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pittiGood morning03:45
pittiwgrant: hm, seeing all the -dbgsyms in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+queue?queue_state=0 is moderately confusing03:49
wgrantpitti: Hm, indeed. +queue has its own special way of determining what is new, and it clearly doesn't work properly here.03:54
wgrant(but the calculation for when things should be held in new is correct)03:54
wgrantCan you file a bug?03:54
pittiwgrant: yep, will do03:54
Snow-Manspread the good news- PostgreSQL now has UPSERT.03:55
pittiSnow-Man: that sounds like someone was interrupted by a phone call when writing SQL..04:29
pittiwgrant: filed bug 1452996 (should be "low" importance I guess, mostly just a visual distraction)06:19
ubottubug 1452996 in Launchpad itself "NEW queue shows -dbgsym packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145299606:19
wgrantpitti: Thanks.06:23
dholbachgood morning07:01
tsmorning bach07:02
pittihey dholbach07:15
dholbachhey pitti07:17
seb128hey dholbach & pitti07:19
dholbachhey seb128 :)07:20
* mgedmin wonders if pitti'll be interested in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/145301107:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1453011 in apport (Ubuntu) "SegvAnalysis: Failure: invalid literal for int() with base 16: '='" [Undecided,New]07:27
LocutusOfBorg1hi folks, now that the builders are somewhat idle, can anybody please retry this build? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hedgewars/
LocutusOfBorg1seems that locally it is building correctly now07:44
LocutusOfBorg1(at least the haskell stuff seems to be fine on amd64)07:45
infinityLocutusOfBorg1: amd64 still seems full of sadness.07:47
LocutusOfBorg1can you please explain me why in my local wily pbuilder-dist environment it doesn't behave like that? I'm lost07:50
geserLocutusOfBorg1: did you try building with wily-proposed enabled in your local builder?07:50
infinityLocutusOfBorg1: What he said.07:50
LocutusOfBorg1I tought proposed was enabled by default07:51
LocutusOfBorg1bad me, I didn't check07:51
LocutusOfBorg1how can I enable them in pbuilder-dist?07:52
LocutusOfBorg1I see from the man page they should be enabled by default07:52
infinityNo idea, don't use pbuilder.07:53
LocutusOfBorg1anyway, I'll sort it out, sorry for the noise07:53
LocutusOfBorg1anyway, seems that there is a bug in pbuilder, I see them07:55
geserLocutusOfBorg1: not sure if there is an easier way, but login into your pbuilder (don't forget to add --save-after-login), edit /etc/apt/sources.list, logout (your changes will get preserved)07:55
LocutusOfBorg1(bad css is bad)07:55
LocutusOfBorg1geser, this is what I usually do, wondering if there is a better way :)07:55
LocutusOfBorg1infinity, I use proposed, but my apt seems to be smarter and discarding them08:00
LocutusOfBorg1this is funny enough08:01
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg1: I've only got up to about the third layer of <lots> of Haskell08:02
cjwatsonSnow-Man: yay, maybe http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/revision/17402 can be less messy at some point08:03
geserLocutusOfBorg1: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/ghc.html , hedgewars is at level 608:03
LocutusOfBorg1cjwatson, the question is, why pbuilder-dist just discards the new haskell stuff and picks the release one?08:03
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg1: don't know, don't care :)08:03
infinityLocutusOfBorg1: Because pbuilder is erring on the side of "always make it build" instead of "do the right thing". :P08:04
cjwatsongeser: and it's more complicated than that, because the transition order we actually want to follow is Debian's08:04
cjwatsonwhich makes it hard enough to keep track without people jumping in and randomly retrying builds in the middle of it :)08:04
LocutusOfBorg1yeah, I think so, I should make it behave more correctly08:04
infinityLocutusOfBorg1: And that's aptitude, not apt.  The aptitude resolver is particularly silly in some cases.08:05
infinity(Granted that silliness is probably exactly what a "normal user" wants, but it's the exact opposite of what a buildd wants)08:05
LocutusOfBorg1yes, it is!08:05
LocutusOfBorg1pbuilder-dist should use apt then, not aptitude.08:05
LocutusOfBorg1I don't see any benefit in building something in the wrong way (at least in a developer tool)08:06
cjwatsonLocutusOfBorg1: you could use sbuild then08:06
cjwatsonif you don't see any benefit in doing things wrong :)08:07
geserLocutusOfBorg1: check your pbuilderrc what is configured as build-dependency resolver08:07
LocutusOfBorg1I just never learned sbuild08:08
LocutusOfBorg1when a tool works flawlessly I don't see a need to change, but a bad resolver might be a good reason08:09
LocutusOfBorg1geser, yes, I need to check that too08:09
pittiseb128: hi! do you happen to be on the samba merge already? it currently causes a lot of uninstallability08:37
pitti(samba-libs in particular, needs to build against current libldb1)08:38
seb128pitti, hey, no I'm not, do I own that? I just did a bugfix upload, I was expecting zul or one of the usual samba maintainers to do that08:39
seb128technically you are the one who owns the merge due your upload from yesterday :p08:39
pittiseb128: right now, yes (TIL); I can look into it too, but indeed I've earned way too many merges due to doing archive fixes :)08:39
seb128pitti, I can have a look if you want08:39
pittiseb128: (no-change upload this morning, but it does feel like yesterday :) )08:40
seb128pitti, the TIL doesn't make much sense on complexe packages which have an usual maintainer and where somebody else do a tiny change upload08:40
pittiseb128: yeah, I know; I just don't think that samba has a "maintainer"08:40
pittiseb128: either way, just didn't want to step on your toes08:40
seb128I didn't start on it08:40
seb128I can have a look if you want though08:41
pittiseb128: doesn't look too hard; ok, I'll merge it08:42
seb128pitti, thanks08:43
pittibdmurray: FYI, I committed http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/apport/lp-retracer-config/revision/22 and rolled out to the LP retracers; we need the same for daisy09:09
pitticjwatson, wgrant: I did some spot checks, and ddebs.u.c./ seems to get all the dbgsyms for wily \o/09:11
cjwatsonpitti: excellent09:22
wgrantpitti: Great.09:33
dodeluserGot a question about editing "initrd.lz". According to this tutorial http://pastebin.com/qSkAXJdX   I made some changes successfully and repacked the file initrd.lz09:44
dodeluserBut when copying it to /remasteredisofolder/capsper/  it has no effect...... something that I am doing wrong?09:45
pittidoko_: hm, the new version of python2.7/i386 consistently fails, this looks like a real regression?09:45
pittidoko_: (http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Wily/view/AutoPkgTest/job/wily-adt-python2.7/4/ARCH=i386,label=adt/console)09:45
mvopitti: silly question but what sets ADT_REBOOT_MARK in the snappy-selftes? is that outside of the selftest? I was looking into some simple upgrade test fakeing09:54
pittimvo: adt sets it in the tests' environment, yes09:55
mvopitti: cool, thanks09:55
pittimvo: is the test losing it somehow? perhaps calling something through sudo which prunes the env?09:55
pittimvo: (see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/snappy-devel/2015-January/000057.html for how to run them with autopkgtest, BTW)09:58
mvopitti: no, all good, I was just curious how it works as I want to extend it10:08
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* LocutusOfBorg1 wonders how many packages can be syncd from unstable now that xorg is transitioning11:25
* LocutusOfBorg1 looks at https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/xserver1.17.html11:25
mitya57Mirv: do you know if someone is working on qtcreator update to 3.2 / 3.3 / 3.4?11:26
mitya57The current old qtcreator has conflicting files with QBS, while a newer one can be built against our packaged QBS.11:27
Mirvmitya57: zbenjamin has probably the best estimate. he has been working on upstreaming a lot of the Ubuntu SDK modified parts like the whole CMake stuff, and the update relies on getting to some sort of state where eg. 3.4 or 3.5 is such that it makes sense to update the rest of the patches to it while dropping the upstreamed parts11:45
mitya57Mirv: ok. 3.4 was just released so maybe it's a good time to port the patches.12:10
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dokopitti: can you retry?12:23
pittidoko: I can, but it didn't look flaky12:23
dokoI don't see it upstream on the build bots12:23
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pittidoko: running again (4th try)12:24
pittiamd64 is okay, i386 broken12:24
zbenjaminMirv: i have a branch compiling against the current QtC master branch .12:25
dokoahh, i386 only?12:25
zbenjaminMirv: so i would like to use that one12:25
mitya57zbenjamin: master is 3.5?12:29
zbenjaminmitya57: i think so12:29
zbenjaminmitya57: it has all our patches we need12:30
mitya57zbenjamin: Should be fine then. Can you include a change from Debian that makes it build against packaged qbs?12:30
zbenjaminmitya57: is that patch already done for QtCreator in the archive?12:31
mitya57Only in experimental.12:32
zbenjaminmitya57: not sure , can we Mirv?12:33
Mirvzbenjamin: yes please we can take preferably as much as possible from Debian's qtcreator packaging :)12:35
Mirvzbenjamin: we're pretty far out of sync unlike with Qt itself, but we don't necessarily need to yet to fully sync up12:35
Mirvzbenjamin: so your thought is to package 3.5 git snapshot to wily?12:36
zbenjaminMirv: what is the release schedule for QtC?12:37
zbenjamini hoped we get 3.5 in this cycle12:38
Mirvzbenjamin: it seems only in August https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Creator_Releases12:40
Mirvso yes this cycle but it'd mean we're stuck with 3.1 until then12:40
zbenjaminMirv: until then i'm fine with a snapshot i guess12:46
zbenjaminMirv: important part is that we get a release before we do one :D12:46
Mirvzbenjamin: well wily is a development version so yes it'd be possible. as long as it like, you know, actually works :)12:47
zbenjaminMirv: well it seems they will feature freeze in june12:47
Mirvzbenjamin: if we have that sprint we could hack on it together12:47
zbenjaminMirv: +1000012:48
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mvopitti: is there a way to see the qemu terminal while adt runs? when it tries to ssh connect (I simulate a boot failure right now and would love to get some more info what is going on)13:57
pittimvo: you mean the output during boot? yes, adt-run --- qemu --show-boot myvm.img13:59
pittimvo: ah sorry, snappy runner, right?13:59
pittimvo: hm, /usr/share/autopkgtest/ssh-setup/snappy calls -serial none14:00
pittimvo: you could copy the script somewhere, change -serial none to e. g. -serial unix:/tmp//ttyS0,server,nowait14:01
mvopitti: yeah, the snappy runner14:01
mvopitti: aha, nice, let me try that14:01
pittimvo: and then nc -U /tmp/ttyS0 while you run14:01
pittimvo: that sounds like an useful option to add to the snappy setup script anyway, so bug report appreciated14:02
mvopitti: can I haz this by default? maybe not with a predictable name, but as a option or something?14:02
mvopitti: thanks :)14:02
pittimvo: yeah, probably just to stdout?14:02
pittimvo: i. e. a --show-boot option?14:02
pitti(like qemu)14:02
mvopitti: added bug #145315414:10
ubottubug 1453154 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "please support --show-boot option in snappy runner" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145315414:10
pittimvo: ah, thanks14:18
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aitiba¿can I ask here about lxc - linux containers?19:11
strikovaitiba: #ubuntu-server might be the better place I think19:14
aitibadoing a "lxc exec d1 -- /bin/bash" I get "websocket: bad handshake" error ¿any ideas?19:15
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