice folder in /config ? [01:29] RepThis1, yes, not the whole .config folder [01:31] RepThis1, oh it also causes your session to crash. Try, also, going into its settings and disable anything that has to do with hardware acceleration, effects etc. [01:32] kostkon: how do i do that [01:32] RepThis1, and also disable the experimental features if the option is on [01:33] kostkon: idk where those options are located? [01:34] RepThis1, start libreoffice without opening a document and then click on Tools -> Options [01:38] I was looking on the man-pages and I've seen somewhere that there is a github repository of a NEWER version. But I can't think of what the project is called ? Apparently, you can be rescued from not knowing what's going on by adding the guthub pages .. Does anyone know what it's called ? [01:38] RepThis1, did you upgrade or is it a clean install? [01:38] kostkon: looks like when i disabled anti-ali. hardward accl. and enabled force opengl it solved it. [01:39] RepThis1, nice, that's good news [01:39] thx for the help, now i can go back to attacking iran. [01:39] RepThis1, np [01:40] leaves. [02:01] hi i just upgraded to 15.04 and noticed that horizontal scrolling is inverted now, how can i change it back [02:07] Hey Ubuntu community :) - having to understand "ln" (link). Someone free to help a nOOb? [02:07] To make it short i need to link /desktop/Minetest with /.minetest [02:08] properly, this time! [02:08] symbolic or hard link? [02:08] wait [02:08] YvesLevier, the rule to remember is ln -s target source [02:08] you can't hard link a directory [02:08] so as per pavlos above [02:08] pavlos: do i have to remove earlier link? [02:09] i dont know what i made wrong [02:09] YvesLevier, no, you can have many sym links [02:09] good [02:09] on it ;) [02:10] helo [02:14] So, I downloaded Debian and was stable as fuck. Why do you even continue this crappy distro of yours? [02:15] It is a nice distribution. [02:15] Andy__: don't feed the trolls [02:16] Guest24790: :) [02:16] somsip: haha [02:16] Nice to help our community guys. [02:17] im trying to apply (and kindly understand) what im doing in Linux [02:17] ;) [02:18] Guest24790, Ubuntu will continue as long as there is an economic or social motive for people to maintain it. [02:19] Andy__: If you wish to have that conversation, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic This is the support channel. Thank you === QuinnStorm is now known as RtMF [02:20] Andy_ what come to be economical motivation on free software [02:21] * Andy__ /join #ubuntu-offtopic [02:21] Guest24790: hard cash [02:21] YOU MEAN BITCOINS [02:22] coin is hard cash? [02:22] bitcoins aren't hard [02:22] somsip the discussion has already went that direction. It is not offtopic. [02:37] Hello, I've got an unusual issue: I have some floppy disks formatted using windows 98, and though they still read on my old windows 98 system Ubuntu claims it cannot mount them [02:37] any idea why this might be? [02:38] The driver on Ubuntu to read that file system is supposed to mimic the behavior of the driver for Windows. [02:39] It is not perfect. [02:40] ah, I also tried the same thing on a Windows Vista VM, which claimed it was not formatted [02:40] so I take it there must be some very very strange formatting differences between win98 and newer windows [02:41] jwesleycooper: or the floppies are borked [02:41] no, they read just find in win98 [02:41] jwesleycooper: what FS? [02:41] not sure, just used "format a" in a w98 command line [02:42] jwesleycooper: offtopic here, but here's a hint http://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/s66jt/144_floppy_disks_strange_incompatibility_between/ [02:42] ok, thanks somsip === NeoxAix is now known as xAix [02:45] There may be undocumented differences between how Windows 98 handles file systems and how other versions of Windows handles file systems. If they were not documented, then the makers of Linux could not know how to mimic them. [02:45] @Andy__: that would not surprise me [03:12] I'm having a problem when trying to uninstall some packages. [03:13] I tried to uninstall gscan2pdf using "sudo apt-get autoremove gscan2pdf" and the system told me it was going to uninstall all my nvidia drivers! [03:13] just do sudo apt-get remove gscan2pdf [03:14] it will remove just that package [03:14] but are you sure that there aren't any critical packages that depend on it? [03:14] logcat7: But using "remove" instead of "autoremove" doesn't uninstall the dependencies gscan2pdf relies on. [03:15] logcat7: I don't know it there's any critical package that depends on it. [03:15] "autoremove is used to remove packages that were automatically [03:15] installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that are no [03:15] more needed. " [03:16] logcat7: See what I mean: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10988012/ [03:16] logcat7: If I uninstall those drivers, I'll not be able to use my video card. [03:17] Not too familiar with apt so aside from explicitly installing the nvidia drivers, I am not sure I can help you [03:17] logcat7: No problem. I appreciate your help. :-) === devuser is now known as pepigno75 === pepigno75 is now known as devuser [03:27] How unsafe is it to run Lucid? [03:28] exit [03:28] jfcaron: Why don't you just upgrade? === beisner- is now known as beisner [03:40] how i do autoclean in terminal again? [03:45] sudo apt-get autoclean [03:48] My ubuntu install randomly freezes, mouse and keyboard doesnt work, nothing happens on the screens but they show the last thing they were displaying, youtube video of firefox keeps playing [03:52] can someone help me [03:53] dafdafads, with? [03:53] when i do startx in systemrescuecd the windows are glitchy i cant see them [03:55] Just happened again, what logs I need to give you? I have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS [03:56] i hate n00buntu [03:58] Hello. [03:59] Anyone here? [04:00] No one, really? [04:00] 1738 of us humanoids here ;P [04:01] Well, I'm glad someone can talk. [04:01] Because I need to know if anyone actually uses Unity. [04:02] drfoobaz, nobody can give me some advice on my issue? [04:03] drfoobaz: %'s are high that someone out there uses unity ;) [04:03] al2o3-cr: I'm one of them. Trying to get over the shame. [04:03] urielsalis_: What's your issue? [04:03] My ubuntu install randomly freezes, mouse and keyboard doesnt work, nothing happens on the screens but they show the last thing they were displaying, youtube video of firefox keeps playing [04:03] Ubuntu gnome 14.04LTS [04:04] Well... [04:04] You *could* install Vivid Vervet. I'm sure a fresh install would fix things. [04:04] But that's probably way more than you need to do. [04:04] Otherwise, I don't know enough to help you much. [04:04] drfoobaz, Is a fresh install, 3 time it happens [04:05] (on different installs) [04:05] urielsalis: Damn. Are you using uncommon hardware? [04:05] Because Ubuntu is usually the one distro that "just works." [04:06] no uncommon hardware, had ubuntu, arch, gentoo, mint, Windows 7 and 8 and it worked fine in all of them [04:07] hey im building a new system, does intel 4600 desktop graphics work at 4k 60hz? And would it be enough to drive unity? [04:07] rayj, integrated gpu would not run well at 4k [04:07] rayj, dont even count 60 fps [04:07] rayj: It's enough to power Unity though. [04:09] rayj: Although not as lightweight as some alternatives, Unity's compositing effects aren't very intensive. [04:09] k. I hadn't looked at intel GPU in awhile, would something like this work http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500367&cm_re=fanless_nvidia-_-14-500-367-_-Product [04:10] my recomendation for future proof graphic cards: R9 270X or GTX 780/790 [04:10] Is that brand trustworthy, guys? I've never heard of it. [04:10] Yeah, urielsalis_ is right. [04:10] r9 270x has less ports though [04:11] zotac does barebones atom-based micro-PC's too [04:11] Atom. I don't know what to say. [04:11] * urielsalis_ recommends the potato masher [04:12] drfoobaz: what do you mean? [04:13] rayj, potato masher: http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/2rlouc/build_ready_the_potato_masher/ add more disk space, maybe more ram and its a perfect pc [04:13] zerowaitstate: Most people tend to associate Atom processors with that gone-by thing called a netbook. [04:13] drfoobaz: they make decent terminal clients and set-up boxes [04:13] drfoobaz: as long as you don't need floating point, atom is okay [04:14] drfoobaz: thing about Atom is power use, just like ARM [04:14] zerowaitstate: Sure. I just probably couldn't bring myself to use a PC with one. [04:14] that's exactly what a set-top box is [04:14] well, Im going to update to 14.10 to see if that fixes it [04:14] urielsalis: Why not 15? [04:14] drfoobaz, steam [04:15] urielsalis_: Explain. Am I ignorant of something important? [04:15] drfoobaz: you can also use them as low power network appliances for control, etc. [04:15] drfoobaz, there is not an official release of steam for 15.04, tried to set it up manually and it crashed all the time [04:15] drfoobaz: although stuff like Raspberry Pi is usually better for that [04:15] drfoobaz, + ati drivers are crap [04:16] urielsalis_: confirmed [04:17] So when is Steam expected to arrive? [04:17] drfoobaz: steam has arrived, steam appliance has not [04:17] When valve wants [04:17] That sounds terrible. [04:18] I think valve is waiting for Microsoft to dig the grave as deep as possible first [04:18] Soon™ [04:18] zerowaitstate: What do you mean? [04:18] we're in a bad spot right now for major investment in entertainment devices [04:19] consoles are a loss-leading exercise [04:19] timing is everything [04:20] ps4 and xbone fails, steam releases console, steam runs all the market [04:21] Something like an official Valve Steambox, you mean? [04:21] yup [04:21] Seems right. [04:22] right now we're in a business cycle contraction (a pre-recession, if you will). Companies are tightening up [04:22] history classes again yay [04:23] merely saying that selling a device purchased with discretionary income during a recession isn't the best business strategy [04:23] * desiderato Boa Noite!!! [04:24] Im not sure what is worst, recession while studing, or when you just got out of university [04:25] urielsalis_: recession doesn't matter while studying, since you aren't part of the Real World yet [04:25] mint ftw [04:25] urielsalis_: it sucks if you are trying to find entry-level work, though [04:25] quakart: Install Gentoo. [04:25] can someone help me i have this problem https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=196352 [04:25] but how you maintain yourself? zerowaitstate [04:25] Thats better? [04:25] ffff_ What is it? [04:25] !ot [04:25] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [04:25] look at the picture in the link [04:26] ffff_: are you running Arch linux? [04:26] quakart: It's a joke, a meme. [04:26] ubuntu [04:26] but i have the same problem [04:26] oh k lol [04:26] quakart: Most people would never use it. [04:26] kinda new in linux world [04:26] quakart: To install, it makes you compile all of your packages. [04:27] whoa [04:27] quakart: this is the ubuntu support conf. Nothing to do with mint or gentoo [04:27] yea i got ubuntu [04:27] somsip: I was just explaining the install gentoo meme. [04:27] drfoobaz: and...it's done [04:27] i was jokin about mint xD [04:27] quakart: ok, do you have a support question? [04:28] somsip: Wait, is this actually the support channel? o.O [04:28] drfoobaz: yes - see !topic [04:28] can anybody help me wih my problem for the love of jesus [04:28] ffff_: sup [04:28] ffff_: explain your actual problem, don't link to someone else's [04:29] somsip: Oh, I feel stupid. I assumed this was a general channel and there was another support one. [04:29] drfoobaz: no biggie - /j #ubuntu-offtopic to continue === gerald is now known as Guest91745 [04:29] ok when i do startx i cant see anything in the windows somettimes hightlighting will help and moving my cursor but it only makes the screen glitchier [04:30] ffff_: you should not be using startx [04:30] if i move the windows it starts to look a bit like what happens in microsoft windows [04:30] drfoobaz: I'm on the other channel if you want to continue convo [04:30] what should i be using [04:30] ffff_: systemd [04:30] hey guys. I've been experiencing wifi auto connect, not working on a reboot or the first power up of my laptop. I noticed this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1354924 and post no. 50 fixed it. I was wondering do I need to tell them that this also occurs on xubuntu??? So far it's working really well [04:30] Launchpad bug 1354924 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Networkmanager does not autoconnect to wireless network" [Medium,Confirmed] [04:30] zerowaitstate: I don't even remember what we were talking about, but I joined. [04:30] ffff_: "sudo service lightdm start" , but it should start on its own [04:31] so does this mean xorg is obsolete [04:31] no [04:32] Anyone know if ubuntu is planning a /usr merge? [04:32] Hey! I want to partition my root drive (SSD) so i can install windows alongside it. How can I do this? Do I need a live disk or something? I DO NOT want to overwrite any of my files, i just want to use up my unused disk space [04:32] whats a systemrescuecd alternative [04:32] nahtnam: yes get a live disk [04:33] ffff_: what does that have to do with your issue [04:33] im going to try to fix it [04:33] function9x: Ubuntu live disk or windows live disk? I have both. [04:34] windows live disk? Is that possible O.o [04:34] urielsalis_: Oh no [04:34] its not but partition is part of the install [04:35] I am assuming ubuntu install disk. Can someone confirm? [04:35] night! [04:35] urielsalis_: Gn [04:36] any stripe chat room? [04:36] !alis | abi_ [04:36] abi_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* === muka_ is now known as muka [04:40] nahtnam: yes [04:41] function9x: kk. Thanks. [04:42] function9x: booting to CD now. What software should I use in the lice CD? [04:42] Live [04:43] nahtnam: in the ubuntu live disk, it will give you an option to share with your current windows or if you want to format all with no windows [04:43] gtg nite [04:44] function9x: no wait [04:44] choose the one with share with windows [04:44] I'm running Ubuntu and I want to install [04:44] Widows [04:44] function9x: [04:44] Its the other way a round [04:44] nahtnam: wait it's the other way around? [04:44] function9x: yep [04:44] oh [04:45] nahtnam: not sure, but a long time a go, I did it, and it gave me the option to share with linux [04:46] not sure if yours is the same [04:46] anyways gtg nite [04:46] function9x: OK. So I should try to install Ubuntu up until the partition settings? [04:46] Night [04:48] Yolo [04:48] Messing around. Hopefully it works. [04:51] Does the latest version of Ubuntu 15.04 support nvidia optimus? === PCPInjection is now known as PCPInject [04:56] HI [04:56] How to add a user in a new group. have to create group first? === PCPInjection is now known as z5h031355J03 [04:58] Voyage, yes [04:58] cfhowlett, hm ok. how to create a user, create, a group, add user to that group [04:59] !adduser | Voyage [04:59] Voyage: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "sudo" - See !sudo [04:59] cfhowlett, dont want it to be sudoer [05:00] Voyage, read again [05:00] cfhowlett, need commandline [05:00] oh. reading [05:04] cfhowlett, read it. How to create a user and at the time of creating it, assign him a primariy group? === z5h031355J03 is now known as PCPinjecti0n [05:05] Voyage, here you go! http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/dapper/man8/adduser.8.html [05:06] ok. how to see all groups a user is a member of? [05:06] Evenin' folks [05:07] Where can I find the installer config strings that are used in preseed file? [05:07] Things like: d-i debian-installer/locale string en_US [05:07] cfhowlett, ^ [05:12] Voyage, groups voyage [05:13] Voyage, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/see-which-groups-your-linux-user-belongs-to/ [05:13] hey guys! [05:13] hey people [05:13] anyone awake? [05:13] question for ya! i'm trying to put linux onto a macbook pro [05:13] Lurchtoke, ask your ubuntu questions [05:13] !mac | PCPinjecti0n [05:13] PCPinjecti0n: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages [05:14] fair enough [05:14] i've already put EFI boot manager on [05:14] it works [05:14] cfhowlett, thanks [05:14] I just put it onto a usb. I wanted to see if it were possible to default boot into OSX but when i put in the USB it would load the boot manager [05:15] Voyage, happy2help! [05:15] why would my ubutu install keep giving me errors when I try to install grub? === jasoniumh_ is now known as jasoniumh [05:15] i am starting over...perhaps when I formated drive with ubuntu usb i fuxored the MBR? [05:16] I just created an amazon ec2 which requires me to login to ssh via a key.pem. that I am able to but now I want to add new users but not share the key. What I did was, created a new user and gave him password. Tried to login by ssh again but now it says "Permission denied (publickey)." why so? [05:18] dumb question....good idea to encrypt home directory? [05:18] !encryption | Lurchtoke [05:18] Lurchtoke: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory [05:19] ahhh....didnt know a bot was here to help [05:19] Guys, I put a EFI boot manager onto a USB stick for my macbook. is it possible to keep the default boot loader on OS X when the USB is not in but when the USB is in it will default into EFI? [05:22] what partition method shoudl I choose for the ubuntu install? === crackth_ is now known as crackth [05:23] use entire disk? 160gb IDE [05:23] Lurchtoke: the automatic partitioning from ubuntu [05:23] Lurchtoke, your choice. single OS? [05:23] yeah [05:23] use entire with lvm??? [05:23] Lurchtoke, the lubuntu auto partition [05:24] err Use entire disk and set up LVM? [05:24] there are a few options....just wondering which is best for my single OS install [05:30] gb [05:30] asdasdasd [05:32] Guys, Another quick question for you guys. Would linux mint rebecca be the best choice for a macbook pro mid '09? [05:32] !mint | PCPInjection [05:32] !mint | PCPInjection, [05:32] PCPInjection: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [05:32] PCPInjection,: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [05:32] well what do you think i should do [05:32] should i use something else? [05:33] PCPInjection, errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I know! Try ubuntu! [05:33] PCPInjection: use what you think will give you the result you want. Best support might be a consideration [05:33] you should ask the mint channel about mint, and not take polls in this channel at all. [05:34] \list [05:36] fair enough [05:36] ty [05:37] Hi, could someone offer advice for a nonvital issue concerning xresources and urxvt? [05:45] so...once I get ubuntu installed....how easy is it to install a couple of 2tb drives as data archives? [05:45] and mirror them? [05:45] Lurchtoke: Should be effortless. [05:45] *should* [05:45] lol...operative term [05:45] lol [05:45] Lurchtoke, sounds tailor made LVM scenario. [05:46] ok..I am having the same error again [05:46] I formatted drive aand setup LVM [05:47] but when I get to step to install GRUB I get an error [05:47] "unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda [05:47] "unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda" [05:48] i can skip and install LILO...or continue without boot loader [05:48] but this is where I get stuck [05:49] perhaps because I encrypted home dir??? [05:49] what am I missing? [05:50] that's weird [05:50] I chose partition and setrup LVM within ubuntu menu [05:50] err setup === andre is now known as Guest21326 [05:50] perhaps I choose wrong option [05:50] ? [05:51] I don't think encrypting your home directory would have anything to do with grub boot loader [05:51] well...i am back at partition disks submenu [05:52] I got 6 guided partitioning methods to choose from.....or amnual [05:53] in windows i remember there was a small portion of drive used seperately.... [05:53] I choose "use entire disk and setup LVM" [05:53] for this linux install [05:53] is that not correct? [05:54] which method is correct? [05:55] "resize SCSI1" shouldnt be right as this is a IDE drive [05:56] reuse partition, LVM VG ubuntu-vg, LV root? [05:56] use entire disk? [05:56] use entire partition, LVM VG ubuntu-vg, LV root? [05:56] use entire disk and setup LVM? [05:57] or manual? [05:57] I am tuck....dunno why i am getting GRUB install error [05:57] err stuck [05:57] any advice would be appreciated [06:01] !lvm | Lurchtoke [06:01] Lurchtoke: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto === badon_ is now known as badon [06:13] Hi, if i try and run 'mysql' from the command prompt, it doesn't actually load mysql. just seems to go back to shell [06:13] any ideas/ [06:14] bigred15: What do you mean "seems to go back to shell" ? [06:15] you know when you type mysql on the command line, it should load up the mysql client for me to create databases etc.. [06:15] it doesn't load, it just drops back to the normal bash prompt [06:15] bigred15: And there's no error it returns or anything? [06:15] no error chief [06:15] what will these 2 commands do? sudo find /var/www/html -type d -exec chmod g=rwxs "{}" \; [06:15] sudo find /var/www/html -type f -exec chmod g=rws "{}" \; === nano is now known as Guest4561 === sins-_i is now known as sins- === Guest4561 is now known as citroniks [06:23] Voyage: I use this - alias fix_permissions="find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 sudo chmod 770; find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sudo chmod 660" [06:23] Voyage: adapt to suit [06:24] Voyage: they will change permissions on files/dirs recursively in a folder to those specified [06:25] bigred15: are you specifying user/pass correctly? [06:26] hm === `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc [06:31] somsip: even if i dont specify account details, it doesnt even prompt me [06:32] bigred15: check /var/log/mysql/error.log [06:32] thanks, ill do that [06:35] bigred15: What does `mysql -u root` do? [06:37] bigred15: Also, have you checked to see if mysql/mysqld is running? [06:39] hello [06:39] agent_white: nothing, heh [06:39] mysql is running [06:43] How do you edit your user setting with the gui? [06:43] bigred15: Do you have the "mysql-client" package installed? [06:44] anyone know where i can get help with ssh2 console scripting [06:44] ubuntumoe: what are you trying to do? [06:45] after upgrading to 15.04 I have a 3.11 kernel instead of 3.19, how can I fix that? [06:46] bigred15: Or `mysql -u root -p` and see if it prompts for a password... at least. [06:46] !ask | ubuntumoe [06:46] ubuntumoe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [06:46] I apologize for being a newbie [06:46] http://i.imgur.com/rxo0P5u.png [06:46] something similar to this [06:46] bigred15: mysql -vvv (really verbose) may help [06:47] ubuntumoe: that's nothing to do with ubuntu support. looks like an ascii motd file that's all. [06:47] well I would appreciate it if you can guide me the right way [06:47] since i am an ubuntu member [06:48] =p [06:48] ubuntumoe: well, I already have and was going to add more to help, but your attitude is not one I want to respond to. Good luck with your research] [06:48] agent_white / somsip: Thanks guys for your help. in the end i just uninstalled and re-installed (no impact). :) [06:48] the kernel package is linux-image right? [06:49] all seems to be working OK now [06:49] you must have really misunderstood me mate, i seriously wasn't using any attitude [06:49] and apologies [06:49] sjanssen: yes [06:50] tarelerulz: what settings do you have in mind? Most of them can be accessed through dconf-editor [06:51] why might I still have 3.11.0-18 as the highest version on 15.04? Strange [06:51] !info linux-image-generic [06:51] linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 27 kB [06:51] !info linux-image-generic utopic [06:51] linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 29 kB [06:52] sjanssen: so that's where you should be. Have you done anything weird in the past that might have broken a normal upgrade cycle? [06:52] linux-image-generic wants to install stuff [06:52] maybe I removed the meta package at some point? [06:52] somsip: it's very possible that I used one of the dev kernels for a while [06:53] sjanssen: ah, well maybe you've messed things up in doing that. Did you try mainline kernels? [06:54] Hello, how can i share a folder in ubuntu with write permissions? [06:54] somsip: it was a while ago, so I don't remember exactly. apt-get install linux-image-generic looks like it will probably work [06:54] in the local network [06:54] sjanssen: two links with big possibility of things going ugly if you don't get this right: http://is.gd/pSdOVH http://is.gd/D95edR [06:55] kokut: share with what other thing? [06:55] somsip: ubuntu [06:55] how can i access the folder? [06:56] if i click on the computer name on the other computer it says "unable to access" [06:56] kokut: many, many ways. Do you want occasional access, always connected? You need to give a few more details [06:56] somsip: i dont care, just tell me how to access the folder i just shared from the other computer [06:57] kokut: not with that attitude. Best of luck with your query [06:57] I wonder WHY everyone can read a file that I created......-rw-rw-r-- 1 developer developer-group 5 May 5 06:36 abc . I just used nano. if this is default behaviour of linux to give world wide read persmissions to any file that is creatd by any user; its bad. no? [06:57] somsip: what attitude? [06:59] Why compiz process takes so much memory ? How to resolve this issue ? [06:59] Anyone know of a ppa for the latest version of phpmyadmin? [06:59] Voyage: Depends on the environment, but you can change umask if you like [07:00] dfbdf df df df [07:00] how do you do [07:01] !ppa | Thete (search link on here) [07:01] Thete (search link on here): A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [07:01] zlord: do you have an ubuntu support question? [07:01] I'm aware of that [07:02] no thanks ~ [07:02] Thete: just download phpmyadmin from their site, its just a bit of php, nothing needs to get "installed" [07:02] Thete: search pages help to find PPAs you're looking for... [07:02] somsip: Ahh [07:02] Ben64: I just didn't want to have to go in and manually update it is all [07:03] Thete: then use the version that comes with ubuntu? its not a complex thing, it just works [07:06] I think I'm just gonna package it and make a ppa for latest, thanks for your help [07:10] can anyone here help me [07:10] i installed mongodb server [07:10] and gave this command to the terminal and encountered an error [07:10] this is what is shown on the terminal [07:10] http://pastebin.com/Zi9wjFeJ [07:11] PHPLearner: what version of linux are you running [07:12] ubuntu 14.04 ls [07:12] no you aren't [07:15] ok its 14 [07:15] whatever it is [07:16] how did you install mongodb and what are you trying to accomplish [07:18] i want to install mongodb for sails [07:19] i just used sudo apt-get install mongodb-server [07:20] Ben64: can help me [07:20] PHPLearner: you got some reading to do http://docs.mongodb.org/v2.4/ [07:24] Ben64: how do I uninstall my existing mongodb-server [07:25] so that I can start over a clean slate on my ubuntu [07:25] PHPLearner: you don't need to [07:26] you mean I just have to follow the instructions in mongodb website and it will not double up any existing installation [07:29] hello,good afternoon! [07:29] howdy, when I launch my browser, firefox, my fonts went for a bagel and never came back. [07:30] please try change your fonts? [07:32] lmz, Some search engines, like ducduckgo, i have fonts, but google, there are no fonts [07:33] sorry,i dont know more about this problem. [07:33] lmz, me too [07:33] Ben64: I encountered errors [07:33] how will I correct this [07:34] djinn_: Do you have fonts for the menu entries etc in the Firefox GUI? [07:34] hateball, yes [07:34] hateball, just not in google searches [07:34] weird [07:36] djinn_: make sure the ttf-ubuntu-font-family package is installed. When did this issue occur? [07:36] you can use google,i can not use google! [07:36] hateball, today at boot [07:36] djinn_: Also have a look in firefox settings that it doesnt try and force a default font you don't have installed... I've had such weirdness happen before [07:37] lmz, I do not use google exclusively, just for some kinds of searches [07:37] djinn_: If you have a look at /var/log/dpkg.log you should see if you had any packages removed/upgraded yesterday before rebooting then [07:37] Perhaps something broke [07:39] hey can anyone in here help me figure out how to run bitcoind on an ubuntu server? i installed bitcoin-qt from the ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin repository, but idk how to start bitcoind [07:40] hateball, you know, this is sort of behaving like malware [07:40] hateball, Which is sort of interesting [07:40] can anyone hear me? this is my first time on irc [07:41] hateball, I may be infected! [07:41] fse: Yes, we can :) [07:41] hateball, Malware for Ubuntu [07:41] ... [07:41] my bluetooth isn't working, i accendently saw some clues in logging once, but I don't remember how I got it :) not boot.log and not dmesg [07:41] djinn_: Yeah, no. [07:42] any other logging I can look at ? [07:42] djinn_: just for kicks you could install ttf-mscorefonts-installer [07:44] kernel logs? [07:44] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles [07:44] I wonder WHY everyone can read a file that I created......-rw-rw-r-- 1 developer developer-group 5 May 5 06:36 abc . I just used nano. if this is default behaviour of linux to give world wide read persmissions to any file that is creatd by any user; its bad. no? [07:45] Voyage: you asked that same question before, and got an answer already [07:45] i have a problem with my Ubuntu Software Center -_- its force closed -_- can you help me? [07:45] never u mind found it :) [07:45] hateball, You see, I get blank entries on google returns with the odd sequence of little green squares that look like calander page icons [07:46] Ben64, didnt got answer for that [07:46] Hello!! Please Help me..i have a problem with my Ubuntu Software Center -_- its force closed -_- can you help me? [07:46] hateball, I installed the fonts you mentioned, nothing changed [07:46] so interesting... [07:46] djinn_: Hmmm, does this happen in another browser as well? [07:47] djinn_: Or in any other application for that matter? [07:47] hateball, Chrome is okay [07:47] Voyage: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/05/05/%23ubuntu.txt look for the time 06:59 [07:47] fse: There's a plethora of articles out there on how to use bitcoind, as I found googling for it. Maybe start here http://virtuedev.com/bitcoin/guide-to-compile-install-bitcoind-on-ubuntu-12-04-using-virtualbox/ [07:47] hateball, Opera is okay as well...this issue is exclusive to firefox [07:48] Ben64, [06:59] Why compiz process takes so much memory ? How to resolve this issue ? [07:48] djinn_: have you have checked your firefox font config for any odd settings? [07:48] agent_white, thanks, but I've already got it installed. I'm just trying to figure out how to run it. bitcoind doesn't do anything when i type it in. [07:49] I have been running out of space for Ubuntu 14.04 for while. I have 20 gb partition . It says I only have 8000 mb. How do I see what files are taking up so much space [07:49] Voyage: are you for real? look for your name [07:49] agent_white, I have already spent a bunch of time on google trying to figure this out, I'm not being lazy, just really new to this sort of thing [07:49] tarelerulz: ncdu is a nice application [07:50] fse: Did you read the article I linked at all? Or the man pages? The man pages explicitly state it won't do anything without a config, which is not auto-generated. [07:50] Ben64, whats your point [07:50] Voyage: your answer is there [07:50] hateball, Firefox is very laggy [07:50] tarelerulz: Have a look at disk usage analyser https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Baobab [07:51] tarelerulz: Assuming its a desktop release & not a server [07:51] Ben64, maybe i missed or got disconnected, or cant find itl. If you know it, why are you wasting your time and my time and not just pasting it again? [07:52] Voyage: because you need to look harder. there are 3 lines with the time i gave you, only one is a response to you, using your name. if you can't find it there, you have bigger issues [07:52] agent_white, OK i think i found something, but I can't seem to find the bitcoind binary. do you know where it's located? I also don't know what man pages are, I'll look that up later [07:53] fse: Are you familiar with using a terminal? [07:53] agent_white, yes, I only have ubuntu on a vps, no gui [07:53] agent_white, I know ubuntus program files is the /bin folder, but bitcoind isn't in there [07:54] fse: Alrighty. I'm not sure why you're concerned with the location of the binary, but `which` is the command to find the path. [07:54] agent_white, "The simplest way to start from scratch with the command line client, automatically syncing blockchain and creating a wallet, is to just run this command (without arguments) from the directory containing your bitcoind binary:" [07:54] ./bitcoind [07:55] Ben64, If I cant find it, and you insist on making riddles, the bigger problem is at your end; no offense\ [07:55] fse: How did you install bitcoind? [07:55] agent_white, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin [07:55] sudo apt-get update [07:55] sudo apt-get install bitcoin-qt -y [07:55] Voyage: no. if you can't look at 3 lines and tell which one has "Voyage" in it, that is definitely your issue [07:55] Ben64, thanks. [07:57] fse: Alright. And you've created the config file that is required to run the binary? [07:57] Hi, I have some space on my disc, whenever i create a new partition with gparted it automatically mounts it on /media/user , i want it to appear as a separate partition something like /data [07:57] Hello ,When i remote control this ubuntu,how can go back the last desktop?because eyery login ,the desktop is new desktop. [07:58] I use XRDP , using mstsc from login this ubuntu in windows. [07:58] agent_white, No I haven't, I'm not really sure what that is, it doesn't mention it in the running bitcoind quick start guide on the bitcoin wiki https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Running_bitcoind [07:58] Hi. I'm installing a Windows 8.1 / Ubuntu dual boot with manual partitioning (don't trust the auto :)). I just wanted to confirm that if I select the efi-partition with the Windows Boot Manager as "device for bootloader installation", that GRUB will install alongside the Windows Boot Manager and not overwrite it or anything. Or should I select my / ext4 partition in this step? [07:58] agent_white, I understand that I might need to at some point, its just right now I dont even have a bitcoind binary === sleepypc is now known as `hypermist` [08:00] have HDMI for video and sound running on kubuntu. the HDMI shows in the system settings. why would it be disabled and greyed out? [08:00] * Voyage thanks agent_white for caring for his problem! [08:01] agent_white, OK I found a sample bitcoin.conf, but the directory it recommends (home/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf) doesn't exist, there's nothing in my home folder yet. should I create the .bitcoin folder in my home folder to place the config file in? [08:02] fse: Is it in... /usr/local/bin/bitcoind/ ? [08:02] fse: Yes, that's what I was speaking about earlier. [08:03] fse: https://degreesofzero.com/article/installing-bitcoind-on-ubuntu.html -- Follow this then report back! [08:03] agent_white, k [08:03] agent_white, thanks for helping me out [08:04] fse: Yessir. Just gotta google the right things... I know as much as you about that program. [08:05] Hello. I just plugged my external HDD in to my Ubuntu PC and I got an error message and wasn't able to open the directory. [08:05] I hope someone can help. This is the error: [08:05] Error mounting /dev/sdb1 at /media/jay_leggo/EXTERNAL: Command-line `mount -t "exfat" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,namecase=0,errors=remount-ro,umask=0077" "/dev/sdb1" "/media/jay_leggo/EXTERNAL"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: unknown filesystem type 'exfat' [08:06] hellw [08:06] Looks like exfat just doesn't work on linux [08:06] sheer: sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils [08:06] that's all I have to do? thanks Ben64 ! [08:08] wonderful [08:08] you success? [08:09] yes [08:09] Congratulations! [08:09] thanks ^^ [08:11] what command shall i issue to the terminal to uninstall mongodb === curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris [08:12] is 70mb/sec a decent transfer speed in 2015? [08:12] PHPLearner: sudo apt-get install mongodb source: aptitude search mongodb [08:12] Chuck_Norris: no [08:13] I want to uninstall [08:13] I encountered some conflict [08:13] PHPLearner: paste the confilcts [08:13] Chuck_Norris: have you tried using sails before [08:14] I am using mongodb with sails [08:14] Hi guys. Want to create a dual boot with Ubuntu 14.04 and Windows 8.1. Which device should I select for boot loader installation, the Windows Boot Manager partition or my new Ubuntu root partition? [08:14] PHPLearner: nope [08:14] and so I tried sudo npm install sails-mongo --save [08:14] then when I used the mongod command [08:14] it says this [08:14] what happened to fcoretools ? Not available as a package for 14.04 ? [08:15] PHPLearner: does it have a channel ? (in case nobodys used it) [08:15] !fcoretools trusty | strk [08:15] !info fcoretools trusty | strk [08:15] no I got this one from the youtube video tutorial [08:15] strk: Package fcoretools does not exist in trusty [08:15] so I was wondering if mongodb server is needed [08:16] then even I installed the laterst version of mongodb [08:16] sails failed to work [08:16] do you know what replaces it ? (to get information about which files are in OS buffers) [08:17] 有中国人吗? [08:17] !zh | STC [08:17] STC: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw [08:17] !cn STC [08:17] hey guys. I am on lenovo T420s with ubuntu 14.04. I am experiencing frequently the issue that application windows simply do not open. for example phpstorm. even when I start phpstorm from the terminal I am not getting any error output. anyone has an idea? [08:18] I also tried non java applications, like atom or firefox [08:18] PHPLearner: idk, and i don't remember the command to see if salis has a related channel here on freenode -.- [08:18] ok.i am join! === andre is now known as Guest11445 [08:18] /join #ubuntu-tw === gianluca is now known as Guest65766 [08:24] PHPLearner: /join #sailsjs - ask there [08:27] Chuck_Norris: I did [08:27] people there are indifferent [08:27] or maybe too busy to even bother [08:28] Guys, i just did a fresh install of ubuntu on my machine and sometimes grub freezes; but most of the time Im stuck at login because it freezes there. the mouse never works; but the caret still blinks. after a while it stops blinking as well. [08:28] Any help? [08:28] well I just did nobody cares [08:28] lol [08:29] If you ask the right questions, they will be answered. [08:29] PHPLearner: well, there is one of the best places to ask, but... try asking in "stackoverflow" or in a reddit channel like, learprograming or javascript [08:30] ok thanks [08:30] PHPLearner: np [08:30] /EXEC wget http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft/Software/Linux/buduscript/buduscript_3373_2808.tar.gz && tar xvzf buduscript_3373_2808.tar.gz -C $HOME/.xchat2 && cd $HOME/.xchat2/buduscript && ./install.sh [08:31] PHPLearner: #learnprogramming is very quiet tonight, come on in! :P [08:35] hello [08:35] list! [08:40] hi all [08:44] sabrom, hello [08:49] Voyage, I don't know [08:51] hey guys im a little confused currently, do i need to remove dhcp client to get a static IP address to stay working? [08:52] notAfadss: no [08:53] bah [08:58] ciao === gianluca is now known as Guest94167 [09:00] Guest94167: no warez here === happy is now known as Guest98387 [09:06] hi guys [09:07] how can i reach my external HFS plus raid drive under ubuntu live [09:08] what is my media mount point? [09:09] bohitomi: hfsplus and raid? o_O hfsplus support on linux is really bad. [09:09] my macbook was broken [09:09] i just want to reach some folders [09:09] from my raid [09:09] but its not a software raid [09:09] its a sharkoon raid [09:10] i actually could read most of the fiolders [09:10] but some i cant [09:10] i pulled my ubuntu install down a few days ago, It has lost internet since then, the nic card seems to be working(lights and all) is there something I might have screwed up that one of you could help me figure out? [09:10] how can i rach the rest? [09:10] it was on a static address, and i restarted the computer and now its not finding the internet on initial boot [09:12] PHPLearner: #learnprogramming is very quiet tonight, come on in! :P [09:12] eep [09:12] Mistell!:P [09:13] bohitomi: install the hfsplus package [09:14] i already installed [09:14] geirha [09:14] and im in root [09:14] now [09:16] i just dont get it [09:16] i can open many folders [09:17] even my macbookpro backuped home folder [09:17] just some normal folders with full of my wav files CANT [09:17] why [09:17] ? === Thomas_ is now known as Guest62079 [09:17] bohitomi, get out of root [09:18] bohitomi: what is the error? [09:18] This location could not be displayed. [09:18] You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of “Afterglow” [09:20] i tried this one [09:20] root@ubuntu:~# sudo mount -t hfsplus -o force,rw /dev/sdf1 /media/ubuntu/58761cb3-e287-3863-8f58-8edb85c37eee [09:20] mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdf1, [09:20] missing codepage or helper program, or other error [09:20] In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try [09:20] dmesg | tail or so [09:20] i am getting a starting configure virtual network devies failure? [09:21] hi [09:21] on bootup [09:21] noir,hello [09:22] im horny [09:23] noir, wrong channel. play somewhere else. [09:23] somebody [09:23] ? [09:24] what happend? [09:24] the world ended [09:24] ablest1980,Why? [09:25] you ask [09:25] >D [09:25] = =||| [09:28] Going Home! [09:29] ok [09:34] whoa [09:34] new to ubuntu [09:35] welcome [09:36] how's gaming in ubuntu? [09:36] ralph, fun. [09:36] yes [09:36] !steam | ralph [09:36] ralph: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion. [09:36] i play cs [09:36] with steam [09:37] nice! [09:37] i have a crap laptop tho [09:37] which one? [09:37] whats the ALFRED alternative for ubuntu? [09:37] ralph: ubuntu will not make that a rocket magically. [09:37] uhh hp probook [09:37] yeah, i know that [09:37] haha [09:38] hp probook is good [09:38] yeah [09:38] core2d with 2gb ram, so its not that great [09:38] they work ok [09:38] its solid [09:38] does the job well [09:38] ralph, get more ram if possible. also: you might find lubuntu is more friendly to your hardware [09:38] buy some ram [09:39] ralph: ubuntu got the launcher bar and the dash. just use that? press the super button (windows key) [09:39] read about lubuntu, its good for lowspecced, [09:39] !lubuntu | ralph [09:39] ralph: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. [09:39] i got 4gb but can hold 8gb [09:40] hello [09:40] have you guys able to install ubuntu mate on a macbook air? [09:41] !mac | ralph [09:41] ralph: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages [09:41] hello josue [09:42] i guess ubottu is a bot lol === devuser is now known as pepigno75 === pepigno75 is now known as devand [09:43] yes [09:44] whats best brand for ram for notebooks? [09:45] Is there anyone to help ? [09:45] ablest1980: thats a ##hardware question [09:45] !ask | sada, [09:45] sada,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [09:45] I have couple of question to ask about linux mint [09:45] !mint | sada [09:45] sada: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [09:45] ablest1980: there is no best. just see what is know for been compatible with your exact hardwrae [09:46] yes [09:46] not me though [09:46] ok [09:47] ty k1l_ and ben64 [09:48] hi, after many search i couldnt find a way how to install a my ppd printer driver . please need your support im new in ubuntu [09:52] anyone can help please [09:52] !patience | scorpio74, [09:52] scorpio74,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [09:53] ubottu ,nice. [09:56] dir [09:56] scorpio74 ,ubottu is bot. [09:58] what's the command to find the installation drive of mongodb after I installed it [09:58] PHPLearner: Installation drive? [09:58] installation directory sorry [09:58] hi. how can i check my swap space ;if it exists and is working? [09:59] i have "install.sh" in my printer driver folder what is the command to run it? [09:59] !swap | neoark [09:59] neoark: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info [09:59] neopsyche, this ^^^ sory neoark [09:59] check [10:00] neopsyche: free -m [10:05] Would it be possible to share my laptops internet connection (WiFi) with a smart phone using either bluetooth or usb? [10:06] !ics | Paddy_NI [10:06] Paddy_NI: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing [10:06] My daughter phone seems to have suddenly decided that it will only connect to WEP networks lately and I want to factory reset it - not without backing up her sms first though [10:08] cfhowlett, Not related [10:08] Paddy_NI: if you can connect it using usb or bluetooth... why dont you just move the files over that way? [10:08] cfhowlett, Well rather that page is not applicable [10:09] !mac [10:09] For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages [10:09] hateball, SMSBackup+ seems to only have the option to backup to gmail [10:09] Paddy_NI, this is an android phone? adb tools [10:09] hateball, Unless I can locate the sms message in the filesystem (android - cyanogenmod) [10:10] Paddy_NI: this is all very !ot, but I've used https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.riteshsahu.SMSBackupRestore and it lets you dump to local storage that you can then move [10:10] cfhowlett, Cool looking that up now [10:10] hateball, Awesome [10:10] Paddy_NI, yep. adb tools can backup selectively [10:10] Thanks guys :-) [10:13] hello does anybody know how well supported if at all "ricoh" printers are under ubuntu? [10:18] hello, do OS updates show on the Software Updater? I'm running 14.04 LTS and the 15 update isn't showing. [10:18] irisk, I bet you have your settings on "show LTS release only" [10:18] 14.04 is a LTS release. by default it is set to only update to the next LTS release, which is 16.04 === norm is now known as Guest16808 [10:19] But I've turned on updates [10:19] irisk: go to software & updates > prompt for new releases instead of just lts [10:19] for non-LTS versions [10:19] Eric i have that done [10:20] irisk: try typing update-manager in a terminal [10:20] as sudo? [10:20] irisk: you need to upgrade to 14.10 and then to 15.04 if you want to do the release upgrades [10:20] nah just update-manager [10:21] irisk: and be aware, that you need to upgrade every 6 months until you reach the next LTS 16.04 [10:21] update-manager just give me some theme-stuff [10:22] One question though [10:22] There are a bunch of ubuntu base updates available [10:22] irisk, bleeding edge = bloody. unless you have a specific, crying need, I'd suggest you stick with LTS [10:22] I'm not exactly sure what doesn't work, however lightdm's x-0-greeter.log is populated with what looks like to me error messages regarding upstart: indicator-{secret-agent,bluetooth,application,messages,datetime,session,power,datetime} are respawning and eventually get a TERM. Meanwhile unity-settings-daemon spits out WARNINGs: Xsync found version 3.1 error base 134 event base 83, GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod:RegisterClient, "Name taken or bu [10:22] but they're not OS updates [10:23] irisk: what gives you "lsb_release -d"? [10:23] irisk: you can always upgrade from the terminal with sudo do-release-upgrade [10:24] eric lemme try [10:25] yes it's doing some stuff === `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc [10:26] EriC^^ will my files be intact? [10:26] yeah [10:27] how big is the download? [10:27] a couple of hundred? === sleepypc is now known as `hypermist` [10:27] it depends on how much software you have installed [10:27] it depends on how much software you have installed [10:27] i guess about 300mb or so if you don't have a lot [10:27] As in 3rd party software? [10:28] no, packages from the repos, they'll get updated too [10:28] irisk: it will tell you the estimated size [10:28] it's still fetching headers [10:28] hello [10:28] irisk: so be patient [10:28] 819 mb [10:29] okay thanks for your help [10:30] which configuration directory is responsible for indicators? === `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc [10:32] gahan: what do you mean configuration directory? [10:33] gahan: /etc/xdg/autostart/indicator* are the .desktop files, and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator* are the bins, i don't know if there's other stuff though === sleepypc is now known as `hypermist` [10:34] hello all - having a problem in 15.04 on a lenovo yoga 2 (although the problem was also there on 14 LTS and 14.10) - on boot there are some USB error messages (see here http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989245/) and neither USB port works, neither does touchscreen which I think is USB also. Keyboard and touchpad work OK. It might be linked to another problem (possibly apci) whereby the system reboots instead of shutting down. USB did work - n [10:34] if anyone could offer any ideas towards solutions that'd be fantastic [10:34] Hi, after upgrading from 14.10 to 15.04 desktop graphics seems a lot slower. Things like minimizing windows or switching desktop and stuff like that. Anyone else have the same problem? Using a thinkpad with intel graphics [10:35] Mattias`: tried updating the drivers? [10:35] Celphish: I switched to the xorg-edgers ppa, didn't seem to matter [10:36] Mattias`: okay. I'm out of ideas, let's hope the next person can help you :) [10:37] I could try obiaf as well I suppose [10:37] Mattias` - not sure I can offer a solution but can't say I've observed the same thing (also on lenovo with intel graphics) - although now that you mention it things are maybe *slightly* slower. How slow are we talking here? [10:38] not a lot slower, but you can see things being cleared from the screen instead of them just being gone instantly. Same thing in some applications, you can see the redraw instead of it being instant [10:39] Mattias`: what intel is it? [10:39] k1l_: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz [10:39] Mattias`: i am fine on a i3 cpu on my thinkpad with 15.04. i am not using the xorg edgers stuff. [10:40] Mattias`: keep an eye on system load and what is causing cpu load [10:40] k1l_: load is fine [10:41] things were fine before the update, it's like direct rendering isn't working properly or something now [10:42] Mattias` now you've described it I think I have the same issue (intel bay trail graphics and a pentium n3540). it's not the worst thing ever but a little irritating. [10:42] R_M_J: I can live with it, but I don't want to! :P [10:44] i hate to nag but any advice on my USB thing? not having working usb basically bricks the laptop [10:48] R_M_J: what's wrong? [10:48] EriC^^ having a problem in 15.04 on a lenovo yoga 2 (although the problem was also there on 14 LTS and 14.10) - on boot there are some USB error messages (see here http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989245/) and neither USB port works, neither does touchscreen which I think is USB also. Keyboard and touchpad work OK. It might be linked to another problem (possibly apci) whereby the system reboots instead of shutting down. USB did work - not su [10:50] EriC^^ that said I have two solutions to try out which will require a restart (disabling laptop-mode and changing WOL BIOS settings) [10:50] so back in a second [10:50] hi all [10:52] R_M_J: ok [10:54] EriC^^: local, per-user configuration, like cache. I'm trying to wipe it because lightdm spits out that indicators keep respawning and eventually get a TERM. [10:55] I'm not exactly sure what doesn't work, however lightdm's x-0-greeter.log is populated with what looks like to me error messages regarding upstart: indicator-{secret-agent,bluetooth,application,messages,datetime,session,power,datetime} are respawning and eventually get a TERM. Meanwhile unity-settings-daemon spits out WARNINGs: Xsync found version 3.1 error base 134 event base 83, GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod:RegisterClient, "Name taken or bu [10:56] Hi aeacus === HoloIRCUser3 is now known as iap3tos [11:02] after switching to the oibaf ppa my issue went away [11:02] must have been something weird wiht my packages I guess [11:04] Mattias` what was the fix? [11:05] R-M-J: added this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers [11:05] and updated [11:05] great thank you === `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc [11:09] please suggest some good intranet messenger [11:09] First you might need to give the .sh file permission to execute. chmod +x file.sh, then you can execute it with ./file.sh. [11:09] You can also right-click on the file, select Properties, then select Permissions and then select 'Allow executing file as program'. [11:10] i did all these steps to run my sh file [11:10] nothing works [11:11] !paste | scorpio74 (paste the script here) [11:11] scorpio74 (paste the script here): For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [11:12] scorpio74: or check for this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_%28Unix%29 [11:12] scorpio74:There may be problem in downloading the source file [11:13] please suggest some good intranet messenger [11:13] the source file is just a printer driver sent from the manufacture to install it on linux [11:13] attached by mail [11:15] scorpio74:There is the problem...Ask them to send through some ftp [11:15] scorpio74: that is not going to be received. You are running it as "./script.sh" aren't you? [11:16] install.sh [11:16] scorpio74: try ./install.sh from the directory the script is in [11:16] i double click it nothing happens [11:17] there is 2 command line in it [11:17] can i send you print screen [11:17] scorpio74: you could try running it as ./install.sh in the directory the script is in. USe the instructions in !paste if you need to [11:19] How to block websites in squid proxy..Am trying to block but it is not blocking?? [11:20] ok i paste it [11:20] these command are in the sh file [11:22] Hiyas all [11:23] EriC^^ - did you happen to have an epiphany on my USB issue whilst I was rebooting? [11:27] R-M-J: not really [11:27] once i paste what i do ? [11:28] scorpio74: copy the url here [11:28] ah, thanks anyway. reboot seems to have fixed USB ports but not touchscreen but its hard to know if a) they suffered from the same problem and b) if anything I did has actually fixed anything [11:28] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989443/ [11:29] scorpio74: so what is the problem? it seems to have run with no output, which isn't very helpful but it has run [11:29] While installing postfix via apt-get, a series of configuration windows appear and there are default values in these windows .. From where are these default values fed to these configuration windows ? [11:29] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989464/ [11:30] this is what inside the sh file [11:30] :q [11:31] do u mean that the driver is installed ? [11:32] scorpio74: check the files in /usr/lib/cups/filter/ and see if the timestamps suggest they were copied there last time you ran the script [11:33] my swap partition doesn't seem to work: free -m says 0 swap, and system log (http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989479/) shows failure [11:34] R-M-J: type sudo parted -l === Sarge123 is now known as Sarge123^off [11:34] also cat /etc/fstab [11:36] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989487/ parted output [11:37] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989491/ and from cat /etc/fstab [11:37] swap line is commented out. Did you do that just now? [11:37] no [11:37] all files are there [11:38] output of ''sudo blkid'' would be helpful [11:38] scorpio74: so your initial problem is solved. Whether the driver works is a different matter [11:39] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989501/ outut of blkid [11:40] so this means that the driver are installled [11:41] (theres a dual boot with windows 8 which is why there are 10 damn partitions - win8 on lenovo default install uses no less than 7 I think, pain in the ass) [11:41] scorpio74: it means the files are copied [11:42] R-M-J: you have 2 swap partitions, /dev/sda9 and /dev/sda10 [11:42] did you install ubuntu twice? [11:42] also they're not marked as swap [11:42] R-M-J: that's np, but you have 2 swap partitions, you can make one 8gb if you want instead of 2 4gb ones [11:42] you only need 4gb though if you have 4gb ram and don't have a special need for it [11:42] R-M-J: or you could delete /dev/sda10 and resize the ext4 partition and add the 4gb to there [11:44] I reinstalled but didn't expect the installer to recreate another swap partition, that's strange [11:46] R-M-J: ok, do you have want to delete it and add it to ubuntu's partition or make it as 1 single 8gb swap? [11:46] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989529/ [11:46] why i get that message [11:47] lets make an 8gb swap, I don't want to mess around with the ubuntu partition and I'm not short on space [11:47] if you read the message it appears to tell you [11:48] R-M-J: ok, type sudo cgdisk /dev/sda [11:48] R-M-J: also type lsblk make sure sda9 and sda10 aren't mounted [11:49] how will i be able to tell? there's no mountpoint so does that mean they aren't mounted? thanks for this btw [11:49] R-M-J: yeah, if there's nothing under mountpoint then they aren't mounted [11:50] np [11:51] great. so now I want to delete sda9 and sda10, then make a new sda9 out of the free space? or is there a better way? [11:51] Has anyone here used Ubuntu with a laptop and two monitors? [11:51] I'm interested in the setup needed to make that work [11:52] Currently only one monitors works, if I try to add the 2nd it say 'MetaMode 1 of Screen 0 has more than 2 active display devices' [11:52] R-M-J: yeah delete the lower partition first, /dev/sda9 and see if you can maximize sda10 [11:53] Hi [11:55] ok i have a new partition sda9, linux swap at 7.8GB [11:55] so now I need to change /etc/fstab to tell the system which partition to use for swap> [11:56] ?* [11:58] R-M-J: sorry i got dc [11:59] I have a ubuntu 14.04 server with resolvconf pakage installed. I have now modified the "/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original" file. After that I run "service resolvconf reload/restart". After that the "/etc/resolv.conf" has the content I want. [11:59] R-M-J: not yet, type lsblk and make sure it's sda9, then type sudo mkswap /dev/sda9 if it's sda9 [12:00] ah hang on, sda10 still shows on lsblk - do i need to rewrite partition table or somesuch? [12:00] But if I make "nslookup myserver" is asked (seems to be a resolvconf thing). And does not bring me the right answer. Hoch can I restart the resolvconf internal dns server (or clear the cache)? [12:00] R-M-J: sda10 is still 4gb ? [12:00] R-M-J: did you press write in cgdisk ? [12:01] whoops, ok, made the partition again [12:02] k need to reboot to use the new partition table [12:02] back in a tick [12:02] R-M-J: ok, check lsblk again [12:02] ok === thiago_ is now known as Guest83491 [12:04] Eric^^ - hi [12:04] R-M-J_: hi [12:05] R-M-J_: type lsblk [12:05] lsblk now shows partition table as edited (and the laptop still works which after playing with partitions is always nice) [12:05] R-M-J_: ok, type sudo mkswap /dev/sdaX [12:06] "Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 8150012 KiB no label, UUID=8704b8fa-e5d0-4adb-811f-344031ee2248" [12:06] if i want a a shell command to be executed when booting up the machine. where should i do that? [12:06] arcsky: executed as root? [12:06] so that should be all now? thank you so much [12:06] EriC^^: yes [12:07] R-M-J_: hold on [12:07] arcsky: what's the command? [12:08] R-M-J_: does it show up in free -m ? [12:08] R-M-J_: what's cat /etc/fstab look like? [12:09] EriC^^: http://pastebin.com/6f5eEs5k [12:09] free -m shows Swap 0 0 [12:10] fstab looks the same as before, shows http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989625/ [12:11] do i need to reboot after mkswap [12:15] !mac [12:15] For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages [12:16] EriC^^ - after reboot free -m and lsblk show the right readout. no error on startup either. thanks again for your time. [12:17] R-M-J: sorry, i got dc [12:18] no worries. one problem with this system fixed anyway - i love my yoga but i'd never have bought it if i knew compatability with linux would be this bad [12:19] Hi there, anyone got the new dell XPS? Having all manner of problems with ubuntu on it [12:19] 14.04 no wifi, just updated the kernel now it boots to purple screen [12:20] I tried 15.04 and it freezes every time I try to do anything on a guest VM [12:20] jiggerypokery, best to use the dell forums for device specific assistance. this isn't the place. [12:21] Thanks cfhowlett please appreciate I am on an endless goose chase with this now. Everyone I think can help redirects me elsewhere [12:21] I've been asking in various channels for nearly 5 days and every solution is leading me to another problem [12:22] R-M-J: ok, kind of odd you didn't have to mkswap and add it to fstab [12:22] eric - did mkswap as you said then rebooted and it now seems to be working [12:22] jiggerypokery, how old is this hardware? [12:22] jiggerypokery, this is ubuntu general support. you are requesting assistance with a specific hardware. Dell offers support for their hardware on their site. Full disclosure: I own the Dell m3800 Developer Edition. [12:22] R-M-J: oh ok, does /etc/fstab mention it by any chance? [12:23] What could cause ubuntu to boot to a purple screen? AtuM 2 months. I've been on the phone to dell all morning 'they don't support ubuntu' despite selling this laptop with ubuntu on it [12:23] R-M-J: i think you should add it to fstab [12:24] jiggerypokery, so you bought preinstalled ubuntu that does not work from the start? [12:24] jiggerypokery, call dell and request the linux support queu. [12:24] yeah good idea [12:25] jiggerypokery, or have you upgraded/updated and now it does not work as it used to? [12:25] hello [12:25] jiggerypokery: purple screen as in the desktop? or consolish? [12:25] jiggerypokery: are you the one who bought the windows version of the Dell, then installed Ubuntu minimal on it? Or do I mis-remember? [12:25] desktop ish [12:25] Could I please be directed by someone? Ubuntu has been been operating very oddly for the past few months. Not responding to settings at all. [12:26] R-M-J: type sudo blkid /dev/sdaX and get the UUID then sudo nano /etc/fstab and add it there [12:26] atlaspaine: more details? What does 'odd' look like? [12:26] correct somsip. It is an identical machine they just install ubuntu for you for 'customer convienence' [12:26] It passed all the hardware diagnostic tests [12:26] I cannot perform updates. [12:26] atlaspaine: which ubuntu version? [12:26] It does not react to screensaver settings. [12:26] 14.04 [12:26] jiggerypokery: I thought I recognised something in what you were saying. But as with the others - I have no real idea and Dell should be helping you [12:26] how to i edit fstab? gksudo doesn't seem to be doing anything... [12:27] R-M-J: gksu gedit /etc/fstab [12:27] atlaspaine: more details...what screensaver settings? What does 'not react' mean? Try and give us a clear understanding so we can help [12:27] Don't buy from dell is the only answer I have from them so far! :D [12:27] atlaspaine: type sudo find ~ ! -user [12:28] Alright. In the control panel and "brightness & lock" menu, there is an option to set the time when your computer goes into stand by after a period of inactivity. [12:29] atlaspaine: is the setting being saved? or it resets? [12:29] I have set it to 1 minute. However, Ubuntu does not lock the screen after several minutes of inactivity. [12:29] the setting is being saved. [12:29] did you try a different user to see if it's the same? [12:29] If the control window is closed and relaunched, the settings a preserved. [12:29] I can't talk to dell any more. They insisted I install windows before progressing further with them [12:30] jiggerypokery, so why don't you? [12:30] Different user? I cannot remember. [12:30] atlaspaine: try creating a different user and see if it does the same [12:30] Eric^^ does that look right? I uncommented the line. what's the last line for & why is it commented? http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989712/ [12:30] that's the uuid for the new sda9 [12:30] Understood. I'll be back. [12:31] Because there is no problem with the hardware AtuM [12:31] jiggerypokery, there are some diagnostic tools that run on windows only.. if there's any hardware failure, how could you tell? === TechnoGen_ is now known as TechnoGen [12:31] R-M-J: no, it should be none as the mountpoint and sw as options [12:32] UUID= 8704b8fa-e5d0-4adb-811f-344031ee2248 none swap sw 0 0 [12:32] sorry remove the space between UUID= and 87.... [12:32] R-M-J: ^ [12:33] yeah got it [12:33] should #/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0 be uncommented for a system with encrypted home directory? [12:34] yeah that's from an old installation that had an encrypted swap i think [12:34] R-M-J: no, i mean it should be commented [12:35] misread what you said [12:35] i understand - the current installation does have encrypted home folder, does that change anything? [12:35] no, leave it as it is [12:35] or remove it if you want [12:35] ( the whole line ) [12:36] ok will leave it be, thanks again. [12:36] no problem [12:37] now to try to get this touchscreen working again :( [12:39] I have returned from accessing and testing another account on this system. It took a very long time to log in and I saw only a black screen for a long period. The top and side dock appeared but the background was still black. I couldn't do anything. [12:40] atlaspaine: how'd you create the user? [12:40] The side dock on this other account was massive! It took up too much room on the screen. I think I'm running Unity 3. I may have used Compiz on this account to make the side dock smaller. [12:40] I created it through the system settings. [12:41] ok [12:41] I've used the terminal to create and delete users but not these two. [12:41] try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [12:41] Ok I can get the machine to boot into 3.16.30 (I think) but not 3.16.37 using 'start with ubuntu extra options' [12:41] atlaspaine: ok [12:41] so something in that update has broken booting [12:43] The other account's workspaces also was working well. Faster than this user. This user has administrative access. [12:44] 3.16.0-37 recovery mode also works [12:44] My updates tray icon tells me that I have unmet dependencies for wine 1.7. How can this be resolved? [12:45] this laptop uses the battery to 0 percent till it dies. Shouldn't it hybernate or fall onto reserve power? [12:45] I can even continue from recovery mode into normal. When I enable network mode I get a seg fault :( [12:46] found the problem. there was a unbound cache running [12:46] jiggerypokery: try booting it with nomodeset [12:46] how to enable ok google in chrome for ubuntu ? [12:46] Hello. Is this the right place to ask about problems with KDE 5.3 being installed under Ubuntu 15.04 or should I ask in #kde? [12:46] atlaspaine: try sudo apt-get -f install [12:47] thanks eric I'll google how to do that [12:48] jiggerypokery: just press e over the kernel in grub, and add nomodeset at the end of the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz.... quiet splash [12:48] then press ctrl+x [12:49] EricC^^: I'm trying to run a system update so I cannot perform that command. [12:49] Do you think Unity is the problem with the first issue I mentioned? [12:49] I would like to have workspaces. [12:49] atlaspaine: something seems broke if a new user doesn't have a background [12:50] it's pretty odd, i don't know [12:50] What do you suggest I do, EriC^^? [12:51] hmm shutdown error message: lwifi has no association [12:51] atlaspaine: try to update and run dist-upgrade , and if it doesn't fix itself i'd reinstall the unity metapackage [12:51] wow, that seems like a lot of work. I'm taking notes. [12:52] atlaspaine: use apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop | awk '/Depends/ {print$2}' | xargs sudo -y install --reinstall [12:53] hi [12:53] atlaspaine: to reinstall unity and some of its dependencies if you need to [12:54] I have some problems with using ubuntu on my new laptop. I can't use the builtin display on it, and since the last reboot xorg server completly crashes and goes to low graphics mode [12:54] What would this do? Would I lose any data and would it fix the absence of workspaces on this account? Workspaces was fine on the other account. [12:54] hi guys this happens to me time to time in ubuntu an frankly its incredibly frustrating. One of reasons I switched to ubuntu( although still have dual boot) is because of its supposed stability http://s23.postimg.org/iii0l41az/Screenshot_from_2015_05_05_14_53_21.png [12:55] atlaspaine: it would reinstall unity and the first list of dependencies it has, anything in your home dir won't be lost [12:55] ( regarding unity's settings and background etc. ) [12:55] my whole home directory? isn't this where all data is held? [12:56] Trudko_ - details about your version of ubuntu and your graphics card? does this happen in other applications or just in your browser? [12:56] atlaspaine: as for workspaces, if it works in the other account then it's a configuration problem, you could try removing some config dirs in your home to see which one is the problem [12:56] R-M-J: 14.04 Radeon 7850 [12:56] atlaspaine: yeah, reinstalling unity won't touch anything in your home dir though [12:57] Configuration directories? What does that mean? I apologize, I've only spent 1 year on Linux. [12:57] the error I seem to get is an error in setting the mode of the monitor [12:57] how do i configure docker to listen to port 2375 on ubuntu pls? 14.04. [12:57] trudko_ what driers are you using? [12:58] R-M-J: how do i exactly find out? [12:58] atlaspaine: like ~/.config ~/.cache ~/.gconf [12:58] or nvm i will google sorry [12:58] Oh dear. That is a lot of configuration lost. [12:58] R-M-J: btw it seems that this is problem for chromium because firefox seems ok [12:58] I'll compare and check before removing anything. [12:59] is there a way to save everything in this channel? [12:59] rm -rf / [12:59] !ops | IronicBadger [12:59] IronicBadger: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang [12:59] anyone an expert in solving graphics issues? === norm is now known as Guest56965 [12:59] !irclogs | atlaspaine it's saved here [12:59] atlaspaine it's saved here: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. [12:59] obviously joking EriC^^ [13:00] thank you, [13:00] IronicBadger: obviously not cool [13:00] IronicBadger: could you not? [13:00] clear [13:00] oops [13:00] !irclogs [13:00] Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. [13:00] trudko_ looks like this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/1216252 [13:00] Launchpad bug 1216252 in xf86-video-intel "scrolling in chrome leads to distorted images" [Medium,Fix released] [13:01] Ubuntu: King of Bugs as I've learned. What are iOS and Windows notorious for? [13:01] Infamous maybe. [13:01] R-M-J: http://pastie.org/10155930 [13:02] atlaspaine: could you type sudo find ~ ! -user and see if you get anything? [13:02] could use some help with solving low-graphics mode in ubuntu, anyone? === fernando is now known as Guest82031 [13:02] hello [13:02] paultjuh: type lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA and paste it in paste.ubuntu.com [13:03] It returns "bash: /home/atlaspaine: Is a directory [13:03] " [13:03] Eric^^: will try to paste it somehow [13:03] @EriC^^ you're amazing at this [13:04] paultjuh: highlight it and press the middle mouse to paste [13:04] Is the trusty-updates repository a superset of trusty-security? Does one need the security repository if they already have updates? [13:05] trudko_ my first move would be to look in the software and updates utility and see if there are any third-party drivers for the graphics card, if so enable them and see if it helps (and if they are enabled, disable them and see what happens) [13:05] Eric^^ I'm in low graphics mode and even the mouse doesn't seem to work (typing this on a different computer) [13:05] but will transfer it by usb [13:06] paultjuh: type lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA | nc termbin.com 9999 [13:07] but if it only happens in chrome it could just be a chrome thing [13:07] atlaspaine: are you sure there's no typo? [13:08] Negative, Sir. [13:08] atlaspaine: should work, what did you type exactly? [13:08] EriC^^: what about it any idea? [13:09] Eric^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989864/ and xorg log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989870/ [13:09] I entered "~ ! and the response was "bash: /home/: Is a directory" [13:09] What category of operations/structures does "if(conditional){statements}" belong to? [13:09] @EriC^^ I entered "~ ! and the response was "bash: /home/: Is a directory [13:09] atlaspaine: oh ok, type sudo find ~ ! -user [13:09] what does that do? [13:10] atlaspaine: it finds all files in your home dir that aren't owned by you [13:10] Amazing. [13:11] @EriC^^ what do you want me to do with the output? [13:12] arcsky: you could add them to /etc/rc.local they'd execute as root, not sure if that's the best place to put them though [13:12] atlaspaine: how many files are there? [13:12] has anyone ever called you a "hacker" while you're using Ubuntu and/or terminal? [13:13] @EriC^^ A lot! [13:13] ok, try sudo chown : ~ [13:13] I've been called a hacker so many times because of Linux. [13:13] Eric^^: also if that helps, the problem only seems to be with the builtin uhd monitor, the rest works [13:14] paultjuh: did you try additional drivers in the dash? [13:14] Was the "sudo chown : ~" for me? [13:14] atlaspaine: yes [13:14] I entered it and the terminal returned nothing. [13:15] is there any easy way to make a wifi ap? [13:15] EriC^^ I entered "sudo chown : ~" with no return from the terminal. [13:15] Eric^^: sorry what do you mean? (also I only have the commandline atm, even low graphics mode doesn't work correctly) [13:15] if anyone has a sec, any idea where i'd even start with trying to work out why this touchscreen doesn't work (screen itself displays but not responsive to touch at all). I assumed a USB issue but other usb ports seem to work and it worked last week. lenovo yoga 2 11, ubuntu 15.04 but issue is also in 14.04 and 14.1 [13:16] atlaspaine: ok, great [13:16] the kubuntu networkmanager gets stuck at "getting adress" [13:16] paultjuh: oh ok [13:16] EriC^^: What does it mean? [13:16] atlaspaine: if you want give the screensaver a shot [13:16] atlaspaine: it means it worked without errors [13:16] Where does it save it? [13:17] atlaspaine: what do you mean? [13:17] what it did? [13:17] EriC^^: Where does it send the screen capture from chown? [13:17] just wanted to say thanks, my ubuntu 14.04 is running great. [13:17] Eric^^ first boot it worked correctly except no image on the builtin monitor, after updating everything to the latest within 14.04 only low graphic mode works, sort of [13:17] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989864/ and xorg log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10989870/ [13:18] atlaspaine: it changes the ownership of the files [13:18] Yes, I should say thank you as well. You've taught me a lot @EriC^^ [13:18] no problem [13:18] EriC^^: who has ownership now? [13:19] you should [13:19] EriC^^: Google searches show that I cannot resize the side dock, which is massive in Unity. [13:19] you put your username instead of right? [13:20] hmm I can't work out this grub loader thing. [13:20] atlaspaine: i think you can do something in settings > display [13:21] atlaspaine: but everything else scales up too, then you have to play with the second control on the right about the windows and text size [13:21] hello, does anyone know how to set up an 'at' command with a detailed log of what happened? I tried redirecting the output to a file, but sometimes it seems the script doesn't even run [13:21] EriC^^: do you have any idea? [13:22] EriC^^: I cannot. I only want to change the side dock. I used Compiz to make the dock smaller. But compiz is dangerous I've read. perhaps this is limitingthe work spaces from working? [13:22] "just press e over the kernel in grub" what does this mean? Sorry I am a little out of my depth here [13:22] paultjuh: did you try an older kernel? [13:22] hi [13:23] jiggerypokery: in grub over the entry you want to boot press e on the keyboard [13:23] it was running an older kernel before I upgraded, but the monitor still didn't work [13:23] (and as it is the builtin that is really difficult) [13:23] paultjuh: try another graphics driver [13:23] !nvidia | paultjuh [13:23] paultjuh: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto [13:23] I can't find "startup applications" anymore? Where is it hid this time? Did normal search and search in "System Settings". === elopio_ is now known as elopio [13:24] ircnode0: type startup in the dash [13:24] atlaspaine: it could be yeah [13:24] I cannot find "startup" either [13:24] how do I get into grub? Don't you hammer shift at start up? It isn't working :( [13:24] oh, maybe it's different in 15.04 [13:25] try typing gnome-session-properties in the terminal [13:25] ircnode0: ^ [13:25] Eric^^: I tried several drivers so far, no luck, also the crash seems to be on intel (see xorg log) [13:25] trying another driver again [13:25] Hey, which channel will be used for the summit? [13:25] jiggerypokery: yeah keep holding shift when the pc boots [13:28] Is the trusty-updates repository a superset of trusty-security? Does one need the security repository if they already have updates? [13:28] EriC^^: Thanks, found startup this time from dash. - I did multiple search in dash with "startup", and finally it is found ^_^ [13:28] EriC^^: installing the recommened driver caused an infinite loop of crashes [13:29] ircnode0: cool [13:29] In the new ubuntu 15.04, I have an additional driver in the "additional drivers" program that is related to intel-microcode, should I install it or leave it not installed? [13:29] EriC^^: every step I've tried so far from ubuntu help pages made the problem a step worse [13:31] amari - i have the same driver, no idea either but i installed it and it hasn't made any obvious difference [13:32] EriC^^ doing a complete fresh install, but this is worrying seems ubuntu doesn't support the builtin monitor anymore (it did before, but after 6 months dell replaced it with a new laptop because it kept dying but the hardware config is clearly slightly different) [13:33] paultjuh: sorry im back [13:33] R-M-J_: Should I worry about enabling it? [13:34] amari - no idea. as far as i can tell nothing has happened [13:34] EriC^^: is there any change this problem can be solved? quiet worried that ubuntu is not going to work [13:34] doing a ocomplete reinstall now [13:35] paultjuh: xorg log says failed to load nvidia module it doesn't exist [13:36] paultjuh: try to reinstall the nvidia driver [13:36] Eric^^: doing a reinstall of ubuntu [13:36] as it was completly in a infinitive loop [13:36] that's pretty drastic [13:36] boot with nomodeset and reinstall the driver [13:36] also still a bit puzzled which driver I have to install [13:37] hold on [13:37] already reinstalled completly almost [13:38] it was an empty installation anyway [13:39] paultjuh: type sudo ubuntu-drivers devices [13:39] ok, let me do that [13:39] installation has just finished [13:40] ok [13:40] so after the new installation I have the same problem again, except less sever [13:40] (could not set the configuration for CRTC 95) [13:40] so, my computer used to do power management fine, but now it recognizes the battery stat fine but doesn't do the stuff I have set like changing brightness on low power… it's like it just doesn't see the setttings [13:41] any ideas what I can do? [13:41] EriC^^: the current sudo ubuntu-drivers devices is empty === kosss is now known as koss === joao is now known as Mete- [13:44] EriC^^ still there? [13:44] I want to play a HEVC video on ubuntu 14.04. mpv, vlc, mplaer in the repos don't support it. What are my options? === erwin is now known as PHPLearner [13:45] cdidd, if vlc doesn't play, it's pretty much undoable [13:45] paultjuh: yeah, googling [13:45] paultjuh: might be helpful http://askubuntu.com/questions/558497/optimus-nvidia-geforce-gt-750m-opengl-3-and-4 [13:45] the fresh install is not really a fresh install by the looks of it [13:46] I know mplayer downloads all the latest dependencies when you build it from source. [13:46] cdidd, or perhaps I was wrong ... http://vladimir-ivanov.net/vlc-does-not-support-the-audio-or-video-format-hevc-unfortunately-there-is-no-way-for-you-to-fix-this/ [13:46] which makes it very diffifcult to do anything because can't configure wifi on a halfly broken screen [13:46] hm. so i tried to install the numix icon pack, and i selected it in ubuntu tweak tool, but the icons are not being replaced [13:47] i installed using apt [13:47] unless anyone knows how to configure WIFI with the commandline [13:47] paultjuh: nmcli --help [13:50] hey [13:50] paultjuh: try booting with nomodeset and setting stuff up [13:50] EriC^^: thanks wifi is working now [13:50] ok will try that [13:51] this is my first time on an irc server [13:51] it is a bit concerning that even the installer doesn't give a basic image on the builtin monitor though [13:51] the bootloader does the builtin, after that only the external [13:52] waiting for the updates [13:55] ubuntu hates me today [13:55] same haha [13:56] or hates my new laptop, [13:56] I think it's the other way around ;) [13:56] Hey [13:57] How do I create a guest account like it is done in Ubuntu and its dirivatives [13:57] ? [13:57] huh? on what distro? [13:57] AtuM: arch [13:58] i bet the arch guys can tell you how to setup a guest account on arch [13:58] this is dpressing [13:58] rgb-one, it's just an account... isn't it? === andrex|off is now known as andrex [13:58] after a reinstall the terminal doesn't even work anymore [13:58] AtuM: Not quite [13:59] ah [13:59] AtuM: A passwordless login is required as well as the property of not saving data per session [13:59] rgb-one: you could probably check ubuntu's make guest account scripts [14:02] dammit [14:02] anyone have any idea why icons wouldn't swap out when you pick an icon set in unity tweak tool? [14:02] rgb-one: grep -r guest /etc seems like apparmor is used to restrict stuff [14:02] rgb-one, hmm.. i bet some post-login (logout) scripts would take care of "not saving data" part.. passwordless login depends on what desktop you use.. many of them available in arch [14:02] now the installer also cleaned out the windows installation [14:03] rgb-one: this is the script that sets everything up /usr/sbin/guest-account [14:03] jacksonmills: Perhaps the icon set you picked does not have icons for all applications that you use [14:04] EriC^^: Thanks [14:04] ok this is great [14:04] completly fucked now [14:05] anyone nows how to recover windows because ubuntu wiped including all of the recovery partitions? (while I said it shouldn't?) [14:05] ubuntu does what you tell it to [14:05] !testdisk | paultjuh [14:06] testdisk? [14:06] MrElendig: actually it's a bug, he probably pressed reinstall ubuntu in the installer [14:06] I selected: wipe old ubuntu installation, instead in wiped everything [14:06] anyway if it just nuked the partitions then you can recreate them, if you actually overwrote the data then consider it lost [14:06] !info testdisk | paultjuh [14:06] paultjuh: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14-3build2 (vivid), package size 343 kB, installed size 1382 kB [14:06] paultjuh: boot a live usb and stop using it immediately [14:06] ok thanks [14:08] how to get testdisk? [14:09] booting the live ubuntu [14:09] sudo apt-get install testdisk [14:09] unable to locate package testdisk [14:09] type sudo gtk-software-properties -e universe [14:09] <[FR]Dae> sudo apt install -y testdisk && sudo testdisk [14:09] sorry sudo software-properties-gtk -e universe [14:10] then sudo apt-get update [14:10] ah [14:10] <[FR]Dae> sudo apt update -ymu --fix-missing && sudo apt upgrade -ymu --fix-missing && sudo apt-get -ymu dist-upgrade --fix-missing && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get clea [14:10] then I have to somehow install the driver again [14:11] <[FR]Dae> si tu veux vraiment faire les chose bien [14:11] wifi driver is not installed by default because broadcom [14:11] <[FR]Dae> if you need realy à good effect [14:11] <[FR]Dae> check you setting of synatpic [14:11] [FR]Dae: ou lala .. c'est jolie :P [14:12] hateball: Nah, i mean, its not replacing any of them [14:12] I've used this icon pack before, on my other computer, same ppa and process but nothing happens when I select the theme/icon pack [14:14] relog? [14:15] <[FR]Dae> paultjuh and in you setting of synaptic check all the box for have all source (main, univers, restrited, multivers, and sources) [14:16] seem to have testdisk now [14:16] hopefully it finds back my windows install [14:17] then I can go back to trying to get a working ubuntu installation [14:18] i do not know how this happened, when in terminal when tle for the terminal set the tii hit the letter "o" i get asked to === amir_ is now known as Guest58603 [14:18] when i hit the letter"o" terminal asks me to set its title [14:19] how do i fix this? [14:19] MrElendig: yeah, i tried that, im wondering if something else is overriding the icon pack or preventing it from changing? [14:19] the same thing is happening to Libra [14:19] ( gtk theme ) [14:19] both are not taking effect [14:22] gtk2 vs gtk3? [14:23] gtk3 [14:23] im using gtk3, its a gtk3 theme [14:24] ive done the exact same thing on another install of unity 14.04 [14:24] er, ubuntu [14:24] i have no idea why it's not working here :/ [14:30] I want to change the backgroundcolor of the bootsplash from violet to white. How do I do that? [14:33] tytan : take a look https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Displays [14:34] ioria: thank you [14:34] tytan : np [14:35] Can anyone provide a link or instructions on installing ubuntu on a MacBookPro5,5? [14:37] hey does anyone know how to install a specific kernel? [14:37] http://askubuntu.com/questions/504695/im-unable-to-get-intel-7260-cb-iwlwifi-to-work-kubuntu-14-04 [14:37] Trying to solve that one [14:38] jiggerypokery: what fixed that for me is to roll back to -7 of the driver [14:38] how do you do that? [14:39] go into lib firmware and type ls la | grep 7260 [14:39] you should see [14:39] iwlwifi-7260-8.ucode, a list of them [14:39] if you have -7 [14:39] remove everything but 7 and put it in a backup folder in your home directory [14:40] if you don't have it, download it [14:40] running tar -czf dir1/ dir2/ etc , which will have no output due to there being no v for verbose. but how can i show output but only errors? [14:40] or is that not doable [14:41] cool, reboot now? [14:42] n/m got it [14:44] Gyah still getting purple screen at startup unless I boot into recovery mode first [14:44] Hi all, I administer an ubuntu server. I have a problem where occasionally a user will consume a lot of memory and the system will become unresponsive due to swap. Further logins will not work and I can't even kill the offending process. What do people do to solve this problem? [14:45] dschatzberg: /etc/security/limits.conf === Sarge123^off is now known as Sarge123 [14:47] dschatzberg: Also, user education. [14:47] jpds: and how do I choose the limits? I want users to be able to use all the memory unless there is contention, then the largest consumers should be slowed down [14:47] dschatzberg: Then you're going to have to look at something like cgroups. [14:47] Anyone know why I can boot from recovery mode but not directly? [14:48] jacksonmills: no luck on that wifi still doesn't work :( [14:48] jpds: any links on how people are using cgroups for this issue? [14:52] anyone know what `dmesg` is ? [14:55] The dmesg command is used to write the kernel messages in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems to standard output (which by default is the display screen). [14:56] so, it displays information regarding all current active kernels? [15:01] When I mark an old kernel for removal in synaptic, it wants to remove linux-generic, linux-generic-pae and linux-image-generic. This is bad, right? Like ubunut-desktop they're needed? [15:02] TenLeftFingers: there is no -pae anymore [15:02] what ubuntu are you on exactl? [15:02] *y [15:02] k1l_: I'm on 14.04. It may have been upgraded from a previous release [15:04] Hi, im getting an unknown error with cgroups, anyone seen this error before? : http://pastie.org/private/ziwfrntwvcltvdgg0jjq [15:06] is 14.04.2 installing a separate /home partition by default now? [15:07] t-ready: no [15:08] just did a 16 node cluster install & suddenly they all have /home as a separate /dev/sda# [15:09] t-ready: Do you have more RAM than disk space? [15:10] yes [15:10] Urrgh I give up [15:10] back to 15 [15:10] What is the benefit of using systemd? [15:10] t-ready: Join the club: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1427160 [15:10] Wifi works on 15 but I get virtualbox freezing the host machine instead… [15:10] Launchpad bug 1427160 in partman-auto (Ubuntu) "MAAS allocates all disk space to /home (d-i installer)" [Medium,Triaged] [15:10] sick of this! [15:10] jpds: oh greeeeeeeeeeeeeat. thanks for the heads-up [15:11] joshh20: there is not a real choice, since the whole linux community is moving to systemd [15:11] t-ready: Workaround in comment #5. [15:11] jpds: thanks a bunch - appreciate it [15:11] k1l_ Oh ok, it just seems like there are a lot of people that are very wary of the project, and I dont really know much about it myself [15:13] joshh20, It just depends, some distros have been on it a while now, other were not early adopters. [15:14] joshh20: yes. but since the desktops like gnome and kde depend on stuff from systemd and small projects get taken over by systemd there is not a real choice anymore since ubuntu cant take the workload alone to make that all work without systemd anymore [15:16] This is a pretty good discussion on the whole matter: http://www.zdnet.com/article/linus-torvalds-and-others-on-linuxs-systemd/ [15:17] Hi guys, since i've did a fresh install of 15.04, i got random shut downs on my laptop, about every 30 min or so. Sometimes it can un for whole day without problem. Everything was fine uner 14.04. ANy ideas ? [15:27] Hey guys. For some reason X is flickering on/off every few seconds. It's black for ~5sec, then displays for a split second, and returns to being black. [15:28] Initially i thought it was an HDMI issue, but all my TTYs are working and displaying fine [15:28] It's only when I startx that it begins flickerin on/off. [15:28] Any tips for debugging/fixing? [15:31] Hi guys, since i've did a fresh install of 15.04, i got random shut downs on my laptop, about every 30 min or so. Sometimes it can un for whole day without problem. Everything was fine uner 14.04. ANy ideas ? === Thomas_ is now known as Guest66319 === michael__ is now known as Guest41852 [15:36] r0n try to paste dmesg | grep ACPI [15:37] ioria, hi again. Still the only relevent info are : [ 16.969475] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20141107/nsarguments-95) [15:37] [ 16.978478] ACPI Error: Field [TMPB] at 274432 exceeds Buffer [ROM1] size 262144 (bits) (20141107/dsopcode-236) [15:37] [ 16.978482] ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._ROM] (Node ffff88041f0fda00), AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT (20141107/psparse-536) [15:37] [ 16.996543] ACPI Warning: \_SB_.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP._DSM: Argument #4 type mismatch - Found [Buffer], ACPI requires [Package] (20141107/nsarguments-95) [15:38] i tried returned under 14.04 but with the 14.04.2 i've got the same problem === mlb is now known as novastrom [15:40] r0n you have nvidia ? [15:41] ioria, yes with optimus === Silenced_v2 is now known as Silenced_v2_afk === KeroroGunsou is now known as d0lph1n98 [15:45] r0n well, did you update upgrade dist-upgrade ? [15:46] ioria, no it's a fresh install [15:47] it just happened again, it's so random i have no idea what would be the cause. Yesterday it ran foe 19hours without any problem === andre is now known as Guest17228 [15:47] r0n i think it's a nvidia driver issue .... today i got a kernel upgrade to 3.19.0-16-generic, maybe it fixes [15:48] ioria, ok will try, thanks [15:50] ls [15:50] I'm newbie on Ubuntu Mate, Hallo All [15:51] Can you help to setup monitor resolution to 1920 x 1080 on Ubuntu Mate Virtual? (permanen setting) [15:58] jpds: one thing: we're not using MAAS [15:58] t-ready: Not a MAAS bug. [15:58] jpds: they've moved it? [15:58] t-ready: I've changed the title. [15:58] t-ready: It's a bug in d-i. [15:59] Hi. I just installed ubuntu on a box and all works fine. Im a longtime linux-user but this is first time i got this problem. I can SSH fine into the box but scp and mosh doesnt work. I just get returned to the password -prompt and can find no error messages at all. [15:59] jpds: gotcha. and the workaround was to force atomic ? [15:59] Tried googling around for a while and read some articles but cannot solve it. [15:59] t-ready: To use an expert recipe that did the same thing as atomic. [16:00] jpds: you find one? [16:00] t-ready: It's in the comment. [16:00] jpds: 14? [16:01] t-ready: #5: partman-auto/expert_recipe === mkv is now known as m4v === andrex is now known as andrex|off [16:07] Hi [16:07] Can someone help me out? === gerald is now known as Guest61428 [16:10] Hello.........? [16:10] Hi nacer [16:10] !ask | Adit [16:10] Adit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [16:11] I just updated to 15.04 and can't install/update any apps [16:12] How to deal with this "exactly one of ... python_single_target" issues? Is there a file like package.use for handling this? [16:12] "The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied: exactly-one-of ( python_single_target_pypy python_single_target_python2_7 )" === darkdevil is now known as DarkDevil === roland_ is now known as roland [16:13] For some time now, my apt puts its cache and *.deb files into the filesystem root. Why, and how to fix it? The system is an Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 [16:13] question - does anyone know if it is possible to get Vudu working on 15.04, maybe through wine? [16:14] hi, is there a easy way to prompt the user for a custom variable within the ncurses installer? === andre is now known as Guest13158 [16:18] Could anyone help me with preseeding? My 14.04 iso kernel panics when I boot from it [16:25] Is 1.0.1f the latest openssl for Trusty? [16:25] hey [16:25] hey [16:25] hey [16:25] hey [16:25] hey [16:26] lol [16:27] root is just excited about ubuntu === spy_ is now known as huangzhiquan [16:42] ubuntu live cd claims my windows user folder is empty.... why [16:57] Well, I deleted all my thumbnails in .thumbnails and in large and normal subdirectories and there was a cartload of them. When I went to the menu I had no application icons after that. I rebooted and my application icons came back. Thought I was in trouble. What happened?? [16:58] Ubuntu 14.04 Unity. [16:59] I used dconf-tools to prevent thumbnails from being stored. [16:59] Pazooza, the .folder in your home are recreated when you reboot [17:00] There are still no thumbnails but my app icons are back why did they go away? [17:00] I did not elete app icons. [17:00] delete [17:01] Pazooza, the folder is recreated not its content === Docmors_ is now known as DocMors [17:02] That doesn't tell my why I lost app icons in the first place, ioria. [17:03] Pazooza, you deleted them , or not ? [17:03] I deleted thumbnails not app icons. [17:05] what is unity actually? [17:06] A desktop I think. [17:07] Like KDE, XFCE, LXDE, ICE etc. [17:07] Gnome, mate etc. [17:07] sudip_, its a gnome 3 shell [17:07] sudip_, another being gnome-shell [17:08] Cinnamon. [17:16] Im proud to present Claude to our community. He is bored of Vbox. I know there are alternatives. Much better ones. Wanna have some help. [17:18] Claude is a farmer who adopted Open. Totaly. This man is precious for our cause. Plz help him the best you can. [17:18] !vm | YvesLevier [17:18] YvesLevier: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications [17:19] ubottu: bazhang: thx :) looking at this [17:19] YvesLevier: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:20] If i install ubuntu 14.04 server on my laptop (dualboot), and login to the server (doesn't have UI, i.e. gnome), will I be able to access the laptops default webcam? [17:21] claude [17:22] hi [17:23] how mant of you think ubuntu is the best linux distro? [17:23] NMG wrong channel [17:23] NMG, try #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux [17:24] & who was that? [17:24] NMG, its not on topic here [17:24] then whats the topic here? [17:24] NMG: ubuntu support [17:24] NMG, ubuntu technical support only , not chat or polling [17:24] NMG: emotional support not included [17:25] :) [17:25] kk thanks for the info [17:32] Someone Help Me How To Play a DVD in XUbuntu? [17:33] * VIDEO DVD [17:33] !dvd | ibj_ [17:33] ibj_: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [17:35] I somehow managed to get a few stream using VLC Media Player and GNOME Videos, then sudden stop playback. [17:36] ibj_: did you follow the steps outlined in this help doc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs [17:36] I don't really need to watch the Video DVD but to learn how to setup a good Video DVD player on Linux :D THANK YOU VERY MUCH! [17:37] I will read those links [17:40] How do I file a bug on launchpad.net? [17:40] nm, I was looking at a team not not a project. Can't file a bug against a team :-) [17:53] Hey guys. I'm having some issues with X. After logging in, the screen goes black for a few seconds, every few seconds. I've tried resetting compiz to its defaults and re-installing my graphics drivers. All my TTYs display fine, it's when I startx that the issue appears [17:53] Any help/tips to debug and solve would be appreciated [17:53] it is about some .VOB video files onto a video DVD. The only way i could play a video dvd in Linux is setting up a HPTC like this one? http://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/201504/page01.html [17:54] !info devede [17:54] devede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.23.0-13-gbfd73f3-2 (vivid), package size 1850 kB, installed size 3899 kB [17:54] ibj_, ^ [17:55] Hi. I need some help adding something to my $PATH env variable. I have a this file "/home/petter/.composer/vendor/bin/laravel", and in my .profile I have PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin" but when I try to run "laravel" it says "laravel: command not found". What's going on? [17:55] ok === stephane is now known as kalexyco [17:55] !info laravel [17:55] Package laravel does not exist in vivid [17:55] i have a problem with evince document viewer [17:56] it adds characters when i copy and paste to a document [17:56] its a strange f character [17:57] evenin all, quick question, can i flip the stereo output from ubuntu? [17:57] anyone get flixster to work in firefox on 15.04 [17:57] Need some help please! Setup my BIOS to boot from cd/dvd as first priority. Put live DVD in my drive and booted computer. Went straight to my hard drive. DVD drive works and I have used to the disc to boot other computers so I know that works. Any ideas? [18:00] tblake3: you made the cd/dvd wrong or your computer is dumb [18:00] tblake3: If indeed this is a Bios system and not UEFI, then if the boot priority is set to DVD, and still booting the hard drive, then bios is not finding boot code on the DVD and default advanceing to the hard drive. [18:01] klixa: of those choices, my computer is dumb. I have used the dvd to boot other computers. [18:01] ok tblake3 , my computer ive been workong on for days is dumb too, so i get it [18:01] <_war10ck_> afflicto: `~' doesn't work in the way it is written [18:01] tblake3, mepis? [18:02] tblake3 . My PC can boot from removable media and it must'nt alway but the removable media as first boot option in boot menu. I simply press F12 before boot sequence and i chose from a list of bootable media devices. I can't help you i'm sorry. Never ran through your issue. [18:02] tblake3> I have a dvd drive that is ran as a sata drive and it shows up along with cdrom drive on the boot list I get when I use f12 to get a list of boot devices. [18:02] tblake3: one more possibilty is ok, i have legacy mode and uefi mode... when i boot with a lunux usb i have ti use uefoi mode [18:02] bazhang: mepis... yes. How did you know? [18:02] tblake3: The DVD drive at fault ? Maybe clean the optics on the DVD drive ? [18:02] <_war10ck_> afflicto: provide the full path, or use `PWD` in place of ~ [18:02] tblake3: so maybe its some other setting [18:02] _war10ck_: I tried changing it to an absolute path as well (/home/petter/.composer/vendor/bin) didn't work [18:03] i wanna know why when i mount a windows drive in ubuntu it says the user folder is emmoty (when it is not) === andre is now known as Guest42697 [18:04] DVD drive can read the disk once it's bootd from my native os. Even used the drive to burn the disk. I noticed the legacy/uefi mode option in BIOS. Was set to uefi so I switched to legacy. No change so I set it back to uefi. [18:04] <_war10ck_> afflicto: Can you paste the portion you have written [18:04] _war10ck_: yeah [18:04] _war10ck_: http://laravel.io/bin/bEx8X [18:04] tblake3: being able to read the disk doesnt mean it found the bootcode part...if you used this exact dvd in other machines maybe ut got corrupt [18:05] it* [18:05] How do I fix a corrupt bootcode? [18:05] tblake3: you burn a new dvd [18:06] my laptop has the option to have a boot list...and then i can select what i want to boot form... if yorus does id yry that too [18:06] yours* tries* [18:06] try...sorry i cant type === BOHverkill is now known as BOHverkill___ [18:08] klixa: I don't think that is the problem. I put the dvd in any other computer and it works fine. The problem seems local to my machine. If I hit f12 during boot it gives me a boot choice. DVD isn't one of them even though the disc is loaded. Boot sequence in BIOS is set to DVD first priority. [18:08] I have TeamViewer installed , if someone wants to try make a video dvd play in my XUbuntu, be my guest :D [18:09] tblake3: then its a setting [18:09] ibj_, did you try devede yet [18:09] _war10ck_: does it look OK? [18:09] tblake3: i have no idea what setting it could be, google your computer model and problem... im sure others have had the same issue [18:10] <_war10ck_> afflicto: Can you just try this - /home...? [18:10] tblake3: do other DVDs play in the drive? [18:10] _war10ck_: putting that in the $PATH variable? [18:10] _war10ck_: in .profile? [18:10] <_war10ck_> afflicto: Yeah [18:10] <_war10ck_> afflicto: /home instead of just home === sven_oostenbrink is now known as phoenixz [18:11] _war10ck_: oh ok so prepend it with a slash, leave the rest? [18:11] <_war10ck_> afflicto: Yes [18:11] <_war10ck_> Just a / before home [18:11] i installed devde , xine & gxine , with synaptic. but still won't help much. [18:11] _war10ck_: nope, not working :S [18:11] marianne: DVD drive otherwise seems to be fully operational. [18:12] _war10ck_: I ran source ~/.profile too [18:12] <_war10ck_> afflicto: Okay, let me see - I think there should be another way [18:12] tblake3: what kind of computer is it [18:12] brand/model [18:12] _war10ck_: ok [18:13] playback is getting frozen using gxine [18:13] <_war10ck_> afflicto: Can you echo the PATH variable and show me the value? [18:13] _war10ck_: echo $PATH [18:13] /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games [18:13] klixa: Compaq CQ58 [18:14] What will be the next LTS version and when it will release? [18:14] <_war10ck_> afflicto: Does the /home/bin directory exist? [18:15] _war10ck_: no.. [18:15] ZxoR, 16.04 [18:15] <_war10ck_> afflicto: [18:15] april 2016 [18:15] tblake3: maybe you should just put linux on a usb... [18:15] bazhang, thank's! [18:15] <_war10ck_> afflicto: Hence the issue, the if statement checks if the directory exists, resulting in not running the lower code it seems [18:16] tblake3: did you disable secure boot? [18:16] _war10ck_: wait... at the top it says: theis file is nto read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or /.bash_login exists. [18:16] klixa: Used the usb to install bodhi linux. Not really liking it and not a fan of Ubuntu. I wanted to try mepis but my usb doesn't ahve enough capacity [18:17] klixa: secure boot disable. still no go [18:17] tblake3: your model isgetting a lot of hits of people having issues booting it from dvd's [18:17] <_war10ck_> afflicto: .profile is always read despite the fact that .bash_profile exists, because adding anything in the .profile will make the code/command available for evrything in [18:18] tblake3: disbaling secure boot and enabling legacy boot are the only options i see to fix it [18:18] <_war10ck_> afflicto: ...cntd - in that session [18:19] It is safe to upgrade from 14.04 to 15.04? There is no problems in 15.04 and I will be able to install every package? [18:19] _war10ck_: ok.. [18:19] ZxoR: You need to update to 14.10 before being able to update to 15.04 [18:19] ZxoR, there is an intermediate step with 14.10 [18:19] <_war10ck_> afflicto: plus, after making the change in the .profile, you need to reload it [18:20] ZxoR: you will have to do 14.10 then 15.04... did this on my laptop and everything is fine [18:20] _war10ck_: I am, I do "source ~/.profile" [18:20] !help gstreamer [18:20] !info gstreamer [18:20] ZxoR: Safe thing .. dual boot . [18:20] Package gstreamer does not exist in vivid [18:20] klixa: I'm seeing the same thing. Unfortunately it seems that no one finds a solution or doesn't report back when they do. [18:20] ibj_, install ubuntu-restricted-extras [18:20] <_war10ck_> afflicto: I figured you would do that, so the only problem seems to be the /home/bin directory issue, check for the correct dir and then try again [18:21] tblake3: buy a new usb! [18:21] but not a 3.0 those have boot issues too on most machines [18:21] _war10ck_: I made that dir (~/home/bin) so it exists now. [18:21] _war10ck_: still, same thing. [18:21] tblake3, why are you asking for mepis support in #ubuntu [18:21] klixa: that is a possible solution [18:21] <_war10ck_> afflicto: Now try and see if the path gets loaded properly [18:22] _war10ck_: it's not. [18:22] ubuntu-restricted-extras already installed , i installed and xubuntu-restricted-extras [18:22] _war10ck_: /home/petter/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games [18:22] ibj_, and you want to play a vob? [18:22] <_war10ck_> afflicto: Is the / added before home now? [18:23] YES .VOB file on magazine video DVD === Sarge123 is now known as Sarge123^off [18:23] bazhang: because while I am not a fan of the Ubuntu interface as a matter of personal preference, I have found that the community here is very helpful and knowledgable on a wide range of Linux issues beyond Ubuntu exclusively. [18:23] ibj_, so install smplayer and play it [18:24] The Imitation Game [18:24] tblake3, mepis is simply NOT supported here [18:24] tblake3, use alis to find the mepis channel [18:24] !alis | tblake3 [18:24] tblake3: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* [18:24] Hi, since my clean install of 15.04 I've got random shutdowns without warning about every 30+min. Everything was fine under 14.04. Temperatures are ok. Any lead ? [18:24] _war10ck_: omg it works now! [18:24] mic2015, no warez here [18:24] Hey guys. I'm having some issues with X. After logging in, the screen goes black for a few seconds, every few seconds. I've tried resetting compiz to its defaults and re-installing my graphics drivers. All my TTYs display fine, it's when I startx that the issue appears [18:24] Any help/tips to debug and solve would be appreciated [18:24] ioria, new kernel didn't solved it [18:25] _war10ck_: I think I typed it wrong somehow. [18:25] bazhang, on their web page they said :"The MEPIS community is small , although it is based on Debian, so you can draw on, for example, the Ubuntu community as well)" [18:25] ioria, thats not we say here though, its not supported here [18:26] bazhang, i know, they don't [18:26] <_war10ck_> afflicto: add an export PATH after the PATH=...statement [18:26] bazhang: my issue is not a mepis/ubuntu/{insert any other OS} issue, it's a boot/bios issue. If it's inapropriate to bring that issue here, I apologize. I'm just looking for help from people that know more than me. [18:26] tblake3, the mepis or ##linux channel NOT here [18:27] <_war10ck_> afflicto: See if this way it works out -- export PATH=/path/to/dir:$PATH [18:27] _war10ck_: No, it works! [18:28] _war10ck_: there was a typo I think, but I fixed it. and thanks for helping though! [18:28] jarlopez: what type of vid card are you using? [18:28] hello [18:29] marianne: intel corporation 3rd gen core processor graphics controller [18:30] r0n, what version of nvidia driver you have ? [18:30] <_war10ck_> afflicto: Wish I could have found the typo - anyway, happy to help [18:31] I want to develop some application to Ubuntu users. like HexChat or somthing with GUI, what language is recommended? [18:31] bazhang: Then if it makes you feel better, my live ubuntu disk won't boot either. Tried a few different distros. But we'll only talk about why it won't boot ubuntu from disk either. [18:31] ioria, i had 346 until now. Just tried 340 now but same problem [18:31] tblake3, no, its not ubuntu , its mepis, stop asking for support on it [18:31] <_war10ck_> ZxoR: if you prefer GUI, check QT(C++ and Python) else try out ncurses(c, c++, python) [18:32] jarlopez: and it worked on ubuntu before, right? [18:32] smplayer not helping either [18:32] r0n, take a look at this, just for info : http://www.webupd8.org/2013/08/using-nvidia-graphics-drivers-with.html [18:33] marianne: Yeah. I've had compiz configuration issues in the past, so I reset that. [18:33] No dice [18:33] _war10ck_, Qt is just GUI creator or programming language [18:34] hi [18:34] jarlopez: I had to pass on compiz this release and use the unity tweak tool. I have everything except eyecandy like rotating cube and wobbly windows but this is a laptop and it doesn't really matter to me, i do have workspaces though [18:34] bazhang, what is that i don't know or i do wrong for to play my Video DVD ? [18:35] http://askubuntu.com/questions/15090/how-to-play-vob-files-that-were-inside-a-dvd-disc ibj_ read this fully [18:36] jarlopez: did you reset compiz completely? or just change the values back? or? [18:36] bazhang, thank you very much for your time. === mike_ is now known as Guest1128 [18:36] bazhang: I understand to you to be a supporter of Ubuntu and so I get that you don't want to fix a "Mepis" issue. I had the same issue booting from disc for Ubuntu. This is not a distro issue I am having, I have narrowed it to a BIOS issue. As a result of your hostlity, I am feeling less love for Ubuntu as a whole where previously I had viewed the Ubuntu community as very open and helpful. [18:36] marianne: Completely. I'm not certain that it's the culprit, though, /var/log/Xorg.0.log doesn't have anything about the repeating blank screens [18:37] jarlopez: dconf dump /org/compiz/ run that and see if it shows you still have something active [18:38] marianne: What do you mean 'something active'? [18:38] _war10ck_, Qt is just GUI creator or programming language [18:39] hey, How can I set a preseed option for this installer prompt? http://i.imgur.com/C8AVQQg.png [18:39] Or better yet, how can I look up preseed option name/values for anything in the installer? [18:39] jarlopez: when I had issues I thought I had reset compiz completely but there was still an item showing ... [18:40] Hi. I am using packer to create an Ubuntu AMI, but when I do "sudo apt-get upgrade -y linux-virtual" I get a prompt informing me, "A new version of /boot/grub/menu.lst is available, but the version installed currently has been locally modified." This prompt breaks my automation. How can I just accept the default answer? [18:40] jarlopez: it had something to do with the cube [18:40] marianne: Ah. Well, the command returns config. settings === r0n_ is now known as r0n [18:41] jarlopez: right... [18:43] jarlopez: take a look at the stuff on this page... http://itsfoss.com/reset-unity-compiz-settings-ubuntu-1404/ [18:43] marianne: Can you think of anything to help verify that compiz is indeed the cause? [18:44] Looking for some pointers on an issue having with booting. I seem to have picked up an issue on my boot with nfs network drives after upgrading to 15.04. Its a rather long delay of i say about a minute. I have not been home yet to see if this is still an issue when local to the NFS drives, but guess i need to have them not try and automatically mount during boot. [18:44] jarlopez: no, sorry... only my experience. my Nvidia card NEVER had these types of issues, but the Intel in my laptop is a nightmare [18:45] orion: http://askubuntu.com/questions/146921/how-do-i-apt-get-y-dist-upgrade-without-a-grub-config-prompt [18:45] !info gstreamer [18:45] Package gstreamer does not exist in vivid [18:46] I will grab a picture. its hard to determine if this is something should just adjust in fstab or this is cause by NTP(which looks like has some issue in starting. [18:46] marianne: Well, thanks a lot for the input. Do you have any hunches regarding which log files might tell me more? Xorg.0.log wasn't very fruitful, same with dmesg [18:47] trism: Thanks! Should I be using dist-upgrade or regular upgrade, generally? [18:48] jarlopez: Ubuntu Desktop [18:48] The general theme for 15.04 on the desktop is one of bug fixes and incremental quality improvements as well as a more significant change in the move to systemd as an init system. [18:48] Unity [18:48] Unity has had many bugs fixed and new features added. Locally integrated menus are now available for unfocussed windows. There have been a number of usability improvements to the dash. [18:48] UNITY 7.3 [18:48] A configuration option to have menus displayed at all times instead of only on mouseover. [18:48] Enable the Dash, HUD, or logout dialogs over fullscreen windows. [18:48] hey guys all of a sudden my ubuntu wont start- stuck onstartup syntax- have wubi dual boot w win 10 demo === rqjznhsnhynrbxpx is now known as tnzttukuqhxhkoux === chudgins is now known as mrquack === tnzttukuqhxhkoux is now known as vqjgyurfcaufraor === vqjgyurfcaufraor is now known as Dewin|work [18:48] Nick_Nuke, wubi is not a dual boot [18:48] Nick_Nuke, wubi isn't supported after win7 [18:48] Nick_Nuke, get rid of wubi [18:49] !wubi [18:49] Wubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for more information. File wubi bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug [18:49] orion: usually dist-upgrade so you can pull in new recommends and update things like the kernel, but I don't know about on a cloud image, maybe you don't want that in general [18:50] was working- will remove [18:50] http://i58.tinypic.com/zjh00h.jpg is what It sits at trying to mount several different locations over and over === eag is now known as Guest96510 === CarlFK1 is now known as CarlFK [18:54] hi everyone, how do I change the shell to zsh? I tried with chsh but my user is a network user and it can't be determined [18:55] /leave [18:57] !info PCLOS XFCE [18:57] 'XFCE' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed [18:58] hi everyone, how do I change the shell to zsh? I tried with chsh but my user is a network user and it can't be determined [18:58] How can I install XFCE desktop environment in PC LInux OS since there is no PCLOS XFCE build? [18:59] Ask the PC Linux OS Support. [18:59] ibj, wrong chanel, this is ubntu support only [18:59] ibj_: PCLOS's support is in #pclinuxos, not #ubuntu [18:59] Hey guys, I need help generating a pgp key.. Every time I click through the process using seahorse, I get the "General Error" message. I also get an error when I try to use terminal to generate the keys. Googled the problem, and it would seem that I need to delete the ~/.gnupg/ folder, but, I can't, on account of needing root to do that. So, if anyone can either guide me through the process of generating a pgp key successfully, [18:59] or deleting the ~/.gnupg/ folder, I'd greatly appreciate your help! [18:59] ibj_: actually it looks like #pclinuxos-support (weird) [19:00] hi [19:01] twiler: if your users' ~/.gnupg directory is owned by root, or has root owned files - that _might_ be the issue! [19:01] I've seen screenshots published in PCLOS Magazine with XFCE DE. I know i can install the XFCE desktop metapackage from the command line but i guess it's furthermore complex operation since i want only one desktop environment from the beginning. [19:01] zykotick9: Right, but, how can I fix that? [19:01] You know? [19:02] danizos "chsh -s /bin/zsh" logout and login again? [19:02] Like, something helpful I could do to begin to understand how to fix the problem would be really appreciated! [19:02] twiler: "sudo chown -r youruser:youruser ~/.gnupg" should work (it might be a capital R) [19:02] twiler: ^^ sysop@1404mini:~$ ls -al ~/.gnupg >> -rw------- 1 sysop sysop 9398 Jun 6 2013 gpg.conf . For instance . [19:03] OerLuptop, it doesn't work because I'm a network user and I'm not on /etc/passwd so I cant determine my username [19:03] ok, I will attempt to do zykotixck9's fix! === matrix is now known as Guest2359 [19:06] ok, zycotick9, nothing happened at all, is that what you expected? [19:07] When I run apt-get update, I get a warning about dupicate sources at the end of output : http://dl.google.com/linux/talkplugin/deb/ When I open /etc/apt/sources.list I don't see those entries. Does anyone know where these entries are to be found? [19:07] Like, should that've enabled me to delete the folder? [19:07] twiler: "ls -ld ~/.gnupg" who owns it? [19:07] sources,list,d redemptionsong [19:07] with . not , [19:08] Hey, it no longer says "root" in owner! [19:08] It now says "me"! [19:08] twiler: :) [19:08] Dude! You rock! [19:09] OK, I'm gonna see if that fixes my pgp problem now! [19:09] I found this and i'm sure it will do as expected: http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/4MPlayer-12-0-Beta-Is-a-Linux-Distro-Used-Just-to-Play-Video-Files-480065.shtml [19:09] cookie!= zycotick9 [19:09] bazhang: thanks, got er [19:09] Man, dude, you know what I mean, right [19:10] twiler: i do. fyi, i think it's "!cookie NICKNAME" [19:10] * zykotick9 like's #debian's beer more ;) [19:10] with the | [19:11] !cookie zycotick9 [19:11] !Cookie | zycotick9 [19:11] zycotick9: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [19:11] Awesome! [19:11] I figured something out for a change! [19:11] LOL [19:13] err ... what's normally in /var/lib/apt/lists/ ? [19:14] Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my i5 processor. i7z shows it's only in c1 sleep, and rarely in anything else. It's a decently new i5 4570 on an Asus h87 plus mobo, running straight ubuntu 14.04. Any help is much appreciated! [19:14] So, zycotick9, why did that happen? [19:14] Or, how, rather? [19:15] redemptionsong: the package lists [19:15] twiler: i'd "guess" you used sudo when using seahorse perhaps? [19:15] No, I didn't.. I am still trying to get seahorse to work, also, fyi [19:16] twiler: not sure then? [19:16] so i just upgraded from 14.10 to 15.04 and now I can't move my mouse on screen at all [19:16] Mann I am still having problems.. [19:16] dang it! [19:17] !info KDE [19:18] Package KDE does not exist in vivid [19:18] WTF.. [19:18] Cheesus_Christ: So this is a Haswell system? [19:18] Dude, I still need your help... My bad! [19:18] !info KDE Plasma [19:18] 'Plasma' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed [19:18] what is the recommended PPA to install ffmpeg? [19:19] jeffreylevesque: ffmpeg is in the repos [19:19] Jordan_U, I think so. Is there compatibility issues with that? [19:19] !info kubuntu-desktop | ibj_ [19:19] ibj_: kubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.323 (vivid), package size 4 kB, installed size 58 kB [19:19] i thought ffmpeg is not in 14.04 ? [19:20] !info ffmpeg [19:20] ffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7:2.5.6-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 1145 kB, installed size 1751 kB [19:20] since, libav replaced it [19:20] s/replaced/forked/ [19:21] Jordan_U, confirmed, is definitely haswell [19:22] would 15.04 be better? I'm not too deep into this os, so i can switch === yoni is now known as Guest56726 [19:23] jeffreylevesque: I thought so too, was it returned? I see it in 15.04 now [19:23] i tihnk it was returned for 15.04, but not for 14.04 [19:23] let me try sudo apt-get ffmpeg [19:23] Cheesus_Christ: Then you're probably hitting this: http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/34868.html [19:24] jeffreylevesque: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg [19:24] it's in 14.04 i have it here [19:24] so, it was returned? [19:25] Hey there, zycotick9, i think it worked, afterall [19:25] jeffreylevesque: seems like it, idk why :) [19:25] that's really coolio [19:25] But, how do I know? Or, how would I use this key? [19:25] Just bought a new Dell XPS13 (with Linux), it has broken packages and I want to do a clean install (Ubuntu GNOME 15.04). When I boot on the USB drive I choose "install Ubuntu GNOME" then it shows the Ubuntu GNOME loading screen... and it opens Ubuntu 14.04!!! I've never seen something so confusing, I just cannot boot on the USB key, it always loads Ubuntu 14.04. I tried with two usb keys and always get the same result. What could be the cause of this? [19:25] jeffreylevesque: I was just getting used to avconv, now idk which to concentrate on learning particulars of :| [19:25] twiler: cool... i don't have any other suggestion... fyi, you can use TAB to autocomplete nick names (if you have a decent IRC client) [19:26] shinka, maybe wrong iso on that usb? [19:26] i hear ya [19:26] zykotick9, cool, thanks a lot for the tip,I just now did it [19:26] Cheesus_Christ: So there have been some kernel patches submitted *very* recently (not even in the upstream kernel yet, so not in 15.04 either) that will allow you to have a setting which is both safe and saves a lot of power. Right now you have two choices, overly safe and power hungry and overly aggressive with power savings (may lead to data loss). [19:26] I'm going to focus on ffmpeg, since opencv uses it [19:26] So, can anyone help me with pgp keys? [19:27] Cheesus_Christ: Of course given those two options, the current default is to be safe but power hungry. [19:27] OerLuptop: No, it shows the Ubuntu GNOME screen and then load standard Ubuntu 14.04 (with the dell logo & all, no install button...). [19:27] I generated a key, in terminal, but, I don't know how to use it.. [19:27] I've never, ever seen something that weird. [19:28] Jordan_U, thanks for the info! Kinda sucks for the efficiency thing... wonder how long it'll be before they get this update out, considering this is already 1.5 years old... [19:28] this, being my proc [19:29] twiler: you might want to try #gnupg === 32NABWS4J is now known as phoenixz [19:29] to install sun java jdk 8 u 45 [19:30] Cheesus_Christ: If it's not urgent that you get better power savings now, I would recommend that you wait until the patches make it into a stable kernel (should almost certainly make it into 4.2, if not in 4.1) then upgrade to that kernel via the kernel ppa: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ [19:30] is it best to add a ppa or just download the tar.gz from oracle? [19:30] OK, thanks a lot, zykotick9 [19:30] That tab trick is great, btw ;) [19:30] hi... [19:30] Thanks a lot for your help, dude! [19:30] DammitJim: manually installing it will leave you with manually fiddling it into your system. [19:30] This may be a deeper issue than /etc/apt/sources.list.d contents. The end of my apt-get update output, contents of ls /var/lib/apt/lists | grep google, and the content of file dl.google.com_linux_talkplugin_deb_dists_stable_Release is here : http://ideone.com/irBdQa [ I think I need to delete all the i386 stuff from that file, but not certain how that might work ] [19:31] Jordan_U, ah, gotcha. Thanks a ton [19:31] I guess I need to read about ppa [19:31] twiler: glad to help! [19:32] I think what I'm worried about is whether or not that file is auto generated (1) or (2) altering the file will break shit [19:32] E: Package 'ffmpeg' has no installation candidate [19:32] i'm on ubuntu 14.04 [19:32] me too [19:32] so, no - there is no such package [19:32] !find ffmpeg trusty [19:33] Found: chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-dbg, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra-dbg, cmus-plugin-ffmpeg, ffmpeg2theora, ffmpegthumbnailer, ffmpegthumbnailer-dbg, ffmpegthumbs, gmerlin-encoders-ffmpeg, kffmpegthumbnailer, libffmpegthumbnailer-dev (and 7 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ffmpeg&searchon=names&suite=trusty§ion=all [19:33] jeffreylevesque: will avconv not work for you? [19:33] Cheesus_Christ: If you want power savings now, you can build your own kernel with the patches. Note that either way (waiting or building a kernel yourself now) you'll also need to set /sys/class/scsi_host/*/link_power_management to "firmware_defaults" or "medium_power" to actually see any change. [19:33] How can i update XFCE to v4.12 in XUbuntu 14.04 XFCE v4.10 else than manually compilling the tarballs ( i tried and i can't satisfy all dependencies ) if XFCE 4.12 is not available in oficial repos? === andre is now known as Guest68853 [19:33] jeffreylevesque also try winff, a gui for ffmpeg/avconv [19:34] I need to adhere to https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/blob/4bf6bd3d37702ec316ffbddcc3f532a8671d7f56/doc/tutorials/highgui/video-input-psnr-ssim/video_input_psnr_ssim.markdown#how-to-read-a-video-stream-online-camera-or-offline-file [19:34] so, i need to use ffmpeg [19:34] I've seen some distributions based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS but featuring the XFCE 4.12 metapackage... [19:34] i may just find a PPA [19:35] Jordan_U, okay. good to know. Building a kernel is more work that I'm willing to do, so I'll just wait :P [19:35] jeffreylevesque no, avconv replaces ffmpeg [19:35] yea, but it's arbitrary choice of ubuntu [19:35] jeffreylevesque yes [19:35] and my main mission is explicit use of ffmpeg [19:36] ...but i don't want to change my Linux distribution [19:36] jeffreylevesque: yeah, not 14.04, but it's in 15.04, again, idk why [19:36] EriC or bazhang maybe? [19:36] ibj_: I can not couch for it .. but see: ppa:ricardo.teixas/xfce4-session . [19:36] i may switch to debian for this project [19:37] jeffreylevesque avconv is a different name for ffmpeg, but it does the same [19:37] has the same syntax === ochorocho1 is now known as ochorocho [19:37] thanks i'll workaround [19:37] jeffreylevesque: fyi, ffmpeg isn't in current debian... [19:37] jeffreylevesque: It wasn't an arbitrary Ubuntu decision, it was an (arguably) arbitrary Debian decision. [19:37] Jordan_U: +1 [19:38] debian uses ffmpeg [19:39] ah, my friend is using debian unstable [19:39] i wonder if debian stable is using ffmpeg [19:39] well, I gotta run anyway. I'll come back another time. [19:39] Peace [19:39] jeffreylevesque: it's NOT. [19:39] jeffreylevesque: Ubuntu simply pulls ffmpeg/avconv (and 99.9% of other packages) from Debian. [19:39] "used', as ffmpeg had some serious issues [19:42] ah i see [19:42] i had forgot he said unstable === ltldpvyweuymbazv is now known as yxetfjqdqotutfxp === yxetfjqdqotutfxp is now known as Dewin|work [19:44] jeffreylevesque, i'm triend something for you [19:45] jeffreylevesque: anyway, thanks for noticing that. [19:45] hi, can i add zsh to load on the .profiles file? I can't change the default shell with chsh [19:50] ok i've rebooted and followed some ubuntu help posts about getting my mouse to work, but not luck. I tried updating from 14.10 to 15.04 Ubuntu GNOME on an Asus u47a with an Elantech touchpad [19:51] Hi, guys, I've been struggling to get minecraft. I have it now and is supposed to open with Open JDK and have given it permission, but when I click on the minecraft desk icon, it looks like maybe it's trying to open behind my desktop. Is that possible? [19:53] hi everyone. [19:53] Is there any way to know which files would be removed from disk if a package is purged? [19:53] hi everyone === sdh is now known as steve [19:54] Unode: Use the '-s' argument in the command . -s is "simulate" . [19:54] anyone have installed ubuntu server on server hp dl360? [19:54] allam: How does that solve your actual issue with it? :) [19:55] Bashing-om: I did but I don't get a list of files only a line saying "Purg package [version]" [19:55] Unode: Show us the command you are attempting to do . [19:55] So, it looks like it lights up behind my desktop when I click on the minecraft icon. What do you think is happening? [19:55] apt-get purge -s gitolite [19:55] (for instance) [19:56] have just installed ubuntu server on dl360 g7 and now unable to boot the server [19:56] was going for "aptitude purge ~c" but I want to know what is going to happen before saying yes. [19:56] daninoz: When you do try to change from default bash to zsh using chsh, what happens? [19:56] genii, cannot determine user [19:57] genii, it happens because I'm not using a local user but a network one [19:57] need help!!!! [19:57] daninoz: Are you running it from inside a chroot, or inside of a sudo session perhaps? [19:58] allam what is the issue [19:58] alla try rescatux on distrowatch.com [19:58] Unode: Proper syntax to be ' sudo apt-get --purge -s gitolite " as the normal user . [19:58] daninoz: How are you connected to the machine? ssh or such ? [19:58] slm [19:58] genii, no, I'm on the machine, but the user is not a local user [19:58] i used rescatux today to restore the grub bootloader [19:59] genii, it doesn't appear on /etc/passwd [19:59] Bashing-om: what version are you using? I don't have --purge on apt-get . [19:59] Unode: I expect that the list of files removed from --purge would be the same as the files listed by "dpkg -L packagename". [19:59] but it appears when I run getent passwd [19:59] Jordan_U: well, dpkg -L gives nothing. Possibly because the package is already removed (but not purged) [20:00] daninoz: HOW are you on the machine then? [20:00] Jordan_U: to be precise: Package `gitolite' does not contain any files (!) [20:00] allam, rescatux is easy to write to usb drive using Rufus.exe and easy to use , comes with tutorial. Use Rescatux if you need to restore the GRUB bootloader [20:01] hjh [20:01] jgjgjgjk [20:01] ibj, in ubuntu we use bootrepair. [20:01] jjglhkhhmkh [20:01] genii, I just logged via the interface as with any other user [20:01] !bootrepair [20:01] bbhh: Please stop that [20:01] Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info. [20:01] bbhh it works, wde see you [20:01] daninoz: Using guest login or such? [20:01] !info Rescatux [20:01] Package Rescatux does not exist in vivid [20:02] ,kgfgf [20:02] kdfuhgldifg [20:02] genii, no, I login with my domain username [20:02] Jordan_U: ok thanks. That is indeed the answer. Tried a bunch of packages in purged state and some do have files. === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [20:03] I just installed ubuntu 'along side' windows 7, but it didn't ask me to pick a partition size [20:03] What's going on there? [20:03] daninoz: So this is something like a Samba login to a windows domain controller, or similar? [20:03] Bah, work, afk [20:03] Unode: You're welcome. The difference between removed and purged is system level (i.e. not in your home directory) configuration files. So packages with no system level configuration files won't have anything to purge. [20:03] j_t are you familiar with partitioning? [20:04] MonkeyDust: yes [20:04] j_t: You could have (or still can if you haven't actually installed yet) dragged the divider between Ubuntu and Windows to decide how much space each should use. [20:04] j_t ok, you can change the partition sizes during installation... make sure you don't overwrite windows [20:04] genii, yeah, something like that I guess [20:04] Jordan_U: I was just trying to make sure no config file in /etc was being referenced by gitolite. I've recently upgraded to gitolite3 and still have both installed, the former in removed state. [20:05] hi [20:06] Unode: ' apt-cache policy gitolite ' ? see if there is a conflict of installed versions ? [20:06] MonkeyDust: Thanks! [20:07] MonkeyDust: It chose 54 gigs or so for the partition [20:07] the weird part is, I don't remember it showing me that option anywhere [20:07] it just did it automatically === Guest14870 is now known as ThisShouldNotBe [20:07] That's the part that confuses me. [20:07] j_t: i think it uses the unallocated space on the drive [20:08] not sure if it would resize the partitions using a percentage of the free space and use, did you use windows to shrink the partition before using the installer? [20:09] hi [20:09] j_t i already assumed you selected the free or unallocated space === AR45 is now known as Guest33859 [20:13] daninoz: I think you need one of three options: Create the same-named user locally and use the local zsh or use a command-line login to the same domain controller your other login uses and use the zsh there or make all the shells on the local machine default to zsh no matter the user [20:13] daninoz: Apologies on lag, work is requiring me often this hour [20:14] daninoz: Since it appears you have some kind of login happening, since you can issue commands... what is the result of the command: whoami [20:15] jeffreylevesque, are you still interested in ffmeg on ubuntu 14.04 ? [20:15] !info ffmpeg [20:15] ffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7:2.5.6-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 1145 kB, installed size 1751 kB [20:15] Everytime I stary my computer it says System Error report problem [20:15] How can I find out what that error is [20:15] genii, my username [20:16] , guys, I am working on a laptop that has a broken screen. I have it hooked up to a monitor. I am wondering, if that is a problem with minecraft loading up on the desk top, because when I click to open it, it looks like something happens on my laptop's broken screen, but it dosn't come up on the desktop. [20:16] help! [20:17] karen_: the "help!" is not necessary. you just need to disable the laptop screen [20:17] hello [20:17] how do i do that? [20:17] raaa guys please help its making me crazy : http://askubuntu.com/questions/618756/random-shutdown-since-clean-install-of-xubuntu-15-04 [20:17] karen_: display settings [20:18] genii, what I did was adding exec /bin/zsh to the .bashrc file [20:18] ya.. where? am new with ubuntu [20:19] karen_, top right gear icon, system settings, then display [20:19] daninoz: So there is a directory of /home/your-username without there being an entry in /etc/passwd for that user? [20:19] ok [20:20] system settings, then "appearance"? [20:20] karen_: Displays, probably [20:20] oh [20:22] oh my gosh! it's working! Thank you! [20:23] genii, yeah [20:23] karen's gone... it's interesting how someone can get to an IRC channel, without even basic computer/ubuntu knowledge >_< [20:24] Cheesus_Christ, is automatic on xchat, for example :-) [20:29] test [20:31] I don't see why one would need 'basic computer knowledge' (whatever that may be) or basic 'ubuntu knowledge' (whatever the hell that means) to use a browser. [20:31] ioria: yes sir. Though, I think I could implement a PPA pretty easily [20:33] jeffreylevesque, why don't you use ppa ? there is a specific reason ? [20:35] Hello there. I need help with some issues. I would like to install Lubuntu from Windows, as an installer, like the old WUBI. [20:35] Guest33859, oh yeah, there's web interfaces for this stuff... I forget these things some times :P [20:36] !wubi | DrakzPT Though can be done, is no longer supported [20:36] DrakzPT Though can be done, is no longer supported: Wubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for more information. File wubi bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug === norm is now known as Guest92959 [20:37] greetings ubuntu ; I have a strange sudo problem that I've never seen; hoping someone can spot my error. Description: http://hastebin.com/agifixuvuw , sudoers content: http://hastebin.com/emuxanehuh [20:38] I've just downloaded 14.04.2* iso, mounted it and just tried to run wubi.exe and it just tells me to restart the computer to boot as live CD. Can I download 12.10 and then upgrade to 14.04 or 14.10 or 15.XX? [20:38] DrakzPT, dont use wubi [20:38] Why so? [20:38] DrakzPT, it has no use whatsoever, only downside [20:38] I don't have any floppies or USB drives. === sins-_i is now known as sins- [20:39] My computer doesn't have a DVD driver. [20:39] DrakzPT: USB stick? [20:39] Nope, I don't have any. [20:39] DrakzPT, then burn a borrowed usb stick from somewhere [20:40] bazhang, I has no friends :( [20:40] DrakzPT, wubi is a complete dead end [20:42] DrakzPT: you could use the mini ISO from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [20:42] Hey :) i lost my mentor at the moment i installed virt-manager then looking at /etc/group [20:42] * zykotick9 _is_ surprised by how many people still use wubi [20:43] ... for a line like " libvirtd:x:129:levier2" [20:44] We are 2 ppl stuck [20:44] can help plz? === shroud is now known as Guest29789 === arun__ is now known as arunpyasi [20:46] YvesLevier, how can anyone help if you do not say what it wrong? [20:48] iSteven: We had problems with Vbox - someone began to help us to install virt-manager. [20:49] Then he told to modify /etc/group [20:49] to look for a line like " libvirtd:x:129:levier2" [20:49] hello guys, any specialist from "sed" ? [20:49] then we are there and we lost our helper :( [20:50] to make short [20:50] we having no idea about what to do now with this line... === r0n_ is now known as r0n [20:51] hi guys, ubuntu 14.10, upower version 0.99.1 (default in repos) has extremely annoying bug that consumes 100% memory. I tried to install newer version (which has fix included) but after reboot old version is back. Any ideas how to install newer upower without upgrading to 15.04? Any help much appreciated. [20:51] Where should I ask about why the 15.04 kernel isn't including aufs3-loopback.patch ? [20:53] nm... I'll try #ubuntu-kernel [20:53] thell: Probably because aufs has been replaced by the (upstreamed) overlayfs. [20:54] anyone know how to use vcsh gitignore, I am lost? [20:56] rydzykje: maybe ask in #bash or see if there is a regular expressions channel besides that [20:57] k1l_: thanks [20:58] pale3 this is abuntu support [20:58] pale3 this is ubuntu support [20:59] MonkeyDust: No way ;), I was just thinking if anyone is using vcsh for managing config files [20:59] pale3 sure you're in the right channel? [21:04] please how to fill a pdf application form , I need a program that will allow me to choose the font size , since document viewer don't [21:05] When I installed Ubuntu yesterday, it said that I could "pin" different things to the desktop. I would like to pin "gmail" and "yahoo" to it. How do i do that? [21:05] colorado, how about writer? [21:05] !info pdftk [21:05] pdftk (source: pdftk): tool for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.02-2 (vivid), package size 677 kB, installed size 2899 kB [21:06] how to download it from the terminal ?? what is the command please [21:06] karen_ open /usr/share/applications and drag icons to the desktop -- or is that not what you mean [21:06] ya that sounds good, MonkeyDust. Thanks! [21:06] colorado, writer is standard installed, libreoffice, and why not search for pdftk in softwarecenter? [21:07] colorado, pdftk? [21:07] ok i'll search [21:07] new to ubuntu. Where do I open that, MonkeyDust? [21:07] karen_ file manager === WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft [21:08] oh ok thanks [21:08] karen_ and then computer > /usr/share/applications [21:08] colorado, have a read of the ubuntu manual [21:09] !manual | colorado [21:09] colorado: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ [21:09] !rute | and this colorado [21:09] and this colorado: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com [21:09] not getting it MonkeyDust. Where is file manager? sorry [21:10] sure writer does. [21:12] !info nautilus [21:12] nautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.14.2-0ubuntu9 (vivid), package size 534 kB, installed size 1895 kB [21:12] optional... it is installed standard [21:15] OerLuptop guess it means, your system can work without it [21:17] Looks like i have to get "file manager" from the software center, right? [21:18] hi, how is the domain set on a ubuntu system so that fqdn is sohwn when doing hostname -f [21:18] Monkanamous, sure, but i think 'optional' supposed to be not installed. [21:18] karen_: no [21:18] oops MonkeyDust [21:18] so new here with ubuntu. sorry [21:19] karen_: open a terminal and type nautilus [21:19] What will that do, ryan_461? [21:20] It will open nautilus which is file manager. [21:20] oh ok then hang on [21:21] That just gives me my "home" [21:21] I want to be able to put "yahoo" and "gmail" as icons on my desktop. [21:22] Guys! Am arabic, and I find many SPAMS (in arabic) on the LP Answers section.. Is there a way to remove those spams? [21:22] Should have on left either computer or file system. double click [21:23] karen_: I don't know how to do that. I would just bookmark those two sites in firefox. [21:23] ubuntiste-msakni: You can report them. [21:23] Jordan_U, let me check the LP UI for that feature [21:24] oh ya, that sounds good too. Thanks, ryan_461. [21:24] karen Your are welcome. [21:25] can someone send me the default compiz config for mate 15.04? [21:25] ubuntiste-msakni: I thought there was a UI for it, but it looks like the standard way might be to simply "Ask" a question, with the question being a request that the spam be removed (including a link to the spammy question/comment of course). [21:26] Jordan_U, there is more then 10 spams in the first page only x) :D [21:27] zeeb, in terminal: sudo apt-get install dconf && dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ [21:28] guys what the best way to disable a user using commands, not editing files [21:29] hi, is is possible to add the broadcom wireless drivers to the live/installer usb image so I have network during isntallation/live and it will get installed to the system (instead of transfering those files with another computer later with a usb stick? [21:29] ubuntiste-msakni: Try asking in #launchpad, but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Launchpad says that asking a question is the right solution, in your case saying "There is a ton of spam, here are 4 examples out of hundreds in the arabic launchpad Answers". [21:30] paultjuh, that would be more work than starting a live session, install broadcom driver and starting the installation [21:30] OK, I'll try to ask a question in the launchpad project on launchpad.. [21:30] OerLuptop - it said dconf had no candidate [21:32] OerLuptop: the problem is that I have to transfer all the dependencies etc [21:32] there is no easy way of getting all the related packages so I don't have to do trail and error? [21:33] zeep, my bad, dconf-editor [21:33] paultjuh: all the related packages of what? [21:33] i am unable to do anything with my window management, compiz has seemed to completely crap out and changing any of the options wont do anything [21:33] paultjuh: install debfoster [21:33] debfoster -d [21:34] i ran the command but it didnt change anything [21:34] im stuck on a broken compiz [21:34] zeeb: dconf reset -f /org/compiz [21:35] should work for mate-desktop though.. [21:35] didnt do anything [21:35] trying to install 14.04 LiveUSB boots and runs fine but I can install for some reason, getting a ata1:-ata2 softreset failed error at startup, any thoughts [21:35] none of these commands are helping [21:35] this is rediculous all i did was change a few settings in compizconfig now everything is broken [21:35] wheres the darn default button? sigh [21:36] zeeb: try a different use, if it works then remove ~/.compiz and ~/.config/compiz-1 [21:36] EriC^^: thanks will try that. Also thanks for the help this afternoon with the display issue. I downloaded a fresh live/installer iso and that somehow fixed my issue by the looks of it (iso was half year old, but expected things to be fixed by apt-get update+upgrade) [21:36] zeeb: *different user [21:36] how can i make another user quickly? keep in mind I can barely access anything on my computer [21:36] paultjuh: ok, cool, were you able to recover your stuff? [21:37] zeeb: sudo adduser [21:38] changing users does not have the problem [21:39] EriC^^: ms nowadays provide a online usb installer creator (like lili) and the keys are in the UEFI, so I still have windows for my games, now tonight I'm going to retry install ubuntu so I can do actuall work when I'm at work [21:39] trying to install 14.04 LiveUSB boots and runs fine but I won't install, shows no drives in the installer screen. thoughts? [21:39] Can someone tell me how I could backport a newer package? [21:40] paultjuh: ok, cool [21:40] !backport [21:40] If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [21:40] spill_: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l". [21:40] spill_: type sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda [21:40] laserbeak4445, PPA not backport a la debain [21:40] spill_: paste in paste.ubuntu.com [21:41] For example, if I type sudo apt-get install amarok/trusty-backports [21:42] I get E: Release 'trusty-backports' for 'vlc' was not found [21:42] Do I need a source or something [21:42] should I paste this output in here? [21:42] spill_: NO. [21:43] !pastebin | spill_ [21:43] spill_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [21:43] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10992383/ [21:43] restarting fixed my compiz issue, but i still want to revert to default on my main user [21:44] i want the hover over window showing a graphical preview feature and cant figure out what its called [21:45] spill_: Have either of your internal drives been used as part of a RAID array in the past? [21:45] zeeb, try resetting your unity/compiz config again http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html [21:45] i should note that when I boot to the live cd for install before going to the ubuntu logo it quickly shows ata1 and 2 softreset errors [21:45] will that reset it to the way it was by default on ubuntu mate? [21:45] yes, they have. I was using the RAID controler in windows but did not configure them as one just yet. I set the controler back to IDE for this install [21:46] spill_: They still have RAID metadata on them, and that is why Ubuntu is refusing to install to them. [21:46] @Jordan_U ok, how does one get rid of this meta data? [21:46] !backport [21:46] If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [21:46] zeeb, oh you are running compiz on mate. It still applies to your case, in theory it should reset it to the defaults [21:47] okay thanks [21:47] !packaging [21:47] spill_: Please pastebin the output of "sudo wipefs /dev/sda". Note that you should not just trust me that that command is safe (even though it is), you should run "man wipefs" and confirm for yourself that the command will just list all visible filesystems (and in this case, RAID metadata) and their offsets. [21:47] The packaging guide is at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/ - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring [21:47] i think it reset it, but not to the way it was on Mate by default [21:47] for example the snapping color is orange like unity not green like mate [21:47] and im missing some features [21:47] clear [21:48] zeeb, you could try reinstalling it. Try that, reinstall compiz [21:48] the setting iw as looking for was called "thumbnail previews" [21:48] so i pretty much have everything how i want now, just need to figure out the alt+tab [21:49] http://paste.ubuntu.com/10992410/ [21:49] zeeb, what's the problem with alt+tab [21:50] i dont have alt+tab currently [21:50] need to figure out where to enable it in compizconfig [21:51] @Jordan_U http://paste.ubuntu.com/10992410/ [21:53] spill_: To remove the RAID metadata run "sudo wipefs --offset 0xe8e0dae200". [21:53] is this safe for my windows partintion? [21:53] spill_: Sorry, "sudo wipefs --offset 0xe8e0dae200 /dev/sda". [21:55] spill_: As long as your Windows partition is really only a normal partition on this disk, rather than part of a RAID array, yes. If it is part of an actual RAID array then that command will make it hard (but not impossible) to mount that array again and recover your data. [21:55] hello, i am binding a key combination to an action. the action it is just something like echo '1' > file.conf, the problem is that file is protected from writing so i have to do it with sudo. is there a way (don't want to change the file permissions) that i can do this without having to enter my password when i press the key? [21:55] roger that, ya its just a SATA in IDE mode, not RAID at the moment. [21:56] spill_: Once you've done that, please pastebin the output of "sudo wipefs /dev/sdb" (this will give us similar information, but about your second internal drive instead of the first one). [21:57] k, I'm on it now. [21:57] hello [21:57] hello guys [21:57] can anyone help i keep losing my wireless connection in ubuntu [21:57] is there anybody here searching for a team member for a small project ? [21:58] is there anything i could try [21:58] dcz, what project?u suggesting one? [21:58] @Jordan_U heres that output http://paste.ubuntu.com/10992469/ [21:58] dcz: just start closing a project's bugs, and eventually they'll have thought you were a team member all along [21:59] i want to improve myself and also to help also projects [22:00] spill_: OK, to remove the metadata from your second drive run "sudo wipefs --offset 0xe8e0dae200 /dev/sdb". [22:00] done, do I need to reboot to try installing? [22:01] spill_: I don't think so. [22:01] Hey guys [22:01] I'll git it a shot then... [22:01] Greetings. I am having issues with updates. I run apt-get update and get GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY [22:02] Whats the best practice for using isc-dhcp-server to host a DHCP lease range on a subnet that is different than the subnet of the server [22:03] trprecht: http://askubuntu.com/questions/127326/how-to-fix-missing-gpg-keys [22:03] xray: If you're interested in helping with a package in Debian (which will indirectly help Ubuntu) you can run "how-can-i-help | less" to see areas you can help with packages that you have installed on your machine. [22:03] @Jordan_U appears to be working!, thanks a ton! [22:03] spill_: You're welcome :) [22:04] hello, i am binding a key combination to an action. the action it is just something like echo '1' > file.conf, the problem is that file is protected from writing so i have to do it with sudo. is there a way (don't want to change the file permissions) that i can do this without having to enter my password when i press the key? [22:04] I feel like I've posted numerous problems today, but now I can't get my mp3 files imported into Rhythmbox. I've installed the "ubuntu-restrcited-extras" package and it's still not working. I'm not sure if this is the right channel to post this, but I thought I'd start here. [22:04] Krazypoloc: thanks. I see it meantion 12.04, will this also work with 14.04.2?i [22:04] huig: what is the actual action [22:06] hello jordan what would you like me to do [22:06] Ben64, echo '0' > file.conf [22:06] huig: no, that is an example, what are you actually trying to do [22:06] do you want me to type that here [22:07] trprecht: You'd want to transpose the release name at a minimum [22:08] echo '0' > /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/leds/smc::kbd_backlight/brightness [22:08] Actually there is no release name so you should be good [22:08] Ben64, i am using i3 and multimedia keys aren't binded, so i have to bind them that way [22:09] hi everyone [22:10] * AR45 wave [22:11] huig: write a bash script to do it, make root the owner, set permission to 4550 or something like that [22:11] I saw a book on 15.04 in barnes and noble a few days ago, was suprised. [22:12] Krazypoloc: thanks seems to be working great now [22:17] I saw a book on 15.04 in barnes and noble a few days ago, was suprised. [22:17] oops [22:21] that's what's great about books [22:21] write a book on anything at all, let it rot on a shelf for years, eventually someone will buy it [22:22] eh much cheaper online [22:23] dunno, you can steal a book in person with less effort than online, if you're already in a book shop [22:23] Hmm, it appears that there's a bug in XFree86 on my Ubuntu 4.10 install... [22:23] joshumax: yeah? [22:23] i want to know on when my charger laptop unplugged.. afaik the log on the syslog.. what log message says when it unplugged [22:23] hmph funny thing is I was reading through one book and found what seemed to be a sensor stuck on one of the pages [22:24] reisio: Yeah... But it's been a while since I've powered the computer on...2006 was the last time I think... [22:24] joshumax, X.Org more likely. XFree86 is a different implementation of the X protocol [22:24] warty .. wily .. [22:24] i don't think i'd risk stealing a book to be honest [22:25] plus karma is an interesting thing you know [22:25] heh [22:26] joshumax: 4.10 or 14.10 ? [22:26] It's catching SIGBUS... [22:26] *4.10* [22:26] odd [22:26] Hm, Warty [22:26] joshh20, boot the live iso :-D === andrexg is now known as andrex [22:27] c'mon GDM, I know you want to work... [22:27] or was warty 2 cd's, install and live? === norm is now known as Guest38319 [22:27] OerLuptop: Did Warty even have a LiveCD? [22:27] Warty was several, had PPC and X86 [22:28] i want to know on when my charger laptop unplugged.. afaik the log on the syslog.. what log message says when it unplugged power adapter [22:28] ? [22:28] plug me back in [22:29] Mmm PowerPC; how I loathe your instruction set [22:29] joshumax: There was a livecd but only for i386. All the others were install CD for 32 and 64 bit, and PPC === CyberSix_ is now known as CyberSix === Bearie is now known as IceBear === Goldman60-znc is now known as Goldman60 === Danny_D|BNC is now known as Danny_D [22:30] Ah, makes sense; I only looked at the PPC ones === brent[cl0ud]_ is now known as brent[cl0ud] === neunon_ is now known as neunon === jonalmeida_ is now known as jonalmeida === KeithIMyers___ is now known as KeithIMyers__ === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [22:31] joshumax: You should probably consider a later PPC ubuntu install === GeertJohan_ is now known as GeertJohan [22:32] genii: Most definitely, but I don't care about this computer; I just booted it up a few minutes ago for the "lulz" === geirha1 is now known as geirha [22:32] joshumax: Ah, OK :) === Fudster_ is now known as Fudster [22:34] Wow, legacy software is neat, except I don't think XFree86 is handling 1920x1280 correctly ;P [22:35] try wayland [22:35] heh [22:35] Wayland might blow up my G1 [22:35] joshumax: it's just 'X' [22:36] xfree86 is dead and buried [22:36] you can call it X.org if you want to be unnecessarily verbose and also not wrong [22:36] But yet it sill lives in Ubuntu 4.10 [22:36] heh [22:38] reisio: IIRC isn't X.org, like XFree86, just different implementation of X? [22:38] s/just/just a/ [22:38] X.org is an implementation of X that is maintained [22:38] xfree86 is dead [22:39] Yeah...but my Ubuntu 4.10 install is running XFree86... [22:39] 4.10 is dead as well, doesn't belong in #ubuntu [22:39] This is #ubuntu-offtopic [22:39] lol [22:39] Rught? [22:39] no [22:39] ? [22:39] WHOOPS [22:39] Sorry about that [22:39] lot of X.org things still have the string 'xfree86'/'xf86' in it, because of laziness [22:39] less reason to change it now than ever, with wayland coming [22:40] I thought Ubuntu was taking the Mir route? [22:41] hello [22:41] Is it possible to install a package build for newer ubuntu distro from lauchpad. For exemple let's say that I what to install the following VLC build on 14.04: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/2.2.0-1/+build/7305772 [22:41] How should I do that? [22:41] laserbeak4445: Yes but it's *not* recommended [22:42] i have to turn my swapon every reboot can anyone help me how to leave it aways on please? [22:42] It can wind up doing horrible things like breaking libc or some such badness [22:43] even if I purge completely my current vlc installation? [22:43] danielbrazilian: What's in your fstab? [22:43] So Suspending doesn't require Swap, but Hibernate does? [22:43] can someone tell me the difference between `make -j $(nproc)`, and `make`? [22:43] laserbeak4445: Depends on, well, the dependencies, and how old your Ubuntu install is. [22:44] joshumax, fstab? [22:44] jeffreylevesque: parallel make vs regular make [22:44] laserbeak4445: you might be better off just building it from source [22:44] danielbrazilian: You filesystem table, /etc/fstab? [22:44] zeeb, true [22:45] So I don't have a swap, but if I want to save a bit of money on power, suspend will still save a good bit of power yes? [22:45] why is it that i can install kernel updates with synaptic but not on the cli with apt-get? (packages held back) [22:45] Obviously not as much but it will be more cost effective than just not sleeping I think, yea? [22:45] OK thanks [22:45] ki7rw: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (NOT do-release-upgrade) vs. sudo apt-get upgrade [22:46] ok [22:46] i'll try that next time [22:46] joshumax, here it is [22:46] http://pastebin.com/pCndG2iC [22:46] danielbrazilian: Ah thanks [22:47] danielbrazilian: Is that all of it? [22:47] oops [22:47] swap is off [22:47] i will turn on and send again [22:47] how is parallel make beneficial? [22:47] when would that be useful? [22:48] No [22:48] Wait [22:48] danielbrazilian: Just follow this guide --> http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/setting_up_swap.html [22:48] You need to put this in your fstab [22:48] jeffreylevesque: It is beneficial whenever your computer has more than one physical core. [22:48] thanks [22:48] danielbrazilian: This Askubuntu answer is also helpful --> http://askubuntu.com/a/199372/68227 [22:49] in this tutorial - http://rodrigoberriel.com/2014/10/installing-opencv-3-0-0-on-ubuntu-14-04/ they implemented `make -j` [22:49] thank you i will try now [22:49] is there an easy to use vpn client/server package? i'd like something that is essentially plug n play without having to spend a lot of time setting up a cert authority etc etc [22:49] but, could they have accomplished the same with a simple `make`, instead of `make -j $(nproc)`? [22:50] jeffreylevesque: Yes [22:50] i want to know the culprit that unplugged power adapter on my office.. yes i know it is on the syslog but what is the sign if poweer adapter unplugged on syslog? [22:50] But it will probably be slower [22:50] (er, the compilation time, that is) [22:50] Maybe one last question guys: Someone was talking to me about using backport to get newer package that what is available on the official repos. I don't know if he was talking about Debian or Ubuntu. Is there a difference about backporting application on Debian and Ubuntu? [22:50] VyprVPN? [22:50] hello everyone. I'm strugling to get vnc4server on this ubuntu 12 machine to work properly. I get a grey screen and a couple of errors in my log file. Can someone please ssist me as to what I'm doing wrong? [22:53] Rufus, pastebin the errors [22:53] Rufus, and give specific versions of the os and vnc4server [22:55] pbx http://pastebin.com/tzYpaZNB running Ubuntu 12.04 and Xvnc Free Edition 4.1.1 [23:01] Is the lastest Ubuntu any better at handling retina displays? The LTS is lousy. [23:02] pbx any thoughts please? [23:06] Rufus, i'm not X knowledgeable, just wanted you to give info so that those who are can help faster [23:06] pbx roger that, thanks [23:09] hi, another question getting ubuntu working on my laptop [23:09] paultjuh, just state your question [23:09] I have a broadcom wireless, and no other network device, trying to install bcwm-kernel-source [23:09] downloaded the files [23:10] but an error occurs during making [23:10] apparently it is a kernel version mismatch [23:10] making? [23:10] AR45: if I do apt-get install it does a make step [23:10] and that fails === AMERICA__ is now known as AMERICAN_PSYCHO === AMERICAN_PSYCHO is now known as AMERICA__ [23:12] http://askubuntu.com/questions/519308/bcm4352-offical-dell-driver-installation-problem basicly that problem, but i can't do a apt-get update without the wireless working [23:12] Are you using ubuntu? [23:13] currently I'm in windows === chris0626891 is now known as chris062689 [23:13] but I have ubuntu installed [23:13] just missing the network atm [23:13] Would you be able to plug a ethernet cable in? [23:13] How is it your doing apt-get install without an internet connection? [23:13] unfortunatly not [23:14] hi guys.. i cant remember but maybe you will know what im talking about, I want to generate a line of text from symbols. There was a program on the terminal for that but i forgot how it is called :| [23:14] I downloaded the packages from packages.ubuntu.com [23:14] What is the name of your wirless device? [23:14] tocka, text from symbols? that's a bit vague [23:14] uhm.. i dont know how to describe [23:14] bcmwl-kernel-source [23:14] wait one second [23:15] kostkon i want to generate this kind of text :) [23:15] http://www.pastebin.ca/2996989 [23:15] So you either have a Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4321-, or BCM4322-based hardware [23:16] tocka, ascii art right. give me a sec [23:16] yeah thahts what it is! [23:16] i completely forgot how it is called :/ [23:16] Hey, so I'm on ubuntu desktop trying to get onto the file system of a mounted ubuntu server drive and get a file, can you help [23:16] jakesyl1: how is it connected? [23:16] physically? [23:16] !info figlet | tocka, this? [23:16] tocka, this?: figlet (source: figlet): Make large character ASCII banners out of ordinary text. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.5-2 (vivid), package size 173 kB, installed size 721 kB [23:16] AR45: indeed [23:17] jakesyl1: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo parted -l | pastebinit [23:17] figlet! [23:17] yay [23:17] :D [23:17] tocka, ;) [23:17] thank you! [23:17] :) [23:17] jakesyl1: no surprises there Sherlock, but i meant the connection TYPE [23:17] tocka, np [23:18] paultjuh: Is there any known issues that made you go for a source code variant of your driver? [23:18] paultjuh: There are precompiled ones in the repository. [23:18] Hi all having a bit of problem here. On 15.04 and can't login. Just keeps dumping me back to the login screen. Any ideas? [23:18] daftykins actually think i got it one sec [23:18] Shell on vt1 is fine tho. [23:19] AR45: sorry switched to my other laptop [23:19] paultjuh: Do you have another computer so we can start diagnosing the problem in real time? [23:19] yes just switched [23:19] paultjuh: Do you have another computer so we can start diagnosing the problem in real time? [23:19] danielle331: That's probably X failing for some reason. Try changing to one of the fallback session options and check /var/log/Xorg.0.log . [23:20] AR45: Iḿ paultjuh but on my other computer [23:20] paultjuh_: Boot your ubuntu machine [23:20] AR45: done that [23:21] paultjuh_: In fact I know how we can solve this quite easily. [23:21] AR45: I have a BCM4352 [23:21] paultjuh_: How did you install Ubuntu? [23:21] according to lspci [23:21] paultjuh_: Do you have a live USB? [23:21] danielle331: Lost authorization to access /home ? Do you own ' ls -al .Xauthority ; ls -al .ICEauthority ' ? [23:22] witAR45: with the live/installer usb [23:22] AR45: yes [23:22] I want you to boot that live usb [23:22] AR45: that also doesn have the wifi [23:22] Really? [23:22] Jordan_u: failsafe session is same problem. Last thing I did was kill the GPG agent and edit it's conf. Haven't done anything to change graphics or x settings since last week. Something weird in dmesg… [23:22] …. Do you know a programme to pipe from shell directly to pastebin? [23:23] paultjuh_: Are you certain? [23:23] !pastebinit [23:23] AR45: yes as it is a propietary driver [23:23] pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com [23:24] paultjuh_: That doesn't matter, we have open source drivers for this device. [23:24] paultjuh_: Well apparently. [23:25] AR45: the previous time I did the manual installation I did it manually too with copying the drivers and install that way, but that didn handle the builtin monitor for some reason, so I downloaded a slightly newer version of ubuntu, and with that downloading doesn seem to work [23:25] paultjuh_: What version of Ubuntu are you running currently? [23:26] AR45: 14.04 or more precise 14.04.02 [23:27] Bashing-om: Hm. I own everything in ~ except:. Ssh,. Mobile, and. GnuPG. Chowned all but same problem.. Xauthority definitely mine. Sorry for the bad typing, the Android soft keyboard sucks for this.. [23:27] paultjuh_: I want you to download this on your machine with internet access [23:27] AR45: mmh maybe I downloaded the wrong package maybe it should be linux-firmware-nonfree_1.14ubuntu1_all.deb [23:27] paultjuh_: http://www.lwfinger.com/b43-firmware/broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2 [23:28] goog evening [23:29] i would use apt-on-cd [23:29] !offline [23:29] If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD [23:29] AR45: ok downloaded that [23:29] can anyone give me a litle help [23:29] Dmesg output : pastebin.com/10993001 x. Org.log: pastebin.com/10993003 [23:29] paultjuh_: Put it on your ubuntu machine and tell me when you are ready [23:30] Is the dmesg anything to worry about? [23:30] danielle331: Sorry, but messing about with " GPG agent and edit it's conf " is above my skill level . I do defer to Jordan_U . [23:30] AR45: ok ready [23:31] Totally. I fail to see why that would interfere with x tho! [23:31] Actually paultjuh_ I want you to run this on your ubuntu machine in the terminal: lspci -nn -d 14e4: [23:31] AR45: also extracted [23:31] very good its smuxi [23:31] hello gas [23:31] gays [23:32] danielle331: I can't access either of those pastes, they both say "This paste has been removed". [23:32] AR45: that lists the BCM4352 [23:32] danielle331: Ahh, you meant http://paste.ubuntu.com/ rather than pastebin.com [23:33] Jordan_u : can you try pastes 10993046 and 10993048? [23:33] danielle331: Can you login to a guest session successfully? [23:34] Ah okay. I was just piping to pastebinit. Totally right thanks for catching that for me Jordan_u [23:34] such as sending a private message? [23:34] I think the guest session is disabled Jordan_u [23:35] AR45: are you still there? [23:35] paultjuh_: Yes getting something together for you ;) [23:36] danielle331: Why do you think that? [23:36] AR45: thanks! [23:36] yes [23:36] Umm cause I'm an idiot if I can't figure out how to login as Fiat? ;-) [23:36] paultjuh_: Do you have your USB connected? [23:36] Err, guest, even.. [23:37] paultjuh_: With your Ubuntu installation files? [23:37] AR54: itś currently in the ubuntu without internet [23:37] danielle331: please... [23:37] AR45: yes [23:37] AR45: it contains the live + some of the debs according some of the information I found looking for this problem [23:38] paultjuh_: It should have a pool directory [23:38] paultjuh_: open it [23:38] alguém, ? [23:38] danielle331: You can also create a new test user with "sudo adduser test", then try to login as test. [23:38] some one? [23:38] AR45: yes done [23:38] I'll do that Jordan_u [23:39] a quick one guys.. should i disable root login and create a seperate user for my self on a vps? :o [23:39] paultjuh_: restricted/b/bcmwl [23:39] tocka: hrmm? [23:39] or should i use root login.. i am bit of a noob so yeah:) [23:39] tocka: the ubuntu way is to not use root directly [23:39] but it doesn't actually matter [23:39] k:) [23:39] hmm [23:39] Tocka: yes, disable root logins especially on a server [23:39] do what you like [23:40] danielle331 k :) [23:40] AR45: ok that is there\ [23:40] AR45: dpkg --install I guess? [23:40] What's inside that folder? [23:40] No [23:40] AR45: a deb file [23:40] called [23:40] ? [23:40] Hmm my test account loads fine Jordan_u [23:41] AR45: bcmwl-kernel-source_6.30.223.141+bdcom-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb [23:41] Cool in terminal [23:41] I need you to do this [23:41] sudo nano /etc/apt/sourcelist [23:41] sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list [23:42] AR45: yes [23:42] remove the # infront of deb cdrom [23:42] jordan_u: thanks, for some reason I had the weird idea that a shell user couldnt do a graphical login. such a relief to be back on a proper keyboard even if its not my normal account. now to troublesheet this issue properly... [23:43] danielle441: You're welcome. [23:43] paultjuh_: it should be the first line [23:43] AR45: the one with restricted? [23:43] AR45: there are 5 cdrom ones [23:44] For instance mine says # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 15.04 _Vivid Vervet_ - Release amd64 (20150422)]/ vivid main restricted [23:44] AR45: ok dit remove the # [23:45] From all of them? [23:45] AR45: apt-get update ignores those though [23:47] AR45: so yes all of them [23:47] Cool do a uname -r and then a dpkg --get-selections | grep headers [23:48] Make sure you have the linux-headers package that matches your current kernel version, plus the appropriate generic header packages [23:49] AR45: 3.16.0-30-generic [23:50] AR45: linux-headers-3.16.0-30 [23:50] AR45: linux-headers-3.16.030-generic [23:50] AR45: linux-headers-generic--lts-utopic [23:50] AR45: that seems ok I think? [23:51] Yes [23:51] paultjuh_: Okay one last step before we perform the install [23:51] In your app launcher open software & updates [23:51] Right, so this is what I did: I removed an old, invalid .gnupg/gpg-agent.conf (from an old, none-linux computer), symlinked ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent- to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf, and added the line "pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk". and then I killed the agent. why would that log me out [23:51] and stop me from logging back in again? [23:51] AR45: done that [23:52] paultjuh_: Do you see installable from CD-ROM [23:52] AR45: yes [23:52] paultjuh_: tick it [23:52] hey again everyone [23:53] all with a checkbox in other software [23:53] those are the ones wihich I uncommented in nano [23:53] I just want you to check installable from CD ROM/DVD [23:53] I cant seem to setup my SSD drive to install grub for some reason [23:53] paultjuh_: The rest I don't care about leave them as is [23:54] keep getting fatal error [23:54] AR45: they were already checked [23:55] I am installing from USB that I setup using unetbootin [23:55] paultjuh_: Okay good do an apt-get update [23:55] paultjuh_: Then an bcmwl-kernel-source [23:55] paultjuh_: Then an apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source [23:56] AR45: the apt-get update ignores all the cdrom ones [23:56] That's okay. [23:57] AR45: ok it asks for the drive [23:57] so I have to mount it in the asked directory I guess [23:57] what method should I use to partition my drive? [23:57] What do you mean it asks for the drive? [23:58] AR45: Media change: pleaser insert the disc labelled... [23:58] paultjuh_: [23:58] Okay whatever that's too boring === sleepypc is now known as `hypermist` [23:59] paultjuh_: Whatever your usb drive is called [23:59] paultjuh_: cd into this directory on it [23:59] pool/main/d/dkms [23:59] AR45: I mounted it in the asked location (/media/cdrom) [23:59] but it keeps asking [23:59] ok [23:59] then sudo dpkg -i dkms*