
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
Kilosgood morning everyone05:11
elachecheMorning guys!08:31
Kiloshi elacheche  08:32
=== Guest65098 is now known as commandoline
dpmhi wxl, are you around?12:41
nhainesdpm: I'd like to be involved in the "Supporting Ubucons worldwide hangout a bit later today.12:44
dpmnhaines, cool!12:45
dpmnhaines, you should see the link to join the session in the page, but I can send you the link before the session starts too12:45
nhainesI should've said something last week, but my sleep schedule's been unpredictable lately.  Strength and weakness of working from home. ;)12:45
nhainesI don't see a link there yet, so maybe I'll ping you a couple minutes beforehand.12:46
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
nhainesdpm: didn't see that hangouts URL yet.  :)14:58
dpmnhaines, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYfq3jrrLgWwjpPFiSSopUtj0DTV_zEGFqFnxyzGTGFPPsCceA :)14:58
nhainesdpm: yay!14:58
* genii makes more coffee15:11
wxlam now dpm. what's up?15:37
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
dpmwxl, sorry, I've been in sessions, never replied back. I was going to ask you about the lxqt session schedule, but it seems you've figured it out already with balloons18:59
balloonsdpm, yep, ack. I was going to ping after.. I should have ;-)19:00
dpmthanks guys19:00
wxlyep thanks for checking dpm19:06

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