[00:24] bluesabre: Lets move here? And thanks! [00:25] :) [00:26] noticed that x-d-s trunk has "obsolete templates" here https://translations.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings, haven't seen that before [00:27] Not sure you saw the question, but will I have to/should I move all the bitbucket repos to launchpad now? The UI isn't complete, so you have to know the link though. [00:28] Unit193: sure, feel free to do so [00:28] Awwwh. :'( [00:28] OK. [00:28] more people might contribute if we get them on LP [00:29] and if we can link them from somewhere obvious... ;) [00:29] I recommend as the wiki does, [url "git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/"] insteadof = lp: [00:30] mhm [00:30] good for folks to subscribe to early: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Wily-changes :) [00:36] lp:~xubuntu-dev/+git/xfdashboard lp:~xubuntu-dev/+git/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin lp:~xubuntu-dev/+git/libmpris2plugin lp:~xubuntu-dev/+git/xfce4-soundmenu-plugin [00:40] libmpris2client, not plugin. [00:42] sweet [00:46] successfully cloned [00:47] Missed hamster. [00:48] d: [00:48] D; [00:48] D: [00:48] one of those [00:48] instead, http://i.imgur.com/C1dy1de.jpg [00:48] Hah, silly bluesabre. :P [00:54] bluesabre: Where do you want to put the pretty links then? [00:55] I suppose sometime we should ask Corsac, or maintain outside of pkg-xfce... [01:02] Unit193: not sure... :\ [01:02] I think we have a xubuntu development wiki page that might be suitable [01:04] https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+git/libmpris2client is the format for nice links. [01:06] maybe we should create a page off of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/DeveloperDocumentation where we list the projects we look after [01:07] Could work. [01:08] Whatever works best for you I guess. [01:08] use my wiki.smdavis.us [01:09] since we don't currently ship them [01:09] And just make sure to leave breadcrums. [01:09] mhm mhm [01:26] I think I'm going to need an account and good place to put it. [01:31] I can get you one of those [01:31] ;) [01:33] you probably have an email [01:34] Awwh, still in Memphis. [01:35] you, your email, or my server? [01:35] I'm, uhh, doing this: https://xkcd.com/281/ [01:36] ah [01:36] never seen that one :D [01:36] Really? [01:38] that comic #281 that is [01:40] And, all too true. [01:46] Unit193: if you get a chance, can you check if lightdm-gtk-greeter trunk handles the alternate config locations as you'd expect? I'm planning on a new release this week, and we could couple it with better config locations/migrations in wiley early on [01:47] Hrm... [01:47] And no email yet. [01:47] I also think you might have been working with the studio folks about having an easier base? [01:47] unit193 at ubuntu ? [01:47] Yep. [01:47] And, well. In a way, yeah. [01:47] * bluesabre probably broke mail [02:10] Oh right, linking may help, https://wiki.smdavis.us/doku.php?id=development:packages basics, not great but has it. [02:10] cool [02:11] thanks! [02:11] !info git-buildpackage [02:11] git-buildpackage (source: git-buildpackage): Suite to help with Debian packages in Git repositories. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.22 (vivid), package size 257 kB, installed size 3370 kB [02:11] gbp clone URL [02:12] fancy [02:14] So what's up? [02:18] got several of our daily ppas rolling for wily [02:18] kicked a door frame [02:19] being a baby about it [02:19] :D [02:19] :'D [02:19] Haha. :D [02:21] waiting for ubuntu wiki to login [02:21] Paha. [02:21] Looks like next meeting is pleia2 [02:22] * bluesabre looks forward to it [02:23] Just glad it's not meeee. [02:28] linked the packages page from https://wiki.smdavis.us/doku.php?id=development so it should be findable now [02:29] Also, you have a gtk-greeter test package? [02:31] Going to poke Mythbuntu, Lubuntu, UbuntuStudio, and UbuntuMate about it? [02:31] And corsac** [02:31] the one in here probably works, https://launchpad.net/~lightdm-gtk-greeter-team/+archive/ubuntu/daily [02:31] but haven't tested yet :) [02:31] Great, thanks. Will poke in VM. [02:32] yeah, will poke when I release, wait for confirmation, then upload [02:32] it continues to work with existing config locations as well [02:36] That did not work exactly. [02:41] uh oh [02:42] Well, with Greybird I got the normal background, Numix gets me white/offwhite background, behind the login and on the panel. May just be somehow Numix though? [02:43] Configuration path priority is good though. [02:45] might be a theme issue with numix... it doesn't really get any attention these days since they've been porting to sass/building a new distro with not-numix [02:45] and might not be [02:45] :) [02:45] :'( [02:45] I'll take a look a bit later, thanks for checking it out [02:45] Nah, it's great. [02:45] glad that the path priority is good [02:47] Testcase is of course comment out the theme in /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf and then place one in /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf.d/30-theme.conf, check, then add one in /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf.d/foo.conf, then lastly back in the main config. :P [02:48] nice [02:48] Numix was working with Vivid at least. [02:48] probably a new bug [02:48] yay greeter [02:48] D': [04:49] I'll try to remember tomorrow to schedule the meeting :) [05:54] morning folks [05:54] sorry for being afk for so long, been buried in lots and lots of stuff [06:05] knome: i guess you're already looking forward to us working on the werewolf artwork..? :) [06:33] Unit193: hmm, re: core-vivid, i think we settled on making an announcement of our plans for wiley for it [06:33] along with a note that ppl can already try and use it [06:34] Ah, alrighty. [06:34] if you have time to draft that, that'd be cool [06:34] I can't text. :3 [06:39] And looks like knome is out for a bit. [06:40] time to learn then ;) [06:41] well i said *draft*, not text ;) [06:42] if you give somebody else a structure or something to go on, that'd be helpful enough [06:42] like, put together some info on -core, what it is, how to install, links etc [06:42] texting can then also be handled by someone else who doesn't necessarily know all the details [06:42] :) [06:44] Sure, and I can try to be as useful. Just as always feel free to ask questions that I didn't think of. [06:45] perfect, lemme know when you got something i can look at [06:45] elfy: i think i might pick up that xfpm bug we started debugging earlier today [06:46] ok - well I am still where I was, so ask away later if you want to :) [06:53] elfy: yeah, i think we stopped at you not getting any debug output [06:54] sounds right [06:56] i guess i'll do a clean install today or tomorrow so i have the same conditions to test with [06:56] then i can give you better hints as to why there is no output just yet [06:56] I've not got to a clean one yet either [07:07] oh o [07:07] k [09:38] Ooh are there wiley images already? [11:03] yay, we're in business http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/wily/xubuntu [11:13] hey bluesabre [11:13] hey ochosi [11:13] how're things? [11:13] good good [11:14] you? [11:15] busy busy, but generally speaking good :) [11:16] thought i'd take another stab at that xfpm bug i was working on last week [11:16] cool [11:16] hopefully i'll make more progress today (for some reason elfy doesn't see the debug output i put in with g_warnings) [11:19] oops [11:19] :) [11:24] ochosi: got anything fun you'd like to do artwork-wise this cycle? [11:25] +knome:) [11:35] do we start drafting up blueprints now? [11:36] we can probably go ahead and drop gimp/abiword/gnumeric and add libreoffice (we can trim LO down later after some discussion) [11:37] and we more interested in tango or sifr as the default LO theme? [11:37] sorry, was on the phone... [11:38] yeah, i'd like to make some tweaks to greybird [11:38] we'll see how that goes [11:38] also yeah, +1 on the seed updates [11:38] i haven't tried the sifr theme, i'll check that now [11:39] cool [11:39] i think i used to use humanity or whatever it was called [11:39] for those around, Sifr is a monochrome/symbolic icon theme, https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jGQol9dHIZ8/UupQtrHlsBI/AAAAAAAARPI/W_lhTgZEEKA/s1600/libreoffice-4.2-sifr-icons.png [11:40] oh, sifr is monochrome [11:40] well, it [11:40] 's okayish [11:40] i remember reading about it and pinning more hopes on it [11:40] tango, http://i47.tinypic.com/124h2q9.png [11:41] i'm not convinced anymore that having a totally monochrome toolbar is really the ideal scenario [11:41] i'm +1 on tango tbh [11:41] humanity, https://i.imgur.com/RygseR0.png [11:41] i once looked into creating an icon theme for LO, it seemed like a lot of work though [11:41] yeah [11:41] there's also a faenza one that somebody made way back when [11:41] while humanity is closer to elementary, it's so... orange [11:42] i guess i could use that as a base and work something out for us for 16.04 if we decide to stick with LO [11:42] yeah [11:42] many icons could be kept, only some would need updating to make it look more integrated [11:42] an elementary-style LO? [11:43] well, just the icons [11:43] or maybe its possible to create a "gtk" theme, that pulls from the icon dirs? or is it all resource files? [11:43] i think it's all LO specific resource crap [11:43] boo [11:43] hundreds of icons, literally [11:44] time to get ready for work, would love to see other's ideas on what theme options to go with [11:44] so we need to make an addon alike the libreoffice-style-humanity package [11:44] there's also the default "galaxy", but it looks like kde, so -1 [11:44] yup, as i said, i'd vote for tango [11:44] all the others have downsides [11:44] same here [11:44] gotta run, bbl [11:45] galaxy: too kde, humanity: too orange, sifr: too monochrome, tango: ok [11:45] k, ttyl bluesabre [13:07] bluesabre: so while the libreoffice icon stuff seems like a lot of work, could we do a package for xubuntu-only for the moment without having to go through the hassle of submitting it upstream, then let debian pick it up and finally get it synced to ubuntu..? maybe you could take a peek at the other icon themes and i can set up a repo from which we can generate the needed zip file and then a package... [20:54] any opinions on the LO icon theme sean mentioned earlier? [20:55] oh d'oh [20:55] meant to comment [20:56] I don't like sifr ochosi [20:56] my opinion is similar to yours, too monochromatic [20:56] I have sifr - don't like it much [20:56] lderan: btw, did you work out something with bluesabre wrt contributing code-wise? [20:56] but I'd rather have that than the in your face other ones [20:56] ochosi: That's going to stink unless you get in contact with LibreOffice maintainers for Ubuntu. [20:56] ochosi, not yet [20:57] Unit193: right, i guess if somebody else takes care of the upstreaming, i could see myself submitting a libreoffice-style-elementary source === brainwash__ is now known as brainwash [21:17] lderan: anyway if you wanna discuss anything lemme know [21:17] i'll be around for another hour approx [21:17] Hah, great. Was about to ask. [21:22] ochosi: Here is my poor attempt at writing: https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/docs/core.html [21:23] I'm not attached to any of it, so any changes are a-ok. [21:24] Well, I am to the idea that we want people to install the task and not the meta, but otherwise. :P [21:24] why is it there and not draft at x.org? [21:25] Because I like vim/nano better than firefox? [21:25] lol [21:25] right, but then someone else will have to convert it, so booo :) [21:26] elfy: Needed to get base content, then worry about formatting later. This way I know I'm not going to get frustrated and quit. :P [21:26] ha ha ha [21:26] :) [21:27] So any content comments rather than location? :P [21:27] * elfy is reminded to finish the QA recap [21:27] Unit193: it's definitely a good start! i like it [21:27] Unit193: content seems ok - just you're like me - and tech rather than flim flam :D [21:27] hehe [21:28] yeah, a bit of intro won't hurt though [21:28] I gave an intro. [21:28] maybe split the task from the less recommended [21:28] ochosi, sure :) what can i do to help [21:28] lderan: well, first of all, what would you like to help with? i mean code, yeah, but what language, any particular fields you wanna contribute to? [21:28] anyway - preferring sleep to wake currently - night all :) [21:28] night elfy :) [21:29] elfy: G'nighty! [21:29] night elfy :) [21:29] ochosi, mmm good question. I can do a bit of python and c++ if that is of any use. would like to get a better grip of both of those langauges. My days are spent toiling with html :P [21:30] lderan: right, most of xfce is C, only whiskermenu is C++, so i guess python it is [21:30] unless you wanna write something from scratch in c++ or learn some c [21:30] dont mind C, have caused my server to crash with it before :P [21:31] right :) [21:31] with C, you have lots and lots of options [21:31] other than language, anything you use a lot and wanna work on? [21:31] or anything you particularly like [21:32] text editor and music players is what i am generally using [21:33] k, so what, mousepad and parole/gmusicbrowser/something-else? [21:33] gmb is perl. [21:33] yeah, i'm just asking, i know it's perl ;) [21:34] at the moment its mousepad and clementine [21:34] clementine is qt, so for us that's a no-go [21:34] mousepad is already ported to gtk3 and generally okayishly maintained, ofc you could contribute some bugfixes if you'd like [21:35] shall take a look at it [21:37] personally i think it's important that you like/use what you wanna contribute to, otherwise you might quickly lose motivation [21:37] but ofc you can generally contribute to anything [21:37] i try most applications for a bit, sure i will be using a different music player in short order :P [21:40] don't mind taking a look at something that needs more attention tho :) [21:45] k :) [21:46] Unit193: i put your draft up on x.org and modded it a bit, please read and feed back: http://xubuntu.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=3146 [21:46] also, please correct the Core vs. core in any way you see fit [21:46] Alright. [21:47] Currently locked. [21:47] it looks a bit naked now and wall of texty (even though it's fairly brief), maybe we can come up with some way to spice it up [21:47] hum, still? [21:47] i moved away from that page when i pinged you, odd... [21:51] Slight formatting/correcting. [21:56] just out of curiosity, why is "xubuntu minimal installation" task italic and the "Xubuntu core task" not? [21:57] Because that's exactly what you'd see in the tasksel screen. [21:57] ok [21:58] Not sure if I touched enough on tasks vs metas? [21:59] i guess more explanation can't hurt, really [22:09] bluesabre: https://tracker.debian.org/news/682532 [22:23] Unit193: so no more details on tasks vs metas? [22:23] if there's some external docs on that subject that you can/want to link to, that would also do [22:23] I would, but words and effort. [22:23] links are ok too [22:37] Unit193: ok, moved the first two paragraphs around a bit, from my pov it's a go [22:38] but if you want more ppl to read/review, feel free to ping around before hitting publish [22:38] I'm pretty sure I can't publish, not in website. [22:40] i thought if you can edit, you can publish [22:40] either way, in that case lemme know when you want me to hit it [22:41] i'm off for now, nighty all!