
barrydkMore almal04:43
Kilosmorning everyone05:11
mazalMorning everyone05:35
barrydkMornig mazal how are you05:36
Kiloshi mazal  barrydk  05:36
mazalOk thanx and you barrydk and Kilos ?05:36
barrydkHi Kilos how are you05:36
Kilosgood ty blowing data here05:37
mazalBlowing data ?05:37
mazalOh , downloading ?05:38
barrydkany action in there?05:39
Kilosits the video minutes of how to get more members05:39
barrydkoh not my type of movies05:40
Kilos90 m and i tick to see the irc page as well and lose the video05:49
Kilosmazal  hoekom so skaars05:50
mazalKilos: besig met baie dinge05:55
Kilosmorning inetpro  spekko plustwo  05:57
Kiloshi andrewlsd  06:13
andrewlsdHi Kilos, morning to ya06:13
Kiloshi Jacques_Stry  06:14
Kiloshi pieter2627  06:52
pieter2627morning Kilos 06:52
andrewlsdMorning Jacques_Stry, pieter262706:54
pieter2627hi andrewlsd 06:54
Kiloshi TinuvaMac  07:21
stickyboyPush to githubbbbb.09:01
stickyboyKilos: ^^^09:01
Kiloshi stickyboy  09:01
stickyboyKilos: Guten tag09:06
Kiloswhat ?09:06
Kiloswb CuttingEdge  09:10
stickyboyKilos: It's German, br009:12
Kilosi know man09:12
Kiloszehr gut?09:12
stickyboyKilos: I don't speak German!09:12
Kilosi know that too09:13
Kilosyou well stickyboy  ?09:13
stickyboyKilos: Yah, seated in a coffee shop pushing code to GitHubbbb.09:13
stickyboyKilos: Working on stuff for our institute.09:14
Kilosgood , at least you are doing something constructive09:14
stickyboyOh, and Tsega updated his GitHub profile pic with a pic of the shirt I gave him. w00t http://github.com/tsega09:14
Kilosyou must fight him and say why isnt he with #ubuntu-africa or gone to the site and joined the mailing list09:15
Kilosi really struggle with you guys09:16
stickyboyKilos: Tell me about it09:16
stickyboyKilos: Gotta go to lunch, bbl.09:17
inetprogood mornings09:37
Kiloshi inetpro  09:37
Kiloshi Private_User  you getting stuff going yet?09:47
andrewlsdo hi, Kilos09:51
Kiloshi there again09:51
mazalGuys I need some info from the guys in the know. I am looking to maybe start a website. But I don't know where to start. Can someone point me in the right direction where to start investigating hosting options ?10:17
mazalAlso , what app to use for the actual building. I can't code and never will , I need a WYSIWIG app that can build10:17
andrewlsdfree website hosting link on its way10:20
andrewlsdyipes, my internet connection is slow10:21
mazalI heard a lot of wordpress , is that something good to try ?10:21
CuttingEdgewordpress is quite popular10:22
mazalK will invetigate that a bit10:22
andrewlsdwordpress.com will host it your [subdomain].wordpress.com gratis10:22
mazalWill check that out as a start thank you guys10:23
andrewlsdotherwise weebly.com10:23
andrewlsdand otherwise, FreeHostia.com10:24
andrewlsd...  ^ that was the site I was thinking of http://www.freehostia.com/signup.html?plan=9210:24
Kilosalso mazal  one year free at ec2 so you can practise10:24
andrewlsd+1 kilos10:24
Kilossjoe what can you host on 250MB disk space? recipes10:26
Kilosoh i have a weebly site somewhere but didnt know what to do with it10:38
pieter2627mazal: what do you want to do with the site - or what should it be doing for you?10:44
mazalpieter2627: Information mostly bout events and such , thinking of making one for our church10:49
mazalSo filled with info mostly10:49
pieter2627wordpress should be good then10:49
mazalDifferent sections such as events section , service notes sections etc10:49
mazalPhotos section 10:50
mazalIt will grow with idea as I continue10:50
mazalBut basic with nothing flashy , I dislike flashy websites10:51
mazalI like easy to nafigate , easy to find info , no frills web sites10:51
mazalLast time I did this though was back in 2002 , lot have changed since then :P10:51
Kilosya you got older10:52
mazalAnd dumber10:52
Kiloslol 10:52
mazalDon't learn so easy enymore , eys can't handle the screens anymore etc etc etc lol10:52
Kilostalk to mopkop when he gets back, he is writing exams atm but should be here withing a week or so10:53
Kiloshe maintains his churches site10:53
mazalMost important is that the tool must be easy to use , my eyes seriously can't handle lots of typing and reading anymore10:54
mazalAnd I still have 18 years to go eeeeeeeek10:54
pieter2627wordpress is a CMS - you might want to read up on that to understand how it will work10:55
mazalk thanx10:56
Kilossjoe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66wxCOCYt5Q10:57
Kilosdie ballie is 20 jaar ouer as ek10:57
Kilosi think he is in durbs by the sea10:58
mazalI'm searhing for wordpress tutorials , but everyone I found so far is for blogging. That's not really what I want11:27
mazalBye everyone , have a nice evening12:43
KilosMaaz  coffee on12:59
* Maaz washes some mugs12:59
KilosMaaz  hurry12:59
MaazMaking decent coffee is an art Kilos and should never be rushed12:59
KilosMaaz  coffee for all12:59
MaazCome on ya buncha geeks. Rock up with your mugs with the correct amount of sugar added already12:59
Kilosforget coffee for all13:00
Kilosthey are busy as usual13:01
pieter2627maaz coffee plase13:01
Maazpieter2627: Sorry...13:01
pieter2627maaz coffee please13:01
Maazpieter2627: Done13:01
pieter2627maaz with cake13:01
Maazpieter2627: Huh?13:01
Kilosonly rusks13:01
pieter2627oh which kind13:02
KilosMaaz  rusks please13:02
Maazbehind the calender on top of the fridge, but dont tell everyone Kilos13:02
Kilosoumas of course13:02
Kilosdoop n ouma doop n ouma13:02
Kilosbuttermilk rusks13:02
pieter2627doop n ouma in jou coffee13:02
* pieter2627 sings along13:03
Kilosja jy leer gou13:03
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and pieter2627!13:03
KilosMaaz  gracias amigo13:08
Maaz¡de nada compadre13:08
pieter2627Maaz thx13:09
Maazpieter2627: *blink*13:09
pieter2627Maaz thanks13:09
Maazpieter2627: Okay :-)13:09
Kilossjoe die mense praat man16:14
Kilosoh my numbers dropping16:14
georgelappieshi Kilos17:03
Kiloshi georgelappies  17:04
Kilosi go eat17:04
georgelappiesenjoy :D17:04
Kilosty i did17:37
Kilosi dunno where everyone is tonight17:38
Kilosohi superfly  17:48
superflyevening Kilos, georgelappies17:53
Kiloshi  spinza  kulelu88  18:27
superflyYay, dark time. Not. 18:33
superflyYo kulelu88, how's it going? 18:35
Kilossuperfly  hows the leave treating you?18:36
kulelu88great superfly . How are you?18:37
kulelu88Have you seen this language before: http://crystal-lang.org/ @ superfly 18:38
superflyKilos: it'll better tomorrow I think 18:38
superflykulelu88: nope. Will check it out 18:38
kulelu88very interesting language18:39
superflykulelu88: I'm too used to my python indentation. Looking at languages which use "end" gives me the shivers 18:41
kulelu88superfly: I am dreaming of the day where we have a pythonic static language.18:43
superflyIsn't that what Go is supposed to be? The one from Google 18:43
TonberryGo looks mostly like C18:44
superflyI'll be honest, I don't see the point of statically typed anymore 18:44
TonberryNot even for large complicated projects with lots of people working on them?18:45
superflyPython is strongly typed enough that with good test coverage (which you should have anyway) you don't have much room for error. 18:46
superflyTonberry: define large and complicated 18:46
TonberryOk fine my idea of large is 10 people so not really that large.18:47
superflyTonberry: when you start working with bigger teams, tooling becomes more important than the language that your project is written in 18:48
TonberryMaybe I have just been using Go for so long that I have forgotten what it feels like to not have a compiler help me along.18:49
Kiloswb inetpro  18:49
superflyI honestly haven't used it, so I really don't have an honest opinion on it. I use Python and C++ fairly extensively as part of my job, and Python always gets the job done faster with the same number of bugs. 18:51
superflyI've never noticed the Python being any buggier18:52
superflyBut we are test driven, and even our embedded C has tests 18:52
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:56
kulelu88premature optimization will always be something people want. I tried to give Go a go but Crystal looks more interesting19:10
magespawngood evening19:20
spinzaIn case you missed it: http://www.teslamotors.com/powerwall19:23
=== Guest62217 is now known as rusty10
stickyboyspinza: Nice.19:34
stickyboyThe keynote was fantastic. Musk is a down-to-Earth guy.19:35
MaNII still don't see w hy everyone is ranting about this19:40
MaNII mean its cool19:40
MaNIbut its not really cheaper or better than other household options - its more compact but houses usually have space19:41
MaNImaybe I'm missing something19:41
magespawnMaNI: it is from Tesla, that maes it cool19:48
MaNIwell anything from musk is cool, I love him as much as anyone else19:49
Tonberrywell with the wattage limit on those things it definitely won't get hot19:49
MaNIits just not as cool as some of his other stuff :p19:49
kulelu88what is the battery thing from tesla? I haven't bothered to check19:51
MaNIbasically he is packaging the tesla car batteries in a sexy looking wall unit and marketing it to people as a way to be less grid dependant and save money on off peak rates19:54
MaNIso its like a 10 kwh or whatever battery for your house19:54
stickyboyAnyone can sell batteries19:55
stickyboyBut Musk is like... he has a vision.19:55
stickyboyAnd he is disrupting several industries19:55
stickyboyEspecially in the US.19:55
stickyboyAnd he is funding lots of research and then opening the patents to the public domain.19:55
stickyboyPretty cool19:55
spinzaMaNI: is it not cheaper?19:56
MaNIspinza, no19:56
spinzahaven't investigated pricing?19:56
MaNIits costs about double the amount of the lead acid or whatever equivalent, but its way less ugly and takes up less space so thats a plus I guess19:56
spinzaso the the same kwh cost less in traditional19:57
MaNIyes, ine very price comparison I've seen so far19:57
spinzahow's the maintenance of the traditional bats?19:57
spinzatesla = 10y warranty19:57
MaNIalso about 10 years if the system is done right19:58
Tonberrythe warranty is the nicest part in my opinion19:58
MaNIi.e. you buy double the lead acid batteries you need and don't discharge below 50% often (this is still cheaper by about 50%-60%) - although again only going on other peoples pricing that i've seen as I don't know USA prices well myself19:59
MaNI(its standard practive for solar though to use double capacity like that)19:59
Tonberrydon't forget to keep them at 25 deg C19:59
Tonberryor lower19:59
MaNIbut yeah, I suppose the upper market segment maybe cares more about looks and size than pure price - so maybe he is on to something20:00
Tonberrythen again temperature will probably do bad or worse things to lithiums20:00
MaNIhe seems to get everything else right20:00
MaNII'd like to see an honest attempt at nickle iron for houses :p20:02
magespawnapple style people20:03
kulelu88not everything the visionaries do sells. google sucked with glass. apple with watch20:04
MaNIpeople who can afford teslas, i.e. not me :P20:04
kulelu88and south africa is a fragment of a market 20:04
magespawnindeed, i would still like to get google glass myself20:04
kulelu88not even the sandton fanbois will go this far (if its like +50,000)20:04
kulelu88magespawn: buy 1 from china for 1/4 the price20:05
kulelu88no, but it should be a high-spec clone20:05
magespawnmmm sometimes it is better to go original20:06
kulelu88for $1000 hmmm20:06
stickyboyGraphicsMagick is so cool20:13
magespawnany body watch CSI Cyber?20:19
magespawnamaze balls20:22
magespawni would love to meet their technical advisor, if they have one20:23
magespawngood night all20:59

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