[08:04] Bug #1452053 changed: Edit node name on node details page switches between '*.maas' and '*.local' [08:04] Bug #1452154 was opened: Node's hostname field contains a domain part (.local by default) [08:09] hey, I'm investigating a juju bug with maas [08:09] I'd like to interrogate the maas database and see what dhcp entries it is holding [08:09] how do I do that - is via a python shell best, or directly connecting to the db? [08:24] "maas-region-admin shell" apparently :-) === Guest60607 is now known as cmug [11:45] github appears to be down at present - we can't land code currently [11:45] I'll update later [11:54] whoops, sorry maas === zimboboy- is now known as zimboboyd [13:19] Bug #1452276 was opened: Not using upstart/systemd instance job support (using daemontools) [13:26] Good morning all. Anyone with experience booting ARM X-Gene? [14:25] Bug #1451568 changed: Unable to Add Hardware -> Machine without a Power Type [15:33] exit [15:33] exit === imthewhe` is now known as imthewherd === wolsen_ is now known as wolsen [18:35] Bug #1086307 changed: [precise] provisioning servers can not be enlisted to the MAAS server using Avahi [18:35] Bug #1217758 changed: Region worker logs error: MAAS_URL not set [18:35] Bug #1285156 changed: maas-import-pxe-files uses MD5SUMS when stronger hashes are available [18:35] Bug #1288569 changed: MAAS doesn't allow me to Fast Path install arbitrary cloud images [18:38] Bug #1308194 changed: MAAS does not securely wipe nodes between provisioning [20:24] Anybody have links to setting xgene or other system to network boot MAAS from uboot? === cgseller_is_away is now known as imthewherd [23:34] blake_r: hey, you still online?