[04:21] will sync those things in the morning [04:22] came home and fell asleep [04:22] and now I'm going back to sleep [04:22] so night all [04:25] G'night. [06:10] morning all [07:37] bluesabre: i think the mirror mode in xfce4-display-settings might need another look. i just booted up the 15.04 live system and while my two displays are mirrored (which seems like a pretty good default setting), the display settings dialog is showing the mirror option greyed out/insensitive and disabled [07:46] elfy: so i have a clean 15.04 system again now, i'll start digging into the xfpm issue [07:50] hmm, uncool, i can't reproduce the problem :'( [07:50] it built and installed fine and now the plugin is displaying just fine and i get all the warning output you didn't get [10:29] ochosi: Mmm, I see. [10:34] so yeah, i dunno, it seems easy enough to backport, then again, it's not a huge problem if we don't [11:08] ochosi: yeah, I'll take a look at that this weekend [11:08] at some point I'd like to get my wife a monitor so I can have a second one to work with at all times [11:08] *a new monitor [11:20] that sounds like a good plan [11:20] two monitors really increase the productivity in my experience [11:20] bluesabre: either way, you said you were gonna merge the greeter branches? [11:21] i think the more crucial one i linked to before in #shimmer is ok to merge, since it has been externally tested by someone who had that exact problem [11:21] the other (more cosmetic one) about the infobar i can test and report back [11:21] i guess first i'll have to try to reproduce the issue [11:24] Unit193: so just to be sure, you don't see the grey panel issue with Numix in 15.04? [11:25] If I look I do. [11:25] If I don't look, I don't see it. [11:25] k :) [11:25] well, the readability is not ideal [11:25] but that's a more general issue with the transparent panel in Numix when it works as it should too [11:31] it's not at all failure-proof, but actually setting all background elements in the greeter to transparent looks quite nice [11:31] (failure proof in the readability sense) [11:40] ochosi: yeah, that's the plan [11:57] work time, bbl [11:58] did one sync this morning [11:58] bad sean [11:58] >.< [12:02] bluesabre: well one is better than none [12:02] have a nice day! [12:05] bluesabre: do not regret getting my 2nd monitor. tho it barely fits on my desk at home :P [12:15] I use two at work, its a good experience === mhall119 is now known as mhall119|afk === mhall119|afk is now known as mhall119 [21:55] For anyone asking, xubuntu-core was named that sometime before trusty for Xubuntu, and was following a naming scheme created in 2010. :P [21:55] and you do not want to switch to Xubuntu Basic? [21:57] Well, not against it, but don't want to do the effort of renaming just because Ubuntu named something 'Core' now as well. [21:59] The sue them, claiming Prior Art.... [22:01] actually i do not care about the naming, i know what is meant and i am just happy to see you found a simple solution for the default applications discussion [22:01] Cahnging names in mid-stream is not fun...Just ask Ikey Doherty, the creater of EvolveOS...er...Solus Project. [22:02] drc: Or, trying to make the upgrade path work for the rename, changing it everywhere, and keeping a smooth transition? :P [22:04] Well, it was in beta (alpha really, imo), so that made it a bit easier. [22:04] I think he had more problems with social media accounts :) [22:05] and the domains [22:06] btw. did you shutdown the 4.10 PPA for 12.04? [22:07] Me specifically? No, but yes it was shut down. Xubuntu Precise went EOL. [22:07] ok, thanks for the information [22:07] !precise-#xubuntu [22:07] Xubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) reached End-of-Life April 26, 2015: http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-12-04-end-of-life/ [22:11] Unit193: i had already written a paragraph about our naming being done earlier than ubuntu, but in the end it felt too petty so i kicked the paragraph out [22:12] Sure, makes sense. drc also noted that there is no GUI software manager, and perhaps we should have noted that (I agree, in hindsight. :P ) [22:12] hell, no USC?! =D [22:13] Hah, that's not core, that's frilly. [22:20] well yeah, the default software could've been listed [22:20] but anyway, i think the announcement was ok, all in all [22:20] alrighty, gotta go, i'll be pretty much offline for a week now [22:20] so enjoy your time, peeps! [22:21] and have a productive meeting on tuesday [22:21] i'll set up some blueprints when i'm back, if any of you wanna start on that (sorry i didn't manage today), feel free to go ahead [22:22] ochosi: Yep, decent indeed. Have fun! [22:22] Also, size breakdown: http://paste.openstack.org/show/MS3PjOASmkgPCbxg65xS [22:24] Noskcaj: Can you convince darkxst to fix yelp to only suggest gnome-user-guide? [22:25] not likely, recommends is appropriate [22:26] it's its documentation isn't it? [22:27] micahg: 'yelp' is a help viewer, gnome-user-guide is the manual for GNOME. Other applications use yelp to display help (evince, etc) [22:27] isn't yelp part of core GNOME? [22:27] hence, it's its documentation? [22:28] 'yelp' is the help browser for GNOME, but ships its own documentation it the yelp package. [22:28] oh, if it ships its own docs separately, than suggests would be fine [22:29] And even, the default page is help:ubuntu-help/index which isn't even in suggests. [22:30] ISTR fixing that before actually [22:31] :/ [22:31] micahg: It's kind of large, and useless to Xubuntu. [22:33] * Recommend gnome-user-guide. Closes: #528017. [22:34] debian bug 528017 [22:34] Debian bug 528017 in yelp "yelp: Help -> Contents does not work" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/528017 [22:34] haha, that's why it's there :) [22:34] if the facts on the ground have changed, so should the recommends :) [22:34] There is no 'help' menu... [22:34] ...That I can see. [22:35] F1 is non-act. [22:37] Maybe in GNOME it does, and of course when you open yelp it's expecting ubuntu-docs to be installed, but it's not actually any sort of issue that it isn't. [22:37] oh, haha, maybe that's what I fixed [22:37] I wish blacklists worked better. :/