
ianorlinbut then I installed upstart got it to boot to sddm and a theme00:00
ianorlinremoved upstart still boots00:00
ianorlinremoved some other libraries it pulled in and I can't really explain it00:00
ianorlinmigh have to install from mini iso again and pull everything in00:01
ianorlinand then report a bug00:03
ianorlinhmm had an appointment so couldn't make lxqt show and tell might want to watch it00:10
wxlanyone booted the 15.04 i386 from the lubuntu.net site on bare metal?05:22
Kamilionwxl: nah, I'll go do that now10:38
Elizkami's typing10:38
Elizwas gonna ninja10:38
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
annoyingquestionhi guys i have a question12:02
annoyingquestionwhat is the application that runs the clipboard on lubuntu? what happens every time i press ctrl+c for example?12:03
Kamilioni don't think that's any single application12:04
Kamilionrather, it's part of the xwindows protocol itself12:04
annoyingquestionoh i see12:05
Kamilionthere are some tools that can send input from the cli to the x clipboard, such as xclip12:05
Kamilionbut in general, something like lxterm or gnome-terminal is leveraging the X clipboard12:05
annoyingquestionoutside of the terminal though? is it all xlip interacting with lxde?12:06
Kamilionstill xwindows; depends on which application, since lxde is the name of the collection of tools (eg, lxpanel, pcmanfm, leafpad)12:06
Kamilionbut they're all interacting with the x clipboard12:06
Kamilionand there's a couple tools out there to give clipboard histories and such12:07
KamilionI havn't used them, but I'm aware of their existance12:07
Kamilioneverything's going topsy turvy right now because wayland is moving in12:08
annoyingquestionis this happening in the next release of ubuntu?12:08
Kamilionno idea12:09
Kamilionwayland's already around in the repos12:09
Kamilionand xwayland is a bridge from the older X protocol to a wayland display, much the same way that XQuartz works on osx.12:09
Kamilionso the older stuff won't stop working overnight or anything12:10
Kamilionbasically, the issue is that X is really old and creaky and over time, 3D stuff like opengl was hacked into it12:10
annoyingquestionhi sorry i have a bad connection12:11
annoyingquestionso from a program that reads keyboard input, how can i use that input to paste it somewhere else?12:12
Kamilionmiddle click in X12:12
Kamilionor menu -> paste12:12
annoyingquestionno i mean12:12
annoyingquestionin programming12:12
annoyingquestionc or bash12:13
annoyingquestionthat's why i wanted to know what app uses the clipboard on lxde12:13
annoyingquestionto see the source code12:13
KamilionI don't think there's any easy way to *do* that offhand12:13
annoyingquestioni know haha12:13
Kamilionas the 'paste' middlemouse button in X will paste it into whatever *the cursor is over*12:14
Kamilionso without controlling the cursor? *shrug*12:14
Kamilionyou could do something like that in wayland pretty easy though12:14
Kamilionbut X is old and convoluted12:14
Kamilionyou CAN do what yo ask12:14
annoyingquestionso to do something as simple as that i have to dig to x libraries?12:15
Kamilionbut you'd have to understand the X protocol, the clipboard, how to select a client window and a specific widget (like chrome's URL bar, for instance)12:15
Kamilionyeah, X is old and obtuse12:15
annoyingquestioni see12:15
annoyingquestionhow would wayland be any different?12:15
Kamilionthe X11R4 specification was released in December 198912:15
Kamilionand hasn't really changed much since then.12:15
Kamilionplugins were created to do things like Direct Rendering (opengl)12:16
Kamilionwhich is generally what we use today12:16
Kamilionand the X protocol doesn't really get used other than as a RPC mechanism12:16
Kamilionmost things like GTK+ and QT do "clientside rendering"12:16
Kamilionbecause, well, honestly? X11R4 from 1989 had *antialiasing*12:17
Kamilionbut... It looks terrible today. :D12:17
annoyingquestionohh i see12:17
Kamilionso most app developers go "no, sorry, I'll bake the pixels myself and just send it over as a finished image"12:17
KamilionX is an immediate mode protocol12:17
Kamilion"draw this line here, now draw this box on top"12:17
Kamilionso it was great in the 90s, but it kind of shows it's age now12:18
annoyingquestionso x isn't updated anymore basically?12:18
Kamilionif you open up something like mtpaint12:18
Kamilionand see the 'line' tool and the 'box' tool and the 'oval' tool12:18
Kamilionthat's like the primitives you have to work with in X12:18
Kamilioncore X? nope, not really. if you did that, you'd break backwards compatibility12:19
Kamilionso old stuff from the 90s that still works (like AutoCAD) would break12:19
Kamilionso what happens instead is, plugins for X are made instead12:19
Kamilionthe biggest one right now is DRI, direct rendering infrastructure12:19
Kamilionwhich basically says "get out of the way X, and let me just dump pixels right into the video card"12:20
annoyingquestionis it really so hard to change just a few things from the core and nothing will go wrong?12:20
Kamilionbut X is really a glorified remote procedure call language12:20
Kamilionso it has more than just graphics tools12:20
Kamilionit also deals with keyboard input and mouse/wacom pads12:20
Kamilionand it *USED* to set up the VGA cards, back in the day12:21
Kamilionbut now the kernel does that with KMS12:21
Kamilion(which is why X is still run as root)12:21
Kamilionnow the kernel knows all about modern GPUs and how to change resolutions (it's been a standard for like 24 years now)12:21
Kamilionand now that we've gotten rid of CRTs for the most part, a lot of that baggage went away too12:22
Kamilionlike having to write synchronization modelines for specific resolutions and monitors12:22
Kamilion"no, this one needs 31.74khz, not 31.72khz"12:22
Kamilionnow we've got LCDs with digital interfaces like DVI and HDMI12:23
Kamilionwe're still stuck with the software history of having to support all that stuff12:23
Kamilionafter all, linux still runs happily on a pentium 2 from before y2k, right? :)12:23
annoyingquestionso wayland won't work well on old computers?12:24
Kamilionanyway, the other really common parts of X that are still in use are it's input handling system, xkbd (slowly getting replaced by libinput)12:24
Kamilionit works pretty good these days12:24
Kamilionabout a year ago they added 'pixman' support for using the CPU to draw instead of requiring GL support12:25
Kamilionit's still about twice as fast as X, haha12:25
annoyingquestionthat's good though right?12:25
Kamilionlet's see... x's font system is still in partial use.... the clipboard stuff, keyboard mappings... uhhh.12:26
Kamilionoh, window properties.12:26
Kamilion*alll* the linux window managers deal with window properties that expose some information12:26
Kamilionlike, 'does this window have a titlebar'12:26
Kamilionpopup tooltips are windows too!12:27
Kamilionthe graphics system on linux is a big mishmash12:27
Kamilionit's always been one of the larger headaches, IMHO12:27
* Kamilion has been abusing linux since about 1995ish12:28
Kamilionback before automatic device discovery and configuration12:28
Kamilionso every time you installed linux, you'd have to write a configuration file called xf86config that told it things like, what resolution to set, where to find the mouse (PS/2 or which serial port), what language the keyboard map should be set to, all kinds of stuff12:29
annoyingquestionoh i read somewhere about that12:30
Kamilionand they had a little script that would list all the VGA cards it knew about (somewhere around 80) and all the monitors it knew about (somewhere around 400)12:30
Kamilionso you didn't have to sit there and do math with the viewsonic monitor manual12:30
Kamilionthese days, we have things like plug and play and USB device enumeration12:30
Kamilionso we don't have to ask the user what card they have, just look up what the PCI bus says exists12:31
Kamilion(yay, lspci!)12:31
wxlKamilion: you all booted yet?12:31
Kamilioni still remember the days of jumpering soundcards to set their memory address12:31
Kamilionwxl: yeah, 15.04 fired up fine on my AMD 1100T/radeon12:31
annoyingquestionif wayland is set to default, there would have to be written new open source graphics drivers? or could the old ones work?12:32
wxlthx Kamilion12:32
Kamilionannoyingquestion: all of that work's already done, it relies on the 3d drivers originally written for X DRI12:32
Kamilionit's all working and has been for about a year now12:32
annoyingquestionoh i see12:32
Kamilionbut they're still discussing various implimentation details12:32
Kamilionlike, libinput is just gaining wacom tablet support now12:33
Kamilionas of like, last month12:33
Kamilionsec, lemme find the link to rebecca black os12:33
Kamilion^ based on ubuntu, updated today12:34
annoyingquestionlooks promising12:34
annoyingquestioni hope they can fix the fglrx tearing12:35
Kamilioni don't think it works with the propritary drivers yet12:35
Kamilionbut that doesn't matter, "radeon" (the driver) has improved so much with AMD's support over the last two years12:35
annoyingquestioni meant the radeonhd sorry i mixed it up12:35
Kamilion15.04's 'radeon' open source driver is quite good these days12:36
annoyingquestionstill not worth the upgrade from 14.04 though right?12:36
KamilionI don't do any DRI stuff12:36
KamilionI'm mostly working inside vmware workstation on servery stuff12:36
Kamilionhttps://github.com/kamilion/kamikazi-deploy  <--- the project I'm currently working on12:37
annoyingquestionthe updated lxde apps have fixed a lot of bugs but it's better to wait for the next lts version12:37
annoyingquestionwow advanced stuff12:37
Kamilionit's just a patched lubuntu iso12:38
Kamilionpurged out the applications like abiword12:38
Kamilionadded some server packages12:38
Kamilionjust normal apt stuff12:38
Kamilionand some edits in /etc12:38
Kamilionbut it's rigged up on top of the livecd12:39
Kamilionso it's meant to be run from a USB stick, not installed12:39
annoyingquestiondid you use something like linux from scratch or you compiled the lubuntu source code?12:40
annoyingquestionhow does it work thought?12:40
Kamilionused ubuntu-builder to unpack the lubuntu .iso's squashfs, chroot into it, apt-get purge <packages>12:40
Kamilionpacked up the squashfs and stuck it back in the iso12:40
annoyingquestionwow so you can just change a package and put it in the prepackaged iso like that?12:41
Kamilioni just close synaptic when i'm done, and click the 'build' button12:42
annoyingquestionthat's a very useful utility12:42
Kamilionyes, it's built into my ISO too12:42
Kamilionso it can unpack itself and apply upgrades12:42
annoyingquestiondoes it build the entire system from scratch? does it take a long time? does it only work on advanced systems?12:43
Kamilionno, i download the original lubuntu iso12:43
Kamilionand then it just grabs packages from the ubuntu repositories, just like it was running12:43
Kamilioni don't have to compile anything12:43
annoyingquestionis there a 14.04 and above repository that has this package?12:44
Kamilionit's in my ppa12:44
annoyingquestionwhat is it what is it12:45
annoyingquestionthank you12:46
Kamilionit shows up in the 'system tools' menu12:47
annoyingquestiondoes it have any extra packages i need to install?12:47
annoyingquestionlike dependencies12:47
Kamilionyes, the proper dependancies are listed, so apt will get them12:47
Kamilionsudo add-apt-repository ppa:kamilion/ubuntu-builder12:48
Kamilionsudo apt-get update12:48
Kamilionsudo apt-get install ubuntu-builder12:48
annoyingquestionsays this touch: cannot touch ‘/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/kamilion-ubuntu-builder.gpg’: No such file or directory12:48
annoyingquestionis that bad?12:48
Kamilioni think that means it'll warn about package authentication12:49
annoyingquestionshould i use the y ppa manager on it?12:49
Kamilionif you know how to deal with PPAs already12:49
Unit193Think you may want -ot12:49
Kamilionhttps://launchpad.net/~kamilion/+archive/ubuntu/ubuntu-builder/+files/ubuntu-builder_2.5.2-gb3-1_all.deb  is the direct link12:51
Kamilionwhich does have the dependancies listed inside the .deb12:51
annoyingquestionohh thanks that's easier12:51
Kamilionso opening it with gdebi or something should prompt to install them all12:51
KamilionI didn't write it12:52
annoyingquestionlaunchpad has a very weird layout i can't find the .debs12:52
Kamilionso if it breaks, "I'm sorry to hear that"12:52
wxloh yay i got more keybase.io invites. anyone want one?12:52
Kamilionoh, i probably do too12:52
Kamilion"Invitations Available: 1012:53
KamilionApparently the admins like you."12:53
wxloh hahahah12:53
wxlhahhaha i love that picture of you XD12:55
Kamilionyeah, it's the one I used to use before switching to the one now on github12:55
Kamilionmy hair is no longer that full and youthful12:55
wxlthat one totally looks like you12:55
wxlthe one on github :)12:56
Kamilionwell, it should.12:56
Kamilionit was the cover art to one of my albums12:56
wxlwhat sorts of music we got here?12:56
Kamilionthat album, specifically12:57
Kamilionalthough i reused it when i uploaded all the rest12:57
Kamilionbut I also repost lots of music from other people I follow on soundcloud12:57
Kamilionsome of it's goofy, I happen to like mashups and chiptunes12:57
wxlis that InSoc i hear in here we go? :)12:58
Kamilionquite possibly12:58
KamilionI ran into some german kid using the same nickname; he asked me if I had a back catalog that he could remix12:59
Kamilionso I posted up everything I had left on my google music account12:59
Kamilionwhatever else I have is stashed in a CD case somewhere13:00
Kamilionand it's unlikely I have any of the original modules I tracked (and stole hella patterns and insturments from other people)13:00
Kamilionso you WILL hear common shit in there13:00
KamilionI used the amen break a LOT13:00
Kamilioni just recently recovered some of my old .xm insturments13:01
Kamilionso I might get back into tracking again13:01
wxli can't stop listening to this https://wagawaga.bandcamp.com/album/the-parabola-ep13:01
wxlspeaking of amen13:01
Kamilionthere's modern stuff like milkytracker13:01
Kamilionhaha, keytar!13:02
Kamilionthere's the set off soundcloud13:03
Kamilionhttps://soundcloud.com/wAgAwAgA  ooh, he's been active as of 5-7 months ago13:03
wxlooooh jungle syndicate13:03
wxlhe does some nice acid too13:04
Kamilionyeah, you'd probably like my soundcloud stream then13:04
wxli want to see him do a dubby acid jungle album omgerd13:04
Kamilionlotta dnb and acid13:04
wxli'm an acid junkie fosho13:04
KamilionI did a little bit of dub here and there13:05
Kamilionyou can definitely hear the influence on some of the Here we go again tracks later in the album13:05
Kamilioncheck out the first track in that, you'll probably dig it13:05
wxlmy acid hero: https://ceephax.bandcamp.com/13:06
Kamilionthat's the other really D&B track13:06
Kamilionhttps://soundcloud.com/kamilion/dj-kamilion-aggrigate   <--- and I still havn't been able to beat this one, imho13:07
wxlthis is all tracker stuff?13:07
wxlnot bad at all13:07
Kamilionwith some post processing13:07
Kamilionsome are multilayer13:07
Kamilionwhere I took two or three 8 channel mods and stacked the output13:08
Kamilionthe ones that sound really clean and bright came out of 24 or 32 channel .xm files from FastTracker }{13:08
Kamilionwhich milkytracker is a clone of13:08
Kamilionaggrigate bandwidth is a 32channel xm13:08
KamilionI don't think I'm gonna be able to beat it's unique sound either13:09
Kamilionif I remember right, I achieved that through setting the tracker up to play in reverse by using the 'jump to row' set one above the current row, so the patterns would 'play backwards'13:09
KamilionI've never heard anything else like it to date.13:10
Kamilionkind of sounds like a leslie speaker13:10
Kamilionif you had midi control over the spinrate13:10
Kamilionand the overlay lead pattern from that was stolen from dangerzone.mod13:11
Kamilioni tagged them all CC because I honestly am not the amazing sound designer who made all the .it insturments or wavetable samples, or even a good bulk of the patterns.13:13
KamilionI am quite literally standing on the digital shoulders of giants13:13
Kamilionpeople like purple motion13:13
wxlcc's better anywho13:13
wxli'd show you what i do, but it's mostly noise. like, literally. :)13:13
Kamilionnothing wrong with literal noise. Re: https://soundcloud.com/azureflux/mcmangos13:14
Kamilionnothing but a gameboy running LSDJ13:15
wxlyeah, not quite13:15
Kamilioni love that noisechannel though13:15
Kamilionso much fun to be had with synthesized audio!13:16
wxlrecent remix here https://soundcloud.com/djxen23/carl-kruger-blood-atonement-brownian-motion-mix13:16
Kamilionhttps://soundcloud.com/44kvevo/pisscord  <--- even when people are trying to be funny, sometimes they try too hard and the end result is amazing.13:17
Kamilionalmost reminds me of SoundofSort13:18
KamilionHmmm.... I might sample some of this, actually13:19
wxloh i've got lots of great stuff for samples :)13:19
wxlhere's the best place to find stuff https://brownianmotion.bandcamp.com/13:19
KamilionActually, sec13:19
Kamilionlemme go forward that track to a friend of mine making a video game.13:19
wxlyou might like https://ilse.bandcamp.com/track/charcoal-and-sine-on-gold as it's that painting literally converted to sound13:19
Kamilionit's remarkably good 'lost in a computer' environmental13:19
wxlthis is some of my most extreme stuff sonically https://muchausensound.bandcamp.com/track/open-source-unplugged13:20
wxlraw feedback basically13:20
Kamilionpassed on13:21
wxlthis is a similar process but made to be more like unsettling dark ambient https://muchausensound.bandcamp.com/track/false-awakenings13:21
Kamilioncheck that video out to see what he's working on13:21
Kamiliondepending on how difficult it is to deal with data driven sound like that13:23
Kamilionwonder if he could do it in-engine by doing something like parsing his own textures into sound13:23
wxlhere's some actual beat oriented music https://brownianemotions.bandcamp.com/album/brown-paper-bag13:23
wxltho i didn't do the beats13:23
KamilionBlood Atonement really reminds me of Watch_Dogs's little interludes while server hacking13:25
wxlheheh cool13:26
kamii386lubuntu@lubuntu:~$ uname -a Linux lubuntu 3.19.0-15-generic #15-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 16 23:32:01 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux14:01
=== aaron__ is now known as ahoneybun
phillwahoneybun:  hi18:51
ahoneybunhey phillw18:51
phillwhiyas ahoneybun19:00
ahoneybungsilva: when you can you please tell me the benefits of the language you use for the Lubuntu Manual?19:36
ahoneybunI'll be around later and can read the logs then or send me a email19:36
Kamilionwhat the hell?21:22
Kamilionaccording to linuxjournal, we're switching to snappy?21:23
wxlyeah kind of21:23
wxldoubtful we will see that21:24
Kamilion"Ubuntu Desktop Next" ?21:24
Kamilionwhere the heck do I find that?21:25
Kamilionman, how did I miss LWN's coverage of this21:28
wxllet's see21:35
Kamilionglad I don't have to switch to jessie21:35
Kamilionthat would have been painful over time21:35
wxlsaw that21:39
wxlkind of innaresting21:39
wxlcouldn't figure out the os tho21:44
wxlis that an arm board, Kamilion ? i didn't look closely21:44
wxloh it's a Cortex-A821:50
Kamilionyeah, it's an allwinner chip22:06
wxlcould probablky port snappy to it22:07
Kamilionmore than likely22:07
wxlomgerd i just ate a huge bag of chocolate covered pretzels22:07
wxlso good22:07
Kamilion"We've worked very closely with the amazing team at Allwinner Technology to insure that all the necessary documentation and source code for the System on Chip and Power Management Chips used in C.H.I.P. will be available for the community to use and learn from."22:07
Kamilionlast i knew allwinner was a GPL violator, but nobody was calling them on it22:08
wxlruh roh22:08
Kamilionphoronix isn't the greatest news source, but it'll do22:09
Kamilionhttps://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/linux-sunxi/78MbtijKraY  <--- the actual emails22:11
Kamilionhowever, according to that page22:17
Kamilionit appears the A10, it's little cousin the A13, and it's big sibling, the A20, are clean at the moment22:17
gsilvaHello all.23:47
gsilvaOh, sorry, didn't notice you were already here :)23:52
Nairolf21doesn't matter, didn't answer you first23:53
Nairolf21but I don't know if I will here a long23:53
Nairolf21I'm listening you23:53
gsilvaNo problem. Just wanted to mention that this channel is more adequate to discuss things in regard to the team23:53
Nairolf21oh, yes, I know ;)23:54
gsilvaSorry, didn't know you were already around here :)23:54
Nairolf21no worry23:55
Nairolf21sorry, I didn't do anything special today because I had some personal troubles23:55
gsilvaDon't worry, real life is first all the time. I hope everything is sorted out by now23:57
Nairolf21not really, but it doesn't matter ;)23:59

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