
davidcalleGood morning all o/07:25
silverliongood morning myself08:03
silverlionmorning MooDoo09:20
dpmdholbach, ok, all set for http://ubuntuonair.com/ - thanks for the help!11:43
dpmI've created a FB too11:44
dholbachlooking forward to "seeing" Jane again :)11:44
dholbachdo you think we should start the propaganda machinery now already... to get it on everybody's page?11:44
dpmdholbach, indeed, that's why I created the event too11:44
dholbachlet me know where you post and I'll do some other posting11:45
dpmyeah, just about to post to G+ and FB - one thing we should post too would be reddit11:45
dpmdholbach, would you mind doing reddit and twitter?11:46
dpmok, posted on G+ & FB11:50
dpmreally looking forward to this one!11:50
czajkowskiI do like seeing Jane do more of this kind of engagement +111:53
balloonseveryone ready for day 2 of UOS? I hope you've recovered from yesterday!12:56
silverlionballoons: no need ^^ I've got the whole week of the clock :D13:00
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dpmballoons, would you mind scheduling a "BQ phone Q&A" session for the Show & Tell track, for Thursday at 18:00UTC? Until we get confirmation from wxl to see if we can rearrange things in the overflow track, we can put it on the free slot on Cloud 213:31
mhall119dpm: are you hosting the hangout for the community events session?13:37
dpmmhall119, yeah13:38
dpmmhall119, balloons, are you joining in?13:38
mhall119dpm: yes, if seb or mzanetti can run the convergence hangout13:39
jcastroman I forgot how draining these sessions are13:40
jcastroI wanted to pass out yesterday, heh13:40
mhall119jcastro: I know, it's even worse than the in-person ones13:40
popeydpm: mhall119 balloons would any of you be around for http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1505/meeting/22472/app-scope-development-round-table/ at 16:00 UTC to join me/us ?13:40
dpmpopey, I'm planning to13:41
dpmpopey, but I'll leave a bit earlier to prepare for jane's Q&A13:41
popeydid I see someone mention a snappy Q&A?13:41
mhall119popey: yes I think I can make thatone13:41
popeyaha, found it13:42
popeydholbach: fyi I added a question to the etherpad for the snappy Q&A13:45
popey(from jef spaleta)13:45
mhall119is it about the store?13:47
mhall119He doesn't seem to understand that every other distro is probably going to want to make their own13:47
balloonsdpm, scheduled13:48
mhall119ah, sources, different topic13:49
silverlionmy biggest thankyou to all of you who take their time to manage this uos13:49
dholbachthanks popey13:49
mhall119silverlion: :)13:51
* silverlion could imagine to work for canonical as well... but there aren't any vacancies atm are ther?13:51
mhall119silverlion: there are always openings here13:52
silverlionmhall119: who do I need to talk to about that topic?13:53
mhall119silverlion: http://www.canonical.com/careers13:53
mhall119silverlion: go there, you cna apply online13:53
silverlionmhall119: my problem is that most vacancies - which would apply to me - need a BA degree which I don't have13:55
* inetpro agrees with silverlion, looking from the outside, you guys are putting up a stunning show 13:56
inetprothanks to everyone involved13:56
mhall119silverlion: if you have experience you don't necessarily need the degree13:56
* mhall119 doesn't have a BA/BS13:56
silverlionmhall119: true but most vacancies are in US - being located in Europe that's not what helps me ^^13:57
mhall119silverlion: true, a lot of them are timezone sensitive13:58
silverlionsee ;) so nothing I could do13:58
balloonssilverlion, most vacancies in the US? uhh ... I13:59
silverlionballoons: based on what I found out via the link mhall119 gave me13:59
balloonsI can just echo mhall119 and encourage you to apply and be positive about it :-)13:59
silverlionthanks for trying folks but those two positions I could fill with my experience are office based in the UK14:00
silverlionthat's not available for me at the moment14:00
* silverlion goes through troubled waters14:00
silverlionthat's why I havent done any screencasts yet14:01
PabloRubianesjose: ping14:52
balloonsdpm, you hosting http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1505/meeting/22450/supporting-ubucons-worldwide/?14:53
dpmballoons, yes indeed14:53
popeydpm: mhall119 joining us in #ubuntu-uos-appdev ?15:55
mhall119popey: finishing up the UbuCOn session15:57
dholbachmhall119, popey, balloons, dpm: shall we ping all the social media again?16:54
dholbachdirecting everyone's attention to ubuntuonair.com16:54
dpmdholbach, yes please, trying to post to FB now16:54
dholbachok, I'll do twitter16:55
jcastroPici, thanks for that17:26
balloonshey marcoceppi .. are you going to be able to help out tomorrow afternoon? There's 3 show and tell sessions at 1800; we might need some help to cover them :-)18:10
jcastrohe's running a session18:22
balloonsjcastro, ack18:34
marcoceppiballoons: I'm happy to help out18:45
dpmballoons, I can host the bq one18:57
dpmballoons, that's why I suggested that slot, it was the only one that worked for me :)18:57
balloonsdpm, marcoceppi ty. I'll be busy organizing for the closing session, so I would rather not host anything :-)18:58
dpmand didn't conflict with other Q&As18:58
balloonswonderful sessions today everyone! That was really refreshing!19:45
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - have a good one and see you tomorrow!20:02
dpmso we're done for today, good work everyone! \o/20:09
dpmsee you all tomorrow!20:09

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