
harushimoi'm running MAAS. I'm trying to get the images.  It doesn't show up00:26
sarnoldheya harushimo; what do you mean by "it doesn't show up"?00:26
sarnoldharushimo: note that downloading images can take a long time..00:27
harushimoits starts loading the images and then it goes away00:27
harushimoit says nodes deployed: 000:27
harushimoI'm trying to setting up on my master node00:27
sarnoldyou won't be able to deploy nodes until the image imports finish, I don't think00:27
harushimohow do I know when its finished? Is there an button?00:28
harushimoI see a button to apply changes00:28
sarnolddunno, I only ever saw the image importing at the command line..00:28
harushimocan you teach me how to do it in the command line or refer to me a good document on it00:29
harushimoNo Ubuntu images have been imported. Ubuntu images are required to allow nodes to enlist, commission, and install.00:30
harushimoI get this message every time00:31
sarnoldharushimo: it's been a few months since I tested, but I used "sudo maas-import-pxe-files" to import the images00:31
harushimoits been awhile since I've seen that command00:31
harushimodoes anyone how to setup maas-region-controller01:30
harushimoThe images aren't still importing01:30
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lordievaderGood morning.08:51
Craig4whoHi Guys09:32
Craig4whodoes anyone know when Ubuntu will be supporting 32BIT EFI? really need to use ubuntu on some Atom Tablets, but finding it tricky09:32
WalexCraig4who: "really need" usually means that you would be willing to pay Canonical to do custom work for you, or else it is not "really need".09:42
Craig4whook so currently its not supported but i would need to contact Canonical for support09:44
Craig4whowould they cover me under a paid subription, or would it be classed as a project, with a one off payment?09:44
WalexI am not related to Canonical.09:44
Walexnote that "really need" could mean also that you or a contractor you hire would roll your own.09:45
Craig4whook. Can you recommend anyone contractor?09:45
Walexanyhow I think that Canonical have a consulting arm09:45
Walexcan't recommend contractors...09:46
Craig4whook mate. Thanks for your response appreicate it09:46
Walexbut also note that Caonical have a definite interest in tablets as well as (mainly) phones.09:46
Craig4whook thats good to know09:46
Walexsee this typical photo: http://www.canonical.com/products09:46
Craig4whomakes sense09:47
Craig4whoill have to contact them to see if they can help09:48
WalexCraig4who: also note that a tablet is a bit of in-between: Ubuntu for phones is somewhat different from Ubuntu desktop, as to app delivery, and GUI, and a tablet could plausibly run either.09:48
WalexCraig4who: probably Canonical are more interested nowadays in Ubuntu for phones running on a tablet.09:49
OpenTokixWhat prevents you fro msending an email to them?09:51
Craig4whonothing at all. Thought i would ask experts in here first see if anyone has experience09:51
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samba35i want to boot ubuntu pxe boot from another ubuntu pxe server14:58
samba35i want to boot laptop from ubuntu server ,laptop has no harddisk/cdrom14:58
samba35i have dhcp/dns server and laptop can boot with pxe14:59
geniisamba35: In your dhcp server config, use the next-server option to specify what machine it should boot from if it's not the one handing out the IPs15:10
samba35yes but what other changes i have to make15:10
geniisamba35: You might find https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer informative15:10
samba35ok ,thanks15:11
VexenaAnyone got some knowledge about upstart? I've got this script so far: http://pastebin.com/uDwFdVdz but would like to make that the jar runs under a unprivileged user instead of root15:14
Vexenahow could I implement that?15:14
jrwrenVexena: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#setuid15:16
jpdsVexena: https://superuser.com/questions/213416/running-upstart-jobs-as-unprivileged-users15:16
Vexenawill check that out, thanks15:16
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kully3xfhow to change dns settings on startup on aws ec219:09
jrwrenkully3xf: I called resolvconf from cloud-config cloudinit userdata script.19:20
jrwrenkully3xf: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10999046/19:21
kully3xfrighteous. Thanks!19:22
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pedahzurWell, this is frustrating. I just tried to upgrade my border router box from Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04, and got this message from do-release-upgrade: "Your system uses an i586 CPU or a CPU that does not have the 'cmov' extension. All packages were built with optimizations requiring i686 as the minimal architecture. It is not possible to upgrade your system to a new Ubuntu release with this hardware."  Any recommendations for a Linux distro that21:20
pedahzurdoesn't require 'cmov' or other i686 specific instructions?  Really don't want to throw out the hardware, and 10.04 is no longer supported, so...21:20
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dasjoepedahzur: you might have more luck with some BSD, maybe take a look at pfsense for a router?22:00
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pedahzurdasjoe: Possibly. Just wanted to remain with something familiar.23:36

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