
wallyworldaxw: so i found the maas storage issue, their regexp for parsing the consraints only allows a-zA-Z0-9 for labels :-(00:04
anastasiamacperrito666: u r the shining light in ur neighbourhood :)00:05
wallyworldalexisb: did you follow up for bug 1451626 ?00:34
mupBug #1451626: Erroneous Juju user data on Windows for Juju version 1.23 <1.23> <juju> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1451626>00:34
menn0katco: ping?00:48
mupBug #1452745 changed: 386 constant 250059350016 overflows int <386> <blocker> <ci> <regression> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1452745>00:51
axwwallyworld: so, it doesn't have to be the tag. you could generate any old label01:38
wallyworldaxw: yeah, i'm doing that now, just testing01:38
wallyworldbut still01:38
wallyworldno reason why "-" should be excluded01:39
axwa bit limiting, probably could be extended a bit01:39
wallyworldeasiest thing is just to strip the "-" from the tag01:39
wallyworldmakesit easy to map back01:39
axwwallyworld: you could just use the tag's Id(), which would return the number01:40
axw(as a string)01:40
wallyworldtrue, that would work01:40
natefinchthumper: you around?02:00
thumpernatefinch: yeah02:00
natefinchthumper: I'm trying to figure out how to add tests to my latest patch that fixes our broken log rotation.  Basically, once the machine agent is up and in some sort of reasonably steady state, I want to check that the default writer that loggo uses is still a lumberjack.Logger (since that was the problem before - it was getting overwritten with os.Stderr)02:02
natefinchthumper: it's that first part which I don't really understand how to do "wait for the agent to be up in some kind of steady state"02:03
thumperyeah... wouldn't it be good if we had some pub/sub system?02:03
thumperI'm not sure there is a fully clean way right now02:04
thumpernatefinch: although there may be a way to make sure you are past a certain point02:04
thumpermenn0 has done a lot with jujud agent startup stuff02:04
thumpermenn0: any ideas?02:04
menn0natefinch: there are tests in cmd/jujud/agent that wait for particular workers to start. you could perhaps leverage that?02:04
thumpernatefinch: I also notice that there is no way to ask for the writer from loggo without removing it02:05
natefinchthumper: ha yeah, I noticed that.  That was cute.02:05
natefinchthumper: *shrug* why would anyone ever care? :)02:05
thumperright... and it protects concurrent writes02:05
thumperFSVO protects02:06
natefinchthumper: I can just remove it and make sure the one that was there was the right one, that's fine.02:06
thumperI don't hold string reasons not to have a query mechansim02:06
natefinchmenn0: I guess if I just look for one of the later workers to be started, that would be fine.  really, once we're in the "starting workers" phase, I would hope we're well past anyone mucking with the logger02:07
menn0natefinch: once some of the later running workers have started you could do the check02:07
natefinchof course then we come to the fact that the parent of the parent of the parent of the parent test suite resets the logger to be something other than the default02:07
menn0natefinch: ok, well look in machine_test.go for tests that use singularRecord02:08
menn0natefinch: it reports creation of the singularRunners and the worker they create (while also letting those things happen, it's pass through)02:09
thumperI'm reading lxd source... and slightly sad02:09
thumperwe go to the trouble of splitting out errors, cmd, testing, and none of this is used, even though it is all written in go02:10
natefinchI didn't realize lxd was written in go.  That is sad that they're not reusing anything we've done.  I can't say I'm terribly surprised, communication across teams is not that great... but it would have been nice if they reached out and said "hey, we're making this thing, any thoughts?"02:11
natefinchmenn0: cool, thanks. looking into that now.02:12
menn0natefinch: another approach would be to take advantage of the hooks that report when API and State connections are opened up (search for reportOpenedAPI and reportOpenedState and follow it through02:13
menn0natefinch: that might be more straight forward02:13
menn0natefinch: once a machine agent is opening up an API connection it's about to start workers and logging init should have been done02:13
menn0thumper: could you please have a look at: https://github.com/juju/replicaset/pull/202:18
menn0thumper: I need this to support the replicaset init fixes for 1.24 and up02:18
thumpermenn0: ack02:21
thumpermenn0: shipit02:21
axwwallyworld: why did you change the sizes in the test data?02:21
axwdisk sizes02:21
wallyworldaxw: one sec02:21
menn0thumper: thanks. turns out I could merge it myself even02:22
* thumper grunts02:24
natefinchmenn0: how do I pass in something like --show-log to the command?  That's what happens in the real code, which triggers setting loggo's default writer.  This code seems not to be setting that and thus not triggering it, and thus we're not using the right logger.02:25
menn0natefinch: hmmm not sure02:27
wallyworldaxw: on i386: constant 250059350016 overflows int02:28
axwwallyworld: ah, right02:29
wallyworldso i just knocked off a few 000's02:29
axwwallyworld: hmm, maybe we should be using big.Int then02:29
wallyworldwe don't really support i38602:29
axwwallyworld: this might happen IRL?02:29
wallyworldthere was talk of dropping it02:29
wallyworldi think it's just there for clients02:29
axwwallyworld: and armhf?02:30
wallyworldwouldn't hurt to change the type i guess02:30
wallyworldalso, live test - maas accepts the constraints now but says no machine available02:30
wallyworldso i think the juju side is ok02:31
menn0natefinch: i've been looking. the existing machine agent tests the MachineAgent struct but not the cmd stuff which is a layer up and that's where the show-log is implemented.02:31
natefinchmenn0: ahh, hmm.02:31
menn0natefinch: you might need a test that calls cmd/jujud.Main ...02:32
natefinchmenn0: I may be able to reuse the stuff in bootstrap test02:36
menn0natefinch: yep. I was just looking at the tests in main_test.go. There might be some things you can use there.02:37
bdxthis is open to anyone....... for 50 rupes ..... what is the purpose of ext-port and data-port params in neutron-openvswitch?02:42
natefinchbdx: charmers are more likely to be watching #juju02:42
bdxnatefinch: thanks!02:43
natefinchthumper: where's the lxd code?  I'd love to take a peruse03:12
thumpernatefinch: although go get worked, the build failed...03:13
thumperdidn't care because I wasn't wanting to build it, just read it03:13
thumpernatefinch: some packaging issue03:13
thumperand I didn't care enough to dig03:13
natefinchwell, I guess I'm giving up on this for tonight.  Maybe I'll just write a CI test for it.03:42
wallyworldaxw: you a lunch yet?04:03
wallyworldmenn0: or thumper: small review for 1.24? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1624/04:07
* menn0 looks04:07
menn0wallyworld: done, sorry04:22
menn0it took so long04:22
wallyworldnp tyvm04:22
mupBug #1212689 changed: maas: implement root-disk constraint <constraints> <feature> <maas-provider> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by wallyworld> <MAAS:Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1212689>04:27
mupBug #1212689 was opened: maas: implement root-disk constraint <constraints> <feature> <maas-provider> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by wallyworld> <MAAS:Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1212689>04:33
mupBug #1212689 changed: maas: implement root-disk constraint <constraints> <feature> <maas-provider> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by wallyworld> <MAAS:Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1212689>04:39
menn0sigh... the leadership feature tests now work on vivid but not on trusty05:19
menn0at least I can repro it in a trusty VM05:19
axwwallyworld: thanks for doing the root-disk constraint, nice to see06:07
wallyworldaxw: yeah :-)06:07
wallyworldabout to send an email06:07
wallyworldhow was lunch?06:08
wallyworldaxw: want to proof read the bit about placement? https://pastebin.canonical.com/131034/06:08
axwwallyworld: was good thanks. sure, I'll take a look06:09
axwwallyworld: maybe you could specify what happens if you try to use storage with an old version of MAAS? (it should fail, if it doesn't already)06:11
axwwallyworld: the last example sounds weird, like you're suggesting you can use cinder with MAAS, which you can't.06:13
wallyworldah, ok06:13
wallyworldwill reword06:13
wallyworldi'll have to check the failure case to see what juju does, can't recall06:13
axwwallyworld: otherwise looks good06:14
wallyworldaxw: so if an older maas, no volumes are recorded but the node is still allocated. juju will get no volume info back :-(06:17
wallyworldeven if we read the acquire node result and then error, the node will still be allocated06:17
axwwallyworld: yeah, we ought to release the node and return an error I think06:18
wallyworldi'll have to do that06:18
axwdoesn't necessarily have to be before beta1 IMO06:18
wallyworldagreed, i'll add to release notes email06:18
wallyworldaxw: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1625/06:34
axwwallyworld: that was quick :)06:34
wallyworldthat's what she said06:35
axwwallyworld: reviewed06:37
wallyworldaxw: ty06:38
wallyworldaxw: maas will not partially allocate - it returns a 40906:39
axwwallyworld: ok06:40
TheMuemorning o/07:27
dooferladTheMue, voidspace: hangout?09:01
voidspacedooferlad: omw09:01
MmikeHi, lads. Is 'juju expose' doing anything useful? The docs merely states that the FW rules will be adjusted, but I haven't seen any changes in iptables output after alternating with expose/unexpose.09:51
MmikeIs there a charm-related code that needs to be written for the expose/unexpose to work properly (didn't find any hooks that would relate to that, at least the documentation doesn't mention it)09:52
voidspacedooferlad: I've had it confirmed that the maas database is kept up to date by inspecting the leases file10:24
voidspacedooferlad: and it's the leases file that is authoritative10:24
dooferladvoidspace: good stuff. One more pice of the puzzle solved!10:24
voidspacedooferlad: indeed10:25
voidspacedooferlad: so it really does seem like "lxc-stop" is *not* doing ifdown. That's what needs debugging.10:25
dooferladvoidspace: though weren't we seeing that just shutting down the container didn't perform ifdown? What about a physical machine? We need to know if it is the init scripts or something container specific.10:26
voidspacedooferlad: right, a halt doesn't either - both initiate the shutdown sequence, which is where we were told ifdown was happening.10:33
voidspacedooferlad: a physical machine doesn't do a DHCP release on shutdown as far as I know10:33
voidspacewe were told specifically that the lxc shutdown does though10:33
dooferladvoidspace: both should act the same. Not releasing on shutdown is bad.10:34
voidspacedooferlad: when a physical machine shuts down it's usually ephemeral - it will come back at some point10:36
voidspacedooferlad: anyway, I haven't confirmed this - this is just my understanding10:36
dooferladvoidspace: it makes no difference. Machines should be nice and if they have borrowed an address, they should give it back.10:37
natefinchmattyw: I'm sorry for your loss.11:00
mattywnatefinch, if Scotland had got independence they'd be facing an immigration crisis this morning11:01
natefinchmattyw: ha11:01
natefinchmattyw: Scotland's like, no way man, those english folk are crazy11:01
mattywnatefinch, we're all crazy, but not all of us are nice crazy11:02
natefinchmgz_: so it looks like i'll have to make the test for log rotation into a CI test.... there's just no infrastructure for testing the large swath of code that needs to run for log rotation to work, at least as far as I can tell.11:12
natefinchperrito666: ^^11:12
natefinchjam: ^^11:13
jamnatefinch: you're worried about scotland? :)11:13
jamI think I'm missing your original request11:14
Spadsjam: only you can save Scotland!11:15
Spadsjam: you're our only hope!11:15
natefinchjam: just talking about testing for the log rotation stuff.  it requires more of the real workings of juju to be... working... during tests than we currently are able to set up in an isolated way.  So I think a CI test is going to be required to test that we're really-really rotating in practice.11:15
natefinchjam: mentioning you, since you responded to the review about needing a test for it11:15
jamnatefinch: I did think more CI for it11:15
natefinchjam: yeah, I had hoped I could at least have some kind of basic unit test for it.... but I couldn';t make it work in a couple hours of trying.  Just trying to keep the feedback loop as short as possible if we break something.11:17
natefinchjam: probably a CI test would be good regardless, since it really is such a "runtime" thing.11:17
natefinchjam: and because it's a global variable, effectively, anyone from anywhere in the code can screw it up ;)11:17
jamnatefinch: yeah, I feel like this is very easy to accidentally mock out the important thing11:17
jamthe fact that something is set to 300MB vs 300000MB is important11:18
natefinchheh yeah11:18
jamso setting it to 3kB to trigger it would be bad11:18
natefinchI like your idea of a logspam charm11:19
natefinchthat's better than stopping jujud and manually adding a bunch of data to it, which was my idea11:20
mgz_natefinch: what do you actually need beyond deploy test, plus adding more content to logs, then verifying they  get moved?11:59
mgz_you can certainly do that with what we have currently11:59
mgz_you just write a couple of juju run using helpers11:59
natefinchmgz_: that should do, I think12:03
perrito666natefinch: works for me12:06
wwitzel3jam: I replied in the spec to your comments, but I don't even know what questions to ask about the networking.12:18
perrito666wwitzel3: did you ever get your vmaas to user a network accessible from outside the machine running it?12:20
wwitzel3perrito666: well it uses private ip addresses, so I just port forward in to it.12:22
perrito666ow, not fun12:23
* perrito666 creates some routes by hand to try to solve it12:23
perrito666aghh this is stupid, the only thing working is irc, something in my isp is messing with anything using websockets12:24
perrito666which version of mongo are we using?13:05
=== rogpeppe2 is now known as rogpeppe
mgz_perrito666: 2.413:12
perrito666wherent we moving to 2.6?13:14
mgz_perrito666: various things have been talked about, but 2.4 is what we have13:17
=== anthonyf is now known as Guest11644
mupBug #1452381 changed: Failed to deploy vivid LXCs on vivid host <lxc> <vivid> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1452381>13:44
mupBug #1452808 changed: no API addresses to connect to after juju upgrade <api> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1452808>13:44
mupBug #1452891 changed: juju determines the unit IP addresss based on the last interface attached in openstack <openstack-provider> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1452891>13:44
voidspacehah, just done the classic13:54
voidspaceifdown on a machine I'm ssh'd into13:54
voidspaceand now I can't get back in...13:54
voidspaceah well13:54
natefinchvoidspace: haha... we've all done it13:55
voidspacenatefinch: yeah :-)13:56
voidspacenatefinch: lxc-stop (how we gracefully shut down containers) doesn't do a DHCPRELEASE13:57
voidspacenatefinch: an explicit ifdown does13:57
voidspacenatefinch: this is why oil run out of dhcp leases when they create and destroy lots of containers13:57
voidspacenatefinch: :-/13:57
voidspacenatefinch: we've been told that lxc *does* do an ifdown as part of the shutdown sequence, as far as I can tell that's not true13:57
voidspacenatefinch: still need to work out why it's not true and how to fix it13:58
natefinchvoidspace: wow, yeah, that would be a pretty serious problem13:59
natefinchvoidspace: seems like one of those "we can't possibly be the first people to run into it" kind of problems14:00
mupBug #1451385 changed: LDS 15.04 - OpenStack - lxc fails to retrieve tmpl to clone <canonical-bootstack> <lxc> <juju-core:Triaged> <Landscape Server:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1451385>14:02
voidspacenatefinch: yeah, happens with the vanilla ubuntu template *and* the juju image14:07
voidspacenatefinch: so not something we've screwed up14:07
natefinchvoidspace: sucks.  Hope we can figure out a way around it.14:08
voidspacenatefinch: I can't find other references to the problem though14:08
voidspacenatefinch: looks like "addressable containers" are the way we'll work round it for now14:09
voidspacenatefinch: where we statically allocate and explicitly release the addresses14:09
voidspacedooferlad: server bits arrived14:13
dooferladvoidspace: :-)14:13
voidspacedooferlad: tempted by that refurbed PDU you linked to14:13
dooferladvoidspace: Naa, JSON all the way!14:13
voidspacedooferlad: but two servers plus PDU is just a bit over-budget14:13
voidspacedooferlad: so yeah, I'll try the RESTful API first14:13
voidspacedooferlad: can you link to your scripts in that document (if you don't already) so I have something to hack on14:14
dooferladvoidspace: doc updated.14:26
katcowhat's the variable you set in a juju environment to turn debugging on/off?14:39
natefinchkatco: juju set-env logging-config="<root>=INFO"14:41
natefinchkatco: you can also set logging-config: "<root>=INFO" in the environment in environments.yaml14:41
natefinch(before bootstrapping)14:42
katconatefinch: ty14:47
perrito666ok, my isp recommends I clear the cache of my browser.....14:47
katcoperrito666: first, find the start button14:48
natefinchperrito666: you should really try one of those registry cleaners14:49
perrito666they actually made me do a netstat and two download speed tests14:49
perrito666which would be nice if my problem wasn't the upload14:49
natefinchperrito666: did they make you plug your computer directly into the cable modem?   My ISPs wouldn't ever talk to me if I had a router between my computer and the cable modem.... even though it was always the cable modem or their hardware that was at fault.14:50
perrito666natefinch: off course they did14:51
perrito666and I didnt, but they have no way to know that14:51
natefinchis there a python equivalent to the go playground?  Just like an online repl where you can write some code and run it and share it with people?15:15
natefincher, I guess not repl - I don't need line by line values output.15:15
gsamfirahttps://repl.it/languages/Python3 :)15:15
natefinchjust like "here's a python script, run it and show me the stdout/stderr15:16
gsamfiranatefinch: http://ideone.com/15:19
natefinchgsamfira: thanks :)15:31
voidspacedooferlad: thanks :-)15:54
alexisbgsamfira, did you get your pull request reviewed for the bug I pinged you about earlier this week?16:37
gsamfiraalexisb: not yet, but its in the queue :)16:38
alexisbcmars, fyi ^^^16:38
alexisbTheMue, ^^16:38
gsamfiraalexisb: we already spoke :). Its on the radar :D16:38
alexisbawesome thanks16:39
alexisbI will get out of the way then :)16:39
TheMuegsamfira: #1609?16:39
gsamfiraTheMue: yes :)16:40
TheMuegsamfira: ok, will take a look. only may have troubles to follow the windows specifics :D16:41
gsamfiraI am really sorry about the large PR :(. Its one package that replaces the old.16:41
gsamfiraI am here if you have questions16:41
gsamfiraTheMue: there are a couple of functions that do some syscalls to specific windows stuff, but I think I commented most of it with links to the MSDN documentation page16:43
TheMuegsamfira: ok, will ping you if needed16:43
katcoericsnow: natefinch: if you land the bugs you have in review in the next hour, we can claim 3 extra bugs for this iteration :)16:48
ericsnowkatco: likely not happening for mine16:48
katcoericsnow: no worries. just would have been nice :)16:49
mupBug #1453215 was opened: poolSuite tests fail on go 1.3 and gccgo <blocker> <ci> <gccgo> <golang> <intermittent-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1453215>17:17
katconatefinch: planning meeting17:32
sinzuinatefinch, mgz,, katco : can either of you review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1633/17:38
natefinchsinzui: ship it!17:40
sinzuithank you natefinch17:40
mupBug #1453215 changed: poolSuite tests fail on go 1.3 and gccgo <ci> <gccgo> <golang> <intermittent-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1453215>17:47
natefinchkatco, wwitzel3: is it just me, or is ericsnow's sound going in and out?18:06
natefinchand video18:06
katcosame here18:06
wwitzel3natefinch: it is going in and out, but I assume the server is recording it18:07
katcoericsnow: sorry eric, you were cutting out pretty bad18:08
katcoericsnow: we were getting every other word18:08
katcoor at least i was18:08
ericsnowkatco: the whole time I was talking?18:08
katcoericsnow: not the entire time, but a good majority18:09
ericsnowkatco: switching in and out of screen sharing was probably the culprit18:09
katcoericsnow: possibly18:09
perrito666ericsnow: well you can speak twice every word :p18:09
katcoericsnow: you look frozen right now18:09
ericsnowkatco: just holding very still <wink>18:10
katcoericsnow: lol can you hear what nate is saying?18:11
ericsnowkatco: loud and clear18:11
ericsnowkatco: video too18:11
katcoericsnow: k :)18:11
katconatefinch: we're back in the other meeting18:24
evilnickveitchin the bit where I made the comment "e.g. like this"18:49
=== anthonyf is now known as Guest82825
perrito666omg I just tried to /query someone in the next room (the cleaning lady to be more precise) who does not even have an irc handle19:35
perrito666my brain might have a couple of bad sectors19:51
alexisbperrito666, iqstat is a helpful tool for that ;)20:09
perrito666I would kill for a fsck.brain20:22
katcoperrito666: http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/bf/ ?20:22
perrito666katco: I prefer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitespace_%28programming_language%2920:24
mupBug #1453280 was opened: Juju machine service for Windows creates incorrect tools symlinks  <windows> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1453280>21:12
sinzuijw4, gsamfira : you are now members of ~juju-report-contributors, which entitles you to view http://reports.vapour.ws/releases21:18
sinzuiI can add other people who need to see the CI logs21:19
gsamfirasinzui: cool! thanks!21:19
gsamfiraplease also add Bogdan Teleaga21:19
sinzuigsamfira, done21:20
mupBug #1453280 changed: Juju machine service for Windows creates incorrect tools symlinks  <windows> <juju-core:In Progress by bteleaga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1453280>21:24
mupBug #1453280 was opened: Juju machine service for Windows creates incorrect tools symlinks  <windows> <juju-core:In Progress by bteleaga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1453280>21:30
jw4sinzui: much appreciated!21:47
mupBug #1453297 was opened: juju not queuing actions after relation-changed hook <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1453297>22:18
mupBug #1450740 changed: provider/openstack: volumes are recorded with 0 size <storage> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1450740>23:24

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