
uberdubwhat gives devs?00:37
uberdubupdates every day??????00:37
uberdubreboots evry other frickin day?00:37
uberdubthis is retarded00:38
uberdubyou guys really cant find a more efficient way to roll out updates?00:38
gunndawguberdub: can you find a more efficient way? Give me the link to the ISO of your OS. I'll load it up in a VM00:38
uberdubyeah, I can00:39
gunndawgHow do you handle it in the OS that you created?00:39
uberdubconsolidate them into bigger releases instead of this little update every day crap00:40
uberduband what if the update breaks something?00:40
gunndawglink me to the OS you designed. I'd be happy to try it00:40
uberdubno one designed ubuntu00:40
uberdubits a team effort00:40
gunndawgyou're correct, my bad. Send me a link to the OS you and your team created. I'd be happy to try it00:41
uberdubthats your response?00:41
uberdubare you like 15?00:41
gunndawgYou're creating a scene and using lude and offensive language in a support channel for a free OS you decided to use. Not sure what you're expecting00:42
uberdububuntu needs to be more efficient and careful with updates00:42
uberdubIm tired of having to reboot my system every damn day00:42
uberdubthats just retarded00:42
gunndawgyou can get help and suggest new or more intuitive ideas without using offensive language00:43
uberdubI forgot you bible thumping ubuntu guys get your panties in a wad over "lude" language00:43
gunndawguse the term "retarded" is pretty lude and will net you nothing in terms of help.00:43
uberdubI just did00:43
uberdubI dont need help00:43
uberdubIve been running linux since slack 800:44
uberdubI need ubuntu to handle updates better00:44
uberdubnot my job00:44
gunndawgIt's not anyone involved with ubuntus job to cater to you either. Especially with the attitude you bring on.00:44
uberdubI guess I need to reinstall debian and stop messing with noobs00:45
uberdubonly ubuntu noobs would argue everyday, mass roll out updates are logical00:46
gunndawgI havent seen an argument in ages00:46
uberdubLuckily im not running servers atm00:46
gunndawgInfact I've not seen someone quite as immature as you, in several of months00:47
uberdubfrickin daily reboots00:47
gunndawgnot in here anyways00:47
uberdubI guess youre mad Im right00:47
gunndawgon such a beautiful day, I'm actually quite content for the moment.00:48
threedeehttps://fedorahosted.org/fldigi/wiki/Documentation/HOWTO/Serial_Port_Setup <- followed the instructions here.. if I repeat them it says I'm already a member of dialout, but when I type groups dialout isn't listed and I do NOT have access to the port..  suggestions?01:43
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muh2000how can i use double-click instead of single click on desktop symbols etc...?02:58
valoriemuh2000: if you type alt+f2 and type click, you'll get to the mouse control module where you can set that03:05
muh2000valorie: nope03:08
muh2000but i found it under system settings.03:09
valorienope what?03:09
muh2000dolphin was doubleclick desktop wasent03:09
valorieyes, krunner just gives you the specific bit you need03:09
muh2000before the upgrade it was both doubleclick03:09
valorieare you running 15.04?03:09
muh2000i have another issue with dualmonitor.03:10
valorieyou are now running plasma 5, and there will be some new settings03:10
valorieDolphin, however, has not been ported yet03:10
muh2000when i switch the 2nd monitor off, the desktop becomes expanded in a way that when i move the mouse towards where the 2nd monitor should be, the whole ddesktop moves in that direction cutting the picture off.....03:11
cjwelbornthreedee: did you logout and log back in?03:16
threedeecjwelborn: yes03:17
threedeethat gives me an idea though03:19
threedeeahh, no I didn't.. I just opened a new terminal window03:19
threedeetrue login cycle does it03:19
threedeeThank you03:21
cjwelbornthreedee: no problem, i've done that several times. :)03:22
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muh2000is there a way to deactivate password prompt from muon when upgrading software?03:37
valoriehmmm, I guess you could make the password blank03:39
valoriebut seems terribly dangerous though03:39
muh2000valorie: not an option03:39
muh2000i see no point asking for passwords when upgrading - different storry for installing NEW software maybe.03:39
valorieupgrading often does result in new software such as libraries, etc.03:40
muh2000but no "hacker related tools" :)03:40
valoriereally, that is one of the things I hate about windows - stuff can be installed with no password required03:41
muh2000lol i like not caring about what the fudge is new, when it is new it usually has to be installed due bug fixes etc...03:42
valoriebut you need not do updates until you have time03:42
valorieand I believe you can allow security updates in the background03:43
muh2000i like the desktop notification though03:46
valorieme too03:46
muh2000great now my folder thing wont display stuff.03:46
muh2000after a reboot...03:46
muh2000mounted folder displayer on desktop but not displaying content...03:47
muh2000i see why. it does not keep settings. always falling back to whatever not working.03:48
muh2000another dull app...03:48
valoriehave you run sudo when it wasn't needed since you installed?03:48
valorieI keep seeing this popping up randomly03:49
valorieit sounds like a permissions issue, since setting are saved in your $HOME03:49
muh2000before the reboot there was no issue...03:50
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muh2000is there a way to restore the desktop post-its from 14.10?03:54
muh2000or at least gather the text?03:54
valoriedo you recall what that was called?03:56
valorieI've never used such a thing03:57
muh2000the app hmmmm desktop notes or something like that04:00
valoriecould it have been kjots or knotes?04:01
valorieI did apt-cache search notes04:02
valorieand those two seem possibilities04:02
muh2000valorie: knotes04:04
valoriehttps://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=215&t=120831 might help04:06
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muh2000valorie: no help :(04:31
muh2000the data seems to be gone :(04:32
valoriemuh2000: no backup?05:01
hyper_chthere's still people that don't regularly make backups?05:09
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muh2000valorie: i made a backup before the upgrade... :) will be looking into it later this evening05:15
valorieah, that's good to hear05:17
muh2000but i am not quite sure whether it was encrypted ^^05:17
valorieunless your /home was encrypted, that's not the problem05:20
valoriethe problem is if it is in a database05:20
valorieI don't know that it is, but I've lost data for that reason - backing up the wrong bits05:20
muh2000i used encfs(for home) or how it was called... i could decrypt it05:22
valorieok, I'm glad you have a handle on it05:23
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html05:43
gunndawgvalorie 0/. Good evening to ya. Or morning depending on your side of the world :)05:44
valoriecoming up on 11pm05:48
valorienice to see you, gunndawg05:48
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lordievaderGood morning.08:51
M4heHey there. I'm using kubuntu 14.04 with the backports ppa. I encounter a reproducible bug (on several systems) that Ark isn't able to create ZIP files. It will always create TAR.GZ files if ZIP is selected, though they are named as ZIP which will confuse other systems (e.g Windows). This happens both on context menu ZIP command as well as on manual Ark 'compress to' dialog usage. Is this a known issue? Would the backports ppa's launchpad09:45
M4hepage the appropriate place for reporting this?09:45
ejayguys, do you know a way to render and export whole page to png, jpg or whatever?09:50
M4heejay: do you mean webpage?09:51
ejayM4he: yeah, yeah, webpage, my question wasn't too specific. I meant webpage.09:52
lordievaderejay: There are plugins for that.09:54
M4heIf you are using Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/pagesaver/?src=ss for image, https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/print-pages-to-pdf/?src=ss for pdf09:55
ejayM4he: kudos to you. This is what I need. Thank you.09:56
markus_hi out there10:16
markus_i have a problem with the installation kubuntu 15.04 on a toshiba laptop as a second OS10:17
gunndawgwhat problems?10:18
alvinM4he: I can't confirm that. On a fresh install, ark creates .zip files and file confirms that they are .zip files. I even tested by using unzip.10:18
markus_as i want to install the installation seems allways to use the entire disk not only the free space10:18
M4healvin: are you using the backports? what does 'kded4 -version' say?10:19
gunndawgmarkus_: did you set up a partition table for the install?10:19
alvinM4he: Yes, I am. Also tested on an upgraded machine now10:19
markus_no is this necessary ?10:20
alvinM4he: Qt 4.8.6, KDE Development Platform 4.14.7 and KDE Daemon 4.14.710:20
gunndawgmarkus_: well if you want to decide where linux installs and how much space it takes up, then yeah10:20
markus_what is the right way to install kubuntu as second OS ?10:20
hyper_chmarkus_: I guess since you want to install it as second OS and that it's a Toshiba computer that you already have windows installed. I assume that the windows partitions use the full harddisk10:20
alvinnot to mention the recovery partition10:21
markus_no windows does not use the entire diskspace as i have created a new, empty partition on the dick10:21
M4healvin: are you on 14.04?10:22
markus_oh ... disk10:22
alvinM4he: 15.0410:22
alvinM4he: I missed that you were on 14.04. Sorry10:22
M4healvin: I'm running 14.04 with the backports resulting in KDE 4.14.210:22
markus_it is empty an not formatted10:22
hyper_chcan you take a pic and post it somehwere?10:22
alvinWell. You might have run into a known bug (since it is fixed)10:23
M4healvin: seems so. So I'm stuck with the bug on trusty then?10:23
alvinYou also might want to stay on 14.04, since it is an LTS. But that's the trouble with LTS. You get security updates, but bugfixes?10:23
M4healvin: yea I vastly prefer LTS10:24
alvinUpgrading might give you other bugs. That much is true. Plasma5 is nice, but has sharp edges.10:24
M4healvin: it does indeed, I tested it already. I'd prefer to stay on trusty until Plasma5 is ready for productive usage10:25
markus_is it right that i have to create a partitions table before the installation ?10:26
hyper_chmarkus_: are you at the partitioning step? If so, take a picture and post it10:27
hyper_chor screenshot10:27
alvinmarkus_: As far as I'm aware, the Kubuntu installer can shrink Windows partitions10:27
markus_alvin: normally i think so too, but the installer shows all the existing partitions an the he says 'after installation' and shows all the disk as kubuntu10:29
markus_hyper_ch: how can i do this ?10:30
alvinOuch. You might want to choose manual then.10:30
hyper_chtake your phone, start the camera app, take a picture, upload it to some image hoste10:30
markus_in manual it shows all the partitions but it is not possible to creat a new partitions table10:31
markus_i think i will try it with kubuntu 14.04 an the do  an upgrade to 15.0410:32
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markus_then im online again with the results10:33
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hyper_chthe disk probably still has mbr formatting allowing only 4 primary partitions10:33
hyper_chstill waiting for the pic10:34
markus_i have only 310:34
hyper_chtake a pic or print the partition layout10:34
hyper_chI'm done guessing10:34
markus_i am not at the partition step now because i break and shut down the computer10:35
markus_if im on again i will show you a pic ... ok ?10:36
est31hi there I wonder is there a way to keep widgets on a 15.04 update?10:53
est31because I've done it on my laptop and they were lost, now I wonder whether they get lost on my desktop too10:53
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BluesKajHi folks11:25
hyper_chhi BluesKaj11:27
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hyper_chhmmmm, is there a way to make a link in a kdialog dialog? so that you can click on it and it opens in the default browser?11:38
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BluesKajhi hyper_ch11:58
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z4sk4hi all i try to compile aircrack, but i need the libnl3, i have install it and the dev too... but is like isnt installed... i am on kubuntu 15.04, on 14.04 i havent got this problem, what can i do?12:04
z4sk4the strange think its that i compile it on 14.04 and in the make install on 15.04 still tell me thit that library when is on system...12:06
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lordievaderz4sk4: Have you installed the libnl3 headers? (the dev package)12:10
z4sk4lordievader: yeah ofcourse, and i see the routes and are the same of 14.0412:11
z4sk4so strange12:11
lordievaderCan you pastebin the full error?12:11
lordievader!paste | z4sk412:11
ubottuz4sk4: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:11
z4sk4lordievader: fixed, i installed all variantes of libnl-*-dev and works... maybe the library need was a variant12:13
lordievaderSuppose so.12:13
z4sk4need a variant12:13
z4sk4thanks lordievader ua lways are here xD12:14
lordievaderz4sk4: My server is allways here ;)12:14
hyper_chBluesKaj: you know about kdialog?12:15
BluesKajhyper_ch, nope12:17
hyper_chBluesKaj: but you're my KDE Hero....12:17
hyper_chit would be awesome if I could make kdialog show clickable urls12:18
BluesKajhyper_ch, switch heroes because I don't even know what kdioalog is :-)12:26
z4sk4oh! lordievader the problem from yesterday of nertowrk-manager with trying monitoring with aircrack, was a problem from aircrack on ubuntu 15.04, i am not the only one.. so maybe i must whait to the repo version o web version (have diferent error messages but always fix it when stop network-manager)...12:26
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hyper_chBluesKaj: you don't? awwww :(12:33
hyper_chwell, adding html markup makes it show as link but it's not clickable12:34
lordievaderhyper_ch: ctrl+click?12:39
hyper_chwhen using the --passivepopup then the links are clickable...12:39
lordievaderhyper_ch: You can have a help link it seems: http://api.kde.org/4.1-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKDialog.html12:40
CarluchoxSomeone speaks spanish?12:42
lordievader!es | Carluchox12:42
ubottuCarluchox: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:42
hyper_chlordievader: not ctrl-clickable either. It displays as URL but that's it:   kdialog --msgbox 'Auf den Entscheid kann mit folgender URL direkt zugegriffen werden:<br><br><a href="'http://www.kde.org'">'KDE'</a>'12:43
hyper_chlordievader: this is clickable, but you can't right-click & copy the url:  kdialog --title "Urteils-URL" --passivepopup '<a href="'http://www.kde.org'">'KDE'</a>'12:45
lordievaderThat second one goes to the notifications here.12:46
hyper_chlordievader: yes -->   --passivepopup12:47
hyper_chbut you can click the url there12:47
hyper_chin the --msgbox you can't12:47
lordievaderHmm, from where are you calling kdialogbox?12:48
hyper_chbash script12:50
lordievaderRight, as I figured. I have no idea how to do that.12:51
hyper_chopen konsole12:53
hyper_chpaste the code lines in there12:53
lordievaderhyper_ch: Getting the link clickable I mean ;)12:55
hyper_chwell, in the --passivepopup it's clickable but you can't right-click and copy the url into memory12:55
lordievaderClicking it here, even with --passivepopup, does nothing.12:56
hyper_chmy super awesome project has this beauty flaw12:56
hyper_chlordievader: weird.. that opens the url just fine in chromium forme12:56
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Nericko.O  :) alguien que me pueda dar ayuda en idioma español.. pls13:55
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:55
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BluesKaj!info boot-repair14:56
ubottuPackage boot-repair does not exist in vivid14:56
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finetundrahey guys, what's the best way to increase battery life?15:01
davevanlooturn of your laptop :), but in a serious note.. dim the backlight.. and use as little cpu/gpu heavy software really.. :)15:01
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finetundradavevanloo: that's all well and good, but are there ways to optimize power usage? I've already got the backlight at minimal and am using barely anything that has a high resource usage15:03
davevanlooyou could look into underclocking your CPU according to demand.., kinda like most android phones do.., although i wouldnt know of any good software to do that out the top of my head, im a desktop user myself15:06
finetundranever considered that15:06
davevanloofinetundra: its just an idea.., i do not know of the software exists though15:08
lordievaderI think the default schedular is ondemand. Anyways powertop is nice for seing power consumptions.15:08
davevanloofinetundra: the software mentioned here, seems to be interesting for you aswel: http://askubuntu.com/questions/285434/is-there-a-power-saving-application-similar-to-jupiter15:09
finetundraalright, I'll have a look, thanks fellas15:10
rattkinglaptop-mode-tools or tlp can help.. but beware not to mess with the ALPM settings as  thats been found to corrupt data on some disks15:10
lordievaderLaptop-mode-tools is nice :)15:12
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hyper_chfinetundra: turn off wifi and bluetooth15:49
hyper_chanother bug reported... KCalc won't listen to input from numeric keypad16:19
hyper_chcan anyone on 15.04 with Kubuntu Team Beta Backport PPA also try?16:20
* hyper_ch feels all alone :(16:22
dman87Hello everyone! I have a quick question that I cannot find an answer to.16:22
dman87Does anyone know where Plasma 5.2 stores its xrandr configuration information?16:23
finetundradman87: please just ask it16:23
dman87in previous versions, it was under ~/.kde/share/krandrrc16:23
dman87but, I cannot find this file in Plasma 5.2 on Kubuntu 15.0416:23
hyper_chprobably in ~/.config/xxxxx16:23
dman87I looked there as well but could not find it directly16:24
hyper_chall config files were moved there I think because of some conevntion thingy16:24
dman87has the filename changed possibly??16:24
hyper_chright... it's not a config.... somehow16:24
dman87thank you so much!16:25
dman87I had noticed that most of the config files moved to .config16:25
hyper_chdman87: can you test if kcalc works with your numeric keypad?16:25
dman87sure, 1 sec16:25
dman87kcalc works fine on my usb keyboard on a Lenovo T450s laptop16:26
dman87I am able to use numbers and *, -, +, etc16:26
hyper_chwith the numeric keys?16:26
hyper_chyou use 5.2, right?16:26
dman87that is correct16:26
hyper_chwell, I have different keyboards at home and work and neither works on 5.316:26
dman87interesting, did it work correctly on 5.2?16:26
davevanloohyper_ch: did you test it with any other software? also did you make sure your num-lock is correct ( i know its derpy to ask.., but sometimes people do derp..)16:27
hyper_chnever used 5.216:27
hyper_chdavevanloo: all other proggies (kontact, url bar in chromium, libre office, dolphin url bar etc) work fine16:27
dman87I've been thinking about upgrading to 5.3, you're not convincing me, lol :-p16:27
hyper_chqtpass also....16:27
hyper_chbut not kcalc16:27
hyper_chdman87: well, I have 16 open bug reports now :)16:28
davevanlooallright.. it is strange indeed.., i suppose my last recomendation would be.. to check that you selected the right keyboard in settings ( or during install.. )16:28
dman87Good, maybe they'll be fixed by the time I get around to testing it16:28
hyper_chright keyboard settings?16:28
hyper_chthe most annoying bug that only I seem to have is that I can't resize Konsole anymore16:29
hyper_chif I do, it freezes16:29
hyper_chand not to forget the locale chaos16:29
dman87yikes, I haven't used Konsole except to install yakuake16:29
davevanlooyea.. basicly from azerty qwerty european north american.. theres al sorts of lay outs.., it freezing.. "could" lead to incorrect settings aswel..16:29
hyper_chah, you're also one of those yakuake16:29
davevanlooi preffer installing via konsole :P16:29
hyper_chdavevanloo: I have swiss german layout16:29
dman87ti's just too convenient when I need a terminal that way--to each his own lol16:30
hyper_chdavevanloo: I open konsole...16:30
hyper_chresize it.... then when I'm quick enough I'm able to type 2-3 chars and then it freezes16:30
dman87I do a lot of work where I'm in and out of the terminal. It's nice to easily hide it like with yakuake16:30
davevanloohyper_ch: i did not mean to ask you to open konsole.. it was as a response to yakuake16:30
dman87thanks for the info about the xrandr config stuff guys/gals!16:31
hyper_chdman87: I have konsole always visible on a small part of my desktop16:31
dman87hyper_ch: then, I would have to minimize my windows16:31
hyper_chand I have a little start up script that open multiple konsole tabs and makes several remote server connections16:31
hyper_chdman87: two screen are just not enough ;)16:32
dman87that's handy16:32
hyper_chI need a 3rd 24" screen16:32
dman87haha, I use 3 on my laptop... I want a 4th16:32
davevanloowhahaha, true.., but i make deu hyper_ch! :P16:32
dman87well, 1 internal and two external displays16:32
davevanloowell i have 2 physical monitors..16:32
hyper_chwell, I turn the laptop screen off16:32
hyper_ch12" isn't worth it16:32
dman87it's handy to have. Most of the time it is either just email or a random web page16:32
dman87the desktop at home is just two monitors16:33
davevanloojups.., or something your working at and some sort of refference information... or like right now.., a series running on one.. and the other one for chatting16:33
dman87yeah true, I have irc open on my laptop monitor, lol16:33
davevanloohaha, i "could" cast the irc chat to my 3rd monitor.. :P16:34
dman87lol, good idea!16:34
dman87well, I'm going to mess around with these xrandr settings to see if I can solve my issues. Thanks again! Have a good day/night all!16:34
dman87nice script!16:35
dman87bye all!16:35
hyper_chfound that script somewhere nd modified it to my needs16:35
hyper_chnice to open multiple stuff directly with one click onto the desktop16:35
hyper_chso, let's go hunt some pirates....16:38
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EtriaphG'day folks.17:19
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Riddell25 mins to Plasma 5 demo! http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1505/meeting/22517/plasma-5-demo/17:34
RiddellPlasma 5 demo on now! http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1505/meeting/22517/plasma-5-demo/18:01
* genii twitches18:05
valorieIRC Channel: #ubuntu-uos-showandtell18:05
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tedkaHello, anyone has problems with debugger under Kubuntu?18:19
tedkaDebugging virtually impossible because every step over takes a minute or so18:19
tedkaI was experiencing this problem on Kubuntu 14.10, I have a feeling that it became even worse on Kubuntu 15.0418:20
qmania I have recently installed kubuntu 15.04 in my Hp laptop.I have selected sleep action when lid is closed.But when I open the lid,it is completely  stuck with only a still curson seen.Can anyone help me fix this?18:21
EtriaphOh, you asked here, excellent.  :D18:24
Etriaphqmania: It may be a bug, have you checked if someone has reported this before?18:24
qmaniaEtriaph: I will check it now and report it if not done18:25
EtriaphUntil then, don't suspend it.  :D18:26
EtriaphIf it's not logged I'll try to see what I can do for you by way of looking into it.18:26
MoonUnit`is this the bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/145148218:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1451482 in linux (Ubuntu) "Laptop fails to suspend when lid already closed and AC removed" [Medium,Incomplete]18:28
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EtriaphMost likely SDDM doesn't like coming out of suspend18:33
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BluesKajqmania, the best method i've found on 15.04 is sudo pm-suspend in the konsole18:35
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valoriekubuntu kickoff for wily starting now:19:05
valorieIRC Channel: #ubuntu-uos-core19:05
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GunnDawgHow big (in GB) is a fresh Kubuntu 14.04 install?19:45
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BluesKajGunnDawg, I believe it's around 5G after updates/upgrades19:59
GunnDawgBluesKaj: Thank you sir20:00
BluesKajGunnDawg, just checked my 14.10 and it's grown from 5  to 7G since installation20:02
BluesKajon / that is , my /home dir is on a separate partition20:03
spameris when i trying to add for autostart appliaction as desktop file20:05
spamerisim getting error20:05
spamerisCould not start process Unable to create io-slave:20:05
spamerisklauncher said: Unknown protocol 'file'20:05
spamerisubuntu 15.0420:05
spamerisupdated from 14.0420:05
Riddelldavevanloo: contributors welcome in #kubuntu-devel :)20:08
Fleckhttps://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?67535-File-dialogs-aren-t-working-quot-URL-cannot-be-listed-trash-quot <<<< same problem here, help! Can't reinstall, need solution! :D20:47
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GunnDawgTrying to help a friend out. What's the best way to set up a Kubuntu 14.04 and Windows dual boot? I dont dual boot so I've not messed with it20:51
GunnDawgI thought the installer had a "install alongside..." option but apparently not20:51
BluesKajGunnDawg, is windows already installed? I presume it is.20:52
GunnDawgBluesKaj: yes20:52
geniiMight not see it due to EFI or such20:52
BluesKajGunnDawg, best to put gparted on a cd or usb and use that to partition the drive, p[robly have to shrink the windows partition then use the unallocated to create an ext4 linux partition for kubuntu20:54
GunnDawgBluesKaj: yeah I'm starting to see that, thanks for the confirmation20:54
GunnDawgBluesKaj: http://i.imgur.com/KYeZDB5.jpg20:56
GunnDawgWill that top option automatically re size and install? Looks like it may20:56
BluesKajgenii, what's the best approach for installing grub with ubiquity on uefi/gpt20:56
geniiDunno :( No boxes I currently work with use EFI/UEFI20:57
BluesKajGunnDawg, hmm, 25G is bit small for the linux install unles it's just for experimentation20:58
GunnDawgBluesKaj: yeah but you can slide those arrows (<- ->) to reisze it, which he did20:58
BluesKajGunnDawg, how old is thi pc , maybe uefi isn't an issue here since the HDD is only 120G21:00
GunnDawgBluesKaj: It's not a NEWER system21:01
BluesKajor which windows OS ?21:01
GunnDawgwindows 8, but oldder hardware21:01
BluesKajif it's older than 2010 the install is really straightforward ..translate =easy :))21:02
BluesKajseems you have it well in hand, just set the size of the partition you wnat and proceed21:03
bprompthmmm    25gbs should be decent enough for a *nix,  linux install, say hmmm 12.04 , base install is just 3.5gbs, 14.04 I think runs around less than 5gbs21:04
GunnDawgBluesKaj: aye. Time will tell. Seems fine at this point. Thanks again for the input21:04
GunnDawgMy friend is used to windows and having his programs installed on his external HDD. At this point its all on that 27GB partition. Can he configure his /home to be on that external HDD after install?21:05
GunnDawgI figured that's something that should have been set up at the partition table but clearly, he didnt do that21:05
BluesKajGunnDawg , no, he has to set up a /home parition now21:06
BluesKajif he wants one21:06
GunnDawgfair enough21:07
BluesKajputting home on a different drive can work , but it slows things down21:07
bpromptGunnDawg:     though.... you could move /home location.... the external hdd will be slower than the internal one, and bear in mind that /home loads all configuration files and themes and fonts and other resources, you'd want that to load fast, so is better off in the internal hdd21:07
GunnDawgBluesKaj: I explained that to him as well. He's being quite picky at the moment with this setup.21:07
BluesKajwell then let him do it , and he'll learn that he should have them on the same drive soon enough :-)21:09
bpromptGunnDawg:     he could just , when the install is done, transfer things over to /home, and whatever he'd like to keep in the external, put a symlink at /home for it, pointing to the external21:09
bpromptGunnDawg:     but configuration files and themes and fonts and cached thumbnails and browser cached content and  cookies, you'd want that to load fast, thus is better of in the internal one21:10
BluesKajGunnDawg, make sure that he use the mountppoint for the 25G partiton beside windows as /21:10
GunnDawgwe're past that. Just trying to give him options for his /home mount point now21:11
bpromptbrowsers uses /home  to store their cache and configuration files   usually at ~/.local/share   and ~/.config and/or ~/.cache,  slow cache access, will mean slow loading pages21:11
BluesKajthe mountpoint on the outboard as /home21:11
BluesKajbprompt, he'll learn that soon enough , just let him get his feet wet first , then he'll realize he should have listened to us :)21:14
GunnDawgI'm relaying all of this guys. Trying to convince him otherwise as well21:14
GunnDawgbut like you said, He'll learn21:14
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GunnDawgHe's pulling the whole "You're a network engineer and I am a web developer / programmer, let me handle this from here"21:15
bpromptIf you shut your door to all errors truth will be shut out.   ~~ Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) ~~21:15
GunnDawgso I cut him lose, but like you said, he'll larn21:15
bprompta webdev?   from what you described, doesn't look like at all21:16
BluesKajGunnDawg, maybe he's used to slow loading of apps and browsers and doesn't realize how fast linux can be21:16
GunnDawgBluesKaj: haha well played sir, well played.21:17
EtriaphCore i7 w/128Gb SSD system drive here21:17
Etriaph16GB of RAM; it's *fast*21:17
GunnDawgBluesKaj: "I want a windows friendly enviroment, how can I slow this down some?"21:17
bprompteh?    not quite in webdev you got to be on you heels, standards are moving fast, maybe he meant "he used to do webdev in 1995", then I can see his rationale21:18
BluesKajhehe ..yeah :-)21:18
* Etriaph is a web developer, the job is learning more than typing, in most cases21:18
EtriaphEventually you have to write code, but knowledge of the vast, almost endless web ecosystem is how you survive and keep the food on the table.21:19
* BluesKaj is an experience home user ...that's all21:19
bprompthell... I have an sataIII ssd, and sometimes I think it can go faster21:19
BluesKajexperienced even21:19
Etriaphbprompt: My longest loading app from click to display is QtCreator at 1.5 seconds21:19
GunnDawgEtriaph: as a network engineer I learned its more than plugging the blue cable into the osver sized phone jack. After I got past that, the job was ok ;)21:19
EtriaphGunnDawg: You guys don't have it easy when it comes to network services though.21:20
EtriaphIf you're doing both the hardware and the software, making stuff work is like hacking apart a baby sometimes.21:20
GunnDawgEtriaph: I typicall deal with enterprise sized exchange servers and cisco set ups21:20
EtriaphUgh, Exchange21:21
EtriaphGoogle Apps ftw! :D21:21
EtriaphGunnDawg: So you work in primarily a Windows environment for services?21:21
GunnDawgEtriaph: Some businesses have "requirements" and I am paid to provide those requirements. If they paid me to convice them another direction then that'd be different ;)21:21
GunnDawgEtriaph: correct21:21
EtriaphGunnDawg: I'm sorry.  :)21:22
GunnDawgEtriaph: they pay me enough, I dont put up too much fuss.21:22
bprompt<? $insert_wise_remark_here() ?>21:24
EtriaphYa, that's the way the cookies always crumbled for me too.  "You want to setup a JSON-RPC 2.0 service in Perl and CGI binaries for X?  Sure, step into my office."21:24
GunnDawghehe yep21:24
GunnDawgI can do THIS for you for THIS much. However you want to make life hell for me, so its gonna cost you THIS much instead. I've had those sort of consoltation conversations as well21:25
bpromptstep into my office, nevermind those potato chips on the couch and the coffee spills on the keyboard21:25
GunnDawgmoney talks and crap walks but no one rides the bus for free21:25
geniiTsk tsk, never spill coffee21:25
bpromptGunnDawg:    well... I think bugs would disagree with  you on that, say cockroaches and flies, those ride for free in a bus21:26
GunnDawgbprompt: hehe true21:26
geniiSince there's not any support sessions happening, the offtopic chat is not a problem right now. But most of this talk could have taken place in #kubuntu-offtopic instead21:27
bpromptIMO microsoft makes good products... nothing to triffle about21:27
GunnDawggenii: I was just thinking that. my bad21:28
BluesKajnothing bad about it GunnDawg, it's just a small mistake :)21:29
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faLUCEhello. is there a way to record the streaming of this radio  http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3 ?21:56
EtriaphfaLUCE: That's a little unrelated.21:56
faLUCEEtriaph: I know but I wonder if is there a way21:57
EtriaphfaLUCE: http://www.google.com/21:58
faLUCEEtriaph: already googled. please don't be boring21:58
geniifaLUCE: Hm, seems they have some server-side player thing. So it can't just be played raw in for instance VLC, unfortunately22:00
genii( from which you could record it )22:00
faLUCEgenii: there should be a recording url22:01
faLUCEgenii: there should be a stream url22:01
geniifaLUCE: "listen live" goes to http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03w0fz4 but when you plug that into VLC it doesn't work22:02
geniifaLUCE: If you click on it there, it opens instead http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/bbc_radio_three which also doesn't work22:05
faLUCEgenii: I know22:05
* genii looks at the source for a minute22:05
geniifaLUCE: Looks like the source url of the actual stream is obfuscated by the player, part of the stream url is a cookie which is not displayed and a timestamp. So not easy to decode into an actual url. Might be some way to split the audio off though using jackd or similar22:15
EtriaphThey use RTMP22:17
EtriaphYou'd have to consume the RTMP stream and transcode22:17
faLUCEgenii: no, I don't want to record audio with jack. I want to record data22:18
EtriaphThe reason why I wasn't willing to assist is it may not be what the BBC intends, ie. could be a security issue.22:18
geniifaLUCE: http://manual.audacityteam.org/o/man/tutorial_recording_computer_playback_on_linux.html may give you some ideas.22:21
faLUCEgenii: no, I don't  want to record compressed audio and then re-compress it22:21
geniiWell, good luck then :)22:21
GunnDawgCould someone explain why my keyboard short cuts randomly quit working until a reboot? Ctrl+Shift T to open Terminal randomly quits working until I reboot22:28
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GunnDawgSo new question. Randomly my keyboard short cuts quit working, but it also seems like Dolphin quit working also. Randomly22:41
GunnDawgAny rhyme or reason for it22:41
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geniiGunnDawg: Sounds ibus related, but I wouldn't know about debugging it, unfortunately22:44
GunnDawggenii: Alright. I guess live with it until it starts doing it too often22:45
geniiGunnDawg: You on 15.04 or another?22:46
genii!info ibus-qt5 vivid22:46
ubottuPackage ibus-qt5 does not exist in vivid22:46
genii!info ibus-qt4 vivid22:46
ubottuibus-qt4 (source: ibus-qt): qt-immodule for ibus (QT4) (plugin). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.2-2 (vivid), package size 30 kB, installed size 165 kB22:46
GunnDawggenii: I'm on 14.0422:47
geniiGunnDawg: Maybe check if that package is installed22:47
GunnDawghow can I do that?22:48
geniiapt-cache policy ibus-qt422:48
GunnDawgInstalled: 1.3.2-222:49
geniiGunnDawg: Yeah, nothing else immediately comes to mind, sorry22:52
GunnDawggenii: no worries.22:52
geniiGunnDawg: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=309193 suggests this behaviour may happen if you change keyboard layouts22:54
ubottuKDE bug 309193 in shortcuts "Keyboard shortcuts doesn't work if non-english keyboard layout is set before english one" [Normal,Confirmed]22:54
GunnDawgi've never changed keyboard layouts22:54
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GunnDawgWhat does the blue circle shown in the top left of the window do? http://i.imgur.com/KpiL4yv.png23:34
Chaser_GunnDawg: Looks like it is used  to pin the window on all desktops I believe.23:39
GunnDawgChaser_: ty sir23:40
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GunnDawgChaser_: by chance do you know if you can get rid of it?23:48
acz32i'm having trouble renaming an image using metadata in digikam. i use the rename pattern [meta:Exif.Image.DateTimeOriginal].jpg and that part between brackets doesn't work. it just renamed to ".jpg"23:54
acz32does anyone use this program?23:54

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