rick_h_ | morning | 12:35 |
_stink_ | yo | 12:40 |
rick_h_ | momma? | 12:41 |
_stink_ | i'm not yo momma! | 12:49 |
_stink_ | i'm discovering that as one adds kids and as those kids get older, there's a tipping point where more dirty dishes are generated than can be cleaned in one dishwasher load per day | 12:51 |
_stink_ | so even if i unload/load/run overnight without fail | 12:51 |
_stink_ | there is still a growing pile on the counter | 12:52 |
_stink_ | my #firstworldproblems reaction is to conclude that i need a bigger dishwasher | 12:52 |
brousch | _stink_: You just need to run it after each meal | 12:52 |
cmaloney | _stink_: You need two dishwashers | 13:20 |
jrwren | lol. | 13:20 |
cmaloney | just remove the cabinets that would be used for dishes and install a new dishwasher | 13:20 |
cmaloney | problem: solved. | 13:20 |
jrwren | reuse your dishes. | 13:20 |
jrwren | you don't need clean ones every meal. | 13:21 |
cmaloney | Use paper plates and say a big FU to the environment. | 13:22 |
cmaloney | or plastic plates | 13:23 |
_stink_ | haha | 13:23 |
_stink_ | disposable plastic plates are the best answer | 13:24 |
_stink_ | Glad markets these 'take and toss' plastic food containers | 13:26 |
_stink_ | mostly for kids i think | 13:26 |
_stink_ | they are just regular plastic containers, marketed as 'use once, throw away' | 13:26 |
_stink_ | makes me very sad | 13:26 |
jrwren | me too. | 13:41 |
jrwren | we throw very little away | 13:41 |
jrwren | can get away with taking out the garbage once a month. | 13:41 |
cmaloney | jrwren: Wow | 13:42 |
cmaloney | Get a cat. That'll change things. :) | 13:42 |
jrwren | cmaloney: no way | 13:43 |
_stink_ | once we are done with diapers i hope we have a lot less | 13:43 |
_stink_ | er well, we will have a lot less | 13:43 |
cmaloney | _stink_: That'll likely be in 2020 | 13:43 |
cmaloney | ;) | 13:43 |
_stink_ | at this rate you aren't far off | 13:44 |
jrwren | recycling and compost gets taken out much more often, if that subdues your surprise :) | 13:44 |
jrwren | sometimes recycling gets filled with amazon cardboard in mere days | 13:44 |
cmaloney | jrwren: I wish they took more as recycling | 13:44 |
jrwren | cmaloney: AA takes a lot | 13:44 |
rick_h_ | they let us leave the boxes out of the recycling bin | 13:44 |
rick_h_ | and we bought the larger recycling roller bin | 13:45 |
rick_h_ | vs the little box | 13:45 |
rick_h_ | we fill that every week :/ | 13:45 |
rick_h_ | 2 bins of mixed recycling plus 5 bags/bundles of cardboard and paper products weekly. | 13:45 |
rick_h_ | http://www.smithsdisposal.net/Services/index.html the red one is the recycling bin we had to buy | 13:46 |
jrwren | oh yeah. AA gives everyone the giant roller bins, becuase a giant truck with mech arm comes and lifts the big roller bins | 13:52 |
jrwren | ours are bigger than that, or that woman is 7' tall | 13:52 |
rick_h_ | for recycling? /me is jealous | 13:52 |
cmaloney | yeah, apparnelty AA is our little sancuary of hippie ideals. :) | 13:54 |
n0p | \o/ trash, recycle, and compost bins ftw http://www.a2gov.org/departments/field-operations/trash-recycling/Pages/default.aspx | 13:57 |
brousch | Wait, you send your compost out? | 14:05 |
jrwren | brousch: yes. | 14:06 |
jrwren | brousch: city takes it, puts it all together, then gives folks opportunity to come pick it back up when it is black gold. | 14:06 |
jrwren | its a nice service. | 14:06 |
jrwren | but it better be for what I pay in taxes. | 14:06 |
brousch | That is nice. We have a yard waste service for Wyoming | 14:09 |
jrwren | brousch: so... this is like that, and I think it started that way | 14:11 |
jrwren | but it expanded. | 14:11 |
jrwren | about a year ago they said, "go ahead and throw animal food waste in there too." | 14:12 |
jrwren | because before vegetable scraps were ok, but animal was not | 14:12 |
jrwren | now they take it all. | 14:12 |
jrwren | vegetable kitchen scraps aren't much different from yard waste anyway | 14:12 |
brousch | true | 14:13 |
brousch | animal gets stinky though | 14:13 |
jrwren | that is why the compost is outside :) | 14:33 |
_stink_ | jrwren: i'm reusing a plate for lunch today in your honor | 15:53 |
greg-g | wait, did jrwren become the dirty hippy in my absence? | 16:00 |
* brousch sniffs him | 16:03 | |
jrwren | hahahaha, my flask-api PR from Mar 24, 2014 merged today. | 16:04 |
jrwren | greg-g: yes, I am a dirty hippy. | 16:04 |
greg-g | :) | 16:05 |
jrwren | greg-g: I garden. I compost. cut my grass with a mechanical that I got from cscheib so I don't have to buy gas. | 16:05 |
greg-g | nice! | 16:05 |
jrwren | i tear up my lawn to grow veggies | 16:05 |
_stink_ | <3 | 16:06 |
_stink_ | i am slowly replacing my lawn too | 16:06 |
_stink_ | jrwren: any complaints about the mechanical mower? | 16:06 |
_stink_ | i have heard you have to be more diligent | 16:06 |
_stink_ | as it doesn't handle long grass well | 16:06 |
greg-g | _stink_: at that point get a scythe | 16:07 |
greg-g | I've always wanted one | 16:07 |
jrwren | _stink_: yes, exactly. this time of year, every 4-5 days. 7 is too long | 16:08 |
jrwren | _stink_: its a great workout too. | 16:08 |
jrwren | _stink_: so, I like that part, cuz I've not been working otu | 16:08 |
jrwren | greg-g: I do have a scythe like thing. I used it a couple days ago because the mech cutter doesn't do mass dandylions very well | 16:09 |
greg-g | neat! | 16:09 |
_stink_ | jrwren: ok thanks. something to consider | 16:09 |
jrwren | http://www.amazon.com/Truper-30307-Serrated-Sharpened-30-Inch/dp/B002UDKY88/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1431101389&sr=8-1&keywords=weed+cutter | 16:09 |
jrwren | waving this thing around is FUN | 16:10 |
_stink_ | ooo look at all those options of blades | 16:11 |
_stink_ | makes me want to go... marauding | 16:11 |
_stink_ | jrwren: do you have to sharpen the blades on the mower often? | 16:13 |
jrwren | _stink_: I never have. | 16:16 |
jrwren | _stink_: I think it adds to my workout :) | 16:16 |
_stink_ | haha | 16:16 |
greg-g | it's like setting it on HARD | 16:16 |
cmaloney | I wish I could cut our grass with our mechanical mower | 16:53 |
cmaloney | unfortunately it grows like crazy | 16:54 |
cmaloney | And our yard is crazy-hilly. | 16:55 |
cmaloney | Previous owners ran a greyhound rescue or some shit | 16:55 |
cmaloney | so lots of ruts | 16:55 |
brousch | jrwren: The person who merged your flask-api PR is a member of the GRPUG | 16:59 |
brousch | It is all connected! | 16:59 |
rick_h_ | brousch: jrwren very cool on the flask pr | 16:59 |
brousch | I like my plug-in electric lawn mower and weed whacker | 17:02 |
brousch | No gas, light enough to hang on the wall | 17:03 |
jrwren | i was more amused by teh flask-api pr being 13mo old | 17:13 |
brousch | I was amused by Jace saying he was taking over maintenance of flask-api because the author lacked time, and now see he is cleaning up old stuff | 17:16 |
cmaloney | heh | 17:20 |
brousch | I'm always confused when people like this follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/DrPhiltill | 18:52 |
brousch | He's a planetary scientist at NASA who is followed by David Brin | 18:53 |
rick_h_ | well he's got a lovely script to get to 39k follows | 18:53 |
brousch | That seems reasonable for an actual rocket scientist | 18:53 |
rick_h_ | I don't think he's picked out by hand 39,000 people to follow | 18:53 |
rick_h_ | brousch: for him to follow? | 18:54 |
rick_h_ | he's followed by 43k | 18:54 |
brousch | But what could I possibly be doing that he cares about? | 18:54 |
rick_h_ | who knows, it's a script | 18:54 |
rick_h_ | you did some combination of something that hit an api call | 18:54 |
rick_h_ | you were mentioned, or on a 'recent posts' page, or who knows | 18:55 |
brousch | Even 1 of 39,000 is elite | 18:55 |
greg-g | brousch: it happened to me on instagram recently, I followed one musician, so another (less well known) followed me | 19:00 |
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