
mzanettitsdgeos, good morning. how's the landing going? need any help?08:12
tsdgeosmzanetti: so been runnning the test plan08:15
tsdgeosall good for now08:15
tsdgeosmzanetti: the test plan doesn't mention autopilot tests08:17
tsdgeosbut i guess we still run them?08:17
mzanettitsdgeos, yes, please run them. ideally according to the doc Saviq linked yesterday...08:19
tsdgeoswe should link that from the test plan08:19
mzanettiyes, lemme do that08:19
Saviqtsdgeos, mzanetti, FYI: they added a 1001 priority for the overlay ppa, an add-apt-repository + upgrade might not work proper08:21
Saviqthe citrain tool should still work I think08:21
mzanettiyep, using citrain tool08:21
Saviqbut pay close attention to what's upgraded08:21
Saviqif doesn't work, drop the extra-ppas.pref file from /etc/preferences.d/08:23
Saviqmzanetti, tsdgeos, also, top tip: `sudo stop whoopsie`, this way unity8 crash on exit won't slow down testing08:24
mzanettihah! good one08:24
Saviq(well, just the first time it will08:25
tsdgeosthis ./scripts/run-autopilot-tests.sh doesn't work at all08:43
tsdgeosasks me for the password of the phone when doing things08:43
tsdgeosand gets stuck there08:43
Saviqtsdgeos, did you use the provision script too?08:57
tsdgeosi think i did08:57
tsdgeosbut maybe not08:57
tsdgeosanyhow added myself as ultra sudoer and contienued08:58
tsdgeosnow it's stuck somewhere else08:58
tsdgeosah no it's actualyl doing stuff08:58
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback
MacSlowSaviq, can't get the test to run now (image 191 on mako) was fine yesterday with 190.10:16
MacSlowSaviq, which silo do you use for testing?10:18
SaviqMacSlow, demo-stuff, you probably did not get the upgraded bits because of a package pin10:18
SaviqMacSlow, drop /etc/apt/preferences.d/extra-ppas.pref, apt update and dist-upgrade again10:18
MacSlowtrying that now...10:20
tsdgeospstolowski: ping10:58
pstolowskitsdgeos, pong10:59
tsdgeospstolowski: you know anything about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1324142 ?10:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1324142 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Support providing fallback images" [High,In progress]10:59
tsdgeosi'm doing it in the unity8 side11:00
tsdgeosand was wondering if we need to cater for this usecase11:00
tsdgeoswidgetData["source"] is invalid, so we load widgetData["fallback"]11:01
tsdgeoscan widgetData["source"] change after that?11:01
tsdgeosbecause at the moment if it changes, i ignore it and stay in widgetData["fallback"]11:01
dandradergreyback, as for lifecycle in unity8, the non-trivial part is when you switch between usage modes. on staged -> windowed, I don't think we want to resume all the suspended applications at once. I thinkit would be better to resume them as they get focused11:04
pstolowskitsdgeos, change how? like a thumbnail was generated in the meantime?11:04
tsdgeoslike the model gets changed11:04
tsdgeosi guess no right11:04
tsdgeoswe don't have updating models11:05
greybackdandrader: fair enough11:05
pstolowskitsdgeos, that would be a new search11:05
tsdgeoswhich would mean starting over and stuff11:05
pstolowskitsdgeos, yeah11:06
tsdgeosso i guess i'll go with the current code, now i have to convince mzanetti :D11:07
pstolowskitsdgeos, btw, please check with michi as the new thumbnailer is in the works. may be relevant for error cases?11:07
tsdgeosthat's fine11:07
tsdgeosthe can just return QImage() instaead of the fallback11:07
tsdgeosbut there's a branch about that11:07
tsdgeoswe talked about it already in london11:08
pstolowskitsdgeos, ah, cool11:08
MacSlowSaviq, even after updating (and rebooting) I'm getting the "no process found with pid..." errors11:10
SaviqMacSlow, did you remove ~/.cache/QML?11:10
MacSlowSaviq, yup always do that before each test-run11:10
MacSlowSaviq, no crash... no syslog-entry...11:11
MacSlowSaviq, ok... I didn't dump all DBus-traffic yet...11:11
Saviqnever do that, it's useless11:11
SaviqMacSlow, just check that you have the correct version of unity8 installed11:11
Saviqand all the other packages from the silo11:12
MacSlowSaviq, which one... in sources.list.d I've only unity-team/demo-stuff and ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay11:15
SaviqMacSlow, apt-cache policy unity8?11:15
MacSlowSaviq, lists unity8 8.10+rot1676+ap1615~ubuntu15.04.111:15
SaviqMacSlow, full output please11:16
MacSlowSaviq, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1099665111:16
SaviqMacSlow, ok, you need to find out why unity8 exits/crashes, sorry but I won't be able to help11:17
Saviqin any case, it's something in your environment, I've never had that issue on either krillin or mako11:18
MacSlowSaviq, I'll dig into it11:18
SaviqMacSlow, obvious place to look is `autopilot run -v...` and ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log11:21
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mzanettidandrader, hey, do you know why uqmlscene is stuck on 20% cpu all the time?12:04
dandradermzanetti, never noticed it12:04
* dandrader checks12:04
mzanettidandrader, it depends on the size of the window how much it uses, but it constantly spins the cpu to some degree12:05
mzanettias if it would keep on repainting all the time12:05
dandradermzanetti, I get 0% CPU here on an idle "make tryShell" with lp:unity812:06
* mzanetti tries with a clean trunk12:07
mzanettidandrader, with clean trunk and make tryShell I get like 7% ide cpu usage. if I maximize the window it goes up to 10%12:23
dandradermzanetti, yeah, I see it now. top shows around 5% on a maximized window12:25
dandradermzanetti, I think there are some QT env vars that will print out render loop info, right greyback?12:25
mzanettithere is... can't remember it atm12:26
greybackdandrader: yeah, QSG_RENDERER_DEBUG=render,build,change,upload,roots,dump,noalpha,noopaque,noclip12:26
greybackpick & choose the log you want12:26
greybackQSG_RENDER_TIMING=1 just to prove it is renderering continually12:27
mzanettiyep. it is constantly rendering12:27
greybackQSG_VISUALIZE=changes will show why, if it is visible12:29
mzanettiseems invisible :/12:30
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
greybackQSG_RENDERER_DEBUG=change then will indicate what of the scenegraph changed requiring a render12:31
greybackharder to figure out what qml element that corresponds to though12:31
greybackGammaray might be able to help12:31
mzanettihmm... that's not printing anything12:32
greybackno? but it is rendering? would there be an Animator working?12:35
mzanettinot that I know of... it happens with all tryXXX things12:36
mzanettiso maybe the c++ code calls update() in a loop or so12:36
greybacklemme see12:36
mzanettianpok, hey, could you please merge ~mir-team/unity-system-compositor/toggle-cursor and trigger a rebuild in silo012:41
dandradermzanetti, we want a property in Application so that unity8 can use it to suspend/resume apps. Properties are good instead of funcitons (suspend(), resume()) because you can write declarative (bindings!) code13:02
mzanettidandrader, is that a question?13:02
dandradermzanetti, I want to avoid this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10996980/13:02
dandradermzanetti, so I was discussing with greyback a name for that property13:02
mzanettiyeah, definitely +1 on properties13:02
dandradermzanetti, my suggestion is Application.requestedState13:03
greybackdandrader: let's give him some context13:03
dandradermzanetti, but it has the drawback that setting it to Starting doesn't make sense (ie, Application will ignore it)13:03
dandradermzanetti, and that greyback said there's no use for requesting the Stopped state13:03
greybackmzanetti: we're discussing an API for application running state. We have a readonly property for each application which indicates: starting, running, suspended, stopped13:04
dandradermzanetti, so unity8 really only needs to switch between Running and Suspended13:04
dandradermzanetti, so a boolean would suffice. but we didn't find a good name for a boolean13:04
greybackmzanetti: what we want is to have a way for shell to suggest to qtmir that a certain app can be suspended or not13:04
mzanettiproperty bool canSuspend13:05
mzanettior rather, suspendAllowed13:05
dandradercanSuspend, suspendAllowed implies that this is just a suggestion, not a request13:05
mzanettiyeah well, isn't that what it is?13:05
mzanettiqtmir still does what it feels like, i.e. ignoring it because of the whitelist13:06
dandradermzanetti, no, unity8 is controlling the lifecycle. it wants/needs and app to suspend or resume13:06
greyback"can be suspend" is a suggestion. "should be running right now" is a demand13:06
dandradernot just suggest/hint it13:06
greybackbut yeah, I agree that a boolean is enough13:06
mzanettithen lets invert it... active or something13:06
mzanettiwhereas active == true indicates it must not be suspended13:07
mzanettiactive == false means qtmir might suspend it13:07
dandraderthe term "active" is taken13:07
dandraderI think13:07
dandraderthe good thing about requestedState is that it obvious it affects the read-only state property13:07
mzanettiwell... I'm sure we can find a name for that property, bottomline is, I'm voting for a boolean too13:07
dandradernaming is the hardest part13:08
mzanettiI tend to disagree :D13:08
greyback"active" is simple, I don't see it being used13:09
greybackit's not a property on a window though, it is an application13:10
dandraderhmmm, maybe active would do...13:13
mzanettiafter all this isn't public api... we can always rename it if we feel like13:13
dandradermzanetti, greyback, ok, so I will go for Application.active then13:13
tsdgeoscimi: can you confirm that make tryPreviewZoomableImage doesn't work?13:18
tsdgeoswhen clicking on the image the overlay oepns but nothing happens13:18
tsdgeosi.e. the image is lost13:18
tsdgeosmzanetti: or you ↑ ?13:21
* mzanetti tries13:22
mzanettiyeah, the overlay seems black here13:23
mzanettitsdgeos, ^13:23
tsdgeosit's because it's black on black13:27
* tsdgeos shakes fist13:30
tsdgeosand changes the asset13:30
MacSlowtsdgeos, the qml-cache related fix you packported from Qt 5.5 ... do we carry that already as a distro-patch?13:35
tsdgeosMacSlow: not sure which fix you mean13:36
MacSlowtsdgeos, the one that forces me to wipe ~/.cache/QML before each ap-test-run for shell-rotation13:36
tsdgeosMacSlow: that code is totally ours13:37
tsdgeosit doesn't exist in Qt13:37
MacSlowtsdgeos, ah ok13:37
MacSlowtsdgeos, can I globally/system-wide disable it via an env-var?13:37
tsdgeosno idea13:37
tsdgeosask ricm13:37
tsdgeoshe coded it13:38
MacSlowtsdgeos, just pinged him... thx13:38
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seb128hey there14:00
seb128who is going to join the UOS session now for unity8 by default14:00
seb128Saviq, ^ in memory of the good old time? ;-)14:02
Saviqmzanetti, greyback ↑14:03
cimitsdgeos, was having lunch :)14:08
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tsdgeospstolowski: ping14:53
pstolowskitsdgeos, pong14:54
tsdgeospstolowski: i'm confused about the fallback machinery14:54
tsdgeosfor images14:54
tsdgeosfor card mascot14:54
tsdgeosreading https://code.launchpad.net/~michihenning/unity-scopes-api/fallback-image/+merge/24562214:54
tsdgeosit says14:54
tsdgeos- The JSON for a CategoryRenderer now supports a "fallback" field in the "art" and "mascot" entries of the "components" dictionary.14:55
tsdgeosbut was mascot ever a dictionary?14:55
tsdgeosi guess ti doesn't matter really now that i think :D14:57
tsdgeosignore me plz14:57
tsdgeospstolowski: about the "edit review" thing we were speaking with Patricia, is there a bug or something about it?15:08
pstolowskitsdgeos, i think there is. i'm in uds session right now, will get back to you later15:09
pstolowskitsdgeos, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/131814415:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1318144 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Can't edit reviews" [Medium,Confirmed]15:49
tsdgeospstolowski: so i guess we need a unity8 entry in there, since there's changes needed from our side too, right?15:51
pstolowskitsdgeos, sure15:57
tsdgeosk added15:57
tsdgeospstolowski: so will you do the scopes side and then tell me the new widget formats i have to implement?15:58
pstolowskitsdgeos, do you need the attribute names etc?15:59
tsdgeospreview widget name and attrbute names yeah16:00
pstolowskitsdgeos, ok, yeah, i'm currently working on the scope, will let you know all that tomorrow morning16:00
tsdgeosalso this is high/medium16:00
tsdgeosbut then Patricia made it seem as it was quite more important16:00
pstolowskitsdgeos, yes. this bug was opened one year. i got it recently and was told it needs fixing now. so, kinda important16:01
pstolowski* one year ago16:02
pstolowskitsdgeos, unfortunately, i cannot set priorities on most of the bugs for some reason (probably these opened in Ubuntu project)16:03
tsdgeoswe tricked the ubuntu bug control to give us power over changing stuff16:04
tsdgeoswant me to change it?16:04
pstolowskitsdgeos, yeah, feel free to16:04
pstolowskihigh is ok16:04
pstolowskilet's not put even more pressure on ourselves ;')16:04
tsdgeoshe he16:04
* tsdgeos eods16:04
tsdgeostty tomorrow16:05
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Saviqmzanetti, thanks, hope I didn't talk too much ;)18:55
mzanettiSaviq, no worries :D18:56
mzanettiall fine18:56
mzanettianpok, hey, did you have a chance to update the u-s-c branch by now?18:57
mzanettiolli wants to install the silo18:57
davmor2Saviq: were there no magic pendant talks?18:57
Saviqdavmor2, I got invited, couldn't refuse ;)18:58
davmor2Saviq: hahaha19:00
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balloonsfor those who asked today; I pushed a new build of terminal and filemanager for x86 to the store. Ready for your unity8 desktops19:42
gQuigsfor unity8 devel, so ./run --what would give the right input devices to give me a desktop/windowed view20:45
gQuigsah, apparently just fullscreening, nvm :P20:46

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