
pittiGood morning04:25
thumpero/ pitti04:29
TheMusoMorning pitti. :)04:47
pittihey thumper, hey TheMuso, how are you?04:47
thumperdoin' good, busy like normal04:48
thumpermaking juju more awesomer during the day, working on my startup at night04:48
thumpersleeping less04:48
TheMusopitti: Very well thanks, yourself?04:51
pittithumper: uh, how long can you sustain that :)04:51
pittiTheMuso: quite fine, thanks!04:51
thumperpitti: been doing it hard for about a year, very patchy before that04:51
thumperpitti: every one of my holidays in the last year and a bit has been working on the startup (except for last week - parent help at my daughter's year 8 school camp)04:52
thumperpitti: it is hard... hoping it will be worthwhile one day04:52
didrocksgood morning06:12
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pittibonjour didrocks06:24
seb128hey pitti & desktopers06:30
seb128wie gehts?06:30
* seb128 upgrades to w06:30
pittic'est un seb128 ! salut !06:30
didrockshey pitti! (sorry, didn't see your ping)06:30
pittiseb128: gut, danke! systemd debugging again :)06:30
pittiseb128: just now? you are soooo late to the werewolf :)06:30
pitti(it's just boring, nothing really changed yet..)06:31
seb128pitti, yeah, first upgrade, then contribute to making the thing more exciting :-)06:31
seb128pitti, desktop debugging or making the phone like systemd? ;-)06:31
pittibut oh well, it was already some fun to untangle some uninstallability and test regressions this morning :)06:31
pittiseb128: Laney's schroot-in-lxc woes, so desktop06:31
pittiseb128: that's the last bug scheduled for the next SRU, then I can go back infecting^Wporting the phone06:32
seb128Sweet5hark, do you know why libreoffice is triggering alternative failure/fixed emails almost daily06:36
seb128it's a bit annoying06:36
seb128it's like "failed" and a few hours later you get "fixed"06:37
seb128it keeps doing that06:37
pittithat was part of my fixes this morning06:37
pittitzdata was uninstallable in wily06:37
seb128oh, good06:37
pittiso libreoffice, cantor, poxml, and chromium-browser failed06:37
pittinow they are all happy again06:37
* Sweet5hark has a look06:37
seb128when I clicked on the public url yesterday it was an "empty" label page06:38
seb128so I couldn't see the issue06:38
seb128Sweet5hark, hey, seems like pitti already handled it :-)06:38
Sweet5harkseb128: fwiw. looking at the last failure in vivid, its an 'unexpected EOF' on the source tarball ...06:40
Sweet5harkseb128: so I would assume libreoffice being this big, it just is more sensible to flaky network connections and other temporary glitches in the matrix ...06:41
pittiyes, that's my fault, bug 138470606:42
ubot5bug 1384706 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "tar: Unexpected EOF in archive in copyup()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138470606:42
pittiit's ridiculously hard to reproduce and investigate, unfortunately :/06:42
Sweet5harkpitti: http://vmiklos.hu/blog/so-many-bugs.html <- backside of t-shirt applies06:44
pittiSweet5hark: ^5s06:44
seb128grrrr, firefox had some issues yesterday and nucked my password/login db it seems07:35
seb128chrisccoulson, ^ is there a backup on disk somewhere that I can use for those cases?07:36
pittiseb128: eek, no backup?07:37
seb128pitti, backups but not from the full userdir and not from .mozilla...07:37
didrockshey willcooke07:51
larsumorning willcooke!07:52
seb128hey willcooke07:54
willcookexmir is fixed!08:02
willcookehappyaron, thanks for your email.  I will read it and digest today08:04
willcookehappyaron, How was Scotland btw?08:05
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FJKong /quit12:05
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tkamppeterwillcooke, hi12:42
theo_instellen slaapstand scherm13:17
didrocksok, all tests are finally passing again13:20
* didrocks goes for a run13:20
seb128didrocks, enjoy!13:28
Laneywhat is this u-s-d media-keys race14:52
didrocksLaney: around for at least a cycle15:05
LaneyI didn't say it was new15:06
Laneyirritating though15:06
didrocksyeah, didn't get any useful debug IIRC15:06
didrocksand didn't reproduce when running u-s-d in debug mode15:07
didrocksI guess a typical heisenbug15:07
didrocksyou add debug, it slows it down enough to not get the race15:07
seb128is that when u-s-d starts before compiz?15:08
seb128or the other way around?15:08
seb128or nothing to do with that?15:08
Laneycould be a race there15:17
Laneydon't know if that causes this though15:17
seb128the way it's supposed to work is for compiz to do the grabbing and send the events to u-s-d over dbus and u-s-d triggers the actions15:18
seb128when you get the bug, does hitting the key generate the dbus events?15:19
seb128of it does the issue is on the u-s-d side15:19
seb128if it doesn't it's compiz/unity15:19
Laneyorg.gnome.Shell AcceleratorActivated happens15:20
seb128so u-s-d issue I guess15:20
attentenone of the shortcuts are working?15:20
Laneydoesn't seem so15:21
attentedid u-s-d possibly crash?15:21
attentebecause then compiz would keep the grabs15:21
Laneyoh, in the past?15:21
seb128attente, compiz having the grab would be fine?15:22
seb128it's supposed to work this way no?15:22
seb128compiz grab and send the dbus messages15:22
seb128and u-s-d listen to dbus and call the callbacks?15:22
attenteyeah, but if u-s-d crashes, the new instance of u-s-d would re-register new grabs, but the older grabs compiz already has takes priority iirc15:22
seb128why is u-s-d registering grabs?15:23
seb128I though compiz was the one grabbing15:23
attentei mean u-s-d registering grabs with compiz15:24
attenteover dbus15:24
seb128how is that working? I though compiz was grabbing the key and just sending on dbus org.gnome.Shell.AcceleratorActivated15:24
seb128that any u-s-d running instance would listen to15:25
attenteyeah, but it would be sending the old accelerator id15:25
attentethat the crashed u-s-d registered15:25
seb128oh, I didn't know they had changing ids15:25
attentethe new u-s-d wouldn't know the old u-s-d's ids15:25
seb128I though each action had a fix enum type number15:25
attenteunless i'm not remembering properly15:25
seb128I don't know the details of that protocol15:26
seb128I just had a remote look at the time you guys did the change15:26
seb128you are probably right :-)15:26
seb128Laney, since when is u-s-d running for you (compared to unity)15:27
Laneycan't check, sorry, I restarted it15:28
Laneyattente: if I get compiz to ungrab those IDs should it start working again?15:28
attenteLaney: yeah, ungrab over d-bus, then restart u-s-d should work15:29
Laneyit grabs it again15:29
=== EphraimB is now known as EphraimMB
EphraimMBWhat is Unity 8 up to now? Any screenshots?16:23
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seb128EphraimMB, desktop or phone ones? you can probably easily google for some17:10
seb128happyaron, bug #1380982 is the most reported vivid e.u.c issue, is that something you are looking at?17:10
ubot5bug 1380982 in ibus (Ubuntu) "ibus-ui-gtk3 crashed with SIGABRT in g_assertion_message()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138098217:10
jcastrowillcooke, I had a concurrent session during the unity8 showoff17:45
jcastroanything sexy I miss?17:45
willcookejcastro, I wasnt there either - too many concurrent sessions :)17:46
willcookemaybe mzanetti knows? ^^17:46
willcookeguess we could just watch the video17:46
jcastroI just need a package name and/or PPA, heh17:46
mzanettioh yeah, you did miss something cool :D17:47
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happyaronseb128: sorry, nope, getting something hard to handle with willc18:29
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