
AR45then cd into cd into /pool/main/p/patch00:00
AR45and run sudo dpkg -i patch*00:00
AR45then cd into /pool/main/f/fakeroot00:00
AR45and run sudo dpkg -i fakeroot*00:00
AR45then cd into /pool/restricted/b/bcmwl00:01
AR45then run dpkg -i bcmwl-kernel-source*00:01
paultjuh_AR45: p/patch doesn't exist00:01
paultjuh_AR45: but apparently already installed00:02
AR45Don't run the last code I wrote then00:02
=== zz_Thelks is now known as Thelks
AR45ah okay00:02
AR45is fakeroot installed?00:03
paultjuh_AR45: did that with your commands00:03
AR45awesome now do00:03
AR45the last command00:03
joshh20Anyone here use SoYouStart and notice that UDP floods can be maxing out your port and still the Anti DDoS doesn't kick in?00:03
AR45I posted above00:03
paultjuh_AR45: that still says ERROR00:03
AR45I need that error00:03
paultjuh_kernel package linux-header-3.16.0-30-generic not supoorted00:04
AR45copy it and make a .txt file and put it on the usb drive00:04
AR45and then upload to paste.debian.net00:04
=== `hypermist` is now known as SuperMoist
=== SuperMoist is now known as `hypermist`
paultjuh_AR45: http://paste.debian.net/plain/17173500:06
paultjuh_AR45: and make.log: http://paste.debian.net/plain/17173600:07
akjDoes laptop mode tools suspend every and any usb device?00:08
AR45paultjuh_: I have to go to work!00:09
paultjuh_AR45: oh damn, good luck00:09
paultjuh_AR45: it is time for me to go sleep anyway00:09
AR45paultjuh_: but I know how to get this fixed00:09
AR45paultjuh_: wait!00:10
paultjuh_AR45: ok?00:10
AR45paultjuh_: I want you to join #debian00:10
paultjuh_AR45: yes00:10
AR45Say can someone tell me the correct way to resolve this issue: pastebin url 1, pastebin url 200:11
paultjuh_AR45: ok thanks00:11
AR45paultjuh_: and someone will assist you with updating your linux kernel because I can't go any further00:11
AR45paultjuh_: have to go00:11
AR45paultjuh_: but they will help00:11
AR45paultjuh_: because you gave them the one thing they want, data!00:12
paultjuh_AR45: thanks00:12
paultjuh_AR45: good luck at work00:12
Jordan_UNrk9t1x: Spam is not acceptable in #ubuntu, if you wish to discuss your ban please join #ubuntu-ops.00:17
aladiahHow to make my Lubuntu 15.04 be compatible with Screen Mirror TV  on wifi tvs ?00:18
aladiahthis is a solution  sudo apt-get install arandr   ?00:19
daftykinsaladiah: compatible with what?00:20
=== H3ph4ist0s_ is now known as H3ph4ist0s
aladiahmirror image on tv ... featur00:21
aladiahmirror my laptop image via wifi00:21
adsjlkdkhow do i find out my microarchitecture00:21
aladiahmirror my laptop image via wifi  on tv via wifi withi sreen mirror function00:22
aladiahdaftykins:  this is a solution  sudo apt-get install arandr   ?00:22
aladiahSomeone knows better then this ?00:23
daftykinser i don't think software will make WiDi work, aladiah00:23
daftykinsyou need hardware support00:23
aladiahmy laptop is 201400:23
adsjlkdkwhat about me00:24
adsjlkdkhow do i find out my microarchitecture00:24
aladiahhumm do you mean like androids cell phones doenit ?00:24
EriC^^adsjlkdk: you mean 64bit or 32bit?00:24
daftykinsadsjlkdk: for what purpose?00:24
adsjlkdkno eric i dont mean tht00:24
daftykinsaladiah: what language do you speak?00:24
daftykinsno i mean normally00:24
aladiahbecause if i say another you send me to another00:24
daftykinsbecause what i'm reading is very tough to follow...00:24
aladiahsorry . .00:25
daftykinswhat is your wireless card00:25
aladiahDAFTYKINS: it is an BCM943142Y00:26
daftykinsare you sure there isn't one too many digits there?00:26
daftykinscan you paste the line directly from lspci/lsusb?00:26
aladiahDAFTYKINS: no it isn iam sure, this is under my laptop, it comes from factory00:27
aladiahyes i can00:27
aladiahminute please00:27
aladiahDAFTYKINS: sudo lspci/lsusb   ?00:27
aladiahot jjust lspci/lsusb00:28
daftykinsdepends how your card is connected00:28
daftykinsno sudo no00:28
adsjlkdkso does anybody know how i can find out my microarchitecture00:29
aladiahDAFTYKINS: what's wrong here : " http://paste.ubuntu.com/10993344/ "00:29
daftykinsadsjlkdk: are you a bot?00:31
daftykins"lspci" and "lsusb" are two separate commands, you need to pick one :)00:31
aladiahiam newby, go slowly please00:31
daftykinsi think i am00:31
daftykinsi don't think there's any way for you to wirelessly stream your picture to a smart TV00:32
aladiahonly by cable doesnit00:32
aladiahDAFTYKINS: but i do it on windows 8.x00:32
adsjlkdkdaftykins i dont know what im reading00:32
daftykinsaladiah: yeah... not Linux00:33
daftykinsi know that says intel but eh00:33
aladiahDAFTYKINS: i ask because i read this. what a hell this mean to, instead .. ?  http://askubuntu.com/questions/501041/ubuntu-mirroring-two-screens00:33
daftykinsadsjlkdk: so what are you doing? are you trying to decide whether you download 32-bit or 64-bit ubuntu?00:33
daftykinsaladiah: not even close00:34
aladiahDAFTYKINS: so.---- a post like this must be forbitten and forgotten doesnit ?   http://askubuntu.com/questions/501041/ubuntu-mirroring-two-screens00:35
malvidxanyone know what an error code 1 is?00:36
aladiahand DeLeTed maybe .. . also , i think so , dont you ?00:36
daftykinsadsjlkdk: can you rephrase your question then please?00:36
daftykinsaladiah: no you're just misinterpeting what mirroring means00:36
aladiahDAFTYKINS: It is a boot. Why do you still answear it ?00:36
malvidxim trying to remove vypervpn but cnat00:37
daftykinsnow i know you don't speak english natively, but when someone says no to being a bot, clearly they are not ;)00:37
aladiahDAFTYKINS: I want to see my computer laptop screen on tv via wifi00:37
daftykinsmalvidx: pastebin the code output00:37
daftykinsaladiah: yes i know =|00:37
adsjlkdkdaftykins which one of these do i have http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_CPU_microarchitectures00:38
daftykinsadsjlkdk: tell me what your processor is00:38
aladiahDAFTYKINS: why an advanvanced Os like Ubuntu dont do such nowadays standars things00:38
EriC^^adsjlkdk: type uname -m00:39
daftykinsaladiah: it's not standard.00:39
aladiahDAFTYKINS: Don t tell me Ubuntu for mobile phones also doesnt ?00:39
adsjlkdkdaftykins   Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz00:40
EriC^^so many double negatives *mind blown*00:40
daftykinsaladiah: that isn't properly out yet.00:40
aladiahDAFTYKINS: It is on Windows 8.x, ubuntu 14.x compete with it !00:40
aladiahdoensit ?00:40
daftykinsmalvidx: try sudo dpkg -r --force-all vyprvpn00:41
malvidxnope http://pastebin.com/74ZadjkA00:42
aladiahDAFTYKINS: the true is that Lubuntu is a marvel speed Os, i cant even think about work on windows 8.x with many windows opened on file explore and browsers at same time . . . nether reboot after update and installing its a nightmarrer" lololol, but it recognize blutooth on my wifi card, and lubuntu 15.04 not00:42
aladiahI think when Ubuntu achive to be perfect it will be not free00:43
=== john is now known as Guest90290
aladiahmaybe it will be also heavy . .00:43
daftykinsmalvidx: you're going to need to read its' removal script and see what is going wrong, or just ignore it being still installed00:44
aladiahBecause perfect things, need automatic systems to be at the level of Demand : and Ubuntu it is most HandMade ,,, like a pure old Rolls royce doesnit ?00:45
malvidxdaftykins: crap. ok thanks00:45
malvidxim also getting a weird firefox crash00:45
aladiahExtemelly good but not perfect . . lololol00:45
daftykinstest a clean profile00:45
daftykins!ot | aladiah00:45
ubottualadiah: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:45
malvidxno one on the firefox channel can fiagure it out00:46
aladiahI think if Ubuntu could be payed now , should cost at least 5000 euros...., with this little things that dont work , working lololol00:46
malvidxadsjlkdk: ?00:46
daftykinsmalvidx: it's a troll don't worry00:47
adsjlkdksup malvidx00:47
daftykinsJordan_U: could you +q adsjlkdk ?00:47
malvidxhahaah ok00:47
daftykinsaladiah: ok off topic now00:47
adsjlkdkdaftykins why00:48
adsjlkdkdaftykins i just want help00:48
malvidxcan anyone reccomend a good browser since firefox crashes? my cpu is too old for chromium and opera cant connect to google and some other sites for some reason00:49
adsjlkdkmalvidx why does it crash00:49
daftykinslike i just said test a clean profile00:49
malvidxi did that daftykins00:49
adsjlkdkdaftykins what do you mean00:49
adsjlkdkoh i thought you were talking to me00:49
EjaculatingGirlcan somebody help me with Ubuntu00:50
reisioEjaculatingGirl: sure00:50
EjaculatingGirlif 15.04 isn't the long term one00:50
daftykinsit is not, no.00:50
EjaculatingGirlthen when does 14.10 expire?00:50
ubottuUbuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu. Support for this release will end in July 2015. For more info see !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic00:50
adsjlkdkcan someone please eject ejac from the channel please00:50
malvidxits some weird javascript thing. this is the code. ad07aa33-55a4-4e5e-87b1-e8b2c215050600:51
adsjlkdkher name is innapropriate there are people here who are 13+00:51
reisioadsjlkdk: where?00:51
adsjlkdkthis is disgusting are we really going to let freenode stoop to this level!00:51
EjaculatingGirlokay so should i wait until july to upgrade ?00:52
daftykinswhenever you like.00:52
adsjlkdkcan someone eject ejac from the channel his name is innapropriate00:52
reisioadsjlkdk: quaker oats this morning? :)00:52
reisioEjaculatingGirl: IMO waiting to upgrade is silly00:52
adsjlkdkreisio what do you mean00:52
malvidxi could use some quaker oats00:52
reisioquaker oats? It has a puritan on the cover00:53
EjaculatingGirlok reisio i agree just checking... there is no reason to wait then i will upgrade now00:53
adsjlkdkthats a quaker00:53
reisiopuritans, despite their constant procreation, hate procreation00:53
EjaculatingGirlthanks for the help guys00:53
EjaculatingGirlsuck a dick adsjlkdk you fucking faggot!  :)00:54
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang00:54
reisioseems rather non-emergencial00:54
adsjlkdkim glad hes gone00:54
malvidxwoah that was definately uncalled for00:54
reisiome too, I almost passed out that was so graphic00:55
Guest20647Any idea how to set my bitorrent client download subtitles after finishing the file?00:55
reisioand here I was on the innocent internet00:55
reisioGuest20647: more of a job for your media player, really00:55
adsjlkdkwhat are you guys doing on your n00buntu machines00:55
daftykinsalso don't be a naughty illegaler00:55
reisioyeah, but a non-naughty one00:55
reisioadsjlkdk: persecuting the ill-named00:55
Guest20647reisio: I need several hundread downloads to set subtitles, it must be on mass subtitled. A software does the job but it's manual, looking for something accoplated to the torrent client.00:56
reisiono, lots of media players can do it automatically00:57
reisiobut if you want to script it for some reason, find some opensubtitles.org/etc. with an api, or just scrape00:57
adsjlkdki love linyos torovoltos!00:57
reisiodon't we all00:58
popeyadsjlkdk: enough now00:58
chris062689Hello!  When attempting to setup X Forwarding on my Android phone it told me to run the following command ' env DISPLAY= unity '   But now I've lost my desktop, even after rebooting!  The applications are drawn but no window borders or Unity shell.  How can I fix? :(00:59
kostkonGuest20647, transmission and probably other clients can run a script/app after finishing downloading. There are probably subtitle downloaders in the repos and elsewhere00:59
kostkonGuest20647, you could automate it somehow.01:00
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc
chris062689What should the environmental variable DISPLAY be by default? I've tried localhost:0 but it still doesn't fix the issue :(01:01
EriC^^chris062689: where did you set that variable?01:02
chris062689In the Ubuntu terminal on my desktop.01:03
chris062689env DISPLAY= unity &01:03
chris062689Screen flickered, and lost my shell decorations and unity itself. :(01:03
EriC^^it should work if you reboot01:03
EriC^^try setsid unity01:03
chris062689setsid unity did not work, just kicked me back to the login screen.01:04
chris062689I've attempted to reboot already.01:04
chris062689When I output $DISPLAY it equals    :001:05
EriC^^try creating a different user and see if it works01:05
EriC^^or use the guest account01:05
chris062689Guest session appears to work, the best bet probably is just to wipe my unity folder?01:06
daftykinsjust move it for testing01:06
chris062689Do you know where the general unity settings are stored?  ~/.config/unity doesn't have anything in it.01:07
kostkonchris062689, http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html01:07
chris062689kostkon, not sure that script will work in 15.04?01:08
ubuntu011hello all01:09
kostkonchris062689, attempt the 2nd method01:10
ubuntu011I mess up. how can I update my name?01:10
EriC^^/nick <nick>01:10
chris062689kostkon, I've already attempted to restart unity as well as the machine.01:11
EjaculatingGirlhey adsjlkdk01:11
chris062689I'll attempt dconf reset.01:11
chris062689Yep, that fixed my issue.  Thank you kostkon.01:12
kostkonchris062689, np01:12
daftykinskostkon's googling is second to none :>01:12
EjaculatingGirladsjlkdk = fag01:13
=== WildSoft_ is now known as WildSoft
Guest20647fuck you daniel01:21
xangua!ops | Guest2064701:21
ubottuGuest20647: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang01:21
xanguagreat, he ran away01:21
bshacklettCan anyone suggest a link on how to enable mir in Ubuntu 15.04?01:26
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist`
thomaslnxhi guys...01:34
thomaslnxwhat kind of scripts are .scripts?01:35
bshacklettCheck the shebang01:35
thomaslnxwhat language they are build?01:35
bshacklettThat's what the shebang will tell you01:35
bshackletthead filename -n 101:35
bshacklettIt'll start with #!/path/to/interpreter01:36
elgrubles.script could be any scripting language01:36
elgrublesthe filename doesnt matter01:36
bshacklettDoes that help thomaslnx?01:37
thomaslnxbshacklett: Yes dude. This help a little... Thanks.01:38
bshacklettYou're welcome.01:39
thomaslnxbshacklett: but the archive do not begin whit tipical #!/bin/bash01:40
bshacklettWhat does it start with?01:40
thomaslnxbshacklett: this began with the code, like any .js archive01:40
bshacklettHmm, is it safe to post a gist?01:41
thomaslnxso that is my doubt...01:41
bshacklettIf I could see the code, I could probably tell you what it's written in.01:41
thomaslnxcan be...01:42
thomaslnxbshacklett: can be. But i'm not the code now...01:42
bshacklettyou could try doing "file filename" but I'm not sure that program really does much anymore01:43
thomaslnxbshacklett: can i meet you tomorrow in this same channel?01:43
bshacklettI'm actually not in here very often. You can always try to message me, though.01:44
bshacklettI usually hang out in #powershell, #puppet or #windows-server01:44
thomaslnxbshacklett: ok, i'll look for you on this channels. thanks...01:45
bshacklettthomaslnx: Either that or just type /msg bshacklett message...01:46
thomaslnxbshacklett: that sounds much better...01:47
=== kk_ is now known as kingkongmok
asarchI was trying to reduce (from 150.5 GB to 30.5 GB) a volume, but by mistake I did first the lvreduce instead of the resize2fs02:10
asarchNow I can't do neither resize2fs nor fsck02:10
asarchWhat can I do? :-(02:10
Swifftynobhey i have a stupid bash question, i have a command thats like bleh bleh --bleh VARIABLE02:11
Swifftynoband i do02:11
Swifftynobread VARIABLE02:11
Bray90820Anyone around that can help me with a mythtv error I am having after updating to ubuntu 15.0402:11
asarchVARIABLE=foo bleh bleh --bleh VARIABLE02:11
Swifftynobthen the command, how do i write it in the command, $VARIABLE doesnt want to work02:11
Swifftynob@asarch when i do that it treats doesnt take the value from the variable02:13
asarchexport VARIABLE=foo; bleh bleh --bleh VARIABLE02:14
The_Droidhello fellow friends02:19
=== norm is now known as Guest11190
jack_hey i got a problem.  my internet connection is wifi, but i need to connect to my wired network for some services.  but when i connect the wired, it tries to connect to the internet thru the wired network.  how do i make it connect to internet thru wireless but still be able to comm on wired?02:36
jack_wired network has no internet.02:38
jack_hey i got a problem.  my internet connection is wifi, but i need to connect to my wired network for some services.  but when i connect the wired, it tries to connect to the internet thru the wired network.  how do i make it connect to internet thru wireless but still be able to comm on wired?02:38
daftykinsjack_: set a static IP02:40
jack_on the wifi interface?02:40
daftykinsi don't really see why you want to remain on wifi when wired02:40
jack_hotel wifi02:40
jack_no wired internet02:40
daftykinsand somehow plugging wired into something else is killing your tubes 0o02:40
daftykinsseems a bit weird. is the default gateway switching?02:41
daftykinswhat are you plugging the wired into?02:41
jack_its just so i can setup vnc via my android to act as a remote control from couch02:41
daftykinsi'd go have fun in real life outside the hotel room ;)02:41
=== crazyhead42 is now known as pizzahead42
jack_not possible for a few reasons.  i just need to make it continue trying to connect to internet via wifi02:42
daftykinsright so set a static IP on a different subnet on the wired02:42
SchrodingersScatjack_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/4872/bind-software-to-different-network-interfaces this looks like almost the same question, is this help?02:42
jack_its ofc on a different subnet.  but it just switches to that02:43
jack_wait, so each program needs to select a different interface?  i thought that was setup by networkmanager02:43
jack_my wired is like 192.168.0.x, and wifi is like 172.something02:44
jack_wifi is
jack_but yea on totally different subnets already02:44
daftykinsand the static part i keep mentioning?02:44
jack_static?  i dont think the hotel will give me a static ip.  plus it would kill my anonymity02:45
SchrodingersScaton the wired02:45
SchrodingersScatthought you said the hotel was wifi?02:45
daftykinsjack_: seriously man, 3 times in a row02:45
jack_its pretty much always 192.168.0.x.  at no point are they ever on the same subnet.02:45
daftykinshow is the wired getting this IP? are you setting it? is something running a DHCP server?02:46
Wugjack_: as long as you maintain a persistent connection your dynamic ip will probably not change02:46
jack_i connect it and it cuts the internet off somehow02:46
daftykinsalright you keep ignoring my enquiry, so i can't help you02:46
jack_and whenever i try to go on like www.google.com after that, it tries to get it from the wired02:46
jack_look ill do it now and u'll see me get logged out02:47
daftykinsyou don't have to plug it back in to tell me what is setting the wired IP02:48
jack_oh wait i guess that was my old distro02:50
jack_or still not?02:50
SchrodingersScatjack_: message received02:51
=== pizzahead42 is now known as crazyhead42
jack_it just wants to connect thru wired, which has no internet connection02:52
jack_but wired is just for a few services.  i just need to tell it "get internet from wifi only!"02:52
daftykinsyou're still not providing the information i have asked for, nor trying what i have suggested02:52
daftykinsgood night02:53
jack_what did u ask for?02:53
daftykinssomething 3 times in a row. bye02:53
jack_wired ip set by dhcp02:54
x2fcan ubuntu become corrupted if you turn off the computer by holding down power button?02:54
jack_ah yea.  wired is dhcp from my router.02:54
jack_wireless also dhcp.  i assume from whatever they use02:54
Wugx2f: sure, if you do it at the wrong time, any computer could02:55
x2fbecause i've done that a few times on ubuntu because of frozen stuff02:55
x2fand now it's been acting strange02:55
x2fmight have to reinstal02:55
Wugx2f: sudo touch /forcefsck and reboot02:55
x2fWug, i was on minecraft and it froze, so i couldn't even move the cursor anywhere02:55
x2fnone of the keyboard buttons worked02:55
Wugcould be a graphics driver problem02:56
rehbootsound mor elike a issue with java and your graphic driver02:56
x2fi was wondering if corrupting caused by holding powur button is only a windows problem02:56
Wugjava can't hardlock the machine all by itself, so if that's what it's doing you're probably hitting a driver bug02:56
x2fit's quite a sad moment when you have to do a cold reboot on windows, and you start it up, and bam "STARTUP REPAIR"02:56
x2fit's a gamble02:56
Wugx2f: force a disk check02:57
x2fon ubuntu i'd think it would cause strange behavior of the OS02:57
SchrodingersScatx2f: I've lost a bash history due to that (afaik), not sure what the most damage that can be done is, but it's definitely a last resort, imo.02:57
Wugif you have screwed up your filesystem by hard killing it like that, disk checking will probably fix it02:57
SchrodingersScatjack_: have you tried plugging the pc ethernet into the router gateway port to become the internet?03:00
daftykins_use a static IP like i said 4 times_03:02
SchrodingersScathe's gone, it's over, for now03:03
=== DarkDevil is now known as darkdevil
ubtyHi folks! New ubuntu user here! my strange problem: logging into sites (gmail.com, skype.com, namecheap.com, ) is weridly not working on both default firefox and even chromium. I'm fairly experienced with troubleshooting Internet but not sure why this problem is occuring. HTTPS pages fine, but just stalling/not logging into sites themselves. Default Ubuntu (offline) 14.04 LTS install, nothing funky added (yet)!03:05
ubtyIt's as if the installer (without internet) possibly didn't include some package/part of SSL/openssl or something...03:05
SchrodingersScatubty: try an update? there may have been some ca updates03:05
ubtyhow might I troubleshoot this?03:05
ubtyok so, have done all apt-get updates and gui 'software updater' updating and then restarting///03:06
ubtyca updates, hmm, great thought...03:06
ubtywonder how to fix that tho!03:06
SchrodingersScatwait, wouldn't https not work at all then :?03:06
ubtyhttps (itself) fine, including curl03:06
ubtythough https://paypal.com not even loading03:06
ubty^ that rly makes me think indeed it must be some ca issue!03:07
Wugitsme: use /join, don't say the name and click on it03:07
Wugand you're already there03:07
itsmesure. thanks Wug03:07
Wugubty: you would think if you had a CA issue, you would be seeing all sorts of warnings using https03:08
Wugif you visit https://google.com what does the browser say about the certificate?03:08
ubtywell maybe it's just (weirdly), one (or two) particular missing certs...paypal happens to use it, and the login code for various sites (mentioned) also use it...?03:08
ubtyagain, vanilla install, just from offline ISO put onto USB03:09
Wugvalid, issued by geotrust ca?03:09
ubtyok trying that link03:09
Wugsites use the same cert for everything03:09
Wugif any part of the site works, the whole thing should03:09
ubtyyeh i know i would think that too03:09
ubty"oogle Internet Authority G2"03:09
ubtyseems like Google's own cert there03:10
jack_i got it03:10
ubtyALSO, I should mention:03:10
ubtythis is the second ubuntu system also having this issue03:10
jack_by making networkmanager just ignore eth0 and setting eth0 ip manually via ifconfig03:10
ubtytwo totally separate pcs, installed the same way03:10
jack_apparently this was happening because networkmanager was changing routes03:10
ubty(from separately downloaded LTS ISOs too!03:10
ubtyahhhhhh another thing: I'm using a VPN, but, that VPN works flawlessly in debian03:11
jack_anyway thanks for the help03:11
Wugubty: aaaaaaaaaaand if you turn it off03:11
jack_oh wait...03:11
x2fok so what is a good linux distro for hosting an MC server03:11
jack_u didnt help03:11
ubtyyeh :S....i didn't think of that. i hate not using vpn lol but i'll have to try that now...I'll be back in 2 mins, trying it on the other pc!03:11
destrudoWhatever has the least documentation03:12
ubtyback...man it's the vpn! that majorly sucks! works fine on debian, but must ba a bug when in tandem with ubuntu!03:14
ubtyvader noooooooooooo03:15
ubtydebian fine though, and also two types of debian (a custom fork and original), yet not debian-based ubuntu03:15
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CaptonjamasonAlright, so I'm using 15.04 and when I boot it brings me to a grub command line?03:25
CaptonjamasonHow can I boot my computer in here03:25
CaptonjamasonI have 2 ubuntu installs. 1 is ubuntu 15.04 and the other is ubuntu studio 15.0403:27
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AndChat|272729I really need to get on my ubuntu 1st install03:28
AndChat|272729Why did my username change from captonjamason03:28
Swifftynobheya where do i go for aws questions?03:29
Swifftynobinvite only channel03:29
Swifftynobamazon web services03:29
AndChat|272729Can't help you on that03:30
Swifftynobidk what ur asking lol so i answered both ways >_>03:30
AndChat|272729I meant what do you mean by aws03:30
Swifftynobmy bash script works when i call it from the python command promt03:30
Swifftynobbut not inside a python program03:30
saliakI have a physical ubuntu server that i’ve been using for years.  I want to transition it to AWS.  Anyone know the best way to do so?03:33
saliakit’s probably a similar answer to the general question of “what’s the best way to duplicate a linux system?”03:33
Wugwell, you would probably be off pretty well installing all of the same software on it from scratch03:34
Wugjust dump a list of packages from the old and install them on the new03:34
Wugthen install any software that's not available in packages, then copy things like user profiles and other data you need saved03:35
AndChat|272729When I boot into ubuntu 15.04  it brings me to a grub command line thing, how can I just boot into ubuntu03:35
saliaksome of the major compoents weren’t installed through apt03:35
Wugsaliak: then download the sources and build them yourself03:35
Wugmaking a deep complete copy is probably more trouble than it's worth03:36
Wugit will carry all of the quirks and accumulated performance issues along with it03:36
AndChat|272729I'm trying to get some important files, is there any way to make ubuntu boot from the grub commandline03:36
saliakok.. haha, so i guess that’s the obvious way.. i was more looking for something clever.. like, can you just copy all files over and it’ll clone?03:37
Wugsaliak: how big is the disk03:38
Wugthere answer is sure it's possible, but it's far from practical03:38
Wugyou're probably going to have to beam the disk image out over the internet, which will take a really long time if it's prohibitively huge03:38
saliak250G for the main system03:38
saliakthat’s true03:39
WugAndChat|272729: I haven't answered yet because I'm still thinking03:39
WugI'm not sure why your livecd would have gone to grub and not just booted automatically03:39
Wugyou sure you're booting from the cd, and not the disk?03:39
Wugcheck boot order03:39
AndChat|272729I'm sorry if it seems like I'm in a hurry, I'm just really tired and need to backup my coding, you can just call me captonjamason03:40
Wugsaliak: if you have 10mbits outgoing, it will take about 60 hours to upload, assuming you're otherwise not using the internet at all03:40
Wugseriously, it's faster to just rebuild it from scratch and copy only the essentials03:41
saliakyeah, yoiu’re right03:41
saliakdidnt’ consider that03:41
saliakkk, thanks!03:41
Wugit will also run better03:41
Wugand gives you a convenient excuse to upgrade to the newest version, if you're not already using it03:42
saliakthis is all true03:42
Wugthe laptop I'm using is running 13:10 :(03:42
Wugbut i dont care! I'm gonna run it until the magic smoke escapes03:42
Wugit can't even boot right by itself, I have to manually load the graphics driver every time I start it03:43
Wugit refuses to load itself03:43
AndChat|272729You do know that you can upgrade to 15.04 without losing data right03:43
SchrodingersScat!eol | Wug03:43
ubottuWug: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:43
WugAndChat|272729: I do, but I find cumulative upgrades between distros inevitably results in poor system health after a few iterations03:44
AndChat|272729That is true03:44
Wugand I doubt the hardware will support anything newer.03:44
AndChat|272729Also true03:44
AndChat|272729And you can just call me captonjamason Wug03:44
AndChat|272729My username changed03:45
Wuguse /nick to change your name03:45
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rainbowwarriorhello I am running Ubuntu 15.04 and I am trying to watch an original viz dvd yet for some reason it is not seeing the dvd disc at all, how can i fix this please ?03:46
captonjamasonAnd is my glitch a one that happens often? Wug03:47
captonjamasonIf you want to call it that03:47
Fingelmaybe it has DRM? like its country locked or something03:48
rainbowwarriorit should work as it has region 2 for uk03:48
captonjamasonRainbowwarrior: you might need some codecs, try searching this03:49
captonjamasonStupid autocorrect03:50
captonjamasonI'm gonna fix my laptop in the mornin, I don't have the energy now03:50
captonjamasonNight everone03:51
ultragamecardnight cap03:52
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rainbowwarriorhmm still not seeing my dvd :(03:58
hellyeahis there a file to check wireless password?04:04
FingelIf you are using network manager you can view it under connection details, not sure where that's from though04:04
hellyeahi found04:06
jeeves_mosshow do I exclude a file wildcard from from wget04:13
p58hi all04:22
bojanhow to make squid as transparent proxy and make it apply through dhcp to computers04:23
mathwerkits easy04:23
mathwerkhold up quicker for me to send you a link04:23
mathwerkits pretty straight forward04:25
bojanmathwerk:I will tell you the scenario you tell me whether we can do that or not??04:25
al2o3-creaglex: lol04:26
eaglexhow fix !!file:///home/eaglex/Desktop/Screenshot%20from%202015-05-06%2001:33:58.png04:26
mathwerkdid you try?04:26
bojani will try that before that i want to tell you clearly about my scenario and need to get clearance04:26
mathwerkI get it now04:27
mathwerksorry late night haha04:27
Wugeaglex: you can't share screenshots by filename. we're on the internet,04:27
bojanmathwerk:http://paste.ubuntu.com/10994644/  this is my network configuration04:27
bojanmathwerk:I have ltsp environment here and my clients have pxeboot and the dhcp network is
bojanmathwerk:My internet network dhcp is 192.168.10304:28
bojanmathwerk:My internet network dhcp is
bojanmathwerk:I have configured squid3 for allowing internet on MAC basis and to restrict some websites04:29
darkelfjuggaloIm trying to run Android SDK Manager in Ubuntu 14.04 using these directions https://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/adding-packages.html... it says 'Open Terminal and navigat to the tools/ directory in the location where the Andriod SDK as installed...' How do I locate this... I went where I believed it to have installed and the tools directory was no where in there, i found a secondary place in home named .AndroidStudio04:29
bojanmathwerk:I have some computer are not in ltsp want to use internet..But In network they are detecting my networjk and internet is not working04:30
mathwerkwhere did you extract the skd files?04:30
Fingelyou could also try umake for installing the android sdk04:30
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FingelI havent tried it but it claims to install the android sdk in one command04:31
al2o3-creaglex: upload your your image to imgur.com or something similar and paste the link here ;)04:31
mathwerkchange subnet for those machines04:31
mathwerkim not completely understanding you're issues here04:31
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somsip!who | mathwerk04:32
ubottumathwerk: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:32
mathwerkalso if you want to do it the easy windows type way. riight click in the file browser window04:32
mathwerkand select open terminal from here04:32
mathwerksorry that was for bojan04:32
bojanok let me work that04:32
mathwerksecond was for farelfjuggalo04:32
somsipmathwerk: do it like this <<< Type the name, press tab. The IRC client will auto complete for you04:33
darkelfjuggaloFingel ; i dont' know what umake is... I've tried Every Android Emulator i can find and the only one that works easily doesn't accept half of what I need and the screen Rotates in an awkard manner04:33
mathwerksomsip, better?04:33
somsipdarkelfjuggalo: where did you download it to, what command did you use to extract the SDK?04:33
somsipmathwerk: that's easier to follow :)04:33
mathwerkI havent used IRC in a decade or more04:34
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darkelfjuggalomathwerk ; to a directory right on my Desktop, I checked there first04:34
somsipmathwerk: doesn't matter. It's still easier to follow conventions in a busy channel04:35
mathwerkdarkelfjuggalo, open terminal04:35
somsipdarkelfjuggalo: are you installing the standalone SDK or the  Android Studio SDK?04:35
darkelfjuggalosomsip: these directions where followed to download and extract https://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/index.html?pkg=studio04:35
mathwerkthen type 'cd ' and the path to the directory04:35
somsipdarkelfjuggalo: the official guide is all you need. You need to carefully follow the instructions in there. This is not a ubuntu support issue.04:36
somsipdarkelfjuggalo: youtube has some guides that may be useful if you are struggling with the basics04:36
mathwerkI am very much impressed with the new 15.04 Ubuntu Studio build04:37
darkelfjuggalosomsip ; i came to ubuntu becuase i couldn't find it it in the ubuntu file system of my laptop, but I just located in a 3rd location i thought was my 1st04:37
elvis4526Does Nginx on Ubuntu redirect by default all http traffic to https ?04:38
Voyagei just installed redmine by ubuntu package manager apt-get. its installed but how do I use it? where are the login page / files?04:47
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somsipVoyage: all on here http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/HowTo_Install_Redmine_25x_on_Ubuntu_1404_with_Apache2_Phusion_Passenger_MySQL_and_Subversion04:48
somsipVoyage: "Redmine will now be installed in /usr/share/redmine and the configuration files will be located in /etc/redmine"04:48
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Voyagesomsip,  thanks04:55
hellyeahmy apple said you cannot connect with gmail wth04:56
andrewjs18hi folks, is anyone familiar with this apache error and what would cause it? http://pastebin.com/ggrCXrH805:24
andrewjs18better pastebin as I already fixed the first issue: http://pastebin.com/gRxtZygA05:25
al2o3-crandrewjs18: this may be of help: http://www.who.is.free.fr/wiki/doku.php?id=apache#make_sockcould_not_bind_to_address_44305:30
andrewjs18al2o3-cr, thanks, I'll bookmark it for in the morning.05:31
al2o3-crandrewjs18: np ;)05:31
al2o3-crbut obviously port 80 in you case05:33
andrewjs18al2o3-cr, yep05:38
pragomerI cannot mount a DVD UDF Volume that is created by Win7 Explorer burning function.. I did not think that this could be possible in 2015.. get message (in german) wrong fs-type and so on... how can I mount an UDF volume?05:43
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sjmikemis there any way to get suspend to work with nouveau on my asus laptop?  works fine w/ nvidia drivers...05:44
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Green_anyone there?05:59
ace_mehow can I grep for a string and extract with the found line the immediately next 2 lines ?06:09
somsipace_me: grep -a206:09
ace_memay I add a "####" in front of the searched lines ?06:09
Kartagissomsip: isn't it -A ?06:10
somsipKartagis: apparently, both06:11
Kartagissomsip: apparently -a != -A06:12
somsipKartagis: close end result, but -A is correct as you say06:14
pragomerhow can Ubuntu support udf format 2.5 or higher?06:34
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dings79I get a segfault from icaclient 13.1 on ubuntu 14.04 using a SHA2 certificate and I'm not sure how to debug this. Suggestions?06:37
dings79I'll ask in #Citrix06:39
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fattanehhello , my ubuntu doesnt start and just desktop background displayed06:49
fattanehi installed sysstat and nvidia graphic adapter and this problem occured06:50
fattanehwhat should i do?06:50
karthikg2007login to console mode and remove the recently installed package/driver07:03
karthikg2007sudo apt-get --purge remove package name07:03
karthikg2007To see the list of package run -  dpkg --list07:03
karthikg2007once removed you can also install the latest drivers of nvidia by running - sudo apt-get install nvidia-current07:04
Bray90820Anyone here use mythtv on ubuntu07:07
Bray90820I am having an error with it after updating to ubuntu 15.0407:07
cfhowlett!mythtv | Bray9082007:07
ubottuBray90820: mythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv07:07
Bray90820The front end can't connect to the backend07:07
karthikg2007Bray90820: might help - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77209207:09
Bray90820karthikg2007: That ling doesn't seem to load07:10
Bray90820Nevermind just took forever07:10
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newuser12345hi all please help me i am trying to install ubuntu 15.04 using usb i have created live usb using universal usb creator and downloaded iso from ubuntu official site now when i amtrying to boot from usb i am getting error that kernel panic not syncing with vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown block(2,0) i have already windows 10 installed on my pc07:20
cfhowlettkernel panic newuser12345 ??  I suspect a bad .iso or bad USB.  md5sum both to ensure integrity07:21
Mihalyhullo please can someone assist me07:21
cfhowlett!ask | Mihaly,07:21
ubottuMihaly,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:21
xabbixHow can I include an env var within an env var in an upstart script? for example: env CONFIG_NODE_NAME=tps_$HOSTNAME_node_1?07:22
newuser12345@cfhowlett ok i will check and come back again again thanks07:22
MihalyI think i may have installed ubuntu twice, because if I boot it from /dev/sda2 I can login, but if I just use the default (first item in boot menu) I get exactly the same desktop but cannot login - it's not a simple problem so I need someone who is intimately familiar with GRUB and the options and devices - not being rude here07:24
iMadperHi, I can execute timedatectl set-time "2015-03-17 14:33:30" without sudo. However I must use sudo to execute the same command if I connect my ubuntu via ssh(same user account). Is it expected?07:25
vltMihaly: But what is your question?07:25
KartagisiMadper: ssh username@server timedatectl set-time "2015-03-17 14:33:30"07:26
Mihalywhich install is running from which line? The fact that there are two distinct boot lines for the same system would suggest I somehow have installed it once on a different partition - possibly /dev/sdb2 but it doesn07:27
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iMadperKardos: I'll try it.07:27
iMadperKardos: It returns "Failed to issue method call: Access denied".07:30
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iMadperKardos: it's easy to reproduce. `ssh localhost` will connect to local ssh server with current user account. And then you will lost some privilege...07:32
Mihalywhy would it be that I can login from the one entry bootloader, but the default gives a desktop where I can't login?07:33
Mihalyboth are identical in appearance07:33
rghvdberghi, is it possible to upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10 instead of 15.04. 15.04 gives me troubles with some audio stuff. 14.04 gives me troubles with some graphics stuff07:36
rghvdbergthat is graphics stuff of the audio stuff :-)07:36
=== daniel is now known as Guest15078
abaddonOk, hi guys, been a while since I've been on here. Anyway, I have a delightful issue with nvidia and can not figure it out. I've been trying to save my settings for my card. I run sudo nvidia-settings and apply my settings. From there, I save my settings. It goes to /etc/X11/xorg.conf I restart the computer and none of my settings stick. I am running nvidia-346.59 as the driver version.07:38
rghvdbergnever mind, figured it out07:39
xabbixHow can I include an env var within an env var in an upstart script? for example: env CONFIG_NODE_NAME=tps_$HOSTNAME_node_1?07:40
abaddonI look at the conf file and all appears correct and is as it should be with my desired settings yet nvidia still doesn't follow what's in the file..07:40
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abaddonI've added the xorg file to /usr/share/X11 and I've added 15-nvidia.conf to both /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and that doesn't fix it.07:42
abaddonI blocked noveu as well07:42
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NicholasCageMy server is 14.04 as of now and needs security updates, should I push it to 15.04 .. will it mess with my nginx and apache configurations ?07:58
auronandaceNicholasCage: probably best to keep a server on an lts release07:58
GunChleocHi all, I need help locating a package07:59
GunChleocI am talink about the calendar that pops up when you click on the time in the bar on the top, on the right-hand side07:59
abaddonOk, hi guys, been a while since I've been on here. Anyway, I have a delightful issue with nvidia and can not figure it out. I've been trying to save my settings for my card. I run sudo nvidia-settings and apply my settings. From there, I save my settings. It goes to /etc/X11/xorg.conf I restart the computer and none of my settings stick. I am running nvidia-346.59 as the driver version.07:59
GunChleocWe have crap translations in there and need to know which package it is, so we can go fix07:59
abaddonI've added the xorg file to /usr/share/X11 and I've added 15-nvidia.conf to both /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and that doesn't fix it.07:59
abaddonOk, hi guys, been a while since I've been on here. Anyway, I have a delightful issue with nvidia and can not figure it out. I've been trying to save my settings for my card. I run sudo nvidia-settings and apply my settings. From there, I save my settings. It goes to /etc/X11/xorg.conf I restart the computer and none of my settings stick. I am running nvidia-346.59 as the driver version.07:59
abaddonOk, hi guys, been a while since I've been on here. Anyway, I have a delightful issue with nvidia and can not figure it out. I've been trying to save my settings for my card. I run sudo nvidia-settings and apply my settings. From there, I save my settings. It goes to /etc/X11/xorg.conf I restart the computer and none of my settings stick. I am running nvidia-346.59 as the driver version.07:59
NicholasCageauronandace: Yeah agreed, but it still states that I need to apply the security updates07:59
k1lNicholasCage: 1. you need to upgrade to 14.10 then to 15.04. 2. you need to upgrade every 6 months then until the next LTS 16.04 is reached.07:59
abaddonoops on last part08:00
NicholasCagek1l: My bad, it is 14.1008:00
k1lNicholasCage: oh. then you need to upgrade in the next 2,5 months anyway08:00
NicholasCagek1l: It parses Hit .. but I don't see it downloading any packages08:03
krisuxbuenos dias08:03
k1lNicholasCage: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade08:04
NicholasCagek1l: Yeah but then it pushes it to 15.04 ?08:04
k1lNicholasCage: no08:04
dbristowRunning into a weird issue with virt-manager.  I am running 14.04 and just did a dist-upgrade and can no longer connect to libvirtd using virt-manager.  (it doesn't actually complain, it just hangs there trying to connect).  It worked fine before the update.  Any advice?08:05
k1lNicholasCage: ubuntu doesnt do the upgrade to a new ubuntu release with apt. it uses update-manager or do-release-upgrade for that08:06
k1lNicholasCage: see "man apt". and installing the security updates ASAP is really important when running a server that is connected to the net08:07
NicholasCagek1l: Well aware, thank you so much ^_^08:07
pc_magasHello fellows I want to do rsync in batch mode08:07
pc_magasBut I am not sure how to syntax the file that is used in batch mode08:08
pc_magascan you provide me a sample one?08:08
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k8terAnyone used pulseaudio equalizer?08:26
madghostHi all08:31
madghostWho did wifi hotspot?08:32
madghostI have a question ( actually I have a problem. Help me please.08:32
madghostSo, I do WiFi hotspot, through iptables. First of all it is a rule to redirect all packets to local server.08:33
madghostwhen user enter code of access, in iptables add rule to ignore main rule of redirect.08:34
k1lwhy dont you just use the networkmanager? that is very easy to setup a wifi hotspot with08:34
madghostafter that, about minutes browser of clients return the same page08:34
madghostwhich network manager ?08:35
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k1lmadghost: the thingy in the upper right panel managing the network connections08:36
madghostI told about public wifi hotspot.08:37
madghostubuntu like a server for it08:37
k1lwell, you didnt tell the setup so i guessed it would be regular desktop08:38
bojanhow to restrict my users not to use chat in thunderbird??08:39
madghostafter ubuntu grand access to user into Internet, user get the page from my server, not for example google.com08:39
tockai have restricted root access and have added a new user to the system. When I am logging in now, im being required to enter a password, how can I setup to use the ssh key instead of password? :o08:51
pc_magasΗελλο φελλοςσ08:54
pc_magasHello fellows*08:54
pc_magasI have an issue during deployment08:54
pc_magasweb applications on multiple servers.08:54
hateball!details | pc_magas08:55
ubottupc_magas: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)08:55
pc_magashateball, I didn';t finish explaining the problem08:55
Ben64it helps if you explain it all on one line though08:55
pc_magasI have a git repo and via post-hook script I put into a folder08:56
pc_magasAnd from this folder I want to deploy it into multiple servers08:56
pc_magasAdter prosessing some scipts like Javascript minification and putting the correct database credentials08:56
pc_magasAfter I did it how am able to do that.08:57
pc_magasCan you suggest a soilution08:57
pc_magasPlease keep in mind that we use different branches for testing and deployment08:57
csedI'm trying to get this beast of a machine to boot using UEFI. I have a /boot/efi partition with the boot flag set, but it's not being detected. Am I missing something?08:57
VexenaIs it possible to make users just by adding a line as example: "gnomeProfile:x:2001:2001:user1,,,:/users/gnomeProfile:/bin/bash" to cat /etc/passwd?08:58
Vexenaa loginable user08:58
csedVexena: You'd need to create the homedir, and deal with /etc/shadow08:59
csedBut yeah.08:59
Vexenaso after the home dir creation you can pretty much passwd the user to get the entry in /etc/shadow?09:00
Ben64Vexena: you ought not to, theres a reason adduser exists09:00
csedVexena: Yes.But Ben64 is right.09:01
dasjoeVexena: I'd rather use adduser: adduser --disabled-password --gecos \"\" username; echo \"username:password\" | chpasswd09:02
geirhalose the backslashes09:07
VexenaI see, thanks for the help09:08
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dasjoegeirha: right, copied from an already quoted area09:24
alkinohi o/09:40
alkinoI'm looking for a rootfs of ubuntu 14.04 32bits09:40
alkinois it available somewhere ?09:41
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csedSo yeah.09:42
csedUbuntu on UEFI.09:42
=== Leon75 is now known as argoneus
csedNot working.09:42
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
csedAnyone ever try this? The box is a Dell Precision Tower 7910.09:45
MonkeyDust!details | csed09:46
ubottucsed: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:46
Fleetalkino: have you seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core ?09:46
csedMonkeyDust: Has anyone ever tried to install Ubuntu on a Dell Precision Tower 7910? Elaborate enough?09:47
EriC^^csed: try a live usb09:48
MonkeyDustcsed  what happens when you try09:48
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paultjuhAR45: found the solution, it was much simpler10:02
paultjuhAR45: the kernel installed from the iso is one from trusty-updates (didn't know that), so the bcmwl-kernel-source had to be too10:02
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=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest62736
udaytrying to change os to ubuntu 15.0410:13
udayhow to with sudo apt10:13
k1l_uday: what gives you "lsb_release -d"?10:13
DrGrovIn Ubuntu, is there any way to monitor and actually do changes to fan speed on-the-fly? I monitor with xsensors but would like to have more control from KDE or just a terminal would suffice. Running 14.04.10:14
udaysudo pico /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades10:15
udaysudo apt-get install update-manager-core10:15
k1l_uday: that was not my question10:15
MonkeyDustuday  in a terminal, type  lsb_release -d   and paste the outcome here10:16
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udayDistributor ID:Ubuntu10:16
udayDescription:Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS10:16
jpdsuday: You'd have to upgrade the machine twice.10:17
jpdsuday: Once to 14.10 and then to 15.04.10:17
k1l_uday: you are aware, that you need to upgrade to 14.10 and then 15.04? and that you loose LTS support and need to upgrade every 6 months then10:17
MonkeyDustuday  better stay with 14.0410:17
jpdsuday: You could just put 15.04 in a VM to play with it.10:18
MonkeyDustthat's what i have10:18
udaythank you10:19
udaybtw im new this10:19
xrosnighthow to uninstall doom3 on linux?10:19
MonkeyDustxrosnight  how did you install it?10:20
xrosnightwget doom3.run && sudo ./doom3.run10:20
k1l_xrosnight: see if the doom3.run got a uninstall switch10:20
dupingpinghi everyone.10:22
agent_whitedupingping: \o heya10:22
dupingpingHow can i get first boot hard drive?10:22
dupingpingI have done to set sdb to first boot in CMOS, and then10:23
dupingpingafter boot, I could not get the result that,  the sdb is first boot hard drive.10:23
dupingpingHow can i get it?10:23
tarelerulzIs there any app lets you transfer file between Linux and Android  with Wifi?10:24
k1l_dupingping: look into the mainboards manual. that is different from make and model of the mainboard and not an ubunut issue10:24
dupingpingk1l_: at kernel 2.6, i got it with edd module.10:24
xrosnightk1l_: too sad. doom3 for linux doesn't have uninstall switch10:25
k1l_dupingping: kernel 2.6 is long time dead10:25
dupingping2.6 and 3 have some difference in edd module?10:25
xrosnightk1l_: i have deleted it manually10:26
DEvil0000hi everyone10:26
MonkeyDustwhat's edd module?10:27
dupingpingenhanced disk drive, i think10:27
Happzzim running latest ubuntu on a virtualbox. it launches ok, but then there's no side bar, the winkey to open the search doesn't respond. etc.10:27
Happzzmaybe its the guest additions :q10:28
DEvil0000i was updating some packages the last day and now my unity UI is only working every maybe third boot. looks like a upstart service order issue. can someone help me to fix this?10:28
DEvil0000Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS10:28
kokutHello, anyone knows how to clear the swap memory? my system is extremely slow after opening a huge file (now i've closed it but the swap is still there)10:29
asgard2sudo swapoff -a && sudo swapon -a10:29
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kokutasgard2: not fixing it :\10:31
kokutswap is still overloaded, also its not using the ram10:31
kokuti can barely type here lol10:31
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kokutmaybe its a bug?10:33
agent_whiteProbably. I would re-install10:33
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kokutagent_white: not an option10:33
tockakokut restart your system?10:33
tockaand then do what asgard2 mentioned10:34
kokutyea i'm gonna do that10:34
kokutits just time consumming10:34
asgard2I am wondering that no one noticed "xhost +SI:localuser:user" is not working anymore at 15.04.10:36
asgard2Can someone confirm this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x11-xserver-utils/+bug/144843110:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1448431 in x11-xserver-utils (Ubuntu) "xhost access control fails to add other users" [Undecided,New]10:36
DEvil0000nobody else has a problem on 14.04 with the UI -> notwork/wlan/vpn sometimes not working (maybe bootup order of services)10:37
DEvil0000Ui then tells me something like "no permission to change wlan/network" and vpn stuff is grayed out10:42
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chotaz`wis it possible to fix a zipfile contents' filenames when or after extracting?11:01
geirhachotaz`w: in what way are they broken?11:07
yar1khello! you can help me ^_^ after update 14.10 to 15.04 i have sound problem :(11:07
yar1kNow in version 15.04, after the restart with a laptop connected to the headphones, the sound comes from the speakers of the laptop. Solve reconnect or change the settings in pulseaudio сontorol.11:07
LorenciHello Guys who can help me i upgrade my ubuntu to 15.04 and i have problem with skydrome the image dosen't work i tried to reboot and log out but i don't see any image11:08
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svetlanaHi, help please. I attached an external monitor and am using gnome-shell, but the external monitor shows the same picture as the internal one and even if I change its resolution to 600x800 it still shows the (big) picture as is on the builtin one.11:16
svetlanaIt is an HP L1750 monitor.11:17
MonkeyDustLorenci  what's skydrome in terms of ubuntu linux?11:17
PontusHi anyone had problems when upgradeing to ubuntu 14.04 by release upgrade that cpu features disapear, I can no more se vmx support in /proc/cpuinfo but if I boot up with a rescue CD it's there11:17
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BluesKajHi folks11:25
ioriaPontus : try sudo apt-get install cpu-checker and run kvm-ok11:27
Lord_PhoenixHi guys11:27
ioriaPontus : and check your bios11:28
Lord_PhoenixDoes anyone else having problems with network (wifi specifically) on 15.04? Mine is stops working until wifi reconnected or the whole networking is disabled and re-enabled again... :(11:28
Pontusioria, already done11:29
Lord_PhoenixNo? No one? :(11:31
svetlanacheck dmesg11:31
Ben64Lord_Phoenix: questions starting with "does anyone" aren't really helpful11:31
ioriaPontus : cpu ?11:32
Lord_PhoenixBen64, is it really different from "I have following problem.."?11:32
BruceRyanTrying to upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04..its says 'check internet connection'... And my internet is working fine..11:33
Ben64Lord_Phoenix: it is, because you're asking if anyone has a problem similar to yours, which isn't relevant. describe your problem with as much detail as possible, include logs, or any relevant information11:33
Lord_PhoenixBen64, ok, noted11:34
Pontusioria, i7 92011:34
Pontusioria, get these flags from ubuntu "flags: fpu de tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mca cmov pat clflush acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht syscall nx lm constant_tsc rep_good nopl nonstop_tsc pni monitor est ssse3 cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt hypervisor lahf_lm ida dtherm"11:35
prasanityhi how could  I remap function keys in Ubuntu 14.04 on an Asus f202e laptop? would like to access the brightness, volume keys etc without the fn key11:35
EriC^^prasanity: check your bios11:35
Pontusioria, and these from the rescue cd "fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt lahf_lm ida dtherm tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid"11:36
MonkeyDustprasanity  system settings > keyboard > shortcuts11:36
ImJuneIs there a program similar to "manycam" for ubuntu?11:36
EriC^^!info manycam11:36
ubottuPackage manycam does not exist in vivid11:36
MonkeyDustImJune  depends on what it does11:36
ImJuneyou can use it to share broadcast your desktop in chat rooms11:37
ImJunefor mac there is camtwist11:37
ImJuneits a virtual camera I guess11:37
Jaboone thing I love about using linux, when I need to use an old monitor I can just xrandr --scale to increase the resolution :)11:37
BruceRyanHow do I upgrade from ubuntu 14.10 to 15.04??11:37
EriC^^BruceRyan: sudo do-release-upgrade11:37
k1l_BruceRyan: run "update-manager"11:37
prasanityMonkeyDust: brilliant! thanks!!!!11:38
BruceRyanEriC^^: says no new release found..11:39
ioriaPontus : maybe is masked .... sudo apt-get install xen-utils-common and run xm info11:39
k1l_BruceRyan: what gives you "lsb_release -d"?11:39
EriC^^BruceRyan: try sudo apt-get update then sudo do-release-upgrade11:39
chotaz`wgeirha, they had a different encoding i'd guess, the character ó is displaying like ¢11:39
BruceRyank1l_: no clue what that is..11:39
BruceRyanEriC^^ : on it11:40
k1l_BruceRyan: and after that please tell us the last line in "cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades"11:40
k1l_BruceRyan: put that commands in terminal and tell what they say11:40
chotaz`wgeirha, this zip file was made in windows and sent to me, is there any way the person on the windows side or myself to prevent the filenames to break between OSs?11:40
bruceryan1k1l_ : bash: cat/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades: No such file or directory11:43
geirhachotaz`w: I believe the zip format does support specifying which encoding was used, but I don't know what programs actually use that11:43
k1l_bruceryan1: "cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades"11:43
bruceryan1EriC^^: E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.11:43
k1l_just do a copy and paste. there is a space between cat and /etc..11:44
MonkeyDustbruceryan1  a space after cat11:44
k1l_bruceryan1: <k1l_> BruceRyan: what gives you "lsb_release -d"?11:44
bruceryan1says prompt = normal11:44
EriC^^bruceryan1: what errors did it give?11:45
k1l_prompt=normal is good so far. now we need to know what ubuntu version you are really on. so please just paste in here th output of "lsb_release -d"11:45
bruceryan1k1l_ : says ubuntu 15.04..11:45
k1l_bruceryan1: so there is no newer release11:46
bruceryan1kil_: so i'm running 15.04?11:46
k1l_if lsb_release -d says 15.04 its 15.04.11:46
k1l_what gives you "uname -a"?11:46
bruceryan1kil_ : Linux bondi 3.16.0-37-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 29 20:38:03 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:47
MonkeyDustbruceryan1  linux bondi?11:47
bruceryan1MonkeyDust:  ??..11:48
k1l_bruceryan1: ok, so please tell us the whole story now. what ubuntu is that and what did you do and what is the issue and what are the error messages?11:48
auronandacehe may mean bhdi, which isn't supported here11:48
MonkeyDustbondi is imac related, is what i read here11:49
bruceryan1kil_ : upgrades from 14.04 to 14.10..11:49
bruceryan1bondi is my name11:49
k1l_bruceryan1: ok, did you reboot so far?11:49
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bruceryan1kil_: that was yesterday...today, i tried upgrading from 14.10 to 15.04..and, yes...rebooted multiple times11:50
k1l_bruceryan1: "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" and put all that into a pastebin11:51
k1l_!paste | bruceryan111:51
ubottubruceryan1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:51
bruceryan1kil_ : on it11:52
LucaS05hi. what does it mean a chmod mode of: 04077711:53
bruceryan1kil_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10996785/11:53
LucaS05i'm more familiar with mode of 3 numbers11:53
jpdsLucaS05: Try it on a temp file.11:53
jpdsLucaS05: touch /tmp/chmod_test; chmod -v 040777 /tmp/chmod_test11:53
LucaS05jpds: ok ;)11:53
k1l_bruceryan1: "sudo apt-get install linux-generic"11:53
k1l_bruceryan1: when that is done installing, reboot. and your are good on 15.0411:54
bruceryan1kil_: Thanks a lot!..11:54
k1l_bruceryan1: and make sure you uncheck the "proposed" repos in the system settings. they are not meant for endusers to be used. they are for testing11:55
MonkeyDustbruceryan1  come back here when it works, it interests me11:55
bruceryan1MonkeyDust: cool..i'll be here..11:55
LucaS05jpds: i've found what it means! But do you have a technical explanation?11:55
bruceryan1kil_: will do11:56
LucaS05jpds: i've found it ;)11:58
kevindehow do you install a theme like this: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Lexis?content=166067 exactly,12:01
yorwosi think i  havent understood ubuntu releases well , i got 14.04 instead of 14.10 to get LTS , but now 15.04 isnt LTS , which versions go LTS and which not ? so 14.10 is LTS also ?12:12
MonkeyDustyorwos  12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 18.04 etc12:14
jpdsyorwos: Every two years is a new LTS.12:14
jpds!releases | yorwos12:14
ubottuyorwos: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases12:14
Basz0rAlso, see this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS12:14
yorwosthanx guyz12:14
DEvil0000unity ui -> change wlan network not working (by permission?), vpn connection greyed out. one out of 3 reboots make it work as expected. (service start order issue?). happens since my last package update. any idea about this?12:20
bruceryan1k1l_ :Done with the reboot..says 15.04 now..12:25
bruceryan1MonkeyDust: Done with the reboot..wassup?12:25
ioriabruceryan1, uname -a ?12:26
bruceryan1ioria: Linux bondi 3.19.0-16-generic #16-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 30 16:09:58 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:27
ioriabruceryan1, check apt-get update if gives any errors12:28
bruceryan1ioria: on it12:28
bruceryan1ioria: nope..no errors12:32
ioriabruceryan1, ok, then12:32
bruceryan1ioria: thank you12:33
k1l_bruceryan1: so any issues now?12:35
impihello how can i install php5.5 in ubuntu 15.04 ?12:35
impii only seem to be getting 5.612:36
fatyunhello where can i see linux rankings12:36
bazhangdistrowatch.com fatyun12:36
bruceryan1kql_ : nope..nothing for now..12:36
bazhangwhy do you need the earlier version impi12:36
lotuspsychjefatyun: install ubuntu, its the most popular one :p12:36
impibazhang, magento doesn't support 5.6 yet :(12:37
bazhangimpi, what is magento12:37
bazhang!info magento12:37
ubottuPackage magento does not exist in vivid12:37
impibazhang, it's an ecommerce framework build on zend/php12:37
Basz0rDid you searched for a PPA with an older version?12:39
impiBasz0r, i tried but it didnt work out, i still ended up with 5.612:40
Basz0rWhich one did you used?12:40
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impiBasz0r, http://tecadmin.net/install-php5-on-ubuntu/12:43
impi5.5.24+dfsg-1+deb.sury.org~vivid+1 0 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ondrej/php5/ubuntu/ vivid/main amd64 Packages12:45
impii do see that when i run apt-cache policy php512:45
impibut im not sure how to install that12:45
ubottuA !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details12:45
somsipimpi: be careful with ondrek PPA. It updates other related packages you might not want to update. Beware.12:45
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impisomsip, thanks for the advice, noted12:46
Basz0rimpi, php 5.5 seems to be present in this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php512:49
Basz0rBut as somsip already said, check your installed packages first. it is possible that the repository will override some already installed packages12:49
Basz0rOh and, Magento does support php 5.6. According to this doc: http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v1.0/install-gde/prereq/php-ubuntu.html#instgde-prereq-php56-install-ubuntu12:51
rafael_join #android-dev12:52
impiBasz0r, thank you so much for that12:54
Basz0rimpi, no problem! If you are able to use PHP 5.6 with your application. Make sure you use it. PHP 5.6 offers some big performance improvements12:57
impiBasz0r, nice one! will do!13:00
kanhiayhi all, i am using ubuntu 14.04 LTS, i want to add a right click format option, to my pendrive , when i insert pendrive, it gets mounted, there are entries like open, name of pendrive, unlock from launcher and eject. I want to add format option here. How is it possible?  I can use gparted but my friend told me that there should be option here like windows, BTW a windows user will look for format option by doing right click on drive. So any help will be apprecia13:03
CaptonjamasonIs there a place where I can get specialised GRUB support13:04
CaptonjamasonPreferably irc13:04
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BluesKajCaptonjamason, how specialized and in what context?13:07
BluesKajin other words, just tell us your grub issue :)13:08
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CaptonjamasonWell I joined #GRUB and my problem is I have 2 ubuntu 15.04 installs and grub just brings me to a terminal thing13:09
CaptonjamasonIt's gnu grub bash terminal thing13:09
lotuspsychjekanhiay: add the icon to your bar with disktools, you can format a drive from there13:09
rick_Hi All, I see the ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS support HWE EOL in 201613:09
rick_Does this include xorg stack? or only kernel EOL in 201613:10
kanhiaylotuspsychje: you mean disks utility shortcut13:10
lotuspsychjekanhiay: yes13:10
CaptonjamasonIt's weird right BluesKaj13:10
kanhiaylotuspsychje: okay, I am also trying this http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/48713:10
BluesKajCaptonjamason, then I suggest you install grub to the /dev/sda, sudo grub-install /dev/sda ...that will most likely work13:11
lotuspsychjekanhiay: or you could make a terminal launch icon with gparted as command13:11
CaptonjamasonI would if I could boot ubuntu13:11
CaptonjamasonAnd it's already installed there13:11
BluesKajCaptonjamason, then run , sudo update-grub13:11
kanhiaylotuspsychje: yes, how to create a launcher in 14.04 , In earlier times, it was in right click13:12
CaptonjamasonI'm in a grub bash13:12
BluesKajin the terminal "thing as you call it13:12
kanhiayi want to add it to desktop13:12
CaptonjamasonError can't find command sudo13:12
Basz0rCaptonjamason, are you supposed to have 2 installations. Or do you actually have 1?13:12
MonkeyDustkanhiay  in file manager, go to /usr/share/applications and drag icons to the desktop13:12
CaptonjamasonI'm supposed to have 213:13
entrerihello, how can I find if a package is in the repository without having a ubuntu box right now ?13:13
Basz0rCaptonjamason, And both lead you to the GRUB terminal?13:13
lotuspsychjeentreri: here in chat with !info packagename13:13
BluesKajso you do have a grub menu then , or is it grub rescue?13:13
CaptonjamasonBefore I'm even able to select them it puts me into grub terminal13:13
lotuspsychje!msgthebot | entreri or here13:14
ubottuentreri or here: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:14
cfhowlettentreri, or packages.ubuntu.com13:14
entreri!info smokeping13:14
ubottusmokeping (source: smokeping): latency logging and graphing system. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.6.9-1 (vivid), package size 369 kB, installed size 973 kB13:14
CaptonjamasonIt might be grub rescue13:14
Basz0rCaptonjamason, What error do you receive?13:14
CaptonjamasonI don't get an error13:14
entrerilotuspsychje: Thank you.13:14
CaptonjamasonIt just puts me into grub terminal thing13:15
CaptonjamasonI think it might be grub rescue13:15
Basz0rCaptonjamason, strange. Yes it is, it allows you to manually boot from a partition13:16
CaptonjamasonWell how do I boot into my main partition from this area13:16
Basz0rCaptonjamason, You could try the boot-repair application. -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair13:16
CaptonjamasonI can fix it when I get into ubuntu13:16
Basz0rYou could use an live cd to boot into a Ubuntu installation from memory. And use the instructions in the URL above13:17
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CaptonjamasonOnly problem13:17
CaptonjamasonTo setup the disk I need to be in ubuntu13:18
CaptonjamasonThis is my only ubuntu pc13:18
BluesKajCaptonjamason, what does the prompt say , if it says grub rescue then you need a live media like boot-repair to reinstall grub or you can do it from a live cd/usb13:18
CaptonjamasonIt doesn't say grub rescue13:18
BluesKajCaptonjamason, so how are you logged into irc?13:18
Basz0rOr, you could try this from the following URL. But you do need to know on which partitions your ubuntu installation is installed https://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/776643-how-to-rescue-a-non-booting-grub-2-on-linux/13:19
CaptonjamasonI know what partition may ubuntu is on13:19
sudobashwho broke the repo's?13:19
lotuspsychjesudobash: what do you mean?13:20
k1l_sudobash: can you pastebin the errors?13:20
MonkeyDustsudobash  i did13:20
sudobashE: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/update-ineupdate-inetd_4.43_all.deb  Size mismatch13:22
sudobashE: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libf/libfilepy-recursive-perl/libfile-copy-recursive-perl_0.38-1_all.deb  Size mismatch13:22
sudobashwhen trying to apt-get install samba13:22
k1l_sudobash: "sudo apt update"13:22
sudobashfresh install13:22
sudobashalready did that :-|13:23
sudobashdid an upgrade too13:23
lotuspsychjesudobash: no reason to get ironic about it, we trying to help you here13:23
sudobashyea by telling me to do an apt-get update13:23
sudobashreal helpful13:24
k1l_sudobash: ok, due to your attitude i wont help you anymore. good luck13:24
lotuspsychjesudobash: in many cases this can be a solution13:24
BluesKajsudobash, check your sources.list13:24
sudobashalready done that too, it's all default13:24
blb1234does anybody know a linux equivalent to the teraterm terminal? Actually I need teraterm scripting functionality13:25
BluesKajthen check you mirrors13:25
sudobashdid I not just say this is a fresh install with default settings?13:25
lotuspsychjesudobash: stop this attitude, were are trying to investigate whats wrong13:25
BluesKajmaybe you did , but thaatdoesn't mean youirm mirrors didn't go offline in the meantime, it happens13:26
lotuspsychjeblb1234: did you try to search software centre on teraterm keyword? or apt-cache search teraterm?13:27
brunch875Agh, I can't remember how to read the contents from an active terminal.13:28
k1l_rprakash: /j #channel13:28
blb1234lotuspsychje: I have installed wine for that but i connot open a com port with the teraterm13:30
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CaptonjamasonYou know that link you sent BluesKaj13:30
CaptonjamasonOr was that the other person13:30
BluesKajCaptonjamason, no matter , what about it ?13:31
CaptonjamasonI got to the bit where you put Linux and then where vmlinuz is13:32
CaptonjamasonAnd it's sitting at the symbol waiting for input13:32
CaptonjamasonWhen I press a key it does nothing13:32
CaptonjamasonI've been sitting like this for about 15 min now13:32
MrAlexhey guys13:33
Basz0rCaptonjamason: what did you entered? you got the root=PARTITION as well?13:33
lotuspsychjeblb1234: cant find nothing much on teraterm, is this like an ssh with scripting functionality?13:33
Basz0rAnd after typing you are not able to enter the initrd image?13:34
blb1234lotuspsychje: doesn't matter13:35
CaptonjamasonIt sits at a flashing line13:35
Basz0rYou are sure that the linux kernel is on that partition?13:35
CaptonjamasonI've used that partition forever13:35
Basz0rYou do not use LVM?13:36
Basz0rfor your /boot partition?13:36
CaptonjamasonI'm pretty sure I use it13:36
Basz0rHm, strange.. I haven't experienced these problems before13:37
BluesKajLVM can gum up the works, if that's the case , but if he doesn't know for sure then i doubt he's using it13:38
Basz0rBluesKaj: I thought that Ubuntu Desktop does not use LVM by default. Could be wrong..13:40
CaptonjamasonIt doesn't use lvm by default13:40
CaptonjamasonI'm pretty sure of it13:41
MonkeyDustidd it doesnt13:41
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BluesKajBasz0r, isn't there a LVM option in Ubiquity during the install/partitoning phase? ...used it once, it mucked up my partition table, got it fixed with some help, and won't do that again13:42
CaptonjamasonI'm still sitting at the little blinking line13:42
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:42
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BluesKajCaptonjamason, do you have a live media with the OS image on it?13:43
BluesKajlike a dvd or usb ?13:43
Basz0rBluesKaj: I have Xubuntu installed on my desktop, and I cannot remember an option in Ubiquity to use it. I had to create the pv, vg's and lv's on the terminal13:43
CaptonjamasonI have a spare somewhere13:44
MonkeyDustBasz0r  that means, it isnt default13:44
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asarchCan I have both Firefox for i386 and AMD64?13:45
Basz0rMonkeyDust: Nope, you guys confirmed my thoughs13:45
asarchI'm trying to use pipelight13:45
MonkeyDustasarch  start from the beginning, what do you want to do13:45
MonkeyDust!find pipelight13:46
ubottuPackage/file pipelight does not exist in vivid13:46
BluesKajCaptonjamason, use that to re-install grub  http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd13:46
CaptonjamasonAlridey then13:47
CaptonjamasonReport to you after13:47
asarchThank you MonkeyDust13:47
asarchThank you very much :-)13:47
lotuspsychjeasarch: i think pipelight for ubuntu needs ppa add13:47
ablest1980hello lotuspsychje13:47
lotuspsychjeasarch: http://pipelight.net/cms/install/installation-ubuntu.html13:47
lotuspsychjeablest1980: hello mate, join discuss :p13:48
MonkeyDustasarch  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/pipelight-using-silverlight-in-linux-browsers.html  <-- 201313:48
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge13:48
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CaptonjamasonI can't find my live cd13:58
CaptonjamasonAnd I have no way a rewriting one13:58
CaptonjamasonI'm going to have to try to boot from the grub thing13:59
ttyXCaptonjamason, boot from USB then14:02
CaptonjamasonI don't have a spare USB drive14:02
ttyXtoo bad, I always keep one handy14:02
superbootHi all. Is there a vim package with +clientserver option compiled in?14:04
CaptonjamasonI got it working14:06
CaptonjamasonThanks for the help everyone14:06
ttyXsuperboot, this doesn't work for you?14:07
CaptonjamasonTtyx, I'm a huge minecraft moder in my free time so most of my USB drives our filled with coding14:08
CaptonjamasonThat's why I don't have a flash drive handy14:08
CaptonjamasonNow to reinstall grub14:09
ttyXCaptonjamason, they can be lifesavers14:09
CaptonjamasonI know14:09
CaptonjamasonEspecially with coding14:09
ttyXyep though am not a coder :P14:10
CaptonjamasonI almost lost 5 months of coding14:10
CaptonjamasonThen I remembered I had a flash drive14:10
CaptonjamasonAnyways how can I reinstall grub,14:10
CaptonjamasonI'm logging in on my pc14:11
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Captonjamasonanyway how can i reinstall GRUB14:13
FjorgynnCaptonjamason: apt-get install grub214:14
geniiCaptonjamason: You are logged onto the machine which needs it reinstalled, and it has internet?14:15
FjorgynnJabo: lol14:15
Captonjamasoni just booted into ubuntu from GRUB command line14:15
geniiCaptonjamason: Then as Fjorgynn suggests, but with sudo in front. and might want to do before that: sudo apt-get update14:16
Fjorgynn16:08:34 < Captonjamason> Ttyx, I'm a huge minecraft moder in my free time so most of my USB drives our filled with coding14:16
Fjorgynn16:08:49 < Captonjamason> That's why I don't have a flash drive handy14:16
FjorgynnCaptonjamason: buy a NAS14:16
Captonjamasoni dont have the money14:16
Fjorgynnbuy a CD14:17
FjorgynnI can mail you an empty CD14:17
Captonjamasoni already have cd's\14:17
Captonjamasonbut there not RW14:17
Jaboput your code on dropbox/google drive14:17
Captonjamasonim in the process of doing that14:18
ActionParsnipCaptonjamason: omgubuntu has a guide called "sticking it to grub"14:18
ActionParsnip!google > Jabo14:18
ubottuJabo, please see my private message14:18
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Captonjamasonwhen i did sudo apt-get autoremove GRUB2 it came with this "Package 'grub2' is not installed, so not removed"14:19
Captonjamasonshould i be concerned14:19
Fjorgynnapt-cache search grub14:20
Captonjamasonwell i just did sudo apt-get install grub214:20
Captonjamasonand it reinstalled it14:20
FjorgynnCaptonjamason: get an external drive14:21
Fjorgynnlike 2 TB14:21
Captonjamasoni have a spare 500gb14:21
Jabomake a backup partition on your current drive14:21
FjorgynnCaptonjamason: I have 3 TB14:22
Captonjamasoni dont have that kind of money14:22
FjorgynnCaptonjamason: are you like 12?14:22
reisiothey cost like $10014:22
reisiothat's like a day's work at really awful minimum wage14:23
Captonjamasoni know14:23
Captonjamasonim trying to save my money14:23
reisioby spending all your time on IRC, gotcha14:23
Fjorgynnlol working for minimum wage. LOL.14:23
Fjorgynnreisio: lol14:23
Captonjamasonim going14:24
FjorgynnCaptonjamason: is your partition backed up?14:24
Captonjamasonthats what im working on14:24
ubuntu153Is there a wa to bind for example r and y to shift + v .. shift + <key> or what ever. Both of them are broken so have to cop and paste. Onl found tutorials on how to open up programs with shortcuts.14:26
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cfhowlett!kyeybinding | ubuntu15314:27
Fjorgynnubuntu153: yes14:27
Fjorgynnwhat's wrong with external keyboards these days?14:28
reisiodunno, what?14:28
Captonjamasontime to get to modding14:30
Fjorgynnreisio: my keyboard is borked so I got an external usb one14:35
reisioFjorgynn: for a laptop?14:36
reisioreplacement laptop keyboards are usually affordable enough14:36
Captonjamasoncan go about 15 to 30 bucks14:36
Fjorgynnreisio: I live in Sweden so first I must buy a Swedish one, then I need a new screen and I have water dammage and it's 5 years old14:37
reisioah, so just replace it14:38
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BluesKajCaptonjamason, did you also run sudo update-grub after installing it?14:39
Captonjamasonthanks for reminding me14:39
BluesKajyou should14:39
Captonjamasonim on it14:39
Captonjamasongrub updated14:42
mohitubntu on pi anyone tested?14:42
Captonjamasonthey have a official ubuntu pi release14:42
Captonjamasonim sure of it14:43
mohitubuntu snappy?14:43
Captonjamasonim not compleatly sure if that is "official" but thats what i know of working on pi14:43
mohitCaptonjamason, tested it ?14:43
Captonjamasonit was tested by many people14:44
Captonjamasoni havent tested it yet14:44
Captonjamasoni need to order a new pi14:44
reisiospending all your money on rpis, eh?14:45
reisiomay as well spend it on beaglebone blacks, then14:45
Captonjamasonnever said i was spending all my money on pis, and what is a beaglebone black?14:46
aswinhi friends, i am running debian jessie. I am asking this question here because all other channels #linux #debian does not reply to my question. I am using ThinkPad L440. It comes with the Realtek 8192ee wireless adaptor. There exists a driver rtlwifi for the same. But the problem is that, the connection using the driver is very buggy. Is there anything I can do to get out of this hassle? I don't want to use14:47
aswinwindows :(14:47
ioriaseems arduino14:47
mcphailaswin: sorry, debian can't be supported here14:48
Captonjamasonthis is official ubuntu only14:48
aswinmcphail: ok friend :)14:48
aswingood bye14:49
mcphailaswin: try Ubuntu and come back for support :)14:49
Horsemedswhich option in dmesg should I use to check what happened during a crash? and which system logs should i read?14:49
aswinhi friends, i am running debian jessie. I am using ThinkPad L440. It comes with the Realtek 8192ee wireless adaptor. There exists a driver rtlwifi for the same. But the problem is that, the connection using the driver is very buggy. Is there anything I can do to get out of this hassle? I don't want to use windows :(14:49
jpds!repeat | aswin14:49
ubottuaswin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:49
Captonjamasonim trying to open eclipse ide and it says no application found to open executible files14:50
jpdsaswin: Realtek are like that for wireless.14:50
jpdsHorsemeds: /var/log/{kern.log,messages,syslog}14:50
Horsemedsjpds ok thanks14:50
Captonjamasonwhy wont eclipse open14:51
reisiodon't think rtlwifi is the right driver, should be the same name, 'rtl8192ee'14:51
reisiosaitou: so true15:01
mohitwhat about ubuntu mate in raspberry pi?15:02
jmfurlottHow can I have app wide spell checking on Unity such as with Chrome?15:03
MatthewHi, can someone help me please? I’ve been trying to fix this for hours now and google is not helping.15:03
pqatsiI have a Atom D525 and the 1080p VGA output is not working well and i dont know how to diagnose this. I've tried use xorg-edgers to see if some fix exists but changed notting. In this machine, the Vivid is installed.15:03
MatthewI’m trying to run xvfb-run -a wkhtmltopdf --footer-html "Page [page] of [toPage]" -T 0 -L 12 -s Letter -O Portrait http://google.com ~/test.pdf15:04
lakituhey - after a long time, i got two ATI video cards working (just had to install ATI's drivers from their website), but 3d effects aren't enabled with this, & i want them. how do i get 2 amd video cards running at once to run 3d?15:04
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Guest97526i keep getting this error. xvfb-run: error: Xvfb failed to start15:04
Guest97526how should I debug this?15:04
reisioGuest97526: doesn't say anything else?15:05
Guest97526reisio yeah :(15:05
Guest97526when I run just wkhtmltopdf it works fine15:06
Guest97526xvfb won’t work for some reason15:06
reisiowhy would you run xvfb-run if you needn't?15:06
Guest97526xvfb allows the parameters to work15:07
Guest97526like the footer, page numbers etc15:07
Guest97526this used to work before15:07
Guest97526but when we updated it it just broke15:07
reisioso what'd you update15:07
Guest97526the new version allows —footer which we need15:08
Guest97526the old one doesn’t15:08
reisiorm /var/log/Xorg*log, then run it again, then grep EE /var/log/Xorg*15:08
reisiomohit: what about it15:08
Guest97526grep: /var/log/Xorg*: No such file or directory15:09
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Guest97526what do you think?15:10
minimonkwhat do i think of what?15:11
reisioGuest97526: that's after xvfb-run was run?15:12
reisiomakes me think xvfb-run is stupid15:13
reisioGuest97526: anything else with 'x' or 'X' in /var/log/ ?15:13
AnimalFarmPigHi. I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue with a vps running trusty. Where do the services files live on the file system? I don't see the service I'm looking for in /etc/init.d15:13
xecuteri am newbie and i have a short question. please help me.15:14
Guest97526no x* nor X* files in /var/log15:14
Guest97526sigh i hate this xvfb15:14
geniiAnimalFarmPig: Still uses Upstart, so in /etc/init , not /etc/init.d15:14
Guest97526David Wiggins’ code could have been a bit more helpful with the error messages15:14
xecuteri want to know, who had access on my computer?15:14
AnimalFarmPigawesome, found what I was looking for, thanks genii15:15
geniiAnimalFarmPig: You're welcome :)15:15
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xecuterhmm anyone an idea? i have a new unknown txt file on my gui. i dunno whats going on! :(15:16
reisioxecuter: what's in it?15:17
xecuteronly " gutete+frage&tbm=shop ", without ""15:17
lakituany graphics card gurus? need/want 3d on a 2 -amd-card system - have screens displaying, but can't figure out 3d.15:17
Kobrakaohi guys, I'm trying to run a command after login via ssh, this command working fine on amazon SO but on ubutun this command not working.. ssh -t ubuntu@ -i corporate.pem 'cd /var/app/buzz_monitor_app/ && foreman run rails console' the return is bash: foreman: command not found15:17
Kobrakaoif i have a openned session the command foreman ... working15:19
xecuterfile name "abgelegtes text.txt", and that is grammatical not correct.15:19
EldunarHello, can u tell me how to force ati drivers to work with my ati radeon 8750m?15:20
xecuterwith right click, i cant see who was create it ;(15:20
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lakitukobrakao: doesn't that run foreman (whatever that is) on your ssh client computer, not the ssh server?15:21
slabbyHi. After upgrading to 15.04 my php5-fpm keeps terminating  after a few minutes of running. There is nothing helpful in the php5-fpm.log just "Terminating ..." then "exiting, byebye!". How can I get some better logs/information?15:23
jarlopezHey all. As soon as I login, the screen begins a repetitive cycle of being black for ~5 seconds and flickering back on for a split second. I've tried the typical approach of removing all compiz configs and re-installing ubuntu-desktop and lightdm. Any tips on how to proceed?15:24
ReGiStRaShi guys...what is the difference betweem apt-get update and apt-get upgrade?15:25
xecuterfirst is download list, second is use the new versions of file from the downloades list15:26
ReGiStRaShow about updateing my Ubuntu like WIndows Update? What is the command?15:26
Guest6118what the hell, i just learnt upstart and now ubuntu switched to systemd? couldnt you have said it somewhere on the page? ffs seriously15:26
Eldunarsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade15:27
ReGiStRaSwhat does this && switch do?15:27
lakitujarlopez, i had similar troubles, logging in in recovery mode & adding nomodeset to the grub file & possibly installing a compatible driver (in my case fglrx-updates) worked15:27
Eldunarruns sudo apt0get upgrade just after update15:27
xecuterapt-get ^15:28
Basz0rReGiStRaS: Execute if the previous command executed with a 015:28
Basz0raka without any errors15:28
welovfreeHow can I run gedit using terminal and using the command line in the sametime?15:28
ReGiStRaSis it necessary to do the update and upgrade if I want to run NIS on my Ubuntu?15:28
mikulhi.. i'm woundering if its possible to send sound from one program to the speakers (back) and sound from another program to the headphones(front) in any "easy" way?15:29
ReGiStRaSNIS Server I mean15:29
mikulwith pulseaudio15:29
welovfreeI am asked to write a C program to do this15:29
welovfreedo I have to use "&"?15:29
nbtwelovfree: yes, add & to the end of the command15:30
jarlopezlakitu: Woof, did not expect to have to mess with grub. How does one go about editing the grub file?15:30
nbtI don't know about doing that in a c program though15:30
ReGiStRaSis it necessary to do the update and upgrade if I want to run NIS Server on my Ubuntu?15:30
jpdsReGiStRaS: Yes.15:30
jpdsReGiStRaS: To keep it up to date.15:30
ioriawelovfree, try geany is more simple15:31
lakitujarlopez: you could try logging in in recovery & installing a compatible driver, first, if you wanted. otherwise google "grub add nomodeset"15:31
lakituwithout the quotes15:31
ReGiStRaSI don't see any videos on setting up NIS Server on Ubuntu15:31
ReGiStRaSmost of it are on other flavours15:31
jarlopezlakitu: Thank you15:31
jpdsReGiStRaS: I think most people have moved to LDAP/Kerberos.15:32
ReGiStRaSyeah...do to the fact that NIS password list can be "obtained" in a way15:33
jpdsReGiStRaS: Or the fact that NIS is old? ;-)15:33
ReGiStRaSdoes RedHat have NIS too?15:34
lorddunehi, can someone pleasehelp me. I tried to update to 14.04 LTS and that has made my system fail. I cannot make my password work in TTY, so created a live cd but am having problems with not being able to boot the live cd with ungarbled graphics15:36
lorddunelive usb rather, and yes i did a md5 check and the iso is perfect15:37
entrerihey guys, is there any licensing issues for governements to install ubuntu desktop ?15:37
iorialorddune, try nomodeset in grub15:37
reisioentreri: nope15:38
lordduneioria how would I go sbout that? I cannot acess a terminal on HD and live boot usb is garbled screen15:39
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iorialorddune, you don't even get the menu from liveusb ?15:40
ablest1980hello how do i install gnome?15:41
iorialorddune, cd or usb ?15:41
xangua!nounity | ablest198015:42
ubottuablest1980: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 and up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:42
ablest1980i got 14.04 lts15:42
FloKatwhat music players are you using guys ?15:42
xanguawindows media player15:43
finetundraclementine, FloKat15:43
xanguaablest1980: if you just want gnome shell I would install "gnome-shell"15:43
xanguaubuntu-gnome-desktop install all the extra packages ubuntu gnome comes with15:43
ablest1980unbuntu software center says it installed15:44
FloKatfinetundra: the default version on Ubuntu SC ?15:45
ablest1980do i restart?15:45
ntzwhat exactly does apt-get install -f ??? I don't have ubuntu for myself, answering a question of a guy who requests help from me15:45
finetundraFloKat: Probably. I don't know if the repositories for Muon on kubuntu are any different than ubuntu software centre's15:46
ntzfrom my understanding of manpage -f will forcefully try to fix broken packages by calling dpkg-reconfigure on them and installing missing dependencies .. is it correct ?15:47
FloKatfinetundra: your software center may be KDE oriented15:47
xangua-f is for -fix15:47
FloKatClementine looks great on KDE, but on GNOME... :x15:48
ntzxangua: yeah, thanks .. I've read manpage ... but what all "fix" contains ? is it dpkg-reconfigure call on them ?15:48
ericb1925i have a silly question..  im already 40 yrs old and i really want to be good in ubuntu and linux in general.. is it still possible15:48
MonkeyDustericb1925  #ubunu-offtopic15:49
reisioericb1925: sure why not15:49
ericb1925thanks @monkeydust and @reisio15:50
finetundraFloKat:, I know that some things may be different but I think that if it's available in both software centres, and are both based on ubuntu, then it should be roughly the same15:50
xanguantz: this sounds to me like an xy problem and maybe it is your friend the one that should be makin the questions instead of outsourcing to you15:52
ablest1980hello i have gnome on my system how do i use it?15:53
xanguaablest1980: log out and clic on the icon next to your user in the login screen15:54
MonkeyDustwat ga je eten15:56
ReGiStRaSis there a firewall in Ubuntu?15:59
MonkeyDustReGiStRaS  iptables15:59
ReGiStRaShow do i update packages?15:59
reisioReGiStRaS: in Linux, which Ubuntu uses15:59
jpdsReGiStRaS: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade16:00
MonkeyDustReGiStRaS  withe update manager or with sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade16:00
=== CaptonjamasonMod is now known as Captonjamason
ReGiStRaSthat's what I did and ssh tells me7 packages can be upgraded16:00
MonkeyDustReGiStRaS  then try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:00
jpdsReGiStRaS: It doesn't instantly update the motd.16:01
xxx600what is new ubuntu 15.4 ?16:01
Captonjamasonalot of stuff16:01
MonkeyDustxxx600  any review can tell you that16:01
mohitany recommended netbook with ubuntu as primary os ?16:01
ReGiStRaShow do I off Uduntu firewall?16:02
ablest1980xangua how do i change to gnome copmpletely16:02
lordduneHi, sorry I D'C'ed before, so same question again: I upgraded to 14.04 LTS, the new system somehow corrupted my machine and password just makes the login recycle (TTY login also fails in a similar manner). I have a USB LIVE disc but I cannot get it to run properly, the initial splash screen is garbled. Can someone please tell me how I can use nomodeset16:02
ablest1980ufw off16:02
Captonjamasonmohit: not sure, i mean there is system 76 notbook's and netbooks but those can cost alot,16:02
mohitCaptonjamason, link?16:03
MonkeyDustablest1980  logout, switch, login16:03
ablest1980xangua i  see purple screen with ubuntu logo and then unity login then gnome desktop with unity wallpaper16:03
Captonjamasonmohit: https://system76.com/ be warned that they do cost a good amount16:03
mohitCaptonjamason, ok thanks16:04
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Captonjamasonnot a problem,16:04
mohitCaptonjamason, laptop desktop server16:05
MonkeyDustReGiStRaS  sudo ufw disable16:05
jpdsReGiStRaS: How to turn off the firewall, depends on how you turned it on.16:06
ablest1980what monkeydust said registras16:07
AditHow can I create a folder shortcut ?16:07
lordduneHi, sorry I D'C'ed before, so same question again: I upgraded to 14.04 LTS, the upgrade somehow corrupted my machine so I cannot login as Guest or any User, password just makes the login recycle (TTY login also fails in a similar manner even as Root)). I have a USB LIVE disc but I cannot get it to run properly, the initial splash screen is garbled. Can someone please tell me how I can use nomodeset16:07
prasanityHi, can someone tell me how I can remap brightness keys on asus f202/e ubuntu 14.04 without using the fn key. Thanks!16:07
jpdsReGiStRaS: It's not on by default.16:07
MonkeyDustAdit  right click on on the icon, Make Link -- or in terminal with ln -s16:07
lordduneCan someone please help me?16:09
iorialorddune, can you see the little man and keyboard icon ?16:09
lordduneioria - no16:09
lordduneioria if I try to F6 and use some of the advanced boot options it doesn't work either16:10
mohitwhen i click ctrl my mouse is highled16:10
mohiti forgot how i enabled it can anyone help16:10
lordduneioria so was thinking maybe I could edit the executable file on my LIVE USB ? but I am not sure how.......16:11
iorialorddune, f6 is ok... how to do modify the line ?16:11
iorialorddune, i don't think so16:11
iorialorddune, you cannot edit an executable16:11
lordduneioria was hoping i could write a bat file with a couple commands16:12
lordduneioria - i am unclear on how to start an Ubuntu LIVE USB with nomodeset (or any other command) for that matter16:12
EriC^^lorddune: hold shift to get grub, press e over the entry and add nomodeset to the line that says linux vmlinux .... quiet splash16:13
EriC^^lorddune: add it to the end of the line, and press ctrl+x to boot16:14
paultjuhEriC^^ thanks for the help yesterday16:14
lordduneEriC^^: from the LIVE boot USB?16:14
EriC^^paultjuh: no problem!16:14
Johnny_LinuxEric__  is a pretty good fella, excellent help16:14
EriC^^lorddune: yeah16:14
lordduneEriC^^: what do you mean by "press e over the entry"?16:15
EriC^^lorddune: press e on the keyboard when the entry is highlighted16:16
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EriC^^lorddune: if you get another menu that isn't grub, that says try or install ubuntu you have to press f6 i think and select nomodeset then press try ubuntu16:16
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mohitwave on mouse pointer on press of ctrl any idea?16:16
ablest1980how do i  make my whole system gnome?16:16
lordduneEriC^^: which entry should I edit?16:16
EriC^^lorddune: the one that's selected by default i think16:17
reisioablest1980: as opposed to Unity+GNOME?16:17
lordduneEriC^^: I don't have access to a GRUB you know, right?16:17
EriC^^ablest1980: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop16:17
EriC^^lorddune: yeah, you have to hold shift when the pc boots to get grub16:18
lordduneEriC^^: My system OS is corrupt. Cannot login. Not even as Root in TTY. So all I am trying to figure out how to do is boot with nomodeset with the LIVE USB 14.04 so I don't have a garbled splashscreen16:19
EriC^^ablest1980: if you want to remove unity sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop , i think you'll still have a bunch of the programs that come with unity though, if you have a problem with that let me know16:19
ablest1980E: Invalid operation ubuntu-gnome-desktop16:19
EriC^^i think you forgot install16:20
reisioablest1980: ask ubottu about 'notunity'16:20
keytarmanHello there16:20
keytarmanI wonder if anyone here could help me with WINEASIO16:20
ablest1980its working16:20
EriC^^lorddune: did you try booting recovery mode and dropping to a root shell?16:21
ablest1980ty resisio16:21
lordduneEriC^^: yes16:21
keytarmanI have managed to install it on my ubuntu-studio 14 , it finally appeared under the ASIO list in both Reaper and Ableton 9, running on play on linux. Both are 32bit. qjackctl seems to be running and returns no errors.16:21
keytarmanHowever when I press play nothing happens, the cursor is not moving (yet the play button turns green(16:21
lordduneEriC^^: yes, and no love there. I have watched the boot process and things are loading. But somehow I cannot login, my password causes an endless loop failure.16:22
EriC^^lorddune: ok, try to hold shift to get grub on your install, and press e over your entry, and add the line init=/bin/bash instead of nomodeset and you'll get a root shell16:22
discoveredI want to change my Home directory to a new partition named "/dev/sda11" .... How do i do this?16:22
EriC^^lorddune: when you get the shell type mount -o remount,rw /16:22
lordduneEriC^^: but why can't I just do that from the LIVE USB?16:23
EriC^^lorddune: you can boot it if you want, add nomodeset at the end of the line16:23
EriC^^discovered: edit /etc/fstab and move the files there16:24
lordduneEriC^^: I cannot figure out how!16:24
EriC^^lorddune: i told you, hold shift to get grub, press e, add nomodeset at the end of linux vmlinuz ... press ctrl+x16:24
lordduneEriC^^: seriously, not a noob, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to load a command into the LIVE USB menu16:24
EriC^^lorddune: press f6 if you get a menu and not grub16:25
lordduneEriC^^: I have as I explained. And anything I try to do in that menu ALSO fails.16:25
EriC^^i think it's f6 , it should say at the bottom boot options, press the key and select nomodeset then choose try ubuntu16:25
EriC^^lorddune: i'd just boot /bin/bash16:26
lordduneEriC^^: I'm running parted magic right now is there any way to run a command line from a terminal here to force the USB LIVE to boot in nomodeset16:27
EriC^^it's probably a pam issue or something fix the file and you should be good16:27
lordduneEriC^^: nomodeset will work. it's an issue I have with my FX card (I built this machine myself)16:27
=== dearhawk2 is now known as dearhawk
ablest1980eric i still have unity when i start my sytem it show purple screen with ubuntu logo unity login and unity wallpaper16:28
lordduneNVidia of course16:28
EriC^^lorddune: you could edit grub.cfg i guess, but pressing f6 or holding shift should work..16:28
lordduneEriC^^: OK thanks I will give it a shot16:28
EriC^^ablest1980: yeah, try sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop16:28
rellisQuestion... if i run modinfo and it tells me some driver is at version X, does that necessarely imply the kernel is actually using that version?16:31
rellisIn particular the intel 10gbe network driver, ixgbevf.16:31
rellisI'm pretty much wondering if there's nay good reason to treboot or that's stupid/unneccessary16:32
ablest1980eric still the same16:33
ablest1980purple screen when sys starts with ubuntu logo purple screen where i enter my passphrase purple login menu and purple desktop16:34
EriC^^oh, you need to select gnome where you login16:35
EriC^^next to where your user is, in the upper right corner16:35
ablest1980i did it says default16:35
EriC^^did you select gnome?16:35
ablest1980with unity still listed16:35
EriC^^it doesn't boot to gnome?16:35
astroduckHi, how can I change color of tabs of terminal (Iam using numix theme)? I tried this[1] in both ~/.config and /usr/share/themes/Numix but it didnt work [1]:http://askubuntu.com/questions/40332/how-to-make-selected-tab-in-terminal-more-prominent16:35
ablest1980after login it had gnome with purple screen16:36
ioriaablest1980, how did you install gnome?16:36
ablest1980how eric told me16:36
ninjahDoes anyone know how to turn on slasharguments in Apache2 on 14.04?16:37
EriC^^ioria: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop16:37
ablest1980and i also tried software center way same16:37
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EriC^^ablest1980: try to reinstall it maybe, sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-gnome-desktop16:38
EriC^^or purge and reinstall, maybe it needs to set some config files or something16:39
ablest1980how do i purge again16:40
EriC^^sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-gnome-desktop16:40
athanHello everyone - is there a way to refresh upstart so it can see my new service?16:40
astroduckGot disconnected, oops. So, anyone knows how to do it?16:41
RedRat_hi guys, anyone is having problems with gtk-window-decorator on compiz in gnome fallback?16:45
ioria!info gnome-session-fallback16:46
ubottuPackage gnome-session-fallback does not exist in vivid16:46
reisioRedRat_: 'problems' is rather arbitrary16:47
* reisio has mo' money, though16:47
reisio(not really)16:47
RedRat_reisio, since few days my gtk-window-decorator isn't working, then my windows is without decoration16:48
RedRat_usually it worked last week16:48
athanI would really like to symlink one directory to another, but I can't access through the symlink with natural directory operations like `cd`. Wut do? Should I recursively symlink _all_ of the flat files into a real directory?16:48
EriC^^athan: you shuold be able to do cd /path/to/symlink and be in the dir it points to16:50
athanEriC^^: I keep getting the "too many symlinks" error :\16:50
athaner - too many levels of symbolic links16:51
RedRat_reisio, compiz (decor) - Warn: No default decoration found, placement will not be correct16:51
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athanEriC^^: The syntax I'm trying is `ln -s orig/ /opt/target`, where `cd /opt/target` gives the error16:52
athanalso, `orig/` is in my cwd :)16:52
EriC^^try using absolute paths16:52
athanwill do!16:52
athanthank you EriC^^16:52
prasanityHi, can someone tell me how I can remap brightness keys on asus f202/e ubuntu 14.04 without using the fn key. Thanks!16:53
reisioprasanity: xbacklight16:54
athanEriC^^: Wow, it worked. So `~` is a symlink? Strange :S16:54
prasanityI was able to remap the volume +/- keys earlier today following EriC^^  but unable to figure out the same for the brightness keys16:54
reisioathan: ~ is short for /home/youruser16:55
reisioecho $HOME16:55
ReGiStRaSwhat does warty only means?16:55
prasanityreisio: can you please elaborate xbacklight? thanks!16:55
reisioReGiStRaS: warty is... a codename for a specific older version of the distro, IIRC16:55
prasanityubottu: xbacklight16:55
EriC^^!warty | ReGiStRaS16:55
ubottuReGiStRaS: Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.16:55
reisioprasanity: xbacklight -set foo%16:55
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ReGiStRaSwhat does the host.allow file do?16:56
k1l_ReGiStRaS: warty only doesnt matter anymore. that ubuntu version is long time dead16:56
angelle_is this Ubuntu customer service channel?16:57
k1l_angelle_: this is the community ubuntu support. yes16:58
k1l_angelle_: for commercial support ask canonical.16:58
EriC^^athan: i think it's cause it was pointing back to itself16:58
ablest1980eric same16:59
athanEriC^^: oh!! That makes a lot of sense16:59
athanit doesn't expand ~ before making the link!16:59
EriC^^athan: you weren't using ~ were you?17:00
TenLeftFingersOn my Dell Studio 1535, the fans never turn off and are quite loud. I've tried all the usual suspects (i8kutils, lm-sensors and if I remember correctly, fan control). The only result I got was from i8kutils and that just let the laptop overheat. does anyone know how to deal with this?17:00
EriC^^athan: ~ is fine to use17:00
athanEriC^^: I wasn't... oh17:01
EriC^^ln -s <file to point to> <file>17:01
athanso a relative link is just that? It doesn't prepend `pwd`, for instance?17:01
angellehow's Ubuntu doing?17:01
k1l_!ask | angelle17:01
ubottuangelle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:01
angelleI asked question17:02
ablest1980eric how do i fix this?17:02
EriC^^athan: nope17:02
athanahh, okay17:02
EriC^^ablest1980: did you try to purge and reinstall?17:02
ioriasysmlinks just store the path don't resolve path to full path17:02
k1l_angelle: i answered that question if this is the support channel. then you just rejoined often. this is support only, so for chat please see #ubuntu-offtopic17:02
angelleyou k ow I tried today windows 10 thinking Microsoft will give us something new something different than windows 8 and 717:02
angelleI was wrong17:02
Midoshi27oh god is it bad??17:03
angellewindows 10 is very similar to Google Android17:03
k1l_angelle: wel, that talk better suite in #ubuntu-offtopic17:03
k1l_*well *suits17:03
EriC^^ablest1980: maybe you need to install gdm?17:03
EriC^^ablest1980: try sudo apt-get install gdm17:03
EriC^^!info gdm17:03
ubottugdm (source: gdm): Next generation GNOME Display Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.14.1-0ubuntu3 (vivid), package size 566 kB, installed size 5207 kB (Only available for linux-any)17:03
angellemaybe one day I will try Ubuntu once more17:04
angellewish Ubuntu overtook windows17:04
xangua!ot | angelle17:04
ubottuangelle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:04
ablest1980says gdm is already the newest version17:04
EriC^^ablest1980: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm17:05
athan~/.bashrc is the dotfile loaded for ssh sessions, correct?17:05
EriC^^yeah .profile should source it17:05
ablest1980ok it wad on lgm17:06
ablest1980it was on lgm17:06
ablest1980i changed it to dgm17:06
athanhmm. When I shell into my server, bash can see the command I've added to PATH, but when I run a command with `ssh foo@bar 'command'`, bash can't find it :(17:06
EriC^^you mean ldm?17:07
EriC^^ok, yeah17:07
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stangelandHi, I am trying to establish an ssh connection, but it hangs. This is the debug output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10998225/ What could be the problem?17:10
EriC^^athan: i guess you could use bash -lc "<command>" as the command, i don't know if there's a proper way to force ssh to use a login shell or what17:10
athanhmm, alright I'll give it a go. Thank you EriC^^ for all your help :)17:10
EriC^^no problem :)17:11
DocMorsis there a known issue with 14.04 and audio replay? Neither video player nor audio player is making any noise17:12
lotuspsychje!sound | DocMors17:12
ubottuDocMors: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:12
ablest1980eric the login screen is now gnome but the after the system logo it see purple passprase screen and purple desktop wall paper17:13
DocMorslotuspsychje, very funny. that I tried first...17:13
k1l_DocMors: sound works on all ubuntus. so be more specific what is going wrong.17:15
k1l_DocMors: make sure cables are in, power is on, devices not muted, not in alsamixer or pulseaudio,.....17:16
k_szeerm, is 15.04 supposed to be on kernel 3.19 or 4.0.1??17:16
k1l_DocMors: and make sure you got the codecs for that music17:17
k1l_!info linux-image-generic vivid | k_sze17:17
ubottuk_sze: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 27 kB17:17
ablest1980eric are you there?17:17
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k_szek1l_: then I wonder why Linode automatically put me on 4.0.117:18
DocMorsyou're taking the piss right? I'm using Ubuntu for about as long as it exists. There are no cable since it's a notebook. And no it's not muted in either. That's why I'm asking here.17:18
k1l_linode is a hoster?17:18
DocMorswell forget it17:18
EriC^^ablest1980: type cat /etc/*dm/* | pastebinit17:19
EriC^^ablest1980: sorry pastebinit cat /etc/*dm/*17:19
k1l_docmors: where was the issue to tell that in the beginning? we cant know what you have and what you do just from saying "my sound doesnt work"17:19
EriC^^ablest1980: pastebinit /etc/*dm/*17:19
k_szek1l_: yes, Linode is a cloud VPS provider.17:20
ablest1980sudo: /etc/gdm/config-error-dialog.sh: command not found17:20
k1l_k_sze: then ask them. on vservers the host provides the kernel in most cases. so its them who made that change17:21
EriC^^ablest1980: no need for sudo, also i think you forgot pastebinit17:21
ablest1980The program 'pastebinit' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:17:23
ablest1980sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:23
EriC^^ok, install it17:23
athanDid 15.04 upgrade upstart? For some reason, it won't find my service ._.17:24
ioriabecause it uses systemd17:24
athanwhiggity whaaat17:25
EriC^^i wonder if there's a factoid yet17:25
ablest1980ablest1980@ablest1980-HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC:~$ pastebinit /etc/*dm/*Unable to read from: /etc/gdm/Init17:25
EriC^^for a systemd manual/cookbook17:25
ubottusystemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers17:25
athanheck yeah :) Thank you!!!17:25
ioriain grub advanced there is an option17:26
EriC^^ablest1980: ok, type ls -l /etc/gdm/ , are there any .conf files?17:26
ablest1980eric yes17:28
sjmikemHi all.  I was having pm-suspend issues on my asus laptop running 14.10, so I switched from nouveau to nvidia driver.  pm-suspend now works, and when I close the lid, the led's on the case go off and stay off.  However, something still feels like it is running (case stayed warm), and machine was very sluggish to come  back from suspend.17:28
Nick_Nukehi guys-   not sure if this is doable-  trying to install ubuntu  using hyper v17:29
Captonjamasonnot sure17:30
daftykinsNick_Nuke: yes - although are you here because something isn't working? or have you not tried yet?17:30
ioriaEric^^ not sure, if he removes ubuntu-gnome-dektop and just install gnome from synaptic p.m. ?17:30
Nick_Nukei have tried- image is loaded- but not starting up the installer17:31
daftykinsNick_Nuke: when you pick 'try' ?17:31
sjmikemFrom http://paste.ubuntu.com/10998370/, I don't even see the suspend operation at 9:45 (when I closed the case).  I opened the case up at 10AM, where it looks like it finished suspending...17:31
Nick_Nukedont see that17:32
ReGiStRaSwhat does the host.allow file do?17:32
sjmikemSorry, dmesg with timestamps at http://paste.ubuntu.com/10998388/17:33
ablest1980eric i see custom.conf17:33
daftykinsNick_Nuke: do you see white text on black background?17:34
EriC^^ablest1980: ok, type pastebinit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf17:34
EriC^^ablest1980: ok do you want to remove unity completely or you want to keep it?17:37
ablest1980or stop it from showing17:38
jwashdoes anyone use juniper vpn with ubuntu17:38
jwashi'm having a devil of a time installing17:39
ablest1980alirght remove completely17:39
jwashalso, anyone with citrix receiver experience? some windows go full screen and unresponsive17:39
jwashothers are just fine17:39
EriC^^ablest1980: ok, i've written a little script that does that17:40
EriC^^i commented out the line that purges the files, so just let it find everything, and paste what it found first, then if it's all ok, rerun with the comment removed17:41
EriC^^ablest1980: http://explosive.bshellz.net/ablderemove.sh17:41
EriC^^i've tested it in a vm a while ago, and modified it a bit, but nothing major so it should still run i think17:41
Captonjamasondo we know when the next "Big" Ubuntu update is coming out17:42
Captonjamasonim guessing october17:42
daftykinsCaptonjamason: the version # = year.month17:42
ablest1980how do i use this?17:42
daftykins15.04, 2015 april17:42
Captonjamasonfigured as much17:42
Captonjamasonthen that means that 15.10 is in 2015 october right?17:43
EriC^^ablest1980: sudo ./ablderemove.sh <de to remove> <de to keep>17:43
EriC^^sudo ./ablderemove.sh ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-gnome-desktop17:44
EriC^^ablest1980: you have to type sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop first17:44
Captonjamasonthere is a way to have gnome over unity?17:44
Christopher-WereDoes anyone here know much about AVCHD support under Ubuntu. I've recently switched to 15.04 and I'm very dissapointed with how badly AVCHD is handled by Kdenlive when other distros don't seem to have this problem.17:44
=== nathanleclaire_ is now known as nathanleclaire
ablest1980sudo: ./ablderemove.sh: command not found17:45
ioriachmod +x17:45
EriC^^ablest1980: did you download the script?17:45
xanguaCaptonjamason: unity uses gnome afaik, if what you want is "gnome-shell" you can install it from the software centre17:45
EriC^^ablest1980: ok, type chmod +x ablderemove.sh17:46
EriC^^ablest1980: you have to run the sudo command in the dir it's in17:46
Captonjamasonxangua: i know that but i mean i can just switch to gnome like how i can switch to KDE17:46
ablest1980chmod: cannot access ‘ablderemove.sh’: No such file or directory17:47
EriC^^yes, type cd Downloads17:47
ablest1980ablest1980@ablest1980-HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo cd Downloads chmod +x ablderemove.sh17:48
ablest1980sudo: cd: command not found17:48
EriC^^without sudo17:48
EriC^^cd Downloads , then chmod +x abldremove.sh17:49
Christopher-WereIs there somewhere I can get better AVCHD codecs?17:49
Captonjamasonnot sure17:49
ablest1980chmod: cannot access ‘ableremove.sh’: No such file or directory17:50
Christopher-WereBecause right now I have to convert AVCHD files to a more manageable format which takes very long17:50
EriC^^ablest1980: chmod +x ablderemove.sh17:50
ablest1980chmod: cannot access ‘ablderemove’: No such file or directory17:51
EriC^^you forgot the .sh at the end17:52
Brunnowhat is the recomended way to install xfce in a default ubuntu 14.04?17:52
EriC^^Brunno: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop17:52
Christopher-WereOkay I guess no-one here can help me. Sorry for bothering you17:53
BrunnoEriC^^ but this will bring a lot of other programs too right? the same way the package ubuntu-desktop has tons of dependencies. Is there another way?17:53
ablest1980eric what now17:53
daftykinsChristopher-Were: your camera device is the one creating the video, so why not check what settings *it* has?17:53
EriC^^ablest1980: ok, type script remove.log17:53
jw12000Using 15.04 with systemd: "sudo systemd-analyze time17:54
jw12000Startup finished in 11.607s (kernel) + 10min 11.610s (userspace) = 10min 23.217"  Does the 10 minutes+ for userspace seem like an error?17:54
Christopher-WereIt records in AVCHD daftykins17:54
EriC^^ablest1980: then type sudo ./ablderemove.sh ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-gnome-desktop17:54
daftykinsChristopher-Were: yeah and probably has settings.17:54
EriC^^Brunno: hmm, you don't want thunar etc. ?17:54
Christopher-Weredaftykins Not to record to anything other than AVCHD. It's the standard now.17:54
EriC^^Brunno: i think it's like 80mb or something not that huge17:55
athanHi folks. Is there a reason why my systemd unit (on 15.04) won't log stdout to journalctl? :)17:55
Chaser_jw12000:  systemd-analyze blame shows whats taking that time. But my userspace is way less than yours.17:55
daftykinsChristopher-Were: right but quality and resolution yada yada.17:55
BrunnoEriC^^ Thunar would be ok, I don't want the xubuntu video player, file-roller equivalent etc17:55
ablest1980eric done17:55
=== darkdevil is now known as DarkDevil
Christopher-Weredaftykins I just want Ubuntu to be able to handle AVCHD, why are you recomending settings on my camera?17:56
EriC^^ablest1980: ok, did it find stuff and ask if you want to continue removing and you pressed n?17:56
jw12000Chaser: systemd-analyze blame only shows the kernel units, not the userspace17:56
lotuspsychje!tab | ablest198017:56
ubottuablest1980: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:56
ablest1980ty lotus17:56
=== DarkDevil is now known as darkdevil
ablest1980i press y17:56
daftykinsChristopher-Were: ah i saw the "better codecs" question first and not the earlier detail. what are you doing and what goes wrong?17:57
EriC^^ok, it's ok i commented out the apt-get purge line anyways17:57
lotuspsychjeChristopher-Were: because avchd are filetypes of camera's17:57
Chaser_jw12000: I don't think so as it shows the times taken by each of the init scripts (or services) for me17:57
EriC^^ablest1980: type exit, then pastebinit remove.log17:57
lotuspsychjeChristopher-Were: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AVCHD17:57
Christopher-Weredaftykins I'm trying to edit my camera MTS files in Kdenlive and the performance is terrible. It takes about 30 second from pressing the play button to actually start playing the video17:58
lotuspsychjeChristopher-Were: what about on vlc player?17:58
EriC^^ablest1980: ok type sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop17:58
Christopher-Werelotuspsychje it's fine17:58
daftykinsChristopher-Were: contact the kdenlive makers.17:59
Nick_Nukedaffykans -  ido see that17:59
daftykinsthey have a mailing list17:59
ablest1980change directory?17:59
EriC^^ablest1980: no, it's ok17:59
daftykinsNick_Nuke: wow that was the worst take on my nick ever :D17:59
jw12000Chaser_, When is use blame the longest unit is only 8.9 seconds, is it showing when it was started as opposed to finished>17:59
Christopher-WereThey'll tell me to talk to you guys. More passing the buck17:59
ablest1980ok its working18:00
daftykinsright well you should phrase your question such that they don't18:00
EriC^^ablest1980: what is?18:01
EriC^^ablest1980: ok, type script remove.log18:01
Christopher-WereTo be fair openshot is just as bad18:01
EriC^^ablest1980: then type sudo ./ablderemove.sh ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-gnome-desktop18:01
jw12000Chaser_, the systemd-analyze plot does show the entire 10 minutes, but I'm confused how to read interpret it18:02
Nick_Nukesorry Daftykins18:02
lotuspsychjeChristopher-Were: did you search software centre for relevant video editing?18:02
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Christopher-Wereyes lotusosychje18:02
ablest1980[1] Install all packages recursively. (might take a while, but thorough)18:03
ablest1980[2] Install just the meta-package contents. (faster, less thorough)18:03
ablest1980Enter a number:18:03
ablest1980which one?18:03
EriC^^press 218:04
Christopher-WereLinux Mint also doesn't have this problem with AVCHD codecs so it leads me to think is an OS issue18:04
lotuspsychjeChristopher-Were: its an old article, but maybe usefull: http://www.upubuntu.com/2011/11/how-to-convert-mts-video-files-avchd-to.html18:04
mcphailChristopher-Were: is your machine up to the job of editing the files?18:04
ablest1980i press 2 it not doing nothing18:04
EriC^^ablest1980: ok,18:04
EriC^^type exit, then pastebinit remove.log18:05
ablest1980Unable to read from: remove.log18:05
Christopher-Werelotuspsychje I'll give it a shot, but the fact that this hasn't been sorted out and it's been a problem for this long is concerning18:05
EriC^^ablest1980: did you type exit? and it said script ended?18:06
ablest1980is it easiler to go bac to unity?18:06
ablest1980i close terminal lol18:06
EriC^^ablest1980: open a new one, type pastebinit Downloads/remove.log18:08
EriC^^ablest1980: there should be an icon somewhere either next to your user or in the upper right corner to select which de to boot in gdm18:08
=== kpease_ is now known as kpease
mariannecompiz on 15.04 - I'm logged in as a super user but I'm unable to select some of the items in compiz.They are grayed out. I'm trying to match it up to what I have set up on my 14.04. the graphics card in the 15.04 showed it should be able to support 3D graphics. any ideas?18:09
ablest1980You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.18:09
mcphailChristopher-Were: I've always used Blender for editing AVCHD files and haven't had any problems on Ubuntu. My machine is medium spec (i7 950, 12GB RAM etc)18:09
ablest1980dont see it18:11
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k1l_marianne: what does" logged in as super user" mean? running desktop as root?18:11
ablest1980log out?18:11
Christopher-Weremcphail How do use blender to edit fies with different framerates?18:11
mariannek1l_: yes, sorry about that... logged in as root18:11
EriC^^ablest1980: yeah log out18:11
k1l_marianne: well, ubuntu is not meant to be run as root on gui. i would expect a lot of issues18:12
pedahzurWell, this is frustrating. I just tried to upgrade my border router box from 10.04 to 12.04, and got this message from do-release-upgrade: "Your system uses an i586 CPU or a CPU that does not have the 'cmov' extension. All packages were built with optimizations requiring i686 as the minimal architecture. It is not possible to upgrade your system to a new Ubuntu release with this hardware."  Any recommendations for a Linux distro that18:12
pedahzurdoesn't require 'cmov' or other i686 specific instructions?  Really don't want to throw out the hardware, and 10.04 is no longer supported, so...18:12
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ioriamarianne just reboot to see if it's all ok18:13
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mariannek1l_: nothing is broken, it's just not letting me change values in Compiz, that why I went in as root18:14
Christopher-WereOkay I've tried WinFF and that dropped a random error halfway through encoding18:15
ablest1980eric same18:15
EriC^^ablest1980: did you look in the upper right corner?18:15
EriC^^ablest1980: try the guest account18:15
mcphailChristopher-Were: it is a bit of a hassle to do that as you have to stretch the audio and video components separately. But it can be done and (I think) there are plugins to help18:16
ablest1980speaker icon and power icon18:16
EriC^^ablest1980: give the guest account a shot18:16
xaxes`hello, guys. I'm trying to install kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu, but: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18:17
xaxes`oops, wrong link18:17
Christopher-Weremcphail I've run up against too many limitations on blender to take ti seriously for video editing. Kdenlive is great but nonsense like this makes it lack credibility. Linux Mint can seem to make it work better though18:17
mcphailChristopher-Were: Linux mint on the same machine?18:17
xaxes`http://paste.ubuntu.com/10998632/  this18:17
Christopher-Weremcphail yes18:17
mcphailChristopher-Were: and it isn't a simple case of not having accelerated video drivers?18:18
ablest1980eric no guest option18:18
Christopher-Werenope. Installed on both, no problem18:18
EriC^^ablest1980: try to create a new user and18:18
maarhartHi, I have this WD smartware external hard drive. It works fine but if I suspend the computer it is recognized as a CD18:18
EriC^^ablest1980: sudo adduser18:18
maarhart(after it woke up from suspend)18:19
mcphailChristopher-Were: very odd, then. Have you tried switching to a non-compositing window manager/desktop environment?18:19
xaxes`I really don't know how to solve this problem18:19
Christopher-Weremcphail I'm using xfce with compositing off18:19
mcphailChristopher-Were: and no disk errors etc in dmesg?18:20
awalWhich kernel version ubuntu-desktop-amd64 14.04.2 includes?18:20
Christopher-Weremcphail no18:20
stntc0how i can install the tor browser ?18:21
awktionmcphail: apt-cache policy <package>18:21
mcphailChristopher-Were: and do "bare" mp4 hd files play badly as well?18:22
stntc0ok thanks18:22
Christopher-Weremcphail No they're fine18:22
mcphailChristopher-Were: so just when wrapped in AVCHD?18:22
Christopher-Weremcphail yup18:23
awktionawal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes#Updated_Packages18:23
mcphailChristopher-Were: the other culprit could be the handling of the audio codec, I suppose18:24
SchrodingersScatstntc0: torbrowser-launcher is in ubuntu repos, otherwise get it from torproject.org18:24
Christopher-Weremcphail Nope. I've checked for that18:24
awktionstntc0: get from tor direct, need to stay bleeding edge with tor18:24
OerHeksawal, 3.13.something18:24
mcphailChristopher-Were: :(18:25
SchrodingersScatawktion: according to that package, that's what it does, so potato/potahto18:25
jw12000stntc0, download it from the tor website, it comes in a bundle that you extract into a working directory, then you execute it by running the start-tor script.18:25
Christopher-Weremcphail This has happened in previous version of Ubuntu, this is why I switched to Mint a few years ago18:25
mcphailChristopher-Were: so, before the switch from libavcodec?18:26
Christopher-Weremcphail I don't know18:26
Christopher-Weremcphail TBH video editing on Linux has always disappointed me. It's the one thing keeping me dual booting18:27
awalawktion, OerHeks: ok, thanks.18:27
checkmatein1join ##beaner-central18:28
mcphailChristopher-Were: yes, I know. But I can't see why the Mint experience should be better than Ubuntu here...18:28
Christopher-Weremcphail I think they use a different codec, a better one18:29
ioriaChristopher-Were, avidemux can't do the job ?18:29
Christopher-Wereioria No. It really can't18:29
awalSo if I install ubuntu 14.04.2 I'll be affected by this bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79261  as I'm with Debian :(18:29
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 79261 in Video(DRI - Intel) "[snb] [Samsung NP530U3C-A02CL] [drm:ilk_display_irq_handler] *ERROR* Pipe A FIFO underrun" [Normal,Needinfo]18:29
OerHeksawal, what makes you think you will be hit by that debian bug?18:30
OerHeksawal, read: Kernel Version:3.16-rc318:30
darius93Christopher-Were, imho, they both are the same to me, just mint adds more things to keep everything user friendly.18:31
mcphailChristopher-Were: my only suggestion is you strip the audio and video from the container and edit from there. Not a great suggestion, of course18:31
Christopher-Weredarius93 That's nice and all, but the difference that affect me and quite game changing18:31
awalOerHeks: because not only debian is affected, also arch linux, fedora  and more gnu/linux distros. Ok I'll check that18:31
ablest1980eric everything before login screen is unity after that it gnome18:31
EriC^^ablest1980: did it work?18:32
EriC^^you mean, the splash is unity, then gdm then gnome?18:32
Christopher-Weremcphail Tempted to switch back to Mint in that case. I do a lot of work with AVCHD and re-encoding is very time consuming.18:33
ablest1980and passphrase screen is unity too18:33
mcphailChristopher-Were: sometimes pragmatism is the best bet...18:33
darius93Christopher-Were, a lot may find mint more friendly. I dont use mint, but been considering to switch back to it, but at the same time, it been buggy for me after a longer use of it.18:34
Christopher-Weredarius93 I've not really found many bugs in either Ubuntu or Mint as of lte18:35
ablest1980ty eric18:38
Christopher-WereLooks like I'll have to make the switch then. Thanks for the help guys.18:38
EriC^^ablest1980: try sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth18:39
EriC^^ablest1980: if gnome isn't there type sudo apt-get install plymouth-theme-ubuntu-gnome-logo18:40
ablest1980its asking me to select a choise18:41
tewardwith the exception of truecrypt, are there any truly cross-platform ways to encrypt a USB drive from Linux and make it usable/decryptable cross platform?18:41
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ablest1980i press 1018:43
ablest1980 10           /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-gnome-logo/ubuntu-gnome-logo.plymouth18:43
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EriC^^hold on18:44
EriC^^ablest1980: ok try to restart18:47
voozeAnyone know of a blue variant of the ubuntu-mono-dark? I really want blue folders.18:49
EriC^^ablest1980: try sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth18:51
EriC^^is there a * next to the gnome one?18:51
EriC^^i'm kind of suprised you have 1018:51
EriC^^you still get the ubuntu splash?18:53
ablest1980just those two screens18:53
ablest1980my usb wireless stick work better in gnome i think it has a usb ethernet option unity doesnt im getting no connection interuptions18:54
ablest1980maybe i should user name thing? eric18:55
voozeAnyone know of a blue variant of the ubuntu-mono-dark? I really want blue folders.18:56
pokeymantrainerI just upgraded my mom's laptop to Ubuntu 14.04. (I backed up everything and did a clean install.) Her account doesn't have a password, but when the computer resumes from sleep mode, the login screen pops up prompting her for a password. The workaround is to click "Switch Account" from the gear menu in the top-right, and then she can click her name and log in. How do I fix that?18:56
EriC^^ablest1980: what user name thing?18:56
EriC^^oh, what for?18:57
ablest1980maybe the splash screen will change?18:57
EriC^^pokeymantrainer: something like don't lock when coming from suspend18:57
EriC^^pokeymantrainer: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver ubuntu-lock-on-suspend false18:57
EriC^^pokeymantrainer: gsettings list-recursively | grep <something> if you ever need to check something quickly18:58
EriC^^ablest1980: no, that's irrelevant18:59
EriC^^maybe if you reinstall the theme?18:59
EriC^^what is installed right now? type dpkg -l | grep plymouth-theme19:00
ablest1980* 10           /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-gnome-logo/ubuntu-gnome-logo.plymouth19:00
EriC^^no i mean the packages,19:01
EriC^^type dpkg -l | grep plymouth-theme | pastebinit19:01
ubottuPlymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot animation while the boot process happens in the background. To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »19:01
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EriC^^oh ok19:02
EriC^^ablest1980: type sudo update-initramfs -u -k all19:02
EriC^^try to restart19:03
ablest1980should i wait?19:03
EriC^^no it's ok19:04
EriC^^i waited before cause i was checking something about cryptsetup19:04
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pokeymantrainerDoes the Ubuntu team even realize how insanely slow the Ubuntu Software Center is?19:06
pokeymantrainerI always use Synaptic because of that.19:06
lotuspsychjepokeymantrainer: this is not the room for complaints mate19:06
bazhang!bug | pokeymantrainer19:07
ubottupokeymantrainer: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:07
lotuspsychjepokeymantrainer: and its working pretty fast on my side19:07
ablest1980eric passphrase has changed to gnome but the screen before that is still purple19:07
bazhangfile a bug, pokeymantrainer thats the best complaint you can make19:07
ablest1980eric all but that19:08
EriC^^ablest1980: the splash is gnome, and passphrase screen isnt?19:08
ablest1980eric the passphrase screen it gnome and the splash is unity19:08
finetundrais there a way to check battery life from the terminal?19:08
finetundra*level not life19:08
EriC^^finetundra: upower19:09
finetundradoes nothing19:09
EriC^^finetundra: upower --dump19:09
finetundrathere we go19:09
EriC^^finetundra: sure19:11
shafjac_dumb question -- in ubuntu 14.04, if i have both an /etc/init.d/script an an /etc/init/script on my machine, which is executed when i start/restart with the 'service' command?19:11
orionHi. How do I make the window size of ttyS0 larger?19:12
lotuspsychje!upstart | shafjac_19:13
ubottushafjac_: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:13
vise890hi all. I'm trying to get sound working in a virtualbox VM with Ubuntu 15.04 server edition. Here's the output of alsa-info: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=4c56f25ba5b5f1e1697b4a2e5ff79427231f0e3819:13
ablest1980eric thanks19:13
ablest1980eric we can finish this later19:14
ablest1980ty XD19:14
lotuspsychje!sound | vise89019:14
ubottuvise890: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:14
EriC^^ablest1980: ok, np19:14
shafjac_lotuspsychje: i know what upstart is and what it's for and where to look it up on the internet19:14
shafjac_perhaps my google-fu is sucking, but i'm wondering if upstart looks at /etc/init.d at all or how it works when scripts with the same name exist in both init.d and init19:15
eric_____hi ubuntu experts, short question, what is a good software to use vpn with ubuntu client, win2008 server, l2tp, ipsec, mschap2 and psk? quite specific question, i know :-)19:16
ee99eesometimes my node app (managed by upstart) is "terminated with status 8".... anyone know what status 8 means?19:16
ee99eenot sure if this is a node problem or upstart19:16
lotuspsychjeshafjac_: you can try pstree from terminal or download an init service manager like jobs-admin19:17
daftykinseric_____: quite wrong since you mention multiple protocols too :>19:18
EriC^^shafjac_: i've no idea, if you want you can type less `which service` and see what it does19:18
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ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.19:19
eric_____well ipsec with psk + mschap for the vpn which then uses l2tp for the tunnel, or am i misunderstanding something?19:19
daftykinsdoesn't matter i know of nothing anyway. don't use VPN.19:19
eric_____any other vpn experts who could help me? :-)19:23
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lotuspsychjeeric_____: maybe the ##networking guys19:24
VividVervetUbuntu isn't booting19:24
lotuspsychjeVividVervet: wich version?19:24
finetundraVividVervet: you're gonna have to give us a bit more than that19:25
EriC^^VividVervet: what do you mean?19:25
wafflej0ckVividVervet, need to get more details on when it fails19:25
VividVervetI updated ~1 week ago19:25
lotuspsychjeVividVervet: after an update?19:25
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VividVervetIt ran just fine. Then, I edited /etc/fstab to load windown partition automatically19:25
VividVervetThen, I rebooted. Now, its not even booting19:25
daftykinsoh now we know!19:25
daftykins!recovery | VividVervet19:26
ubottuVividVervet: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode19:26
daftykinsuse that do undo your mistake19:26
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VividVervetUbuntu just loads into CLI19:26
daftykinsas in TTYs?19:26
VividVervetWhat is TTYs?19:27
lotuspsychje!tty | VividVervet19:27
ubottuVividVervet: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution19:27
SurendilVividVervet: tty = terminal19:27
VividVervetYep. Just did a google image search19:28
VividVervetExactly that19:28
VividVervetI tried "edit /etc/fstab"19:28
VividVervetand Vim opens up19:28
lotuspsychjeVividVervet: try the recoverymode as daftykins sugested19:28
VividVervetAlright. I will be back after I do that19:28
VividVervetThanks :)19:28
daftykinsvague customer is vague19:29
Bashing-omvivid: 15.04 is systemd for booting . A big change from upstart .19:29
ubuntu-mateHola,como activo el bluetooth en ubuntu mate 15.04?19:31
lotuspsychje!es | ubuntu-mate19:31
ubottuubuntu-mate: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:31
biffbaxterIf your not comfy with vi nano works19:35
VividVervetI essentially ended up at TTY again19:39
daftykinscan you give us some proper detail of what you actually tried this time, VividVervet ?19:40
SurendilVividVervet: check boot log to see exactly what's the error19:40
VividVervetBoot log is 200 lines long...19:41
EriC^^VividVervet: what did you do?19:41
daftykinspastebinit /var/log/boot.log19:41
VividVervetEriC^^: Edited /etc/fstab Shouldn't have done that... I guess19:41
EriC^^VividVervet: boot a live usb and fix it19:42
daftykinsVividVervet: what about _this_ time when you tried to boot recovery?19:42
daftykinscome on help us to help you - what did you see?19:42
VividVervetdaftykins: Tried to edit fstab. Didnt work19:42
daftykinsdefine "didn't work"19:43
VividVervetIt just ended with a long (hexadecimal?) number and the word "failed"19:43
SurendilVividVervet: like daftykins said, pastebinit /var/log/boot.log19:43
daftykinsVividVervet: that's what  you did to break it to start with, what did you do this time to try and revert it? did you delete the lines you added? add a # to the start so they're ignored?19:43
daftykinsjust telling us "didn't work" is useless19:44
VividVervet:( Noob problems19:44
VividVervetdaftykins: I am sorry. I am trying to be as informative as I can....19:44
daftykinsVividVervet: if you don't understand something, ask19:45
VividVervetdaftykins: I am going to get another PC. Launch IRC on one and use Ubuntu on the other and tell you exactly what went wrong. Wait19:46
SurendilVividVervet: can you pastebinit /etc/fstab?19:46
Jakey2on lubuntu how do i change the default folder view to deatailed19:48
VividVervetSo, I just booted into recovery mode19:50
ioriaJakey2 view - folder view mode - detailed19:50
dtigueJakey2, that question might get answered faster in the lubuntu channel19:50
VividVervetI have 2 options: continue normal boot (and see why it failed) / go to root19:50
daftykinsVividVervet: to root prompt?19:50
Jakey2i mean make it stick19:50
Jakey2so when i rebbot it is still detailed19:50
Knight80Hello everyone19:51
namastehi Knight8019:51
EriC^^VividVervet: any background story to what happened?19:51
ioriaJakey2 preference - general19:51
daftykinsEriC^^: so far we got 'edited fstab, world ended'19:51
Knight80I'm having a problem with Ubuntu Gnome 15.04, I can't find the configuration dialog box, I've lost it!19:52
ioriaJakey2 default view19:52
VividVervetEriC^^: I was having trouble mounting Windows partition in read only mode. I edited fstab. and I messed something19:52
Knight80I mean the settings manager19:52
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Knight80In Gnome19:52
daftykinsVividVervet: so have you booted to the root prompt yet?19:52
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ubuntu-mateplease i want to know how to use other partitions apart from /, /home. /boot, swap19:53
VividVervetI tried normal mode.. I am stuck with a black screen and an x for a cursor19:53
ubuntu-matei know there is no hard rule dictating partition size. but i would like to have an idea to use19:53
Jakey2ioria, will check out thanks19:53
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: type man hier19:53
daftykinsVividVervet: reboot.19:53
VividVervetdaftykins: I had booted into root prompt even before I came here to ask (plead) for help. I tried to edit it. But, the changes didnt save19:54
VividVervetI tried it both with and without root permissions19:54
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, uh?19:54
daftykinsVividVervet: yes because you likely didn't remount the file system as read-write, so please boot to root prompt then i will tell you what to run.19:54
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: open a terminal and type man hier19:54
VividVervetdaftykins: Alright19:54
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, i would like to know how much space in each partition19:55
ubuntu-matei know depends on my needs19:55
ubuntu-matemy would like to have a clue19:55
Saviqmhall119, did you evaluate using the "Q&A" app in hangouts for UOS?19:56
d4rklit3hi, i have a public key ssh user. for some reason when I log in non-interactively it lets me log in but it wont run commands that can usually be run interactively19:56
d4rklit3like it cant run any commands at all non-interactively19:56
VividVervetI am in root shell prompt. What next?19:56
d4rklit3is there an sshd_config setting for this19:56
daftykinsVividVervet: type "sudo mount -o remount,rw /"19:56
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mhall119Saviq: yeah, the big draw-back right now is that it doesn't provide for conversation like IRC does, so we'd keep IRC anyway19:56
daftykinsVividVervet: this will return nothing if it completes successfully, so don't expect to see any output unless something goes wrong19:57
VividVervetThis is exactly what the ubuntu official help told me19:57
Saviqmhall119, sure, but just sifting through IRC for questions is tricky19:57
VividVervetand I have tried that19:57
mhall119Saviq: it might also require specific Google profiles/accounts to use19:57
daftykinsVividVervet: ok so do it and tell me what happens19:57
mhall119but we'll look into it19:57
Saviqmhall119, yeah, good for me19:57
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: it depends on how many programs you have installed for /usr19:57
VividVervetdaftykins: Exactly nothing, as should have happened19:57
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: /var depends on whether you are running a server or what19:58
VividVervetand now, "mount --all"?19:58
daftykinsVividVervet: so now "nano /etc/fstab"19:58
VividVervetdaftykins: Oh..19:58
VividVervetI am in a text editor.19:58
daftykinsVividVervet: locate the lines you added or edited... and put a # in front of them (on the far left)19:58
daftykinshopefully you added just one at the bottom19:58
daftykinsonce that is complete, press ctrl+W, then ctrl+X to quit19:59
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, i usually just use my notebook to play on steam and some simple tasks19:59
EriC^^* ctrl+o VividVervet19:59
briefchainis there any possibility to add luks encryption to an already installed system?19:59
EriC^^VividVervet: if you edited something, tell us what, if you added something, then put a # before the line19:59
daftykinsoops yep my bad19:59
daftykinsEriC^^: ^5 for that catch19:59
xanguabriefchain: you can encrypt your home20:00
EriC^^daftykins: ^520:00
daftykinsVividVervet: so that was ctrl+O then ctrl+X not as i said above20:00
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, i normally set / = 50gb /boot = 512mb /home = 200GB and swap = 6 gb (same as memory)20:00
VividVervetDone all that.20:00
briefchainxangua: but not the entire drive?20:00
VividVervetYep. Did the nano command again and it has been edited out20:00
VividVervetTrying to reboot now20:00
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, i would like to use /usr, /usr/local, /tmp, /var20:01
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: why?20:01
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, these ones and others i never cared about to know what they are for so now i would like to try20:02
EriC^^/usr/local is usually pretty empty, it contains the stuff you compiled from source etc. usually20:02
VividVervetIt worked. Thanks guys. Sorry for not telling you guys exactly what happened20:02
DammitJimhow does one "install" a service?20:02
DammitJimI am running: sudo service tomcat7new start20:02
daftykinsVividVervet: want help making the fstab correct?20:02
DammitJimand it says: * tomcat7new is not installed20:02
VividVervetdaftykins: Yes, that would be nice :)20:02
DammitJimI already did: sudo update-rc.d tomcat7new defaults 9020:02
VividVervetSo, i usually use the 'sudo mount -ro /dev/sda4 /media/Adit/sda4' to mount Windows partition20:03
daftykinsVividVervet: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/fstab" then link us20:03
donniezazenWhy isn't Qt Creator 3.4, the latest version, available for Ubuntu? The PPA contains 3.1 for 14.0420:03
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, to keep things organized, and when i format i always keep /home but it brings settings from old system20:03
SurendilDammitJim: dpkg -l | grep tomcat (to see if it's installed and which version) then stop service and delete20:03
DammitJimSurendil, I do have tomcat7 installed20:04
athanHi everyone. For some reason, ssh sessions _refuse_ to source my ~/.bashrc. I have even gone so far to run my commands as `ssh foo@bar "source /home/user/.bashrc && runCommand`, but it refuses to add the executables to my PATH. Also, the folders added to my PATH in .bashrc are also absolute. What should I do to investigate this further?20:04
MonkeyDustDammitJim  sudo apt-get install tomcat7, then run it as a service20:04
DammitJimbut I created new instances of it and somehow I need to register them as a service20:04
DammitJimI have placed the files in /etc/init.d20:04
DammitJimthat's the tutorial I'm following20:04
VividVervetit didn't install... I got an eroor "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"20:04
daftykinsDammitJim: i think your essay would've been nicer in a pastebin linked (:20:05
daftykinsVividVervet: ah well you can manually paste fstab via http://paste.ubuntu.com20:05
reisiohi meand20:05
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: ok, well /usr should be pretty big like 10G or so20:06
VividVervetdaftykins: The thing is: I just tried to install cowsay and it even get installed. i am not able to install anything now....20:06
MonkeyDustDammitJim  I repeat: sudo apt-get install tomcat720:06
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: maybe larger, 15-20gb20:06
daftykinsVividVervet: one task at a time20:06
meandrainHow do I display the version of a package that I want to install? Using   apt-cache search nginx   will only display "nginx-full - nginx web/proxy server (standard version)"20:06
leonici  am in a live version  whit a usb  but it doesn't show the free space20:06
VividVervetdaftykins: Alright :)20:06
DammitJimMonkeyDust, I already have tomcat7 installed20:06
leoniconly 72 mg20:06
DammitJimmy question is how does one register a new service?20:06
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: and make var about 5gb20:07
DammitJimfor some reason the one I created is not identified by the system20:07
daftykinsleonic: "the free space" = what?20:07
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: /usr 15-20gb and /var 5gb20:07
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MonkeyDustDammitJim  try sudo service tomcat7 start20:07
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: for a desktop with lots of apps20:07
leonicis there a command to clean the ghost space whiot erase o reformat the usb20:08
daftykinsVividVervet: eh did you remove the entire line you added instead of comment it out with # ?20:08
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, okay i did it what about /tmp?20:08
EriC^^leonic: you mean data you already erased?20:08
VividVervetdaftykins: i decided to delete the entire line...20:08
VividVervetdaftykins: Actually, I was going one step ahead of what you were telling me to do at that time so, i just did that before you asked me to put a #20:08
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: /tmp is deleted when you reboot why make a partition for it20:09
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, didnt know20:09
leonicno i dont have a DD  so i use  the live version every day whiout saving or instaling the sistem20:09
daftykinsVividVervet: ah. so now we must construct the entry from scratch, sda4 you believe your NTFS partition to be? confirmed with "sudo parted -l" ?20:09
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: servers need /tmp i guess20:09
leonicso i gest is ghost data or something like that20:09
VividVervetdaftykins: I added that line, I think20:10
daftykinsVividVervet: yeah that UUID is incorrect20:10
FloKati'd like to reduce the size of the display font of the directory names and files, i find it a little too big :/20:10
bekksEriC^^: Your desktop needs /tmp too20:10
VividVervetdaftykins: Oh...20:10
EriC^^bekks: i know, but he wants to make a separate partition20:10
VividVervetdaftykins: So, what should I do?20:10
FloKati've tried Unity Tweak Tool but don't find this font paramater20:10
bekksEriC^^: Which is possible, but not needed20:10
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, what about /srv and /opt?20:10
daftykinsVividVervet: type "sudo blkid" and you'll see the correct UUIDs. replace that one with the correct one for sda420:10
EriC^^bekks: yes20:11
VividVervetdaftykins: I get that same UUID20:11
meandrainI've found the answer to my question20:11
daftykinsthat seems pretty wonky20:11
MonkeyDustDammitJim  did you see this https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-apache-tomcat-on-ubuntu-12-0420:11
DammitJimMonkeyDust, I appreciate that you want to help20:11
DammitJimbut like I said... I am using multiple instances of tomcat20:12
DammitJimit's not the same20:12
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: nevermind those20:12
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, when you creat /usr, does /usr/local is inside it?20:13
daftykinsVividVervet: alright i don't think you should use either of those. so where is this being mounted? does /media/sda4 exist, or does /media/Adit/sda4 ?20:13
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: yeah20:13
VividVervetdaftykins: Both exist20:13
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, why do peopl need to create them separately ?20:14
ubuntu-matein what case i mean20:14
bekksubuntu-mate: Because they want to separate them.20:14
daftykinsVividVervet: pick one and put "/dev/sda4    /media/<whichever>   ntfs     user,defaults    0   220:15
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: if you have a lot of space you could make /var 10gb if you'd like, it's up to you20:15
VividVervetdaftykins: Alright20:15
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: mine is about 2gb with the cache of packages, and last time i found a 2gb log file i removed, i guess if no logs go out of hand 5 is enough but if you have the space 10gb would be ok too20:15
FloKatdoes anybody knows how to change de font size on GNOME for desktop and file explorer ?20:15
FloKat-s -de +the20:16
daftykinsVividVervet: afterwards, ensure the NTFS volume isn't already mounted by making sure sda4 doesn't appear when you run "df -h" - after the successful saving of /etc/fstab, run "sudo mount -a" and the volume should be mounted, so then "df -h" will show it20:16
leonicwhat is the command to chkdis or somenting in ubuntu _20:17
VividVervetdaftykins: Alright. Btw, how do you know all these commands?20:17
EriC^^leonic: first you have to have the partition unmounted20:17
daftykinsyears of fiddling20:17
VividVervetdaftykins: Haha. LOL20:17
OerHeksFloKat, unity-tweak > appearance > theme >> default font20:18
leonici can't do taht whit gparted20:18
EriC^^leonic: why do you want to check them?20:18
daftykinsleonic: but your flash drive is FAT...20:18
FloKatOerHeks, already tried, but no change :/20:18
FloKatOerHeks, i should reboot after that ?20:19
FloKatbecause i got no change on screen20:19
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, my system is going with / =50GB /boot = 512MB /home = 100GB /var = 10GB /usr = 20gb swap = 6GB20:19
leonicbecause it only sow 72mg of free space and if y try to open the web browero or anitingh else20:19
OerHeksFloKat, maybe you need to logout/login again to take effect, not sure about that.20:19
bekksubuntu-mate: How much RAM do you have?20:19
VividVervetdaftykins: Windows refuses to mount by using sudo mount -a20:19
ubuntu-matebekks, i have 6GB RAM20:20
leonicthe sistem stop20:20
daftykinsVividVervet: and what is the error, volume unsafely shutdown?20:20
FloKatOerHeks, ok i'm going to reboot and tell you that :p20:20
eric_____windows also sometimes refuses to mount full disks, but linux does not :p20:20
VividVervetdaftykins: Yes. Windows does a fast restart by default so, ubuntu does not allow it to mount as read write20:20
VividVervetdaftykins: It wants to mount it as read only20:21
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leonicdaftykins,  yes is fat 3220:21
daftykinsVividVervet: yeah i know - either boot Windows (sounds like 8) and do a true shutdown - or mount read-only20:21
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: looks good, you could make / about 20gb easily if you want20:21
EriC^^or 10-15gb20:22
ubuntu-matewhat about the space i still have where can i put it? i still have 69 GB20:22
VividVervetdaftykins: Mounted as -ro and now, df -h shows /dev/sda420:22
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: /home20:22
VividVervetdaftykins: So, should I restart just to make sure?20:22
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, so the rest put in /home good20:23
daftykinsVividVervet: when it works via 'sudo mount -a' it's fine20:24
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: yeah20:24
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: you have 6gb ram right?20:24
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, yes20:24
EriC^^ok, good20:24
VividVervetdaftykins: Damn.... I mounted using 'sudo mount -ro' and then rebooted and at TTY again20:24
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, sounds good now i have 209GB for /home20:26
zemogI think 10GB is more than enough for / partition20:26
VividVervetdaftykins: I fixed it again and rebooted. Maybe, we should change fstab again20:27
ubuntu-mateoh yeah and i am using 10GB for / now zemog EriC^^20:27
zemogubuntu-mate: are you doing ssd + hdd set up?20:27
ubuntu-matei am doing SSD set up20:27
zemogubuntu-mate: Do you have a HDD?20:27
ubuntu-mateno i dont it is on a notebook zemog20:27
=== zemog is now known as AR45
AR45ubuntu-mate: oh then why partition it?20:28
AR45ubuntu-mate: another os installed?20:28
VividVervetdaftykins: Are you there?20:28
ubuntu-mateAR45, there is no OS beside20:28
AR45ubuntu-mate: You'll need to mnt /tmp with at least 10gb if you use streaming apps like popcorntime20:29
VividVervetdaftykins: Hellooooooo?20:29
AR45ubuntu-mate: if not 5GB might be more than enough20:29
AR45ubuntu-mate: How much ram do you have?20:29
daftykinsVividVervet: "fixed it" ?20:29
daftykinsVividVervet: you know how to edit now, so go to it :>20:30
ubuntu-mateAR45, i have 6GB ram20:30
ubuntu-mateok i will create /tmp now20:30
AR45ubuntu-mate: You can do a swap of 3GB then20:30
VividVervetdaftykins: After you told me to change fstab, I rebooted. Was at TTY again. Did nano and put a #.20:30
VividVervetdaftykins: But, the problem is still unsolved20:30
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: you need to make the swap a little bigger than the ram, it's recommended that way for hibernation, like 6.2gb or so20:30
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AR45so mnt /tmp 10GB /home 50 gb20:31
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: if you don't want hibernation then it's not a big deal20:31
AR45optionally you can also mnt /usr/logs20:31
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, oh no problem i never hibernate my notebook :)20:31
Edgars_Can anyone please check if books.google.com opens any book right now? I'm getting http500 from more than one place.20:31
EriC^^AR45: why should he make a separate /tmp ? how would that be useful?20:31
AR45In his case a seperate /tmp isn't that usual since everything is being stored on 1 drive20:32
AR45In fact none of these partitions are usefull since he's installing only ubuntu20:33
AR45well I guess if something went wrong he could just reinstall his / partition and not affect /home20:33
EriC^^well for backing up and recovering they are20:33
d4rklit3i have a user that can ssh into the shell via pubkey, can i make this user use a password instead?20:33
ubuntu-mateAR45, that is why i am thinking of partitioning20:34
ubuntu-mateto reuse /home20:34
ubuntu-mate...as all my stuff stays there20:34
Anygma^just installed ubuntu 15.04 and it is not capable of restarting or shutting down completely for that matter20:34
AR45Ya I guess having a /tmp with at a certain side can help manage how big it's allowed to grow20:34
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: /var and the rest won't be that useful, you could just save the list of installed apps and keep it in /home20:35
VividVervetdaftykins: Hellooooo?20:35
AR45It's not manditory.20:35
daftykinsVividVervet: i already told you to shutdown Windows 8 properly so it can be mounted read-write20:35
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: unless you don't want to download everything again, then /var would be useful20:35
daftykinswhat more do you require ?20:35
AR45I mnt /var/logs /usr/tmp and /tmp on my HDD and / on my SSD.20:35
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, so /var is where the things stays not in /home?20:36
VividVervetdaftykins: But, I want it to be mounted read only every time I login. I came here before. Someone told me to enter the line I had originally done which crashed my PC when I rebooted 1 day later. Then I came here back for help20:36
nightfurihello i am getting this error-VLC does not support the audio or video format "hevc". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this. i am thinking installing libde265 might fix it. so i would like to know how to get libde265 ?20:36
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: /var has the cache of .deb files that are packages you downloaded and /usr is where the binaries are installed20:37
AR45ubuntu-mate: var is a place where files may change often, it's short for variable20:37
chriscaliphello is there a command that lets me create the nested directories and file all in one command?20:37
chriscaliplike: touch directorya/directoryb/files/meetings/2015/attachments/a03-09-15-16153-10897.pdf20:37
MonkeyDustnightfuri  maybe winff can convert it to a readable format20:37
AR45ubuntu-mate: like emails, process id20:37
EriC^^ubuntu-mate: your files go in /home , the programs that are installed are in /usr and /var has logs and package cache and other stuff20:37
chriscalipor am i stuck with creating with the directories first?20:37
KionHello after upgrading 14.10 to 15.04, my printer stopped working, the printers window shows "Printing service not available. start the service on this computer or connect to other server" Any ideas?20:38
EriC^^chriscalip: man touch it, in cp it's --parents20:38
KionI cant even see the printers list20:38
VividVervetdaftykins: Are you going to help me or not?20:38
AR45ubuntu-mate: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/images/FS-layout.png20:38
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, AR45 for now i think i will keep all these partitions to learn i will watch them to see what they do so i am going get used and see if i will need next time20:38
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EriC^^chriscalip: * man touch20:39
ubuntu-mateAR45, very interesting thank you!20:39
EriC^^!hier | ubuntu-mate this is handy too20:39
ubottuubuntu-mate this is handy too: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier20:39
ubuntu-mateubottu, thanks very much i will study them partitions20:40
ubottuubuntu-mate: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:40
chriscalipEric^^ : touch does not seem to create the non-existent directories if i provide filepath directory and filename20:40
daftykinsVividVervet: right so it needs to read user,ro,defaults instead of how it is now.20:40
VividVervetdaftykins: Alright20:40
daftykinsVividVervet: your attitude toward free volunteer help is pretty terrible quite frankly.20:40
ubuntu-mateubottu, lol20:40
AR45ubuntu-mate: honestly they aren't such a big deal in your case20:41
Surendildaftykins: hahaha!20:41
VividVervetdaftykins: Hmm.... I thought that you were taking time so you might be Afk. I did not mean to be rude. Sorry20:41
eric_____well no vpn experts here at the moment? then i try another time...20:41
ubuntu-mateAR45,  im going to install now20:41
chriscalipEric^^ if i use touch directorya/directoryb/files/meetings/2015/attachments/a03-09-15-16153-10897.pdf  , this command will fail because the non-existent directories20:41
daftykinsVividVervet: and yet it was i who was waiting constantly when you could not describe your issue :)20:42
chriscalipEric^^ would like to figure out if there is a command or an option with touch to automatically create the non-existent directories too20:42
MonkeyDusteric_____  start in #openvpn, maybe they can direct you to convenient support20:42
eric_____cu :)20:42
VividVervetdaftykins: Meesa is sorry. Meesa asks for forgiveness from grand master daftykins20:42
EriC^^chriscalip: you could use mkdir -p /path/to/create && touch /path/to/create/something20:42
eric_____uh well "Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services"20:43
eric_____will try another time here, cannot join openvpn, cu :)20:43
VividVervetdaftykins: Just rebooted. It worked :) Thanks20:43
ubuntu-mateAR45, http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-eYQCXgZG.png20:43
EriC^^chriscalip: if it's not to be scripted you could type touch < hit alt + . > to get the path and add the filename20:43
VividVervetdaftykins: Also, I solved the installation problem by purging a package. Thanks20:43
ubuntu-mateEriC^^, http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-eYQCXgZG.png20:43
VividVervetdaftykins: :)20:43
EriC^^chriscalip: man touch doesn't seem to have anything about making parent dirs20:43
bprompteric_____:    you could also maybe try on another network, same channel or so, you could search for one say at  ->  http://irc.netsplit.de/channels/?net=freenode20:44
chriscalipEric^^ , thank you.20:44
AR45ubuntu-mate: holy shit20:44
MonkeyDustAR45  language20:44
ubuntu-mateAR45, what is wrong? lol20:44
chriscalipEric^^ yeah i have to make a script.. i think ill be able to do a combo of mkdir -p and touch20:44
AR45holy deficate*20:44
AR45ubuntu-mate: why do you have a seperate /var /usr and /boot partition?20:45
ubuntu-mateAR45, dont know i am here to learn20:46
AR45ubuntu-mate: The thing is you are applying what you learn for the wrong reasons in a OCD way20:46
AR45ubuntu-mate: delete the /boot /usr and /var  partition20:46
EriC^^/boot makes some sense20:47
EriC^^/usr and /var , not much20:47
AR45increase / to 20GB and then install20:47
AR45ubuntu-mate: u will be fine stop obsessing20:47
Jordan_UEriC^^: In what way does a separate /boot/ make sense?20:48
ubuntu-matei wanted to make use of each partition20:48
AR45I think we shouldn't answer that while ubuntu-mate is here20:48
AR45He might get some crafty ideas20:48
AR45ubuntu-mate: alright buddy suit yourself but there's no added benefit to your use case scenario doing so20:49
AR45ubuntu-mate: For you, I'd go as far as a seperate /home and /tmp partition20:50
Ben64why /tmp20:50
OerHeksSomeone started with a seperate /tmp/ ... which is also useless.20:50
AR45ubuntu-mate: I'd make tmp 5GB and home 50GB and then partion the rest as a /arc0 (archive0) - put whatever you want here20:50
ubuntu-matenow everyone is making fun of my partitions20:51
Ben64theres no point in having /tmp20:51
EriC^^Jordan_U: i guess it wouldn't be that useful, in case "/" gets destroyed he could still use what's in /boot to check stuff20:51
AR45ubuntu-mate: yes because they are nonsensical20:51
AR45ubuntu-mate: even /tmp makes no point in your use case I have to agree20:51
Ben64separate /home is good, everything else is silly20:51
nightfuriMonkeyDust: this is what i get Unknown encoder 'libvo_aacenc'20:51
zykotick9EriC^^: ahhh, /boot has next to nothing in it...  a separte /boot is useful for LUKS encryption/RAID/and the like <- that's about it...20:52
MonkeyDustnightfuri  what extension was it? i'm unfamiliar with it20:53
k1l_ubuntu-mate: if you dont know why you should make extra partitions for stuff, you dont need to. that easy. on a desktop a seperate /home is standard. a /boot is only needed on encryption or raid or lvm setups. the rest is just needed for heavy server setups.20:53
EriC^^yeah i was thinking along the lines of in the future putting other os's but it's silly too, i guess it's like goto being satan's command and what not20:53
nightfuriMonkeyDust: .mkv. vlc couldnt play it20:53
monojinAre seperate partitions for /etc and the like intended to reserve space for them, or to keep them from getting too big?20:54
k1l_ubuntu-mate: if you do a seperate /home its better for a reinstall or if your user uses all the space for saving data.20:54
AR45monojin: that's my reason for a /tmp partition to keep it from getting too big20:54
MonkeyDustnightfuri  ok, it's hevc I don't know, .mkv is a regular extension... can totem play it?20:54
AR45I also keep it on my HDD20:54
AR45and the only reason I decided to do that is because I use popcorn-time and it caches in /tmp20:55
AR45HD movies very big20:55
k1l_AR45: monojin the new trend is to have /tmp in the ram. (now we have that big ram sizes)20:55
ubuntu-matethis is how i normally set20:55
k1l_ubuntu-mate: yep, that is better now.20:55
AR45k1l_: tmp in the ram?20:55
bekksAR45: Yes.20:56
nightfuriMonkeyDust: no20:56
AR45ubuntu-mate: now gets to installing20:56
AR45bekks: first time hearing that; how much ram is big 'enough'20:56
k1l_AR45: /tmp data should be gone on next boot anyway. see tmpfs20:57
MonkeyDustnightfuri  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:57
bekksAR45: Twice of it ;)20:57
AR45& until my next boot, 5 months froom now it'll be kept it my swap?20:57
ubuntu-mateAR45, ok installing now20:58
nightfuriMonkeyDust: whats that20:58
AR45I have 32GB of RAM, not sure if that's considered big.20:58
EriC^^oh sorry, i meant zykotick9 :)20:58
bekksAR45: Thats considered big ;)20:58
k1l_AR45: that is plenty, yes20:58
MonkeyDustnightfuri  it makes more formats readable, also the closed sources ones etc20:58
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AR45bekks: maybe we should take this convo to #bed ;)20:59
k1l_AR45: i dont know if that works on daily usage with the "i never reboot" guys. but data that is stored in /tmp is data that is not important to keep long anyway20:59
AR45k1l_: eh fair enough21:00
EriC^^AR45: i think swapoff then swapon clears the swap as much as possible i think21:00
nightfuriMonkeyDust: got it still doesnt work. does it have libde265 ?21:00
AR45too much nix mobo jumbo, ought to buy me a book and learn some stuff21:00
AR45anyways back to reading my eloquent javascript book21:01
* AR45 waves21:01
MonkeyDustnightfuri  not sure, but i wonder why you'd need it, as .mkv is a regular extension21:01
ubuntu-mateAR45, why some people say that swap need to have double of my RAM?21:02
nightfuriMonkeyDust: i saw it here - http://www.unixmen.com/fix-vlc-not-support-audio-video-format-hevc/21:02
AR45ubuntu-mate: why some people say the ocean is blue?21:02
k1l_ubuntu-mate: that is an old saying21:02
k1l_ubuntu-mate: that is back from the days when we had 128MB (MB!!!) ram and when RAM was just a bit faster than the hdds. now we have GB of ram and super fast ram. now we dont want the system to use swap because that slows down the system.21:03
AR45ubuntu-mate: do u know what swap is?21:03
k1l_ubuntu-mate: so now you need at least 1to1 times swap for doing suspend2disk because the ram gets stored in the swap for the unsuspend21:04
ubuntu-mateswap helps RAM also for hibernating21:04
bekksubuntu-mate: Hmm, actually no.21:04
MonkeyDustnightfuri  try   sudo apt-get install libde265-021:05
ubuntu-matewhy are you guys making fun of my weak knowledge?21:05
k1l_ubuntu-mate: no one is making fun.21:06
monojinI gave my bf a 20GB swap partition (he has 4GB of RAM) because his dad used "zoossy linux" back in the 90s and told me swap had to be four times as big as RAM21:06
EriC^^monojin: haha yeah i remember somebody saying that once, he had opensuse right21:06
daftykinsmonojin: err, 5x? :>21:06
k1l_monojin: like i said: that is back from the old days. today we dont need that "rule of thumb" anymore21:07
AR45ubuntu-mate: what is it that you would like to accomplish with your computer?21:07
AR45or rather, while on your computer.21:07
monojinEriC^^: openSUSE is only nine years old21:07
* EriC^^ sits in the corner21:08
* Surendil watches the DRAMA21:08
monojinAnd also, I added a swap partition on my laptop post-hoc and it doesn't seem like hibernation is an option anyway21:09
monojinwill consider not creating swap in the future21:09
ubuntu-mateAR45, just playing on steam, sometimes i compile cyanogenmod for my devices..21:09
ubuntu-mategot to reboot my notebook now21:09
bekksmonojin: Without swap, you will be unable to suspend to disk.21:09
roocfrom kubuntu, i normally use the usb boot disc creator to make my flash drive a live disc if i want to install kubuntu on a new laptop. if i were to use this tool to put ubuntu server from the iso, will it launch the server installer as a live disc? i have a new box that's going to be built tonight and it's going to have server, but i'm not bothering to install a dvd drive.21:09
nightfuriMonkeyDust: E: Unable to locate package libde265-021:09
AR45ubuntu-mate: well then do not bother to concern yourself with matters of the file system21:10
KionDoes anybody know why Fail2ban rejects banned connections instead of dropping them?21:10
MonkeyDustnightfuri  what's the outcome of   cat /etc/issue21:11
karenHi, is Ubuntu One still around?21:11
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MrElendigGuest66281: fix your nick21:12
k1l_karen / Guest5499 depends on what service you are talking about from ubuntu one.21:12
RobBurkeOneHey guys! I have a probleme here with my 14.04 : I always get a message that there isn't enough space left on one of my partitions (0MB left). However, when I fire up gparted, it seems that all partitions still have free space left. The only one with few space is the swap... so, whats going on here?21:13
Guest5499ummm a couple of years ago, I had Ubuntu One as a place to store my pics. What is Ubunutu One doing now?21:13
nightfuriMonkeyDust: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l21:13
EriC^^RobBurkeOne: type df -h21:13
Guest5499I thought they shut down.21:13
SurendilRobBurkeOne: df -h and pastebinit21:13
k1l_karen / Guest5499 the data sync was shut down. but you recieved a mail to rescue your data long ago.21:13
designbybeckHow do you click the Allow Button in Flash for a webcam21:14
MonkeyDustnightfuri  just checked, libde256 doesnt exist in 14.0421:14
designbybeckIs there another way to do that?21:14
Guest5499ya  umm is it still a storage place?21:14
k1l_karen / Guest5499 no21:14
Guest5499oh  ok thanks, kil21:14
Guest66281whether any body worked with ubunth on android device?21:15
designbybecknevermind, think I found it21:15
OerHeksMonkeyDust, nightfuri , it does, libde2650.9-1ppa1~trusty1 but not libde265-021:15
k1l_Guest66281: are you talking about ubuntu-touch or a regular ubuntu desktop on android devices?21:15
Guest66281ubunth desktop21:16
MrElendig*someone* has yes21:16
RobBurkeOneEriC^^: Surendil: http://pastebin.com/p3Znqf4S21:16
k1l_Guest66281: that would be a question for #ubuntu-arm but keep in mind that the regular destkops are not really touch-friendly21:16
RobBurkeOnestrange, I have 68 Gigs on my home, and 64 are used. But still it says it is full..21:17
k1l_karen / Guest5499 see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status for what ubuntu one actually runs21:17
Guest66281yeah i test that on my nexus 7 but not work right21:17
k1l_Guest66281: the arm devices need special handling because we cant install the generic ubuntu.iso on it. so its #ubuntu-arm for that matter21:19
SurendilRobBurkeOne: you have / and /home on %100, there''s the problem21:19
RobBurkeOneSurendil: / and /home are the same thing21:20
stef1ai'm using 15.04 on an X1 Carbon, and my cursor is invisible. i've rebooted several times, but it hasn't helped. any ideas?21:20
nightfuriOerHeks: should i add any ppa for that ?21:21
MonkeyDustnightfuri  i read here, hevc is google chrome specific, right?21:21
nightfuriMonkeyDust: i dont know i just download a video file21:21
MonkeyDustnightfuri  hevc needs it's own player21:21
nightfuriMonkeyDust: what player is that21:24
MonkeyDustnightfuri  well hevc player, hevc meaning high end video codec21:24
MonkeyDustnightfuri  there's this http://askubuntu.com/questions/362745/how-to-install-h-265-hevc-codec-on-ubuntu-linux21:27
MonkeyDustnightfuri  you found some random video file and it turned out to be hevc, or did you get it on purpose?21:29
nightfuriMonkeyDust: i got it on purpose. but seeing the .mkv extension i thought it will be fine. and its size was really low so thats why i got it21:30
nightfuriMonkeyDust: as they give good quality in small size21:31
MonkeyDustnightfuri  yes, you're not the first to struggle with hevc in ubuntu21:32
MonkeyDustplenty howto's and tutorials to make it work21:32
nightfuriMonkeyDust: well i did ask how to install libde265 . to find if there is non ppa way21:34
MonkeyDustnightfuri  it's there in 15.0421:36
d4rklit3could some1 help me write an upstart script?21:36
EriC^^!upstart | d4rklit3 i've no idea but his may help21:36
ubottud4rklit3 i've no idea but his may help: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:36
d4rklit3im reading it21:36
d4rklit3I just dont have enough understanding of the events21:36
nightfuriMonkeyDust: oh thank you. no other way so i installed the ppa. and its working21:36
faLUCEhello. is there a way to record the streaming of this radio  http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3  with ubuntu?21:36
d4rklit3I want to run a command after evertyhing else21:37
MonkeyDustnightfuri  great21:37
d4rklit3like after boot completes21:37
EriC^^faLUCE: is it legal to do so?21:37
smwEriC^^, I don't see why not21:37
EriC^^d4rklit3: add it to your startup apps21:37
d4rklit3this is a virtual server, no gui21:37
nightfuriMonkeyDust: the video quality is really great for a small size file21:37
d4rklit3everything is done through shell21:38
faLUCEEriC^^: why not?21:38
EriC^^faLUCE: ok, you could try audacity i think21:38
MonkeyDustfaLUCE  http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/radio321:38
faLUCEEriC^^: in which way21:38
EriC^^it can record whatever is playing on your pc21:38
faLUCEEriC^^: thanks21:39
Zaitzev_Hi, I am running Ubuntu 14.04.2 on a laptop alongside Windows 8, also using an external 1080p PC monitor. A few days ago I started it up, and the resolution has been set to 1360x768, and I can't set it higher! xrandr doesn't list any higher, and xdiagnose didn't work.21:39
EriC^^faLUCE: no problem21:39
Zaitzev_And I reinstalled Ubuntu 5 minutes ago, and the problem persists. Does anyone have a clue? As a sidenote, when I boot Windows, the resolution is correctly set to 1080.21:40
EriC^^Zaitzev_: try xrandr --fb <resolution>21:40
Bray90820How would I search my system recursively for a any files or folders related to mythtv21:41
Zaitzev_EriC^^: Uh, that screwed it up completely21:41
EriC^^Zaitzev_: what did you type?21:41
Zaitzev_xrandr --fb 1920x108021:41
faLUCEEriC^^: just installed audacity... but is there a how-to for doing what I want? I dunno where to start21:42
EriC^^ok, so what happened?21:42
Zaitzev_It looked..magnified21:42
EriC^^faLUCE: install pavucontrol , it's useful too21:42
d4rklit3so i have /home/user/script.sh that i need to run after the system has started. anyone shed some ligh on this?21:43
faLUCEEriC^^: already installed. should I use jack too?21:43
Zaitzev_EriC^^: Like the top left quarter of the desktop was visible only21:43
EriC^^d4rklit3: add it to startup apps, open the dash > startup21:43
Jordan_Ud4rklit3: Do you want to start it at boot, or at login?21:43
d4rklit3dude, i dont have the gui.21:43
d4rklit3at boot21:43
d4rklit3after "started" event21:44
EriC^^faLUCE: ok, open audacity and choose what input to use21:44
d4rklit3maybei should ask soemwhere else21:45
Jordan_Ud4rklit3: Do you want the script to be run as root, or as the user whose home directory it's in?21:45
faLUCEEriC^^: where I choose the input to use,  in audacity?21:45
d4rklit3it shouldn't matter21:45
d4rklit3but for the sake of consistency as the user21:45
Jordan_Ud4rklit3: It does, simply because I question the idea of running a script from a user's home directory as root.21:46
EriC^^faLUCE: nevermind, keep it at default, press the record button, then play a mp3, and open pavucontrol21:46
Zaitzev_EriC^^: I found out. Wanna know? (It's stupidly hilarious)21:46
d4rklit3i meant it shouldn't matter for the script21:47
Jordan_Ud4rklit3: The easiest solution would be to add "su username -c /home/user/script.sh" to /etc/rc.local .21:47
faLUCEEriC^^: opened21:47
d4rklit3it should run either way21:47
EriC^^i go to recording > i get audacity, and it says input built-in analog, i click on monitor of build-in analog and it records whatever is playing21:47
EriC^^Zaitzev_: yeah sure21:48
Zaitzev_EriC^^: The VGA cable had loosened and wasn't properly seated in the monitor. I wiggled it, pushed it in and ran xrandr, it's all good now :p21:48
d4rklit3ok elts try it21:48
Zaitzev_Who would've thunk21:48
faLUCEEriC^^: thanks21:48
EriC^^Zaitzev_: cool21:48
EriC^^faLUCE: no problem21:49
daftykins!cookie | EriC^^21:49
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:49
d4rklit3is there a log of this anywhere?21:49
EriC^^thanks daftykins :)21:49
faLUCEEriC^^: but this is not the best. Because then I have to recompress the recording21:49
Zaitzev_and milk! don't forget that!21:49
Johnny_Linuxchocolate is the only reserve currency available to helpers.21:50
d4rklit3Jordan_U, didn't work21:50
d4rklit3afai can tell21:50
Zaitzev_ /whois Zaitzev21:50
d4rklit3the script starts a server21:50
Zaitzev_ok, that didn't work :p21:50
Zaitzev_web client ftw.21:50
EriC^^faLUCE: yeah21:50
faLUCEEriC^^: then, I wonder if is there anything better21:51
EriC^^faLUCE: you can press on export when it's done > mp3 and options21:51
faLUCEEriC^^: this is not good, because it does another compression21:52
faLUCEon an already compressed sound21:52
Jordan_Ud4rklit3: Please pastebin your /etc/rc.local and your script.sh.21:52
faLUCEEriC^^: I need something that records the DATA not the sound21:52
d4rklit3ok i want to simplify it21:53
Jordan_Ud4rklit3: Note that you need to add your new line above the "exit 0" line in /etc/rc.local .21:53
d4rklit3yeah its above21:53
faLUCEEriC^^: in addition, it varies the volume of the recording depending on the volume of the player. too bad21:54
d4rklit3i jsut want it to run this command Jordan_U  http://pastie.org/1017465221:54
d4rklit3like i would from the terminal21:54
* ninncore test21:56
d4rklit3is startup different than reboot?21:56
d4rklit3if it reboots does it not start up?21:57
Jordan_Ud4rklit3: /etc/rc.local is run either way.21:58
Bray90820ninncore: I can see your test21:58
d4rklit3do you see the issue with my command?21:58
Jordan_Ud4rklit3: su - user -c 'forever start -l /var/app-develop/logs/app.log -a --uid develop --sourceDir /var/app-develop/ keystone.js'21:58
ninncoreBray90820, haha thx and sorry21:58
faLUCEhello. is there a way to record the streaming of this radio  http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3 ?21:59
Bray90820ninncore: I was just confirming that your test worked21:59
d4rklit3is the file system available at this point22:00
d4rklit3thanks Jordan_U22:03
d4rklit3seems to be working22:03
egfirst time on chat22:05
Jordan_Ud4rklit3: You're welcome.22:05
egis this a sexchat?22:05
egi just installed the package called chat22:05
=== ochorocho1 is now known as ochorocho
npmI have an old linux raid-1 pair from an old system that I want to add to an existing raid-1 system. Is this -- https://serverfault.com/questions/32709/how-do-i-move-a-linux-software-raid-to-a-new-machine -- good advice on doing so without screwing up existing raid pair or causing inadvertent changes to old raid pair I want to add. (i don't have /etc/mdadm.conf from old system so i don't know ID of the old raid pair).22:07
=== step21_ is now known as step21
egwhy is no one chatting here?22:08
npmeg -- feel free to answer my question about Linux Software Raid :-)22:09
k1leg: we have #ubuntu-offtopic for chat. this is ubuntu support only22:09
egah - so as a ubuntu support question - how to I acess non ubuntu topics22:09
k1leg: /j #channel22:10
egwill try22:10
egman kill22:10
egk Im outta here before u guys hack me22:10
Wugnpm: how big are the disks22:11
npm500G each22:11
Wugthis isn't really a solution, but if they're small enough, could you image them and experiment?22:11
Wugi dont know what other storage you have on hand22:12
WugI have a 12TB array just for experiments of this sort though :/22:12
npmyeah, i guess i should temp back them up onto that 4TB USB costco disk :-)22:12
Wugnpm: why can't you get the mdadm conf off of the old system? is it on the array?22:14
Wugif it's a raid 1, you should be able to mount a single disk of it and read all of the files22:14
Wugso you could do that with the image and recover the mdadm conf22:15
namastehi locksmith22:15
locksmithI need help22:15
Wugstate the nature of your emergency.22:15
locksmithwhen I connect to a vpn with openvpn, internet not work22:15
locksmithbut no error, everything looks good, event /etc/resolv.conf gets updated with new dns servers22:15
Wugthat would suggest that your vpn is configured incorrectly, or that your endpoint has broken internet settings22:15
Wughave you verified that the vpn is correctly receiving your traffic?22:16
locksmithWug: I am connecting to the HideMyAss.com VPN...22:16
locksmiththey give me a ton of different VPN servers I can connect to... and none work22:17
Wugok, not your own endpoint then22:17
locksmithwell I've tried 2 IPs22:17
npmWug, yeah i guess i could mount it readonly and pull the mdadm.conf.22:17
Wugthat would indicate the problem is in your vpn settings22:17
npmwas worried about the disks mounting normally and getting desync'd22:17
Wugnpm: I would still hesitate to actually mount the disk itself22:17
Wugimaging it would be safer22:17
locksmithok I used the openvpn config file provided by HMA...22:17
Wugread only should be good enough, emphasis on should22:17
npmas in mdadm somehow not noticing they're a raid pair with same id (inprobable but...)22:17
locksmithif I pastbin the config file could you look at it?22:18
xxxDSSxxxhow can i emulate alt+f4 shortcut with 1 command? or other way to close active window22:18
Wuglocksmith: to be honest I don't know much about using openvpn, im just good at diagnosing things22:18
jkwxxxDSSxxx: Ctrl+Q usually works too.22:19
locksmithheres the openvpn config: http://pastebin.com/ms8hxdLg22:19
xxxDSSxxxi need a command, not other shortcut22:19
npmyeah, i think Wug just convinced me to work with the images first.22:19
locksmithim thinking i need to install a packet sniffer to see what goes on.. im on ubuntu22:19
jkwxxxDSSxxx: Mind if I ask why?22:19
npmas all I want is to copy a mysql database anyways. :-)22:19
Wuglocksmith: that paste has a private key in it22:20
WugI have no idea what it's for, but that's generally a bad thing22:20
locksmithits public info anyway22:20
Wuga private public key?22:21
Wugor rather a public private key?22:21
xxxDSSxxxi have a remote control connected to my pc, every button runs it's command. so i need that function22:21
locksmithits from https://securenetconnection.com/vpnconfig/openvpn-template.ovpn22:21
npmoh goody, i don't need to open up my computer if all I'm doing is imaging a drive... USB drive caddy to the rescue...22:21
fantasaiI would like scrollbars that have pageup/pagedown buttons on them. How do I get that in Ubuntu?22:22
Wuglocksmith: you should probably generate your own public and private key and use those22:22
fantasaiI.e. I want to be able to click on something that makes the scrollbox page up/down by not more than one screenful.22:23
k1lxxxDSSxxx: the problem is that you need to make sure that you got focus on the right window. you can try  "xdotool key Alt+F4" for that22:23
Wuglocksmith: given that the keypair in that config is what encrypts your traffic, you might as well not bother using the vpn at all if you make it public22:24
k1lxxxDSSxxx: or wmctrl -c :ACTIVE:22:24
Wugfantasai: page-up/page-dn?22:25
Wugthose seem to scroll by slightly less than one screenful on my computer22:25
locksmithOK, the problem is I cant connect to anything, cant ping or resolve a IP when using it22:25
locksmiththe the reson I am using that VPN is to get a different IP address in a city of my choise22:26
locksmithchoice *22:26
locksmithstate of my choice aftually22:26
fantasaiWug: That's a keyboard button, not a mouse click. Requires making sure the focus is in that scrollbox already22:27
locksmithim making an app for someone...22:27
fantasaiwhich is hard to do in an email app where clicking into the scrollbox marks something as read :)22:27
fantasaiWug: found a decent answer here http://askubuntu.com/questions/295988/how-to-fix-gtk3-scrollbar-behavior22:28
Wugwhat version of ubuntu22:28
fantasaiWug: 14.0422:29
Wugfantasai: you can probably disable click to mark as read, if you have another workflow that works better. also, ubuntu 14.10 should still have the same scrollbars, just hover over them and click the up or down side22:32
fantasaiWug: No, I really want to fix the scrollbars because they're driving me nuts in all my apps22:33
fantasaiWug: The setting there works, but only if I'm logged into Gnome22:33
Wugi dont know what you mean by fix, because as far as i can tell they work fine22:33
fantasaiWug: If I use some other window manager, it forgets the setting22:33
Wugthe position of the dragger thing is just relative as opposed to absolute22:34
fantasaiLemme explain22:34
fantasaiso I have a scrollbar that looks like this22:34
fantasaiIf I click on the left side of it22:34
fantasaiI want it to look like this22:34
fantasainot like this22:35
fantasaii.e. move by one screenful, not jump to where I clicked22:35
Wugpost a screenshot22:35
Wugbecause mine does exactly what you want, and I haven't touched it22:35
fantasaiWug: Then I've no idea :) Mine doesn't for whatever reason22:36
fantasaiWug: screenshot wouldn't help anyway, you'd need a video....22:36
WugI just need to see your scrollbar to make sure it's not a custom theme or some other weird option that changes the default behavior22:37
fantasaiIt looks light grey with a dark grey oval22:37
fantasaino shading of any kind22:37
fantasaiflat colors22:37
Wugevery scrollbar on your system looks like that?22:37
xxxDSSxxxthank you, wmctrl works fine. but xdotool closed ALL opened windows and crashed the system, it's like it works not once, bul in loop22:38
* fantasai reads more about scrollbars and learns that right-clicking does the pageup/pagedown while left-clicking does the warping behavior22:38
Wugfantasai: so like this? http://i0.wp.com/www.stugon.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/overlay-scrollbars-ubuntu-2.png?resize=574%2C40522:39
fantasaisame concept, but it's flat, not shaded22:39
fantasaiIt doesn't look 3D22:39
fantasaiit's really just a single color22:39
Wugyou disabled overlay scrollbars22:39
fantasaibut same shapes22:39
Wugturn them back on22:39
Wugthe overlay ones behave exactly like you want22:40
fantasaino, those were terrible, I couldn't even see the scrollbars22:40
Wugthat's because they're not there until you hover over them22:40
fantasaiI want the scrollbar to be visible so i can find them22:40
locksmithits probly my iptables as seen in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1660520&page=322:40
Wugyou can probably change the color to something more visible22:40
fantasaiYeah, so I have to move my mouse to hover over where they would be, then go find the thing that I can actually click on, which is usually not where my mouse now is but somehwere above or below it22:40
fantasaiand it's stupidly inefficient22:41
Wugthe scroller thing teleports to where your mouse is actually22:41
Wugso wherever you hover, it will be there22:41
Wugit literally cannot possibly be less efficient that moving your mouse to the non-overlay scrollbar22:42
Wugdoes your mouse not have a scroll wheel?22:42
fantasaiWug: no22:42
Wugmaybe you should get a new mouse then22:42
fantasaiIt's a laptop22:43
fantasaiI don't use an external mouse22:43
fantasaiand scroll wheels have the same focus issues as the keyboard22:43
fantasaior I'd just use the keyboard22:43
Wugthey don't actually, scroll wheel always affects the widget you're mousing over22:43
fantasaioh, well, that's nice22:43
Bray90820How would I search my system recursively for a any files or folders related to mythtv22:43
* fantasai can't take advantage of that though22:43
Wugfantasai: go to staples and get a $6 bargain bin mouse with a scroll wheel22:44
fantasaiIt's kindof hard to use a mouse on your lap :)22:44
fantasaiBut I suppose I could do that for when I have a desk22:44
WugI mean, the alternative is to get a new laptop :/22:45
fantasaiI would prefer that there were buttons I could click22:45
fantasailike there were in older versions of the OS22:45
fantasaiWug: Yeah, I need one of those too :)22:45
WugI still think you should turn on the overlay scroller and see if it solves your problem22:45
Wugit teleports to your mouse and addition to being able to scroll by being dragged, includes 2 buttons, one to scroll 1 screen up, and the other 1 down22:46
Wugthis laptop I'm using has a nub mouse and a touchpad22:46
Wugboth are terrible, but I can see why you would complain about mousing efficiency lol22:47
socraticI h4d a boyfri3nd named "Ubuntu" once.22:54
socraticHe would "pl4y the bongos" on my ass.22:54
socraticI h4d a boyfri3nd named "Ubuntu" once.22:54
socraticHe would "pl4y the bongos" on my ass.22:55
socraticI h4d a boyfri3nd named "Ubuntu" once.22:55
mcphailsocratic: stop that please22:55
socraticHe would "pl4y the bongos" on my ass.22:55
socraticI h4d a boyfri3nd named "Ubuntu" once.22:55
fantasaiWug: I think the problem is that the target for making the overlay scroller show up is invisible yet requires precision22:56
fantasaiWug: It probably makes sense if you always maximize your windows, but mine almost always aren't22:56
ki7rwi take it that acrobat reader is no longer available for linux? i can't find a download option for linux at adobe anymore22:56
Wugfantasai: it doesn't require that much precision. there might be an option to make it bigger somewhere too22:57
ki7rwi tried evince and okular but the pdf doesn't properly render in it22:57
isifreekthe time util reports 3 numbers... is the total time the sum of those or are they different perspectives of the same measurement?22:57
fantasaiWug: I just know it frustrates me greatly22:58
fantasaiWug: Whatever the problem is, it's awkward and annoying for me to use22:58
* fantasai figures out that killing the settings maanger makes everything ugly, but makes the scrollbar buttons show up :/22:58
* fantasai doesn't understand why they're gone in the first place22:58
Bashing-omki7rw: Maybe xpdf will work for you ? : apt-cache show xpdf .23:00
reisioki7rw: try acroread, then23:00
ki7rwreisio, <ki7rw> i take it that acrobat reader is no longer available for linux? i can't find a download option for linux at adobe anymore23:04
kostkon!info acroread23:04
ubottuPackage acroread does not exist in vivid23:04
=== michelle is now known as Guest33644
reisioki7rw: sure it is23:06
quillfordIs there an image with kernel 3.2 or up? I need at least 3.2 but can't install it because I am using a live cd23:14
daftykinsimage of what?23:14
quillfordimage of ubuntu23:14
daftykinseverything since 12.04 has had 3.2.x +23:15
quillford14.04 says 3.1623:15
k1lquillford: you need older then 3.2? or newer? because 14.04.2 got 3.16 and 15.04 got 3.1923:15
daftykinsyeah 3.16 > 3.223:15
quillfordi am using ubuntu gnome though. Does it not use the same kernel?23:15
k1lquillford: 3.16 is not 3.1.6. its 1623:16
daftykinsconsider the digits after the dot as teens23:16
quillfordk1l: ok thanks23:16
=== Surendil_ is now known as Surendil
AlexanderMansonHello might anybody be able to assist me?23:17
daftykinsnot until you state an issue :)23:17
k1lAlexanderManson: depends on what the issue is23:17
barnexHey guys. I messed something up during 6 hour marathon of changing stuff I don't understand. The effect of this is teamfortress2 looking for i965_dri.so in the wrong directory: /usr/lib32/dri/i965_dri.so instead of /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so23:18
barnexis there a better way of fixing this than symlinking the correct file to the dir it's searching?23:18
daftykinsbarnex: given you speak of 6 hours of messing with things, i'd go with occam's razor ;)23:19
barnexwell, I ran ldconfig several times and added a file to ld.so.conf.d23:19
geniibarnex: /usr/lib32 is no longer used. You could point that entire directory to the other one23:20
barnexwhich I then removed and rerun ldconfig23:20
barnexwell, there are files in it though...23:20
barnexand not only ones I put there after creating that dir23:20
barnexyou sure that's going to be fine?23:20
geniibarnex: Just in case move the files to the other one first23:21
barnexok, that sounds resonable23:21
genii( unless they overwrite )23:21
barnexgenii: ok, so far nothing exploded and the game works, thanks.23:24
geniibarnex: No problemmo23:25
barnexActually something did explode.23:29
barnexlibGL error: dlopen /usr/lib32/dri/i965_dri.so failed (/usr/lib32/dri/i965_dri.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32)23:29
barnexnah, disregard that23:29
snockertonwhy does the 14.04 installer inject extra hypens in the /dev/mapper vg and lv names?23:36
reisiowhy do you care23:37
barnexthat attitude23:38
jpdssnockerton: It's escaping special characters and such.23:38
jpdssnockerton: If you do things manually, it doesn't do that.23:38
snockertonjpds: so you drop to a shell, build your lvm, then proceed with the installer?23:39
barnexor build your lvm before even starting the installer23:40
ocreeubuntu sucks dick23:44
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
attlasbothey hey23:50
retard_so as you can tell23:50
retard_i just installed my first linux distro,latest version of ubuntu desktop23:51
retard_i like it23:51
attlasbotsuch a good place to start23:52
retard_so im curious as to how..23:52
retard_to remove the borders23:52
retard_as you can see23:53
retard_no borders23:53
attlasbotI got no idea dude, someone else should be able to tell you.23:53
k1lretard_: that is running a total different desktop setup23:53
xanguayou can search for something like 1px wide theme retard_23:53
xanguathat or not running a window manager23:53
k1lretard_: that WM (window manager) is named openbox23:53
reisiothey call them window borders23:54
attlasbotopenbox is pretty easy to set up for a new linux user.23:54
reisioseek ye out your wm theme23:54
k1lretard_: see in the first image you see the Wm and WM theme name.23:54
retard_im fuckng stupid23:55
LabanHello! I just installed Ubuntu Server 15.04. Is there any good way to have an X server (or the likes, a desktop either way) running, without having it on the local terminal's console?23:55
k1lno need for swearing or self-insulting :)23:55
LabanLike a terminal server to just remote desktop into.23:55
k1l!openbox | retard_23:55
ubotturetard_: openbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox23:55
retard_thank you very much & will check that out right now23:56
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