
inetprogood morning everyone 05:31
barrydkMore almal05:45
Kiloshi barrydk  inetpro  pieter2627  and others06:25
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  MaNI2  06:49
=== nuvolari_ is now known as nuvolari
nuvolarioh hi oom Kilos, ThatGraemeGuy, barrydk 07:05
Kiloshi nlsthzn  07:05
Kiloslo nuvolari  07:05
nuvolarioh hi nlsthzn 07:05
nuvolaridit gaan oraait dankie en met oom?07:05
nlsthznsup all? :)07:05
Kilosredelik goed dankie07:05
Kiloswe maintain here nlsthzn  and you?07:06
nlsthzngood to hear... 07:07
mazalMorning everyone07:07
nlsthznI am carrying on as always07:07
Kiloshi mazal  07:07
Kilosthe time zone thing is wearing me out07:08
nlsthznbig world out there :)07:08
Kilosyeah man we need to move the continents closer together07:09
nlsthznshrink the planet07:09
Kilosnono there is already too little space07:09
arnaudmezhi Kilos07:23
Kiloshi arnaudmez  07:23
Kiloswhat broke?07:23
arnaudmezEich !!!!!07:23
arnaudmezI see myself like a guy walking with a Hammer in a plate shop07:24
Kilosoh my07:24
arnaudmeznothing broken dear07:25
arnaudmezI tried Kubuntu 15.04 "Live" yesterday 07:25
arnaudmezfound it a very good alternative07:25
Kiloshi Xethron  07:26
nlsthznso a question on the forum about cinnamon as an official flavour of ubuntu07:26
arnaudmezI only remember the day I tried it and didn't find it good, the old KDE things was trying to look like Windows07:26
* nlsthzn is installing 15.04 to break it with cinnamon shenanigens07:26
Kilosshame i never even got to look at cinnamon07:27
=== Webtricity is now known as Guest87445
Kilosnlsthzn  you like playing http://antix.mepis.org/index.php?title=Main_Page07:28
Kilosdebian based to should be breakable for you07:29
* nlsthzn is currently happy in windows land thanks... only playing with stuff in virtual machines07:29
arnaudmezsuper lol07:31
arnaudmezsomeone here achieve a mediacenter setup ?07:32
mazalI have a very low key one07:32
arnaudmezby meadicenter i mean project like plex, xbmc, etc...07:32
mazalPc to ps3 to tv07:32
mazalNothing fancy07:32
mazalIn that case nope :P07:33
nlsthznplex works well07:33
nlsthznstream to ouya connected to tv :)07:34
mazalIs only use ps3 media server cos I stream specifically to a ps307:34
Kilosnlsthzn  did you watch marks keynote?07:34
Kilossoon ubuntu will work on everything07:35
* mazal realizes he needs to give ps3 some love this weekend :P07:35
nlsthznhearing this story since 201007:35
arnaudmezKilos: everthing you said ???07:36
Kilosarnaudmez  is that a question?07:37
nlsthznis this an answer?07:40
Kilosi dont know what to say07:40
Kiloslate nights slow my thinking process07:41
nlsthznwhy you no sleep?07:42
Kilosnlsthzn  hows the family lad?07:42
Kilosboard meet at midnight07:42
nlsthznworking for free :p07:42
Kilosyeah at least when money crashes i have nothing to lose07:43
Kiloshi Padroni  07:46
Padronihow are you?07:46
Kilosgood ty and you?07:46
arnaudmezKilos: yeah for you wrote "soon ubuntu will work on everything"07:48
Kilosoh yes there are big plans underfoot to make it work with all kinds of other hardware07:48
Kiloseven microsoft is getting involved somewhere, i cant remember it all07:49
Kilosill try find the link for you arnaudmez  07:50
nlsthznwindows 10 is doing the same as ubuntu convergence...07:50
nlsthzncode once run on all form factors07:50
Kilosya that convergence thing07:50
arnaudmezall this convergence thing started back in 200707:50
nlsthznms calling it continuum  .07:50
arnaudmeztill now they are busy moving things around07:51
arnaudmezOne of the best things we have seen about this convergence is the fact MS "will be giving" W10 for "free" after years of arguing their prodcut is the best ever and can't be just offered to the peoples07:54
arnaudmezFinally we can gladly say MS is converging something to Lnx world so we can take care of it ... what a good story07:56
Kilosi cant find the right link07:56
Kiloshi psyatw  07:57
psyatwhi Kilos 07:57
Kilosi used youtube-dl to get it07:57
* Padroni would prefer Microsoft stay the hell away from Ubuntu...07:58
arnaudmezPadroni: you can't have such a desire fulfilled, just look out the door and you will agree with me that the only product MS can be proud of is Office ... so what to do with Win ???? Help him to swim with the best08:01
Padronias long as they don't get involved with Ubuntu itself.08:01
PadroniThey are more than welcome to copy it 08:01
psyatwwhy would they copy Ubuntu? is that the new plan for Windows?08:03
arnaudmezLook Padroni, i like you point of view and was even thinking like that years ago "linXtremist" or "SystXtremist" thinking i call it ... they won't copy and Ubuntu is a drop of water into all this08:04
PadroniI don't know man08:04
arnaudmeza question is: Why do you support/like ubuntu ?08:04
PadroniAll I know is that Windows wen from functional (win7) to full retard (win8.1) in two easy steps08:04
PadroniI am weary of MS touching Ubuntu08:05
Padronior any flavor of linux for that matter08:05
PadroniI use Windows because I use specific software that for some reason has yet to be ported to linux08:06
Padroni(and I know about Wine and RuninLinux but it doesn't work on that)08:06
Padroniand most games I play needs windows08:06
Padronieverything else runs linux on  my side08:06
arnaudmezPadroni: lol, i've been using Win since Win98 if you can see and really the things I reproach to MS not directly to Win is the fact of claiming to bring bring Freedom when they don't and I've find that SystFreedom in Linux and hope MS will be wise enough to give or bring to life what they've promise since years to the more08:07
PadroniWe seem to be on the same timeline - I've been using it since 3.1 though08:08
PadroniAnd I agree - time to bring some of that freedom they have been proclaiming since forever08:08
arnaudmezEven with deep deep convergence I believe systems will learn from each other and this what we can actually see over the world ... project spartan look like a fork of unity or gnome integrated services etc ... the key ? just open the door/window (depending on where you are sitted) and look out08:10
Kilosarnaudmez  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IfgX-k7Hag08:10
arnaudmezJust to tell, I was using ubuntu for years 2007 to 2012 but I just came to this conclusion: what i like is solid system and not just reliable desktop system ... then I move to Fedora08:12
arnaudmezI've discovered a lot since I'm doing Fedora but still my Ubuntu desire stays08:13
Kilosim a kde user for life08:24
Kilosother flavours are for playing08:24
arnaudmezthis was a good discussion ... really liked that08:41
psyatwI used Ubuntu 10.04 when KDE 4 was still under heavy development and had lots of bugs that made it unusable08:47
Kilos14.04 is rock stable08:47
Kilosi havent broken anything yet, touch wood08:48
arnaudmezReally I like plasma 5 more than what they've done on KDE409:00
SquirmOh ffs09:01
Kiloshi Squirm  09:02
=== spinza_ is now known as spinza
inetprogood mornings14:43
inetprooh and hi Jacques_StrY14:43
* Jacques_StrY waves14:43
inetproKilos: you survived your meeting?14:44
inetprohmm... I wonder14:58
pieter2627afternoon inetpro 15:08
Kilosevening all15:28
Kilosjust caught up on some of the missed sleep inetpro  15:28
Kilosinetpro  was a very lekker meeting albeit very late15:55
Kiloshi Squirm  16:47
SquirmHow's it going Kilos?17:16
Kilosgood ty and you Squirm  17:17
SquirmYeah, im good17:22
Squirmit is the weekend afterall17:22
magespawngood evening\17:31
Maazmagespawn: By the way, superfly on freenode told me "tell magespawn I use gandi.net for all my domains" 22 hours, 4 minutes and 16 seconds ago17:31
Kiloshi my magespawn  hows you?17:31
magespawnhi Kilos good and you?17:32
Kilosgood ty17:32
magespawnMaaz tell superfly thanks, but they do not seem to offer .co, or at least i cannot see it on their price list17:37
Maazmagespawn: Got it, I'll tell superfly on freenode17:37
magespawnhows the power now?17:46
Kiloslekker ty 17:47
Kilosso now only load shedding will affect me17:47
magespawnsolar and batteries17:47
Kilostoo expensive, im looking at battery prices atm17:48
magespawni am off, pretty tired, good night18:43
Kilossleep tight magespawn  18:44
captinegood friday evening all18:54
SquirmGood evening captine18:58
Kiloshi captine  19:03
Kilosob bye19:03
Maazsuperfly: By the way, magespawn on freenode told me "tell superfly thanks, but they do not seem to offer .co, or at least i cannot see it on their price list" 1 hour, 34 minutes and 56 seconds ago19:12
Kilosohi superfly  19:12
superflyhappy birthday inetpro19:55
Kilosoh my goodness. 19:56
Kilosinetpro  everything of the best to you . you may lurk tonight19:56
inetprogood mornings 20:45
Kiloshello birthday boy20:46
inetprohmm... 20:46
inetprothanks Kilos 20:46
inetprooh and thank you superfly the spy 20:47
inetproKilos: what did I miss here today? 20:48
Kilosnothing actually20:48
Kiloswas a very quiet day20:48
inetproI see so now 20:49
Kilosyou must have some rest this weekend inetpro  20:53
Kilosand work on your wiki page when you are bored20:53
Kilosi go sleep now20:53
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:53

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